path: root/tests/GhcSession.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/GhcSession.hs')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/tests/GhcSession.hs b/tests/GhcSession.hs
index 3e67ae2..0d20a5f 100644
--- a/tests/GhcSession.hs
+++ b/tests/GhcSession.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, ScopedTypeVariables, RecordWildCards, RankNTypes, DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, ScopedTypeVariables, RecordWildCards, RankNTypes,
+ DataKinds, ExistentialQuantification, PolyKinds, ViewPatterns,
+ DeriveFunctor, MonoLocalBinds, GADTs, MultiWayIf #-}
{-| This test ensures we can get a GHC API session up and running in a variety of
project environments.
@@ -8,8 +10,10 @@ module Main where
import GHC
import GHC.Paths (libdir)
+import Outputable
import DynFlags
+import Control.Arrow ((***))
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
@@ -18,121 +22,174 @@ import Data.Version
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit
-import System.FilePath ((</>), takeFileName, takeDirectory)
+import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>), makeRelative, takeDirectory)
import System.Directory
import System.IO
import System.IO.Temp
import System.Process (readProcess)
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+import Text.Show.Pretty
import Distribution.Helper
import CabalHelper.Shared.Common
import CabalHelper.Compiletime.Process
+data TestConfig = TC
+ { location :: TestLocation
+ , cabalLowerBound :: Version
+ , ghcLowerBound :: Version
+ , projTypes :: [ProjType]
+ } deriving (Show)
+data TestLocation
+ = TN String
+ | TF FilePath FilePath FilePath
+ deriving (Show)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
- topdir <- getCurrentDirectory
- res <- mapM (setup topdir test) $ case args of
- [] -> [ ("tests/exelib/exelib.cabal", parseVer "1.10", parseVer "0")
- , ("tests/exeintlib/exeintlib.cabal", parseVer "2.0", parseVer "0")
- , ("tests/fliblib/fliblib.cabal", parseVer "2.0", parseVer "0")
- , ("tests/bkpregex/bkpregex.cabal", parseVer "2.0", parseVer "8.1")
- -- min Cabal lib ver -^ min GHC ver -^
- ]
- xs -> map (, parseVer "0", parseVer "0") xs
+-- topdir <- getCurrentDirectory
+ ci_ver <- cabalInstallVersion
+ c_ver <- cabalInstallBuiltinCabalVersion
+ g_ver <- ghcVersion
+ s_ver <- stackVersion
+ `E.catch` \(_ :: IOError) -> return (makeVersion [0])
+ putStrLn $ "cabal-install version: " ++ showVersion ci_ver
+ putStrLn $ "Cabal version: " ++ showVersion c_ver
+ putStrLn $ "GHC version: " ++ showVersion g_ver
+ putStrLn $ "Stack version: " ++ showVersion s_ver
+ let proj_impls :: [(ProjType, ProjSetup0)]
+ proj_impls =
+ [ (V1, oldBuildProjSetup)
+ , (V2, newBuildProjSetup)
+ , (Stack, stackProjSetup g_ver)
+ ]
+ tests <- return $ case args of
+ xs@(_:_) -> flip map xs $ \loc ->
+ let (topdir, ':':x0) = span (/=':') loc
+ (projdir0, ':':x1) = span (/=':') x0
+ (cabal_file0, ':':pt) = span (/=':') x1
+ projdir = makeRelative topdir projdir0
+ cabal_file = makeRelative topdir cabal_file0 in
+ TC (TF topdir projdir cabal_file) (parseVer "0") (parseVer "0") [read pt]
+ [] ->
+ [ TC (TN "exelib") (parseVer "1.10") (parseVer "0") []
+ , TC (TN "exeintlib") (parseVer "2.0") (parseVer "0") []
+ , TC (TN "fliblib") (parseVer "2.0") (parseVer "0") []
+ , TC (TN "bkpregex") (parseVer "2.0") (parseVer "8.1") [V1, V2]
