{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Utils
( hypSrcDir, hypSrcModuleFile, hypSrcModuleFile'
, hypSrcModuleUrl, hypSrcModuleUrl'
, hypSrcNameUrl
, hypSrcLineUrl
, hypSrcModuleNameUrl, hypSrcModuleLineUrl
, hypSrcModuleUrlFormat
, hypSrcModuleNameUrlFormat, hypSrcModuleLineUrlFormat
, spliceURL, spliceURL'
-- * HIE file processing
, PrintedType
, recoverFullIfaceTypes
) where
import Haddock.Utils
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Utils
import GHC
import GHC.Iface.Ext.Types ( HieAST(..), HieType(..), HieArgs(..), TypeIndex, HieTypeFlat )
import GHC.Iface.Type
import GHC.Types.Name ( getOccFS, getOccString )
import GHC.Driver.Ppr ( showSDoc )
import GHC.Types.Var ( VarBndr(..) )
import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>), (<.>))
import qualified Data.Array as A
{-# INLINE hypSrcDir #-}
hypSrcDir :: FilePath
hypSrcDir = "src"
{-# INLINE hypSrcModuleFile #-}
hypSrcModuleFile :: Module -> FilePath
hypSrcModuleFile m = moduleNameString (moduleName m) <.> "html"
hypSrcModuleFile' :: ModuleName -> FilePath
hypSrcModuleFile' mdl = spliceURL'
Nothing (Just mdl) Nothing Nothing moduleFormat
hypSrcModuleUrl :: Module -> String
hypSrcModuleUrl = hypSrcModuleFile
hypSrcModuleUrl' :: ModuleName -> String
hypSrcModuleUrl' = hypSrcModuleFile'
{-# INLINE hypSrcNameUrl #-}
hypSrcNameUrl :: Name -> String
hypSrcNameUrl = escapeStr . getOccString
{-# INLINE hypSrcLineUrl #-}
hypSrcLineUrl :: Int -> String
hypSrcLineUrl line = "line-" ++ show line
{-# INLINE hypSrcModuleNameUrl #-}
hypSrcModuleNameUrl :: Module -> Name -> String
hypSrcModuleNameUrl mdl name = hypSrcModuleUrl mdl ++ "#" ++ hypSrcNameUrl name
{-# INLINE hypSrcModuleLineUrl #-}
hypSrcModuleLineUrl :: Module -> Int -> String
hypSrcModuleLineUrl mdl line = hypSrcModuleUrl mdl ++ "#" ++ hypSrcLineUrl line
hypSrcModuleUrlFormat :: String
hypSrcModuleUrlFormat = hypSrcDir </> moduleFormat
hypSrcModuleNameUrlFormat :: String
hypSrcModuleNameUrlFormat = hypSrcModuleUrlFormat ++ "#" ++ nameFormat
hypSrcModuleLineUrlFormat :: String
hypSrcModuleLineUrlFormat = hypSrcModuleUrlFormat ++ "#" ++ lineFormat
moduleFormat :: String
moduleFormat = "%{MODULE}.html"
nameFormat :: String
nameFormat = "%{NAME}"
lineFormat :: String
lineFormat = "line-%{LINE}"
-- * HIE file processing
-- This belongs in GHC.Iface.Ext.Utils...
-- | Pretty-printed type, ready to be turned into HTML by @xhtml@
type PrintedType = String
-- | Expand the flattened HIE AST into one where the types printed out and
-- ready for end-users to look at.
-- Using just primitives found in GHC's HIE utilities, we could write this as
-- follows:
-- > 'recoverFullIfaceTypes' dflags hieTypes hieAst
-- > = 'fmap' (\ti -> 'showSDoc' df .
-- > 'pprIfaceType' $
-- > 'recoverFullType' ti hieTypes)
-- > hieAst
-- However, this is very inefficient (both in time and space) because the
-- mutliple calls to 'recoverFullType' don't share intermediate results. This
-- function fixes that.
:: DynFlags
-> A.Array TypeIndex HieTypeFlat -- ^ flat types
-> HieAST TypeIndex -- ^ flattened AST
-> HieAST PrintedType -- ^ full AST
recoverFullIfaceTypes df flattened ast = fmap (printed A.!) ast
-- Splitting this out into its own array is also important: we don't want
-- to pretty print the same type many times
printed :: A.Array TypeIndex PrintedType
printed = fmap (showSDoc df . pprIfaceType) unflattened
-- The recursion in 'unflattened' is crucial - it's what gives us sharing
-- between the IfaceType's produced
unflattened :: A.Array TypeIndex IfaceType
unflattened = fmap (\flatTy -> go (fmap (unflattened A.!) flatTy)) flattened
-- Unfold an 'HieType' whose subterms have already been unfolded
go :: HieType IfaceType -> IfaceType
go (HTyVarTy n) = IfaceTyVar (getOccFS n)
go (HAppTy a b) = IfaceAppTy a (hieToIfaceArgs b)
go (HLitTy l) = IfaceLitTy l
go (HForAllTy ((n,k),af) t) = let b = (getOccFS n, k)
in IfaceForAllTy (Bndr (IfaceTvBndr b) af) t
go (HFunTy w a b) = IfaceFunTy VisArg w a b
go (HQualTy con b) = IfaceFunTy InvisArg many_ty con b
go (HCastTy a) = a
go HCoercionTy = IfaceTyVar "<coercion type>"
go (HTyConApp a xs) = IfaceTyConApp a (hieToIfaceArgs xs)
-- This isn't fully faithful - we can't produce the 'Inferred' case
hieToIfaceArgs :: HieArgs IfaceType -> IfaceAppArgs
hieToIfaceArgs (HieArgs args) = go' args
go' [] = IA_Nil
go' ((True ,x):xs) = IA_Arg x Required $ go' xs
go' ((False,x):xs) = IA_Arg x Specified $ go' xs