path: root/src/HaddockHtml.hs
diff options
authorsimonmar <unknown>2002-04-04 16:23:43 +0000
committersimonmar <unknown>2002-04-04 16:23:43 +0000
commit2b39cd941c80d2603f2480684c45dd31f9256831 (patch)
tree87a4fdb2752c8a99e54e50e45c1bfa8c2bf80577 /src/HaddockHtml.hs
[haddock @ 2002-04-04 16:23:43 by simonmar]
This is Haddock, my stab at a Haskell documentation tool. It's not quite ready for release yet, but I'm putting it in the repository so others can take a look. It uses a locally modified version of the hssource parser, extended with support for GHC extensions and documentation annotations.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/HaddockHtml.hs')
1 files changed, 567 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/HaddockHtml.hs b/src/HaddockHtml.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4310a8dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/HaddockHtml.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+-- Haddock - A Haskell Documentation Tool
+-- (c) Simon Marlow 2002
+module HaddockHtml (ppHtml) where
+import Prelude hiding (div)
+import HaddockVersion
+import HaddockTypes
+import HsSyn
+import Maybe ( fromJust, isJust )
+import FiniteMap
+import Html hiding (text)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Generating HTML documentation
+ppHtml :: String -> Maybe String -> [(Module, Interface)] -> IO ()
+ppHtml title source_url ifaces = do
+ ppHtmlIndex title source_url (map fst ifaces)
+ mapM_ (ppHtmlModule title source_url) ifaces
+moduleHtmlFile :: String -> FilePath
+moduleHtmlFile mod = mod ++ ".html" -- ToDo: Z-encode filename?
+indexHtmlFile = "index.html"
+styleSheetFile = "haddock.css"
+footer =
+ td ! [theclass "botbar"] <<
+ ( toHtml "Produced by" <+>
+ (anchor ! [href projectUrl] << toHtml projectName) <+>
+ toHtml ("version " ++ projectVersion)
+ )
+simpleHeader title =
+ (td ! [theclass "topbar"] <<
+ vanillaTable << (
+ (td <<
+ image ! [src "haskell_icon.gif", width "16", height 16,
+ align "absmiddle"]
+ ) <->
+ (td ! [theclass "title", width "100%"] << toHtml title)
+ ))
+buttons1 source_url mod file
+ | Just u <- source_url =
+ let src_url = if (last u == '/') then u ++ file else u ++ '/':file
+ in
+ (td ! [theclass "topbut", nowrap] <<
+ anchor ! [href src_url] << toHtml "Source code") <-> buttons2 mod
+ | otherwise =
+ buttons2 mod
+buttons2 mod =
+ case span (/= '.') (reverse mod) of
+ (m, '.':rest) ->
+ (td ! [theclass "topbut", nowrap] <<
+ anchor ! [href (moduleHtmlFile (reverse rest))] << toHtml "Parent") <->
+ contentsButton
+ _ -> cell contentsButton
+contentsButton = (td ! [theclass "topbut", nowrap] <<
+ anchor ! [href indexHtmlFile] << toHtml "Contents")
+pageHeader mod iface title source_url =
+ (td ! [theclass "topbar"] <<
+ vanillaTable << (
+ (td <<
+ image ! [src "haskell_icon.gif", width "16", height 16,
+ align "absmiddle"]
+ ) <->
+ (td ! [theclass "title", width "100%"] << toHtml title) <->
+ buttons1 source_url mod (iface_filename iface)
+ )
+ ) </>
+ td ! [theclass "modulebar"] <<
+ (vanillaTable << (
+ (td << font ! [size "6"] << toHtml mod) <->
+ (td ! [align "right"] <<
+ (table ! [width "300", border 0, cellspacing 0, cellpadding 0] << (
+ (td ! [width "50%"] << font ! [color "#ffffff"] <<
+ bold << toHtml "Portability") <->
+ (td ! [width "50%"] << font ! [color "#ffffff"] <<
+ toHtml (iface_portability iface)) </>
+ (td ! [width "50%"] << font ! [color "#ffffff"] <<
+ bold << toHtml "Stability") <->
+ (td ! [width "50%"] << font ! [color "#ffffff"] <<
+ toHtml (iface_stability iface)) </>