+ , let multipkg_loc = TF "tests/multipkg/" "proj/" "proj/proj.cabal" in
+ TC multipkg_loc (parseVer "1.10") (parseVer "0") [V2, Stack]
+ -- min Cabal lib ver -^ min GHC ver -^
+ ]
+ -- pPrint tests
+ -- mapM_ (\(TC loc _ _ _) -> pPrint $ testLocPath loc) tests
+ res :: [[Bool]] <- sequence $ do
+ tc@TC {..} <- tests
+ (pt, ps0 :: ProjSetup0) <- proj_impls
+ guard (null projTypes || pt `elem` projTypes)
+ let skip (SkipReason reason) = do
+ hPutStrLn stderr $ intercalate " "
+ [ "Skipping test"
+ , psdHeading ps0
+ , "'" ++ projdir_rel ++ "'"
+ , "because"
+ , reason
+ ]
+ where
+ (_, projdir_rel, _) = testLocPath location
+ case psdImpl ps0 of
+ Left reason -> return $ skip reason >> return []
+ Right eximpl -> do
+ let ps1 = ps0 { psdImpl = eximpl }
+ case checkAndRunTestConfig VerEnv{..} ps1 tc of
+ Left reason -> return $ skip reason >> return []
+ Right (Message msg, act) -> return $ hPutStrLn stderr msg >> act
if any (==False) $ concat res
then exitFailure
else exitSuccess
-cabalInstallVersion :: IO Version
-cabalInstallVersion =
- parseVer . trim <$> readProcess "cabal" ["--numeric-version"] ""
-ghcVersion :: IO Version
-ghcVersion =
- parseVer . trim <$> readProcess "ghc" ["--numeric-version"] ""
-cabalInstallBuiltinCabalVersion :: IO Version
-cabalInstallBuiltinCabalVersion =
- parseVer . trim <$> readProcess "cabal"
- ["act-as-setup", "--", "--numeric-version"] ""
+data VerEnv = VerEnv
+ { ci_ver :: Version
+ , c_ver :: Version
+ , g_ver :: Version
+ , s_ver :: Version
+ }
-data ProjSetup pt =
- ProjSetup
- { psDistDir :: FilePath -> DistDir pt
- , psProjDir :: FilePath -> ProjLoc pt
- , psConfigure :: FilePath -> IO ()
- , psBuild :: FilePath -> IO ()
- , psSdist :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
- }
+data Message = Message String
+data SkipReason = SkipReason String
-oldBuild :: ProjSetup 'V1
-oldBuild = ProjSetup
- { psDistDir = \dir -> DistDirV1 (dir </> "dist")
- , psProjDir = \cabal_file -> ProjLocCabalFile cabal_file
- , psConfigure = \dir ->
- runWithCwd dir "cabal" [ "configure" ]
- , psBuild = \dir ->
- runWithCwd dir "cabal" [ "build" ]
- , psSdist = \srcdir destdir ->
- runWithCwd srcdir "cabal" [ "sdist", "-v0", "--output-dir", destdir ]
- }
-newBuild :: ProjSetup 'V2
-newBuild = ProjSetup
- { psDistDir = \dir -> DistDirV2 (dir </> "dist-newstyle")
- , psProjDir = \cabal_file -> ProjLocV2Dir (takeDirectory cabal_file)
- , psConfigure = \dir ->
- runWithCwd dir "cabal" [ "new-configure" ]
- , psBuild = \dir ->
- runWithCwd dir "cabal" [ "new-build" ]
- , psSdist = \srcdir destdir ->
- runWithCwd srcdir "cabal" [ "sdist", "-v0", "--output-dir", destdir ]
- }
-setup :: FilePath -> (forall pt . ProjSetup pt -> FilePath -> IO [Bool]) -> (FilePath, Version, Version) -> IO [Bool]
-setup topdir act (cabal_file, min_cabal_ver, min_ghc_ver) = do
- let projdir = takeDirectory cabal_file
- ci_ver <- cabalInstallVersion
- c_ver <- cabalInstallBuiltinCabalVersion
- g_ver <- ghcVersion
- let mreason
- | (ci_ver < parseVer "1.24") =
- Just $ "cabal-install-" ++ showVersion ci_ver ++ " is too old"
- | c_ver < min_cabal_ver =
- Just $ "Cabal-" ++ showVersion c_ver
- ++ " < " ++ showVersion min_cabal_ver
- | g_ver < min_ghc_ver =
- Just $ "ghc-" ++ showVersion g_ver
- ++ " < " ++ showVersion min_ghc_ver
- | otherwise =
- Nothing
- case mreason of
- Just reason -> do
- putStrLn $ "Skipping test '" ++ projdir ++ "' because " ++ reason ++ "."
