path: root/src/Binary.hs
diff options
authorsimonmar <unknown>2002-06-21 15:50:42 +0000
committersimonmar <unknown>2002-06-21 15:50:42 +0000
commit4831dbbdd3d9899efdd07093507ae7bf08209289 (patch)
tree67dd8f744befe07ed9c6e7471e272faa991bf40c /src/Binary.hs
parentb8dbfe209d85d26d4b89d9d47b7d0604f6e05c46 (diff)
[haddock @ 2002-06-21 15:50:42 by simonmar]
Add support for reading and writing interface files(!) This turned out to be quite easy, and necessary to get decent hyperlinks between the documentation for separate packages in the libraries. The functionality isn't quite complete yet: for a given package of modules, you'd like to say "the HTML for these modules lives in directory <dir>" (currently they are assumed to be all in the same place). Two new flags: --dump-interface=FILE dump an interface file in FILE --read-interface=FILE read interface from FILE an interface file describes *all* the modules being processed. Only the exported names are kept in the interface: if you re-export a name from a module in another interface the signature won't be copied. This is a compromise to keep the size of the interfaces sensible. Also, I added another useful option: --no-implicit-prelude avoids trying to import the Prelude. Previously this was the default, but now importing the Prelude from elsewhere makes sense if you also read in an interface containing the Prelude module, so Haddock imports the Prelude implicitly according to the Haskell spec.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Binary.hs')
1 files changed, 549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Binary.hs b/src/Binary.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d1d11af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Binary.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2002
+-- Binary I/O library, with special tweaks for GHC
+-- Based on the nhc98 Binary library, which is copyright
+-- (c) Malcolm Wallace and Colin Runciman, University of York, 1998.
+-- Under the terms of the license for that software, we must tell you
+-- where you can obtain the original version of the Binary library, namely
+-- http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/fp/nhc98/
+module Binary
+ ( {-type-} Bin,
+ {-class-} Binary(..),
+ {-type-} BinHandle,
+ openBinIO,
+ openBinIO_,
+ openBinMem,
+-- closeBin,
+-- getUserData,
+ seekBin,
+ tellBin,
+ castBin,
+ writeBinMem,
+ readBinMem,
+ isEOFBin,
+ -- for writing instances:
+ putByte,
+ getByte,
+ putString,
+ getString,
+ -- lazy Bin I/O
+ lazyGet,
+ lazyPut,
+ -- GHC only:
+ ByteArray(..),
+ getByteArray,
+ putByteArray,
+-- getBinFileWithDict, -- :: Binary a => FilePath -> IO a
+-- putBinFileWithDict, -- :: Binary a => FilePath -> Module -> a -> IO ()
+ ) where
+#include "MachDeps.h"
+import FastMutInt
+import IOExts
+import Bits
+import Int
+import Word
+import Char
+import Monad
+import Exception
+import GlaExts hiding (ByteArray, newByteArray, freezeByteArray)
+import Array
+import IO
+import PrelIOBase -- ( IOError(..), IOErrorType(..) )
+import PrelReal -- ( Ratio(..) )
+import PrelIOBase -- ( IO(..) )
+import MArray (IOUArray)
+type BinArray = MutableByteArray RealWorld Int
+newArray_ bounds = stToIO (newCharArray bounds)
+unsafeWrite arr ix e = stToIO (writeWord8Array arr ix e)
+unsafeRead arr ix = stToIO (readWord8Array arr ix)
+hPutArray h arr sz = hPutBufBAFull h arr sz
+hGetArray h sz = hGetBufBAFull h sz
+mkIOError :: IOErrorType -> String -> Maybe Handle -> Maybe FilePath -> Exception
+mkIOError t location maybe_hdl maybe_filename
+ = IOException (IOError maybe_hdl t location ""
+ maybe_filename
+ )
+eofErrorType = EOF
+--type BinArray = IOUArray Int Word8
+data BinHandle
+ = BinMem { -- binary data stored in an unboxed array
+ state :: Int, -- sigh, need parameterized modules :-)
+ off_r :: !FastMutInt, -- the current offset
+ sz_r :: !FastMutInt, -- size of the array (cached)
+ arr_r :: !(IORef BinArray) -- the array (bounds: (0,size-1))
+ }
+ -- XXX: should really store a "high water mark" for dumping out
+ -- the binary data to a file.
+ | BinIO { -- binary data stored in a file
+ state :: Int,
+ off_r :: !FastMutInt, -- the current offset (cached)
+ hdl :: !IO.Handle -- the file handle (must be seekable)
+ }
+ -- cache the file ptr in BinIO; using hTell is too expensive
+ -- to call repeatedly. If anyone else is modifying this Handle
+ -- at the same time, we'll be screwed.
+newtype Bin a = BinPtr Int
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Bounded)
+castBin :: Bin a -> Bin b
+castBin (BinPtr i) = BinPtr i
+class Binary a where
+ put_ :: BinHandle -> a -> IO ()
+ put :: BinHandle -> a -> IO (Bin a)
+ get :: BinHandle -> IO a
+ -- define one of put_, put. Use of put_ is recommended because it
+ -- is more likely that tail-calls can kick in, and we rarely need the
+ -- position return value.
+ put_ bh a = do put bh a; return ()
+ put bh a = do p <- tellBin bh; put_ bh a; return p
+putAt :: Binary a => BinHandle -> Bin a -> a -> IO ()
+putAt bh p x = do seekBin bh p; put bh x; return ()
+getAt :: Binary a => BinHandle -> Bin a -> IO a
+getAt bh p = do seekBin bh p; get bh
+openBinIO_ :: IO.Handle -> IO BinHandle
+openBinIO_ h = openBinIO h
+openBinIO :: IO.Handle -> IO BinHandle
+openBinIO h = do
+ r <- newFastMutInt
+ writeFastMutInt r 0
+ return (BinIO undefined r h)
+openBinMem :: Int -> IO BinHandle
+openBinMem size
+ | size <= 0 = error "Data.Binary.openBinMem: size must be >= 0"
+ | otherwise = do
+ arr <- newArray_ (0,size-1)
+ arr_r <- newIORef arr
+ ix_r <- newFastMutInt
+ writeFastMutInt ix_r 0
+ sz_r <- newFastMutInt
+ writeFastMutInt sz_r size
+ return (BinMem undefined ix_r sz_r arr_r)
+noBinHandleUserData = error "Binary.BinHandle: no user data"
+--getUserData :: BinHandle -> BinHandleState
+--getUserData bh = state bh
+tellBin :: BinHandle -> IO (Bin a)
+tellBin (BinIO _ r _) = do ix <- readFastMutInt r; return (BinPtr ix)
+tellBin (BinMem _ r _ _) = do ix <- readFastMutInt r; return (BinPtr ix)
+seekBin :: BinHandle -> Bin a -> IO ()
+seekBin (BinIO _ ix_r h) (BinPtr p) = do
+ writeFastMutInt ix_r p
+ hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (fromIntegral p)
+seekBin h@(BinMem _ ix_r sz_r a) (BinPtr p) = do
+ sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
+ if (p >= sz)
+ then do expandBin h p; writeFastMutInt ix_r p
+ else writeFastMutInt ix_r p
+isEOFBin :: BinHandle -> IO Bool
+isEOFBin (BinMem _ ix_r sz_r a) = do
+ ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
+ sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
+ return (ix >= sz)
+isEOFBin (BinIO _ ix_r h) = hIsEOF h
+writeBinMem :: BinHandle -> FilePath -> IO ()
+writeBinMem (BinIO _ _ _) _ = error "Data.Binary.writeBinMem: not a memory handle"
+writeBinMem (BinMem _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) fn = do
+ h <- openFileEx fn (BinaryMode WriteMode)
+ arr <- readIORef arr_r
+ ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
+ hPutArray h arr ix
+ hClose h
+readBinMem :: FilePath -> IO BinHandle
+readBinMem filename = do
+ h <- openFileEx filename (BinaryMode ReadMode)
+ filesize' <- hFileSize h
+ let filesize = fromIntegral filesize'
+ arr <- newArray_ (0,filesize-1)
+ count <- hGetArray h arr filesize
+ when (count /= filesize)
+ (error ("Binary.readBinMem: only read " ++ show count ++ " bytes"))
+ hClose h
+ arr_r <- newIORef arr
+ ix_r <- newFastMutInt
+ writeFastMutInt ix_r 0
+ sz_r <- newFastMutInt
+ writeFastMutInt sz_r filesize
+ return (BinMem undefined {-initReadState-} ix_r sz_r arr_r)
+-- expand the size of the array to include a specified offset
+expandBin :: BinHandle -> Int -> IO ()
+expandBin (BinMem _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) off = do
+ sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
+ let sz' = head (dropWhile (<= off) (iterate (* 2) sz))
+ arr <- readIORef arr_r
+ arr' <- newArray_ (0,sz'-1)
+ sequence_ [ unsafeRead arr i >>= unsafeWrite arr' i
+ | i <- [ 0 .. sz-1 ] ]
+ writeFastMutInt sz_r sz'
+ writeIORef arr_r arr'
+ hPutStrLn stderr ("expanding to size: " ++ show sz')
+ return ()
+expandBin (BinIO _ _ _) _ = return ()
+ -- no need to expand a file, we'll assume they expand by themselves.
