{-# LANGUAGE TransformListComp #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
-- Module : Haddock.Backends.Html.Decl
-- Copyright : (c) Simon Marlow 2003-2006,
-- David Waern 2006-2009,
-- Mark Lentczner 2010
-- License : BSD-like
-- Maintainer : haddock@projects.haskell.org
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : portable
module Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Decl (
) where
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.DocMarkup
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Layout
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Names
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Types
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Utils
import Haddock.GhcUtils
import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.Doc (combineDocumentation)
import Data.List ( intersperse, sort )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Text.XHtml hiding ( name, title, p, quote )
import GHC.Core.Type ( Specificity(..) )
import GHC.Types.Basic (PromotionFlag(..), isPromoted)
import GHC hiding (LexicalFixity(..))
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.Types.Name
import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader ( rdrNameOcc )
-- | Pretty print a declaration
ppDecl :: Bool -- ^ print summary info only
-> LinksInfo -- ^ link information
-> LHsDecl DocNameI -- ^ declaration to print
-> [(HsDecl DocNameI, DocForDecl DocName)] -- ^ relevant pattern synonyms
-> DocForDecl DocName -- ^ documentation for this decl
-> [DocInstance DocNameI] -- ^ relevant instances
-> [(DocName, Fixity)] -- ^ relevant fixities
-> [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)] -- ^ documentation for all decls
-> Splice
-> Unicode -- ^ unicode output
-> Maybe Package
-> Qualification
-> Html
ppDecl summ links (L loc decl) pats (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) instances fixities subdocs splice unicode pkg qual = case decl of
TyClD _ (FamDecl _ d) -> ppFamDecl summ False links instances fixities loc mbDoc d splice unicode pkg qual
TyClD _ d@(DataDecl {}) -> ppDataDecl summ links instances fixities subdocs loc mbDoc d pats splice unicode pkg qual
TyClD _ d@(SynDecl {}) -> ppTySyn summ links fixities loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) d splice unicode pkg qual
TyClD _ d@(ClassDecl {}) -> ppClassDecl summ links instances fixities loc mbDoc subdocs d splice unicode pkg qual
SigD _ (TypeSig _ lnames lty) -> ppLFunSig summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) lnames
(dropWildCards lty) fixities splice unicode pkg qual
SigD _ (PatSynSig _ lnames lty) -> ppLPatSig summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) lnames
lty fixities splice unicode pkg qual
ForD _ d -> ppFor summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) d fixities splice unicode pkg qual
InstD _ _ -> noHtml
DerivD _ _ -> noHtml
_ -> error "declaration not supported by ppDecl"
ppLFunSig :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> DocForDecl DocName ->
[Located DocName] -> LHsSigType DocNameI -> [(DocName, Fixity)] ->
Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
ppLFunSig summary links loc doc lnames lty fixities splice unicode pkg qual =
ppFunSig summary links loc doc (map unLoc lnames) lty fixities
splice unicode pkg qual
ppFunSig :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> DocForDecl DocName ->
[DocName] -> LHsSigType DocNameI -> [(DocName, Fixity)] ->
Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
ppFunSig summary links loc doc docnames typ fixities splice unicode pkg qual =
ppSigLike summary links loc mempty doc docnames fixities (unLoc typ, pp_typ)
splice unicode pkg qual HideEmptyContexts
pp_typ = ppLSigType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts typ
-- | Pretty print a pattern synonym
ppLPatSig :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> DocForDecl DocName
-> [Located DocName] -- ^ names of patterns in declaration
-> LHsSigType DocNameI -- ^ type of patterns in declaration
-> [(DocName, Fixity)]
-> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
ppLPatSig summary links loc doc lnames typ fixities splice unicode pkg qual =
ppSigLike summary links loc (keyword "pattern") doc (map unLoc lnames) fixities
(unLoc typ, pp_typ) splice unicode pkg qual (patSigContext typ)
pp_typ = ppPatSigType unicode qual typ
ppSigLike :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> Html -> DocForDecl DocName ->
[DocName] -> [(DocName, Fixity)] -> (HsSigType DocNameI, Html) ->
Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
ppSigLike summary links loc leader doc docnames fixities (typ, pp_typ)
splice unicode pkg qual emptyCtxts =
ppTypeOrFunSig summary links loc docnames typ doc
( addFixities $ leader <+> ppTypeSig summary occnames pp_typ unicode
, (leader <+>) . addFixities . concatHtml . punctuate comma $ map (ppBinder False) occnames
, dcolon unicode
splice unicode pkg qual emptyCtxts
occnames = map (nameOccName . getName) docnames
addFixities html
| summary = html
| otherwise = html <+> ppFixities fixities qual
ppTypeOrFunSig :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> [DocName] -> HsSigType DocNameI
-> DocForDecl DocName -> (Html, Html, Html)
-> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification
-> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
ppTypeOrFunSig summary links loc docnames typ (doc, argDocs) (pref1, pref2, sep)
splice unicode pkg qual emptyCtxts
| summary = pref1
| Map.null argDocs = topDeclElem links loc splice docnames pref1 +++ docSection curname pkg qual doc
| otherwise = topDeclElem links loc splice docnames pref2
+++ subArguments pkg qual (ppSubSigLike unicode qual typ argDocs [] sep emptyCtxts)
+++ docSection curname pkg qual doc
curname = getName <$> listToMaybe docnames
-- This splits up a type signature along `->` and adds docs (when they exist) to
-- the arguments.
-- If one passes in a list of the available subdocs, any top-level `HsRecTy`
-- found will be expanded out into their fields.
