path: root/cabal-plan/src-topograph/Topograph.hs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 527 deletions
diff --git a/cabal-plan/src-topograph/Topograph.hs b/cabal-plan/src-topograph/Topograph.hs
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index 13c17a6..0000000
--- a/cabal-plan/src-topograph/Topograph.hs
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-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, RecordWildCards #-}
--- | Copyright: (c) 2018, Oleg Grenrus
--- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
--- Tools to work with Directed Acyclic Graphs,
--- by taking advantage of topological sorting.
-module Topograph (
- -- * Graph
- -- $setup
- G (..),
- runG,
- runG',
- -- * All paths
- allPaths,
- allPaths',
- allPathsTree,
- -- * DFS
- dfs,
- dfsTree,
- -- * Longest path
- longestPathLengths,
- -- * Transpose
- transpose,
- -- * Transitive reduction
- reduction,
- -- * Transitive closure
- closure,
- -- * Query
- edgesSet,
- adjacencyMap,
- adjacencyList,
- -- * Helper functions
- treePairs,
- pairs,
- getDown,
- ) where
-import Prelude ()
-import Prelude.Compat
-import Data.Orphans ()
-import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes, mapMaybe)
-import Data.Monoid (First (..))
-import Data.List (sort)
-import Data.Foldable (for_)
-import Data.Ord (Down (..))
-import qualified Data.Graph as G
-import Data.Tree as T
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import Data.Set (Set)
-import qualified Data.Set as S
-import qualified Data.Vector as V
-import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
-import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MU
-import Debug.Trace
--- | Graph representation.
-data G v a = G
- { gVertices :: [a] -- ^ all vertices, in topological order.
- , gFromVertex :: a -> v -- ^ retrieve original vertex data. /O(1)/
- , gToVertex :: v -> Maybe a -- ^ /O(log n)/
- , gEdges :: a -> [a] -- ^ Outgoing edges.
- , gDiff :: a -> a -> Int -- ^ Upper bound of the path length. Negative if there aren't path. /O(1)/
- , gVerticeCount :: Int
- , gToInt :: a -> Int
- }
--- | Run action on topologically sorted representation of the graph.
--- === __Examples__
--- ==== Topological sorting
--- >>> runG example $ \G {..} -> map gFromVertex gVertices
--- Right "axbde"
--- Vertices are sorted
--- >>> runG example $ \G {..} -> map gFromVertex $ sort gVertices
--- Right "axbde"
--- ==== Outgoing edges
--- >>> runG example $ \G {..} -> map (map gFromVertex . gEdges) gVertices
--- Right ["xbde","de","d","e",""]
--- Note: edges are always larger than source vertex:
--- >>> runG example $ \G {..} -> getAll $ foldMap (\a -> foldMap (\b -> All (a < b)) (gEdges a)) gVertices
--- Right True
--- ==== Not DAG
--- >>> let loop = M.map S.fromList $ M.fromList [('a', "bx"), ('b', "cx"), ('c', "ax"), ('x', "")]
--- >>> runG loop $ \G {..} -> map gFromVertex gVertices
--- Left "abc"
--- >>> runG (M.singleton 'a' (S.singleton 'a')) $ \G {..} -> map gFromVertex gVertices
--- Left "aa"
- :: forall v r. Ord v
- => Map v (Set v) -- ^ Adjacency Map
- -> (forall i. Ord i => G v i -> r) -- ^ function on linear indices
- -> Either [v] r -- ^ Return the result or a cycle in the graph.
-runG m f
- | Just l <- loop = Left (map (indices V.!) l)
- | otherwise = Right (f g)
- where
- gr :: G.Graph
- r :: G.Vertex -> ((), v, [v])
- _t :: v -> Maybe G.Vertex
- (gr, r, _t) = G.graphFromEdges [ ((), v, S.toAscList us) | (v, us) <- M.toAscList m ]
- r' :: G.Vertex -> v
- r' i = case r i of (_, v, _) -> v
- topo :: [G.Vertex]
- topo = G.topSort gr
- indices :: V.Vector v
- indices = V.fromList (map r' topo)
- revIndices :: Map v Int
- revIndices = M.fromList $ zip (map r' topo) [0..]
- edges :: V.Vector [Int]
- edges = V.map
- (\v -> maybe
- []
- (\sv -> sort $ mapMaybe (\v' -> M.lookup v' revIndices) $ S.toList sv)
- (M.lookup v m))
- indices
- -- TODO: let's see if this check is too expensive
- loop :: Maybe [Int]
- loop = getFirst $ foldMap (\a -> foldMap (check a) (gEdges g a)) (gVertices g)
- where
- check a b
- | a < b = First Nothing
- -- TODO: here we could use shortest path
- | otherwise = First $ case allPaths g b a of
- [] -> Nothing
- (p : _) -> Just p
- g :: G v Int
- g = G
- { gVertices = [0 .. V.length indices - 1]
- , gFromVertex = (indices V.!)
