path: root/src
diff options
authorDavid Waern <david.waern@gmail.com>2010-07-21 14:50:46 +0000
committerDavid Waern <david.waern@gmail.com>2010-07-21 14:50:46 +0000
commit91fac8b008732078e3485840ca12f873d0690209 (patch)
treeb271b39f65d89e163ce0396e58d6362e32881ecb /src
parent7aa76278c8b2f27fefbb549fdc1fa263b6b6bec8 (diff)
Style police in LaTeX backend (mainly more newlines)
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs b/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
index 4254810e..cdd33094 100644
--- a/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import Data.List
module Data.List (
- (++), head, last, tail, init, null, length, map, reverse,
+ (++), head, last, tail, init, null, length, map, reverse,
) where\end{verbatim}}
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ haddockSty = "haddock.sty"
type LaTeX = Pretty.Doc
:: String
-> Maybe String
@@ -131,6 +132,7 @@ ppLaTeXTop doctitle packageStr odir prologue maybe_style ifaces = do
writeFile filename (render tex)
ppLaTeXModule :: String -> FilePath -> Interface -> IO ()
ppLaTeXModule _title odir iface = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True odir
@@ -172,6 +174,7 @@ string_txt (Str s1) s2 = s1 ++ s2
string_txt (PStr s1) s2 = unpackFS s1 ++ s2
string_txt (LStr s1 _) s2 = unpackLitString s1 ++ s2
exportListItem :: ExportItem DocName -> LaTeX
exportListItem (ExportDecl decl _doc subdocs _insts)
= ppDocBinder (declName decl) <>
@@ -187,6 +190,7 @@ exportListItem (ExportModule mdl)
exportListItem _
= error "exportListItem"
-- Deal with a group of undocumented exports together, to avoid lots
-- of blank vertical space between them.
processExports :: [ExportItem DocName] -> LaTeX
@@ -204,16 +208,19 @@ processExports (ExportModule mdl : es)
processExports (e : es) =
processExport e $$ processExports es
isSimpleSig :: ExportItem DocName -> Maybe (DocName, HsType DocName)
isSimpleSig (ExportDecl (L _ (SigD (TypeSig (L _ n) (L _ t))))
(Nothing, argDocs) _ _)
| Map.null argDocs = Just (n, t)
isSimpleSig _ = Nothing
isExportModule :: ExportItem DocName -> Maybe Module
isExportModule (ExportModule m) = Just m
isExportModule _ = Nothing
processExport :: ExportItem DocName -> LaTeX
processExport (ExportGroup lev _id0 doc)
= ppDocGroup lev (docToLaTeX doc)
@@ -228,6 +235,7 @@ processExport (ExportModule mdl)
processExport (ExportDoc doc)
= docToLaTeX doc
ppDocGroup :: Int -> LaTeX -> LaTeX
ppDocGroup lev doc = sec lev <> braces doc
where sec 1 = text "\\section"
@@ -235,26 +243,33 @@ ppDocGroup lev doc = sec lev <> braces doc
sec 3 = text "\\subsubsection"
sec _ = text "\\paragraph"
declName :: LHsDecl DocName -> DocName
declName (L _ decl) = case decl of
TyClD d -> unLoc $ tcdLName d
SigD (TypeSig (L _ n) _) -> n
_ -> error "declaration not supported by declName"
forSummary :: (ExportItem DocName) -> Bool
forSummary (ExportGroup _ _ _) = False
forSummary (ExportDoc _) = False
forSummary _ = True
moduleLaTeXFile :: Module -> FilePath
moduleLaTeXFile mdl = moduleBasename mdl ++ ".tex"
moduleBasename :: Module -> FilePath
moduleBasename mdl = map (\c -> if c == '.' then '-' else c)
(moduleNameString (moduleName mdl))
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Decls
+-- * Decls
ppDecl :: LHsDecl DocName
-> DocForDecl DocName
@@ -278,24 +293,31 @@ ppDecl (L loc decl) (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) instances subdocs = case decl of
unicode = False
ppTyFam :: t -> t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> t4 -> a
