diff options
authordavve <davve@dtek.chalmers.se>2006-10-05 19:38:22 +0000
committerdavve <davve@dtek.chalmers.se>2006-10-05 19:38:22 +0000
commit67e7d252650f10f3be73f2129887932babd4efef (patch)
parentb9c217ec0cf7d5f84ee4a70a63dd4455a388dc45 (diff)
Refactoring -- better structured pass1
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index 7b68fc4e..550884f5 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import Paths_haddock ( getDataDir )
import Prelude hiding ( catch )
import Control.Exception ( catch )
-import Control.Monad ( when, liftM )
+import Control.Monad ( when, liftM, foldM )
import Control.Monad.Writer ( Writer, runWriter, tell )
import Data.Char ( isSpace )
import Data.IORef ( writeIORef )
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ import StaticFlags ( parseStaticFlags )
-- Top-level stuff
-type CheckedMod = (Module, FullyCheckedMod, FilePath)
+type CheckedMod = (Module, FilePath, FullyCheckedMod)
main :: IO ()
main = do
@@ -208,16 +208,17 @@ sortAndCheckModules session flags files = defaultErrorHandler flags $ do
checkedMod <- case mbMod of
Just m -> return m
Nothing -> die ("Failed to load module: " ++ moduleString mod)
- return (mod, checkedMod, file)) modsAndFiles
+ return (mod, file, checkedMod)) modsAndFiles
ensureFullyChecked checkedMods
ensureFullyChecked modules
| length modules' == length modules = return modules'
| otherwise = die "Failed to check all modules properly\n"
- where modules' = [ (mod, (a,b,c,d), f) |
- (mod, CheckedModule a (Just b) (Just c) (Just d), f)
+ where modules' = [ (mod, f, (a,b,c,d)) |
+ (mod, f, CheckedModule a (Just b) (Just c) (Just d))
<- modules ]
data Flag
= Flag_CSS String
| Flag_Debug
@@ -389,8 +390,12 @@ run flags modules extEnv = do
prologue <- getPrologue flags
- let
- (modMap, messages) = runWriter (pass1 modules flags)
+ let
+ -- collect the data from GHC that we need for each home module
+ ghcModuleData = map moduleDataGHC modules
+ -- run pass 1 on this data
+ (modMap, messages) = runWriter (pass1 ghcModuleData flags)
haddockMods = catMaybes [ Map.lookup mod modMap | (mod,_,_) <- modules ]
homeEnv = buildGlobalDocEnv haddockMods
env = homeEnv `Map.union` extEnv
@@ -453,95 +458,115 @@ type FullyCheckedMod = (ParsedSource,
printEntity (DocEntity doc) = show doc
printEntity (DeclEntity name) = show $ ppr name defaultUserStyle
-pass1 :: [CheckedMod] -> [Flag] -> ErrMsgM ModuleMap
-pass1 modules flags = worker modules (Map.empty) flags
- where
- worker [] moduleMap _ = return moduleMap
- worker ((mod, checked_mod, filename):rest_modules) moduleMap flags = do
- let (parsed_source, renamed_source, _, moduleInfo) = checked_mod
- (mb_doc_opts, _, _) = getModuleStuff parsed_source
- opts <- mkDocOpts mb_doc_opts
- let (group, _, mb_exports, mbModDoc, haddockModInfo) = renamed_source
+-- | This data structure collects all the information we need from the GHC API
+-- about a home package module
+data ModuleDataGHC = ModuleDataGHC {
+ ghcModule :: Module,
+ ghcFilename :: FilePath,
+ ghcMbDocOpts :: Maybe String,
+ ghcHaddockModInfo :: HaddockModInfo Name,
+ ghcMbDoc :: Maybe (HsDoc Name),
+ ghcGroup :: HsGroup Name,
+ ghcMbExports :: Maybe [LIE Name],
+ ghcExportedNames :: [Name],
+ ghcNamesInScope :: [Name],
+ ghcInstances :: [Instance]
- entities = (reverse . nubBy sameName . hs_docs) group
- exports = fmap (map unLoc) mb_exports
+-- | Dig out what we want from the GHC API without altering anything
+moduleDataGHC :: CheckedMod -> ModuleDataGHC
+moduleDataGHC (mod, file, checkedMod) = ModuleDataGHC {
+ ghcModule = mod,
+ ghcFilename = file,
+ ghcMbDocOpts = mbOpts,
+ ghcHaddockModInfo = info,
+ ghcMbDoc = mbDoc,
+ ghcGroup = group,
+ ghcMbExports = mbExports,
+ ghcExportedNames = modInfoExports modInfo,
+ ghcNamesInScope = fromJust $ modInfoTopLevelScope modInfo,
+ ghcInstances = modInfoInstances modInfo
+ where
+ HsModule _ _ _ _ _ mbOpts _ _ = unLoc parsed
+ (group, _, mbExports, mbDoc, info) = renamed
+ (parsed, renamed, _, modInfo) = checkedMod
+-- | Massage the data in ModuleDataGHC to produce something closer to what
+-- we want to render. To do this, we need access to modules before this one
+-- in the topological sort, to which we have already done this conversion.