- , gToVertex = (`M.lookup` revIndices)
- , gDiff = \a b -> b - a
- , gEdges = (edges V.!)
- , gVerticeCount = V.length indices
- , gToInt = id
- }
--- | Like 'runG' but returns 'Maybe'
- :: forall v r. Ord v
- => Map v (Set v) -- ^ Adjacency Map
- -> (forall i. Ord i => G v i -> r) -- ^ function on linear indices
- -> Maybe r -- ^ Return the result or 'Nothing' if there is a cycle.
-runG' m f = either (const Nothing) Just (runG m f)
--- All paths
--- | All paths from @a@ to @b@. Note that every path has at least 2 elements, start and end.
--- Use 'allPaths'' for the intermediate steps only.
--- >>> runG example $ \g@G{..} -> fmap3 gFromVertex $ allPaths g <$> gToVertex 'a' <*> gToVertex 'e'
--- Right (Just ["axde","axe","abde","ade","ae"])
--- >>> runG example $ \g@G{..} -> fmap3 gFromVertex $ allPaths g <$> gToVertex 'a' <*> gToVertex 'a'
--- Right (Just [])
-allPaths :: forall v a. Ord a => G v a -> a -> a -> [[a]]
-allPaths g a b = map (\p -> a : p) (allPaths' g a b [b])
--- | 'allPaths' without begin and end elements.
--- >>> runG example $ \g@G{..} -> fmap3 gFromVertex $ allPaths' g <$> gToVertex 'a' <*> gToVertex 'e' <*> pure []
--- Right (Just ["xd","x","bd","d",""])
-allPaths' :: forall v a. Ord a => G v a -> a -> a -> [a] -> [[a]]
-allPaths' G {..} a b end = concatMap go (gEdges a) where
- go :: a -> [[a]]
- go i
- | i == b = [end]
- | otherwise =
- let js :: [a]
- js = filter (<= b) $ gEdges i
- js2b :: [[a]]
- js2b = concatMap go js
- in map (i:) js2b
--- | Like 'allPaths' but return a 'T.Tree'.
--- >>> let t = runG example $ \g@G{..} -> fmap3 gFromVertex $ allPathsTree g <$> gToVertex 'a' <*> gToVertex 'e'
--- >>> fmap3 (T.foldTree $ \a bs -> if null bs then [[a]] else concatMap (map (a:)) bs) t
--- Right (Just (Just ["axde","axe","abde","ade","ae"]))
--- >>> fmap3 (S.fromList . treePairs) t
--- Right (Just (Just (fromList [('a','b'),('a','d'),('a','e'),('a','x'),('b','d'),('d','e'),('x','d'),('x','e')])))
--- >>> let ls = runG example $ \g@G{..} -> fmap3 gFromVertex $ allPaths g <$> gToVertex 'a' <*> gToVertex 'e'
--- >>> fmap2 (S.fromList . concatMap pairs) ls
--- Right (Just (fromList [('a','b'),('a','d'),('a','e'),('a','x'),('b','d'),('d','e'),('x','d'),('x','e')]))
--- >>> traverse3_ dispTree t
--- 'a'
--- 'x'
--- 'd'
--- 'e'
--- 'e'
--- 'b'
--- 'd'
--- 'e'
--- 'd'
--- 'e'
--- 'e'
--- >>> traverse3_ (putStrLn . T.drawTree . fmap show) t
--- 'a'
--- |
--- +- 'x'
--- | |
--- | +- 'd'
--- | | |
--- | | `- 'e'
--- | |
--- | `- 'e'
--- ...
-allPathsTree :: forall v a. Ord a => G v a -> a -> a -> Maybe (T.Tree a)
-allPathsTree G {..} a b = go a where
- go :: a -> Maybe (T.Tree a)
- go i
- | i == b = Just (T.Node b [])
- | otherwise = case mapMaybe go $ filter (<= b) $ gEdges i of
- [] -> Nothing
- js -> Just (T.Node i js)
--- DFS
--- | Depth-first paths starting at a vertex.
--- >>> runG example $ \g@G{..} -> fmap3 gFromVertex $ dfs g <$> gToVertex 'x'
--- Right (Just ["xde","xe"])
-dfs :: forall v a. Ord a => G v a -> a -> [[a]]
-dfs G {..} = go where
- go :: a -> [[a]]
- go a = case gEdges a of
- [] -> [[a]]
- bs -> concatMap (\b -> map (a :) (go b)) bs
--- | like 'dfs' but returns a 'T.Tree'.