- return []
- Nothing -> do
- putStrLn $ "Running test '" ++ projdir ++ "' with " ++ showVersion ci_ver ++ "."
- putStrLn "Old build -------------------------------------"
- rold <- runTest oldBuild topdir projdir cabal_file act
- putStrLn "New build -------------------------------------"
- rnew <- runTest newBuild topdir projdir cabal_file act
- return (rold ++ rnew)
-runTest :: ProjSetup pt -> FilePath -> String -> FilePath
- -> (ProjSetup pt -> FilePath -> IO [Bool]) -> IO [Bool]
-runTest ps@ProjSetup{..} topdir projdir cabal_file act = do
- putStrLn $ "Running test '" ++ projdir ++ "'-------------------------"
+testLocPath :: TestLocation -> (FilePath, FilePath, FilePath)
+testLocPath (TN test_name) = (projdir, ".", cabal_file)
+ where
+ projdir :: FilePath
+ projdir = "tests" </> test_name
+ cabal_file :: FilePath
+ cabal_file = test_name <.> "cabal"
+testLocPath (TF topdir projdir cabal_file) =
+ (topdir, projdir, cabal_file)
+data Ex a = forall x. Ex (a x)
+ :: VerEnv
+ -> ProjSetup1
+ -> TestConfig
+ -> Either SkipReason (Message, IO [Bool])
+ VerEnv { ci_ver, c_ver, g_ver, s_ver }
+ ps1@(psdImpl -> Ex psdImpl2)
+ (TC test_loc min_cabal_ver min_ghc_ver _proj_types)
+ = let
+ (topdir, projdir_rel, cabal_file) = testLocPath test_loc
+ mreason
+ | SStack <- psiProjType psdImpl2
+ , s_ver < parseVer "1.9.4" =
+ if| g_ver >= parseVer "8.2.2" ->
+ error $ printf
+ "stack-%s is too old, but GHC %s is recent enough to build it.\n\
+ \The CI scripts should have installed it! See 25-deps.sh\n"
+ (showVersion s_ver) (showVersion g_ver)
+ | otherwise ->
+ Just $ "stack-" ++ showVersion s_ver ++ " is too old"
+ | (ci_ver < parseVer "1.24") =
+ Just $ "cabal-install-" ++ showVersion ci_ver ++ " is too old"
+ | c_ver < min_cabal_ver =
+ Just $ "Cabal-" ++ showVersion c_ver
+ ++ " < " ++ showVersion min_cabal_ver
+ | g_ver < min_ghc_ver =
+ Just $ "ghc-" ++ showVersion g_ver
+ ++ " < " ++ showVersion min_ghc_ver
+ | otherwise =
+ Nothing
+ in case mreason of
+ Just reason -> do
+ Left $ SkipReason reason
+ Nothing -> do
+ Right $ (,)
+ (Message $ intercalate " "
+ [ "\n\n\nRunning test"
+ , psdHeading ps1
+ , "'" ++ topdir ++ "'"
+ ])
+ (runTest ps1{ psdImpl = psdImpl2 } topdir projdir_rel cabal_file)
+runTest :: ProjSetup2 pt -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [Bool]
+runTest ps2@(psdImpl -> ProjSetupImpl{..}) topdir projdir cabal_file = do
withSystemTempDirectory' "cabal-helper.ghc-session.test" $ \tmpdir -> do
- psSdist (topdir </> projdir) tmpdir
- psConfigure tmpdir
- act ps $ tmpdir </> takeFileName cabal_file
+ psiSdist topdir tmpdir
+ psiConfigure (tmpdir </> projdir)
+ test ps2 (tmpdir </> projdir) (tmpdir </> cabal_file)
runWithCwd :: FilePath -> String -> [String] -> IO ()
runWithCwd cwd x xs = do
@@ -144,25 +201,27 @@ run x xs = do
let ?verbose = True
callProcessStderr Nothing x xs
-test :: ProjSetup pt -> FilePath -> IO [Bool]
-test ProjSetup{..} cabal_file = do
- let projdir = takeDirectory cabal_file
- qe <- mkQueryEnv
