path: root/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
diff options
authorPaolo Capriotti <p.capriotti@gmail.com>2012-07-19 16:28:45 +0100
committerPaolo Capriotti <p.capriotti@gmail.com>2012-07-19 16:49:32 +0100
commit6e8bc1dca77bbbc5743f63a2e8ea5b1eab0ed80c (patch)
tree5f4ad32677af3e2b95e468e5bcab94c38e5d88e1 /src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
parent105f31e1b5b1428ae27590893740017327d322ff (diff)
parent2a931d32cfdbd20d4da0cff6415a3aaf47823938 (diff)
Forward port changes from stable.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 122 deletions
diff --git a/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs b/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
index c3d5d291..4bb46cba 100644
--- a/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
+++ b/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
@@ -28,13 +28,18 @@ import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ord
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
-import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
+import qualified Data.Traversable as T
+import qualified Packages
+import qualified Module
+import qualified SrcLoc
import GHC hiding (flags)
import HscTypes
import Name
import Bag
-import RdrName (GlobalRdrEnv)
+import RdrName
+import TcRnTypes
+import FastString (unpackFS)
-- | Use a 'TypecheckedModule' to produce an 'Interface'.
@@ -51,6 +56,8 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
instances = modInfoInstances mi
exportedNames = modInfoExports mi
+ (TcGblEnv {tcg_rdr_env = gre, tcg_warns = warnings}, _) = tm_internals_ tm
-- The renamed source should always be available to us, but it's best
-- to be on the safe side.
(group_, mayExports, mayDocHeader) <-
@@ -60,23 +67,19 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
return (emptyRnGroup, Nothing, Nothing)
Just (x, _, y, z) -> return (x, y, z)
- -- The pattern-match should not fail, because createInterface is only
- -- done on loaded modules.
- Just gre <- liftGhcToErrMsgGhc $ lookupLoadedHomeModuleGRE (moduleName mdl)
opts0 <- liftErrMsg $ mkDocOpts (haddockOptions dflags) flags mdl
let opts
| Flag_IgnoreAllExports `elem` flags = OptIgnoreExports : opts0
| otherwise = opts0
- (info, mbDoc) <- liftErrMsg $ lexParseRnHaddockModHeader dflags gre safety mayDocHeader
+ (info, mbDoc) <- liftErrMsg $ processModuleHeader dflags gre safety mayDocHeader
let declsWithDocs = topDecls group_
(decls, _) = unzip declsWithDocs
localInsts = filter (nameIsLocalOrFrom mdl . getName) instances
maps@(docMap, argMap, subMap, declMap) <-
- liftErrMsg $ mkMaps dflags gre localInsts exportedNames declsWithDocs
+ liftErrMsg $ mkMaps dflags gre localInsts declsWithDocs
let exports0 = fmap (reverse . map unLoc) mayExports
@@ -85,31 +88,33 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
liftErrMsg $ warnAboutFilteredDecls dflags mdl decls
- exportItems <- mkExportItems modMap mdl gre exportedNames decls maps exports
+ let warningMap = mkWarningMap warnings gre exportedNames
+ exportItems <- mkExportItems modMap mdl warningMap gre exportedNames decls maps exports
instances instIfaceMap dflags
let visibleNames = mkVisibleNames exportItems opts
-- Measure haddock documentation coverage.
- let
- prunedExportItems0 = pruneExportItems exportItems
- haddockable = 1 + length exportItems -- module + exports
- haddocked = (if isJust mbDoc then 1 else 0) + length prunedExportItems0
- coverage = (haddockable, haddocked)
+ let prunedExportItems0 = pruneExportItems exportItems
+ haddockable = 1 + length exportItems -- module + exports
+ haddocked = (if isJust mbDoc then 1 else 0) + length prunedExportItems0
+ coverage = (haddockable, haddocked)
-- Prune the export list to just those declarations that have
-- documentation, if the 'prune' option is on.
- let
- prunedExportItems
- | OptPrune `elem` opts = prunedExportItems0
- | otherwise = exportItems
+ let prunedExportItems
+ | OptPrune `elem` opts = prunedExportItems0
+ | otherwise = exportItems
+ let aliases =
+ mkAliasMap dflags $ tm_renamed_source tm
return Interface {
ifaceMod = mdl,
ifaceOrigFilename = msHsFilePath ms,
ifaceInfo = info,
- ifaceDoc = mbDoc,
- ifaceRnDoc = Nothing,
+ ifaceDoc = Documentation mbDoc (moduleWarning warnings),
+ ifaceRnDoc = Documentation Nothing Nothing,
ifaceOptions = opts,
ifaceDocMap = docMap,
ifaceArgMap = argMap,
@@ -121,10 +126,69 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
ifaceVisibleExports = visibleNames,
ifaceDeclMap = declMap,
ifaceSubMap = subMap,
+ ifaceModuleAliases = aliases,
ifaceInstances = instances,
ifaceHaddockCoverage = coverage
+mkAliasMap :: DynFlags -> Maybe RenamedSource -> M.Map Module ModuleName
+mkAliasMap dflags mRenamedSource =
+ case mRenamedSource of
+ Nothing -> M.empty
+ Just (_,impDecls,_,_) ->
+ M.fromList $
+ mapMaybe (\(SrcLoc.L _ impDecl) -> do
+ alias <- ideclAs impDecl
+ return $
+ (lookupModuleDyn dflags
+ (fmap Module.fsToPackageId $
+ ideclPkgQual impDecl)
+ (case ideclName impDecl of SrcLoc.L _ name -> name),
+ alias))
+ impDecls
+-- similar to GHC.lookupModule
+lookupModuleDyn ::
+ DynFlags -> Maybe PackageId -> ModuleName -> Module
+lookupModuleDyn _ (Just pkgId) mdlName =
+ Module.mkModule pkgId mdlName
+lookupModuleDyn dflags Nothing mdlName =
+ flip Module.mkModule mdlName $
+ case filter snd $
+ Packages.lookupModuleInAllPackages dflags mdlName of
+ (pkgId,_):_ -> Packages.packageConfigId pkgId
+ [] -> Module.mainPackageId
+-- Warnings
+type WarningMap = DocMap Name
+mkWarningMap :: Warnings -> GlobalRdrEnv -> [Name] -> WarningMap
+mkWarningMap NoWarnings _ _ = M.empty
+mkWarningMap (WarnAll _) _ _ = M.empty
+mkWarningMap (WarnSome ws) gre exps = M.fromList
+ [ (n, warnToDoc w) | (occ, w) <- ws, elt <- lookupGlobalRdrEnv gre occ
+ , let n = gre_name elt, n `elem` exps ]
+moduleWarning :: Warnings -> Maybe (Doc id)
+moduleWarning ws =
+ case ws of
+ NoWarnings -> Nothing
+ WarnSome _ -> Nothing
+ WarnAll w -> Just (warnToDoc w)
+warnToDoc :: WarningTxt -> Doc id
+warnToDoc w = case w of
+ (DeprecatedTxt msg) -> format "Deprecated: " msg
+ (WarningTxt msg) -> format "Warning: " msg
+ where
+ format x xs = DocWarning . DocParagraph . DocString . concat $ x : map unpackFS xs
-- Doc options
@@ -154,50 +218,50 @@ parseOption other = tell ["Unrecognised option: " ++ other] >> return Nothing
--- Declarations
+-- Maps
type Maps = (DocMap Name, ArgMap Name, SubMap, DeclMap)
-mkMaps :: DynFlags -> GlobalRdrEnv -> [ClsInst] -> [Name] -> [(LHsDecl Name, [HsDocString])] -> ErrMsgM Maps
-mkMaps dflags gre instances exports decls = do
- maps <- mapM f decls
- let mergeMaps (a,b,c,d) (x,y,z,w) =
- (M.unionWith mappend a x, M.unionWith mappend b y,
- M.unionWith mappend c z, M.unionWith mappend d w)
- let emptyMaps = (M.empty, M.empty, M.empty, M.empty)
- return (foldl' mergeMaps emptyMaps maps)
+-- | Create 'Maps' by looping through the declarations. For each declaration,
+-- find its names, its subordinates, and its doc strings. Process doc strings
+-- into 'Doc's.
