path: root/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
diff options
authorRyan Scott <ryan.gl.scott@gmail.com>2020-03-31 12:25:23 -0400
committerRyan Scott <ryan.gl.scott@gmail.com>2020-04-07 19:32:47 -0400
commit5ec817a3e41b7eaa50c74701ab2d7642df86464c (patch)
tree15a6639360ecc3a5c72503932a52862b4a17292b /haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
parentcb65d6f3d452f46dcdd87347f50ce1548aa3fbbb (diff)
Make NoExtCon fields strict
These changes are a part of a fix for [GHC#17992](https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/17992).
Diffstat (limited to 'haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
index a71c7504..df14eeb2 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils.hs
@@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ restrictDataDefn names defn@(HsDataDefn { dd_ND = new_or_data, dd_cons = cons })
[] -> defn { dd_ND = DataType, dd_cons = [] }
[con] -> defn { dd_cons = [con] }
_ -> error "Should not happen"
-restrictDataDefn _ (XHsDataDefn _) = error "restrictDataDefn"
restrictCons :: [Name] -> [LConDecl GhcRn] -> [LConDecl GhcRn]
restrictCons names decls = [ L p d | L p (Just d) <- map (fmap keep) decls ]
@@ -201,7 +200,6 @@ restrictCons names decls = [ L p d | L p (Just d) <- map (fmap keep) decls ]
field_avail :: LConDeclField GhcRn -> Bool
field_avail (L _ (ConDeclField _ fs _ _))
= all (\f -> extFieldOcc (unLoc f) `elem` names) fs
- field_avail (L _ (XConDeclField nec)) = noExtCon nec
field_types flds = [ t | ConDeclField _ _ t _ <- flds ]
keep _ = Nothing