ppSubSigLike :: Unicode -> Qualification
-> HsSigType DocNameI -- ^ type signature
-> FnArgsDoc DocName -- ^ docs to add
-> [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)] -- ^ all subdocs (useful when
-- we expand an `HsRecTy`)
-> Html -> HideEmptyContexts -> [SubDecl]
ppSubSigLike unicode qual typ argDocs subdocs sep emptyCtxts = do_sig_args 0 sep typ
do_sig_args :: Int -> Html -> HsSigType DocNameI -> [SubDecl]
do_sig_args n leader (HsSig { sig_bndrs = outer_bndrs, sig_body = ltype }) =
case outer_bndrs of
HsOuterExplicit{hso_bndrs = bndrs} -> do_largs n (leader' bndrs) ltype
HsOuterImplicit{} -> do_largs n leader ltype
leader' bndrs = leader <+> ppForAll (mkHsForAllInvisTeleI bndrs) unicode qual
argDoc n = Map.lookup n argDocs
do_largs :: Int -> Html -> LHsType DocNameI -> [SubDecl]
do_largs n leader (L _ t) = do_args n leader t
do_args :: Int -> Html -> HsType DocNameI -> [SubDecl]
do_args n leader (HsForAllTy _ tele ltype)
= do_largs n leader' ltype
leader' = leader <+> ppForAll tele unicode qual
do_args n leader (HsQualTy _ lctxt ltype)
| null (unLoc lctxt)
= do_largs n leader ltype
| otherwise
= (leader <+> ppLContextNoArrow lctxt unicode qual emptyCtxts, Nothing, [])
: do_largs n (darrow unicode) ltype
do_args n leader (HsFunTy _ _w (L _ (HsRecTy _ fields)) r)
= [ (ldr <+> html, mdoc, subs)
| (L _ field, ldr) <- zip fields (leader <+> gadtOpen : repeat gadtComma)
, let (html, mdoc, subs) = ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode qual field
++ do_largs (n+1) (gadtEnd <+> arrow unicode) r
do_args n leader (HsFunTy _ _w lt r)
= (leader <+> ppLFunLhType unicode qual emptyCtxts lt, argDoc n, [])
: do_largs (n+1) (arrow unicode) r
do_args n leader t
= [(leader <+> ppType unicode qual emptyCtxts t, argDoc n, [])]
-- FIXME: this should be done more elegantly
-- We need 'gadtComma' and 'gadtEnd' to line up with the `{` from
-- 'gadtOpen', so we add 3 spaces to cover for `-> `/`:: ` (3 in unicode
-- mode since `->` and `::` are rendered as single characters.
gadtComma = concatHtml (replicate (if unicode then 2 else 3) spaceHtml) <> toHtml ","
gadtEnd = concatHtml (replicate (if unicode then 2 else 3) spaceHtml) <> toHtml "}"
gadtOpen = toHtml "{"
ppForAll :: HsForAllTelescope DocNameI -> Unicode -> Qualification
-> Html
ppForAll tele unicode qual = case tele of
HsForAllVis { hsf_vis_bndrs = bndrs } ->
pp_bndrs bndrs (spaceHtml +++ arrow unicode)
HsForAllInvis { hsf_invis_bndrs = bndrs } ->
pp_bndrs bndrs dot
pp_bndrs :: [LHsTyVarBndr flag DocNameI] -> Html -> Html
pp_bndrs tvs forall_separator =
case [pp_ktv n k | L _ (KindedTyVar _ _ (L _ n) k) <- tvs] of
[] -> noHtml
ts -> forallSymbol unicode <+> hsep ts +++ forall_separator
pp_ktv n k = parens $
ppTyName (getName n) <+> dcolon unicode <+> ppLKind unicode qual k
ppFixities :: [(DocName, Fixity)] -> Qualification -> Html
ppFixities [] _ = noHtml
ppFixities fs qual = foldr1 (+++) (map ppFix uniq_fs) +++ rightEdge
ppFix (ns, p, d) = thespan ! [theclass "fixity"] <<
(toHtml d <+> toHtml (show p) <+> ppNames ns)
ppDir InfixR = "infixr"
ppDir InfixL = "infixl"
ppDir InfixN = "infix"
ppNames = case fs of
_:[] -> const noHtml -- Don't display names for fixities on single names
_ -> concatHtml . intersperse (stringToHtml ", ") . map (ppDocName qual Infix False)
uniq_fs = [ (n, the p, the d') | (n, Fixity _ p d) <- fs
, let d' = ppDir d
, then group by Down (p,d') using groupWith ]
rightEdge = thespan ! [theclass "rightedge"] << noHtml
-- | Pretty-print type variables.
ppTyVars :: RenderableBndrFlag flag =>
Unicode -> Qualification -> [LHsTyVarBndr flag DocNameI] -> [Html]
ppTyVars unicode qual tvs = map (ppHsTyVarBndr unicode qual . unLoc) tvs
ppFor :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> DocForDecl DocName
-> ForeignDecl DocNameI -> [(DocName, Fixity)]
-> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
ppFor summary links loc doc (ForeignImport _ (L _ name) typ _) fixities
splice unicode pkg qual
= ppFunSig summary links loc doc [name] typ fixities splice unicode pkg qual
ppFor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "ppFor"
-- we skip type patterns for now
ppTySyn :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> [(DocName, Fixity)] -> SrcSpan
-> DocForDecl DocName -> TyClDecl DocNameI
-> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
ppTySyn summary links fixities loc doc (SynDecl { tcdLName = L _ name, tcdTyVars = ltyvars
, tcdRhs = ltype })
splice unicode pkg qual
= ppTypeOrFunSig summary links loc [name] sig_type doc
(full <+> fixs, hdr <+> fixs, spaceHtml +++ equals)
splice unicode pkg qual ShowEmptyToplevelContexts
sig_type = mkHsImplicitSigTypeI ltype
hdr = hsep ([keyword "type", ppBinder summary occ]
++ ppTyVars unicode qual (hsQTvExplicit ltyvars))
full = hdr <+> equals <+> ppPatSigType unicode qual (noLoc sig_type)
occ = nameOccName . getName $ name
| summary = noHtml
| otherwise = ppFixities fixities qual
ppTySyn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "declaration not supported by ppTySyn"
ppTypeSig :: Bool -> [OccName] -> Html -> Unicode -> Html
ppTypeSig summary nms pp_ty unicode =
concatHtml htmlNames <+> dcolon unicode <+> pp_ty
htmlNames = intersperse (stringToHtml ", ") $ map (ppBinder summary) nms
ppTyName :: Name -> Html
ppTyName = ppName Prefix
ppSimpleSig :: LinksInfo -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> SrcSpan
-> [DocName] -> HsSigType DocNameI
-> Html
ppSimpleSig links splice unicode qual emptyCtxts loc names typ =
topDeclElem' names $ ppTypeSig True occNames ppTyp unicode
topDeclElem' = topDeclElem links loc splice
ppTyp = ppSigType unicode qual emptyCtxts typ
occNames = map getOccName names
-- * Type families
-- | Print a data\/type family declaration
ppFamDecl :: Bool -- ^ is a summary
-> Bool -- ^ is an associated type
-> LinksInfo
-> [DocInstance DocNameI] -- ^ relevant instances
-> [(DocName, Fixity)] -- ^ relevant fixities
-> SrcSpan
-> Documentation DocName -- ^ this decl's documentation
-> FamilyDecl DocNameI -- ^ this decl
-> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
ppFamDecl summary associated links instances fixities loc doc decl splice unicode pkg qual
| summary = ppFamHeader True associated decl unicode qual
| otherwise = header_ +++ docSection curname pkg qual doc +++ instancesBit
docname = unLoc $ fdLName decl
curname = Just $ getName docname
header_ = topDeclElem links loc splice [docname] $
ppFamHeader summary associated decl unicode qual <+> ppFixities fixities qual
| FamilyDecl { fdInfo = ClosedTypeFamily mb_eqns } <- decl
, not summary
= subEquations pkg qual $ map (ppFamDeclEqn . unLoc) $ fromMaybe [] mb_eqns
| otherwise
= ppInstances links (OriginFamily docname) instances splice unicode pkg qual
-- Individual equation of a closed type family
ppFamDeclEqn :: TyFamInstEqn DocNameI -> SubDecl
ppFamDeclEqn (FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L _ n
, feqn_rhs = rhs
, feqn_pats = ts })
= ( ppAppNameTypeArgs n ts unicode qual
<+> equals <+> ppType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts (unLoc rhs)
, Nothing
, []
-- | Print a pseudo family declaration
ppPseudoFamDecl :: LinksInfo -> Splice
-> PseudoFamilyDecl DocNameI -- ^ this decl
-> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
ppPseudoFamDecl links splice
(PseudoFamilyDecl { pfdInfo = info
, pfdKindSig = L _ kindSig
, pfdTyVars = tvs
, pfdLName = L loc name })
unicode qual =
topDeclElem links loc splice [name] leader
leader = hsep [ ppFamilyLeader True info
, ppAppNameTypes name (map unLoc tvs) unicode qual
, ppResultSig kindSig unicode qual
-- | Print the LHS of a type\/data family declaration
ppFamHeader :: Bool -- ^ is a summary
-> Bool -- ^ is an associated type
-> FamilyDecl DocNameI -- ^ family declaration
-> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
ppFamHeader summary associated (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info
, fdResultSig = L _ result
, fdInjectivityAnn = injectivity
, fdLName = L _ name
, fdTyVars = tvs })
unicode qual =
hsep [ ppFamilyLeader associated info
, ppAppDocNameTyVarBndrs summary unicode qual name (hsq_explicit tvs)
, ppResultSig result unicode qual
, injAnn
, whereBit
whereBit = case info of
ClosedTypeFamily _ -> keyword "where ..."
