-- |
-- Module : Haddock.Backends.Html
-- Copyright : (c) Simon Marlow 2003-2006,
-- David Waern 2006-2009,
-- Mark Lentczner 2010,
-- Mateusz Kowalczyk 2013
-- License : BSD-like
-- Maintainer : haddock@projects.haskell.org
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : portable
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Haddock.Backends.Xhtml (
ppHtml, copyHtmlBits,
ppHtmlIndex, ppHtmlContents,
) where
import Prelude hiding (div)
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Decl
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.DocMarkup
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Layout
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Names
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Themes
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Types
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Utils
import Haddock.ModuleTree
import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.Version
import Haddock.Utils
import Haddock.Utils.Json
import Text.XHtml hiding ( name, title, p, quote )
import qualified Text.XHtml as XHtml
import Haddock.GhcUtils
import Control.Monad ( when, unless )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
import Data.Char ( toUpper, isSpace )
import Data.List ( sortBy, isPrefixOf, intersperse )
import Data.Maybe
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath hiding ( (</>) )
import qualified System.IO as IO
import Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map hiding ( Map )
import qualified Data.Set as Set hiding ( Set )
import Data.Ord ( comparing )
import GHC.Driver.Session (Language(..))
import GHC hiding ( NoLink, moduleInfo,LexicalFixity(..) )
import GHC.Types.Name
import GHC.Unit.State
-- * Generating HTML documentation
ppHtml :: UnitState
-> String -- ^ Title
-> Maybe String -- ^ Package
-> [Interface]
-> [InstalledInterface] -- ^ Reexported interfaces
-> FilePath -- ^ Destination directory
-> Maybe (MDoc GHC.RdrName) -- ^ Prologue text, maybe
-> Themes -- ^ Themes
-> Maybe String -- ^ The mathjax URL (--mathjax)
-> SourceURLs -- ^ The source URL (--source)
-> WikiURLs -- ^ The wiki URL (--wiki)
-> Maybe String -- ^ The contents URL (--use-contents)
-> Maybe String -- ^ The index URL (--use-index)
-> Bool -- ^ Whether to use unicode in output (--use-unicode)
-> Maybe String -- ^ Package name
-> QualOption -- ^ How to qualify names
-> Bool -- ^ Output pretty html (newlines and indenting)
-> Bool -- ^ Also write Quickjump index
-> IO ()
ppHtml state doctitle maybe_package ifaces reexported_ifaces odir prologue
themes maybe_mathjax_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url unicode
pkg qual debug withQuickjump = do
visible_ifaces = filter visible ifaces
visible i = OptHide `notElem` ifaceOptions i
when (isNothing maybe_contents_url) $
ppHtmlContents state odir doctitle maybe_package
themes maybe_mathjax_url maybe_index_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
(map toInstalledIface visible_ifaces ++ reexported_ifaces)
False -- we don't want to display the packages in a single-package contents
prologue debug pkg (makeContentsQual qual)
when (isNothing maybe_index_url) $ do
ppHtmlIndex odir doctitle maybe_package
themes maybe_mathjax_url maybe_contents_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
(map toInstalledIface visible_ifaces ++ reexported_ifaces) debug
when withQuickjump $
ppJsonIndex odir maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url unicode pkg qual
mapM_ (ppHtmlModule odir doctitle themes
maybe_mathjax_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url unicode pkg qual debug) visible_ifaces
copyHtmlBits :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Themes -> Bool -> IO ()
copyHtmlBits odir libdir themes withQuickjump = do
libhtmldir = joinPath [libdir, "html"]
copyCssFile f = copyFile f (combine odir (takeFileName f))
copyLibFile f = copyFile (joinPath [libhtmldir, f]) (joinPath [odir, f])
mapM_ copyCssFile (cssFiles themes)
copyLibFile haddockJsFile
copyCssFile (joinPath [libhtmldir, quickJumpCssFile])
when withQuickjump (copyLibFile jsQuickJumpFile)
return ()
headHtml :: String -> Themes -> Maybe String -> Html
headHtml docTitle themes mathjax_url =
header <<
[ meta ! [ httpequiv "Content-Type", content "text/html; charset=UTF-8"]
, meta ! [ XHtml.name "viewport", content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"]
, thetitle << docTitle
, styleSheet themes
, thelink ! [ rel "stylesheet", thetype "text/css", href quickJumpCssFile] << noHtml
, thelink ! [ rel "stylesheet", thetype "text/css", href fontUrl] << noHtml
, script ! [src haddockJsFile, emptyAttr "async", thetype "text/javascript"] << noHtml
