diff options
2 files changed, 66 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/Distribution/Helper.hs b/Distribution/Helper.hs
index 256fb4d..729586b 100644
--- a/Distribution/Helper.hs
+++ b/Distribution/Helper.hs
@@ -64,8 +64,10 @@ module Distribution.Helper (
-- * Managing @dist/@
, prepare
+ , prepare'
, reconfigure
, writeAutogenFiles
+ , writeAutogenFiles'
-- * $libexec related error handling
, LibexecNotFoundError(..)
@@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Exception as E
import Data.Char
import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
import Data.Version
import Data.Typeable
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths (exeExtension)
@@ -275,51 +278,57 @@ reconfigure readProc progs cabalOpts = do
_ <- liftIO $ readProc (cabalProgram progs) ("configure":progOpts) ""
return ()
-invokeHelper :: MonadQuery m => [String] -> m [Maybe ChResponse]
-invokeHelper args = ask >>= \QueryEnv {..} -> do
- let progs = qePrograms
- projdir = qeProjectDir
- distdir = qeDistDir
- progArgs = [ "--with-ghc=" ++ ghcProgram progs
- , "--with-ghc-pkg=" ++ ghcPkgProgram progs
- , "--with-cabal=" ++ cabalProgram progs
+readHelper :: (MonadIO m, MonadQuery m) => [String] -> m [Maybe ChResponse]
+readHelper args = ask >>= \qe -> liftIO $ do
+ out <- either error id <$> invokeHelper qe args
+ let res = read out
+ liftIO $ evaluate res `E.catch` \se@(SomeException _) -> do
+ md <- lookupEnv' "CABAL_HELPER_DEBUG"
+ let msg = "readHelper: exception: '" ++ show se ++ "'"
+ error $ msg ++ case md of
+ Nothing -> ", for more information set the environment variable CABAL_HELPER_DEBUG"
+ Just _ -> ", output: '"++ out ++"'"
+invokeHelper :: QueryEnv -> [String] -> IO (Either String String)
+invokeHelper QueryEnv {..} args = do
+ let progArgs = [ "--with-ghc=" ++ ghcProgram qePrograms
+ , "--with-ghc-pkg=" ++ ghcPkgProgram qePrograms
+ , "--with-cabal=" ++ cabalProgram qePrograms
+ ]
+ exe <- findLibexecExe "cabal-helper-wrapper"
+ let args' = progArgs ++ qeProjectDir:qeDistDir:args
+ out <- qeReadProcess exe args' ""
+ (Right <$> evaluate out) `E.catch` \(SomeException _) ->
+ return $ Left $ concat
+ ["invokeHelper", ": ", exe, " "
+ , intercalate " " (map show args')
+ , " failed"
- liftIO $ do
- exe <- findLibexecExe "cabal-helper-wrapper"
- let args' = progArgs ++ projdir:distdir:args
- out <- qeReadProcess exe args' ""
- evaluate (read out) `E.catch` \(SomeException _) ->
- error $ concat ["invokeHelper", ": ", exe, " "
- , intercalate " " (map show args')
- , " (read failed)"
- ]
getPackageId :: MonadQuery m => m (String, Version)
getPackageId = ask >>= \QueryEnv {..} -> do
- [ Just (ChResponseVersion pkgName pkgVer) ] <- invokeHelper [ "package-id" ]
+ [ Just (ChResponseVersion pkgName pkgVer) ] <- readHelper [ "package-id" ]
return (pkgName, pkgVer)
getSomeConfigState :: MonadQuery m => m SomeLocalBuildInfo
getSomeConfigState = ask >>= \QueryEnv {..} -> do
- res <- invokeHelper [ "package-db-stack"
- , "entrypoints"
- , "source-dirs"
- , "ghc-options"
- , "ghc-src-options"
- , "ghc-pkg-options"
- , "ghc-merged-pkg-options"
- , "ghc-lang-options"
- , "licenses"
- , "flags"
- , "config-flags"
- , "non-default-config-flags"
- , "compiler-version"
- ]
+ res <- readHelper
+ [ "package-db-stack"
+ , "entrypoints"
+ , "source-dirs"
+ , "ghc-options"
+ , "ghc-src-options"
+ , "ghc-pkg-options"
+ , "ghc-merged-pkg-options"
+ , "ghc-lang-options"
+ , "licenses"
+ , "flags"
+ , "config-flags"
+ , "non-default-config-flags"
+ , "compiler-version"
+ ]
let [ Just (ChResponsePkgDbs pkgDbs),
Just (ChResponseEntrypoints eps),
Just (ChResponseCompList srcDirs),
@@ -338,22 +347,24 @@ getSomeConfigState = ask >>= \QueryEnv {..} -> do
return $ SomeLocalBuildInfo
pkgDbs eps srcDirs ghcOpts ghcSrcOpts ghcPkgOpts ghcMergedPkgOpts ghcLangOpts pkgLics fls cfls ndcfls (comp, compVer)
--- | Make sure the appropriate helper executable for the given project is
--- installed and ready to run queries.
prepare :: MonadIO m
=> (FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO String)
-> FilePath
- -- ^ Path to project directory, i.e. the one containing the
- -- @project.cabal@ file
-> FilePath
- -- ^ Path to the @dist/@ directory
-> m ()
prepare readProc projdir distdir = liftIO $ do
exe <- findLibexecExe "cabal-helper-wrapper"
void $ readProc exe [projdir, distdir] ""
--- | Create @cabal_macros.h@ and @Paths_\<pkg\>@ possibly other generated files
--- in the usual place.
+{-# DEPRECATED prepare
+ "Will be replaced by prepare' in the next major release" #-}
+-- | Make sure the appropriate helper executable for the given project is
+-- installed and ready to run queries.
+prepare' :: MonadIO m => QueryEnv -> m ()
+prepare' qe =
+ liftIO $ void $ invokeHelper qe []
writeAutogenFiles :: MonadIO m
=> (FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO String)
-> FilePath
@@ -366,6 +377,15 @@ writeAutogenFiles readProc projdir distdir = liftIO $ do
exe <- findLibexecExe "cabal-helper-wrapper"
void $ readProc exe [projdir, distdir, "write-autogen-files"] ""
+{-# DEPRECATED writeAutogenFiles
+ "Will be replaced by writeAutogenFiles' in the next major release" #-}
+-- | Create @cabal_macros.h@ and @Paths_\<pkg\>@ possibly other generated files
+-- in the usual place.
+writeAutogenFiles' :: MonadIO m => QueryEnv -> m ()
+writeAutogenFiles' qe =
+ liftIO $ void $ invokeHelper qe ["write-autogen-files"]
-- | Get the path to the sandbox package-db in a project
getSandboxPkgDb :: (FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO String)
-> FilePath
@@ -453,3 +473,6 @@ getExecutablePath' =
+lookupEnv' :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
+lookupEnv' k = lookup k <$> getEnvironment
diff --git a/tests/Spec.hs b/tests/Spec.hs
index 6624016..658ae80 100644
--- a/tests/Spec.hs
+++ b/tests/Spec.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ main = do
flip (setEnv "HOME") True =<< fromMaybe "/tmp" <$> lookupEnv "TMPDIR"
_ <- rawSystem "cabal" ["update"]
- writeAutogenFiles readProcess "." "./dist"
+ writeAutogenFiles' $ defaultQueryEnv "." "./dist"
let vers :: [(Version, [Version])]
vers = map (parseVer *** map parseVer) [