_ -> noHtml
injAnn = case injectivity of
Nothing -> noHtml
Just (L _ (InjectivityAnn lhs rhs)) -> hsep ( keyword "|"
: ppLDocName qual Raw lhs
: arrow unicode
: map (ppLDocName qual Raw) rhs)
-- | Print the keywords that begin the family declaration
ppFamilyLeader :: Bool -> FamilyInfo DocNameI -> Html
ppFamilyLeader assoc info = keyword (typ ++ if assoc then "" else " family")
typ = case info of
OpenTypeFamily -> "type"
ClosedTypeFamily _ -> "type"
DataFamily -> "data"
-- | Print the signature attached to a family
ppResultSig :: FamilyResultSig DocNameI -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
ppResultSig result unicode qual = case result of
NoSig _ -> noHtml
KindSig _ kind -> dcolon unicode <+> ppLKind unicode qual kind
TyVarSig _ (L _ bndr) -> equals <+> ppHsTyVarBndr unicode qual bndr
-- * Associated Types
ppAssocType :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> DocForDecl DocName -> LFamilyDecl DocNameI
-> [(DocName, Fixity)] -> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package
-> Qualification -> Html
ppAssocType summ links doc (L loc decl) fixities splice unicode pkg qual =
ppFamDecl summ True links [] fixities loc (fst doc) decl splice unicode pkg qual
-- * Type applications
ppAppDocNameTyVarBndrs :: RenderableBndrFlag flag =>
Bool -> Unicode -> Qualification -> DocName -> [LHsTyVarBndr flag DocNameI] -> Html
ppAppDocNameTyVarBndrs summ unicode qual n vs =
ppTypeApp n vs ppDN (ppHsTyVarBndr unicode qual . unLoc)
ppDN notation = ppBinderFixity notation summ . nameOccName . getName
ppBinderFixity Infix = ppBinderInfix
ppBinderFixity _ = ppBinder
-- | Print an application of a 'DocName' to its list of 'HsType's
ppAppNameTypes :: DocName -> [HsType DocNameI] -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
ppAppNameTypes n ts unicode qual =
ppTypeApp n ts (\p -> ppDocName qual p True) (ppParendType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts)
ppAppNameTypeArgs :: DocName -> [LHsTypeArg DocNameI] -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
ppAppNameTypeArgs n args@(HsValArg _:HsValArg _:_) u q
= ppTypeApp n args (\p -> ppDocName q p True) (ppLHsTypeArg u q HideEmptyContexts)
ppAppNameTypeArgs n args u q
= (ppDocName q Prefix True n) <+> hsep (map (ppLHsTypeArg u q HideEmptyContexts) args)
-- | General printing of type applications
ppTypeApp :: DocName -> [a] -> (Notation -> DocName -> Html) -> (a -> Html) -> Html
ppTypeApp n (t1:t2:rest) ppDN ppT
| operator, not . null $ rest = parens opApp <+> hsep (map ppT rest)
| operator = opApp
operator = isNameSym . getName $ n
opApp = ppT t1 <+> ppDN Infix n <+> ppT t2
ppTypeApp n ts ppDN ppT = ppDN Prefix n <+> hsep (map ppT ts)
-- * Contexts
ppLContext, ppLContextNoArrow :: Located (HsContext DocNameI) -> Unicode
-> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
ppLContext = ppContext . unLoc
ppLContextNoArrow = ppContextNoArrow . unLoc
ppContextNoArrow :: HsContext DocNameI -> Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
ppContextNoArrow cxt unicode qual emptyCtxts = fromMaybe noHtml $
ppContextNoLocsMaybe (map unLoc cxt) unicode qual emptyCtxts
ppContextNoLocs :: [HsType DocNameI] -> Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
ppContextNoLocs cxt unicode qual emptyCtxts = maybe noHtml (<+> darrow unicode) $
ppContextNoLocsMaybe cxt unicode qual emptyCtxts
ppContextNoLocsMaybe :: [HsType DocNameI] -> Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Maybe Html
ppContextNoLocsMaybe [] _ _ emptyCtxts =
case emptyCtxts of
HideEmptyContexts -> Nothing
ShowEmptyToplevelContexts -> Just (toHtml "()")
ppContextNoLocsMaybe cxt unicode qual _ = Just $ ppHsContext cxt unicode qual
ppContext :: HsContext DocNameI -> Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
ppContext cxt unicode qual emptyCtxts = ppContextNoLocs (map unLoc cxt) unicode qual emptyCtxts
ppHsContext :: [HsType DocNameI] -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
ppHsContext [] _ _ = noHtml
ppHsContext [p] unicode qual = ppCtxType unicode qual p
ppHsContext cxt unicode qual = parenList (map (ppType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts) cxt)
-- * Class declarations
ppClassHdr :: Bool -> Located [LHsType DocNameI] -> DocName
-> LHsQTyVars DocNameI -> [Located ([Located DocName], [Located DocName])]
-> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
ppClassHdr summ lctxt n tvs fds unicode qual =
keyword "class"
<+> (if not . null . unLoc $ lctxt then ppLContext lctxt unicode qual HideEmptyContexts else noHtml)
<+> ppAppDocNameTyVarBndrs summ unicode qual n (hsQTvExplicit tvs)
<+> ppFds fds unicode qual
ppFds :: [Located ([Located DocName], [Located DocName])] -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
ppFds fds unicode qual =
if null fds then noHtml else
char '|' <+> hsep (punctuate comma (map (fundep . unLoc) fds))
fundep (vars1,vars2) = ppVars vars1 <+> arrow unicode <+> ppVars vars2
ppVars = hsep . map ((ppDocName qual Prefix True) . unLoc)
ppShortClassDecl :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> TyClDecl DocNameI -> SrcSpan
-> [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)]
-> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
ppShortClassDecl summary links (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = lctxt, tcdLName = lname, tcdTyVars = tvs
, tcdFDs = fds, tcdSigs = sigs, tcdATs = ats }) loc
subdocs splice unicode pkg qual =
if not (any isUserLSig sigs) && null ats
then (if summary then id else topDeclElem links loc splice [nm]) hdr
else (if summary then id else topDeclElem links loc splice [nm]) (hdr <+> keyword "where")
+++ shortSubDecls False
[ ppAssocType summary links doc at [] splice unicode pkg qual | at <- ats
, let doc = lookupAnySubdoc (unL $ fdLName $ unL at) subdocs ] ++
-- ToDo: add associated type defaults
[ ppFunSig summary links loc doc names typ
[] splice unicode pkg qual
| L _ (ClassOpSig _ False lnames typ) <- sigs
, let doc = lookupAnySubdoc (head names) subdocs
names = map unLoc lnames ]
-- FIXME: is taking just the first name ok? Is it possible that
-- there are different subdocs for different names in a single
-- type signature?