--- >>> traverse2_ dispTree $ runG example $ \g@G{..} -> fmap2 gFromVertex $ dfsTree g <$> gToVertex 'x'
--- 'x'
--- 'd'
--- 'e'
--- 'e'
-dfsTree :: forall v a. Ord a => G v a -> a -> T.Tree a
-dfsTree G {..} = go where
- go :: a -> Tree a
- go a = case gEdges a of
- [] -> T.Node a []
- bs -> T.Node a $ map go bs
--- Longest / shortest path
--- | Longest paths lengths starting from a vertex.
--- >>> runG example $ \g@G{..} -> longestPathLengths g <$> gToVertex 'a'
--- Right (Just [0,1,1,2,3])
--- >>> runG example $ \G {..} -> map gFromVertex gVertices
--- Right "axbde"
--- >>> runG example $ \g@G{..} -> longestPathLengths g <$> gToVertex 'b'
--- Right (Just [0,0,0,1,2])
-longestPathLengths :: Ord a => G v a -> a -> [Int]
-longestPathLengths = pathLenghtsImpl max
--- | Shortest paths lengths starting from a vertex.
--- >>> runG example $ \g@G{..} -> shortestPathLengths g <$> gToVertex 'a'
--- Right (Just [0,1,1,1,1])
--- >>> runG example $ \g@G{..} -> shortestPathLengths g <$> gToVertex 'b'
--- Right (Just [0,0,0,1,2])
-shortestPathLengths :: Ord a => G v a -> a -> [Int]
-shortestPathLengths = pathLenghtsImpl min' where
- min' 0 y = y
- min' x y = min x y
-pathLenghtsImpl :: forall v a. Ord a => (Int -> Int -> Int) -> G v a -> a -> [Int]
-pathLenghtsImpl merge G {..} a = runST $ do
- v <- MU.replicate (length gVertices) (0 :: Int)
- go v (S.singleton a)
- v' <- U.freeze v
- pure (U.toList v')
- where
- go :: MU.MVector s Int -> Set a -> ST s ()
- go v xs = do
- case S.minView xs of
- Nothing -> pure ()
- Just (x, xs') -> do
- c <- MU.unsafeRead v (gToInt x)
- let ys = S.fromList $ gEdges x
- for_ ys $ \y ->
- flip (MU.unsafeModify v) (gToInt y) $ \d -> merge d (c + 1)
- go v (xs' `S.union` ys)
--- Transpose
--- | Graph with all edges reversed.
--- >>> runG example $ adjacencyList . transpose
--- Right [('a',""),('b',"a"),('d',"abx"),('e',"adx"),('x',"a")]
--- === __Properties__
--- Commutes with 'closure'
--- >>> runG example $ adjacencyList . closure . transpose
--- Right [('a',""),('b',"a"),('d',"abx"),('e',"abdx"),('x',"a")]
--- >>> runG example $ adjacencyList . transpose . closure
--- Right [('a',""),('b',"a"),('d',"abx"),('e',"abdx"),('x',"a")]
--- Commutes with 'reduction'
--- >>> runG example $ adjacencyList . reduction . transpose
--- Right [('a',""),('b',"a"),('d',"bx"),('e',"d"),('x',"a")]
--- >>> runG example $ adjacencyList . transpose . reduction
--- Right [('a',""),('b',"a"),('d',"bx"),('e',"d"),('x',"a")]
-transpose :: forall v a. Ord a => G v a -> G v (Down a)
-transpose G {..} = G
- { gVertices = map Down $ reverse gVertices
- , gFromVertex = gFromVertex . getDown
- , gToVertex = fmap Down . gToVertex
- , gEdges = gEdges'
- , gDiff = \(Down a) (Down b) -> gDiff b a
- , gVerticeCount = gVerticeCount
- , gToInt = \(Down a) -> gVerticeCount - gToInt a - 1
- }
- where
- gEdges' :: Down a -> [Down a]
- gEdges' (Down a) = es V.! gToInt a
- -- Note: in original order!
- es :: V.Vector [Down a]
- es = V.fromList $ map (map Down . revEdges) gVertices
- revEdges :: a -> [a]
- revEdges x = concatMap (\y -> [y | x `elem` gEdges y ]) gVertices
--- Reduction
--- | Transitive reduction.
--- Smallest graph,
--- such that if there is a path from /u/ to /v/ in the original graph,
--- then there is also such a path in the reduction.