- (psProjDir cabal_file)
- (psDistDir projdir)
+test :: ProjSetup2 pt -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [Bool]
+test (psdImpl -> ProjSetupImpl{..}) projdir cabal_file = do
+ qe <- psiQEmod <$> mkQueryEnv
+ (psiProjLoc (CabalFile cabal_file) projdir)
+ (psiDistDir projdir)
cs <- concat <$> runQuery (allUnits (Map.elems . uiComponents)) qe
- forM cs $ \ChComponentInfo{..} -> do
- putStrLn $ "\n" ++ show ciComponentName ++ ":::: " ++ show ciNeedsBuildOutput
- when (ciNeedsBuildOutput == ProduceBuildOutput) $ do
- psBuild projdir
+ when (any ((==ProduceBuildOutput) . ciNeedsBuildOutput) cs) $
+ psiBuild projdir
- let opts' = "-Werror" : ciGhcOptions
+ let pkgdir = takeDirectory cabal_file
+ forM cs $ \ChComponentInfo{..} -> do
+ putStrLn $ "\n" ++ show ciComponentName
+ ++ ":::: " ++ show ciNeedsBuildOutput
- let sopts = intercalate " " $ map formatArg $ "\nghc" : opts'
- putStrLn $ "\n" ++ show ciComponentName ++ ": " ++ sopts
+ let opts' = "-Werror" : ciGhcOptions
+ let sopts = intercalate " " $ map formatArg $ "ghc" : opts'
+ putStrLn $ "\n" ++ show ciComponentName ++ ":\n" ++ "cd " ++ pkgdir ++ "\n" ++ sopts
hFlush stdout
- compileModule projdir ciNeedsBuildOutput ciEntrypoints opts'
+ compileModule pkgdir ciNeedsBuildOutput ciEntrypoints ciSourceDirs opts'
formatArg x
| "-" `isPrefixOf` x = "\n "++x
@@ -173,11 +232,13 @@ addCabalProject dir = do
writeFile (dir </> "cabal.project") "packages: .\n"
- :: FilePath -> NeedsBuildOutput -> ChEntrypoint -> [String] -> IO Bool
-compileModule projdir nb ep opts = do
- setCurrentDirectory projdir
+ :: FilePath -> NeedsBuildOutput -> ChEntrypoint -> [FilePath] -> [String] -> IO Bool
+compileModule pkgdir nb ep srcdirs opts = do
+ cwd_before <- getCurrentDirectory
+ setCurrentDirectory pkgdir
+ flip E.finally (setCurrentDirectory cwd_before) $ do
- putStrLn $ "compiling:" ++ show ep ++ " (" ++ show nb ++ ")"
+ putStrLn $ "compiling: " ++ show ep ++ " (" ++ show nb ++ ")"
E.handle (\(ec :: ExitCode) -> print ec >> return False) $ do
@@ -202,28 +263,29 @@ compileModule projdir nb ep opts = do
(dflags2, _, _) <- parseDynamicFlags dflags1 (map noLoc opts)
_ <- setSessionDynFlags dflags2
- ts <- mapM (\t -> guessTarget t Nothing) $
+ ts <- mapM (\t -> guessTarget t Nothing) =<<
case ep of
- ChLibEntrypoint ms ms' ss -> map unChModuleName $ ms ++ ms' ++ ss
- ChExeEntrypoint m' ms ->
- let
- -- The options first clear out includes, then put in the build
- -- dir. We want the first one after that, so "regex-example" in
- -- the following case
- --
- -- ,"-i"
- -- ,"-idist/build/regex-example"
- -- ,"-iregex-example"
- firstInclude = drop 2 $ head $ drop 2 $ filter (isPrefixOf "-i") opts
- m = firstInclude </> m'
- in [m] ++ map unChModuleName ms
- ChSetupEntrypoint -> ["Setup.hs"]
+ ChLibEntrypoint ms ms' ss -> return $
+ map unChModuleName $ ms ++ ms' ++ ss
+ ChExeEntrypoint m ms -> do
+ -- TODO: this doesn't take preprocessor outputs in
+ -- dist/build/$pkg/$pkg-tmp/ into account.