hdr = ppClassHdr summary lctxt (unLoc lname) tvs fds unicode qual
nm = unLoc lname
ppShortClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "declaration type not supported by ppShortClassDecl"
ppClassDecl :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> [DocInstance DocNameI] -> [(DocName, Fixity)]
-> SrcSpan -> Documentation DocName
-> [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)] -> TyClDecl DocNameI
-> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
ppClassDecl summary links instances fixities loc d subdocs
decl@(ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = lctxt, tcdLName = lname, tcdTyVars = ltyvars
, tcdFDs = lfds, tcdSigs = lsigs, tcdATs = ats })
splice unicode pkg qual
| summary = ppShortClassDecl summary links decl loc subdocs splice unicode pkg qual
| otherwise = classheader +++ docSection curname pkg qual d
+++ minimalBit +++ atBit +++ methodBit +++ instancesBit
curname = Just $ getName nm
sigs = map unLoc lsigs
| any isUserLSig lsigs = topDeclElem links loc splice [nm] (hdr unicode qual <+> keyword "where" <+> fixs)
| otherwise = topDeclElem links loc splice [nm] (hdr unicode qual <+> fixs)
-- Only the fixity relevant to the class header
fixs = ppFixities [ f | f@(n,_) <- fixities, n == unLoc lname ] qual
nm = tcdNameI decl
hdr = ppClassHdr summary lctxt (unLoc lname) ltyvars lfds
-- ToDo: add assocatied typ defaults
atBit = subAssociatedTypes [ ppAssocType summary links doc at subfixs splice unicode pkg qual
| at <- ats
, let n = unL . fdLName $ unL at
doc = lookupAnySubdoc (unL $ fdLName $ unL at) subdocs
subfixs = [ f | f@(n',_) <- fixities, n == n' ] ]
methodBit = subMethods [ ppFunSig summary links loc doc [name] typ
subfixs splice unicode pkg qual
| L _ (ClassOpSig _ _ lnames typ) <- lsigs
, name <- map unLoc lnames
, let doc = lookupAnySubdoc name subdocs
subfixs = [ f | f@(n',_) <- fixities
, name == n' ]
-- N.B. taking just the first name is ok. Signatures with multiple names
-- are expanded so that each name gets its own signature.
minimalBit = case [ s | MinimalSig _ _ (L _ s) <- sigs ] of
-- Miminal complete definition = every shown method
And xs : _ | sort [getName n | L _ (Var (L _ n)) <- xs] ==
sort [getName n | ClassOpSig _ _ ns _ <- sigs, L _ n <- ns]
-> noHtml
-- Minimal complete definition = the only shown method
Var (L _ n) : _ | [getName n] ==
[getName n' | L _ (ClassOpSig _ _ ns _) <- lsigs, L _ n' <- ns]
-> noHtml
-- Minimal complete definition = nothing
And [] : _ -> subMinimal $ toHtml "Nothing"
m : _ -> subMinimal $ ppMinimal False m
_ -> noHtml
ppMinimal _ (Var (L _ n)) = ppDocName qual Prefix True n
ppMinimal _ (And fs) = foldr1 (\a b -> a+++", "+++b) $ map (ppMinimal True . unLoc) fs
ppMinimal p (Or fs) = wrap $ foldr1 (\a b -> a+++" | "+++b) $ map (ppMinimal False . unLoc) fs
where wrap | p = parens | otherwise = id
ppMinimal p (Parens x) = ppMinimal p (unLoc x)
instancesBit = ppInstances links (OriginClass nm) instances
splice unicode pkg qual
ppClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "declaration type not supported by ppShortClassDecl"
ppInstances :: LinksInfo
-> InstOrigin DocName -> [DocInstance DocNameI]
-> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification
-> Html
ppInstances links origin instances splice unicode pkg qual
= subInstances pkg qual instName links True (zipWith instDecl [1..] instances)
-- force Splice = True to use line URLs
instName = getOccString origin
instDecl :: Int -> DocInstance DocNameI -> (SubDecl, Maybe Module, Located DocName)
instDecl no (inst, mdoc, loc, mdl) =
((ppInstHead links splice unicode qual mdoc origin False no inst mdl), mdl, loc)
ppOrphanInstances :: LinksInfo
-> [DocInstance DocNameI]
-> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification
-> Html
ppOrphanInstances links instances splice unicode pkg qual
= subOrphanInstances pkg qual links True (zipWith instDecl [1..] instances)
instOrigin :: InstHead name -> InstOrigin (IdP name)
instOrigin inst = OriginClass (ihdClsName inst)
instDecl :: Int -> DocInstance DocNameI -> (SubDecl, Maybe Module, Located DocName)
instDecl no (inst, mdoc, loc, mdl) =
((ppInstHead links splice unicode qual mdoc (instOrigin inst) True no inst Nothing), mdl, loc)
ppInstHead :: LinksInfo -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification
-> Maybe (MDoc DocName)
-> InstOrigin DocName
-> Bool -- ^ Is instance orphan
-> Int -- ^ Normal
-> InstHead DocNameI
-> Maybe Module
-> SubDecl
ppInstHead links splice unicode qual mdoc origin orphan no ihd@(InstHead {..}) mdl =
case ihdInstType of
ClassInst { .. } ->
( subInstHead iid $ ppContextNoLocs clsiCtx unicode qual HideEmptyContexts <+> typ
, mdoc
, [subInstDetails iid ats sigs mname]
sigs = ppInstanceSigs links splice unicode qual clsiSigs
ats = ppInstanceAssocTys links splice unicode qual clsiAssocTys
TypeInst rhs ->
( subInstHead iid ptype
, mdoc
, [subFamInstDetails iid prhs mname]
ptype = keyword "type" <+> typ
prhs = ptype <+> maybe noHtml
(\t -> equals <+> ppType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts t) rhs
DataInst dd ->
( subInstHead iid pdata
, mdoc
, [subFamInstDetails iid pdecl mname])
nd = dd_ND (tcdDataDefn dd)
pref = case nd of { NewType -> keyword "newtype"; DataType -> keyword "data" }
pdata = pref <+> typ
pdecl = pdata <+> ppShortDataDecl False True dd [] unicode qual
mname = maybe noHtml (\m -> toHtml "Defined in" <+> ppModule m) mdl
iid = instanceId origin no orphan ihd
typ = ppAppNameTypes ihdClsName ihdTypes unicode qual
ppInstanceAssocTys :: LinksInfo -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification
-> [PseudoFamilyDecl DocNameI]
-> [Html]
ppInstanceAssocTys links splice unicode qual =
map (\pseudo -> ppPseudoFamDecl links splice pseudo unicode qual)
ppInstanceSigs :: LinksInfo -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification
-> [Sig DocNameI]
-> [Html]
ppInstanceSigs links splice unicode qual sigs = do
TypeSig _ lnames typ <- sigs
let names = map unLoc lnames
L _ rtyp = dropWildCards typ
-- Instance methods signatures are synified and thus don't have a useful
-- SrcSpan value. Use the methods name location instead.
return $ ppSimpleSig links splice unicode qual HideEmptyContexts (getLoc $ head $ lnames) names rtyp
lookupAnySubdoc :: Eq id1 => id1 -> [(id1, DocForDecl id2)] -> DocForDecl id2
lookupAnySubdoc n = fromMaybe noDocForDecl . lookup n
instanceId :: InstOrigin DocName -> Int -> Bool -> InstHead DocNameI -> String
instanceId origin no orphan ihd = concat $
[ "o:" | orphan ] ++
[ qual origin
, ":" ++ getOccString origin
, ":" ++ getOccString (ihdClsName ihd)
, ":" ++ show no
qual (OriginClass _) = "ic"
qual (OriginData _) = "id"
qual (OriginFamily _) = "if"
-- * Data & newtype declarations
-- TODO: print contexts
ppShortDataDecl :: Bool -> Bool -> TyClDecl DocNameI
-> [(HsDecl DocNameI, DocForDecl DocName)]
-> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
ppShortDataDecl summary dataInst dataDecl pats unicode qual
| [] <- cons
, [] <- pats = dataHeader
| [lcon] <- cons, [] <- pats, isH98,
(cHead,cBody,cFoot) <- ppShortConstrParts summary dataInst (unLoc lcon) unicode qual
= (dataHeader <+> equals <+> cHead) +++ cBody +++ cFoot
| [] <- pats, isH98 = dataHeader
+++ shortSubDecls dataInst (zipWith doConstr ('=':repeat '|') cons ++ pats1)
| otherwise = (dataHeader <+> keyword "where")
+++ shortSubDecls dataInst (map doGADTConstr cons ++ pats1)
| dataInst = noHtml
| otherwise = ppDataHeader summary dataDecl unicode qual
doConstr c con = toHtml [c] <+> ppShortConstr summary (unLoc con) unicode qual
doGADTConstr con = ppShortConstr summary (unLoc con) unicode qual
cons = dd_cons (tcdDataDefn dataDecl)
isH98 = case unLoc (head cons) of
ConDeclH98 {} -> True
ConDeclGADT{} -> False
pats1 = [ hsep [ keyword "pattern"
, hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppBinder summary . getOccName) lnames
, dcolon unicode
, ppPatSigType unicode qual typ
| (SigD _ (PatSynSig _ lnames typ),_) <- pats
-- | Pretty-print a data declaration
ppDataDecl :: Bool -> LinksInfo
-> [DocInstance DocNameI] -- ^ relevant instances
-> [(DocName, Fixity)] -- ^ relevant fixities
-> [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)] -- ^ all decl documentation
-> SrcSpan
-> Documentation DocName -- ^ this decl's documentation
-> TyClDecl DocNameI -- ^ this decl
-> [(HsDecl DocNameI, DocForDecl DocName)] -- ^ relevant patterns
-> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
ppDataDecl summary links instances fixities subdocs loc doc dataDecl pats
splice unicode pkg qual
| summary = ppShortDataDecl summary False dataDecl pats unicode qual
| otherwise = header_ +++ docSection curname pkg qual doc +++ constrBit +++ patternBit +++ instancesBit
docname = tcdNameI dataDecl
curname = Just $ getName docname
cons = dd_cons (tcdDataDefn dataDecl)
isH98 = case unLoc (head cons) of
ConDeclH98 {} -> True
ConDeclGADT{} -> False
header_ = topDeclElem links loc splice [docname] $
ppDataHeader summary dataDecl unicode qual <+> whereBit <+> fix
fix = ppFixities (filter (\(n,_) -> n == docname) fixities) qual
| null cons
, null pats = noHtml
| null cons = keyword "where"
| otherwise = if isH98 then noHtml else keyword "where"
constrBit = subConstructors pkg qual
[ ppSideBySideConstr subdocs subfixs unicode pkg qual c
| c <- cons
, let subfixs = filter (\(n,_) -> any (\cn -> cn == n)
(map unLoc (getConNamesI (unLoc c)))) fixities
patternBit = subPatterns pkg qual
[ ppSideBySidePat subfixs unicode qual lnames typ d
| (SigD _ (PatSynSig _ lnames typ), d) <- pats
, let subfixs = filter (\(n,_) -> any (\cn -> cn == n)
(map unLoc lnames)) fixities
instancesBit = ppInstances links (OriginData docname) instances
splice unicode pkg qual
ppShortConstr :: Bool -> ConDecl DocNameI -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
ppShortConstr summary con unicode qual = cHead <+> cBody <+> cFoot
(cHead,cBody,cFoot) = ppShortConstrParts summary False con unicode qual
-- returns three pieces: header, body, footer so that header & footer can be
-- incorporated into the declaration
ppShortConstrParts :: Bool -> Bool -> ConDecl DocNameI -> Unicode -> Qualification -> (Html, Html, Html)
ppShortConstrParts summary dataInst con unicode qual
= case con of
ConDeclH98{ con_args = det
, con_ex_tvs = vars
, con_mb_cxt = cxt
} -> let tyVars = map (getName . hsLTyVarNameI) vars
context = unLoc (fromMaybe (noLoc []) cxt)
forall_ = False
header_ = ppConstrHdr forall_ tyVars context unicode qual
in case det of
-- Prefix constructor, e.g. 'Just a'
PrefixCon args ->
( header_ +++
hsep (ppOcc : map ((ppLParendType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts) . hsScaledThing) args)