ppTyFam _ _ _ _ _ =
error "type family declarations are currently not supported by --latex"
ppDataInst :: t -> t1 -> t2 -> a
ppDataInst _ _ _ =
error "data instance declarations are currently not supported by --latex"
ppTyInst :: t -> t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> t4 -> a
ppTyInst _ _ _ _ _ =
error "type instance declarations are currently not supported by --latex"
ppFor :: t -> t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> a
ppFor _ _ _ _ =
error "foreign declarations are currently not supported by --latex"
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Type Synonyms
+-- * Type Synonyms
-- we skip type patterns for now
ppTySyn :: SrcSpan -> DocForDecl DocName -> TyClDecl DocName -> Bool -> LaTeX
@@ -309,8 +331,11 @@ ppTySyn loc doc (TySynonym (L _ name) ltyvars _ ltype) unicode
ppTySyn _ _ _ _ = error "declaration not supported by ppTySyn"
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Function signatures
+-- * Function signatures
ppFunSig :: SrcSpan -> DocForDecl DocName -> DocName -> HsType DocName
-> Bool -> Bool
@@ -322,6 +347,7 @@ ppFunSig loc doc docname typ unicode methods =
name = getName docname
ppTypeOrFunSig :: SrcSpan -> DocName -> HsType DocName ->
DocForDecl DocName -> (LaTeX, LaTeX, LaTeX)
-> Bool -> Bool -> LaTeX
@@ -361,16 +387,20 @@ ppTypeOrFunSig _loc _docname typ (doc, argDocs) (pref1, pref2, sep0)
do_args n leader t
= decltt leader <-> decltt (ppType unicode t) <-> arg_doc n <+> nl
ppTypeSig :: Name -> HsType DocName -> Bool -> LaTeX
ppTypeSig nm ty unicode =
ppSymName nm <+> dcolon unicode <+> ppType unicode ty
ppTyVars :: [LHsTyVarBndr DocName] -> [LaTeX]
ppTyVars tvs = map ppSymName (tyvarNames tvs)
tyvarNames :: [LHsTyVarBndr DocName] -> [Name]
tyvarNames = map (getName . hsTyVarName . unLoc)
declWithDoc :: LaTeX -> Maybe LaTeX -> LaTeX
declWithDoc decl doc =
text "\\begin{haddockdesc}" $$
@@ -381,6 +411,7 @@ declWithDoc decl doc =
maybe empty id doc $$
text "\\end{haddockdesc}"
-- in a group of decls, we don't put them all in the same tabular,
-- because that would prevent the group being broken over a page
-- boundary (breaks Foreign.C.Error for example).
@@ -394,21 +425,27 @@ multiDecl decls =
| decl <- decls ] $$
text "\\end{haddockdesc}"
+-- * Rendering Doc
--- Rendering Doc
maybeDoc :: Maybe (Doc DocName) -> LaTeX
maybeDoc = maybe empty docToLaTeX
-- for table cells, we strip paragraphs out to avoid extra vertical space
-- and don't add a quote environment.
rDoc :: Maybe (Doc DocName) -> LaTeX
rDoc = maybeDoc . fmap latexStripTrailingWhitespace
--- Class declarations
+-- * Class declarations
ppClassHdr :: Bool -> Located [LHsPred DocName] -> DocName
-> [Located (HsTyVarBndr DocName)] -> [Located ([DocName], [DocName])]
-> Bool -> LaTeX
@@ -475,21 +512,26 @@ ppDocInstance :: Bool -> DocInstance DocName -> LaTeX
ppDocInstance unicode (instHead, mbDoc) =
declWithDoc (ppInstDecl unicode instHead) (fmap docToLaTeX mbDoc)
ppInstDecl :: Bool -> InstHead DocName -> LaTeX
ppInstDecl unicode instHead = keyword "instance" <+> ppInstHead unicode instHead
ppInstHead :: Bool -> InstHead DocName -> LaTeX
ppInstHead unicode ([], n, ts) = ppAppNameTypes n ts unicode
ppInstHead unicode (ctxt, n, ts) = ppContextNoLocs ctxt unicode <+> ppAppNameTypes n ts unicode
lookupAnySubdoc :: (Eq name1) =>
name1 -> [(name1, DocForDecl name2)] -> DocForDecl name2
lookupAnySubdoc n subdocs = case lookup n subdocs of
Nothing -> noDocForDecl