+-- That's what's in the ModuleMap.
+pass1data :: ModuleDataGHC -> [Flag] -> ModuleMap -> ErrMsgM HaddockModule
+pass1data modData flags modMap = do
+ let mod = ghcModule modData
+ opts <- mkDocOpts (ghcMbDocOpts modData) mod
+ let group = ghcGroup modData
+ entities = (reverse . nubBy sameName . hs_docs) group
+ exports = fmap (map unLoc) (ghcMbExports modData)
+ entityNames_ = entityNames entities
+ subNames = allSubNames group
+ localNames = entityNames_ ++ subNames
+ subMap = mkSubMap group
+ expDeclMap = mkDeclMap (ghcExportedNames modData) group
+ localDeclMap = mkDeclMap entityNames_ group
+ docMap = mkDocMap group
+ ignoreExps = Flag_IgnoreAllExports `elem` flags
+ visibleNames <- mkVisibleNames mod modMap localNames (ghcNamesInScope modData)
+ subMap exports opts localDeclMap
+ exportItems <- mkExportItems modMap mod (ghcExportedNames modData)
+ expDeclMap localDeclMap subMap entities
+ opts exports ignoreExps docMap
+ -- prune the export list to just those declarations that have
+ -- documentation, if the 'prune' option is on.
+ let
+ prunedExportItems
+ | OptPrune `elem` opts = pruneExportItems exportItems
+ | otherwise = exportItems
- -- lots of names
- exportedNames = modInfoExports moduleInfo
- theseEntityNames = entityNames entities
- subNames = allSubnamesInGroup group
- localNames = theseEntityNames ++ subNames
- -- guaranteed to be Just, since the module has been compiled from
- -- scratch
- scopeNames = fromJust $ modInfoTopLevelScope moduleInfo
- subMap = mk_sub_map_from_group group
- exportedDeclMap = mkDeclMap exportedNames group
- localDeclMap = mkDeclMap theseEntityNames group
- docMap = mkDocMap group
+ return HM {
+ hmod_mod = mod,
+ hmod_orig_filename = ghcFilename modData,
+ hmod_info = ghcHaddockModInfo modData,
+ hmod_doc = ghcMbDoc modData,
+ hmod_rn_doc = Nothing,
+ hmod_options = opts,
+ hmod_locals = localNames,
+ hmod_doc_map = docMap,
+ hmod_rn_doc_map = Map.empty,
+ hmod_sub_map = subMap,
+ hmod_export_items = prunedExportItems,
+ hmod_rn_export_items = [],
+ hmod_exports = ghcExportedNames modData,
+ hmod_visible_exports = visibleNames,
+ hmod_exported_decl_map = expDeclMap,
+ hmod_instances = ghcInstances modData
+ }
+ where
+ mkDocOpts mbOpts mod = do
+ opts <- case mbOpts of
+ Just opts -> processOptions opts
+ Nothing -> return []
+ let opts' = if Flag_HideModule (moduleString mod) `elem` flags
+ then OptHide : opts
+ else opts
+ return opts'
+-- | Produce a map of HaddockModules with information that is close to
+-- renderable. What is lacking after this pass are the renamed export items.
+pass1 :: [ModuleDataGHC] -> [Flag] -> ErrMsgM ModuleMap
+pass1 modules flags = foldM produceAndInsert Map.empty modules
+ where
+ produceAndInsert modMap modData = do
+ resultMod <- pass1data modData flags modMap
+ let key = ghcModule modData
+ return (Map.insert key resultMod modMap)
- ignoreAllExports = Flag_IgnoreAllExports `elem` flags
- packageId = modulePackageId mod
- theseVisibleNames <- visibleNames mod moduleMap localNames scopeNames
- subMap exports opts localDeclMap
- packageId
- exportItems <- mkExportItems moduleMap mod exportedNames
- exportedDeclMap localDeclMap subMap entities
- opts exports ignoreAllExports docMap
- packageId
- -- prune the export list to just those declarations that have
- -- documentation, if the 'prune' option is on.