, script ! [thetype "text/x-mathjax-config"] << primHtml mjConf
, script ! [src mjUrl, thetype "text/javascript"] << noHtml
fontUrl = "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=PT+Sans:400,400i,700"
mjUrl = fromMaybe "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.5/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML" mathjax_url
mjConf = unwords [ "MathJax.Hub.Config({"
, "tex2jax: {"
, "processClass: \"mathjax\","
, "ignoreClass: \".*\""
, "}"
, "});" ]
srcButton :: SourceURLs -> Maybe Interface -> Maybe Html
srcButton (Just src_base_url, _, _, _) Nothing =
Just (anchor ! [href src_base_url] << "Source")
srcButton (_, Just src_module_url, _, _) (Just iface) =
let url = spliceURL (Just $ ifaceOrigFilename iface)
(Just $ ifaceMod iface) Nothing Nothing src_module_url
in Just (anchor ! [href url] << "Source")
srcButton _ _ =
wikiButton :: WikiURLs -> Maybe Module -> Maybe Html
wikiButton (Just wiki_base_url, _, _) Nothing =
Just (anchor ! [href wiki_base_url] << "User Comments")
wikiButton (_, Just wiki_module_url, _) (Just mdl) =
let url = spliceURL Nothing (Just mdl) Nothing Nothing wiki_module_url
in Just (anchor ! [href url] << "User Comments")
wikiButton _ _ =
contentsButton :: Maybe String -> Maybe Html
contentsButton maybe_contents_url
= Just (anchor ! [href url] << "Contents")
where url = fromMaybe contentsHtmlFile maybe_contents_url
indexButton :: Maybe String -> Maybe Html
indexButton maybe_index_url
= Just (anchor ! [href url] << "Index")
where url = fromMaybe indexHtmlFile maybe_index_url
bodyHtml :: String -> Maybe Interface
-> SourceURLs -> WikiURLs
-> Maybe String -> Maybe String
-> Html -> Html
bodyHtml doctitle iface
maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url
pageContent =
body << [
divPackageHeader << [
nonEmptySectionName << doctitle,
unordList (catMaybes [
srcButton maybe_source_url iface,
wikiButton maybe_wiki_url (ifaceMod <$> iface),
contentsButton maybe_contents_url,
indexButton maybe_index_url])
! [theclass "links", identifier "page-menu"]
divContent << pageContent,
divFooter << paragraph << (
"Produced by " +++
(anchor ! [href projectUrl] << toHtml projectName) +++
(" version " ++ projectVersion)
moduleInfo :: Interface -> Html
moduleInfo iface =
info = ifaceInfo iface
doOneEntry :: (String, HaddockModInfo GHC.Name -> Maybe String) -> Maybe HtmlTable
doOneEntry (fieldName, field) =
field info >>= \a -> return (th << fieldName <-> td << a)
entries :: [HtmlTable]
entries = maybeToList copyrightsTable ++ mapMaybe doOneEntry [
("Safe Haskell",hmi_safety),
("Language", lg)
] ++ extsForm
lg inf = fmap show (hmi_language inf)
multilineRow :: String -> [String] -> HtmlTable
multilineRow title xs = (th ! [valign "top"]) << title <-> td << (toLines xs)
where toLines = mconcat . intersperse br . map toHtml
copyrightsTable :: Maybe HtmlTable
copyrightsTable = fmap (multilineRow "Copyright" . split) (hmi_copyright info)
where split = map (trim . filter (/= ',')) . lines
| OptShowExtensions `elem` ifaceOptions iface =
let fs = map (dropOpt . show) (hmi_extensions info)
in case map stringToHtml fs of
[] -> []
[x] -> extField x -- don't use a list for a single extension
xs -> extField $ unordList xs ! [theclass "extension-list"]
| otherwise = []
extField x = return $ th << "Extensions" <-> td << x
dropOpt x = if "Opt_" `isPrefixOf` x then drop 4 x else x
case entries of
[] -> noHtml
_ -> table ! [theclass "info"] << aboves entries
-- * Generate the module contents
:: UnitState
-> FilePath
-> String
-> Maybe String
-> Themes
-> Maybe String
-> Maybe String
-> SourceURLs
-> WikiURLs
-> [InstalledInterface] -> Bool -> Maybe (MDoc GHC.RdrName)
-> Bool
-> Maybe Package -- ^ Current package
-> Qualification -- ^ How to qualify names
-> IO ()
ppHtmlContents state odir doctitle _maybe_package
themes mathjax_url maybe_index_url
maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url ifaces showPkgs prologue debug pkg qual = do
let tree = mkModuleTree state showPkgs
[(instMod iface, toInstalledDescription iface)
| iface <- ifaces
, not (instIsSig iface)]
sig_tree = mkModuleTree state showPkgs
[(instMod iface, toInstalledDescription iface)
| iface <- ifaces
, instIsSig iface]
html =
headHtml doctitle themes mathjax_url +++
bodyHtml doctitle Nothing
maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
Nothing maybe_index_url << [
ppPrologue pkg qual doctitle prologue,
ppSignatureTree pkg qual sig_tree,
ppModuleTree pkg qual tree
createDirectoryIfMissing True odir
writeUtf8File (joinPath [odir, contentsHtmlFile]) (renderToString debug html)
-- Extract a module's short description.