+mkMaps :: DynFlags
+ -> GlobalRdrEnv
+ -> [ClsInst]
+ -> [(LHsDecl Name, [HsDocString])]
+ -> ErrMsgM Maps
+mkMaps dflags gre instances decls = do
+ (a, b, c, d) <- unzip4 <$> mapM mappings decls
+ return (f a, f b, f c, f d)
+ f :: (Ord a, Monoid b) => [[(a, b)]] -> Map a b
+ f = M.fromListWith (<>) . concat
+ mappings (ldecl, docStrs) = do
+ let decl = unLoc ldecl
+ let declDoc strs m = do
+ doc <- processDocStrings dflags gre strs
+ m' <- M.mapMaybe id <$> T.mapM (processDocStringParas dflags gre) m
+ return (doc, m')
+ (doc, args) <- declDoc docStrs (typeDocs decl)
+ let subs = subordinates decl
+ (subDocs, subArgs) <- unzip <$> mapM (\(_, strs, m) -> declDoc strs m) subs
+ let ns = names decl
+ subNs = [ n | (n, _, _) <- subs ]
+ dm = [ (n, d) | (n, Just d) <- zip ns (repeat doc) ++ zip subNs subDocs ]
+ am = [ (n, args) | n <- ns ] ++ zip subNs subArgs
+ sm = [ (n, subNs) | n <- ns ]
+ cm = [ (n, [ldecl]) | n <- ns ++ subNs ]
+ return (dm, am, sm, cm)
+ instanceMap :: Map SrcSpan Name
instanceMap = M.fromList [ (getSrcSpan n, n) | i <- instances, let n = getName i ]
- f :: (LHsDecl Name, [HsDocString]) -> ErrMsgM Maps
- f (decl@(L _ d), docs) = do
- mayDoc <- lexParseRnHaddockCommentList dflags NormalHaddockComment gre docs
- argDocs <- fmap (M.mapMaybe id) $ Traversable.forM (typeDocs d) $
- \doc -> lexParseRnHaddockComment dflags NormalHaddockComment gre doc
- let subs_ = subordinates d
- let subs_' = filter (\(name, _, _) -> name `elem` exports) subs_
- (subDocs, subArgMap) <- unzip <$> (forM subs_' $ \(name, mbSubDocStr, subFnArgsDocStr) -> do
- mbSubDoc <- lexParseRnHaddockCommentList dflags NormalHaddockComment gre mbSubDocStr
- subFnArgsDoc <- fmap (M.mapMaybe id) $ Traversable.forM subFnArgsDocStr $
- \doc -> lexParseRnHaddockComment dflags NormalHaddockComment gre doc
- return ((name, mbSubDoc), (name, subFnArgsDoc)))
- let subNames = map fst subDocs
- let names = case d of
- InstD (ClsInstD { cid_poly_ty = L l _ }) -> maybeToList (M.lookup l instanceMap) -- See note [2].
- _ -> filter (`elem` exports) (getMainDeclBinder d)
- let docMap' = M.fromList (mapMaybe (\(n,doc) -> fmap (n,) doc) ([ (n, mayDoc) | n <- names ] ++ subDocs))
- let argMap' = M.fromList [ (n, argDocs) | n <- names ] `mappend` M.fromList subArgMap
- let subMap' = M.fromList [ (n, subNames) | n <- names ]
- let dclMap' = M.fromList [ (n, [decl]) | n <- names ++ subNames ]
- return (docMap', argMap', subMap', dclMap')
+ names :: HsDecl Name -> [Name]
+ names (InstD (ClsInstD { cid_poly_ty = L l _ })) = maybeToList (M.lookup l instanceMap) -- See note [2].
+ names decl = getMainDeclBinder decl
-- Note [2]:
@@ -208,6 +272,12 @@ mkMaps dflags gre instances exports decls = do
-- with InstDecls).