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Low-level reading/writing of bytes
+putWord8 :: BinHandle -> Word8 -> IO ()
+putWord8 h@(BinMem _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) w = do
+ ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
+ sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
+ -- double the size of the array if it overflows
+ if (ix >= sz)
+ then do expandBin h ix
+ putWord8 h w
+ else do arr <- readIORef arr_r
+ unsafeWrite arr ix w
+ writeFastMutInt ix_r (ix+1)
+ return ()
+putWord8 (BinIO _ ix_r h) w = do
+ ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
+ hPutChar h (chr (fromIntegral w)) -- XXX not really correct
+ writeFastMutInt ix_r (ix+1)
+ return ()
+getWord8 :: BinHandle -> IO Word8
+getWord8 (BinMem _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) = do
+ ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
+ sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
+ when (ix >= sz) $
+ throw (mkIOError eofErrorType "Data.Binary.getWord8" Nothing Nothing)
+ arr <- readIORef arr_r
+ w <- unsafeRead arr ix
+ writeFastMutInt ix_r (ix+1)
+ return w
+getWord8 (BinIO _ ix_r h) = do
+ ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
+ c <- hGetChar h
+ writeFastMutInt ix_r (ix+1)
+ return $! (fromIntegral (ord c)) -- XXX not really correct
+putByte :: BinHandle -> Word8 -> IO ()
+putByte bh w = put_ bh w
+getByte :: BinHandle -> IO Word8
+getByte = getWord8
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Primitve Word writes
+instance Binary Word8 where
+ put_ = putWord8
+ get = getWord8
+instance Binary Word16 where
+ put_ h w = do -- XXX too slow.. inline putWord8?
+ putByte h (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 8))
+ putByte h (fromIntegral (w .&. 0xff))
+ get h = do
+ w1 <- getWord8 h
+ w2 <- getWord8 h
+ return $! ((fromIntegral w1 `shiftL` 8) .|. fromIntegral w2)
+instance Binary Word32 where
+ put_ h w = do
+ putByte h (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 24))
+ putByte h (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xff))
+ putByte h (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 8) .&. 0xff))
+ putByte h (fromIntegral (w .&. 0xff))
+ get h = do
+ w1 <- getWord8 h
+ w2 <- getWord8 h
+ w3 <- getWord8 h
+ w4 <- getWord8 h
+ return $! ((fromIntegral w1 `shiftL` 24) .|.
+ (fromIntegral w2 `shiftL` 16) .|.
+ (fromIntegral w3 `shiftL` 8) .|.
+ (fromIntegral w4))
+instance Binary Word64 where
+ put_ h w = do
+ putByte h (fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 56))
+ putByte h (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 48) .&. 0xff))
+ putByte h (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 40) .&. 0xff))
+ putByte h (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 32) .&. 0xff))
+ putByte h (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 24) .&. 0xff))
+ putByte h (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xff))
+ putByte h (fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 8) .&. 0xff))
+ putByte h (fromIntegral (w .&. 0xff))
+ get h = do
+ w1 <- getWord8 h
+ w2 <- getWord8 h
+ w3 <- getWord8 h
+ w4 <- getWord8 h
+ w5 <- getWord8 h
+ w6 <- getWord8 h
+ w7 <- getWord8 h
+ w8 <- getWord8 h
+ return $! ((fromIntegral w1 `shiftL` 56) .|.