, noHtml
, noHtml
-- Record constructor, e.g. 'Identity { runIdentity :: a }'
RecCon (L _ fields) ->
( header_ +++ ppOcc <+> char '{'
, shortSubDecls dataInst [ ppShortField summary unicode qual field
| L _ field <- fields
, char '}'
-- Infix constructor, e.g. 'a :| [a]'
InfixCon arg1 arg2 ->
( header_ +++ hsep [ ppLParendType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts (hsScaledThing arg1)
, ppOccInfix
, ppLParendType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts (hsScaledThing arg2)
, noHtml
, noHtml
-- GADT constructor, e.g. 'Foo :: Int -> Foo'
ConDeclGADT {} ->
( hsep [ ppOcc, dcolon unicode, ppLSigType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts (getGADTConType con) ]
, noHtml
, noHtml
occ = map (nameOccName . getName . unLoc) $ getConNamesI con
ppOcc = hsep (punctuate comma (map (ppBinder summary) occ))
ppOccInfix = hsep (punctuate comma (map (ppBinderInfix summary) occ))
-- | Pretty print an expanded constructor
ppSideBySideConstr :: [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)] -> [(DocName, Fixity)]
-> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification
-> LConDecl DocNameI -- ^ constructor declaration to print
-> SubDecl
ppSideBySideConstr subdocs fixities unicode pkg qual (L _ con)
= ( decl -- Constructor header (name, fixity)
, mbDoc -- Docs on the whole constructor
, fieldPart -- Information on the fields (or arguments, if they have docs)
-- Find the name of a constructors in the decl (`getConName` always returns a non-empty list)
aConName = unLoc (head (getConNamesI con))
fixity = ppFixities fixities qual
occ = map (nameOccName . getName . unLoc) $ getConNamesI con
ppOcc = hsep (punctuate comma (map (ppBinder False) occ))
ppOccInfix = hsep (punctuate comma (map (ppBinderInfix False) occ))
-- Extract out the map of of docs corresponding to the constructors arguments
argDocs = maybe Map.empty snd (lookup aConName subdocs)
hasArgDocs = not $ Map.null argDocs
decl = case con of
ConDeclH98{ con_args = det
, con_ex_tvs = vars
, con_mb_cxt = cxt
} -> let tyVars = map (getName . hsLTyVarNameI) vars
context = unLoc (fromMaybe (noLoc []) cxt)
forall_ = False
header_ = ppConstrHdr forall_ tyVars context unicode qual
in case det of
-- Prefix constructor, e.g. 'Just a'
PrefixCon args
| hasArgDocs -> header_ +++ ppOcc <+> fixity
| otherwise -> hsep [ header_ +++ ppOcc
, hsep (map ((ppLParendType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts) . hsScaledThing) args)
, fixity
-- Record constructor, e.g. 'Identity { runIdentity :: a }'
RecCon _ -> header_ +++ ppOcc <+> fixity
-- Infix constructor, e.g. 'a :| [a]'
InfixCon arg1 arg2
| hasArgDocs -> header_ +++ ppOcc <+> fixity
| otherwise -> hsep [ header_ +++ ppLParendType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts (hsScaledThing arg1)
, ppOccInfix
, ppLParendType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts (hsScaledThing arg2)
, fixity
-- GADT constructor, e.g. 'Foo :: Int -> Foo'
| hasArgDocs || not (null fieldPart) -> ppOcc <+> fixity
| otherwise -> hsep [ ppOcc
, dcolon unicode
-- ++AZ++ make this prepend "{..}" when it is a record style GADT
, ppLSigType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts (getGADTConType con)
, fixity
fieldPart = case con of
ConDeclGADT{con_g_args = con_args'} -> case con_args' of
-- GADT record declarations
RecConGADT _ -> [ doConstrArgsWithDocs [] ]
-- GADT prefix data constructors
PrefixConGADT args | hasArgDocs -> [ doConstrArgsWithDocs args ]
_ -> []
ConDeclH98{con_args = con_args'} -> case con_args' of
-- H98 record declarations
RecCon (L _ fields) -> [ doRecordFields fields ]
-- H98 prefix data constructors
PrefixCon args | hasArgDocs -> [ doConstrArgsWithDocs args ]
-- H98 infix data constructor
InfixCon arg1 arg2 | hasArgDocs -> [ doConstrArgsWithDocs [arg1,arg2] ]
_ -> []
doRecordFields fields = subFields pkg qual
(map (ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode qual) (map unLoc fields))
doConstrArgsWithDocs args = subFields pkg qual $ case con of
ConDeclH98{} ->
[ (ppLParendType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts arg, mdoc, [])
| (i, arg) <- zip [0..] (map hsScaledThing args)
, let mdoc = Map.lookup i argDocs
ConDeclGADT{} ->
ppSubSigLike unicode qual (unLoc (getGADTConType con))
argDocs subdocs (dcolon unicode) HideEmptyContexts
-- don't use "con_doc con", in case it's reconstructed from a .hi file,
-- or also because we want Haddock to do the doc-parsing, not GHC.