toInstalledDescription :: InstalledInterface -> Maybe (MDoc Name)
toInstalledDescription = fmap mkMeta . hmi_description . instInfo
ppPrologue :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> String -> Maybe (MDoc GHC.RdrName) -> Html
ppPrologue _ _ _ Nothing = noHtml
ppPrologue pkg qual title (Just doc) =
divDescription << (h1 << title +++ docElement thediv (rdrDocToHtml pkg qual doc))
ppSignatureTree :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [ModuleTree] -> Html
ppSignatureTree _ _ [] = mempty
ppSignatureTree pkg qual ts =
divModuleList << (sectionName << "Signatures" +++ mkNodeList pkg qual [] "n" ts)
ppModuleTree :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [ModuleTree] -> Html
ppModuleTree _ _ [] = mempty
ppModuleTree pkg qual ts =
divModuleList << (sectionName << "Modules" +++ mkNodeList pkg qual [] "n" ts)
mkNodeList :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [String] -> String -> [ModuleTree] -> Html
mkNodeList pkg qual ss p ts = case ts of
[] -> noHtml
_ -> unordList (zipWith (mkNode pkg qual ss) ps ts)
ps = [ p ++ '.' : show i | i <- [(1::Int)..]]
mkNode :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [String] -> String -> ModuleTree -> Html
mkNode pkg qual ss p (Node s leaf _pkg srcPkg short ts) =
htmlModule <+> shortDescr +++ htmlPkg +++ subtree
modAttrs = case (ts, leaf) of
(_:_, Nothing) -> collapseControl p "module"
(_, _ ) -> [theclass "module"]
cBtn = case (ts, leaf) of
(_:_, Just _) -> thespan ! collapseControl p "" << spaceHtml
([] , Just _) -> thespan ! [theclass "noexpander"] << spaceHtml
(_, _ ) -> noHtml
-- We only need an explicit collapser button when the module name
-- is also a leaf, and so is a link to a module page. Indeed, the
-- spaceHtml is a minor hack and does upset the layout a fraction.