+ (fromIntegral w2 `shiftL` 48) .|.
+ (fromIntegral w3 `shiftL` 40) .|.
+ (fromIntegral w4 `shiftL` 32) .|.
+ (fromIntegral w5 `shiftL` 24) .|.
+ (fromIntegral w6 `shiftL` 16) .|.
+ (fromIntegral w7 `shiftL` 8) .|.
+ (fromIntegral w8))
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Primitve Int writes
+instance Binary Int8 where
+ put_ h w = put_ h (fromIntegral w :: Word8)
+ get h = do w <- get h; return $! (fromIntegral (w::Word8))
+instance Binary Int16 where
+ put_ h w = put_ h (fromIntegral w :: Word16)
+ get h = do w <- get h; return $! (fromIntegral (w::Word16))
+instance Binary Int32 where
+ put_ h w = put_ h (fromIntegral w :: Word32)
+ get h = do w <- get h; return $! (fromIntegral (w::Word32))
+instance Binary Int64 where
+ put_ h w = put_ h (fromIntegral w :: Word64)
+ get h = do w <- get h; return $! (fromIntegral (w::Word64))
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Instances for standard types
+instance Binary () where
+ put_ bh () = return ()
+ get _ = return ()
+-- getF bh p = case getBitsF bh 0 p of (_,b) -> ((),b)
+instance Binary Bool where
+ put_ bh b = putByte bh (fromIntegral (fromEnum b))
+ get bh = do x <- getWord8 bh; return $! (toEnum (fromIntegral x))
+-- getF bh p = case getBitsF bh 1 p of (x,b) -> (toEnum x,b)
+instance Binary Char where
+ put_ bh c = put_ bh (fromIntegral (ord c) :: Word32)
+ get bh = do x <- get bh; return $! (chr (fromIntegral (x :: Word32)))
+-- getF bh p = case getBitsF bh 8 p of (x,b) -> (toEnum x,b)
+instance Binary Int where
+#if SIZEOF_HSINT == 4
+ put_ bh i = put_ bh (fromIntegral i :: Int32)
+ get bh = do
+ x <- get bh
+ return $! (fromIntegral (x :: Int32))
+#elif SIZEOF_HSINT == 8
+ put_ bh i = put_ bh (fromIntegral i :: Int64)
+ get bh = do
+ x <- get bh
+ return $! (fromIntegral (x :: Int64))
+#error "unsupported sizeof(HsInt)"
+-- getF bh = getBitsF bh 32
+instance Binary a => Binary [a] where
+ put_ bh [] = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh (x:xs) = do putByte bh 1; put_ bh x; put_ bh xs
+ get bh = do h <- getWord8 bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> return []
+ _ -> do x <- get bh
+ xs <- get bh
+ return (x:xs)
+instance Binary a => Binary [a] where
+ put_ bh l =
+ do put_ bh (length l)
+ mapM (put_ bh) l
+ return ()
+ get bh =
+ do len <- get bh
+ mapM (\_ -> get bh) [1..(len::Int)]
+instance (Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (a,b) where
+ put_ bh (a,b) = do put_ bh a; put_ bh b
+ get bh = do a <- get bh
+ b <- get bh
+ return (a,b)
+instance (Binary a, Binary b, Binary c) => Binary (a,b,c) where
+ put_ bh (a,b,c) = do put_ bh a; put_ bh b; put_ bh c
+ get bh = do a <- get bh
+ b <- get bh
+ c <- get bh
+ return (a,b,c)
+instance (Binary a, Binary b, Binary c, Binary d) => Binary (a,b,c,d) where
+ put_ bh (a,b,c,d) = do put_ bh a; put_ bh b; put_ bh c; put_ bh d
+ get bh = do a <- get bh
+ b <- get bh
+ c <- get bh
+ d <- get bh
+ return (a,b,c,d)
+instance Binary a => Binary (Maybe a) where
+ put_ bh Nothing = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh (Just a) = do putByte bh 1; put_ bh a
+ get bh = do h <- getWord8 bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> return Nothing
+ _ -> do x <- get bh; return (Just x)