+ m1 <- liftIO $ findFile srcdirs m
+ case m1 of
+ Just m2 -> return $ [m2] ++ map unChModuleName ms
+ Nothing -> error $ printf
+ "Couldn't find source file for Main module (%s), search path:\n\
+ \%s\n" m (show srcdirs)
+ ChSetupEntrypoint -> return $
+ -- TODO: this doesn't support Setup.lhs
+ ["Setup.hs"]
let ts' = case nb of
NoBuildOutput -> map (\t -> t { targetAllowObjCode = False }) ts
ProduceBuildOutput -> ts
+ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "targets: " ++ showPpr dflags2 ts'
setTargets ts'
_ <- load LoadAllTargets
@@ -239,9 +301,143 @@ compileModule projdir nb ep opts = do
liftIO $ print ExitSuccess
return True
+data CabalFile = CabalFile FilePath
+type ProjSetup0 = ProjSetupDescr (Either SkipReason (Ex ProjSetupImpl))
+type ProjSetup1 = ProjSetupDescr (Ex ProjSetupImpl)
+type ProjSetup2 pt = ProjSetupDescr (ProjSetupImpl pt)
+data ProjSetupDescr a =
+ ProjSetupDescr
+ { psdHeading :: !String
+ , psdImpl :: !a
+ } deriving (Functor)
+data ProjSetupImpl pt =
+ ProjSetupImpl
+ { psiProjType :: !(SProjType pt)
+ , psiDistDir :: !(FilePath -> DistDir pt)
+ , psiProjLoc :: !(CabalFile -> FilePath -> ProjLoc pt)
+ , psiConfigure :: !(FilePath -> IO ())
+ , psiBuild :: !(FilePath -> IO ())
+ , psiSdist :: !(FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ())
+ , psiQEmod :: !(QueryEnv pt -> QueryEnv pt)
+ }
+oldBuildProjSetup :: ProjSetup0
+oldBuildProjSetup = ProjSetupDescr "cabal-v1" $ Right $ Ex $ ProjSetupImpl
+ { psiProjType = SV1
+ , psiDistDir = \dir -> DistDirV1 (dir </> "dist")
+ , psiProjLoc = \(CabalFile cf) _projdir -> ProjLocCabalFile cf
+ , psiConfigure = \dir ->
+ runWithCwd dir "cabal" [ "configure" ]
+ , psiBuild = \dir ->
+ runWithCwd dir "cabal" [ "build" ]
+ , psiSdist = \srcdir destdir ->
+ copyMuliPackageProject srcdir destdir (\_ _ -> return ())
+ , psiQEmod = id
+ }
+newBuildProjSetup :: ProjSetup0
+newBuildProjSetup = ProjSetupDescr "cabal-v2" $ Right $ Ex $ ProjSetupImpl
+ { psiProjType = SV2
+ , psiDistDir = \dir -> DistDirV2 (dir </> "dist-newstyle")
+ , psiProjLoc = \_cabal_file projdir -> ProjLocV2File $ projdir </> "cabal.project"
+ -- TODO: check if cabal.project is there and only use
+ -- V2File then, also remove addCabalProject below so we
+ -- cover both cases.