mbDoc = lookup (unLoc $ head $ getConNamesI con) subdocs >>=
combineDocumentation . fst
-- ppConstrHdr is for (non-GADT) existentials constructors' syntax
ppConstrHdr :: Bool -- ^ print explicit foralls
-> [Name] -- ^ type variables
-> HsContext DocNameI -- ^ context
-> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
ppConstrHdr forall_ tvs ctxt unicode qual = ppForall +++ ppCtxt
| null tvs || not forall_ = noHtml
| otherwise = forallSymbol unicode
<+> hsep (map (ppName Prefix) tvs)
<+> toHtml ". "
| null ctxt = noHtml
| otherwise = ppContextNoArrow ctxt unicode qual HideEmptyContexts
<+> darrow unicode +++ toHtml " "
-- | Pretty-print a record field
ppSideBySideField :: [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)] -> Unicode -> Qualification
-> ConDeclField DocNameI -> SubDecl
ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode qual (ConDeclField _ names ltype _) =
( hsep (punctuate comma [ ppBinder False (rdrNameOcc field)
| L _ name <- names
, let field = (unLoc . rdrNameFieldOcc) name
<+> dcolon unicode
<+> ppLType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts ltype
, mbDoc
, []
-- don't use cd_fld_doc for same reason we don't use con_doc above
-- Where there is more than one name, they all have the same documentation
mbDoc = lookup (extFieldOcc $ unLoc $ head names) subdocs >>= combineDocumentation . fst
ppShortField :: Bool -> Unicode -> Qualification -> ConDeclField DocNameI -> Html
ppShortField summary unicode qual (ConDeclField _ names ltype _)
= hsep (punctuate comma (map ((ppBinder summary) . rdrNameOcc . unLoc . rdrNameFieldOcc . unLoc) names))
<+> dcolon unicode <+> ppLType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts ltype
-- | Pretty print an expanded pattern (for bundled patterns)
ppSideBySidePat :: [(DocName, Fixity)] -> Unicode -> Qualification
-> [Located DocName] -- ^ pattern name(s)
-> LHsSigType DocNameI -- ^ type of pattern(s)
-> DocForDecl DocName -- ^ doc map
-> SubDecl
ppSideBySidePat fixities unicode qual lnames typ (doc, argDocs) =
( decl
, combineDocumentation doc
, fieldPart
hasArgDocs = not $ Map.null argDocs
fixity = ppFixities fixities qual
ppOcc = hsep (punctuate comma (map (ppBinder False . getOccName) lnames))
decl | hasArgDocs = keyword "pattern" <+> ppOcc <+> fixity
| otherwise = hsep [ keyword "pattern"
, ppOcc
, dcolon unicode
, ppPatSigType unicode qual typ
, fixity
| not hasArgDocs = []
| otherwise = [ subFields Nothing qual (ppSubSigLike unicode qual (unLoc typ)
argDocs [] (dcolon unicode)
emptyCtxt) ]
emptyCtxt = patSigContext typ
-- | Print the LHS of a data\/newtype declaration.
-- Currently doesn't handle 'data instance' decls or kind signatures
ppDataHeader :: Bool -> TyClDecl DocNameI -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
ppDataHeader summary (DataDecl { tcdDataDefn =
HsDataDefn { dd_ND = nd
, dd_ctxt = ctxt
, dd_kindSig = ks }
, tcdLName = L _ name
, tcdTyVars = tvs })
unicode qual
= -- newtype or data
(case nd of { NewType -> keyword "newtype"; DataType -> keyword "data" })
-- context
ppLContext ctxt unicode qual HideEmptyContexts <+>
-- T a b c ..., or a :+: b
ppAppDocNameTyVarBndrs summary unicode qual name (hsQTvExplicit tvs)
<+> case ks of
Nothing -> mempty
Just (L _ x) -> dcolon unicode <+> ppKind unicode qual x
ppDataHeader _ _ _ _ = error "ppDataHeader: illegal argument"
-- * Types and contexts
ppBang :: HsSrcBang -> Html
ppBang (HsSrcBang _ _ SrcStrict) = toHtml "!"
ppBang (HsSrcBang _ _ SrcLazy) = toHtml "~"
ppBang _ = noHtml
tupleParens :: HsTupleSort -> [Html] -> Html
tupleParens HsUnboxedTuple = ubxParenList
tupleParens _ = parenList
sumParens :: [Html] -> Html
sumParens = ubxSumList
-- * Rendering of HsType
ppLType, ppLParendType, ppLFunLhType :: Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Located (HsType DocNameI) -> Html
ppLType unicode qual emptyCtxts y = ppType unicode qual emptyCtxts (unLoc y)
ppLParendType unicode qual emptyCtxts y = ppParendType unicode qual emptyCtxts (unLoc y)
ppLFunLhType unicode qual emptyCtxts y = ppFunLhType unicode qual emptyCtxts (unLoc y)
ppLSigType :: Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> LHsSigType DocNameI -> Html
ppLSigType unicode qual emptyCtxts y = ppSigType unicode qual emptyCtxts (unLoc y)
ppCtxType :: Unicode -> Qualification -> HsType DocNameI -> Html
ppCtxType unicode qual ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_CTX ty) unicode qual HideEmptyContexts
ppType, ppParendType, ppFunLhType :: Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> HsType DocNameI -> Html
ppType unicode qual emptyCtxts ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_TOP ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
ppParendType unicode qual emptyCtxts ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_CON ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
ppFunLhType unicode qual emptyCtxts ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_FUN ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
ppSigType :: Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> HsSigType DocNameI -> Html
ppSigType unicode qual emptyCtxts sig_ty = ppr_sig_ty (reparenSigType sig_ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
ppLHsTypeArg :: Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> LHsTypeArg DocNameI -> Html
ppLHsTypeArg unicode qual emptyCtxts (HsValArg ty) = ppLParendType unicode qual emptyCtxts ty
ppLHsTypeArg unicode qual emptyCtxts (HsTypeArg _ ki) = atSign unicode <>
ppLParendType unicode qual emptyCtxts ki
ppLHsTypeArg _ _ _ (HsArgPar _) = toHtml ""
class RenderableBndrFlag flag where
ppHsTyVarBndr :: Unicode -> Qualification -> HsTyVarBndr flag DocNameI -> Html
instance RenderableBndrFlag () where
ppHsTyVarBndr _ qual (UserTyVar _ _ (L _ name)) =
ppDocName qual Raw False name
ppHsTyVarBndr unicode qual (KindedTyVar _ _ name kind) =
parens (ppDocName qual Raw False (unLoc name) <+> dcolon unicode <+>
ppLKind unicode qual kind)
instance RenderableBndrFlag Specificity where
ppHsTyVarBndr _ qual (UserTyVar _ SpecifiedSpec (L _ name)) =
ppDocName qual Raw False name
ppHsTyVarBndr _ qual (UserTyVar _ InferredSpec (L _ name)) =
braces $ ppDocName qual Raw False name
ppHsTyVarBndr unicode qual (KindedTyVar _ SpecifiedSpec name kind) =
