{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} -- required for versions of Happy before 1.18.6
{-# OPTIONS -Wwarn -w #-}
-- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
-- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix
-- any warnings in the module. See
-- http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#Warnings
-- for details
module Haddock.Parse where
import Haddock.Lex
import Haddock.Types (Doc(..), Example(Example))
import Haddock.Doc
import HsSyn
import RdrName
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
%expect 0
%tokentype { LToken }
%token '/' { (TokSpecial '/',_) }
'@' { (TokSpecial '@',_) }
'[' { (TokDefStart,_) }
']' { (TokDefEnd,_) }
DQUO { (TokSpecial '\"',_) }
URL { (TokURL $$,_) }
PIC { (TokPic $$,_) }
ANAME { (TokAName $$,_) }
'/../' { (TokEmphasis $$,_) }
'-' { (TokBullet,_) }
'(n)' { (TokNumber,_) }
'>..' { (TokBirdTrack $$,_) }
PROMPT { (TokExamplePrompt $$,_) }
RESULT { (TokExampleResult $$,_) }
EXP { (TokExampleExpression $$,_) }
IDENT { (TokIdent $$,_) }
PARA { (TokPara,_) }
STRING { (TokString $$,_) }
%monad { Maybe }
%name parseParas doc
%name parseString seq
doc :: { Doc RdrName }
: apara PARA doc { docAppend $1 $3 }
| PARA doc { $2 }
| apara { $1 }
| {- empty -} { DocEmpty }
apara :: { Doc RdrName }
: ulpara { DocUnorderedList [$1] }
| olpara { DocOrderedList [$1] }
| defpara { DocDefList [$1] }
| para { $1 }
ulpara :: { Doc RdrName }
: '-' para { $2 }
olpara :: { Doc RdrName }
: '(n)' para { $2 }
defpara :: { (Doc RdrName, Doc RdrName) }
: '[' seq ']' seq { ($2, $4) }
para :: { Doc RdrName }
: seq { docParagraph $1 }
| codepara { DocCodeBlock $1 }
| examples { DocExamples $1 }
codepara :: { Doc RdrName }
: '>..' codepara { docAppend (DocString $1) $2 }
| '>..' { DocString $1 }
examples :: { [Example] }
: example examples { $1 : $2 }
| example { [$1] }
example :: { Example }
: PROMPT EXP result { makeExample $1 $2 (lines $3) }
| PROMPT EXP { makeExample $1 $2 [] }
result :: { String }
: RESULT result { $1 ++ $2 }
| RESULT { $1 }
seq :: { Doc RdrName }
: elem seq { docAppend $1 $2 }
| elem { $1 }
elem :: { Doc RdrName }
: elem1 { $1 }
| '@' seq1 '@' { DocMonospaced $2 }
seq1 :: { Doc RdrName }
: PARA seq1 { docAppend (DocString "\n") $2 }
| elem1 seq1 { docAppend $1 $2 }
| elem1 { $1 }
elem1 :: { Doc RdrName }
: STRING { DocString $1 }
| '/../' { DocEmphasis (DocString $1) }
| URL { DocURL $1 }
| PIC { DocPic $1 }
| ANAME { DocAName $1 }
| IDENT { DocIdentifier $1 }
| DQUO strings DQUO { DocModule $2 }
strings :: { String }
: STRING { $1 }
| STRING strings { $1 ++ $2 }
happyError :: [LToken] -> Maybe a
happyError toks = Nothing
-- | Create an 'Example', stripping superfluous characters as appropriate
makeExample :: String -> String -> [String] -> Example
makeExample prompt expression result =
(strip expression) -- we do not care about leading and trailing
-- whitespace in expressions, so drop them
-- drop trailing whitespace from the prompt, remember the prefix
(prefix, _) = span isSpace prompt
-- drop, if possible, the exact same sequence of whitespace characters
-- from each result line
result' = map (tryStripPrefix prefix) result
tryStripPrefix xs ys = fromMaybe ys $ stripPrefix xs ys
-- | Remove all leading and trailing whitespace
strip :: String -> String
strip = dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse