path: root/haddock-test/src/Test/Haddock.hs
blob: 25c64cfe9a72f562ecb4b6185be67a72c8e91992 (plain) (tree)

















{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Test.Haddock
    ( module Test.Haddock.Config
    , runAndCheck, runHaddock, checkFiles
    ) where

import Control.Monad

import Data.Maybe

import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.Process
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS

import Test.Haddock.Config
import Test.Haddock.Process
import Test.Haddock.Utils

data CheckResult
    = Fail
    | Pass
    | NoRef
    | Error String
    | Accepted
    deriving Eq

runAndCheck :: Config c -> IO ()
runAndCheck cfg = do
    crashed <- runHaddock cfg
    checkFiles cfg crashed

checkFiles :: Config c -> Bool -> IO ()
checkFiles cfg@(Config { .. }) somethingCrashed = do
    putStrLn "Testing output files..."

    files <- ignore <$> getDirectoryTree (cfgOutDir cfg)
    failed <- liftM catMaybes . forM files $ \file -> do
        putStr $ "Checking \"" ++ file ++ "\"... "

        status <- maybeAcceptFile cfg file =<< checkFile cfg file
        case status of
            Fail -> putStrLn "FAIL" >> (return $ Just file)
            Pass -> putStrLn "PASS" >> (return Nothing)
            NoRef -> putStrLn "PASS [no .ref]" >> (return Nothing)
            Error msg -> putStrLn ("ERROR (" ++ msg ++ ")") >> return Nothing
            Accepted -> putStrLn "ACCEPTED" >> return Nothing

    if (null failed && not somethingCrashed)
      then do
          putStrLn "All tests passed!"
      else do
          unless (null failed) $ maybeDiff cfg failed
          when somethingCrashed $ putStrLn "Some tests crashed."
    ignore = filter (not . dcfgCheckIgnore cfgDirConfig)

maybeDiff :: Config c -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
maybeDiff (Config { cfgDiffTool = Nothing }) _ = pure ()
maybeDiff cfg@(Config { cfgDiffTool = (Just diff) }) files = do
    putStrLn "Diffing failed cases..."
    forM_ files $ diffFile cfg diff

-- | Runs Haddock on all of the test packages, and returns whether 'True' if
-- any of them caused Haddock to crash.
runHaddock :: Config c -> IO Bool
runHaddock cfg@(Config { .. }) = do
    createEmptyDirectory $ cfgOutDir cfg

    putStrLn "Generating documentation..."
    successes <- forM cfgPackages $ \tpkg -> do
        haddockStdOut <- openFile cfgHaddockStdOut WriteMode
        let pc = processConfig
                    { pcArgs = concat
                        [ cfgHaddockArgs
                        , pure $ "--odir=" ++ outDir cfgDirConfig tpkg
                        , tpkgFiles tpkg
                    , pcEnv = Just $ cfgEnv
                    , pcStdOut = Just $ haddockStdOut
                    , pcStdErr = Just $ haddockStdOut

        let msg = "Failed to run Haddock on test package '" ++ tpkgName tpkg ++ "'"
        succeeded <- waitForSuccess msg stdout =<< runProcess' cfgHaddockPath pc
        unless succeeded $ removeDirectoryRecursive (outDir cfgDirConfig tpkg)

        pure succeeded

    let somethingFailed = any not successes
    when somethingFailed $
      putStrLn ("Haddock output is at '" ++ cfgHaddockStdOut ++ "'. " ++
                "This file can be set with `--haddock-stdout`.")
    pure somethingFailed

checkFile :: Config c -> FilePath -> IO CheckResult
checkFile cfg file = do
    hasRef <- doesFileExist $ refFile dcfg file
    if hasRef
        then do
            mout <- readOut cfg file
            mref <- readRef cfg file
            return $ case (mout, mref) of
                (Just out, Just ref)
                    | ccfgEqual ccfg out ref -> Pass
                    | otherwise -> Fail
                _ -> Error "Failed to parse input files"
        else return NoRef
    ccfg = cfgCheckConfig cfg
    dcfg = cfgDirConfig cfg

-- We use ByteString here to ensure that no lazy I/O is performed.
-- This way to ensure that the reference file isn't held open in
-- case after `diffFile` (which is problematic if we need to rewrite
-- the reference file in `maybeAcceptFile`)

-- | Read the reference artifact for a test
readRef :: Config c -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe c)
readRef cfg file =
    ccfgRead ccfg . BS.unpack
    <$> BS.readFile (refFile dcfg file)
    ccfg = cfgCheckConfig cfg
    dcfg = cfgDirConfig cfg

-- | Read (and clean) the test output artifact for a test
readOut :: Config c -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe c)
readOut cfg file =
    fmap (ccfgClean ccfg file) . ccfgRead ccfg . BS.unpack
    <$> BS.readFile (outFile dcfg file)
    ccfg = cfgCheckConfig cfg
    dcfg = cfgDirConfig cfg

diffFile :: Config c -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
diffFile cfg diff file = do
    Just out <- readOut cfg file
    Just ref <- readRef cfg file
    writeFile outFile' $ ccfgDump ccfg out
    writeFile refFile' $ ccfgDump ccfg ref

    putStrLn $ "Diff for file \"" ++ file ++ "\":"
    hFlush stdout
    handle <- runProcess' diff $ processConfig
        { pcArgs = [outFile', refFile']
        , pcStdOut = Just $ stdout
    waitForProcess handle >> return ()
    dcfg = cfgDirConfig cfg
    ccfg = cfgCheckConfig cfg
    outFile' = outFile dcfg file <.> "dump"
    refFile' = outFile dcfg file <.> "ref" <.> "dump"

maybeAcceptFile :: Config c -> FilePath -> CheckResult -> IO CheckResult
maybeAcceptFile cfg file result
    | cfgAccept cfg && result `elem` [NoRef, Fail] = do
        Just out <- readOut cfg file
        let ref = refFile dcfg file
        createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory ref)
        writeFile ref $ ccfgDump ccfg out
        pure Accepted
    dcfg = cfgDirConfig cfg
    ccfg = cfgCheckConfig cfg
maybeAcceptFile _ _ result = pure result

outDir :: DirConfig -> TestPackage -> FilePath
outDir dcfg tpkg = dcfgOutDir dcfg </> tpkgName tpkg

outFile :: DirConfig -> FilePath -> FilePath
outFile dcfg file = dcfgOutDir dcfg </> file

refFile :: DirConfig -> FilePath -> FilePath
refFile dcfg file = dcfgRefDir dcfg </> file