-- Haddock - A Haskell Documentation Tool
-- (c) Simon Marlow 2003
module HaddockHtml (
ppHtml, copyHtmlBits,
ppHtmlIndex, ppHtmlContents, foo
) where
import Prelude hiding (div)
import HaddockVersion
import HaddockTypes
import HaddockUtil
import HaddockModuleTree
import HaddockHH
import HsSyn
import IO
import Maybe ( fromJust, isJust )
import List ( sortBy )
import Char ( isUpper, toUpper, isAlpha, ord )
import Monad ( when, unless )
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 503
import FiniteMap
import URI ( escapeString, unreserved )
import Data.FiniteMap
import Network.URI ( escapeString, unreserved )
import Html
import qualified Html
foo = 42
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Files we need to copy from our $libdir
cssFile, iconFile :: String
cssFile = "haddock.css"
iconFile = "haskell_icon.gif"
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Generating HTML documentation
ppHtml :: String
-> Maybe String
-> [(Module, Interface)]
-> FilePath -- destination directory
-> Maybe Doc -- prologue text, maybe
-> Bool -- do MS Help stuff
-> Maybe String -- the contents URL (--use-contents)
-> Maybe String -- the index URL (--use-index)
-> IO ()
ppHtml doctitle source_url ifaces odir prologue do_ms_help
maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url = do
visible_ifaces = filter visible ifaces
visible (_, i) = OptHide `notElem` iface_options i
when (not (isJust maybe_contents_url)) $
ppHtmlContents odir doctitle maybe_index_url
[ (m,iface{iface_package=Nothing}) | (m,iface) <- visible_ifaces ]
-- we don't want to display the packages in a single-package contents
when (not (isJust maybe_index_url)) $
ppHtmlIndex odir doctitle maybe_contents_url visible_ifaces
-- Generate index and contents page for MS help if requested
when do_ms_help $ do
ppHHContents odir (map fst visible_ifaces)
ppHHIndex odir visible_ifaces
mapM_ (ppHtmlModule odir doctitle source_url
maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url) visible_ifaces
copyHtmlBits :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> IO ()
copyHtmlBits odir libdir maybe_css = do
css_file = case maybe_css of
Nothing -> libdir ++ pathSeparator:cssFile
Just f -> f
css_destination = odir ++ pathSeparator:cssFile
icon_file = libdir ++ pathSeparator:iconFile
icon_destination = odir ++ pathSeparator:iconFile
css_contents <- readFile css_file
writeFile css_destination css_contents
icon_contents <- readFile icon_file
writeFile icon_destination icon_contents
contentsHtmlFile, indexHtmlFile :: String
contentsHtmlFile = "index.html"
indexHtmlFile = "doc-index.html"
subIndexHtmlFile :: Char -> String
subIndexHtmlFile a = "doc-index-" ++ b ++ ".html"
where b | isAlpha a = [a]
| otherwise = show (ord a)
footer :: HtmlTable
footer =
tda [theclass "botbar"] <<
( toHtml "Produced by" <+>
(anchor ! [href projectUrl] << toHtml projectName) <+>
toHtml ("version " ++ projectVersion)
src_button :: Maybe String -> String -> String -> HtmlTable
src_button source_url _ file
| Just u <- source_url =
let src_url = if (last u == '/') then u ++ file else u ++ '/':file
topButBox (anchor ! [href src_url] << toHtml "Source code")
| otherwise =
contentsButton :: Maybe String -> HtmlTable
contentsButton maybe_contents_url
= topButBox (anchor ! [href url] << toHtml "Contents")
where url = case maybe_contents_url of
Nothing -> contentsHtmlFile
Just url -> url
indexButton :: Maybe String -> HtmlTable
indexButton maybe_index_url
= topButBox (anchor ! [href url] << toHtml "Index")
where url = case maybe_index_url of
Nothing -> indexHtmlFile
Just url -> url
simpleHeader :: String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> HtmlTable
simpleHeader doctitle maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url =
(tda [theclass "topbar"] <<
vanillaTable << (
(td <<
image ! [src "haskell_icon.gif", width "16", height 16, alt " " ]
) <->
(tda [theclass "title"] << toHtml doctitle) <->
contentsButton maybe_contents_url <-> indexButton maybe_index_url
pageHeader :: String -> Interface -> String
-> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> HtmlTable
pageHeader mdl iface doctitle source_url maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url =
(tda [theclass "topbar"] <<
vanillaTable << (
(td <<
image ! [src "haskell_icon.gif", width "16", height 16, alt " "]
) <->
(tda [theclass "title"] << toHtml doctitle) <->
src_button source_url mdl (iface_filename iface) <->
