path: root/tests
diff options
authorKazu Yamamoto <kazu@iij.ad.jp>2013-02-01 11:59:24 +0900
committerKazu Yamamoto <kazu@iij.ad.jp>2013-02-01 11:59:24 +0900
commit8d4c94ca5a969a5ebbb791939fb0195dc672429e (patch)
tree560a944a7105cd715f9acba46790bd7e1a77f82f /tests
parent266a20afd2d27f28bbb62839ebc3f70bd83bfcce (diff)
parent3d25ea2929a9a9bd0768339b8ac5fd1b7c4670ad (diff)
Merge branch 'ghc-7.6' into ghc-7.6-merge-2
Conflicts: haddock.cabal src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs src/Haddock/InterfaceFile.hs src/Haddock/Types.hs Only GHC HEAD can compile this. GHC 7.6.x cannot compile this. Some test fail.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
147 files changed, 0 insertions, 11905 deletions
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/README b/tests/html-tests/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 9afb10e7..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-This is a testsuite for Haddock that uses the concept of "golden files". That
-is, it compares output files against a set of reference files.
-To add a new test:
- 1) Create a module in the "tests" directory.
- 2) Run "cabal test". You should now have output/<modulename>.html. The test
- passes since there is no reference file to compare with.
- 3) To make a reference file from the output file, do
- runhaskell accept.hs <modulename>
-Tips and tricks:
-To "accept" all output files (copy them to reference files), run
- runhaskell accept.hs
-You can run all tests despite failing tests, like so
- cabal test --test-option=all
-You can pass extra options to haddock like so
- cabal test --test-options='all --title="All Tests"'
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/accept.hs b/tests/html-tests/accept.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 49da5c5a..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/accept.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-import System.Cmd
-import System.Environment
-import System.FilePath
-import System.Exit
-import System.Directory
-import Data.List
-import Control.Monad
-main = do
- args <- getArgs
- dir <- getCurrentDirectory
- contents <- getDirectoryContents (dir </> "output")
- if not $ null args
- then
- mapM_ copy [ "output" </> file | file <- contents, ".html" `isSuffixOf` file, takeBaseName file `elem` args ]
- else
- mapM_ copy [ "output" </> file | file <- contents, ".html" `isSuffixOf` file ]
-copy file = do
- let new = "tests" </> takeFileName file <.> ".ref"
- print file
- print new
- contents <- readFile file
- writeFile new (stripLinks contents)
-stripLinks str =
- let prefix = "<a href=\"" in
- case stripPrefix prefix str of
- Just str' -> prefix ++ stripLinks (dropWhile (/= '"') str')
- Nothing ->
- case str of
- [] -> []
- x : xs -> x : stripLinks xs
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/runtests.hs b/tests/html-tests/runtests.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 25e53d1a..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/runtests.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-import Control.Monad
-import Data.List
-import Data.Maybe
-import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
-import Distribution.Package
-import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
-import Distribution.Simple.GHC
-import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex
-import Distribution.Simple.Program
-import Distribution.Simple.Utils
-import Distribution.Verbosity
-import System.Cmd
-import System.Directory
-import System.Environment
-import System.Exit
-import System.FilePath
-import System.Process
-import Text.Printf
-packageRoot = "."
-haddockPath = packageRoot </> "dist" </> "build" </> "haddock" </> "haddock"
-testSuiteRoot = packageRoot </> "tests" </> "html-tests"
-testDir = testSuiteRoot </> "tests"
-outDir = testSuiteRoot </> "output"
-main = do
- test
- putStrLn "All tests passed!"
-test = do
- x <- doesFileExist haddockPath
- unless x $ die "you need to run 'cabal build' successfully first"
- contents <- getDirectoryContents testDir
- args <- getArgs
- let (opts, spec) = span ("-" `isPrefixOf`) args
- let mods =
- case spec of
- x:_ | x /= "all" -> [x ++ ".hs"]
- _ -> filter ((==) ".hs" . takeExtension) contents
- let mods' = map (testDir </>) mods
- putStrLn ""
- putStrLn "Haddock version: "
- h1 <- runProcess haddockPath ["--version"] Nothing
- (Just [("haddock_datadir", packageRoot)]) Nothing Nothing Nothing
- waitForProcess h1
- putStrLn ""
- putStrLn "GHC version: "
- h2 <- runProcess haddockPath ["--ghc-version"] Nothing
- (Just [("haddock_datadir", packageRoot)]) Nothing Nothing Nothing
- waitForProcess h2
- putStrLn ""
- -- TODO: maybe do something more clever here using haddock.cabal
- ghcPath <- fmap init $ rawSystemStdout normal haddockPath ["--print-ghc-path"]
- (_, conf) <- configure normal (Just ghcPath) Nothing defaultProgramConfiguration
- pkgIndex <- getInstalledPackages normal [GlobalPackageDB] conf
- let safeHead xs = case xs of x : _ -> Just x; [] -> Nothing
- let mkDep pkgName =
- maybe (error "Couldn't find test dependencies") id $ do
- let pkgs = lookupPackageName pkgIndex (PackageName pkgName)
- (_, pkgs') <- safeHead pkgs
- pkg <- safeHead pkgs'
- ifacePath <- safeHead (haddockInterfaces pkg)
- htmlPath <- safeHead (haddockHTMLs pkg)
- return ("-i " ++ htmlPath ++ "," ++ ifacePath)
- let base = mkDep "base"
- process = mkDep "process"
- ghcprim = mkDep "ghc-prim"
- putStrLn "Running tests..."
- handle <- runProcess haddockPath
- (["-w", "-o", outDir, "-h", "--pretty-html", "--optghc=-fglasgow-exts"
- , "--optghc=-w", base, process, ghcprim] ++ opts ++ mods')
- Nothing (Just [("haddock_datadir", packageRoot)]) Nothing
- Nothing Nothing
- code <- waitForProcess handle
- when (code /= ExitSuccess) $ error "Haddock run failed! Exiting."
- check mods (if not (null args) && args !! 0 == "all" then False else True)
-check modules strict = do
- forM_ modules $ \mod -> do
- let outfile = outDir </> dropExtension mod ++ ".html"
- let reffile = testDir </> dropExtension mod ++ ".html.ref"
- b <- doesFileExist reffile
- if b
- then do
- copyFile reffile (outDir </> takeFileName reffile)
- out <- readFile outfile
- ref <- readFile reffile
- if not $ haddockEq out ref
- then do
- putStrLn $ "Output for " ++ mod ++ " has changed! Exiting with diff:"
- let ref' = stripLinks ref
- out' = stripLinks out
- let reffile' = outDir </> takeFileName reffile ++ ".nolinks"
- outfile' = outDir </> takeFileName outfile ++ ".nolinks"
- writeFile reffile' ref'
- writeFile outfile' out'
- b <- programOnPath "colordiff"
- if b
- then system $ "colordiff " ++ reffile' ++ " " ++ outfile'
- else system $ "diff " ++ reffile' ++ " " ++ outfile'
- if strict then exitFailure else return ()
- else do
- putStrLn $ "Pass: " ++ mod
- else do
- putStrLn $ "Pass: " ++ mod ++ " (no .ref file)"
-haddockEq file1 file2 = stripLinks file1 == stripLinks file2
-stripLinks str =
- let prefix = "<a href=\"" in
- case stripPrefix prefix str of
- Just str' -> prefix ++ stripLinks (dropWhile (/= '"') str')
- Nothing ->
- case str of
- [] -> []
- x : xs -> x : stripLinks xs
-programOnPath p = do
- result <- findProgramLocation silent p
- return (isJust result)
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/A.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/A.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 606b0865..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/A.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-module A where
-data A = A
-other :: Int
-other = 2
--- | Doc for test2
-test2 :: Bool
-test2 = False
--- | Should show up on the page for both modules A and B
-data X = X -- ^ Doc for consructor
--- | Should show up on the page for both modules A and B
-reExport :: Int
-reExport = 1
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/A.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/A.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 424ce52c..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/A.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >A</title
- ><link href="ocean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
- ></script
- ><script type="text/javascript"
- >//<![CDATA[
-window.onload = function () {pageLoad();setSynopsis("mini_A.html");};
- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >A</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >A</a
- > = <a href=""
- >A</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >other</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >test2</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Bool</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >X</a
- > = <a href=""
- >X</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >reExport</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:A" class="def"
- >A</a
- > </p
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:A" class="def"
- >A</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:other" class="def"
- >other</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:test2" class="def"
- >test2</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Bool</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Doc for test2
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:X" class="def"
- >X</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Should show up on the page for both modules A and B
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:X" class="def"
- >X</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >Doc for consructor
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:reExport" class="def"
- >reExport</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Should show up on the page for both modules A and B
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/B.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/B.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fd69acd..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/B.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-module B ( module A, test, reExport, X(..) ) where
-import A ( A(..), test2, reExport, X(..) )
--- | This link shouldn't work: 'other'.
--- These links should work: 'A.other', 'Data.List.sortBy', 'test2', 'A.test2', 'Data.Maybe.fromMaybe'.
--- Module link: "Prelude".
-test :: Int
-test = 1
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/B.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/B.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 717df90f..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/B.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >B</title
- ><link href="ocean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
- ></script
- ><script type="text/javascript"
- >//<![CDATA[
-window.onload = function () {pageLoad();setSynopsis("mini_B.html");};
- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >B</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- >module <a href=""
- >A</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >test</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >reExport</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >X</a
- > = <a href=""
- >X</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- >module <a href=""
- >A</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:test" class="def"
- >test</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >This link shouldn't work: <code
- >other</code
- >.
- These links should work: <code
- ><a href=""
- >other</a
- ></code
- >, <code
- ><a href=""
- >sortBy</a
- ></code
- >, <code
- ><a href=""
- >test2</a
- ></code
- >, <code
- ><a href=""
- >test2</a
- ></code
- >, <code
- ><a href=""
- >fromMaybe</a
- ></code
- >.
- Module link: <a href=""
- >Prelude</a
- >.
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:reExport" class="def"
- >reExport</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Should show up on the page for both modules A and B
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:X" class="def"
- >X</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Should show up on the page for both modules A and B
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:X" class="def"
- >X</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >Doc for consructor
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug1.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug1.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index af1ed4d3..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug1.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-module Bug1 where
--- | We should have different anchors for constructors and types\/classes. This
--- hyperlink should point to the type constructor by default: 'T'.
-data T = T
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug1.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug1.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index aae1aaf9..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug1.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >Bug1</title
- ><link href="ocean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
- ></script
- ><script type="text/javascript"
- >//<![CDATA[
-window.onload = function () {pageLoad();setSynopsis("mini_Bug1.html");};
- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >Bug1</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >T</a
- > = <a href=""
- >T</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:T" class="def"
- >T</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >We should have different anchors for constructors and types/classes. This
- hyperlink should point to the type constructor by default: <code
- ><a href=""
- >T</a
- ></code
- >.
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:T" class="def"
- >T</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug2.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug2.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9121922e..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug2.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-module Bug2 ( x ) where
-import B
-x :: A
-x = A
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug2.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug2.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index eec3271b..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug2.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >Bug2</title
- ><link href="ocean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
- ></script
- ><script type="text/javascript"
- >//<![CDATA[
-window.onload = function () {pageLoad();setSynopsis("mini_Bug2.html");};
- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >Bug2</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:x" class="def"
- >x</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >A</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ></div
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deleted file mode 100644
index 67e57892..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug3.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-module Bug3 where
--- | /multi-line
--- emphasis/
-foo :: Int
-foo = undefined
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug3.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug3.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c3190b4..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug3.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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- >Bug3</title
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- >Index</a
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- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >Bug3</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:foo" class="def"
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >/multi-line
- emphasis/
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
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- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
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diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug4.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug4.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 425a77aa..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug4.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-module Bug4 where
--- | don't use apostrophe's in the wrong place's
-foo :: Int
-foo = undefined
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug4.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug4.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index f1cf4655..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug4.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
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- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >Bug4</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:foo" class="def"
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >don't use apostrophe's in the wrong place's
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug6.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug6.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 17411f31..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug6.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
--- | Exporting records.
-module Bug6( A(A), B(B), b, C(C,c1,c2), D(D,d1), E(E) ) where
--- |
--- This record is exported without its field
-data A = A { a :: Int }
--- |
--- .. with its field, but the field is named separately in the export list
--- (the field isn't documented separately since it is already documented here)
-data B = B { b :: Int }
--- |
--- .. with fields names as subordinate names in the export
-data C = C { c1 :: Int, c2 :: Int }
--- |
--- .. with only some of the fields exported (we can't handle this one -
--- how do we render the declaration?)
-data D = D { d1 :: Int, d2 :: Int }
--- | a newtype with a field
-newtype E = E { e :: Int }
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug6.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug6.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 8704feee..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug6.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >Bug6</title
- ><link href="ocean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
- ></script
- ><script type="text/javascript"
- >//<![CDATA[
-window.onload = function () {pageLoad();setSynopsis("mini_Bug6.html");};
- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >Bug6</p
- ></div
- ><div id="description"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Description</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Exporting records.
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >A</a
- > = <a href=""
- >A</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >B</a
- > = <a href=""
- >B</a
- > {<ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >b</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- >}</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >C</a
- > = <a href=""
- >C</a
- > {<ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >c1</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >c2</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- >}</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >D</a
- > = <a href=""
- >D</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a href=""
- >E</a
- > = <a href=""
- >E</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:A" class="def"
- >A</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >This record is exported without its field
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:A" class="def"
- >A</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:B" class="def"
- >B</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >.. with its field, but the field is named separately in the export list
- (the field isn't documented separately since it is already documented here)
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:B" class="def"
- >B</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td colspan="2"
- ><div class="subs fields"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Fields</p
- ><dl
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:b" class="def"
- >b</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></dt
- ><dd class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</dd
- ></dl
- ><div class="clear"
- ></div
- ></div
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:C" class="def"
- >C</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >.. with fields names as subordinate names in the export
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:C" class="def"
- >C</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td colspan="2"
- ><div class="subs fields"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Fields</p
- ><dl
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:c1" class="def"
- >c1</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></dt
- ><dd class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</dd
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:c2" class="def"
- >c2</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></dt
- ><dd class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</dd
- ></dl
- ><div class="clear"
- ></div
- ></div
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:D" class="def"
- >D</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >.. with only some of the fields exported (we can't handle this one -
- how do we render the declaration?)
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:D" class="def"
- >D</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a name="t:E" class="def"
- >E</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >a newtype with a field
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:E" class="def"
- >E</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug7.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug7.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cf57914..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug7.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
--- | This module caused a duplicate instance in the documentation for the Foo
--- type.
-module Bug7 where
--- | The Foo datatype
-data Foo = Foo
--- | The Bar class
-class Bar x y
--- | Just one instance
-instance Bar Foo Foo
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug7.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug7.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b986241..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug7.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
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- /><title
- >Bug7</title
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- >//<![CDATA[
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- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
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- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >Bug7</p
- ></div
- ><div id="description"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Description</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >This module caused a duplicate instance in the documentation for the Foo
- type.
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >Foo</a
- > = <a href=""
- >Foo</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href=""
- >Bar</a
- > x y </li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:Foo" class="def"
- >Foo</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >The Foo datatype
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:Foo" class="def"
- >Foo</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ><div class="subs instances"
- ><p id="control.i:Foo" class="caption collapser" onclick="toggleSection('i:Foo')"
- >Instances</p
- ><div id="section.i:Foo" class="show"
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a href=""
- >Bar</a
- > <a href=""
- >Foo</a
- > <a href=""
- >Foo</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >Just one instance
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a name="t:Bar" class="def"
- >Bar</a
- > x y </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >The Bar class
- ></div
- ><div class="subs instances"
- ><p id="control.i:Bar" class="caption collapser" onclick="toggleSection('i:Bar')"
- >Instances</p
- ><div id="section.i:Bar" class="show"
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a href=""
- >Bar</a
- > <a href=""
- >Foo</a
- > <a href=""
- >Foo</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >Just one instance
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug8.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug8.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 18df63c8..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug8.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-module Bug8 where
-infix -->
-infix --->
-data Typ = Type (String,[Typ])
- | TFree (String, [String])
-x --> y = Type("fun",[s,t])
-(--->) = flip $ foldr (-->)
-s = undefined
-t = undefined
-main = undefined
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug8.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug8.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 35ab4f19..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bug8.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >Bug8</title
- ><link href="ocean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
- ></script
- ><script type="text/javascript"
- >//<![CDATA[
-window.onload = function () {pageLoad();setSynopsis("mini_Bug8.html");};
- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >Bug8</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:Typ" class="def"
- >Typ</a
- > </p
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:Type" class="def"
- >Type</a
- > (<a href=""
- >String</a
- >, [<a href=""
- >Typ</a
- >])</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:TFree" class="def"
- >TFree</a
- > (<a href=""
- >String</a
- >, [<a href=""
- >String</a
- >])</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:-45--45--62-" class="def"
- >(--&gt;)</a
- > :: t -&gt; t1 -&gt; <a href=""
- >Typ</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:-45--45--45--62-" class="def"
- >(---&gt;)</a
- > :: [a] -&gt; <a href=""
- >Typ</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >Typ</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:s" class="def"
- >s</a
- > :: a</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:t" class="def"
- >t</a
- > :: a</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:main" class="def"
- >main</a
- > :: a</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/BugDeprecated.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/BugDeprecated.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f7ac2eb..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/BugDeprecated.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-module BugDeprecated where
-foo, bar, baz :: Int
-foo = 23
-bar = 23
-baz = 23
-{-# DEPRECATED foo "for foo" #-}
-{-# DEPRECATED bar "for bar" #-}
-{-# DEPRECATED baz "for baz" #-}
--- | some documentation for one, two and three
-one, two, three :: Int
-one = 23
-two = 23
-three = 23
-{-# DEPRECATED one "for one" #-}
-{-# DEPRECATED two "for two" #-}
-{-# DEPRECATED three "for three" #-}
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/BugDeprecated.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/BugDeprecated.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index d2771521..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/BugDeprecated.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >BugDeprecated</title
- ><link href="ocean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
- ></script
- ><script type="text/javascript"
- >//<![CDATA[
-window.onload = function () {pageLoad();setSynopsis("mini_BugDeprecated.html");};
- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >BugDeprecated</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >baz</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >bar</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >one</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >three</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >two</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:foo" class="def"
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: for foo</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:baz" class="def"
- >baz</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: for baz</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:bar" class="def"
- >bar</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: for bar</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:one" class="def"
- >one</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: for one</p
- ></div
- ><p
- >some documentation for one, two and three
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:three" class="def"
- >three</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: for three</p
- ></div
- ><p
- >some documentation for one, two and three
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:two" class="def"
- >two</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: for two</p
- ></div
- ><p
- >some documentation for one, two and three
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/BugExportHeadings.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/BugExportHeadings.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a5493a08..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/BugExportHeadings.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
--- test for #192
-module BugExportHeadings (
--- * Foo
- foo
--- * Bar
-, bar
--- * Baz
-, baz
--- * One
-, one
--- * Two
-, two
--- * Three
-, three
-) where
-foo, bar, baz :: Int
-foo = 23
-bar = 23
-baz = 23
-one, two, three :: Int
-one = 23
-two = 23
-three = 23
-{-# DEPRECATED one "for one" #-}
-{-# DEPRECATED two "for two" #-}
-{-# DEPRECATED three "for three" #-}
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/BugExportHeadings.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/BugExportHeadings.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index d78dd469..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/BugExportHeadings.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >BugExportHeadings</title
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- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
- ></script
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- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >BugExportHeadings</p
- ></div
- ><div id="table-of-contents"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Contents</p
- ><ul
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Foo
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Bar
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Baz
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >One
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Two
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Three
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >bar</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >baz</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >one</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >two</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >three</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1 id="g:1"
- >Foo
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:foo" class="def"
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><h1 id="g:2"
- >Bar
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:bar" class="def"
- >bar</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><h1 id="g:3"
- >Baz
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:baz" class="def"
- >baz</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><h1 id="g:4"
- >One
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:one" class="def"
- >one</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: for one</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><h1 id="g:5"
- >Two
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:two" class="def"
- >two</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: for two</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><h1 id="g:6"
- >Three
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:three" class="def"
- >three</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: for three</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bugs.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/Bugs.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e1f0079..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bugs.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-module Bugs where
-data A a = A a (a -> Int)
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bugs.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/Bugs.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57f021..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Bugs.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >Bugs</title
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- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >Bugs</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:A" class="def"
- >A</a
- > a </p
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:A" class="def"
- >A</a
- > a (a -&gt; <a href=""
- >Int</a
- >)</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/CrossPackageDocs.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/CrossPackageDocs.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index de55060e..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/CrossPackageDocs.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-module CrossPackageDocs (map, Monad(..), runInteractiveProcess) where
-import System.Process
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/CrossPackageDocs.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/CrossPackageDocs.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f054bfc..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/CrossPackageDocs.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >CrossPackageDocs</title
- ><link href="ocean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
- ></script
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- >//<![CDATA[
-window.onload = function () {pageLoad();setSynopsis("mini_CrossPackageDocs.html");};
- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >CrossPackageDocs</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >map</a
- > :: (a -&gt; b) -&gt; [a] -&gt; [b]</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href=""
- >Monad</a
- > m <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ><ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >(&gt;&gt;=)</a
- > :: m a -&gt; (a -&gt; m b) -&gt; m b</li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >(&gt;&gt;)</a
- > :: m a -&gt; m b -&gt; m b</li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >return</a
- > :: a -&gt; m a</li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >fail</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >String</a
- > -&gt; m a</li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >runInteractiveProcess</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >FilePath</a
- > -&gt; [<a href=""
- >String</a
- >] -&gt; <a href=""
- >Maybe</a
- > <a href=""
- >FilePath</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >Maybe</a
- > [(<a href=""
- >String</a
- >, <a href=""
- >String</a
- >)] -&gt; <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > (<a href=""
- >Handle</a
- >, <a href=""
- >Handle</a
- >, <a href=""
- >Handle</a
- >, <a href=""
- >ProcessHandle</a
- >)</li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:map" class="def"
- >map</a
- > :: (a -&gt; b) -&gt; [a] -&gt; [b]</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- ><code
- ><a href=""
- >map</a
- ></code
- > <code
- >f xs</code
- > is the list obtained by applying <code
- >f</code
- > to each element
- of <code
- >xs</code
- >, i.e.,
- ><pre
- > map f [x1, x2, ..., xn] == [f x1, f x2, ..., f xn]
- map f [x1, x2, ...] == [f x1, f x2, ...]
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a name="t:Monad" class="def"
- >Monad</a
- > m <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >The <code
- ><a href=""
- >Monad</a
- ></code
- > class defines the basic operations over a <em
- >monad</em
- >,
-a concept from a branch of mathematics known as <em
- >category theory</em
- >.
-From the perspective of a Haskell programmer, however, it is best to
-think of a monad as an <em
- >abstract datatype</em
- > of actions.
-Haskell's <code
- >do</code
- > expressions provide a convenient syntax for writing
-monadic expressions.
- ><p
- >Minimal complete definition: <code
- ><a href=""
- >&gt;&gt;=</a
- ></code
- > and <code
- ><a href=""
- >return</a
- ></code
- >.
- ><p
- >Instances of <code
- ><a href=""
- >Monad</a
- ></code
- > should satisfy the following laws:
- ><pre
- > return a &gt;&gt;= k == k a
- m &gt;&gt;= return == m
- m &gt;&gt;= (\x -&gt; k x &gt;&gt;= h) == (m &gt;&gt;= k) &gt;&gt;= h
- ><p
- >Instances of both <code
- ><a href=""
- >Monad</a
- ></code
- > and <code
- ><a href=""
- >Functor</a
- ></code
- > should additionally satisfy the law:
- ><pre
- > fmap f xs == xs &gt;&gt;= return . f
- ><p
- >The instances of <code
- ><a href=""
- >Monad</a
- ></code
- > for lists, <code
- ><a href=""
- >Maybe</a
- ></code
- > and <code
- ><a href=""
- >IO</a
- ></code
- >
-defined in the <a href=""
- >Prelude</a
- > satisfy these laws.
- ></div
- ><div class="subs methods"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Methods</p
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:-62--62--61-" class="def"
- >(&gt;&gt;=)</a
- > :: m a -&gt; (a -&gt; m b) -&gt; m b</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Sequentially compose two actions, passing any value produced
- by the first as an argument to the second.
- ></div
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:-62--62-" class="def"
- >(&gt;&gt;)</a
- > :: m a -&gt; m b -&gt; m b</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Sequentially compose two actions, discarding any value produced
- by the first, like sequencing operators (such as the semicolon)
- in imperative languages.
- ></div
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:return" class="def"
- >return</a
- > :: a -&gt; m a</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Inject a value into the monadic type.
- ></div
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:fail" class="def"
- >fail</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >String</a
- > -&gt; m a</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Fail with a message. This operation is not part of the
- mathematical definition of a monad, but is invoked on pattern-match
- failure in a <code
- >do</code
- > expression.
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="subs instances"
- ><p id="control.i:Monad" class="caption collapser" onclick="toggleSection('i:Monad')"
- >Instances</p
- ><div id="section.i:Monad" class="show"
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a href=""
- >Monad</a
- > []</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a href=""
- >Monad</a
- > <a href=""
- >IO</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a href=""
- >Monad</a
- > Q</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a href=""
- >Monad</a
- > <a href=""
- >Maybe</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a href=""
- >Monad</a
- > PprM</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a href=""
- >Monad</a
- > ((-&gt;) r)</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a href=""
- >Monad</a
- > (<a href=""
- >Either</a
- > e)</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:runInteractiveProcess" class="def"
- >runInteractiveProcess</a
- ></p
- ><div class="subs arguments"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Arguments</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >:: <a href=""
- >FilePath</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >Filename of the executable
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; [<a href=""
- >String</a
- >]</td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >Arguments to pass to the executable
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; <a href=""
- >Maybe</a
- > <a href=""
- >FilePath</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >Optional path to the working directory
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; <a href=""
- >Maybe</a
- > [(<a href=""
- >String</a
- >, <a href=""
- >String</a
- >)]</td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >Optional environment (otherwise inherit)
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > (<a href=""
- >Handle</a
- >, <a href=""
- >Handle</a
- >, <a href=""
- >Handle</a
- >, <a href=""
- >ProcessHandle</a
- >)</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Runs a raw command, and returns <code
- ><a href=""
- >Handle</a
- ></code
- >s that may be used to communicate
- with the process via its <code
- >stdin</code
- >, <code
- >stdout</code
- > and <code
- >stderr</code
- > respectively.
- ><p
- >For example, to start a process and feed a string to its stdin:
- ><pre
- > (inp,out,err,pid) &lt;- runInteractiveProcess &quot;...&quot;
- forkIO (hPutStr inp str)
- ><p
- >The <code
- ><a href=""
- >Handle</a
- ></code
- >s are initially in binary mode; if you need them to be
- in text mode then use <code
- ><a href=""
- >hSetBinaryMode</a
- ></code
- >.
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedClass.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedClass.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 018904ab..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedClass.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-module DeprecatedClass where
--- | some class
-class SomeClass a where
- -- | documentation for foo
- foo :: a -> a
-{-# DEPRECATED SomeClass "SomeClass" #-}
-{-# DEPRECATED foo "foo" #-}
-class SomeOtherClass a where
- bar :: a -> a
-{-# DEPRECATED SomeOtherClass "SomeOtherClass" #-}
-{-# DEPRECATED bar "bar" #-}
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedClass.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedClass.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 2648ccf2..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedClass.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >DeprecatedClass</title
- ><link href="ocean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
- ></script
- ><script type="text/javascript"
- >//<![CDATA[
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- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >DeprecatedClass</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href=""
- >SomeClass</a
- > a <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ><ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >foo</a
- > :: a -&gt; a</li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href=""
- >SomeOtherClass</a
- > a <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ><ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >bar</a
- > :: a -&gt; a</li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a name="t:SomeClass" class="def"
- >SomeClass</a
- > a <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: SomeClass</p
- ></div
- ><p
- >some class
- ></div
- ><div class="subs methods"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Methods</p
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:foo" class="def"
- >foo</a
- > :: a -&gt; a</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: foo</p
- ></div
- ><p
- >documentation for foo
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a name="t:SomeOtherClass" class="def"
- >SomeOtherClass</a
- > a <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: SomeOtherClass</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="subs methods"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Methods</p
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:bar" class="def"
- >bar</a
- > :: a -&gt; a</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: bar</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedData.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedData.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c40ba122..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedData.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-module DeprecatedData where
--- | type Foo
-data Foo = Foo -- ^ constructor Foo
- | Bar -- ^ constructor Bar
-{-# DEPRECATED Foo "Foo" #-}
-{-# DEPRECATED Bar "Bar" #-}
-data One = One
- | Two
-{-# DEPRECATED One "One" #-}
-{-# DEPRECATED Two "Two" #-}
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedData.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedData.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d98f802..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedData.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >DeprecatedData</title
- ><link href="ocean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
- ></script
- ><script type="text/javascript"
- >//<![CDATA[
-window.onload = function () {pageLoad();setSynopsis("mini_DeprecatedData.html");};
- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >DeprecatedData</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >Foo</a
- > <ul class="subs"
- ><li
- >= <a href=""
- >Foo</a
- > </li
- ><li
- >| <a href=""
- >Bar</a
- > </li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >One</a
- > <ul class="subs"
- ><li
- >= <a href=""
- >One</a
- > </li
- ><li
- >| <a href=""
- >Two</a
- > </li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:Foo" class="def"
- >Foo</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: Foo</p
- ></div
- ><p
- >type Foo
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:Foo" class="def"
- >Foo</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: Foo</p
- ></div
- ><p
- >constructor Foo
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:Bar" class="def"
- >Bar</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: Bar</p
- ></div
- ><p
- >constructor Bar
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:One" class="def"
- >One</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: One</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:One" class="def"
- >One</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: One</p
- ></div
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:Two" class="def"
- >Two</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: Two</p
- ></div
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 55416369..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-module DeprecatedFunction where
--- | some documentation foo
-foo :: Int
-foo = 23
-{-# DEPRECATED foo "use bar instead" #-}
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index d16345a6..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >DeprecatedFunction</title
- ><link href="ocean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
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- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >DeprecatedFunction</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:foo" class="def"
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: use bar instead</p
- ></div
- ><p
- >some documentation foo
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction2.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction2.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index bdbbf95c..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction2.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-module DeprecatedFunction2 where
-foo :: Int
-foo = 23
-{-# DEPRECATED foo "use bar instead" #-}
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction2.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction2.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index c2ad3db8..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction2.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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- >DeprecatedFunction2</title
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- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
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- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >DeprecatedFunction2</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:foo" class="def"
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: use bar instead</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction3.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction3.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ca719bda..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction3.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-module DeprecatedFunction3 where
-foo = 23
-{-# DEPRECATED foo "use bar instead" #-}
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction3.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction3.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index d37af345..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedFunction3.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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- >DeprecatedFunction3</title
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- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
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- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >DeprecatedFunction3</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Integer</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:foo" class="def"
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Integer</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: use bar instead</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
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- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedModule.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedModule.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 61a09d64..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedModule.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
--- | Documentation for "DeprecatedModule".
-module DeprecatedModule {-# DEPRECATED "Use Foo instead" #-} where
-foo :: Int
-foo = 23
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedModule.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedModule.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index d35bba52..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedModule.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
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- >DeprecatedModule</title
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- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >DeprecatedModule</p
- ></div
- ><div id="description"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Description</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: Use Foo instead</p
- ></div
- ><p
- >Documentation for <a href=""
- >DeprecatedModule</a
- >.
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:foo" class="def"
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ></div
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- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
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diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedModule2.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedModule2.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 94185297..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedModule2.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-module DeprecatedModule2 {-# DEPRECATED "Use Foo instead" #-} where
-foo :: Int
-foo = 23
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedModule2.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedModule2.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c9286df..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedModule2.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
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- >DeprecatedModule2</title
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- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >DeprecatedModule2</p
- ></div
- ><div id="description"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Description</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: Use Foo instead</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:foo" class="def"
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedNewtype.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedNewtype.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 254f1f55..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedNewtype.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-module DeprecatedNewtype where
--- | some documentation
-newtype SomeNewType = SomeNewTypeConst String {- ^ constructor docu -}
-{-# DEPRECATED SomeNewType "SomeNewType" #-}
-{-# DEPRECATED SomeNewTypeConst "SomeNewTypeConst" #-}
-newtype SomeOtherNewType = SomeOtherNewTypeConst String
-{-# DEPRECATED SomeOtherNewType "SomeOtherNewType" #-}
-{-# DEPRECATED SomeOtherNewTypeConst "SomeOtherNewTypeConst" #-}
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedNewtype.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedNewtype.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 19581984..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedNewtype.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >DeprecatedNewtype</title
- ><link href="ocean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
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- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
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- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
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- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >DeprecatedNewtype</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a href=""
- >SomeNewType</a
- > = <a href=""
- >SomeNewTypeConst</a
- > <a href=""
- >String</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a href=""
- >SomeOtherNewType</a
- > = <a href=""
- >SomeOtherNewTypeConst</a
- > <a href=""
- >String</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a name="t:SomeNewType" class="def"
- >SomeNewType</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: SomeNewType</p
- ></div
- ><p
- >some documentation
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:SomeNewTypeConst" class="def"
- >SomeNewTypeConst</a
- > <a href=""
- >String</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: SomeNewTypeConst</p
- ></div
- ><p
- >constructor docu
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a name="t:SomeOtherNewType" class="def"
- >SomeOtherNewType</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: SomeOtherNewType</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:SomeOtherNewTypeConst" class="def"
- >SomeOtherNewTypeConst</a
- > <a href=""
- >String</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: SomeOtherNewTypeConst</p
- ></div
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedRecord.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedRecord.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index d44499e7..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedRecord.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-module DeprecatedRecord where
--- | type Foo
-data Foo = Foo {
- fooName :: String -- ^ some name
-, fooValue :: Int -- ^ some value
-{-# DEPRECATED fooValue "do not use this" #-}
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedRecord.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedRecord.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index d6648bc2..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedRecord.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >DeprecatedRecord</title
- ><link href="ocean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
- ></script
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- >//<![CDATA[
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- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >DeprecatedRecord</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >Foo</a
- > = <a href=""
- >Foo</a
- > {<ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >fooName</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >String</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >fooValue</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- >}</li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:Foo" class="def"
- >Foo</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >type Foo
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:Foo" class="def"
- >Foo</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td colspan="2"
- ><div class="subs fields"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Fields</p
- ><dl
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:fooName" class="def"
- >fooName</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >String</a
- ></dt
- ><dd class="doc"
- ><p
- >some name
- ></dd
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:fooValue" class="def"
- >fooValue</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></dt
- ><dd class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: do not use this</p
- ></div
- ><p
- >some value
- ></dd
- ></dl
- ><div class="clear"
- ></div
- ></div
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
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- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedTypeFamily.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedTypeFamily.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 70473bb8..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedTypeFamily.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-module DeprecatedTypeFamily where
--- | some documentation
-data family SomeTypeFamily k :: * -> *
-{-# DEPRECATED SomeTypeFamily "SomeTypeFamily" #-}
-data family SomeOtherTypeFamily k :: * -> *
-{-# DEPRECATED SomeOtherTypeFamily "SomeOtherTypeFamily" #-}
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedTypeFamily.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedTypeFamily.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index a29cef00..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedTypeFamily.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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- /><title
- >DeprecatedTypeFamily</title
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- ></head
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- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
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- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >DeprecatedTypeFamily</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data family</span
- > <a href=""
- >SomeTypeFamily</a
- > k :: * -&gt; *</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data family</span
- > <a href=""
- >SomeOtherTypeFamily</a
- > k :: * -&gt; *</li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data family</span
- > <a name="t:SomeTypeFamily" class="def"
- >SomeTypeFamily</a
- > k :: * -&gt; *</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: SomeTypeFamily</p
- ></div
- ><p
- >some documentation
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data family</span
- > <a name="t:SomeOtherTypeFamily" class="def"
- >SomeOtherTypeFamily</a
- > k :: * -&gt; *</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: SomeOtherTypeFamily</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
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- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedTypeSynonym.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedTypeSynonym.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 34df47da..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedTypeSynonym.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-module DeprecatedTypeSynonym where
--- | some documentation
-type TypeSyn = String
-{-# DEPRECATED TypeSyn "TypeSyn" #-}
-type OtherTypeSyn = String
-{-# DEPRECATED OtherTypeSyn "OtherTypeSyn" #-}
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedTypeSynonym.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedTypeSynonym.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 89d6986e..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/DeprecatedTypeSynonym.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >DeprecatedTypeSynonym</title
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- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
- ></script
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- >//<![CDATA[
-window.onload = function () {pageLoad();setSynopsis("mini_DeprecatedTypeSynonym.html");};
- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >DeprecatedTypeSynonym</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >type</span
- > <a href=""
- >TypeSyn</a
- > = <a href=""
- >String</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >type</span
- > <a href=""
- >OtherTypeSyn</a
- > = <a href=""
- >String</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >type</span
- > <a name="t:TypeSyn" class="def"
- >TypeSyn</a
- > = <a href=""
- >String</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: TypeSyn</p
- ></div
- ><p
- >some documentation
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >type</span
- > <a name="t:OtherTypeSyn" class="def"
- >OtherTypeSyn</a
- > = <a href=""
- >String</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Deprecated: OtherTypeSyn</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
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- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Examples.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/Examples.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c8c450f1..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Examples.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-module Examples where
--- | Fibonacci number of given 'Integer'.
