path: root/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
diff options
authorAlec Theriault <alec.theriault@gmail.com>2019-02-15 09:11:17 -0800
committerAlec Theriault <alec.theriault@gmail.com>2019-02-22 05:49:43 -0800
commitc323c257be0bc118a0501416f06bda8fd51c92f9 (patch)
treee1bfe5c5ef87bc3952d94c695f4726d8dc2933e5 /haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
parent1a4715b2c14d6387da91e74560845fb6cbe6808b (diff)
Match GHC changes for T16185
`FunTy` now has an `AnonArgFlag` that indicates whether the arrow is a `t1 => t2` or `t1 -> t2`. This commit shouldn't change any functionality in Haddock.
Diffstat (limited to 'haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
index 37bad0d8..f3c40be1 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
@@ -610,11 +610,11 @@ synifyType _ vs (AppTy t1 t2) = let
s1 = synifyType WithinType vs t1
s2 = synifyType WithinType vs t2
in noLoc $ HsAppTy noExt s1 s2
-synifyType s vs funty@(FunTy t1 t2)
- | isPredTy t1 = synifyForAllType s vs funty
- | otherwise = let s1 = synifyType WithinType vs t1
- s2 = synifyType WithinType vs t2
- in noLoc $ HsFunTy noExt s1 s2
+synifyType s vs funty@(FunTy InvisArg _ _) = synifyForAllType s vs funty
+synifyType _ vs (FunTy VisArg t1 t2) = let
+ s1 = synifyType WithinType vs t1
+ s2 = synifyType WithinType vs t2
+ in noLoc $ HsFunTy noExt s1 s2
synifyType s vs forallty@(ForAllTy _tv _ty) = synifyForAllType s vs forallty
synifyType _ _ (LitTy t) = noLoc $ HsTyLit noExt $ synifyTyLit t
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ noKindTyVars ts ty
_ -> noKindTyVars ts f
in unionVarSets (func : args)
noKindTyVars ts (ForAllTy _ t) = noKindTyVars ts t
-noKindTyVars ts (FunTy t1 t2) = noKindTyVars ts t1 `unionVarSet` noKindTyVars ts t2
+noKindTyVars ts (FunTy _ t1 t2) = noKindTyVars ts t1 `unionVarSet` noKindTyVars ts t2
noKindTyVars ts (CastTy t _) = noKindTyVars ts t
noKindTyVars _ _ = emptyVarSet
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ synifyPatSynType ps =
in implicitForAll ts [] (univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs) req_theta'
(\vs -> implicitForAll ts vs [] prov_theta (synifyType WithinType))
- (mkFunTys arg_tys res_ty)
+ (mkVisFunTys arg_tys res_ty)
synifyTyLit :: TyLit -> HsTyLit
synifyTyLit (NumTyLit n) = HsNumTy NoSourceText n
@@ -852,7 +852,5 @@ tcSplitPhiTyPreserveSynonyms ty0 = split ty0 []
-- | See Note [Invariant: Never expand type synonyms]
tcSplitPredFunTyPreserveSynonyms_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (PredType, Type)
-tcSplitPredFunTyPreserveSynonyms_maybe (FunTy arg res)
- | isPredTy arg = Just (arg, res)
-tcSplitPredFunTyPreserveSynonyms_maybe _
- = Nothing
+tcSplitPredFunTyPreserveSynonyms_maybe (FunTy InvisArg arg res) = Just (arg, res)
+tcSplitPredFunTyPreserveSynonyms_maybe _ = Nothing