blob: 8b8d703d1e360b7b9f597d128ed7b35315c65c5c (
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-- Haddock - A Haskell Documentation Tool
-- (c) Simon Marlow 2003
-- Here we build the actual module interfaces. By interface we mean the
-- information that is used to render a Haddock page for a module. Parts of
-- this information is also stored in the interface files.
module Haddock.Interface (
) where
import Haddock.DocName
import Haddock.Interface.Create
import Haddock.Interface.AttachInstances
import Haddock.Interface.Rename
import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.Options
import Haddock.GHC.Utils
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Name
-- | Turn a topologically sorted list of GhcModules into interfaces. Also
-- return the home link environment created in the process, and any error
-- messages.
createInterfaces :: [GhcModule] -> LinkEnv -> [Flag] -> ([Interface], LinkEnv, [ErrMsg])
createInterfaces modules externalLinks flags = (interfaces, homeLinks, messages)
((interfaces, homeLinks), messages) = runWriter $ do
-- part 1, create the interfaces
interfaces <- createInterfaces' modules flags
-- part 2, build the link environment
let homeLinks = buildHomeLinks interfaces
let links = homeLinks `Map.union` externalLinks
let allNames = Map.keys links
-- part 3, attach the instances
let interfaces' = attachInstances interfaces allNames
-- part 3, rename the interfaces
let warnings = Flag_NoWarnings `notElem` flags
interfaces'' <- mapM (renameInterface links warnings) interfaces'
return (interfaces'', homeLinks)
createInterfaces' :: [GhcModule] -> [Flag] -> ErrMsgM [Interface]
createInterfaces' modules flags = do
resultMap <- foldM addInterface Map.empty modules
return (Map.elems resultMap)
addInterface :: ModuleMap -> GhcModule -> ErrMsgM ModuleMap
addInterface map mod = do
interface <- createInterface mod flags map
return $ Map.insert (ifaceMod interface) interface map
-- | Build a mapping which for each original name, points to the "best"
-- place to link to in the documentation. For the definition of
-- "best", we use "the module nearest the bottom of the dependency
-- graph which exports this name", not including hidden modules. When
-- there are multiple choices, we pick a random one.
-- The interfaces are passed in in topologically sorted order, but we start
-- by reversing the list so we can do a foldl.
buildHomeLinks :: [Interface] -> LinkEnv
buildHomeLinks ifaces = foldl upd Map.empty (reverse ifaces)
upd old_env iface
| OptHide `elem` ifaceOptions iface = old_env
| OptNotHome `elem` ifaceOptions iface =
foldl' keep_old old_env exported_names
| otherwise = foldl' keep_new old_env exported_names
exported_names = ifaceVisibleExports iface
mod = ifaceMod iface
keep_old env n = Map.insertWith (\new old -> old) n mod env
keep_new env n = Map.insert n mod env