--- Examples:
--- >>> fib 5
--- 5
--- >>> fib 10
--- 55
--- >>> fib 10
--- 55
--- One more Example:
--- >>> fib 5
--- 5
--- One more Example:
--- >>> fib 5
--- 5
--- Example with an import:
--- >>> import Data.Char
--- >>> isSpace 'a'
--- False
--- >>> putStrLn "foo\n\nbar"
--- foo
--- bar
-fib :: Integer -> Integer
-fib 0 = 0
-fib 1 = 1
-fib n = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Examples.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/Examples.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 822d2fae..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Examples.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
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- >Examples</title
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- ><body
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- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
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- >Contents</a
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- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >Examples</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >fib</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Integer</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >Integer</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:fib" class="def"
- >fib</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Integer</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >Integer</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Fibonacci number of given <code
- ><a href=""
- >Integer</a
- ></code
- >.
- ><p
- >Examples:
- ><pre class="screen"
- ><code class="prompt"
- >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
- ><strong class="userinput"
- ><code
- >fib 5
- ></strong
- >5
-<code class="prompt"
- >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
- ><strong class="userinput"
- ><code
- >fib 10
- ></strong
- >55
- ><pre class="screen"
- ><code class="prompt"
- >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
- ><strong class="userinput"
- ><code
- >fib 10
- ></strong
- >55
- ><p
- >One more Example:
- ><pre class="screen"
- ><code class="prompt"
- >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
- ><strong class="userinput"
- ><code
- >fib 5
- ></strong
- >5
- ><p
- >One more Example:
- ><pre class="screen"
- ><code class="prompt"
- >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
- ><strong class="userinput"
- ><code
- >fib 5
- ></strong
- >5
- ><p
- >Example with an import:
- ><pre class="screen"
- ><code class="prompt"
- >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
- ><strong class="userinput"
- ><code
- >import Data.Char
- ></strong
- ><code class="prompt"
- >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
- ><strong class="userinput"
- ><code
- >isSpace 'a'
- ></strong
- >False
- ><pre class="screen"
- ><code class="prompt"
- >&gt;&gt;&gt; </code
- ><strong class="userinput"
- ><code
- >putStrLn &quot;foo\n\nbar&quot;
- ></strong
- >foo
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/FunArgs.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/FunArgs.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index b34d84b7..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/FunArgs.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-module FunArgs where
-f :: forall a. Ord a
- => Int -- ^ First argument
- -> a -- ^ Second argument
- -> Bool -- ^ Third argument
- -> (a -> a) -- ^ Fourth argument
- -> () -- ^ Result
-f = undefined
-g :: a -- ^ First argument
- -> b -- ^ Second argument
- -> c -- ^ Third argument
- -> d -- ^ Result
-g = undefined
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/FunArgs.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/FunArgs.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index f9ce5ded..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/FunArgs.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >FunArgs</title
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- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
- ></script
- ><script type="text/javascript"
- >//<![CDATA[
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- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >FunArgs</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:f" class="def"
- >f</a
- ></p
- ><div class="subs arguments"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Arguments</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >:: <span class="keyword"
- >forall</span
- > a . <a href=""
- >Ord</a
- > a</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >=&gt; <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >First argument
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; a</td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >Second argument
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; <a href=""
- >Bool</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >Third argument
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; (a -&gt; a)</td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >Fourth argument
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; <a href=""
- >()</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >Result
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:g" class="def"
- >g</a
- ></p
- ><div class="subs arguments"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Arguments</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >:: a</td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >First argument
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; b</td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >Second argument
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; c</td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >Third argument
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; d</td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >Result
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/GADTRecords.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/GADTRecords.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c77810ad..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/GADTRecords.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-module GADTRecords (H1(..)) where
--- | h1
-data H1 a b where
- C1 :: H1 a b
- C2 :: Ord a => [a] -> H1 a a
- C3 { field :: Int -- ^ hello docs
- } :: H1 Int Int
- C4 { field2 :: a -- ^ hello2 docs
- } :: H1 Int a
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/GADTRecords.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/GADTRecords.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 44846423..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/GADTRecords.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >GADTRecords</title
- ><link href="ocean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
- ></script
- ><script type="text/javascript"
- >//<![CDATA[
-window.onload = function () {pageLoad();setSynopsis("mini_GADTRecords.html");};
- ></head
- ><body
- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >GADTRecords</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >H1</a
- > a b <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ><ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >C1</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >H1</a
- > a b </li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >C2</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Ord</a
- > a =&gt; [a] -&gt; <a href=""
- >H1</a
- > a a </li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >C3</a
- > :: { <ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >field</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- > } -&gt; <a href=""
- >H1</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >C4</a
- > :: { <ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >field2</a
- > :: a</li
- ></ul
- > } -&gt; <a href=""
- >H1</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > a</li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:H1" class="def"
- >H1</a
- > a b <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >h1
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:C1" class="def"
- >C1</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >H1</a
- > a b</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:C2" class="def"
- >C2</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Ord</a
- > a =&gt; [a] -&gt; <a href=""
- >H1</a
- > a a</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:C3" class="def"
- >C3</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >H1</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td colspan="2"
- ><div class="subs fields"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Fields</p
- ><dl
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:field" class="def"
- >field</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></dt
- ><dd class="doc"
- ><p
- >hello docs
- ></dd
- ></dl
- ><div class="clear"
- ></div
- ></div
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:C4" class="def"
- >C4</a
- > :: a -&gt; <a href=""
- >H1</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > a</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td colspan="2"
- ><div class="subs fields"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Fields</p
- ><dl
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:field2" class="def"
- >field2</a
- > :: a</dt
- ><dd class="doc"
- ><p
- >hello2 docs
- ></dd
- ></dl
- ><div class="clear"
- ></div
- ></div
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Hash.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/Hash.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 343b69e9..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Hash.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-{- |
- Implementation of fixed-size hash tables, with a type
- class for constructing hash values for structured types.
-module Hash (
- -- * The @HashTable@ type
- HashTable,
- -- ** Operations on @HashTable@s
- new, insert, lookup,
- -- * The @Hash@ class
- Hash(..),
- ) where
-import Data.Array
-import Prelude hiding (lookup)
--- | A hash table with keys of type @key@ and values of type @val@.
--- The type @key@ should be an instance of 'Eq'.
-data HashTable key val = HashTable Int (Array Int [(key,val)])
--- | Builds a new hash table with a given size
-new :: (Eq key, Hash key) => Int -> IO (HashTable key val)
-new = undefined
--- | Inserts a new element into the hash table
-insert :: (Eq key, Hash key) => key -> val -> IO ()
-insert = undefined
--- | Looks up a key in the hash table, returns @'Just' val@ if the key
--- was found, or 'Nothing' otherwise.
-lookup :: Hash key => key -> IO (Maybe val)
-lookup = undefined
--- | A class of types which can be hashed.
-class Hash a where
- -- | hashes the value of type @a@ into an 'Int'
- hash :: a -> Int
-instance Hash Int where
- hash = id
-instance Hash Float where
- hash = trunc
-instance (Hash a, Hash b) => Hash (a,b) where
- hash (a,b) = hash a `xor` hash b
-trunc = undefined
-xor = undefined
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Hash.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/Hash.html.ref
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index d254a559..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
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- >Hash</title
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- ><div id="package-header"
- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >Hash</p
- ></div
- ><div id="table-of-contents"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Contents</p
- ><ul
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >The <code
- >HashTable</code
- > type
- ><ul
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Operations on <code
- >HashTable</code
- >s
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >The <code
- >Hash</code
- > class
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="description"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Description</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Implementation of fixed-size hash tables, with a type
- class for constructing hash values for structured types.