+ (td ! [width "50%"] << font ! [color "#ffffff"] <<
+ bold << toHtml "Maintainer") <->
+ (td ! [width "50%"] << font ! [color "#ffffff"] <<
+ toHtml (iface_maintainer iface))
+ ))
+ ))
+ )
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Generate the module index
+ppHtmlIndex :: String -> Maybe String -> [Module] -> IO ()
+ppHtmlIndex title source_url mods = do
+ let tree = mkModuleTree mods
+ html =
+ header (thetitle (toHtml title)) +++
+ mylink ! [href styleSheetFile,
+ rel "stylesheet", thetype "text/css"] +++
+ body <<
+ table ! [width "100%", cellpadding 0, cellspacing 1] << (
+ simpleHeader title </>
+ td << (ppModuleTree title tree) </>
+ footer
+ )
+ writeFile indexHtmlFile (Html.renderHtml html)
+ppModuleTree :: String -> [ModuleTree] -> Html
+ppModuleTree title ts =
+ h1 << toHtml "Modules" +++
+ table ! [cellpadding 0, cellspacing 2] << aboves (map (mkNode []) ts)
+mkNode ss (Node s leaf []) =
+ td << mkLeaf s ss leaf
+mkNode ss (Node s leaf ts) =
+ td << table ! [cellpadding 0, cellspacing 2] <<
+ ((td << mkLeaf s ss leaf)
+ </> indent <-> aboves (map (mkNode (s:ss)) ts))
+mkLeaf s ss False = toHtml s
+mkLeaf s ss True = anchor ! [href (moduleHtmlFile mod)] << toHtml s
+ where mod = foldr (++) "" (s' : map ('.':) ss')
+ (s':ss') = reverse (s:ss)
+ -- reconstruct the module name
+data ModuleTree = Node String Bool [ModuleTree]
+mkModuleTree :: [Module] -> [ModuleTree]
+mkModuleTree mods = foldr addToTrees [] (map splitModule mods)
+addToTrees :: [String] -> [ModuleTree] -> [ModuleTree]
+addToTrees [] ts = ts
+addToTrees ss [] = mkSubTree ss
+addToTrees (s1:ss) (t@(Node s2 leaf subs) : ts)
+ | s1 == s2 = Node s2 (leaf || null ss) (addToTrees ss subs) : ts
+ | otherwise = t : addToTrees (s1:ss) ts
+mkSubTree [] = []
+mkSubTree (s:ss) = [Node s (null ss) (mkSubTree ss)]
+splitModule :: Module -> [String]
+splitModule (Module mod) = split mod
+ where split mod = case break (== '.') mod of
+ (s1, '.':s2) -> s1 : split s2
+ (s1, _) -> [s1]
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Generate the HTML page for a module
+ppHtmlModule :: String -> Maybe String -> (Module,Interface) -> IO ()
+ppHtmlModule title source_url (Module mod,iface) = do
+ let html =
+ header (thetitle (toHtml mod)) +++
+ mylink ! [href styleSheetFile,
+ rel "stylesheet", thetype "text/css"] +++
+ body <<
+ table ! [width "100%", cellpadding 0, cellspacing 1] << (
+ pageHeader mod iface title source_url </>
+ ifaceToHtml mod iface </>
+ footer
+ )
+ writeFile (moduleHtmlFile mod) (Html.renderHtml html)
+ifaceToHtml :: String -> Interface -> Html
+ifaceToHtml mod iface
+ | null exports = noHtml
+ | otherwise =
+ td << table ! [width "100%", cellpadding 0, cellspacing 15] << body1
+ where exports = iface_exports iface
+ doc_map = iface_name_docs iface
+ body1
+ | Just doc <- iface_doc iface
+ = td ! [theclass "section1"] << toHtml "Description" </>
+ docBox (markup htmlMarkup doc) </>
+ body2
+ | otherwise
+ = body2
+ body2 =
+ (td ! [theclass "section1"] << toHtml "Synopsis") </>
+ (td ! [width "100%", theclass "synopsis"] <<
+ table ! [width "100%", cellpadding 0, cellspacing 8, border 0] <<
+ aboves (map (processExport doc_map True) exports)) </>
+ td << hr </>
+ aboves (map (processExport doc_map False) exports)
+processExport :: FiniteMap HsName Doc -> Bool -> ExportItem -> Html
+processExport doc_map summary (ExportGroup lev doc)
+ | summary = noHtml
+ | otherwise = ppDocGroup lev (markup htmlMarkup doc)
+processExport doc_map summary (ExportDecl decl)
+ = doDecl doc_map summary decl
+ppDocGroup lev doc