htmlModule = thespan ! modAttrs << (cBtn +++
case leaf of
Just m -> ppModule m
Nothing -> toHtml s
shortDescr = maybe noHtml (origDocToHtml pkg qual) short
htmlPkg = maybe noHtml (thespan ! [theclass "package"] <<) srcPkg
subtree =
if null ts then noHtml else
collapseDetails p DetailsOpen (
thesummary ! [ theclass "hide-when-js-enabled" ] << "Submodules" +++
mkNodeList pkg qual (s:ss) p ts
-- * Generate the index
ppJsonIndex :: FilePath
-> SourceURLs -- ^ The source URL (--source)
-> WikiURLs -- ^ The wiki URL (--wiki)
-> Bool
-> Maybe Package
-> QualOption
-> [Interface]
-> IO ()
ppJsonIndex odir maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url unicode pkg qual_opt ifaces = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True odir
IO.withBinaryFile (joinPath [odir, indexJsonFile]) IO.WriteMode $ \h -> do
Builder.hPutBuilder h (encodeToBuilder modules)
modules :: Value
modules = Array (concatMap goInterface ifaces)
goInterface :: Interface -> [Value]
goInterface iface =
concatMap (goExport mdl qual) (ifaceRnExportItems iface)
aliases = ifaceModuleAliases iface
qual = makeModuleQual qual_opt aliases mdl
mdl = ifaceMod iface
goExport :: Module -> Qualification -> ExportItem DocNameI -> [Value]
goExport mdl qual item
| Just item_html <- processExport True links_info unicode pkg qual item
= [ Object
[ "display_html" .= String (showHtmlFragment item_html)
, "name" .= String (unwords (map getOccString names))
, "module" .= String (moduleString mdl)
, "link" .= String (fromMaybe "" (listToMaybe (map (nameLink mdl) names)))
| otherwise = []
names = exportName item ++ exportSubs item
exportSubs :: ExportItem DocNameI -> [IdP DocNameI]
exportSubs ExportDecl { expItemSubDocs } = map fst expItemSubDocs
exportSubs _ = []
exportName :: ExportItem DocNameI -> [IdP DocNameI]
exportName ExportDecl { expItemDecl } = getMainDeclBinderI (unLoc expItemDecl)
exportName ExportNoDecl { expItemName } = [expItemName]
exportName _ = []
nameLink :: NamedThing name => Module -> name -> String
nameLink mdl = moduleNameUrl' (moduleName mdl) . nameOccName . getName
links_info = (maybe_source_url, maybe_wiki_url)
ppHtmlIndex :: FilePath
-> String
-> Maybe String
-> Themes
-> Maybe String
-> Maybe String
-> SourceURLs
-> WikiURLs
-> [InstalledInterface]
-> Bool
-> IO ()
ppHtmlIndex odir doctitle _maybe_package themes
maybe_mathjax_url maybe_contents_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url ifaces debug = do
let html = indexPage split_indices Nothing
(if split_indices then [] else index)
createDirectoryIfMissing True odir
when split_indices $ do
mapM_ (do_sub_index index) initialChars
-- Let's add a single large index as well for those who don't know exactly what they're looking for:
let mergedhtml = indexPage False Nothing index
writeUtf8File (joinPath [odir, subIndexHtmlFile merged_name]) (renderToString debug mergedhtml)
writeUtf8File (joinPath [odir, indexHtmlFile]) (renderToString debug html)
indexPage showLetters ch items =
headHtml (doctitle ++ " (" ++ indexName ch ++ ")") themes maybe_mathjax_url +++
bodyHtml doctitle Nothing
maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
maybe_contents_url Nothing << [
if showLetters then indexInitialLetterLinks else noHtml,
if null items then noHtml else
divIndex << [sectionName << indexName ch, buildIndex items]
indexName ch = "Index" ++ maybe "" (\c -> " - " ++ [c]) ch
merged_name = "All"
buildIndex items = table << aboves (map indexElt items)
-- an arbitrary heuristic:
-- too large, and a single-page will be slow to load
-- too small, and we'll have lots of letter-indexes with only one
-- or two members in them, which seems inefficient or
-- unnecessarily hard to use.
split_indices = length index > 150
indexInitialLetterLinks =
divAlphabet <<
unordList (map (\str -> anchor ! [href (subIndexHtmlFile str)] << str) $
[ [c] | c <- initialChars
, any ((==c) . toUpper . head . fst) index ] ++
-- todo: what about names/operators that start with Unicode
-- characters?
-- Exports beginning with '_' can be listed near the end,
-- presumably they're not as important... but would be listed
-- with non-split index!
initialChars = [ 'A'..'Z' ] ++ ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~" ++ "_"
do_sub_index this_ix c
= unless (null index_part) $
writeUtf8File (joinPath [odir, subIndexHtmlFile [c]]) (renderToString debug html)
html = indexPage True (Just c) index_part
index_part = [(n,stuff) | (n,stuff) <- this_ix, toUpper (head n) == c]
index :: [(String, Map GHC.Name [(Module,Bool)])]
index = sortBy cmp (Map.toAscList full_index)
where cmp (n1,_) (n2,_) = comparing (map toUpper) n1 n2
-- for each name (a plain string), we have a number of original HsNames that
-- it can refer to, and for each of those we have a list of modules
-- that export that entity. Each of the modules exports the entity
-- in a visible or invisible way (hence the Bool).
