path: root/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
diff options
authorDavid Waern <david.waern@gmail.com>2008-10-16 20:58:42 +0000
committerDavid Waern <david.waern@gmail.com>2008-10-16 20:58:42 +0000
commit6319cccbd95ba15db6f34101577034233cdc8f88 (patch)
treefd67a34a0d8543d73359203bee48832690fcb3f8 /src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
parent9a0be441073e25b03aa5fd96d76e15454c8cc76f (diff)
Fix #61
We were not getting docs for re-exported class methods. This was because we were looking up the docs in a map made from the declarations in the current module being rendered. Obviously, re-exported class methods come from another module. Class methods and ATs were the only thing we were looking up using the doc map, everything else we found in the ExporItems. So now I've put subordinate docs in the ExportItem's directly, to make things a bit more consistent. To do this, I added subordinates to the the declarations in the declaration map. This was easy since we were computing subordinates anyway, to store stand-alone in the map. I added a new type synonym 'DeclInfo', which is what we call what is now stored in the map. This little refactoring removes duplicate code to retrieve subordinates and documentation from the HsGroup.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs b/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
index 5932bc64..9d0995e6 100644
--- a/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
+++ b/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
@@ -54,21 +54,21 @@ createInterface ghcMod flags modMap = do
exports = fmap (reverse . map unLoc) (ghcMbExports ghcMod)
localNames = ghcDefinedNames ghcMod
subMap = mkSubMap group
- decls = topDecls group
- decls' = filterOutInstances decls
- declMap = mkDeclMap decls'
+ decls0 = declInfos . topDecls $ group
+ decls = filterOutInstances decls0
+ declMap = mkDeclMap decls
-- famMap = mkFamMap decls'
ignoreExps = Flag_IgnoreAllExports `elem` flags
exportedNames = ghcExportedNames ghcMod
instances = ghcInstances ghcMod
- warnAboutFilteredDecls mod decls
+ warnAboutFilteredDecls mod decls0
visibleNames <- mkVisibleNames mod modMap localNames
(ghcNamesInScope ghcMod)
subMap exports opts declMap
- exportItems <- mkExportItems modMap mod (ghcExportedNames ghcMod) decls' declMap
+ exportItems <- mkExportItems modMap mod (ghcExportedNames ghcMod) decls declMap
subMap opts exports ignoreExps instances
-- prune the export list to just those declarations that have
@@ -137,20 +137,22 @@ type DeclWithDoc = (Decl, Maybe Doc)
-- type Family = (Maybe DeclWithDoc, [DeclWithDoc])
--- | Make a map from names to declarations with documentation. The map excludes
--- all kinds of instance declarations (including type family instances) and
--- documentation declarations.
--- Subordinate names are mapped to the parent declaration, but with the doc
--- for the subordinate declaration.
-mkDeclMap :: [(Decl, Maybe Doc)] -> Map Name DeclInfo
+-- Make a map from names to 'DeclInfo's. Exclude declarations that don't
+-- have names (instances and stand-alone documentation comments). Include
+-- subordinate names, but map them to their parent declarations.
+mkDeclMap :: [DeclInfo] -> Map Name DeclInfo
mkDeclMap decls = Map.fromList . concat $
[ (declName d, (parent, doc, subs)) : subDecls
- | (parent@(L loc d), doc) <- decls
- , let subs = subordinates d
+ | (parent@(L _ d), doc, subs) <- decls
, let subDecls = [ (n, (parent, doc', [])) | (n, doc') <- subs ]
, not (isDocD d), not (isInstD d) ]
+declInfos :: [(Decl, Maybe Doc)] -> [DeclInfo]
+declInfos decls = [ (parent, doc, subordinates d)
+ | (parent@(L _ d), doc) <- decls]
-- | Group type family instances together. Include the family declaration
-- if found.