contentsButton maybe_contents_url <->
indexButton maybe_index_url
) </>
tda [theclass "modulebar"] <<
(vanillaTable << (
(td << font ! [size "6"] << toHtml mdl) <->
moduleInfo iface
moduleInfo :: Interface -> HtmlTable
moduleInfo iface =
case iface_info iface of
Nothing -> Html.emptyTable
Just info ->
tda [align "right"] << narrowTable << (
(tda [theclass "infohead"] << toHtml "Portability") <->
(tda [theclass "infoval"] << toHtml (portability info)) </>
(tda [theclass "infohead"] << toHtml "Stability") <->
(tda [theclass "infoval"] << toHtml (stability info)) </>
(tda [theclass "infohead"] << toHtml "Maintainer") <->
(tda [theclass "infoval"] << toHtml (maintainer info))
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Generate the module contents
:: FilePath -> String
-> Maybe String
-> [(Module,Interface)] -> Maybe Doc
-> IO ()
ppHtmlContents odir doctitle maybe_index_url
mdls prologue = do
let tree = mkModuleTree [(mod,iface_package iface) | (mod,iface) <- mdls]
html =
header (thetitle (toHtml doctitle) +++
thelink ! [href cssFile,
rel "stylesheet", thetype "text/css"]) +++
body << vanillaTable << (
simpleHeader doctitle Nothing maybe_index_url </>
ppPrologue doctitle prologue </>
ppModuleTree doctitle tree </>
s15 </>
writeFile (odir ++ pathSeparator:contentsHtmlFile) (renderHtml html)
ppPrologue :: String -> Maybe Doc -> HtmlTable
ppPrologue title Nothing = Html.emptyTable
ppPrologue title (Just doc) =
(tda [theclass "section1"] << toHtml title) </>
docBox (docToHtml doc)
ppModuleTree :: String -> [ModuleTree] -> HtmlTable
ppModuleTree _ ts =
tda [theclass "section1"] << toHtml "Modules" </>
td << table ! [cellpadding 0, cellspacing 2] <<
(aboves (map (mkNode 0 []) ts) <-> mkPackages ts)
mkNode :: Int -> [String] -> ModuleTree -> HtmlTable
mkNode n ss (Node s leaf pkg []) =
mkLeaf n s ss leaf
mkNode n ss (Node s leaf pkg ts) =
mkLeaf n s ss leaf
aboves (map (mkNode (n+1) (s:ss)) ts)
mkLeaf :: Int -> String -> [String] -> Bool -> HtmlTable
mkLeaf n s _ False = pad_td n << toHtml s
mkLeaf n s ss True = pad_td n << ppHsModule mdl
where mdl = foldr (++) "" (s' : map ('.':) ss')
(s':ss') = reverse (s:ss)
-- reconstruct the module name
pad_td 0 = td
pad_td n = tda [thestyle ("padding-left:" ++ show (n*20) ++ "px")]
mkPackages :: [ModuleTree] -> HtmlTable
mkPackages ts = aboves (map go ts)
where go (Node s leaf pkg ts) = tda [theclass "pkg"] << mkPkg pkg </> aboves (map go ts)
mkPkg :: Maybe String -> Html
mkPkg Nothing = empty
mkPkg (Just p) = toHtml p
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Generate the index
ppHtmlIndex :: FilePath -> String -> Maybe String
-> [(Module,Interface)] -> IO ()
ppHtmlIndex odir doctitle maybe_contents_url ifaces = do
let html =
header (thetitle (toHtml (doctitle ++ " (Index)")) +++
thelink ! [href cssFile,
rel "stylesheet", thetype "text/css"]) +++
body << vanillaTable << (
simpleHeader doctitle maybe_contents_url Nothing </>
when split_indices $
mapM_ (do_sub_index index) initialChars
writeFile (odir ++ pathSeparator:indexHtmlFile) (renderHtml html)
split_indices = length index > 50
| split_indices =
tda [theclass "section1"] <<
toHtml ("Index") </>
| otherwise =
td << table ! [cellpadding 0, cellspacing 5] <<
aboves (map indexElt index)
indexInitialLetterLinks =
td << table ! [cellpadding 0, cellspacing 5] <<
besides [ td << anchor ! [href (subIndexHtmlFile c)] <<
toHtml [c]
| c <- initialChars
, any ((==c) . toUpper . head . fst) index ]
do_sub_index this_ix c
= unless (null index_part) $
writeFile (odir ++ pathSeparator:subIndexHtmlFile c)
(renderHtml html)
html = header (thetitle (toHtml (doctitle ++ " (Index)")) +++
thelink ! [href cssFile,
rel "stylesheet", thetype "text/css"]) +++
body << vanillaTable << (
simpleHeader doctitle maybe_contents_url Nothing </>
indexInitialLetterLinks </>
tda [theclass "section1"] <<
toHtml ("Index (" ++ c:")") </>
td << table ! [cellpadding 0, cellspacing 5] <<
aboves (map indexElt index_part)
index_part = [(n,stuff) | (n,stuff) <- this_ix, toUpper (head n) == c]
index :: [(String, FiniteMap HsQName [(Module,Bool)])]
index = sortBy cmp (fmToList full_index)
where cmp (n1,_) (n2,_) = n1 `compare` n2
-- for each name (a plain string), we have a number of original HsNames that
-- it can refer to, and for each of those we have a list of modules
-- that export that entity. Each of the modules exports the entity
-- in a visible or invisible way (hence the Bool).
full_index :: FiniteMap String (FiniteMap HsQName [(Module,Bool)])
full_index = addListToFM_C (plusFM_C (++)) emptyFM
(concat (map getIfaceIndex ifaces))
getIfaceIndex (mdl,iface) =
[ (hsNameStr nm,
listToFM [(orig, [(mdl, not (nm `elemFM` iface_reexported iface))])])
| (nm, orig) <- fmToList (iface_env iface) ]
indexElt :: (String, FiniteMap HsQName [(Module,Bool)]) -> HtmlTable
indexElt (str, entities) =
case fmToList entities of
[(nm,entries)] ->
tda [ theclass "indexentry" ] << toHtml str <->
indexLinks (unQual nm) entries
many_entities ->
tda [ theclass "indexentry" ] << toHtml str </>
aboves (map doAnnotatedEntity (zip [1..] many_entities))
unQual (Qual _ nm) = nm
unQual (UnQual nm) = nm
doAnnotatedEntity (j,(qnm,entries))
= tda [ theclass "indexannot" ] <<
toHtml (show j) <+> parens (ppAnnot nm) <->
indexLinks nm entries
where nm = unQual qnm
ppAnnot (HsTyClsName n)
= toHtml "Type/Class"
ppAnnot (HsVarName n)
| isUpper c || c == ':' = toHtml "Data Constructor"
| otherwise = toHtml "Function"
where c = head (ppHsIdentifier n)
indexLinks nm entries =
tda [ theclass "indexlinks" ] <<
hsep (punctuate comma
[ if visible then
linkId (Module mdl) (Just nm) << toHtml mdl
toHtml mdl
| (Module mdl, visible) <- entries ])
initialChars = [ 'A'..'Z' ] ++ ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Generate the HTML page for a module
:: FilePath -> String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String
-> (Module,Interface) -> IO ()
ppHtmlModule odir doctitle source_url
maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url (Module mdl,iface) = do
let html =
header (thetitle (toHtml mdl) +++
thelink ! [href cssFile,
rel "stylesheet", thetype "text/css"]) +++
body << vanillaTable << (
pageHeader mdl iface doctitle source_url
maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url </> s15 </>
ifaceToHtml mdl iface </> s15 </>
writeFile (moduleHtmlFile odir mdl) (renderHtml html)
ifaceToHtml :: String -> Interface -> HtmlTable
ifaceToHtml _ iface
= abovesSep s15 (contents: description: synopsis: maybe_doc_hdr: bdy)
exports = numberSectionHeadings (iface_exports iface)
has_doc (ExportDecl _ d _) = isJust (declDoc d)
has_doc (ExportNoDecl _ _ _) = False
has_doc (ExportModule _) = False
has_doc _ = True
no_doc_at_all = not (any has_doc exports)
contents = td << vanillaTable << ppModuleContents exports
| Just doc <- iface_doc iface
= (tda [theclass "section1"] << toHtml "Description") </>
docBox (docToHtml doc)
| otherwise
= Html.emptyTable
-- omit the synopsis if there are no documentation annotations at all
| no_doc_at_all = Html.emptyTable
| otherwise
= (tda [theclass "section1"] << toHtml "Synopsis") </>
s15 </>
(tda [theclass "body"] << vanillaTable <<
abovesSep s8 (map (processExport True)
(filter forSummary exports))
-- if the documentation doesn't begin with a section header, then
-- add one ("Documentation").
= case exports of
[] -> Html.emptyTable
ExportGroup _ _ _ : _ -> Html.emptyTable
_ -> tda [ theclass "section1" ] << toHtml "Documentation"
bdy = map (processExport False) exports
ppModuleContents :: [ExportItem] -> HtmlTable
ppModuleContents exports
| length sections == 0 = Html.emptyTable
| otherwise = tda [theclass "section4"] << bold << toHtml "Contents"
</> td << dlist << concatHtml sections
(sections, _leftovers{-should be []-}) = process 0 exports
process :: Int -> [ExportItem] -> ([Html],[ExportItem])
process _ [] = ([], [])
process n items@(ExportGroup lev id0 doc : rest)
| lev <= n = ( [], items )
| otherwise = ( html:secs, rest2 )
html = (dterm << linkedAnchor "" id0 << docToHtml doc)
+++ mk_subsections ssecs
(ssecs, rest1) = process lev rest
(secs, rest2) = process n rest1
process n (_ : rest) = process n rest
mk_subsections [] = noHtml
mk_subsections ss = ddef << dlist << concatHtml ss
-- we need to assign a unique id to each section heading so we can hyperlink
-- them from the contents:
numberSectionHeadings :: [ExportItem] -> [ExportItem]
numberSectionHeadings exports = go 1 exports
where go :: Int -> [ExportItem] -> [ExportItem]
go _ [] = []
go n (ExportGroup lev _ doc : es)
= ExportGroup lev (show n) doc : go (n+1) es
go n (other:es)
= other : go n es
processExport :: Bool -> ExportItem -> HtmlTable
processExport _ (ExportGroup lev id0 doc)
= ppDocGroup lev (namedAnchor id0 << docToHtml doc)
processExport summary (ExportDecl x decl insts)
= doDecl summary x decl insts
processExport summmary (ExportNoDecl _ y [])
= declBox (ppHsQName y)
processExport summmary (ExportNoDecl _ y subs)
= declBox (ppHsQName y <+> parenList (map ppHsQName subs))
processExport _ (ExportDoc doc)
= docBox (docToHtml doc)
processExport _ (ExportModule (Module mdl))
= declBox (toHtml "module" <+> ppHsModule mdl)
forSummary :: ExportItem -> Bool
forSummary (ExportGroup _ _ _) = False
forSummary (ExportDoc _) = False
forSummary _ = True
ppDocGroup :: Int -> Html -> HtmlTable
ppDocGroup lev doc
| lev == 1 = tda [ theclass "section1" ] << doc
| lev == 2 = tda [ theclass "section2" ] << doc
| lev == 3 = tda [ theclass "section3" ] << doc
| otherwise = tda [ theclass "section4" ] << doc
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Converting declarations to HTML
declWithDoc :: Bool -> Maybe Doc -> Html -> HtmlTable
declWithDoc True _ html_decl = declBox html_decl
declWithDoc False Nothing html_decl = declBox html_decl
declWithDoc False (Just doc) html_decl =
declBox html_decl </> docBox (docToHtml doc)
doDecl :: Bool -> HsQName -> HsDecl -> [InstHead] -> HtmlTable
doDecl summary x d instances = do_decl d
do_decl (HsTypeSig _ [nm] ty doc)
= ppFunSig summary nm ty doc
do_decl (HsForeignImport _ _ _ _ n ty doc)
= ppFunSig summary n ty doc
do_decl (HsTypeDecl _ nm args ty doc)
= declWithDoc summary doc (
hsep ([keyword "type", ppHsBinder summary nm]
++ map ppHsName args) <+> equals <+> ppHsType ty)
do_decl (HsNewTypeDecl loc ctx nm args con drv doc)
= ppHsDataDecl summary instances True{-is newtype-} x
(HsDataDecl loc ctx nm args [con] drv doc)
-- print it as a single-constructor datatype
do_decl d0@(HsDataDecl{})
= ppHsDataDecl summary instances False{-not newtype-} x d0
do_decl d0@(HsClassDecl{})
= ppHsClassDecl summary instances x d0
do_decl (HsDocGroup _ lev str)
= if summary then Html.emptyTable
else ppDocGroup lev (docToHtml str)
do_decl _ = error ("do_decl: " ++ show d)
ppTypeSig :: Bool -> HsName -> HsType -> Html
ppTypeSig summary nm ty = ppHsBinder summary nm <+> dcolon <+> ppHsType ty
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Data & newtype declarations
ppShortDataDecl :: Bool -> Bool -> HsDecl -> Html
ppShortDataDecl summary is_newty
(HsDataDecl _ _ nm args [con] _ _doc) =
ppHsDataHeader summary is_newty nm args
<+> equals <+> ppShortConstr summary con
ppShortDataDecl summary is_newty
(HsDataDecl _ _ nm args [] _ _doc) =
ppHsDataHeader summary is_newty nm args
ppShortDataDecl summary is_newty
(HsDataDecl _ _ nm args cons _ _doc) =
vanillaTable << (
declBox (ppHsDataHeader summary is_newty nm args) </>
tda [theclass "body"] << vanillaTable << (
aboves (zipWith do_constr ('=':repeat '|') cons)
where do_constr c con = declBox (toHtml [c] <+> ppShortConstr summary con)
ppShortDataDecl _ _ d =
error $ "HaddockHtml.ppShortDataDecl: unexpected decl " ++ show d
-- The rest of the cases:
ppHsDataDecl :: Ord key => Bool -> [InstHead] -> Bool -> key -> HsDecl -> HtmlTable
ppHsDataDecl summary instances is_newty
x decl@(HsDataDecl _ _ nm args cons _ doc)
| summary = declWithDoc summary doc (ppShortDataDecl summary is_newty decl)
| otherwise
= dataheader </>
tda [theclass "body"] << vanillaTable << (
datadoc </>
constr_bit </>
dataheader = declBox (ppHsDataHeader False is_newty nm args)
| any isRecDecl cons = spacedTable5
| otherwise = spacedTable1
datadoc | isJust doc = ndocBox (docToHtml (fromJust doc))
| otherwise = Html.emptyTable
| null cons = Html.emptyTable
| otherwise =
constr_hdr </>
(tda [theclass "body"] << constr_table <<
aboves (map ppSideBySideConstr cons)
| null instances = Html.emptyTable
| otherwise
= inst_hdr </>
tda [theclass "body"] << spacedTable1 << (
aboves (map (declBox.ppInstHead) instances)
ppHsDataDecl _ _ _ _ d =
error $ "HaddockHtml.ppHsDataDecl: unexpected decl " ++ show d
isRecDecl :: HsConDecl -> Bool
isRecDecl (HsRecDecl{}) = True
isRecDecl _ = False
ppShortConstr :: Bool -> HsConDecl -> Html
ppShortConstr summary (HsConDecl _ nm tvs ctxt typeList _maybe_doc) =
ppHsConstrHdr tvs ctxt +++
hsep (ppHsBinder summary nm : map ppHsBangType typeList)
ppShortConstr summary (HsRecDecl _ nm tvs ctxt fields _) =
ppHsConstrHdr tvs ctxt +++
ppHsBinder summary nm <+>
braces (vanillaTable << aboves (map (ppShortField summary) fields))
ppHsConstrHdr :: [HsName] -> HsContext -> Html
ppHsConstrHdr tvs ctxt
= (if null tvs then noHtml else keyword "forall" <+>
hsep (map ppHsName tvs) <+>
toHtml ". ")
(if null ctxt then noHtml else ppHsContext ctxt <+> toHtml "=> ")
ppSideBySideConstr :: HsConDecl -> HtmlTable
ppSideBySideConstr (HsConDecl _ nm tvs ctxt typeList doc) =
argBox (hsep ((ppHsConstrHdr tvs ctxt +++
ppHsBinder False nm) : map ppHsBangType typeList)) <->
maybeRDocBox doc
ppSideBySideConstr (HsRecDecl _ nm tvs ctxt fields doc) =
argBox (ppHsConstrHdr tvs ctxt +++ ppHsBinder False nm) <->
maybeRDocBox doc </>
(tda [theclass "body"] << spacedTable1 <<
aboves (map ppSideBySideField fields))
ppSideBySideField :: HsFieldDecl -> HtmlTable
ppSideBySideField (HsFieldDecl ns ty doc) =
argBox (hsep (punctuate comma (map (ppHsBinder False) ns))
<+> dcolon <+> ppHsBangType ty) <->
maybeRDocBox doc
ppHsFullConstr :: HsConDecl -> Html
ppHsFullConstr (HsConDecl _ nm tvs ctxt typeList doc) =
declWithDoc False doc (
hsep ((ppHsConstrHdr tvs ctxt +++
ppHsBinder False nm) : map ppHsBangType typeList)
ppHsFullConstr (HsRecDecl _ nm tvs ctxt fields doc) =
td << vanillaTable << (
case doc of
Nothing -> aboves [hdr, fields_html]
Just _ -> aboves [hdr, constr_doc, fields_html]
where hdr = declBox (ppHsConstrHdr tvs ctxt +++ ppHsBinder False nm)
| isJust doc = docBox (docToHtml (fromJust doc))
| otherwise = Html.emptyTable
fields_html =
td <<
table ! [width "100%", cellpadding 0, cellspacing 8] << (
aboves (map ppFullField (concat (map expandField fields)))
ppShortField :: Bool -> HsFieldDecl -> HtmlTable
ppShortField summary (HsFieldDecl ns ty _doc)
= tda [theclass "recfield"] << (
hsep (punctuate comma (map (ppHsBinder summary) ns))
<+> dcolon <+> ppHsBangType ty
ppFullField :: HsFieldDecl -> Html
ppFullField (HsFieldDecl [n] ty doc)
= declWithDoc False doc (
ppHsBinder False n <+> dcolon <+> ppHsBangType ty
ppFullField _ = error "ppFullField"
expandField :: HsFieldDecl -> [HsFieldDecl]
expandField (HsFieldDecl ns ty doc) = [ HsFieldDecl [n] ty doc | n <- ns ]
ppHsDataHeader :: Bool -> Bool -> HsName -> [HsName] -> Html
ppHsDataHeader summary is_newty nm args =
(if is_newty then keyword "newtype" else keyword "data") <+>
ppHsBinder summary nm <+> hsep (map ppHsName args)
ppHsBangType :: HsBangType -> Html
ppHsBangType (HsBangedTy ty) = char '!' +++ ppHsAType ty
ppHsBangType (HsUnBangedTy ty) = ppHsAType ty
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Class declarations
ppClassHdr :: Bool -> HsContext -> HsName -> [HsName] -> [HsFunDep] -> Html
ppClassHdr summ [] n tvs fds =
keyword "class"
<+> ppHsBinder summ n <+> hsep (map ppHsName tvs)
<+> ppFds fds
ppClassHdr summ ctxt n tvs fds =
keyword "class" <+> ppHsContext ctxt <+> darrow
<+> ppHsBinder summ n <+> hsep (map ppHsName tvs)
<+> ppFds fds
ppFds :: [HsFunDep] -> Html
ppFds fds =
if null fds then noHtml else
char '|' <+> hsep (punctuate comma (map fundep fds))
fundep (vars1,vars2) = hsep (map ppHsName vars1) <+> toHtml "->" <+>
hsep (map ppHsName vars2)
ppShortClassDecl :: Bool -> HsDecl -> HtmlTable
ppShortClassDecl summary (HsClassDecl _ ctxt nm tvs fds decls _) =
if null decls
then declBox hdr
else declBox (hdr <+> keyword "where")
(tda [theclass "body"] <<
vanillaTable <<
aboves [ ppFunSig summary n ty doc
| HsTypeSig _ [n] ty doc <- decls
hdr = ppClassHdr summary ctxt nm tvs fds
ppShortClassDecl _ d =
error $ "HaddockHtml.ppShortClassDecl: unexpected decl: " ++ show d
ppHsClassDecl :: Ord key => Bool -> [InstHead] -> key -> HsDecl -> HtmlTable
ppHsClassDecl summary instances orig_c
decl@(HsClassDecl _ ctxt nm tvs fds decls doc)
| summary = ppShortClassDecl summary decl
| otherwise
= classheader </>
tda [theclass "body"] << vanillaTable << (
classdoc </> methods_bit </> instances_bit
| null decls = declBox hdr
| otherwise = declBox (hdr <+> keyword "where")
hdr = ppClassHdr summary ctxt nm tvs fds
| Just d <- doc = ndocBox (docToHtml d)
| otherwise = Html.emptyTable
| null decls = Html.emptyTable
| otherwise =
s8 </> meth_hdr </>
tda [theclass "body"] << vanillaTable << (
abovesSep s8 [ ppFunSig summary n ty doc0
| HsTypeSig _ [n] ty doc0 <- decls
= s8 </> inst_hdr </>
tda [theclass "body"] << spacedTable1 << (
aboves (map (declBox.ppInstHead) instances)
ppHsClassDecl _ _ _ d =
error $ "HaddockHtml.ppHsClassDecl: unexpected decl: " ++ show d
ppInstHead :: InstHead -> Html
ppInstHead ([],asst) = ppHsAsst asst
ppInstHead (ctxt,asst) = ppHsContext ctxt <+> darrow <+> ppHsAsst asst
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Type signatures
ppFunSig :: Bool -> HsName -> HsType -> Maybe Doc -> HtmlTable
ppFunSig summary nm ty0 doc
| summary || no_arg_docs ty0 =
declWithDoc summary doc (ppTypeSig summary nm ty0)
| otherwise =
declBox (ppHsBinder False nm) </>
(tda [theclass "body"] << vanillaTable << (
do_args dcolon ty0 </>
(if (isJust doc)
then ndocBox (docToHtml (fromJust doc))
else Html.emptyTable)
no_arg_docs (HsForAllType _ _ ty) = no_arg_docs ty
no_arg_docs (HsTyFun (HsTyDoc _ _) _) = False
no_arg_docs (HsTyFun _ r) = no_arg_docs r
no_arg_docs (HsTyDoc _ _) = False
no_arg_docs _ = True
do_args :: Html -> HsType -> HtmlTable
do_args leader (HsForAllType (Just tvs) ctxt ty)
= (argBox (
leader <+>
hsep (keyword "forall" : map ppHsName tvs ++ [toHtml "."]) <+>
ppHsIPContext ctxt)
<-> rdocBox noHtml) </>
do_args darrow ty
do_args leader (HsForAllType Nothing ctxt ty)
= (argBox (leader <+> ppHsIPContext ctxt)
<-> rdocBox noHtml) </>
do_args darrow ty
do_args leader (HsTyFun (HsTyDoc ty doc0) r)
= (argBox (leader <+> ppHsBType ty) <-> rdocBox (docToHtml doc0))
</> do_args arrow r
do_args leader (HsTyFun ty r)
= (argBox (leader <+> ppHsBType ty) <-> rdocBox noHtml) </>
do_args arrow r
do_args leader (HsTyDoc ty doc0)
= (argBox (leader <+> ppHsBType ty) <-> rdocBox (docToHtml doc0))
do_args leader ty
= argBox (leader <+> ppHsBType ty) <-> rdocBox (noHtml)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Types and contexts
ppHsAsst :: HsAsst -> Html
ppHsAsst (c,args) = ppHsQName c <+> hsep (map ppHsAType args)
ppHsContext :: HsContext -> Html
ppHsContext [] = empty
ppHsContext [ctxt] = ppHsAsst ctxt
ppHsContext context = parenList (map ppHsAsst context)
ppHsCtxt :: HsCtxt -> Html
ppHsCtxt (HsAssump asst) = ppHsAsst asst
ppHsCtxt (HsIP n t) = toHtml "?" +++ ppHsName n <+> dcolon <+> ppHsType t
ppHsIPContext :: HsIPContext -> Html
ppHsIPContext [] = empty
ppHsIPContext [ctxt] = ppHsCtxt ctxt
ppHsIPContext context = parenList (map ppHsCtxt context)
ppHsForAll :: Maybe [HsName] -> HsIPContext -> Html
ppHsForAll Nothing context =
hsep [ ppHsIPContext context, darrow ]
ppHsForAll (Just tvs) [] =
hsep (keyword "forall" : map ppHsName tvs ++ [toHtml "."])