+instance (Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (Either a b) where
+ put_ bh (Left a) = do putByte bh 0; put_ bh a
+ put_ bh (Right b) = do putByte bh 1; put_ bh b
+ get bh = do h <- getWord8 bh
+ case h of
+ 0 -> do a <- get bh ; return (Left a)
+ _ -> do b <- get bh ; return (Right b)
+instance Binary Integer where
+ put_ bh (S# i#) = do putByte bh 0; put_ bh (I# i#)
+ put_ bh (J# s# a#) = do
+ p <- putByte bh 1;
+ put_ bh (I# s#)
+ let sz# = sizeofByteArray# a# -- in *bytes*
+ put_ bh (I# sz#) -- in *bytes*
+ putByteArray bh a# sz#
+ get bh = do
+ b <- getByte bh
+ case b of
+ 0 -> do (I# i#) <- get bh
+ return (S# i#)
+ _ -> do (I# s#) <- get bh
+ sz <- get bh
+ (BA a#) <- getByteArray bh sz
+ return (J# s# a#)
+putByteArray :: BinHandle -> ByteArray# -> Int# -> IO ()
+putByteArray bh a s# = loop 0#
+ where loop n#
+ | n# ==# s# = return ()
+ | otherwise = do
+ putByte bh (indexByteArray a n#)
+ loop (n# +# 1#)
+getByteArray :: BinHandle -> Int -> IO ByteArray
+getByteArray bh (I# sz) = do
+ (MBA arr) <- newByteArray sz
+ let loop n
+ | n ==# sz = return ()
+ | otherwise = do
+ w <- getByte bh
+ writeByteArray arr n w
+ loop (n +# 1#)
+ loop 0#
+ freezeByteArray arr
+data ByteArray = BA ByteArray#
+data MBA = MBA (MutableByteArray# RealWorld)
+newByteArray :: Int# -> IO MBA
+newByteArray sz = IO $ \s ->
+ case newByteArray# sz s of { (# s, arr #) ->
+ (# s, MBA arr #) }
+freezeByteArray :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> IO ByteArray
+freezeByteArray arr = IO $ \s ->
+ case unsafeFreezeByteArray# arr s of { (# s, arr #) ->
+ (# s, BA arr #) }
+writeByteArray :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> Int# -> Word8 -> IO ()
+writeByteArray arr i w8 = IO $ \s ->
+ case word8ToWord w8 of { W# w# ->
+ case writeCharArray# arr i (chr# (word2Int# w#)) s of { s ->
+ (# s , () #) }}
+indexByteArray a# n# = fromIntegral (I# (ord# (indexCharArray# a# n#)))
+instance (Integral a, Binary a) => Binary (Ratio a) where
+ put_ bh (a :% b) = do put_ bh a; put_ bh b
+ get bh = do a <- get bh; b <- get bh; return (a :% b)
+instance Binary (Bin a) where
+ put_ bh (BinPtr i) = put_ bh i
+ get bh = do i <- get bh; return (BinPtr i)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Strings
+-- should put a string in UTF-8 (just throws away top 24 bits at the moment)
+putString :: BinHandle -> String -> IO ()
+putString bh str = put_ bh word8s
+ where
+ word8s :: [Word8]
+ word8s = map (fromIntegral.ord) str
+getString bh = do
+ word8s <- get bh
+ return (map (chr.fromIntegral) (word8s :: [Word8]))
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Lazy reading/writing
+lazyPut :: Binary a => BinHandle -> a -> IO ()
+lazyPut bh a = do
+ -- output the obj with a ptr to skip over it:
+ pre_a <- tellBin bh
+ put_ bh pre_a -- save a slot for the ptr
+ put_ bh a -- dump the object
+ q <- tellBin bh -- q = ptr to after object
+ putAt bh pre_a q -- fill in slot before a with ptr to q
+ seekBin bh q -- finally carry on writing at q
+lazyGet :: Binary a => BinHandle -> IO a
+lazyGet bh = do
+ p <- get bh -- a BinPtr
+ p_a <- tellBin bh
+ a <- unsafeInterleaveIO (getAt bh p_a)
+ seekBin bh p -- skip over the object for now
+ return a