path: root/src/Haddock/Parse.y
diff options
authorMateusz Kowalczyk <fuuzetsu@fuuzetsu.co.uk>2013-07-09 14:24:10 +0100
committerAustin Seipp <austin@well-typed.com>2014-01-12 14:48:35 -0600
commitbb6cef20b82ef7a7f2d49f3ef6dc1a7ce880b5f0 (patch)
treeea07b1d4ab43169bc8d7074ff05bf1792c93feb0 /src/Haddock/Parse.y
parentc1228df0339d041b455bb993786a9ed6322c5e01 (diff)
One pass parser and tests.
We remove the HTML test as it is no longer necessary. We cover the test case in spec tests and other HTML tests but keeping this around fails: this is because the new parser has different semantics there. In fact, I suspect the original behaviour was a bug that wasn't caught/fixed but simply included as-is during the testing.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Haddock/Parse.y')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/src/Haddock/Parse.y b/src/Haddock/Parse.y
deleted file mode 100644
index f40ff521..00000000
--- a/src/Haddock/Parse.y
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} -- required for versions of Happy before 1.18.6
-{-# OPTIONS -Wwarn -w #-}
--- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
--- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix
--- any warnings in the module. See
--- http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#Warnings
--- for details
-module Haddock.Parse (parseString, parseParas) where
-import Haddock.Lex
-import Haddock.Types (Doc(..), Example(Example), Hyperlink(..))
-import Haddock.Doc
-import HsSyn
-import RdrName
-import Data.Char (isSpace)
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-import Data.List (stripPrefix)
-%expect 0
-%tokentype { LToken }
-%token '/' { (TokSpecial '/',_) }
- '@' { (TokSpecial '@',_) }
- '[' { (TokDefStart,_) }
- ']' { (TokDefEnd,_) }
- DQUO { (TokSpecial '\"',_) }
- URL { (TokURL $$,_) }
- PIC { (TokPic $$,_) }
- ANAME { (TokAName $$,_) }
- '/../' { (TokEmphasis $$,_) }
- '-' { (TokBullet,_) }
- '(n)' { (TokNumber,_) }
- '>..' { (TokBirdTrack $$,_) }
- PROP { (TokProperty $$,_) }
- PROMPT { (TokExamplePrompt $$,_) }
- RESULT { (TokExampleResult $$,_) }
- EXP { (TokExampleExpression $$,_) }
- IDENT { (TokIdent $$,_) }
- PARA { (TokPara,_) }
- STRING { (TokString $$,_) }
-%monad { Maybe }
-%name parseParas doc
-%name parseString seq
-doc :: { Doc RdrName }
- : apara PARA doc { docAppend $1 $3 }
- | PARA doc { $2 }
- | apara { $1 }
- | {- empty -} { DocEmpty }
-apara :: { Doc RdrName }
- : ulpara { DocUnorderedList [$1] }
- | olpara { DocOrderedList [$1] }
- | defpara { DocDefList [$1] }
- | para { $1 }
-ulpara :: { Doc RdrName }
- : '-' para { $2 }
-olpara :: { Doc RdrName }
- : '(n)' para { $2 }
-defpara :: { (Doc RdrName, Doc RdrName) }
- : '[' seq ']' seq { ($2, $4) }
-para :: { Doc RdrName }
- : seq { docParagraph $1 }
- | codepara { DocCodeBlock $1 }
- | property { $1 }
- | examples { DocExamples $1 }
-codepara :: { Doc RdrName }
- : '>..' codepara { docAppend (DocString $1) $2 }
- | '>..' { DocString $1 }
-property :: { Doc RdrName }
- : PROP { makeProperty $1 }
-examples :: { [Example] }
- : example examples { $1 : $2 }
- | example { [$1] }
-example :: { Example }
- : PROMPT EXP result { makeExample $1 $2 (lines $3) }
- | PROMPT EXP { makeExample $1 $2 [] }
-result :: { String }
- : RESULT result { $1 ++ $2 }
- | RESULT { $1 }
-seq :: { Doc RdrName }
- : elem seq { docAppend $1 $2 }
- | elem { $1 }
-elem :: { Doc RdrName }
- : elem1 { $1 }
- | '@' seq1 '@' { DocMonospaced $2 }
-seq1 :: { Doc RdrName }
- : PARA seq1 { docAppend (DocString "\n") $2 }
- | elem1 seq1 { docAppend $1 $2 }
- | elem1 { $1 }
-elem1 :: { Doc RdrName }
- : STRING { DocString $1 }
- | '/../' { DocEmphasis (DocString $1) }
- | URL { DocHyperlink (makeHyperlink $1) }
- | PIC { DocPic $1 }
- | ANAME { DocAName $1 }
- | IDENT { DocIdentifier $1 }
- | DQUO strings DQUO { DocModule $2 }
-strings :: { String }
- : STRING { $1 }
- | STRING strings { $1 ++ $2 }
-happyError :: [LToken] -> Maybe a
-happyError toks = Nothing
--- | Create a `Hyperlink` from given string.
--- A hyperlink consists of a URL and an optional label. The label is separated
--- from the url by one or more whitespace characters.
-makeHyperlink :: String -> Hyperlink
-makeHyperlink input = case break isSpace $ strip input of
- (url, "") -> Hyperlink url Nothing
- (url, label) -> Hyperlink url (Just . dropWhile isSpace $ label)
-makeProperty :: String -> Doc RdrName
-makeProperty s = case strip s of
- 'p':'r':'o':'p':'>':xs ->
- DocProperty (dropWhile isSpace xs)
- xs ->
- error $ "makeProperty: invalid input " ++ show xs
--- | Create an 'Example', stripping superfluous characters as appropriate
-makeExample :: String -> String -> [String] -> Example
-makeExample prompt expression result =
- Example
- (strip expression) -- we do not care about leading and trailing
- -- whitespace in expressions, so drop them
- result'
- where
- -- 1. drop trailing whitespace from the prompt, remember the prefix
- (prefix, _) = span isSpace prompt
- -- 2. drop, if possible, the exact same sequence of whitespace
- -- characters from each result line
- --
- -- 3. interpret lines that only contain the string "<BLANKLINE>" as an
- -- empty line
- result' = map (substituteBlankLine . tryStripPrefix prefix) result
- where
- tryStripPrefix xs ys = fromMaybe ys $ stripPrefix xs ys
- substituteBlankLine "<BLANKLINE>" = ""
- substituteBlankLine line = line
--- | Remove all leading and trailing whitespace
-strip :: String -> String
-strip = dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse