path: root/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils/Json.hs
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authorMarcin Szamotulski <profunctor@pm.me>2021-08-08 17:19:06 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2021-08-08 17:19:06 +0200
commit5bd9262466a0e71da4e84654a1906b76996e3692 (patch)
treef8b6c000381a10b540cb27d7c9089158075a25db /haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils/Json.hs
parentbe7ea34f16391d5e61326b117ecddeea2165fb86 (diff)
coot/multiple packages (ghc-9.2) (#1418)
Diffstat (limited to 'haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils/Json.hs')
1 files changed, 356 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils/Json.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils/Json.hs
index 2270a547..d5d5ae02 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils/Json.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils/Json.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- | Minimal JSON / RFC 7159 support
@@ -12,35 +14,53 @@ module Haddock.Utils.Json
, encodeToString
, encodeToBuilder
+ , Parser(..)
+ , Result(..)
+ , FromJSON(parseJSON)
+ , withObject
+ , withArray
+ , withString
+ , withDouble
+ , withBool
+ , fromJSON
+ , parse
+ , parseEither
+ , (.:)
+ , (.:?)
+ , decode
+ , decodeWith
+ , eitherDecode
+ , eitherDecodeWith
+ , decodeFile
+ , eitherDecodeFile
+import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
+import Control.Monad (MonadPlus (..), zipWithM, (>=>))
+import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
+import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
+import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB
import Data.Char
import Data.Int
-import Data.String
import Data.Word
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Monoid
-import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB
+import GHC.Natural
-- TODO: We may want to replace 'String' with 'Text' or 'ByteString'
--- | A JSON value represented as a Haskell value.
-data Value = Object !Object
- | Array [Value]
- | String String
- | Number !Double
- | Bool !Bool
- | Null
- deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
+import qualified Text.Parsec.ByteString.Lazy as Parsec.Lazy
+import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Parsec
--- | A key\/value pair for an 'Object'
-type Pair = (String, Value)
+import Haddock.Utils.Json.Types
+import Haddock.Utils.Json.Parser
--- | A JSON \"object\" (key/value map).
-type Object = [Pair]
infixr 8 .=
@@ -48,13 +68,6 @@ infixr 8 .=
(.=) :: ToJSON v => String -> v -> Pair
k .= v = (k, toJSON v)
--- | Create a 'Value' from a list of name\/value 'Pair's.
-object :: [Pair] -> Value
-object = Object
-instance IsString Value where
- fromString = String
-- | A type that can be converted to JSON.
class ToJSON a where
@@ -223,3 +236,324 @@ escapeString s
-- unescaped = %x20-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-10FFFF
needsEscape c = ord c < 0x20 || c `elem` ['\\','"']
+-- FromJSON
+-- | Elements of a JSON path used to describe the location of an
+-- error.
+data JSONPathElement
+ = Key String
+ -- ^ JSON path element of a key into an object,
+ -- \"object.key\".
+ | Index !Int
+ -- ^ JSON path element of an index into an
+ -- array, \"array[index]\".
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
+type JSONPath = [JSONPathElement]
+-- | Failure continuation.
+type Failure f r = JSONPath -> String -> f r
+-- | Success continuation.
+type Success a f r = a -> f r
+newtype Parser a = Parser {
+ runParser :: forall f r.