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >HashTable</a
- > key val</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >new</a
- > :: (<a href=""
- >Eq</a
- > key, <a href=""
- >Hash</a
- > key) =&gt; <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > (<a href=""
- >HashTable</a
- > key val)</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >insert</a
- > :: (<a href=""
- >Eq</a
- > key, <a href=""
- >Hash</a
- > key) =&gt; key -&gt; val -&gt; <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >lookup</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Hash</a
- > key =&gt; key -&gt; <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > (<a href=""
- >Maybe</a
- > val)</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href=""
- >Hash</a
- > a <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ><ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >hash</a
- > :: a -&gt; <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1 id="g:1"
- >The <code
- >HashTable</code
- > type
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:HashTable" class="def"
- >HashTable</a
- > key val </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >A hash table with keys of type <code
- >key</code
- > and values of type <code
- >val</code
- >.
- The type <code
- >key</code
- > should be an instance of <code
- ><a href=""
- >Eq</a
- ></code
- >.
- ></div
- ></div
- ><h2 id="g:2"
- >Operations on <code
- >HashTable</code
- >s
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:new" class="def"
- >new</a
- > :: (<a href=""
- >Eq</a
- > key, <a href=""
- >Hash</a
- > key) =&gt; <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > (<a href=""
- >HashTable</a
- > key val)</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Builds a new hash table with a given size
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:insert" class="def"
- >insert</a
- > :: (<a href=""
- >Eq</a
- > key, <a href=""
- >Hash</a
- > key) =&gt; key -&gt; val -&gt; <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Inserts a new element into the hash table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:lookup" class="def"
- >lookup</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Hash</a
- > key =&gt; key -&gt; <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > (<a href=""
- >Maybe</a
- > val)</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Looks up a key in the hash table, returns <code
- ><code
- ><a href=""
- >Just</a
- ></code
- > val</code
- > if the key
- was found, or <code
- ><a href=""
- >Nothing</a
- ></code
- > otherwise.
- ></div
- ></div
- ><h1 id="g:3"
- >The <code
- >Hash</code
- > class
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a name="t:Hash" class="def"
- >Hash</a
- > a <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >A class of types which can be hashed.
- ></div
- ><div class="subs methods"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Methods</p
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:hash" class="def"
- >hash</a
- > :: a -&gt; <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >hashes the value of type <code
- >a</code
- > into an <code
- ><a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></code
- >
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="subs instances"
- ><p id="control.i:Hash" class="caption collapser" onclick="toggleSection('i:Hash')"
- >Instances</p
- ><div id="section.i:Hash" class="show"
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a href=""
- >Hash</a
- > <a href=""
- >Float</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a href=""
- >Hash</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >(<a href=""
- >Hash</a
- > a, <a href=""
- >Hash</a
- > b) =&gt; <a href=""
- >Hash</a
- > (a, b)</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Hidden.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/Hidden.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 896da648..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Hidden.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
-module Hidden where
-hidden :: Int -> Int
-hidden a = a
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/IgnoreExports.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/IgnoreExports.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0321ad02..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/IgnoreExports.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
-module IgnoreExports (foo) where
--- | documentation for foo
-foo :: Int
-foo = 23
--- | documentation for bar
-bar :: Int
-bar = 23
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/IgnoreExports.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/IgnoreExports.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index b70cd789..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/IgnoreExports.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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- >IgnoreExports</title
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- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >IgnoreExports</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >bar</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:foo" class="def"
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >documentation for foo
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:bar" class="def"
- >bar</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >documentation for bar
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
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- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
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- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/ModuleWithWarning.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/ModuleWithWarning.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2114bac6..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/ModuleWithWarning.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
--- | Documentation for "ModuleWithWarning".
-module ModuleWithWarning {-# WARNING "This is an unstable interface." #-} where
-foo :: Int
-foo = 23
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/ModuleWithWarning.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/ModuleWithWarning.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index c36a021d..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/ModuleWithWarning.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
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- >ModuleWithWarning</title
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- ></head
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- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
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- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
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- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >ModuleWithWarning</p
- ></div
- ><div id="description"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Description</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><div class="warning"
- ><p
- >Warning: This is an unstable interface.</p
- ></div
- ><p
- >Documentation for <a href=""
- >ModuleWithWarning</a
- >.
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:foo" class="def"
- >foo</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/NamedDoc.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/NamedDoc.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c04ba72..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/NamedDoc.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-module NamedDoc where
--- $foo bar
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/NamedDoc.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/NamedDoc.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index ab864d89..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/NamedDoc.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
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- >NamedDoc</title
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- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >NamedDoc</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >bar
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
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- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/NoLayout.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/NoLayout.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 19b38b1d..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/NoLayout.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
--- Haddock comments are parsed as separate declarations so we
--- need to insert a ';' when using them with explicit layout.
--- This should probably be changed.
-module NoLayout where {
- -- | the function 'g'
- ;
- g :: Int;
- g = undefined
- }
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/NoLayout.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/NoLayout.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index ee0e4b90..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/NoLayout.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
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- >NoLayout</title
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- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
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- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >NoLayout</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >g</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:g" class="def"
- >g</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >the function <code
- ><a href=""
- >g</a
- ></code
- >
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
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- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
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- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/NonGreedy.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/NonGreedy.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index f51b55f5..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/NonGreedy.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-module NonGreedy where
--- | <url1> <url2>
-f :: a
-f = undefined
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/NonGreedy.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/NonGreedy.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 93032fee..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/NonGreedy.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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- >NonGreedy</title
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- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >NonGreedy</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >f</a
- > :: a</li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:f" class="def"
- >f</a
- > :: a</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- ><a href=""
- >url1</a
- > <a href=""
- >url2</a
- >
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
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- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
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- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/PruneWithWarning.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/PruneWithWarning.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index fefe81f5..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/PruneWithWarning.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-}
-module PruneWithWarning (foo, bar) where
-foo :: Int
-foo = 23
-{-# DEPRECATED foo "use bar instead" #-}
-bar :: Int
-bar = 42
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/PruneWithWarning.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/PruneWithWarning.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fe3edf1..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/PruneWithWarning.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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- >PruneWithWarning</title
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- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >PruneWithWarning</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ></div
- ></div
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- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
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diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/QuasiExpr.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/QuasiExpr.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 970759ba..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/QuasiExpr.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
--- Used by QuasiQuote. Example taken from the GHC documentation.
-module QuasiExpr where
-import Language.Haskell.TH
-import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
-data Expr = IntExpr Integer
- | AntiIntExpr String
- | BinopExpr BinOp Expr Expr
- | AntiExpr String
- deriving Show
-data BinOp = AddOp
- | SubOp
- | MulOp
- | DivOp
- deriving Show
-eval :: Expr -> Integer
-eval (IntExpr n) = n
-eval (BinopExpr op x y) = (opToFun op) (eval x) (eval y)
- where
- opToFun AddOp = (+)
- opToFun SubOp = (-)
- opToFun MulOp = (*)
- opToFun DivOp = div
-expr = QuasiQuoter parseExprExp undefined undefined undefined
--- cheating...