full_index :: Map String (Map GHC.Name [(Module,Bool)])
full_index = Map.fromListWith (flip (Map.unionWith (++)))
(concatMap getIfaceIndex ifaces)
getIfaceIndex iface =
[ (getOccString name
, Map.fromList [(name, [(mdl, name `Set.member` visible)])])
| name <- instExports iface ]
mdl = instMod iface
visible = Set.fromList (instVisibleExports iface)
indexElt :: (String, Map GHC.Name [(Module,Bool)]) -> HtmlTable
indexElt (str, entities) =
case Map.toAscList entities of
[(nm,entries)] ->
td ! [ theclass "src" ] << toHtml str <->
indexLinks nm entries
many_entities ->
td ! [ theclass "src" ] << toHtml str <-> td << spaceHtml </>
aboves (zipWith (curry doAnnotatedEntity) [1..] many_entities)
doAnnotatedEntity :: (Integer, (Name, [(Module, Bool)])) -> HtmlTable
doAnnotatedEntity (j,(nm,entries))
= td ! [ theclass "alt" ] <<
toHtml (show j) <+> parens (ppAnnot (nameOccName nm)) <->
indexLinks nm entries
ppAnnot n | not (isValOcc n) = toHtml "Type/Class"
| isDataOcc n = toHtml "Data Constructor"
| otherwise = toHtml "Function"
indexLinks nm entries =
td ! [ theclass "module" ] <<
hsep (punctuate comma
[ if visible then
linkId mdl (Just nm) << toHtml (moduleString mdl)
toHtml (moduleString mdl)
| (mdl, visible) <- entries ])
-- * Generate the HTML page for a module
:: FilePath -> String -> Themes
-> Maybe String -> SourceURLs -> WikiURLs
-> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Bool -> Maybe Package -> QualOption
-> Bool -> Interface -> IO ()
ppHtmlModule odir doctitle themes
maybe_mathjax_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url unicode pkg qual debug iface = do
mdl = ifaceMod iface
aliases = ifaceModuleAliases iface
mdl_str = moduleString mdl
mdl_str_annot = mdl_str ++ if ifaceIsSig iface
then " (signature)"
else ""
| ifaceIsSig iface
= mdl_str +++ " (signature" +++
sup << ("[" +++ anchor ! [href signatureDocURL] << "?" +++ "]" ) +++
| otherwise
= toHtml mdl_str
real_qual = makeModuleQual qual aliases mdl
html =
headHtml mdl_str_annot themes maybe_mathjax_url +++
bodyHtml doctitle (Just iface)
maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url << [
divModuleHeader << (moduleInfo iface +++ (sectionName << mdl_str_linked)),
ifaceToHtml maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url iface unicode pkg real_qual
createDirectoryIfMissing True odir
writeUtf8File (joinPath [odir, moduleHtmlFile mdl]) (renderToString debug html)
signatureDocURL :: String
signatureDocURL = "https://wiki.haskell.org/Module_signature"
ifaceToHtml :: SourceURLs -> WikiURLs -> Interface -> Bool -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
ifaceToHtml maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url iface unicode pkg qual
= ppModuleContents pkg qual exports (not . null $ ifaceRnOrphanInstances iface) +++
description +++
synopsis +++
divInterface (maybe_doc_hdr +++ bdy +++ orphans)
exports = numberSectionHeadings (ifaceRnExportItems iface)
-- todo: if something has only sub-docs, or fn-args-docs, should
-- it be measured here and thus prevent omitting the synopsis?
has_doc ExportDecl { expItemMbDoc = (Documentation mDoc mWarning, _) } = isJust mDoc || isJust mWarning
has_doc (ExportNoDecl _ _) = False
has_doc (ExportModule _) = False
has_doc _ = True
no_doc_at_all = not (any has_doc exports)
description | isNoHtml doc = doc
| otherwise = divDescription $ sectionName << "Description" +++ doc
where doc = docSection Nothing pkg qual (ifaceRnDoc iface)
-- omit the synopsis if there are no documentation annotations at all
| no_doc_at_all = noHtml
| otherwise
= divSynopsis $
collapseDetails "syn" DetailsClosed (
thesummary << "Synopsis" +++
shortDeclList (
mapMaybe (processExport True linksInfo unicode pkg qual) exports
) ! collapseToggle "syn" ""
-- if the documentation doesn't begin with a section header, then
-- add one ("Documentation").