Just docs -> docs
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Data & newtype declarations
+-- * Data & newtype declarations
ppDataDecl :: [DocInstance DocName] ->
@@ -543,6 +585,7 @@ ppConstrHdr forall tvs ctxt unicode
Explicit -> forallSymbol unicode <+> hsep (map ppName tvs) <+> text ". "
Implicit -> empty
ppSideBySideConstr :: [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)] -> Bool -> LaTeX
-> LConDecl DocName -> LaTeX
ppSideBySideConstr subdocs unicode leader (L _ con) =
@@ -597,6 +640,7 @@ ppSideBySideConstr subdocs unicode leader (L _ con) =
mbDoc = join $ fmap fst $ lookup (unLoc $ con_name con) subdocs
mkFunTy a b = noLoc (HsFunTy a b)
ppSideBySideField :: [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)] -> Bool -> ConDeclField DocName -> LaTeX
ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode (ConDeclField (L _ name) ltype _) =
decltt (ppBinder (docNameOcc name)
@@ -651,6 +695,7 @@ ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode (ConDeclField (L _ name) ltype _) =
-- expandField (HsFieldDecl ns ty doc) = [ HsFieldDecl [n] ty doc | n <- ns ]
-- -}
-- | Print the LHS of a data\/newtype declaration.
-- Currently doesn't handle 'data instance' decls or kind signatures
ppDataHeader :: TyClDecl DocName -> Bool -> LaTeX
@@ -666,7 +711,7 @@ ppDataHeader decl unicode
--- TyClDecl helpers
+-- * TyClDecl helpers
@@ -677,7 +722,7 @@ ppTyClBinderWithVars summ decl =
--- Type applications
+-- * Type applications
@@ -705,7 +750,7 @@ ppTypeApp n ts ppDN ppT = ppDN n <+> hsep (map ppT ts)
--- Contexts
+-- * Contexts
@@ -741,24 +786,31 @@ ppPred unicode (HsIParam (IPName n) t)
= char '?' <> ppDocName n <> dcolon unicode <> ppLType unicode t
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Types and contexts
+-- * Types and contexts
ppKind :: Outputable a => a -> LaTeX
ppKind k = text (showSDoc (ppr k))
ppBang :: HsBang -> LaTeX
ppBang HsNoBang = empty
ppBang _ = char '!' -- Unpacked args is an implementation detail,
tupleParens :: Boxity -> [LaTeX] -> LaTeX
tupleParens Boxed = parenList
tupleParens Unboxed = ubxParenList
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Rendering of HsType
+-- * Rendering of HsType
-- Stolen from Html and tweaked for LaTeX generation
@@ -860,49 +912,64 @@ ppr_fun_ty ctxt_prec ty1 ty2 unicode
maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_FUN $
sep [p1, arrow unicode <+> p2]
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Names
+-- * Names
ppBinder :: OccName -> LaTeX
ppBinder n
| isVarSym n = parens $ ppOccName n
| otherwise = ppOccName n
ppSymName :: Name -> LaTeX
ppSymName name
| isNameSym name = parens $ ppName name
| otherwise = ppName name
ppVerbOccName :: OccName -> LaTeX
ppVerbOccName = text . latexFilter . occNameString
ppOccName :: OccName -> LaTeX
ppOccName = text . occNameString
ppVerbDocName :: DocName -> LaTeX
ppVerbDocName = ppVerbOccName . docNameOcc
ppVerbRdrName :: RdrName -> LaTeX
ppVerbRdrName = ppVerbOccName . rdrNameOcc
ppDocName :: DocName -> LaTeX
ppDocName = ppOccName . docNameOcc
ppLDocName :: Located DocName -> LaTeX
ppLDocName (L _ d) = ppDocName d
ppDocBinder :: DocName -> LaTeX
ppDocBinder = ppBinder . docNameOcc
ppName :: Name -> LaTeX
ppName = ppOccName . nameOccName
latexFilter :: String -> String
latexFilter = foldr latexMunge ""
latexMonoFilter :: String -> String
latexMonoFilter = foldr latexMonoMunge ""
latexMunge :: Char -> String -> String
latexMunge '#' s = "{\\char '43}" ++ s
