{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
-- |
-- Module : Haddock.GhcUtils
-- Copyright : (c) David Waern 2006-2009
-- License : BSD-like
-- Maintainer : haddock@projects.haskell.org
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Utils for dealing with types from the GHC API
module Haddock.GhcUtils where
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Function
import Exception
import Outputable
import Name
import Lexeme
import Module
import RdrName (GlobalRdrEnv)
import GhcMonad (withSession)
import HscTypes
import UniqFM
import GHC
import Class
moduleString :: Module -> String
moduleString = moduleNameString . moduleName
isNameSym :: Name -> Bool
isNameSym = isSymOcc . nameOccName
isVarSym :: OccName -> Bool
isVarSym = isLexVarSym . occNameFS
isConSym :: OccName -> Bool
isConSym = isLexConSym . occNameFS
getMainDeclBinder :: HsDecl name -> [name]
getMainDeclBinder (TyClD d) = [tcdName d]
getMainDeclBinder (ValD d) =
case collectHsBindBinders d of
[] -> []
(name:_) -> [name]
getMainDeclBinder (SigD d) = sigNameNoLoc d
getMainDeclBinder (ForD (ForeignImport name _ _ _)) = [unLoc name]
getMainDeclBinder (ForD (ForeignExport _ _ _ _)) = []
getMainDeclBinder _ = []
-- Extract the source location where an instance is defined. This is used
-- to correlate InstDecls with their Instance/CoAxiom Names, via the
-- instanceMap.
getInstLoc :: InstDecl name -> SrcSpan
getInstLoc (ClsInstD (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = ty })) = getLoc (hsSigType ty)
getInstLoc (DataFamInstD (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_tycon = L l _ })) = l
getInstLoc (TyFamInstD (TyFamInstDecl
-- Since CoAxioms' Names refer to the whole line for type family instances
-- in particular, we need to dig a bit deeper to pull out the entire
-- equation. This does not happen for data family instances, for some reason.
{ tfid_eqn = L _ (TyFamEqn { tfe_rhs = L l _ })})) = l
-- Useful when there is a signature with multiple names, e.g.
-- foo, bar :: Types..
-- but only one of the names is exported and we have to change the
-- type signature to only include the exported names.
filterLSigNames :: (name -> Bool) -> LSig name -> Maybe (LSig name)
filterLSigNames p (L loc sig) = L loc <$> (filterSigNames p sig)
filterSigNames :: (name -> Bool) -> Sig name -> Maybe (Sig name)
filterSigNames p orig@(SpecSig n _ _) = ifTrueJust (p $ unLoc n) orig
filterSigNames p orig@(InlineSig n _) = ifTrueJust (p $ unLoc n) orig
filterSigNames p (FixSig (FixitySig ns ty)) =
case filter (p . unLoc) ns of
[] -> Nothing
filtered -> Just (FixSig (FixitySig filtered ty))
filterSigNames _ orig@(MinimalSig _ _) = Just orig
filterSigNames p (TypeSig ns ty) =
case filter (p . unLoc) ns of
[] -> Nothing
filtered -> Just (TypeSig filtered ty)
filterSigNames p (ClassOpSig is_default ns ty) =
case filter (p . unLoc) ns of
[] -> Nothing
filtered -> Just (ClassOpSig is_default filtered ty)
filterSigNames _ _ = Nothing
ifTrueJust :: Bool -> name -> Maybe name
ifTrueJust True = Just
ifTrueJust False = const Nothing
sigName :: LSig name -> [name]
sigName (L _ sig) = sigNameNoLoc sig
sigNameNoLoc :: Sig name -> [name]
sigNameNoLoc (TypeSig ns _) = map unLoc ns
sigNameNoLoc (ClassOpSig _ ns _) = map unLoc ns
sigNameNoLoc (PatSynSig n _) = [unLoc n]
sigNameNoLoc (SpecSig n _ _) = [unLoc n]
sigNameNoLoc (InlineSig n _) = [unLoc n]
sigNameNoLoc (FixSig (FixitySig ns _)) = map unLoc ns
sigNameNoLoc _ = []
-- | Was this signature given by the user?