+-- Declarations
+-- | Get all subordinate declarations inside a declaration, and their docs.
subordinates :: HsDecl Name -> [(Name, [HsDocString], Map Int HsDocString)]
subordinates (TyClD decl)
| isClassDecl decl = classSubs
@@ -302,7 +372,7 @@ warnAboutFilteredDecls dflags mdl decls = do
tell [
"Warning: " ++ modStr ++ ": Instances of type and data "
++ "families are not yet supported. Instances of the following families "
- ++ "will be filtered out:\n " ++ concat (intersperse ", "
+ ++ "will be filtered out:\n " ++ (intercalate ", "
$ map (occNameString . nameOccName) typeInstances) ]
let instances = nub [ pretty dflags i | L _ (InstD (ClsInstD { cid_poly_ty = i, cid_fam_insts = ats })) <- decls
@@ -311,7 +381,7 @@ warnAboutFilteredDecls dflags mdl decls = do
unless (null instances) $
tell [
"Warning: " ++ modStr ++ ": We do not support associated types in instances yet. "
- ++ "These instances are affected:\n" ++ concat (intersperse ", " instances) ]
+ ++ "These instances are affected:\n" ++ intercalate ", " instances ]
@@ -323,7 +393,7 @@ warnAboutFilteredDecls dflags mdl decls = do
-- | Filter out declarations that we don't handle in Haddock
filterDecls :: [(LHsDecl a, doc)] -> [(LHsDecl a, doc)]
-filterDecls decls = filter (isHandled . unL . fst) decls
+filterDecls = filter (isHandled . unL . fst)
isHandled (ForD (ForeignImport {})) = True
isHandled (TyClD {}) = True
@@ -360,10 +430,10 @@ collectDocs = go Nothing []
go Nothing _ [] = []
go (Just prev) docs [] = finished prev docs []
- go prev docs ((L _ (DocD (DocCommentNext str))):ds)
+ go prev docs (L _ (DocD (DocCommentNext str)) : ds)
| Nothing <- prev = go Nothing (str:docs) ds
| Just decl <- prev = finished decl docs (go Nothing [str] ds)
- go prev docs ((L _ (DocD (DocCommentPrev str))):ds) = go prev (str:docs) ds
+ go prev docs (L _ (DocD (DocCommentPrev str)) : ds) = go prev (str:docs) ds
go Nothing docs (d:ds) = go (Just d) docs ds
go (Just prev) docs (d:ds) = finished prev docs (go (Just d) [] ds)
@@ -379,6 +449,7 @@ collectDocs = go Nothing []
:: IfaceMap
-> Module -- this module
+ -> WarningMap
-> GlobalRdrEnv
-> [Name] -- exported names (orig)
-> [LHsDecl Name]
@@ -389,39 +460,31 @@ mkExportItems
-> DynFlags
-> ErrMsgGhc [ExportItem Name]
- modMap thisMod gre exportedNames decls0
+ modMap thisMod warnings gre exportedNames decls0
(maps@(docMap, argMap, subMap, declMap)) optExports _ instIfaceMap dflags =
case optExports of
- Nothing -> fullModuleContents dflags gre maps decls
- Just exports -> liftM (nubBy commaDeclared . concat) $ mapM lookupExport exports
+ Nothing -> fullModuleContents dflags warnings gre maps decls
+ Just exports -> liftM concat $ mapM lookupExport exports
decls = filter (not . isInstD . unLoc) decls0
- -- A type signature can have multiple names, like:
- -- foo, bar :: Types..
- -- When going throug the exported names we have to take care to detect such
- -- situations and remove the duplicates.