parens (ppDocName qual Raw False (unLoc name) <+> dcolon unicode <+>
ppLKind unicode qual kind)
ppHsTyVarBndr unicode qual (KindedTyVar _ InferredSpec name kind) =
braces (ppDocName qual Raw False (unLoc name) <+> dcolon unicode <+>
ppLKind unicode qual kind)
ppLKind :: Unicode -> Qualification -> LHsKind DocNameI -> Html
ppLKind unicode qual y = ppKind unicode qual (unLoc y)
ppKind :: Unicode -> Qualification -> HsKind DocNameI -> Html
ppKind unicode qual ki = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_TOP ki) unicode qual HideEmptyContexts
patSigContext :: LHsSigType DocNameI -> HideEmptyContexts
patSigContext sig_typ | hasNonEmptyContext typ && isFirstContextEmpty typ = ShowEmptyToplevelContexts
| otherwise = HideEmptyContexts
typ = sig_body (unLoc sig_typ)
hasNonEmptyContext t =
case unLoc t of
HsForAllTy _ _ s -> hasNonEmptyContext s
HsQualTy _ cxt s -> if null (unLoc cxt) then hasNonEmptyContext s else True
HsFunTy _ _ _ s -> hasNonEmptyContext s
_ -> False
isFirstContextEmpty t =
case unLoc t of
HsForAllTy _ _ s -> isFirstContextEmpty s
HsQualTy _ cxt _ -> null (unLoc cxt)
HsFunTy _ _ _ s -> isFirstContextEmpty s
_ -> False
-- | Pretty-print a pattern signature (all this does over 'ppLType' is slot in
-- the right 'HideEmptyContext' value)
ppPatSigType :: Unicode -> Qualification -> LHsSigType DocNameI -> Html
ppPatSigType unicode qual typ =
let emptyCtxts = patSigContext typ in ppLSigType unicode qual emptyCtxts typ
ppHsOuterTyVarBndrs :: RenderableBndrFlag flag
=> Unicode -> Qualification -> HsOuterTyVarBndrs flag DocNameI -> Html
ppHsOuterTyVarBndrs unicode qual outer_bndrs = case outer_bndrs of
HsOuterImplicit{} -> noHtml
HsOuterExplicit{hso_bndrs = bndrs} ->
hsep (forallSymbol unicode : ppTyVars unicode qual bndrs) +++ dot
ppForAllPart :: Unicode -> Qualification -> HsForAllTelescope DocNameI -> Html
ppForAllPart unicode qual tele = case tele of
HsForAllVis { hsf_vis_bndrs = bndrs } ->
hsep (forallSymbol unicode : ppTyVars unicode qual bndrs) +++
spaceHtml +++ arrow unicode
HsForAllInvis { hsf_invis_bndrs = bndrs } ->
hsep (forallSymbol unicode : ppTyVars unicode qual bndrs) +++ dot
ppr_sig_ty :: HsSigType DocNameI -> Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
ppr_sig_ty (HsSig { sig_bndrs = outer_bndrs, sig_body = ltype }) unicode qual emptyCtxts
= ppHsOuterTyVarBndrs unicode qual outer_bndrs <+> ppr_mono_lty ltype unicode qual emptyCtxts
ppr_mono_lty :: LHsType DocNameI -> Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
ppr_mono_lty ty = ppr_mono_ty (unLoc ty)
ppr_mono_ty :: HsType DocNameI -> Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
ppr_mono_ty (HsForAllTy _ tele ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
= ppForAllPart unicode qual tele <+> ppr_mono_lty ty unicode qual emptyCtxts
ppr_mono_ty (HsQualTy _ ctxt ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
= ppLContext ctxt unicode qual emptyCtxts <+> ppr_mono_lty ty unicode qual emptyCtxts
-- UnicodeSyntax alternatives
ppr_mono_ty (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ name)) True _ _
| getOccString (getName name) == "(->)" = toHtml "(→)"
ppr_mono_ty (HsBangTy _ b ty) u q _ =
ppBang b +++ ppLParendType u q HideEmptyContexts ty
ppr_mono_ty (HsTyVar _ prom (L _ name)) _ q _
| isPromoted prom = promoQuote (ppDocName q Prefix True name)
| otherwise = ppDocName q Prefix True name
ppr_mono_ty (HsStarTy _ isUni) u _ _ =
toHtml (if u || isUni then "★" else "*")
ppr_mono_ty (HsFunTy _ _ ty1 ty2) u q e =
hsep [ ppr_mono_lty ty1 u q HideEmptyContexts
, arrow u <+> ppr_mono_lty ty2 u q e
ppr_mono_ty (HsTupleTy _ con tys) u q _ =
tupleParens con (map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys)
ppr_mono_ty (HsSumTy _ tys) u q _ =
sumParens (map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys)
ppr_mono_ty (HsKindSig _ ty kind) u q e =
parens (ppr_mono_lty ty u q e <+> dcolon u <+> ppLKind u q kind)
ppr_mono_ty (HsListTy _ ty) u q _ = brackets (ppr_mono_lty ty u q HideEmptyContexts)
ppr_mono_ty (HsIParamTy _ (L _ n) ty) u q _ =
ppIPName n <+> dcolon u <+> ppr_mono_lty ty u q HideEmptyContexts
ppr_mono_ty (HsSpliceTy {}) _ _ _ = error "ppr_mono_ty HsSpliceTy"
ppr_mono_ty (HsRecTy {}) _ _ _ = toHtml "{..}"
-- Can now legally occur in ConDeclGADT, the output here is to provide a
-- placeholder in the signature, which is followed by the field
-- declarations.
ppr_mono_ty (XHsType (NHsCoreTy {})) _ _ _ = error "ppr_mono_ty HsCoreTy"
ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitListTy _ IsPromoted tys) u q _ = promoQuote $ brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys
ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitListTy _ NotPromoted tys) u q _ = brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys
ppr_mono_ty (HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys) u q _ = promoQuote $ parenList $ map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys
ppr_mono_ty (HsAppTy _ fun_ty arg_ty) unicode qual _
= hsep [ ppr_mono_lty fun_ty unicode qual HideEmptyContexts
, ppr_mono_lty arg_ty unicode qual HideEmptyContexts ]
ppr_mono_ty (HsAppKindTy _ fun_ty arg_ki) unicode qual _
= hsep [ppr_mono_lty fun_ty unicode qual HideEmptyContexts
, atSign unicode <> ppr_mono_lty arg_ki unicode qual HideEmptyContexts]
ppr_mono_ty (HsOpTy _ ty1 op ty2) unicode qual _
= ppr_mono_lty ty1 unicode qual HideEmptyContexts <+> ppr_op <+> ppr_mono_lty ty2 unicode qual HideEmptyContexts
-- `(:)` is valid in type signature only as constructor to promoted list
-- and needs to be quoted in code so we explicitly quote it here too.
| (getOccString . getName . unLoc) op == ":" = promoQuote ppr_op'
| otherwise = ppr_op'
ppr_op' = ppLDocName qual Infix op
ppr_mono_ty (HsParTy _ ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
= parens (ppr_mono_lty ty unicode qual emptyCtxts)
-- = parens (ppr_mono_lty ctxt_prec ty unicode qual emptyCtxts)
ppr_mono_ty (HsDocTy _ ty _) unicode qual emptyCtxts
= ppr_mono_lty ty unicode qual emptyCtxts
ppr_mono_ty (HsWildCardTy _) _ _ _ = char '_'
ppr_mono_ty (HsTyLit _ n) _ _ _ = ppr_tylit n
ppr_tylit :: HsTyLit -> Html
ppr_tylit (HsNumTy _ n) = toHtml (show n)
ppr_tylit (HsStrTy _ s) = toHtml (show s)