diff options
authorsimonmar <unknown>2002-05-28 16:16:19 +0000
committersimonmar <unknown>2002-05-28 16:16:19 +0000
commita3156213dca10966a27aa963ed414d6067501f1f (patch)
parent92baa0e82dd8e78568cd56f72508b48ebfdfdfdb (diff)
[haddock @ 2002-05-28 16:16:19 by simonmar]
Only link to names in the current module which are actually listed in the documentation. A name may be exported but not present in the documentation if it is exported as part of a 'module M' export specifier.
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index 2c6b45b8..4d26bd3b 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -170,16 +170,13 @@ mkInterface mod_map filename
qual_local_names = map (Qual mod) locally_defined_names
unqual_local_names = map UnQual locally_defined_names
- local_env = listToFM (zip unqual_local_names qual_local_names ++
- zip qual_local_names qual_local_names)
+ local_orig_env = listToFM (zip unqual_local_names qual_local_names ++
+ zip qual_local_names qual_local_names)
-- both qualified and unqualifed names are in scope for local things
-- build the orig_env, which maps names to *original* names (so we can
-- find the original declarations & docs for things).
- (ext_orig_envs, ext_import_envs)
- = unzip (map (buildEnv mod_map mod exported_names) imps)
- orig_env = foldr plusFM local_env ext_orig_envs
- import_env = foldr plusFM local_env ext_import_envs
+ orig_env = local_orig_env `plusFM` buildOrigEnv mod_map imps
-- convert names in source code to original, fully qualified, names
(orig_exports, missing_names1)
@@ -192,10 +189,16 @@ mkInterface mod_map filename
orig_decl_map = listToFM [ (n,d) | d <- orig_decls, n <- declBinders d ]
-- gather up a list of entities that are exported (original names)
- exported_names = exportedNames mod mod_map orig_decls
+ (exported_names, exported_visible_names)
+ = exportedNames mod mod_map orig_decls
locally_defined_names orig_exports
orig_decl_map options
+ -- build the import env, which maps original names to import names
+ local_import_env = listToFM (zip qual_local_names qual_local_names)
+ import_env = local_import_env `plusFM`
+ buildImportEnv mod_map mod exported_visible_names imps
final_decls = concat (map expandDecl orig_decls)
@@ -354,14 +357,16 @@ exportedNames :: Module -> ModuleMap -> [HsDecl] -> [HsName]
-> Maybe [HsExportSpec]
-> FiniteMap HsName HsDecl
-> [DocOption]
- -> [HsQName]
+ -> ([HsQName], [HsQName])
-exportedNames mod mod_scope decls local_names maybe_exps decl_map options
- | Nothing <- maybe_exps = all_local_names
- | OptIgnoreExports `elem` options = all_local_names
- | Just expspecs <- maybe_exps = concat (map extract expspecs)
+exportedNames mod mod_map decls local_names maybe_exps decl_map options
+ | Nothing <- maybe_exps = all_local_names_pr
+ | OptIgnoreExports `elem` options = all_local_names_pr
+ | Just expspecs <- maybe_exps =
+ (concat (map extract expspecs), concat (map extract_vis expspecs))
all_local_names = map (Qual mod) local_names
+ all_local_names_pr = (all_local_names,all_local_names)
extract e =
case e of
@@ -375,18 +380,34 @@ exportedNames mod mod_scope decls local_names maybe_exps decl_map options
HsEModuleContents m
| m == mod -> map (Qual mod) local_names
| otherwise ->
- case lookupFM mod_scope m of
+ case lookupFM mod_map m of
Just iface -> eltsFM (iface_env iface)
Nothing -> trace ("Warning: module not found: " ++ show m) $ []
_ -> []
+ -- Just the names that will be visible in the documentation
+ -- (ie. omit names exported via a 'module M' export, if we are just
+ -- going to cross-reference the module).
+ extract_vis e =
+ case e of
+ HsEModuleContents m
+ | m == mod -> map (Qual mod) local_names
+ | otherwise ->
+ case lookupFM mod_map m of
+ Just iface
+ | OptHide `elem` iface_options iface -> eltsFM (iface_env iface)
+ | otherwise -> []
+ Nothing
+ -> trace ("Warning: module not found: " ++ show m) $ []
+ _ -> extract e
export_lookup :: HsQName -> Maybe HsDecl
export_lookup (UnQual n)
= trace ("Warning(exportedNames): UnQual! " ++ show n) $ Nothing
export_lookup (Qual m n)
| m == mod = lookupFM decl_map n
| otherwise
- = case lookupFM mod_scope m of
+ = case lookupFM mod_map m of
Just iface -> lookupFM (iface_decls iface) n
Nothing -> trace ("Warning: module not found: " ++ show m)
@@ -394,33 +415,40 @@ exportedNames mod mod_scope decls local_names maybe_exps decl_map options
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Building name environments
-buildEnv :: ModuleMap -> Module -> [HsQName] -> HsImportDecl
- -> ( FiniteMap HsQName HsQName, -- source name ==> orig name
- FiniteMap HsQName HsQName -- orig name ==> import name
- )
-buildEnv mod_map this_mod exported_names (HsImportDecl _ mod qual maybe_as _)
- = case lookupFM mod_map mod of
- Nothing -> trace ("Warning: module not found: " ++ show mod)
- (emptyFM, emptyFM)
- Just iface ->
- let env = fmToList (iface_env iface) in
- ( listToFM (concat (map orig_map env))
- , listToFM (map import_map env)
- )
+buildOrigEnv :: ModuleMap -> [HsImportDecl] -> FiniteMap HsQName HsQName
+buildOrigEnv mod_map imp_decls
+ = foldr plusFM emptyFM (map build imp_decls)
+ build (HsImportDecl _ mod qual maybe_as _)
+ = case lookupFM mod_map mod of
+ Nothing ->
+ trace ("Warning: module not found: " ++ show mod) $ emptyFM
+ Just iface ->
+ listToFM (concat (map orig_map (fmToList (iface_env iface))))
+ where
-- bring both qualified and unqualified names into scope, unless
-- the import was 'qualified'.
- orig_map (nm,qnm)
- | qual = [ (Qual qual_module nm, qnm) ]
- | otherwise = [ (UnQual nm, qnm), (Qual qual_module nm, qnm) ]
- qual_module
- | Just m <- maybe_as = m
- | otherwise = mod
- import_map (nm,qnm) = (qnm, maps_to)
- where maps_to | qnm `elem` exported_names = Qual this_mod nm
- | otherwise = Qual mod nm
+ orig_map (nm,qnm)
+ | qual = [ (Qual qual_module nm, qnm) ]
+ | otherwise = [ (UnQual nm, qnm), (Qual qual_module nm, qnm) ]
+ qual_module
+ | Just m <- maybe_as = m
+ | otherwise = mod
+buildImportEnv :: ModuleMap -> Module -> [HsQName] -> [HsImportDecl]
+ -> FiniteMap HsQName HsQName
+buildImportEnv mod_map this_mod exported_names imp_decls
+ = foldr plusFM emptyFM (map build imp_decls)
+ where
+ build (HsImportDecl _ mod qual maybe_as _)
+ = case lookupFM mod_map mod of
+ Nothing -> emptyFM
+ Just iface -> listToFM (map import_map (fmToList (iface_env iface)))
+ where
+ import_map (nm,qnm) = (qnm, maps_to)
+ where maps_to | qnm `elem` exported_names = Qual this_mod nm
+ | otherwise = Qual mod nm
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Expand multiple type signatures