+ | lev == 1 = td ! [ theclass "section1" ] << doc
+ | lev == 2 = td ! [ theclass "section2" ] << doc
+ | lev == 3 = td ! [ theclass "section3" ] << doc
+ | otherwise = td ! [ theclass "section4" ] << doc
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Converting declarations to HTML
+declWithDoc :: Bool -> Maybe Doc -> Html -> Html
+declWithDoc True doc html_decl = declBox html_decl
+declWithDoc False Nothing html_decl = declBox html_decl
+declWithDoc False (Just doc) html_decl =
+ td ! [width "100%"] <<
+ vanillaTable <<
+ (declBox html_decl </> docBox (markup htmlMarkup doc))
+doDecl :: FiniteMap HsName Doc -> Bool -> HsDecl -> Html
+doDecl doc_map summary decl = do_decl decl
+ where
+ doc | Just n <- declMainBinder decl = lookupFM doc_map n
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ do_decl (HsTypeSig _ [nm] ty) =
+ declWithDoc summary doc (ppTypeSig summary nm ty)
+ do_decl (HsTypeSig _ nms ty)
+ = declWithDoc summary doc (
+ vanillaTable << aboves (map do_one nms))
+ where do_one nm = declBox (ppTypeSig summary nm ty)
+ do_decl (HsForeignImport _ _ _ _ n ty)
+ = declWithDoc summary doc (ppTypeSig summary n ty)
+ do_decl (HsTypeDecl _ nm args ty)
+ = declWithDoc summary doc (
+ hsep ([keyword "type", ppHsBinder summary nm]
+ ++ map ppHsName args) <+> equals <+> ppHsType ty)
+ do_decl (HsNewTypeDecl loc ctx nm args con drv)
+ = ppHsDataDecl doc_map summary (HsDataDecl loc ctx nm args [con] drv)
+ -- print it as a single-constructor datatype
+ do_decl decl@(HsDataDecl loc ctx nm args cons drv)
+ = ppHsDataDecl doc_map summary decl
+ do_decl decl@(HsClassDecl _ _ _)
+ = ppHsClassDecl doc_map summary decl
+ do_decl (HsDocGroup lev str)
+ = if summary then noHtml else ppDocGroup lev str
+ do_decl _ = error (show decl)
+ppTypeSig summary nm ty = ppHsBinder summary nm <+> toHtml "::" <+> ppHsType ty
+keepDecl HsTypeSig{} = True
+keepDecl HsTypeDecl{} = True
+keepDecl HsNewTypeDecl{} = True
+keepDecl HsDataDecl{} = True
+keepDecl HsClassDecl{} = True
+keepDecl _ = False
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Data & newtype declarations
+-- First, the abstract case:
+ppHsDataDecl doc_map summary (HsDataDecl loc ctx nm args [] drv) =
+ declWithDoc summary (lookupFM doc_map nm)
+ (ppHsDataHeader summary nm args)
+-- Second, the summary cases:
+ppHsDataDecl doc_map True (HsDataDecl loc ctx nm args [con] drv) =
+ declBox ( -- single constructor special case
+ ppHsDataHeader True nm args
+ <+> equals <+> ppHsSummaryConstr con
+ )
+ppHsDataDecl doc_map True (HsDataDecl loc ctx nm args cons drv) =
+ td << (
+ vanillaTable << (
+ aboves (
+ (declBox (ppHsDataHeader True nm args) :
+ zipWith do_constr ('=':repeat '|') cons
+ )
+ )
+ ))
+ where do_constr c con = td ! [theclass "condecl"] << (
+ toHtml [c] <+> ppHsSummaryConstr con)
+-- Now, the full expanded documented version:
+ppHsDataDecl doc_map False decl@(HsDataDecl loc ctx nm args cons drv) =
+ td << (
+ vanillaTable << (
+ if isJust doc
+ then aboves [header, datadoc, constrs]
+ else aboves [header, constrs]
+ )
+ )
+ where
+ header = declBox (ppHsDataHeader False nm args)
+ datadoc = docBox (markup htmlMarkup (fromJust doc))
+ constr_hdr = td ! [ theclass "section4" ] << toHtml "Constructors"
+ constrs = td ! [theclass "databody"] << (
+ table ! [width "100%", cellpadding 0, cellspacing 10] <<
+ aboves (constr_hdr : map do_constr cons)
+ )
+ do_constr con = ppHsFullConstr doc_map con
+ Just c = declMainBinder decl
+ doc = lookupFM doc_map c
+ppHsSummaryConstr :: HsConDecl -> Html
+ppHsSummaryConstr (HsConDecl pos nm typeList _maybe_doc) =