isUserLSig :: LSig name -> Bool
isUserLSig (L _(TypeSig {})) = True
isUserLSig (L _(ClassOpSig {})) = True
isUserLSig _ = False
isClassD :: HsDecl a -> Bool
isClassD (TyClD d) = isClassDecl d
isClassD _ = False
isValD :: HsDecl a -> Bool
isValD (ValD _) = True
isValD _ = False
declATs :: HsDecl a -> [a]
declATs (TyClD d) | isClassDecl d = map (unL . fdLName . unL) $ tcdATs d
declATs _ = []
pretty :: Outputable a => DynFlags -> a -> String
pretty = showPpr
-- * Located
unL :: Located a -> a
unL (L _ x) = x
reL :: a -> Located a
reL = L undefined
-- * NamedThing instances
instance NamedThing (TyClDecl Name) where
getName = tcdName
-- * Subordinates
class Parent a where
children :: a -> [Name]
instance Parent (ConDecl Name) where
children con =
case getConDetails con of
RecCon fields -> map (selectorFieldOcc . unL) $
concatMap (cd_fld_names . unL) (unL fields)
_ -> []
instance Parent (TyClDecl Name) where
children d
| isDataDecl d = map unL $ concatMap (getConNames . unL)
$ (dd_cons . tcdDataDefn) $ d
| isClassDecl d =
map (unL . fdLName . unL) (tcdATs d) ++
[ unL n | L _ (TypeSig ns _) <- tcdSigs d, n <- ns ]
| otherwise = []
-- | A parent and its children
family :: (NamedThing a, Parent a) => a -> (Name, [Name])
family = getName &&& children
familyConDecl :: ConDecl Name -> [(Name, [Name])]
familyConDecl d = zip (map unL (getConNames d)) (repeat $ children d)
-- | A mapping from the parent (main-binder) to its children and from each
-- child to its grand-children, recursively.
families :: TyClDecl Name -> [(Name, [Name])]
families d
| isDataDecl d = family d : concatMap (familyConDecl . unL) (dd_cons (tcdDataDefn d))
| isClassDecl d = [family d]
| otherwise = []
-- | A mapping from child to parent
parentMap :: TyClDecl Name -> [(Name, Name)]
parentMap d = [ (c, p) | (p, cs) <- families d, c <- cs ]
-- | The parents of a subordinate in a declaration
parents :: Name -> HsDecl Name -> [Name]
parents n (TyClD d) = [ p | (c, p) <- parentMap d, c == n ]
parents _ _ = []
-- * Utils that work in monads defined by GHC
modifySessionDynFlags :: (DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> Ghc ()
modifySessionDynFlags f = do
dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
_ <- setSessionDynFlags (f dflags)
return ()
-- | A variant of 'gbracket' where the return value from the first computation
-- is not required.
gbracket_ :: ExceptionMonad m => m a -> m b -> m c -> m c
gbracket_ before_ after thing = gbracket before_ (const after) (const thing)
-- Extract the minimal complete definition of a Name, if one exists
minimalDef :: GhcMonad m => Name -> m (Maybe ClassMinimalDef)
minimalDef n = do
mty <- lookupGlobalName n
case mty of
Just (ATyCon (tyConClass_maybe -> Just c)) -> return . Just $ classMinimalDef c
_ -> return Nothing
-- * DynFlags
setObjectDir, setHiDir, setStubDir, setOutputDir :: String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags
setObjectDir f d = d{ objectDir = Just f}
setHiDir f d = d{ hiDir = Just f}
setStubDir f d = d{ stubDir = Just f, includePaths = f : includePaths d }
-- -stubdir D adds an implicit -I D, so that gcc can find the _stub.h file
-- \#included from the .hc file when compiling with -fvia-C.
setOutputDir f = setObjectDir f . setHiDir f . setStubDir f