{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
-- |
-- Module : Haddock.Interface.ParseModuleHeader
-- Copyright : (c) Simon Marlow 2006, Isaac Dupree 2009
-- License : BSD-like
-- Maintainer : haddock@projects.haskell.org
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : portable
module Haddock.Interface.ParseModuleHeader (parseModuleHeader) where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
import Control.Monad (ap)
import Data.Char
import GHC.Driver.Session
import Haddock.Parser
import Haddock.Types
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Parsing module headers
-- NB. The headers must be given in the order Module, Description,
-- Copyright, License, Maintainer, Stability, Portability, except that
-- any or all may be omitted.
parseModuleHeader :: DynFlags -> Maybe Package -> String -> (HaddockModInfo NsRdrName, MDoc NsRdrName)
parseModuleHeader dflags pkgName str0 =
kvs :: [(String, String)]
str1 :: String
(kvs, str1) = maybe ([], str0) id $ runP fields str0
-- trim whitespaces
trim :: String -> String
trim = dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse
getKey :: String -> Maybe String
getKey key = fmap trim (lookup key kvs)
descriptionOpt = getKey "Description"
copyrightOpt = getKey "Copyright"
licenseOpt = getKey "License"
licenceOpt = getKey "Licence"
spdxLicenceOpt = getKey "SPDX-License-Identifier"
maintainerOpt = getKey "Maintainer"
stabilityOpt = getKey "Stability"
portabilityOpt = getKey "Portability"
in (HaddockModInfo {
hmi_description = parseString dflags <$> descriptionOpt,
hmi_copyright = copyrightOpt,
hmi_license = spdxLicenceOpt <|> licenseOpt <|> licenceOpt,
hmi_maintainer = maintainerOpt,
hmi_stability = stabilityOpt,
hmi_portability = portabilityOpt,
hmi_safety = Nothing,
hmi_language = Nothing, -- set in LexParseRn
hmi_extensions = [] -- also set in LexParseRn
}, parseParas dflags pkgName str1)
-- Small parser to parse module header.
-- | The below is a small parser framework how we read keys.
-- all fields in the header are optional and have the form
-- [spaces1][field name][spaces] ":"
-- [text]"\n" ([spaces2][space][text]"\n" | [spaces]"\n")*
-- where each [spaces2] should have [spaces1] as a prefix.
-- Thus for the key "Description",
-- > Description : this is a
-- > rather long
-- >
-- > description
-- >
-- > The module comment starts here
-- the value will be "this is a .. description" and the rest will begin
-- at "The module comment".
-- | 'C' is a 'Char' carrying its column.
-- This let us make an indentation-aware parser, as we know current indentation.
-- by looking at the next character in the stream ('curInd').
-- Thus we can munch all spaces but only not-spaces which are indented.
data C = C {-# UNPACK #-} !Int Char
newtype P a = P { unP :: [C] -> Maybe ([C], a) }
deriving Functor
instance Applicative P where
pure x = P $ \s -> Just (s, x)
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad P where
return = pure
m >>= k = P $ \s0 -> do
(s1, x) <- unP m s0
unP (k x) s1
instance Alternative P where
empty = P $ \_ -> Nothing
a <|> b = P $ \s -> unP a s <|> unP b s
runP :: P a -> String -> Maybe a
runP p input = fmap snd (unP p input')
input' = concat
[ zipWith C [0..] l ++ [C (length l) '\n']
| l <- lines input
curInd :: P Int
curInd = P $ \s -> Just . (,) s $ case s of
[] -> 0
C i _ : _ -> i
rest :: P String
rest = P $ \cs -> Just ([], [ c | C _ c <- cs ])
munch :: (Int -> Char -> Bool) -> P String
munch p = P $ \cs ->
let (xs,ys) = takeWhileMaybe p' cs in Just (ys, xs)
p' (C i c)
| p i c = Just c
| otherwise = Nothing
munch1 :: (Int -> Char -> Bool) -> P String
munch1 p = P $ \s -> case s of
[] -> Nothing
(c:cs) | Just c' <- p' c -> let (xs,ys) = takeWhileMaybe p' cs in Just (ys, c' : xs)
| otherwise -> Nothing
p' (C i c)
| p i c = Just c
| otherwise = Nothing
char :: Char -> P Char
char c = P $ \s -> case s of
[] -> Nothing
(C _ c' : cs) | c == c' -> Just (cs, c)
| otherwise -> Nothing
skipSpaces :: P ()
skipSpaces = P $ \cs -> Just (dropWhile (\(C _ c) -> isSpace c) cs, ())
takeWhileMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> ([b], [a])
takeWhileMaybe f = go where
go xs0@[] = ([], xs0)
go xs0@(x:xs) = case f x of
Just y -> let (ys, zs) = go xs in (y : ys, zs)
Nothing -> ([], xs0)
-- Fields
field :: Int -> P (String, String)
field i = do
fn <- munch1 $ \_ c -> isAlpha c || c == '-'
_ <- char ':'
val <- munch $ \j c -> isSpace c || j > i
return (fn, val)
fields :: P ([(String, String)], String)
fields = do
i <- curInd
fs <- many (field i)
r <- rest
return (fs, r)