- commaDeclared (ExportDecl (L _ sig1) _ _ _) (ExportDecl (L _ sig2) _ _ _) =
- getMainDeclBinder sig1 == getMainDeclBinder sig2
- commaDeclared _ _ = False
lookupExport (IEVar x) = declWith x
lookupExport (IEThingAbs t) = declWith t
lookupExport (IEThingAll t) = declWith t
lookupExport (IEThingWith t _) = declWith t
lookupExport (IEModuleContents m) =
- moduleExports thisMod m dflags gre exportedNames decls modMap instIfaceMap maps
+ moduleExports thisMod m dflags warnings gre exportedNames decls modMap instIfaceMap maps
lookupExport (IEGroup lev docStr) = liftErrMsg $
- ifDoc (lexParseRnHaddockComment dflags DocSectionComment gre docStr)
+ ifDoc (processDocString dflags gre docStr)
(\doc -> return [ ExportGroup lev "" doc ])
lookupExport (IEDoc docStr) = liftErrMsg $
- ifDoc (lexParseRnHaddockComment dflags NormalHaddockComment gre docStr)
+ ifDoc (processDocStringParas dflags gre docStr)
(\doc -> return [ ExportDoc doc ])
lookupExport (IEDocNamed str) = liftErrMsg $
ifDoc (findNamedDoc str [ unL d | d <- decls ])
(\docStr ->
- ifDoc (lexParseRnHaddockComment dflags NormalHaddockComment gre docStr)
+ ifDoc (processDocStringParas dflags gre docStr)
(\doc -> return [ ExportDoc doc ]))
@@ -433,19 +496,12 @@ mkExportItems
declWith :: Name -> ErrMsgGhc [ ExportItem Name ]
declWith t =
- let mdl = nameModule t
- (doc, subs)
- | mdl == thisMod =
- exportDecl t docMap argMap subMap
- | Just iface <- M.lookup mdl modMap =
- exportDecl t (ifaceDocMap iface) (ifaceArgMap iface) (ifaceSubMap iface)
- | otherwise = (noDocForDecl, []) in
case findDecl t of
- [L _ (ValD _)] -> do
+ ([L _ (ValD _)], (doc, _)) -> do
-- Top-level binding without type signature
export <- hiValExportItem dflags t doc
return [export]
- ds | decl : _ <- filter (not . isValD . unLoc) ds ->
+ (ds, docs_) | decl : _ <- filter (not . isValD . unLoc) ds ->
let declNames = getMainDeclBinder (unL decl)
in case () of
@@ -456,7 +512,7 @@ mkExportItems
-- We should not show a subordinate by itself if any of its
-- parents is also exported. See note [1].
- | not $ t `elem` declNames,
+ | t `notElem` declNames,
Just p <- find isExported (parents t $ unL decl) ->
do liftErrMsg $ tell [
"Warning: " ++ moduleString thisMod ++ ": " ++
@@ -467,25 +523,24 @@ mkExportItems
return []
-- normal case
- | otherwise -> return [ mkExportDecl t newDecl (doc, subs) ]
+ | otherwise -> return [ mkExportDecl t newDecl docs_ ]
- -- Since a single signature might refer to many names, we
- -- need to filter the ones that are actually exported. This
- -- requires modifying the type signatures to "hide" the
- -- names that are not exported.
+ -- A single signature might refer to many names, but we
+ -- create an export item for a single name only. So we
+ -- modify the signature to contain only that single name.
newDecl = case decl of
(L loc (SigD sig)) ->
- L loc . SigD . fromJust $ filterSigNames isExported sig
+ L loc . SigD . fromJust $ filterSigNames (== t) sig
-- fromJust is safe since we already checked in guards
-- that 't' is a name declared in this declaration.
_ -> decl
-- Declaration from another package
- [] -> do
+ ([], _) -> do
mayDecl <- hiDecl dflags t
case mayDecl of
Nothing -> return [ ExportNoDecl t [] ]
- Just decl -> do
+ Just decl ->
-- We try to get the subs and docs
-- from the installed .haddock file for that package.