+ hsep (ppHsBinder True nm : map ppHsBangType typeList)
+ppHsSummaryConstr (HsRecDecl pos nm fields maybe_doc) =
+ ppHsBinder True nm +++
+ braces (vanillaTable << aboves (map (td . ppSummaryField) fields))
+ppHsFullConstr doc_map (HsConDecl pos nm typeList _maybe_doc) =
+ declWithDoc False doc (
+ hsep (ppHsBinder False nm : map ppHsBangType typeList)
+ )
+ where
+ doc = lookupFM doc_map nm
+ppHsFullConstr doc_map (HsRecDecl pos nm fields maybe_doc) =
+ td << vanillaTable << (
+ case doc of
+ Nothing -> aboves [hdr, fields_html]
+ Just doc -> aboves [hdr, constr_doc, fields_html]
+ )
+ where hdr = declBox (ppHsBinder False nm)
+ constr_doc = docBox (markup htmlMarkup (fromJust doc))
+ fields_html =
+ td <<
+ table ! [width "100%", cellpadding 0, cellspacing 8] << (
+ aboves (map (ppFullField doc_map)
+ (concat (map expandField fields)))
+ )
+ doc = lookupFM doc_map nm
+ppSummaryField (HsFieldDecl ns ty _doc)
+ = td ! [theclass "recfield"] << (
+ hsep (punctuate comma (map (ppHsBinder True) ns))
+ <+> toHtml "::" <+> ppHsBangType ty
+ )
+ppFullField doc_map (HsFieldDecl [n] ty _doc)
+ = declWithDoc False (lookupFM doc_map n) (
+ ppHsBinder False n <+> toHtml "::" <+> ppHsBangType ty
+ )
+ppFullField _ _ = error "ppFullField"
+expandField (HsFieldDecl ns ty doc) = [ HsFieldDecl [n] ty doc | n <- ns ]
+ppHsDataHeader summary nm args =
+ keyword "data" <+> ppHsBinder summary nm <+> hsep (map ppHsName args)
+ppHsBangType :: HsBangType -> Html
+ppHsBangType (HsBangedTy ty) = char '!' +++ ppHsAType ty
+ppHsBangType (HsUnBangedTy ty) = ppHsAType ty
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Class declarations
+ppClassHdr ty = keyword "class" <+> ppHsType ty
+ppHsClassDecl doc_map True (HsClassDecl loc ty decls) =
+ if null decls
+ then declBox (ppClassHdr ty)
+ else td << (
+ vanillaTable << (
+ declBox (ppClassHdr ty <+> keyword "where")
+ </>
+ td ! [theclass "cbody"] << (
+ vanillaTable << (
+ aboves (map (doDecl doc_map True) (filter keepDecl decls))
+ ))
+ ))
+ppHsClassDecl doc_map False decl@(HsClassDecl loc ty decls) =
+ linkTarget c +++
+ if null decls
+ then declBox (ppClassHdr ty)
+ else td << (
+ vanillaTable << (
+ if isJust doc
+ then aboves [header, classdoc, body]
+ else aboves [header, body]
+ ))
+ where header = declBox (ppClassHdr ty <+> keyword "where")
+ classdoc = docBox (markup htmlMarkup (fromJust doc))
+ meth_hdr = td ! [ theclass "section4" ] << toHtml "Methods"
+ body = td << (
+ table ! [width "100%", cellpadding 0, cellspacing 8] << (
+ meth_hdr </>
+ aboves (map (doDecl doc_map False)
+ (filter keepDecl decls))
+ ))
+ Just c = declMainBinder decl
+ doc = lookupFM doc_map c
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Types and contexts
+ppHsContext :: HsContext -> Html
+ppHsContext [] = empty
+ppHsContext context = parenList (map (\ (a,b) -> ppHsQName a <+>
+ hsep (map ppHsAType b)) context)
+ppHsType :: HsType -> Html
+ppHsType (HsForAllType Nothing context htype) =
+ hsep [ ppHsContext context, toHtml "=>", ppHsType htype]
+ppHsType (HsForAllType (Just tvs) [] htype) =
+ hsep (keyword "forall" : map ppHsName tvs ++ toHtml "." : [ppHsType htype])
+ppHsType (HsForAllType (Just tvs) context htype) =
+ hsep (keyword "forall" : map ppHsName tvs ++ toHtml "." :
+ ppHsContext context : toHtml "=>" : [ppHsType htype])
+ppHsType (HsTyFun a b) = hsep [ppHsBType a, toHtml "->", ppHsType b]
+ppHsType t = ppHsBType t
+ppHsBType (HsTyApp (HsTyCon (Qual (Module "Prelude") (HsTyClsName (HsSpecial "[]")))) b )
+ = brackets $ ppHsType b