+ JSONPath
+ -> Failure f r
+ -> Success a f r
+ -> f r
+ }
+modifyFailure :: (String -> String) -> Parser a -> Parser a
+modifyFailure f (Parser p) = Parser $ \path kf ks ->
+ p path (\p' m -> kf p' (f m)) ks
+prependFailure :: String -> Parser a -> Parser a
+prependFailure = modifyFailure . (++)
+prependContext :: String -> Parser a -> Parser a
+prependContext name = prependFailure ("parsing " ++ name ++ " failed, ")
+typeMismatch :: String -> Value -> Parser a
+typeMismatch expected actual =
+ fail $ "expected " ++ expected ++ ", but encountered " ++ typeOf actual
+instance Monad.Monad Parser where
+ m >>= g = Parser $ \path kf ks ->
+ runParser m path kf
+ (\a -> runParser (g a) path kf ks)
+ return = pure
+instance Fail.MonadFail Parser where
+ fail msg = Parser $ \path kf _ks -> kf (reverse path) msg
+instance Functor Parser where
+ fmap f m = Parser $ \path kf ks ->
+ let ks' a = ks (f a)
+ in runParser m path kf ks'
+instance Applicative Parser where
+ pure a = Parser $ \_path _kf ks -> ks a
+ (<*>) = apP
+instance Alternative Parser where
+ empty = fail "empty"
+ (<|>) = mplus
+instance MonadPlus Parser where
+ mzero = fail "mzero"
+ mplus a b = Parser $ \path kf ks ->
+ runParser a path (\_ _ -> runParser b path kf ks) ks
+instance Semigroup (Parser a) where
+ (<>) = mplus
+instance Monoid (Parser a) where
+ mempty = fail "mempty"
+ mappend = (<>)
+apP :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
+apP d e = do
+ b <- d
+ b <$> e
+(<?>) :: Parser a -> JSONPathElement -> Parser a
+p <?> pathElem = Parser $ \path kf ks -> runParser p (pathElem:path) kf ks
+parseIndexedJSON :: (Value -> Parser a) -> Int -> Value -> Parser a
+parseIndexedJSON p idx value = p value <?> Index idx
+unexpected :: Value -> Parser a
+unexpected actual = fail $ "unexpected " ++ typeOf actual
+withObject :: String -> (Object -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
+withObject _ f (Object obj) = f obj
+withObject name _ v = prependContext name (typeMismatch "Object" v)
+withArray :: String -> ([Value] -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
+withArray _ f (Array arr) = f arr
+withArray name _ v = prependContext name (typeMismatch "Array" v)
+withString :: String -> (String -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
+withString _ f (String txt) = f txt
+withString name _ v = prependContext name (typeMismatch "String" v)
+withDouble :: String -> (Double -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
+withDouble _ f (Number duble) = f duble
+withDouble name _ v = prependContext name (typeMismatch "Number" v)
+withBool :: String -> (Bool -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
+withBool _ f (Bool arr) = f arr
+withBool name _ v = prependContext name (typeMismatch "Boolean" v)
+class FromJSON a where
+ parseJSON :: Value -> Parser a
+ parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [a]
+ parseJSONList = withArray "[]" (zipWithM (parseIndexedJSON parseJSON) [0..])
+instance FromJSON Bool where
+ parseJSON (Bool b) = pure b
+ parseJSON v = typeMismatch "Bool" v
+instance FromJSON () where
+ parseJSON =
+ withArray "()" $ \v ->
+ if null v
+ then pure ()
+ else prependContext "()" $ fail "expected an empty array"
+instance FromJSON Char where
+ parseJSON = withString "Char" parseChar
+ parseJSONList (String s) = pure s
+ parseJSONList v = typeMismatch "String" v
+parseChar :: String -> Parser Char
+parseChar t =
+ if length t == 1
+ then pure $ head t
+ else prependContext "Char" $ fail "expected a string of length 1"
+parseRealFloat :: RealFloat a => String -> Value -> Parser a
+parseRealFloat _ (Number s) = pure $ realToFrac s
+parseRealFloat _ Null = pure (0/0)
+parseRealFloat name v = prependContext name (unexpected v)
+instance FromJSON Double where
+ parseJSON = parseRealFloat "Double"
+instance FromJSON Float where
+ parseJSON = parseRealFloat "Float"
+parseNatural :: Integer -> Parser Natural
+parseNatural integer =
+ if integer < 0 then
+ fail $ "parsing Natural failed, unexpected negative number " <> show integer
+ else
+ pure $ fromIntegral integer
+parseIntegralFromDouble :: Integral a => Double -> Parser a
+parseIntegralFromDouble d =
+ let r = toRational d
+ x = truncate r
+ in if toRational x == r
+ then pure $ x
+ else fail $ "unexpected floating number " <> show d
+parseIntegral :: Integral a => String -> Value -> Parser a
+parseIntegral name = withDouble name parseIntegralFromDouble
+instance FromJSON Integer where
+ parseJSON = parseIntegral "Integer"
+instance FromJSON Natural where
+ parseJSON = withDouble "Natural"
+ (parseIntegralFromDouble >=> parseNatural)
+instance FromJSON Int where
+ parseJSON = parseIntegral "Int"
+instance FromJSON Int8 where
+ parseJSON = parseIntegral "Int8"
+instance FromJSON Int16 where
+ parseJSON = parseIntegral "Int16"
+instance FromJSON Int32 where
+ parseJSON = parseIntegral "Int32"
+instance FromJSON Int64 where
+ parseJSON = parseIntegral "Int64"
+instance FromJSON Word where
+ parseJSON = parseIntegral "Word"
+instance FromJSON Word8 where
+ parseJSON = parseIntegral "Word8"
+instance FromJSON Word16 where
+ parseJSON = parseIntegral "Word16"
+instance FromJSON Word32 where
+ parseJSON = parseIntegral "Word32"
+instance FromJSON Word64 where
+ parseJSON = parseIntegral "Word64"
+instance FromJSON a => FromJSON [a] where
+ parseJSON = parseJSONList
+data Result a = Error String
+ | Success a
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+fromJSON :: FromJSON a => Value -> Result a
+fromJSON = parse parseJSON
+parse :: (a -> Parser b) -> a -> Result b
+parse m v = runParser (m v) [] (const Error) Success
+parseEither :: (a -> Parser b) -> a -> Either String b
+parseEither m v = runParser (m v) [] onError Right
+ where onError path msg = Left (formatError path msg)
+formatError :: JSONPath -> String -> String
+formatError path msg = "Error in " ++ formatPath path ++ ": " ++ msg
+formatPath :: JSONPath -> String
+formatPath path = "$" ++ formatRelativePath path
+formatRelativePath :: JSONPath -> String
+formatRelativePath path = format "" path
+ where
+ format :: String -> JSONPath -> String
+ format pfx [] = pfx
+ format pfx (Index idx:parts) = format (pfx ++ "[" ++ show idx ++ "]") parts
+ format pfx (Key key:parts) = format (pfx ++ formatKey key) parts
+ formatKey :: String -> String
+ formatKey key
+ | isIdentifierKey key = "." ++ key
+ | otherwise = "['" ++ escapeKey key ++ "']"
+ isIdentifierKey :: String -> Bool
+ isIdentifierKey [] = False
+ isIdentifierKey (x:xs) = isAlpha x && all isAlphaNum xs
+ escapeKey :: String -> String
+ escapeKey = concatMap escapeChar
+ escapeChar :: Char -> String
+ escapeChar '\'' = "\\'"
+ escapeChar '\\' = "\\\\"
+ escapeChar c = [c]
+explicitParseField :: (Value -> Parser a) -> Object -> String -> Parser a
+explicitParseField p obj key =
+ case key `lookup` obj of
+ Nothing -> fail $ "key " ++ key ++ " not found"
+ Just v -> p v <?> Key key
+(.:) :: FromJSON a => Object -> String -> Parser a
+(.:) = explicitParseField parseJSON
+explicitParseFieldMaybe :: (Value -> Parser a) -> Object -> String -> Parser (Maybe a)
+explicitParseFieldMaybe p obj key =
+ case key `lookup` obj of
+ Nothing -> pure Nothing
+ Just v -> Just <$> p v <?> Key key
+(.:?) :: FromJSON a => Object -> String -> Parser (Maybe a)
+(.:?) = explicitParseFieldMaybe parseJSON
+decodeWith :: (Value -> Result a) -> BSL.ByteString -> Maybe a
+decodeWith decoder bsl =
+ case Parsec.parse parseJSONValue "<input>" bsl of
+ Left _ -> Nothing
+ Right json ->
+ case decoder json of
+ Success a -> Just a
+ Error _ -> Nothing
+decode :: FromJSON a => BSL.ByteString -> Maybe a
+decode = decodeWith fromJSON
+eitherDecodeWith :: (Value -> Result a) -> BSL.ByteString -> Either String a
+eitherDecodeWith decoder bsl =
+ case Parsec.parse parseJSONValue "<input>" bsl of
+ Left parsecError -> Left (show parsecError)
+ Right json ->
+ case decoder json of
+ Success a -> Right a
+ Error err -> Left err
+eitherDecode :: FromJSON a => BSL.ByteString -> Either String a
+eitherDecode = eitherDecodeWith fromJSON
+decodeFile :: FromJSON a => FilePath -> IO (Maybe a)
+decodeFile filePath = do
+ parsecResult <- Parsec.Lazy.parseFromFile parseJSONValue filePath
+ case parsecResult of
+ Right r ->
+ case fromJSON r of
+ Success a -> return (Just a)
+ Error _ -> return Nothing
+ Left _ -> return Nothing
+eitherDecodeFile :: FromJSON a => FilePath -> IO (Either String a)
+eitherDecodeFile filePath = do
+ parsecResult <- Parsec.Lazy.parseFromFile parseJSONValue filePath
+ case parsecResult of
+ Right r ->
+ case fromJSON r of
+ Success a -> return (Right a)
+ Error err -> return (Left err)
+ Left err -> return $ Left (show err)