path: root/h-source/admin/Application/Strings/Lang/It/ValCondStrings.php
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Diffstat (limited to 'h-source/admin/Application/Strings/Lang/It/ValCondStrings.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/h-source/admin/Application/Strings/Lang/It/ValCondStrings.php b/h-source/admin/Application/Strings/Lang/It/ValCondStrings.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a54c650..0000000
--- a/h-source/admin/Application/Strings/Lang/It/ValCondStrings.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// All EasyGiant code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// See COPYRIGHT.txt and LICENSE.txt.
-if (!defined('EG')) die('Direct access not allowed!');
-class Lang_It_ValCondStrings extends Lang_Eng_ValCondStrings {
- //if the element is not defined
- public function getNotDefinedResultString($element)
- {
- return "<div class='alert'>". $element ." non &egrave stato definito</div>\n";
- }
- //if the elements are not equal
- public function getNotEqualResultString($element)
- {
- return "<div class='alert'>Differenti valori: $element</div>\n";
- }
- //if the element is not alphabetic
- public function getNotAlphabeticResultString($element)
- {
- return "<div class='alert'>".$element." deve essere una stringa di soli caratteri alfabetici</div>\n";
- }
- //if the element is not alphanumeric
- public function getNotAlphanumericResultString($element)
- {
- return "<div class='alert'>".$element." deve essere una stringa di soli caratteri alfanumerici</div>\n";
- }
- //if the element is not a decimal digit
- public function getNotDecimalDigitResultString($element)
- {
- return "<div class='alert'>".$element." deve essere una stringa di soli numeri decimali</div>\n";
- }
- //if the element has the mail format
- public function getNotMailFormatResultString($element)
- {
- return "<div class='alert'>".$element." non sembra un indirizzo e-mail</div>\n";
- }
- //if the element is numeric
- public function getNotNumericResultString($element)
- {
- return "<div class='alert'>".$element." deve essere un numero</div>\n";
- }
- //if the element (string) length exceeds the value of characters (defined by $maxLength)
- public function getLengthExceedsResultString($element,$maxLength)
- {
- return "<div class='alert'>".$element." non deve essere composto da pi&ugrave di $maxLength caratteri</div>\n";
- }
- //if the element is one of the strings indicated by $stringList (a comma-separated list of strings)
- public function getIsForbiddenStringResultString($element,$stringList)
- {
- return "<div class='alert'>".$element." non pu&ograve assumere uno dei seguenti valori: $stringList</div>\n";
- }
- //if the element is not one of the strings indicated by $stringList (a comma-separated list of strings)
- public function getIsNotStringResultString($element,$stringList)
- {
- return "<div class='alert'>".$element." deve assumere uno dei seguenti valori: $stringList</div>\n";
- }