+ppHsBType (HsTyApp a b) = ppHsBType a <+> ppHsAType b
+ppHsBType t = ppHsAType t
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Names
+linkTarget :: HsName -> Html
+linkTarget nm = anchor ! [name (hsNameStr nm)] << toHtml ""
+ppHsAType :: HsType -> Html
+ppHsAType (HsTyTuple True l) = parenList . map ppHsType $ l
+ppHsAType (HsTyTuple False l) = ubxParenList . map ppHsType $ l
+ppHsAType (HsTyVar name) = ppHsName name
+ppHsAType (HsTyCon name) = ppHsQName name
+ppHsAType t = parens $ ppHsType t
+ppHsQName :: HsQName -> Html
+ppHsQName (UnQual str) = ppHsName str
+ppHsQName n@(Qual (Module mod) str)
+ | n == unit_con_name = ppHsName str
+ | isSpecial str = ppHsName str
+ | otherwise = anchor ! [href (linkId mod str)] << ppHsName str
+isSpecial (HsTyClsName id) | HsSpecial _ <- id = True
+isSpecial (HsVarName id) | HsSpecial _ <- id = True
+isSpecial _ = False
+ppHsName :: HsName -> Html
+ppHsName nm = toHtml (hsNameStr nm)
+hsNameStr :: HsName -> String
+hsNameStr (HsTyClsName id) = ppHsIdentifier id
+hsNameStr (HsVarName id) = ppHsIdentifier id
+ppHsIdentifier :: HsIdentifier -> String
+ppHsIdentifier (HsIdent str) = str
+ppHsIdentifier (HsSymbol str) = str
+ppHsIdentifier (HsSpecial str) = str
+ppHsBinder :: Bool -> HsName -> Html
+ppHsBinder True nm = anchor ! [href ('#':hsNameStr nm)] << ppHsBinder' nm
+ppHsBinder False nm = linkTarget nm +++ ppHsBinder' nm
+ppHsBinder' (HsTyClsName id) = ppHsBindIdent id
+ppHsBinder' (HsVarName id) = ppHsBindIdent id
+ppHsBindIdent :: HsIdentifier -> Html
+ppHsBindIdent (HsIdent str) = toHtml str
+ppHsBindIdent (HsSymbol str) = parens (toHtml str)
+ppHsBindIdent (HsSpecial str) = toHtml str
+linkId :: String -> HsName -> String
+linkId mod str = moduleHtmlFile mod ++ '#': hsNameStr str
+ppHsModule :: String -> Html
+ppHsModule mod = anchor ! [href (moduleHtmlFile mod)] << toHtml mod
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Doc Markup
+htmlMarkup = Markup {
+ markupParagraph = paragraph,
+ markupEmpty = toHtml "",
+ markupString = toHtml,
+ markupAppend = (+++),
+ markupIdentifier = ppHsQName,
+ markupModule = ppHsModule,
+ markupEmphasis = emphasize . toHtml,
+ markupMonospaced = tt . toHtml,
+ markupUnorderedList = ulist . concatHtml . map (li <<),
+ markupOrderedList = olist . concatHtml . map (li <<),
+ markupCodeBlock = pre
+ }
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- * Misc
+hsep :: [Html] -> Html
+hsep [] = noHtml
+hsep htmls = foldr1 (\a b -> a+++" "+++b) htmls
+infixr 8 <+>
+a <+> b = Html (getHtmlElements (toHtml a) ++ HtmlString " ": getHtmlElements (toHtml b))
+keyword s = bold << toHtml s
+equals = char '='
+comma = char ','
+char c = toHtml [c]
+empty = toHtml ""
+quotes p = char '`' +++ p +++ char '\''
+doubleQuotes p = char '"' +++ p +++ char '"'
+parens p = char '(' +++ p +++ char ')'
+brackets p = char '[' +++ p +++ char ']'
+braces p = char '{' +++ p +++ char '}'
+punctuate :: Html -> [Html] -> [Html]
+punctuate p [] = []
+punctuate p (d:ds) = go d ds
+ where
+ go d [] = [d]
+ go d (e:es) = (d +++ p) : go e es
+parenList :: [Html] -> Html
+parenList = parens . hsep . punctuate comma
+ubxParenList :: [Html] -> Html
+ubxParenList = ubxparens . hsep . punctuate comma
+ubxparens p = toHtml "(#" +++ p +++ toHtml "#)"
+indent = td ! [width "10"] << ""
+text = strAttr "TEXT"
+div = tag "DIV"
+mylink = itag "LINK"
+declBox :: Html -> Html
+declBox html = td ! [theclass "decl"] << html
+docBox :: Html -> Html
+docBox html = td ! [theclass "doc"] << html
+vanillaTable = table ! [width "100%", cellpadding 0, cellspacing 0, border 0]