path: root/src/Haddock/Lex.x
diff options
authorMateusz Kowalczyk <fuuzetsu@fuuzetsu.co.uk>2013-07-09 14:24:10 +0100
committerAustin Seipp <austin@well-typed.com>2014-01-12 14:48:35 -0600
commitbb6cef20b82ef7a7f2d49f3ef6dc1a7ce880b5f0 (patch)
treeea07b1d4ab43169bc8d7074ff05bf1792c93feb0 /src/Haddock/Lex.x
parentc1228df0339d041b455bb993786a9ed6322c5e01 (diff)
One pass parser and tests.
We remove the HTML test as it is no longer necessary. We cover the test case in spec tests and other HTML tests but keeping this around fails: this is because the new parser has different semantics there. In fact, I suspect the original behaviour was a bug that wasn't caught/fixed but simply included as-is during the testing.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Haddock/Lex.x')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 255 deletions
diff --git a/src/Haddock/Lex.x b/src/Haddock/Lex.x
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e59fa4c..00000000
--- a/src/Haddock/Lex.x
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
--- Haddock - A Haskell Documentation Tool
--- (c) Simon Marlow 2002
--- This file was modified and integrated into GHC by David Waern 2006.
--- Then moved back into Haddock by Isaac Dupree in 2009 :-)
-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} -- Generated by Alex
-{-# OPTIONS -Wwarn -w #-}
--- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
--- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix
--- any warnings in the module. See
--- http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#Warnings
--- for details
-module Haddock.Lex (
- Token(..),
- LToken,
- tokenise
- ) where
-import Lexer hiding (Token)
-import Parser ( parseIdentifier )
-import StringBuffer
-import RdrName
-import SrcLoc
-import DynFlags
-import FastString
-import qualified Data.Bits
-import Data.Char
-import Data.Word (Word8)
-import Numeric
-import System.IO.Unsafe
-import Debug.Trace
-$ws = $white # \n
-$digit = [0-9]
-$hexdigit = [0-9a-fA-F]
-$special = [\"\@]
-$alphanum = [A-Za-z0-9]
-$ident = [$alphanum \'\_\.\!\#\$\%\&\*\+\/\<\=\>\?\@\\\\\^\|\-\~\:]
--- beginning of a paragraph
-<0,para> {
- $ws* \n ;
- $ws* \> { begin birdtrack }
- $ws* prop \> .* \n { strtoken TokProperty `andBegin` property}
- $ws* \>\>\> { strtoken TokExamplePrompt `andBegin` exampleexpr }
- $ws* [\*\-] { token TokBullet `andBegin` string }
- $ws* \[ { token TokDefStart `andBegin` def }
- $ws* \( $digit+ \) { token TokNumber `andBegin` string }
- $ws* $digit+ \. { token TokNumber `andBegin` string }
- $ws* { begin string }
--- beginning of a line
-<line> {
- $ws* \> { begin birdtrack }
- $ws* \>\>\> { strtoken TokExamplePrompt `andBegin` exampleexpr }
- $ws* \n { token TokPara `andBegin` para }
- -- Here, we really want to be able to say
- -- $ws* (\n | <eof>) { token TokPara `andBegin` para}
- -- because otherwise a trailing line of whitespace will result in
- -- a spurious TokString at the end of a docstring. We don't have <eof>,
- -- though (NOW I realise what it was for :-). To get around this, we always
- -- append \n to the end of a docstring.
- () { begin string }
-<birdtrack> .* \n? { strtokenNL TokBirdTrack `andBegin` line }
-<property> () { token TokPara `andBegin` para }
-<example> {
- $ws* \n { token TokPara `andBegin` para }
- $ws* \>\>\> { strtoken TokExamplePrompt `andBegin` exampleexpr }
- () { begin exampleresult }
-<exampleexpr> .* \n { strtokenNL TokExampleExpression `andBegin` example }
-<exampleresult> .* \n { strtokenNL TokExampleResult `andBegin` example }
-<string,def> {
- $special { strtoken $ \s -> TokSpecial (head s) }
- \<\< [^\>]* \>\> { strtoken $ \s -> TokPic (init $ init $ tail $ tail s) }
- \< [^\>]* \> { strtoken $ \s -> TokURL (init (tail s)) }
- \# [^\#]* \# { strtoken $ \s -> TokAName (init (tail s)) }
- \/ [^\/]* \/ { strtoken $ \s -> TokEmphasis (init (tail s)) }
- [\'\`] $ident+ [\'\`] { ident }
- \\ . { strtoken (TokString . tail) }
- "&#" $digit+ \; { strtoken $ \s -> TokString [chr (read (init (drop 2 s)))] }
- "&#" [xX] $hexdigit+ \; { strtoken $ \s -> case readHex (init (drop 3 s)) of [(n,_)] -> TokString [chr n] }
- -- allow special characters through if they don't fit one of the previous
- -- patterns.
- [\/\'\`\<\#\&\\] { strtoken TokString }
- [^ $special \/ \< \# \n \'\` \& \\ \]]* \n { strtokenNL TokString `andBegin` line }
- [^ $special \/ \< \# \n \'\` \& \\ \]]+ { strtoken TokString }
-<def> {
- \] { token TokDefEnd `andBegin` string }
--- ']' doesn't have any special meaning outside of the [...] at the beginning
--- of a definition paragraph.