ppHsForAll (Just tvs) context =
hsep (keyword "forall" : map ppHsName tvs ++
[toHtml ".", ppHsIPContext context, darrow])
ppHsType :: HsType -> Html
ppHsType (HsForAllType maybe_tvs context htype) =
ppHsForAll maybe_tvs context <+> ppHsType htype
ppHsType (HsTyFun a b) = hsep [ppHsBType a, toHtml "->", ppHsType b]
ppHsType (HsTyIP n t) = toHtml "?" +++ ppHsName n <+> dcolon <+> ppHsType t
ppHsType t = ppHsBType t
ppHsBType :: HsType -> Html
ppHsBType (HsTyDoc ty _) = ppHsBType ty
ppHsBType (HsTyApp (HsTyCon (Qual _ (HsTyClsName (HsSpecial "[]")))) b )
= brackets $ ppHsType b
ppHsBType (HsTyApp a b) = ppHsBType a <+> ppHsAType b
ppHsBType t = ppHsAType t
ppHsAType :: HsType -> Html
ppHsAType (HsTyTuple True l) = parenList . map ppHsType $ l
ppHsAType (HsTyTuple False l) = ubxParenList . map ppHsType $ l
ppHsAType (HsTyVar nm) = ppHsName nm
ppHsAType (HsTyCon nm)
| nm == fun_tycon_qname = parens $ ppHsQName nm
| otherwise = ppHsQName nm
ppHsAType (HsTyApp (HsTyCon (Qual _ (HsTyClsName (HsSpecial "[]")))) b )
= brackets $ ppHsType b
ppHsAType t = parens $ ppHsType t
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Names
linkTarget :: HsName -> Html
linkTarget nm = namedAnchor (hsAnchorNameStr nm) << toHtml ""
ppHsQName :: HsQName -> Html
ppHsQName (UnQual str) = ppHsName str
ppHsQName n@(Qual mdl str)
| n == unit_con_name = ppHsName str
| isSpecial str = ppHsName str
| otherwise = linkId mdl (Just str) << ppHsName str
isSpecial :: HsName -> Bool
isSpecial (HsTyClsName id0) | HsSpecial _ <- id0 = True
isSpecial (HsVarName id0) | HsSpecial _ <- id0 = True
isSpecial _ = False
ppHsName :: HsName -> Html
ppHsName nm = toHtml (hsNameStr nm)
hsAnchorNameStr :: HsName -> String
hsAnchorNameStr (HsTyClsName id0) = "t:" ++ ppHsIdentifier id0
hsAnchorNameStr (HsVarName id0) = "v:" ++ ppHsIdentifier id0
hsNameStr :: HsName -> String
hsNameStr (HsTyClsName id0) = ppHsIdentifier id0
hsNameStr (HsVarName id0) = ppHsIdentifier id0
ppHsIdentifier :: HsIdentifier -> String
ppHsIdentifier (HsIdent str) = str
ppHsIdentifier (HsSymbol str) = str
ppHsIdentifier (HsSpecial str) = str
ppHsBinder :: Bool -> HsName -> Html
-- The Bool indicates whether we are generating the summary, in which case
-- the binder will be a link to the full definition.
ppHsBinder True nm = linkedAnchor "" (hsAnchorNameStr nm) << ppHsBinder' nm
ppHsBinder False nm = linkTarget nm +++ bold << ppHsBinder' nm
ppHsBinder' :: HsName -> Html
ppHsBinder' (HsTyClsName id0) = ppHsBindIdent id0
ppHsBinder' (HsVarName id0) = ppHsBindIdent id0
ppHsBindIdent :: HsIdentifier -> Html
ppHsBindIdent (HsIdent str) = toHtml str
ppHsBindIdent (HsSymbol str) = parens (toHtml str)
ppHsBindIdent (HsSpecial str) = toHtml str
linkId :: Module -> Maybe HsName -> Html -> Html
linkId (Module mdl) mbStr = linkedAnchor (moduleHtmlFile fp mdl) frag
where frag = case mbStr of
Nothing -> ""
Just str -> hsAnchorNameStr str
fp = case lookupFM html_xrefs (Module mdl) of
Nothing -> ""
Just fp0 -> fp0
ppHsModule :: String -> Html
ppHsModule mdl = anchor ! [href ((moduleHtmlFile fp modname) ++ ref)] << toHtml mdl
where fp = case lookupFM html_xrefs (Module modname) of
Just fp0 -> fp0
Nothing -> ""
(modname,ref) = break (== '#') mdl
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Doc Markup
htmlMarkup :: DocMarkup [HsQName] Html
htmlMarkup = Markup {
markupParagraph = paragraph,
markupEmpty = toHtml "",
markupString = toHtml,
markupAppend = (+++),
markupIdentifier = tt . ppHsQName . head,
markupModule = ppHsModule,
markupEmphasis = emphasize . toHtml,
markupMonospaced = tt . toHtml,
markupUnorderedList = ulist . concatHtml . map (li <<),
markupOrderedList = olist . concatHtml . map (li <<),
markupDefList = dlist . concatHtml . map markupDef,
markupCodeBlock = pre,
markupURL = \url -> anchor ! [href url] << toHtml url,
markupAName = \aname -> namedAnchor aname << toHtml ""
markupDef (a,b) = dterm << a +++ ddef << b
-- If the doc is a single paragraph, don't surround it with <P> (this causes
-- ugly extra whitespace with some browsers).