- let prunedExportItems
- | OptPrune `elem` opts = pruneExportItems exportItems
- | otherwise = exportItems
- instances = modInfoInstances moduleInfo
- haddock_module = HM {
- hmod_mod = mod,
- hmod_orig_filename = filename,
- hmod_info = haddockModInfo,
- hmod_doc = mbModDoc,
- hmod_rn_doc = Nothing,
- hmod_options = opts,
- hmod_locals = localNames,
- hmod_doc_map = docMap,
- hmod_rn_doc_map = Map.empty,
- hmod_sub_map = subMap,
- hmod_export_items = prunedExportItems,
- hmod_rn_export_items = [],
- hmod_exports = exportedNames,
- hmod_visible_exports = theseVisibleNames,
- hmod_exported_decl_map = exportedDeclMap,
- hmod_instances = instances
- }
- moduleMap' = Map.insert mod haddock_module moduleMap
- worker rest_modules moduleMap' flags
- where
- getModuleStuff source =
- let HsModule _ _ _ _ _ mb_opts info mb_doc = unLoc source
- in (mb_opts, info, mb_doc)
- mkDocOpts mbOpts = do
- opts <- case mbOpts of
- Just opts -> processOptions opts
- Nothing -> return []
- let opts' = if Flag_HideModule (moduleString mod) `elem` flags
- then OptHide : opts
- else opts
- return opts'
sameName (DocEntity _) _ = False
sameName (DeclEntity _) (DocEntity _) = False
sameName (DeclEntity a) (DeclEntity b) = a == b
@@ -593,14 +618,13 @@ finishedDoc d DocEmpty rest = rest
finishedDoc (DeclEntity name) doc rest = (name, doc) : rest
finishedDoc _ _ rest = rest
-allSubnamesInGroup :: HsGroup Name -> [Name]
-allSubnamesInGroup group =
+allSubNames :: HsGroup Name -> [Name]
+allSubNames group =
concat [ tail (map unLoc (tyClDeclNames tycld)) | L _ tycld <- hs_tyclds group ]
-mk_sub_map_from_group :: HsGroup Name -> Map Name [Name]
-mk_sub_map_from_group group =
- Map.fromList [ (name, subs) | L _ tycld <- hs_tyclds group,
- let name:subs = map unLoc (tyClDeclNames tycld) ]
+mkSubMap :: HsGroup Name -> Map Name [Name]
+mkSubMap group = Map.fromList [ (name, subs) | L _ tycld <- hs_tyclds group,
+ let name:subs = map unLoc (tyClDeclNames tycld) ]
mkDeclMap :: [Name] -> HsGroup Name -> Map Name (LHsDecl Name)
mkDeclMap names group = Map.fromList [ (n,d) | (n,Just d) <- maybeDecls ]
@@ -757,11 +781,10 @@ mkExportItems
-> Maybe [IE Name]
-> Bool -- --ignore-all-exports flag
-> Map Name (HsDoc Name)
- -> PackageId
-> ErrMsgM [ExportItem Name]
mkExportItems mod_map this_mod exported_names exportedDeclMap localDeclMap sub_map entities
- opts maybe_exps ignore_all_exports docMap packageId
+ opts maybe_exps ignore_all_exports docMap
| isNothing maybe_exps || ignore_all_exports || OptIgnoreExports `elem` opts
= everything_local_exported
| Just specs <- maybe_exps = do
@@ -770,6 +793,8 @@ mkExportItems mod_map this_mod exported_names exportedDeclMap localDeclMap sub_m
everything_local_exported = -- everything exported
return (fullContentsOfThisModule this_mod entities localDeclMap docMap)
+ packageId = modulePackageId this_mod
lookupExport (IEVar x) = declWith x
lookupExport (IEThingAbs t) = declWith t
@@ -899,7 +924,7 @@ pruneExportItems items = filter hasDoc items
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Gather a list of original names exported from this module
-visibleNames :: Module
+mkVisibleNames :: Module
-> ModuleMap
-> [Name]
-> [Name]
@@ -907,10 +932,9 @@ visibleNames :: Module
-> Maybe [IE Name]
-> [DocOption]
-> Map Name (LHsDecl Name)
- -> PackageId
-> ErrMsgM [Name]
-visibleNames mdl modMap localNames scope subMap maybeExps opts declMap packageId
+mkVisibleNames mdl modMap localNames scope subMap maybeExps opts declMap
-- if no export list, just return all local names
| Nothing <- maybeExps = return (filter hasDecl localNames)
| OptIgnoreExports `elem` opts = return localNames
@@ -934,8 +958,8 @@ visibleNames mdl modMap localNames scope subMap maybeExps opts declMap packageId
IEThingWith t cs -> return (t : cs)
IEModuleContents m
- | mkModule packageId m == mdl -> return localNames
- | otherwise -> let m' = mkModule packageId m in
+ | mkModule (modulePackageId mdl) m == mdl -> return localNames
+ | otherwise -> let m' = mkModule (modulePackageId mdl) m in
case Map.lookup m' modMap of
Just mod
| OptHide `elem` hmod_options mod ->