blob: 39f4f99b315e5cb35f35004c23b9d1de6bf9dffc (
plain) (
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2002
-- Unboxed mutable Ints
module FastMutInt(
FastMutInt, newFastMutInt,
readFastMutInt, writeFastMutInt,
incFastMutInt, incFastMutIntBy
) where
#include "MachDeps.h"
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 503
import GlaExts
import PrelIOBase
import GHC.Base
import GHC.IOBase
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 411
newByteArray# = newCharArray#
data FastMutInt = FastMutInt (MutableByteArray# RealWorld)
newFastMutInt :: IO FastMutInt
newFastMutInt = IO $ \s0 ->
case newByteArray# size s0 of { (# s, arr #) ->
(# s, FastMutInt arr #) }
where I# size = SIZEOF_HSINT
readFastMutInt :: FastMutInt -> IO Int
readFastMutInt (FastMutInt arr) = IO $ \s0 ->
case readIntArray# arr 0# s0 of { (# s, i #) ->
(# s, I# i #) }
writeFastMutInt :: FastMutInt -> Int -> IO ()
writeFastMutInt (FastMutInt arr) (I# i) = IO $ \s0 ->
case writeIntArray# arr 0# i s0 of { s ->
(# s, () #) }
incFastMutInt :: FastMutInt -> IO Int -- Returns original value
incFastMutInt (FastMutInt arr) = IO $ \s0 ->
case readIntArray# arr 0# s0 of { (# s1, i #) ->
case writeIntArray# arr 0# (i +# 1#) s1 of { s ->
(# s, I# i #) } }
incFastMutIntBy :: FastMutInt -> Int -> IO Int -- Returns original value
incFastMutIntBy (FastMutInt arr) (I# n) = IO $ \s0 ->
case readIntArray# arr 0# s0 of { (# s1, i #) ->
case writeIntArray# arr 0# (i +# n) s1 of { s ->
(# s, I# i #) } }