path: root/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs
blob: 1454bdfca755fc673523ce5fa822818d0fd754f3 (plain) (tree)















-- Haddock - A Haskell Documentation Tool
-- (c) Simon Marlow 2003

{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}

module Haddock.Interface.AttachInstances (attachInstances) where

import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.GHC.Utils

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.List

import GHC
import Name
import SrcLoc
import InstEnv
import Class
import TypeRep
import Var hiding (varName)
import TyCon
import PrelNames
import HscTypes
import FastString
#define FSLIT(x) (mkFastString# (x#))

attachInstances :: [Interface] -> [Name] -> [Interface]
attachInstances modules filterNames = map attach modules
    instMap =
      fmap (map toHsInstHead . sortImage instHead) $
      collectInstances modules filterNames

    attach mod = mod { ifaceExportItems = newItems }
        newItems = map attachExport (ifaceExportItems mod)

        attachExport (ExportDecl decl@(L _ (TyClD d)) doc subs _)
          | isClassDecl d || isDataDecl d || isFamilyDecl d =
             ExportDecl decl doc subs (case Map.lookup (tcdName d) instMap of
                                    Nothing -> []
                                    Just instheads -> instheads)
        attachExport export = export

-- Collecting and sorting instances

-- | Simplified type for sorting types, ignoring qualification (not visible
-- in Haddock output) and unifying special tycons with normal ones.
data SimpleType = SimpleType Name [SimpleType] deriving (Eq,Ord)

   :: [Interface]
   -> [Name]
   -> Map Name [([TyVar], [PredType], Class, [Type])]  -- maps class/type names to instances

collectInstances modules filterNames
  = Map.fromListWith (flip (++)) tyInstPairs `Map.union`
    Map.fromListWith (flip (++)) classInstPairs
    allInstances = concat (map ifaceInstances modules)
    classInstPairs = [ (is_cls inst, [instanceHead inst]) | 
                       inst <- allInstances, Just n <- nub (is_tcs inst) ]
                    --   n `elem` filterNames ]
    tyInstPairs = [ (tycon, [instanceHead inst]) | inst <- allInstances, 
                    Just tycon <- nub (is_tcs inst) ]    

-- TODO: should we support PredTy here?
instHead :: ([TyVar], [PredType], Class, [Type]) -> ([Int], Name, [SimpleType])
instHead (_, _, cls, args)
  = (map argCount args, className cls, map simplify args)
    argCount (AppTy t _) = argCount t + 1
    argCount (TyConApp _ ts) = length ts
    argCount (FunTy _ _ ) = 2
    argCount (ForAllTy _ t) = argCount t
    argCount _ = 0

    simplify (ForAllTy _ t) = simplify t
    simplify (FunTy t1 t2) = 
      SimpleType funTyConName [simplify t1, simplify t2]
    simplify (AppTy t1 t2) = SimpleType s (args ++ [simplify t2])
      where (SimpleType s args) = simplify t1
    simplify (TyVarTy v) = SimpleType (tyVarName v) []
    simplify (TyConApp tc ts) = SimpleType (tyConName tc) (map simplify ts)
    simplify _ = error "simplify"

-- sortImage f = sortBy (\x y -> compare (f x) (f y))
sortImage :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]
sortImage f xs = map snd $ sortBy cmp_fst [(f x, x) | x <- xs]
 where cmp_fst (x,_) (y,_) = compare x y

funTyConName = mkWiredInName gHC_PRIM
                        (mkOccNameFS tcName FSLIT("(->)"))
                        (ATyCon funTyCon)       -- Relevant TyCon

toHsInstHead :: ([TyVar], [PredType], Class, [Type]) -> InstHead Name
toHsInstHead (_, preds, cls, ts) = (map toHsPred preds, className cls, map toHsType ts) 

-- Type -> HsType conversion

toHsPred :: PredType -> HsPred Name
toHsPred (ClassP cls ts) = HsClassP (className cls) (map toLHsType ts)
toHsPred (IParam n t) = HsIParam n (toLHsType t)
toHsPred (EqPred t1 t2) = HsEqualP (toLHsType t1) (toLHsType t2)

toLHsType = noLoc . toHsType

toHsType :: Type -> HsType Name
toHsType t = case t of 
  TyVarTy v -> HsTyVar (tyVarName v) 
  AppTy a b -> HsAppTy (toLHsType a) (toLHsType b)

  TyConApp tc ts -> case ts of 
      | isSymOcc . nameOccName . tyConName $ tc ->
          app (HsOpTy (toLHsType t1) (noLoc . tyConName $ tc) (toLHsType t2)) rest
    _ -> app (tycon tc) ts

  FunTy a b -> HsFunTy (toLHsType a) (toLHsType b)
  ForAllTy v t -> cvForAll [v] t 
  PredTy p -> HsPredTy (toHsPred p) 
    tycon tc = HsTyVar (tyConName tc)
    app tc ts = foldl (\a b -> HsAppTy (noLoc a) (noLoc b)) tc (map toHsType ts)
    cvForAll vs (ForAllTy v t) = cvForAll (v:vs) t
    cvForAll vs t = mkExplicitHsForAllTy (tyvarbinders vs) (noLoc []) (toLHsType t)
    tyvarbinders vs = map (noLoc . UserTyVar . tyVarName) vs