{-mkFamMap :: [DeclWithDoc] -> Map Name Family
@@ -170,15 +172,18 @@ subordinates _ = []
classDataSubs :: TyClDecl Name -> [(Name, Maybe Doc)]
classDataSubs decl
- | isClassDecl decl = classMeths
- | isDataDecl decl = recordFields
+ | isClassDecl decl = classSubs
+ | isDataDecl decl = dataSubs
| otherwise = []
- classMeths = [ (declName d, doc) | (L _ d, doc) <- classDecls decl ]
- recordFields = [ (unLoc lname, fmap unLoc doc) |
- ConDeclField lname _ doc <- fields ]
- cons = [ con | L _ con <- tcdCons decl ]
- fields = concat [ fields | RecCon fields <- map con_details cons]
+ classSubs = [ (declName d, doc) | (L _ d, doc) <- classDecls decl ]
+ dataSubs = constrs ++ fields
+ where
+ cons = map unL $ tcdCons decl
+ constrs = [ (unL $ con_name c, fmap unL $ con_doc c) | c <- cons ]
+ fields = [ (unL n, fmap unL doc)
+ | RecCon flds <- map con_details cons
+ , ConDeclField n _ doc <- flds ]
-- All the sub declarations of a class (that we handle), ordered by
@@ -206,7 +211,7 @@ topDecls :: HsGroup Name -> [DeclWithDoc]
topDecls = filterClasses . filterDecls . collectDocs . sortByLoc . declsFromGroup
-filterOutInstances = filter (\(L _ d, _) -> not (isInstD d))
+filterOutInstances = filter (\(L _ d, _, _) -> not (isInstD d))
-- | Take all declarations in an 'HsGroup' and convert them into a list of
@@ -235,7 +240,7 @@ sortByLoc = sortBy (comparing getLoc)
warnAboutFilteredDecls mod decls = do
let modStr = moduleString mod
let typeInstances =
- nub [ tcdName d | (L _ (TyClD d), _) <- decls, isFamInstDecl d ]
+ nub [ tcdName d | (L _ (TyClD d), _, _) <- decls, isFamInstDecl d ]
when (not $null typeInstances) $
tell $ nub [
@@ -244,7 +249,7 @@ warnAboutFilteredDecls mod decls = do
++ "will be filtered out:\n " ++ (concat $ intersperse ", "
$ map (occNameString . nameOccName) typeInstances) ]
- let instances = nub [ pretty i | (L _ (InstD (InstDecl i _ _ ats)), _) <- decls
+ let instances = nub [ pretty i | (L _ (InstD (InstDecl i _ _ ats)), _, _) <- decls
, not (null ats) ]
when (not $ null instances) $
@@ -365,7 +370,7 @@ mkExportItems
:: ModuleMap
-> Module -- this module
-> [Name] -- exported names (orig)
- -> [(Decl, Maybe Doc)]
+ -> [DeclInfo]
-> Map Name DeclInfo -- maps local names to declarations
-> Map Name [Name] -- sub-map for this module
-> [DocOption]
@@ -380,7 +385,7 @@ mkExportItems modMap this_mod exported_names decls declMap sub_map
= everything_local_exported
| Just specs <- maybe_exps = liftM concat $ mapM lookupExport specs
- instances = [ d | d@(L _ decl, _) <- decls, isInstD decl ]
+ instances = [ d | d@(L _ decl, _, _) <- decls, isInstD decl ]
everything_local_exported = -- everything exported
return (fullContentsOfThisModule this_mod decls)
@@ -401,7 +406,7 @@ mkExportItems modMap this_mod exported_names decls declMap sub_map
lookupExport (IEGroup lev doc) = return [ ExportGroup lev "" doc ]
lookupExport (IEDoc doc) = return [ ExportDoc doc ]
lookupExport (IEDocNamed str) = do
- r <- findNamedDoc str (map (unLoc . fst) decls)
+ r <- findNamedDoc str [ unL d | (d,_,_) <- decls ]
case r of
Nothing -> return []
Just found -> return [ ExportDoc found ]
@@ -411,15 +416,19 @@ mkExportItems modMap this_mod exported_names decls declMap sub_map
-- temp hack: we filter out separately declared ATs, since we haven't decided how
-- to handle them yet. We should really give an warning message also, and filter the
-- name out in mkVisibleNames...
- | Just (decl, maybeDoc, _) <- findDecl t, t `notElem` declATs (unL decl) =
- return [ ExportDecl (restrictTo subs (extractDecl t mdl decl)) maybeDoc [] ]
+ | Just x@(decl,_,_) <- findDecl t,
+ t `notElem` declATs (unL decl) = return [ mkExportDecl t x ]
| otherwise = return []
- where
- mdl = nameModule t
- subs = filter (`elem` exported_names) all_subs
- all_subs
- | mdl == this_mod = Map.findWithDefault [] t sub_map
- | otherwise = allSubsOfName modMap t
+ mkExportDecl :: Name -> DeclInfo -> ExportItem Name
+ mkExportDecl n (decl, doc, subs) = decl'
+ where
+ decl' = ExportDecl (restrictTo subs' (extractDecl n mdl decl)) doc subdocs []
+ mdl = nameModule n
+ subs' = filter (`elem` exported_names) $ map fst subs
+ subdocs = [ (n, doc) | (n, Just doc) <- subs ]
fullContentsOf m
| m == this_mod = return (fullContentsOfThisModule this_mod decls)
@@ -441,11 +450,13 @@ mkExportItems modMap this_mod exported_names decls declMap sub_map
m = nameModule n
-fullContentsOfThisModule :: Module -> [(Decl, Maybe Doc)] -> [ExportItem Name]
+fullContentsOfThisModule :: Module -> [DeclInfo] -> [ExportItem Name]
fullContentsOfThisModule module_ decls = catMaybes (map mkExportItem decls)
- mkExportItem (L _ (DocD (DocGroup lev doc)), _) = Just $ ExportGroup lev "" doc
- mkExportItem (decl, doc) = Just $ ExportDecl decl doc []
+ mkExportItem (L _ (DocD (DocGroup lev doc)), _, _) = Just $ ExportGroup lev "" doc
+ mkExportItem (decl, doc, subs) = Just $ ExportDecl decl doc subdocs []
+ where subdocs = [ (n, doc) | (n, Just doc) <- subs ]
-- mkExportItem _ = Nothing -- TODO: see if this is really needed
@@ -513,7 +524,7 @@ extractRecSel nm mdl t tvs (L _ con : rest) =
-- Pruning
pruneExportItems :: [ExportItem Name] -> [ExportItem Name]
pruneExportItems items = filter hasDoc items
- where hasDoc (ExportDecl _ d _) = isJust d
+ where hasDoc (ExportDecl _ d _ _) = isJust d
hasDoc _ = True