+ , psiConfigure = \dir ->
+ runWithCwd dir "cabal" [ "new-configure" ]
+ , psiBuild = \dir ->
+ runWithCwd dir "cabal" [ "new-build" ]
+ , psiSdist = \srcdir destdir -> do
+ copyMuliPackageProject srcdir destdir $ \pkgsrc pkgdest -> do
+ exists <- doesFileExist (pkgsrc </> "cabal.project")
+ if exists then
+ copyFile (pkgsrc </> "cabal.project") (pkgdest </> "cabal.project")
+ else
+ addCabalProject pkgdest
+ , psiQEmod = id
+ }
+stackProjSetup :: Version -> ProjSetup0
+stackProjSetup ghcVer =
+ ProjSetupDescr "stack" $
+ let msg = SkipReason $ "missing stack_resolver_table entry for "++
+ showVersion ghcVer in
+ maybe (Left msg) Right $ do
+ res <- lookup ghcVer stack_resolver_table
+ let argsBefore = [ "--resolver="++res, "--system-ghc" ]
+ return $ Ex $ ProjSetupImpl
+ { psiProjType = SStack
+ , psiDistDir = \_dir -> DistDirStack Nothing
+ , psiProjLoc = \_cabal_file projdir ->
+ ProjLocStackYaml $ projdir </> "stack.yaml"
+ , psiConfigure = \dir ->
+ runWithCwd dir "stack" $ argsBefore ++ [ "build", "--dry-run" ]
+ , psiBuild = \dir ->
+ runWithCwd dir "stack" $ argsBefore ++ [ "build" ]
+ , psiSdist = \srcdir destdir -> do
+ copyMuliPackageProject srcdir destdir copyStackYamls
+ , psiQEmod = \qe ->
+ qe { qePrograms = (qePrograms qe)
+ { stackArgsBefore = argsBefore
+ }
+ }
+ }
+stack_resolver_table :: [(Version, String)]
+stack_resolver_table = map (parseVer *** ("lts-"++))
+ [ ("7.10.3", "6.35")
+ , ("8.0.1", "7.24")
+ , ("8.0.2", "9.21")
+ , ("8.2.2", "11.22")
+ , ("8.4.3", "12.14")
+ , ("8.4.4", "12.19")
+ ]
+copyStackYamls :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+copyStackYamls srcdir destdir = do
+ files <- (\\ [".", ".."]) <$> getDirectoryContents srcdir
+ let ymls = filter (".yaml" `isSuffixOf`) $
+ filter ("stack-" `isPrefixOf`) $ files
+ forM_ ymls $ \filename -> copyFile (srcdir </> filename) (destdir </> filename)
+-- | For each Cabal package listed in a @packages.list@ file, copy the package
+-- to another directory while only including source files referenced in the
+-- cabal file.
+ :: FilePath -> FilePath -> (FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+copyMuliPackageProject srcdir destdir copyPkgExtra = do
+ let packages_file = srcdir </> "packages.list"
+ pkgdirs <- lines <$> readFile packages_file
+ forM_ pkgdirs $ \pkgdir -> do
+ runWithCwd (srcdir </> pkgdir) "cabal"
+ [ "act-as-setup", "--", "sdist"
+ , "--output-directory="++destdir </> pkgdir ]
+ copyPkgExtra (srcdir </> pkgdir) (destdir </> pkgdir)
unChModuleName :: ChModuleName -> String
unChModuleName (ChModuleName mn) = mn
+cabalInstallVersion :: IO Version
+cabalInstallVersion =
+ parseVer . trim <$> readProcess "cabal" ["--numeric-version"] ""
+ghcVersion :: IO Version
+ghcVersion =
+ parseVer . trim <$> readProcess "ghc" ["--numeric-version"] ""
+stackVersion :: IO Version
+stackVersion =
+ parseVer . trim <$> readProcess "stack" [ "--numeric-version" ] ""
+cabalInstallBuiltinCabalVersion :: IO Version
+cabalInstallBuiltinCabalVersion =
+ parseVer . trim <$> readProcess "cabal"
+ ["act-as-setup", "--", "--numeric-version"] ""
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Create and use a temporary directory in the system standard temporary directory.