latexMunge '$' s = "{\\char '44}" ++ s
@@ -918,13 +985,17 @@ latexMunge '[' s = "{\\char 91}" ++ s
latexMunge ']' s = "{\\char 93}" ++ s
latexMunge c s = c : s
latexMonoMunge :: Char -> String -> String
latexMonoMunge ' ' s = '\\' : ' ' : s
latexMonoMunge '\n' s = '\\' : '\\' : s
latexMonoMunge c s = latexMunge c s
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Doc Markup
+-- * Doc Markup
parLatexMarkup :: (a -> LaTeX) -> (a -> Bool)
-> DocMarkup a (StringContext -> LaTeX)
@@ -969,20 +1040,26 @@ parLatexMarkup ppId isTyCon = Markup {
| isTyCon x = x
| otherwise = y
latexMarkup :: DocMarkup DocName (StringContext -> LaTeX)
latexMarkup = parLatexMarkup ppVerbDocName (isTyConName . getName)
rdrLatexMarkup :: DocMarkup RdrName (StringContext -> LaTeX)
rdrLatexMarkup = parLatexMarkup ppVerbRdrName isRdrTc
docToLaTeX :: Doc DocName -> LaTeX
docToLaTeX doc = markup latexMarkup doc Plain
rdrDocToLaTeX :: Doc RdrName -> LaTeX
rdrDocToLaTeX doc = markup rdrLatexMarkup doc Plain
data StringContext = Plain | Verb | Mono
latexStripTrailingWhitespace :: Doc a -> Doc a
latexStripTrailingWhitespace (DocString s)
| null s' = DocEmpty
@@ -997,8 +1074,11 @@ latexStripTrailingWhitespace (DocParagraph p) =
latexStripTrailingWhitespace p
latexStripTrailingWhitespace other = other
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- LaTeX utils
+-- * LaTeX utils
itemizedList :: [LaTeX] -> LaTeX
itemizedList items =
@@ -1006,63 +1086,79 @@ itemizedList items =
vcat (map (text "\\item" $$) items) $$
text "\\end{itemize}"
enumeratedList :: [LaTeX] -> LaTeX
enumeratedList items =
text "\\begin{enumerate}" $$
vcat (map (text "\\item " $$) items) $$
text "\\end{enumerate}"
descriptionList :: [(LaTeX,LaTeX)] -> LaTeX
descriptionList items =
text "\\begin{description}" $$
vcat (map (\(a,b) -> text "\\item" <> brackets a <+> b) items) $$
text "\\end{description}"
tt :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
tt ltx = text "\\haddocktt" <> braces ltx
decltt :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
decltt ltx = text "\\haddockdecltt" <> braces ltx
emph :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
emph ltx = text "\\emph" <> braces ltx
verb :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
verb doc = text "{\\haddockverb\\begin{verbatim}" $$ doc <> text "\\end{verbatim}}"
-- NB. swallow a trailing \n in the verbatim text by appending the
-- \end{verbatim} directly, otherwise we get spurious blank lines at the
-- end of code blocks.
quote :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
quote doc = text "\\begin{quote}" $$ doc $$ text "\\end{quote}"
dcolon, arrow, darrow, forallSymbol :: Bool -> LaTeX
dcolon unicode = text (if unicode then "∷" else "::")
arrow unicode = text (if unicode then "→" else "->")
darrow unicode = text (if unicode then "⇒" else "=>")
forallSymbol unicode = text (if unicode then "∀" else "forall")
dot :: LaTeX
dot = char '.'
parenList :: [LaTeX] -> LaTeX
parenList = parens . hsep . punctuate comma
ubxParenList :: [LaTeX] -> LaTeX
ubxParenList = ubxparens . hsep . punctuate comma
ubxparens :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
ubxparens h = text "(#" <> h <> text "#)"
pabrackets :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
pabrackets h = text "[:" <> h <> text ":]"
nl :: LaTeX
nl = text "\\\\"
keyword :: String -> LaTeX
keyword = text
infixr 4 <-> -- combining table cells
(<->) :: LaTeX -> LaTeX -> LaTeX
a <-> b = a <+> char '&' <+> b