-<string> {
- \] { strtoken TokString }
--- | A located token
-type LToken = (Token, AlexPosn)
-data Token
- = TokPara
- | TokNumber
- | TokBullet
- | TokDefStart
- | TokDefEnd
- | TokSpecial Char
- | TokIdent RdrName
- | TokString String
- | TokURL String
- | TokPic String
- | TokEmphasis String
- | TokAName String
- | TokBirdTrack String
- | TokProperty String
- | TokExamplePrompt String
- | TokExampleExpression String
- | TokExampleResult String
--- deriving Show
-tokenPos :: LToken -> (Int, Int)
-tokenPos t = let AlexPn _ line col = snd t in (line, col)
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Alex support stuff
--- XXX: copied the posn wrapper code from Alex to make this lexer work
--- with both Alex 2.x and Alex 3.x. However, we are not using the
--- Unicode/UTF-8 support in Alex 3.x, and Unicode documentation will
--- probably get mangled.
--- | Encode a Haskell String to a list of Word8 values, in UTF8 format.
-utf8Encode :: Char -> [Word8]
-utf8Encode = map fromIntegral . go . ord
- where
- go oc
- | oc <= 0x7f = [oc]
- | oc <= 0x7ff = [ 0xc0 + (oc `Data.Bits.shiftR` 6)
- , 0x80 + oc Data.Bits..&. 0x3f
- ]
- | oc <= 0xffff = [ 0xe0 + (oc `Data.Bits.shiftR` 12)
- , 0x80 + ((oc `Data.Bits.shiftR` 6) Data.Bits..&. 0x3f)
- , 0x80 + oc Data.Bits..&. 0x3f
- ]
- | otherwise = [ 0xf0 + (oc `Data.Bits.shiftR` 18)
- , 0x80 + ((oc `Data.Bits.shiftR` 12) Data.Bits..&. 0x3f)
- , 0x80 + ((oc `Data.Bits.shiftR` 6) Data.Bits..&. 0x3f)
- , 0x80 + oc Data.Bits..&. 0x3f
- ]
-type Byte = Word8
-type AlexInput = (AlexPosn, -- current position,
- Char, -- previous char
- [Byte], -- pending bytes on current char
- String) -- current input string
-alexInputPrevChar :: AlexInput -> Char
-alexInputPrevChar (p,c,bs,s) = c
-alexGetByte :: AlexInput -> Maybe (Byte,AlexInput)
-alexGetByte (p,c,(b:bs),s) = Just (b,(p,c,bs,s))
-alexGetByte (p,c,[],[]) = Nothing
-alexGetByte (p,_,[],(c:s)) = let p' = alexMove p c
- (b:bs) = utf8Encode c
- in p' `seq` Just (b, (p', c, bs, s))
-data AlexPosn = AlexPn !Int !Int !Int
- deriving (Eq,Show)
-alexMove :: AlexPosn -> Char -> AlexPosn
-alexMove (AlexPn a l c) '\t' = AlexPn (a+1) l (((c+7) `div` 8)*8+1)
-alexMove (AlexPn a l c) '\n' = AlexPn (a+1) (l+1) 1
-alexMove (AlexPn a l c) _ = AlexPn (a+1) l (c+1)
-type StartCode = Int
-type Action = AlexPosn -> String -> StartCode -> (StartCode -> [LToken]) -> DynFlags -> [LToken]
-tokenise :: DynFlags -> String -> (Int, Int) -> [LToken]
-tokenise dflags str (line, col) = go (posn,'\n',[],eofHack str) para
- where posn = AlexPn 0 line col
- go inp@(pos,_,_,str) sc =
- case alexScan inp sc of
- AlexEOF -> []
- AlexError _ -> []
- AlexSkip inp' len -> go inp' sc
- AlexToken inp' len act -> act pos (take len str) sc (\sc -> go inp' sc) dflags
--- NB. we add a final \n to the string, (see comment in the beginning of line
--- production above).
-eofHack str = str++"\n"
-andBegin :: Action -> StartCode -> Action
-andBegin act new_sc = \pos str _ cont dflags -> act pos str new_sc cont dflags
-token :: Token -> Action
-token t = \pos _ sc cont _ -> (t, pos) : cont sc
-strtoken, strtokenNL :: (String -> Token) -> Action
-strtoken t = \pos str sc cont _ -> (t str, pos) : cont sc
-strtokenNL t = \pos str sc cont _ -> (t (filter (/= '\r') str), pos) : cont sc
--- ^ We only want LF line endings in our internal doc string format, so we
--- filter out all CRs.
-begin :: StartCode -> Action
-begin sc = \_ _ _ cont _ -> cont sc
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Lex a string as a Haskell identifier
-ident :: Action
-ident pos str sc cont dflags =
- case parseIdent dflags loc id of
- Just names -> (TokIdent names, pos) : cont sc
- Nothing -> (TokString str, pos) : cont sc
- where id = init (tail str)
- -- TODO: Get the real filename here. Maybe we should just be
- -- using GHC SrcLoc's ourself?
- filename = mkFastString "<unknown file>"
- loc = case pos of
- AlexPn _ line col ->
- mkRealSrcLoc filename line col
-parseIdent :: DynFlags -> RealSrcLoc -> String -> Maybe RdrName
-parseIdent dflags loc str0 =
- let buffer = stringToStringBuffer str0
- pstate = mkPState dflags buffer loc
- result = unP parseIdentifier pstate
- in case result of
- POk _ name -> Just (unLoc name)
- _ -> Nothing