--- >>> runG example $ \g -> adjacencyList $ reduction g
--- Right [('a',"bx"),('b',"d"),('d',"e"),('e',""),('x',"d")]
--- Taking closure first doesn't matter:
--- >>> runG example $ \g -> adjacencyList $ reduction $ closure g
--- Right [('a',"bx"),('b',"d"),('d',"e"),('e',""),('x',"d")]
-reduction :: Ord a => G v a -> G v a
-reduction = transitiveImpl (== 1)
--- Closure
--- | Transitive closure.
--- A graph,
--- such that if there is a path from /u/ to /v/ in the original graph,
--- then there is an edge from /u/ to /v/ in the closure.
--- >>> runG example $ \g -> adjacencyList $ closure g
--- Right [('a',"bdex"),('b',"de"),('d',"e"),('e',""),('x',"de")]
--- Taking reduction first, doesn't matter:
--- >>> runG example $ \g -> adjacencyList $ closure $ reduction g
--- Right [('a',"bdex"),('b',"de"),('d',"e"),('e',""),('x',"de")]
-closure :: Ord a => G v a -> G v a
-closure = transitiveImpl (/= 0)
-transitiveImpl :: forall v a. Ord a => (Int -> Bool) -> G v a -> G v a
-transitiveImpl pred g@G {..} = g { gEdges = gEdges' } where
- gEdges' :: a -> [a]
- gEdges' a = es V.! gToInt a
- es :: V.Vector [a]
- es = V.fromList $ map f gVertices where
- f :: a -> [a]
- f x = catMaybes $ zipWith edge gVertices (longestPathLengths g x)
- edge y i | pred i = Just y
- | otherwise = Nothing
--- Display
--- | Recover adjacency map representation from the 'G'.
--- >>> runG example adjacencyMap
--- Right (fromList [('a',fromList "bdex"),('b',fromList "d"),('d',fromList "e"),('e',fromList ""),('x',fromList "de")])
-adjacencyMap :: Ord v => G v a -> Map v (Set v)
-adjacencyMap G {..} = M.fromList $ map f gVertices where
- f x = (gFromVertex x, S.fromList $ map gFromVertex $ gEdges x)
--- | Adjacency list representation of 'G'.
--- >>> runG example adjacencyList
--- Right [('a',"bdex"),('b',"d"),('d',"e"),('e',""),('x',"de")]
-adjacencyList :: Ord v => G v a -> [(v, [v])]
-adjacencyList = flattenAM . adjacencyMap
-flattenAM :: Map a (Set a) -> [(a, [a])]
-flattenAM = map (fmap S.toList) . M.toList
--- |
--- >>> runG example $ \g@G{..} -> map (\(a,b) -> [gFromVertex a, gFromVertex b]) $ S.toList $ edgesSet g
--- Right ["ax","ab","ad","ae","xd","xe","bd","de"]
-edgesSet :: Ord a => G v a -> Set (a, a)
-edgesSet G {..} = S.fromList
- [ (x, y)
- | x <- gVertices
- , y <- gEdges x
- ]
--- Utilities
--- | Like 'pairs' but for 'T.Tree'.
-treePairs :: Tree a -> [(a,a)]
-treePairs (T.Node i js) =
- [ (i, j) | T.Node j _ <- js ] ++ concatMap treePairs js
--- | Consequtive pairs.
--- >>> pairs [1..10]
--- [(1,2),(2,3),(3,4),(4,5),(5,6),(6,7),(7,8),(8,9),(9,10)]
--- >>> pairs []
--- []
-pairs :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
-pairs [] = []
-pairs xs = zip xs (tail xs)
--- | Unwrap 'Down'.
-getDown :: Down a -> a
-getDown (Down a) = a
--- Setup
--- $setup
--- Graph used in examples (with all arrows pointing down)
--- @
--- a -----
--- / | \\ \\
--- b | x \\
--- \\ | / \\ |
--- d \\ |
--- ------- e
--- @
--- See <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transitive_reduction> for a picture.
--- >>> let example :: Map Char (Set Char); example = M.map S.fromList $ M.fromList [('a', "bxde"), ('b', "d"), ('x', "de"), ('d', "e"), ('e', "")]
--- >>> :set -XRecordWildCards
--- >>> import Data.Monoid (All (..))
--- >>> import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
--- >>> let fmap2 = fmap . fmap
--- >>> let fmap3 = fmap . fmap2
--- >>> let traverse2_ = traverse_ . traverse_
--- >>> let traverse3_ = traverse_ . traverse2_
--- >>> let dispTree :: Show a => Tree a -> IO (); dispTree = go 0 where go i (T.Node x xs) = putStrLn (replicate (i * 2) ' ' ++ show x) >> traverse_ (go (succ i)) xs