case M.lookup (nameModule t) instIfaceMap of
@@ -494,8 +549,8 @@ mkExportItems
["Warning: Couldn't find .haddock for export " ++ pretty dflags t]
let subs_ = [ (n, noDocForDecl) | (n, _, _) <- subordinates (unLoc decl) ]
return [ mkExportDecl t decl (noDocForDecl, subs_) ]
- Just iface -> do
- return [ mkExportDecl t decl (exportDecl t (instDocMap iface) (instArgMap iface) (instSubMap iface)) ]
+ Just iface ->
+ return [ mkExportDecl t decl (lookupDocs t warnings (instDocMap iface) (instArgMap iface) (instSubMap iface)) ]
_ -> return []
@@ -512,13 +567,15 @@ mkExportItems
isExported = (`elem` exportedNames)
- findDecl :: Name -> [LHsDecl Name]
- findDecl name
- | mdl == thisMod = maybe [] id (M.lookup name declMap)
- | Just iface <- M.lookup mdl modMap = maybe [] id (M.lookup name (ifaceDeclMap iface))
- | otherwise = []
+ findDecl :: Name -> ([LHsDecl Name], (DocForDecl Name, [(Name, DocForDecl Name)]))
+ findDecl n
+ | m == thisMod, Just ds <- M.lookup n declMap =
+ (ds, lookupDocs n warnings docMap argMap subMap)
+ | Just iface <- M.lookup m modMap, Just ds <- M.lookup n (ifaceDeclMap iface) =
+ (ds, lookupDocs n warnings (ifaceDocMap iface) (ifaceArgMap iface) (ifaceSubMap iface))
+ | otherwise = ([], (noDocForDecl, []))
- mdl = nameModule name
+ m = nameModule n
hiDecl :: DynFlags -> Name -> ErrMsgGhc (Maybe (LHsDecl Name))
@@ -539,12 +596,16 @@ hiValExportItem dflags name doc = do
Just decl -> return (ExportDecl decl doc [] [])
-exportDecl :: Name -> DocMap Name -> ArgMap Name -> SubMap -> (DocForDecl Name, [(Name, DocForDecl Name)])
-exportDecl name docMap argMap subMap =
- let lookupArgMap x = maybe M.empty id (M.lookup x argMap) in
- let doc = (M.lookup name docMap, lookupArgMap name) in
- let subs = [ (sub, (M.lookup sub docMap, lookupArgMap sub)) | sub <- maybe [] id (M.lookup name subMap) ] in
- (doc, subs)
+-- | Lookup docs for a declaration from maps.
+lookupDocs :: Name -> WarningMap -> DocMap Name -> ArgMap Name -> SubMap -> (DocForDecl Name, [(Name, DocForDecl Name)])
+lookupDocs n warnings docMap argMap subMap =
+ let lookupArgDoc x = M.findWithDefault M.empty x argMap in
+ let doc = (lookupDoc n, lookupArgDoc n) in
+ let subs = M.findWithDefault [] n subMap in
+ let subDocs = [ (s, (lookupDoc s, lookupArgDoc s)) | s <- subs ] in
+ (doc, subDocs)
+ where
+ lookupDoc name = Documentation (M.lookup name docMap) (M.lookup name warnings)
-- | Return all export items produced by an exported module. That is, we're
@@ -563,6 +624,7 @@ exportDecl name docMap argMap subMap =
moduleExports :: Module -- ^ Module A
-> ModuleName -- ^ The real name of B, the exported module
-> DynFlags -- ^ The flags used when typechecking A
+ -> WarningMap
-> GlobalRdrEnv -- ^ The renaming environment used for A
-> [Name] -- ^ All the exports of A
-> [LHsDecl Name] -- ^ All the declarations in A
@@ -570,8 +632,8 @@ moduleExports :: Module -- ^ Module A
-> InstIfaceMap -- ^ Interfaces in other packages
-> Maps
-> ErrMsgGhc [ExportItem Name] -- ^ Resulting export items
-moduleExports thisMod expMod dflags gre _exports decls ifaceMap instIfaceMap maps
- | m == thisMod = fullModuleContents dflags gre maps decls
+moduleExports thisMod expMod dflags warnings gre _exports decls ifaceMap instIfaceMap maps
+ | m == thisMod = fullModuleContents dflags warnings gre maps decls
| otherwise =
case M.lookup m ifaceMap of
Just iface
@@ -609,25 +671,38 @@ moduleExports thisMod expMod dflags gre _exports decls ifaceMap instIfaceMap map
-- (For more information, see Trac #69)
-fullModuleContents :: DynFlags -> GlobalRdrEnv -> Maps -> [LHsDecl Name] -> ErrMsgGhc [ExportItem Name]
-fullModuleContents dflags gre (docMap, argMap, subMap, declMap) decls =
- liftM catMaybes $ mapM mkExportItem decls
+fullModuleContents :: DynFlags -> WarningMap -> GlobalRdrEnv -> Maps -> [LHsDecl Name] -> ErrMsgGhc [ExportItem Name]
+fullModuleContents dflags warnings gre (docMap, argMap, subMap, declMap) decls =
+ liftM catMaybes $ mapM mkExportItem (expandSig decls)
+ -- A type signature can have multiple names, like:
+ -- foo, bar :: Types..