docToHtml :: Doc -> Html
docToHtml doc = markup htmlMarkup (unParagraph (markup htmlCleanup doc))
-- If there is a single paragraph, then surrounding it with <P>..</P>
-- can add too much whitespace in some browsers (eg. IE). However if
-- we have multiple paragraphs, then we want the extra whitespace to
-- separate them. So we catch the single paragraph case and transform it
-- here.
unParagraph (DocParagraph d) = d
--NO: This eliminates line breaks in the code block: (SDM, 6/5/2003)
--unParagraph (DocCodeBlock d) = (DocMonospaced d)
unParagraph doc = doc
htmlCleanup :: DocMarkup [HsQName] Doc
htmlCleanup = idMarkup {
markupUnorderedList = DocUnorderedList . map unParagraph,
markupOrderedList = DocOrderedList . map unParagraph
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Misc
hsep :: [Html] -> Html
hsep [] = noHtml
hsep htmls = foldr1 (\a b -> a+++" "+++b) htmls
infixr 8 <+>
(<+>) :: Html -> Html -> Html
a <+> b = Html (getHtmlElements (toHtml a) ++ HtmlString " ": getHtmlElements (toHtml b))
keyword :: String -> Html
keyword s = thespan ! [theclass "keyword"] << toHtml s
equals, comma :: Html
equals = char '='
comma = char ','
char :: Char -> Html
char c = toHtml [c]
empty :: Html
empty = noHtml
parens, brackets, braces :: Html -> Html
parens h = char '(' +++ h +++ char ')'
brackets h = char '[' +++ h +++ char ']'
braces h = char '{' +++ h +++ char '}'
punctuate :: Html -> [Html] -> [Html]
punctuate _ [] = []
punctuate h (d0:ds) = go d0 ds
go d [] = [d]
go d (e:es) = (d +++ h) : go e es
abovesSep :: HtmlTable -> [HtmlTable] -> HtmlTable
abovesSep _ [] = Html.emptyTable
abovesSep h (d0:ds) = go d0 ds
go d [] = d
go d (e:es) = d </> h </> go e es
parenList :: [Html] -> Html
parenList = parens . hsep . punctuate comma
ubxParenList :: [Html] -> Html
ubxParenList = ubxparens . hsep . punctuate comma
ubxparens :: Html -> Html
ubxparens h = toHtml "(#" +++ h +++ toHtml "#)"
text :: Html
text = strAttr "TEXT"
-- a box for displaying code
declBox :: Html -> HtmlTable
declBox html = tda [theclass "decl"] << html
-- a box for displaying an 'argument' (some code which has text to the
-- right of it). Wrapping is not allowed in these boxes, whereas it is
-- in a declBox.
argBox :: Html -> HtmlTable
argBox html = tda [theclass "arg"] << html
-- a box for displaying documentation,
-- indented and with a little padding at the top
docBox :: Html -> HtmlTable
docBox html = tda [theclass "doc"] << html
-- a box for displaying documentation, not indented.
ndocBox :: Html -> HtmlTable
ndocBox html = tda [theclass "ndoc"] << html
-- a box for displaying documentation, padded on the left a little
rdocBox :: Html -> HtmlTable
rdocBox html = tda [theclass "rdoc"] << html
maybeRDocBox :: Maybe Doc -> HtmlTable
maybeRDocBox Nothing = rdocBox (noHtml)
maybeRDocBox (Just doc) = rdocBox (docToHtml doc)
-- a box for the buttons at the top of the page
topButBox :: Html -> HtmlTable
topButBox html = tda [theclass "topbut"] << html
-- a vanilla table has width 100%, no border, no padding, no spacing
-- a narrow table is the same but without width 100%.
vanillaTable, narrowTable :: Html -> Html
vanillaTable = table ! [theclass "vanilla", cellspacing 0, cellpadding 0]
narrowTable = table ! [theclass "narrow", cellspacing 0, cellpadding 0]
spacedTable1, spacedTable5 :: Html -> Html
spacedTable1 = table ! [theclass "vanilla", cellspacing 1, cellpadding 0]
spacedTable5 = table ! [theclass "vanilla", cellspacing 5, cellpadding 0]
constr_hdr, meth_hdr, inst_hdr :: HtmlTable
constr_hdr = tda [ theclass "section4" ] << toHtml "Constructors"
meth_hdr = tda [ theclass "section4" ] << toHtml "Methods"
inst_hdr = tda [ theclass "section4" ] << toHtml "Instances"
dcolon, arrow, darrow :: Html
dcolon = toHtml "::"
arrow = toHtml "->"
darrow = toHtml "=>"
s8, s15 :: HtmlTable
s8 = tda [ theclass "s8" ] << noHtml
s15 = tda [ theclass "s15" ] << noHtml
namedAnchor :: String -> Html -> Html
namedAnchor n = anchor ! [name (escapeStr n)]
linkedAnchor :: String -> String -> Html -> Html
linkedAnchor ref frag = anchor ! [href hr]
where hr | null frag = ref
| otherwise = ref ++ '#': escapeStr frag
escapeStr :: String -> String
escapeStr = flip escapeString unreserved