= case exports of
[] -> noHtml
ExportGroup {} : _ -> noHtml
_ -> h1 << "Documentation"
bdy =
foldr (+++) noHtml $
mapMaybe (processExport False linksInfo unicode pkg qual) exports
orphans =
ppOrphanInstances linksInfo (ifaceRnOrphanInstances iface) False unicode pkg qual
linksInfo = (maybe_source_url, maybe_wiki_url)
ppModuleContents :: Maybe Package -- ^ This package
-> Qualification
-> [ExportItem DocNameI]
-> Bool -- ^ Orphans sections
-> Html
ppModuleContents pkg qual exports orphan
| null sections && not orphan = noHtml
| otherwise = contentsDiv
contentsDiv = divTableOfContents << (divContentsList << (
(sectionName << "Contents") ! [ strAttr "onclick" "window.scrollTo(0,0)" ] +++
unordList (sections ++ orphanSection)))
(sections, _leftovers{-should be []-}) = process 0 exports
| orphan = [ linkedAnchor "section.orphans" << "Orphan instances" ]
| otherwise = []
process :: Int -> [ExportItem DocNameI] -> ([Html],[ExportItem DocNameI])
process _ [] = ([], [])
process n items@(ExportGroup lev id0 doc : rest)
| lev <= n = ( [], items )
| otherwise = ( html:secs, rest2 )
html = linkedAnchor (groupId id0)
<< docToHtmlNoAnchors (Just id0) pkg qual (mkMeta doc) +++ mk_subsections ssecs
(ssecs, rest1) = process lev rest
(secs, rest2) = process n rest1
process n (_ : rest) = process n rest
mk_subsections [] = noHtml
mk_subsections ss = unordList ss
-- we need to assign a unique id to each section heading so we can hyperlink
-- them from the contents:
numberSectionHeadings :: [ExportItem DocNameI] -> [ExportItem DocNameI]
numberSectionHeadings = go 1
where go :: Int -> [ExportItem DocNameI] -> [ExportItem DocNameI]
go _ [] = []
go n (ExportGroup lev _ doc : es)
= case collectAnchors doc of
[] -> ExportGroup lev (show n) doc : go (n+1) es
(a:_) -> ExportGroup lev a doc : go (n+1) es
go n (other:es)
= other : go n es
collectAnchors :: DocH (Wrap (ModuleName, OccName)) (Wrap DocName) -> [String]
collectAnchors (DocAppend a b) = collectAnchors a ++ collectAnchors b
collectAnchors (DocAName a) = [a]
collectAnchors _ = []
processExport :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> Bool -> Maybe Package -> Qualification
-> ExportItem DocNameI -> Maybe Html
processExport _ _ _ _ _ ExportDecl { expItemDecl = L _ (InstD {}) } = Nothing -- Hide empty instances
processExport summary _ _ pkg qual (ExportGroup lev id0 doc)
= nothingIf summary $ groupHeading lev id0 << docToHtmlNoAnchors (Just id0) pkg qual (mkMeta doc)
processExport summary links unicode pkg qual (ExportDecl decl pats doc subdocs insts fixities splice)
= processDecl summary $ ppDecl summary links decl pats doc insts fixities subdocs splice unicode pkg qual
processExport summary _ _ _ qual (ExportNoDecl y [])
= processDeclOneLiner summary $ ppDocName qual Prefix True y
processExport summary _ _ _ qual (ExportNoDecl y subs)
= processDeclOneLiner summary $
ppDocName qual Prefix True y
+++ parenList (map (ppDocName qual Prefix True) subs)
processExport summary _ _ pkg qual (ExportDoc doc)
= nothingIf summary $ docSection_ Nothing pkg qual doc
processExport summary _ _ _ _ (ExportModule mdl)
= processDeclOneLiner summary $ toHtml "module" <+> ppModule mdl
nothingIf :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a
nothingIf True _ = Nothing
nothingIf False a = Just a
processDecl :: Bool -> Html -> Maybe Html
processDecl True = Just
processDecl False = Just . divTopDecl
trim :: String -> String
trim = f . f
where f = reverse . dropWhile isSpace
processDeclOneLiner :: Bool -> Html -> Maybe Html
processDeclOneLiner True = Just
processDeclOneLiner False = Just . divTopDecl . declElem
groupHeading :: Int -> String -> Html -> Html
groupHeading lev id0 = linkedAnchor grpId . groupTag lev ! [identifier grpId]
where grpId = groupId id0
groupTag :: Int -> Html -> Html
groupTag lev
| lev == 1 = h1
| lev == 2 = h2
| lev == 3 = h3
| otherwise = h4