+ --
+ -- We go through the list of declarations and expand type signatures, so
+ -- that every type signature has exactly one name!
+ expandSig :: [LHsDecl name] -> [LHsDecl name]
+ expandSig = foldr f []
+ where
+ f :: LHsDecl name -> [LHsDecl name] -> [LHsDecl name]
+ f (L l (SigD (TypeSig names t))) xs = foldr (\n acc -> L l (SigD (TypeSig [n] t)) : acc) xs names
+ f (L l (SigD (GenericSig names t))) xs = foldr (\n acc -> L l (SigD (GenericSig [n] t)) : acc) xs names
+ f x xs = x : xs
mkExportItem (L _ (DocD (DocGroup lev docStr))) = do
- mbDoc <- liftErrMsg $ lexParseRnHaddockComment dflags DocSectionComment gre docStr
+ mbDoc <- liftErrMsg $ processDocString dflags gre docStr
return $ fmap (ExportGroup lev "") mbDoc
mkExportItem (L _ (DocD (DocCommentNamed _ docStr))) = do
- mbDoc <- liftErrMsg $ lexParseRnHaddockComment dflags NormalHaddockComment gre docStr
+ mbDoc <- liftErrMsg $ processDocStringParas dflags gre docStr
return $ fmap ExportDoc mbDoc
mkExportItem (L _ (ValD d))
| name:_ <- collectHsBindBinders d, Just [L _ (ValD _)] <- M.lookup name declMap =
-- Top-level binding without type signature.
- let (doc, _) = exportDecl name docMap argMap subMap in
+ let (doc, _) = lookupDocs name warnings docMap argMap subMap in
fmap Just (hiValExportItem dflags name doc)
| otherwise = return Nothing
mkExportItem decl
| name:_ <- getMainDeclBinder (unLoc decl) =
- let (doc, subs) = exportDecl name docMap argMap subMap in
+ let (doc, subs) = lookupDocs name warnings docMap argMap subMap in
return $ Just (ExportDecl decl doc subs [])
| otherwise = return Nothing
@@ -687,11 +762,11 @@ extractRecSel nm mdl t tvs (L _ con : rest) =
data_ty = foldl (\x y -> noLoc (HsAppTy x y)) (noLoc (HsTyVar t)) (map toTypeNoLoc tvs)
--- Pruning
+-- | Keep exprt items with docs.
pruneExportItems :: [ExportItem Name] -> [ExportItem Name]
-pruneExportItems items = filter hasDoc items
+pruneExportItems = filter hasDoc
- hasDoc (ExportDecl{expItemMbDoc = (d, _)}) = isJust d
+ hasDoc (ExportDecl{expItemMbDoc = (Documentation d _, _)}) = isJust d
hasDoc _ = True
@@ -709,12 +784,12 @@ mkVisibleNames exports opts
-- | Find a stand-alone documentation comment by its name.
findNamedDoc :: String -> [HsDecl Name] -> ErrMsgM (Maybe HsDocString)
-findNamedDoc name decls = search decls
+findNamedDoc name = search
search [] = do
tell ["Cannot find documentation for: $" ++ name]
return Nothing
- search ((DocD (DocCommentNamed name' doc)):rest)
+ search (DocD (DocCommentNamed name' doc) : rest)
| name == name' = return (Just doc)
| otherwise = search rest
search (_other_decl : rest) = search rest