-parseExprExp :: String -> Q Exp
-parseExprExp _ = [| BinopExpr AddOp (IntExpr 1) (IntExpr 2) |]
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/QuasiExpr.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/QuasiExpr.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b680d4f..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/QuasiExpr.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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- >QuasiExpr</title
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- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >QuasiExpr</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:Expr" class="def"
- >Expr</a
- > </p
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:IntExpr" class="def"
- >IntExpr</a
- > <a href=""
- >Integer</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:AntiIntExpr" class="def"
- >AntiIntExpr</a
- > <a href=""
- >String</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:BinopExpr" class="def"
- >BinopExpr</a
- > <a href=""
- >BinOp</a
- > <a href=""
- >Expr</a
- > <a href=""
- >Expr</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:AntiExpr" class="def"
- >AntiExpr</a
- > <a href=""
- >String</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ><div class="subs instances"
- ><p id="control.i:Expr" class="caption collapser" onclick="toggleSection('i:Expr')"
- >Instances</p
- ><div id="section.i:Expr" class="show"
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a href=""
- >Show</a
- > <a href=""
- >Expr</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:BinOp" class="def"
- >BinOp</a
- > </p
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:AddOp" class="def"
- >AddOp</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:SubOp" class="def"
- >SubOp</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:MulOp" class="def"
- >MulOp</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:DivOp" class="def"
- >DivOp</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ><div class="subs instances"
- ><p id="control.i:BinOp" class="caption collapser" onclick="toggleSection('i:BinOp')"
- >Instances</p
- ><div id="section.i:BinOp" class="show"
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a href=""
- >Show</a
- > <a href=""
- >BinOp</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:eval" class="def"
- >eval</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Expr</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >Integer</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:expr" class="def"
- >expr</a
- > :: QuasiQuoter</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:parseExprExp" class="def"
- >parseExprExp</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >String</a
- > -&gt; Q Exp</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/QuasiQuote.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/QuasiQuote.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 06762cf9..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/QuasiQuote.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes #-}
--- example taken from the GHC documentation
-module QuasiQuote where
-import QuasiExpr
-val :: Integer
-val = eval [expr|1 + 2|]
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/QuasiQuote.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/QuasiQuote.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 93b0fb90..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/QuasiQuote.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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- >QuasiQuote</title
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-window.onload = function () {pageLoad();setSynopsis("mini_QuasiQuote.html");};
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- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
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- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >QuasiQuote</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:val" class="def"
- >val</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Integer</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
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- ></html
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deleted file mode 100644
index f8178bcb..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/TH.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-module TH where
-import Language.Haskell.TH
-decl :: Q [Dec]
-decl = [d| f x = x|]
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/TH.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/TH.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 804812e6..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/TH.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
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- >TH</title
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- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >TH</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:decl" class="def"
- >decl</a
- > :: Q [Dec]</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
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- ></html
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deleted file mode 100644
index ea85e547..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/TH2.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-module TH2 where
-import TH
-$( decl )
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/TH2.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/TH2.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 55e18d73..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/TH2.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
- ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
- /><title
- >TH2</title
- ><link href="ocean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
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- ><script type="text/javascript"
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-window.onload = function () {pageLoad();setSynopsis("mini_TH2.html");};
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- >Contents</a
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- >Index</a
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- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >TH2</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:f" class="def"
- >f</a
- > :: t -&gt; t</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
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diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Test.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/Test.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index d352f029..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Test.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module : Test
--- Copyright : (c) Simon Marlow 2002
--- License : BSD-style
--- Maintainer : libraries@haskell.org
--- Stability : provisional
--- Portability : portable
--- This module illustrates & tests most of the features of Haddock.
--- Testing references from the description: 'T', 'f', 'g', 'Visible.visible'.
--- This is plain comment, ignored by Haddock.
-module Test (
- -- Section headings are introduced with '-- *':
- -- * Type declarations
- -- Subsection headings are introduced with '-- **' and so on.
- -- ** Data types
- T(..), T2, T3(..), T4(..), T5(..), T6(..),
- N1(..), N2(..), N3(..), N4, N5(..), N6(..), N7(..),
- -- ** Records
- R(..), R1(..),
- -- | test that we can export record selectors on their own:
- p, q, u,
- -- * Class declarations
- C(a,b), D(..), E, F(..),
- -- | Test that we can export a class method on its own:
- a,
- -- * Function types
- f, g,
- -- * Auxiliary stuff
- -- $aux1
- -- $aux2
- -- $aux3
- -- $aux4
- -- $aux5
- -- $aux6
- -- $aux7
- -- $aux8
- -- $aux9
- -- $aux10
- -- $aux11
- -- $aux12
- -- | This is some inline documentation in the export list
- --
- -- > a code block using bird-tracks
- -- > each line must begin with > (which isn't significant unless it
- -- > is at the beginning of the line).
- -- * A hidden module
- module Hidden,
- -- * A visible module
- module Visible,
- {-| nested-style doc comments -}
- -- * Existential \/ Universal types
- Ex(..),
- -- * Type signatures with argument docs
- k, l, m, o,
- -- * A section
- -- and without an intervening comma:
- -- ** A subsection
- > a literal line
- $ a non /literal/ line $
- f',
- withType, withoutType
- ) where
-import Hidden
-import Visible
-import Data.Maybe
-bla = Nothing
--- | This comment applies to the /following/ declaration
--- and it continues until the next non-comment line
-data T a b
- = A Int (Maybe Float) -- ^ This comment describes the 'A' constructor
- | -- | This comment describes the 'B' constructor
- B (T a b, T Int Float) -- ^
--- | An abstract data declaration
-data T2 a b = T2 a b
--- | A data declaration with no documentation annotations on the constructors
-data T3 a b = A1 a | B1 b
--- A data declaration with no documentation annotations at all
-data T4 a b = A2 a | B2 b
--- A data declaration documentation on the constructors only
-data T5 a b
- = A3 a -- ^ documents 'A3'
- | B3 b -- ^ documents 'B3'
--- | Testing alternative comment styles
-data T6
- -- | This is the doc for 'A4'
- = A4
- | B4
- | -- ^ This is the doc for 'B4'
- -- | This is the doc for 'C4'
- C4
--- | A newtype
-newtype N1 a = N1 a
--- | A newtype with a fieldname
-newtype N2 a b = N2 {n :: a b}
--- | A newtype with a fieldname, documentation on the field
-newtype N3 a b = N3 {n3 :: a b -- ^ this is the 'n3' field
- }
--- | An abstract newtype - we show this one as data rather than newtype because
--- the difference isn\'t visible to the programmer for an abstract type.
-newtype N4 a b = N4 a
-newtype N5 a b = N5 {n5 :: a b -- ^ no docs on the datatype or the constructor
- }
-newtype N6 a b = N6 {n6 :: a b
- }
- -- ^ docs on the constructor only
--- | docs on the newtype and the constructor
-newtype N7 a b = N7 {n7 :: a b
- }
- -- ^ The 'N7' constructor
-class (D a) => C a where
- -- |this is a description of the 'a' method
- a :: IO a
- b :: [a]
- -- ^ this is a description of the 'b' method
- c :: a -- c is hidden in the export list
--- ^ This comment applies to the /previous/ declaration (the 'C' class)
-class D a where
- d :: T a b
- e :: (a,a)
--- ^ This is a class declaration with no separate docs for the methods
-instance D Int where
- d = undefined
- e = undefined
--- instance with a qualified class name
-instance Test.D Float where
- d = undefined
- e = undefined
-class E a where
- ee :: a
--- ^ This is a class declaration with no methods (or no methods exported)
--- This is a class declaration with no documentation at all
-class F a where
- ff :: a
--- | This is the documentation for the 'R' record, which has four fields,
--- 'p', 'q', 'r', and 's'.
-data R =
- -- | This is the 'C1' record constructor, with the following fields:
- C1 { p :: Int -- ^ This comment applies to the 'p' field
- , q :: forall a . a->a -- ^ This comment applies to the 'q' field
- , -- | This comment applies to both 'r' and 's'
- r,s :: Int
- }
- | C2 { t :: T1 -> (T2 Int Int)-> (T3 Bool Bool) -> (T4 Float Float) -> T5 () (),
- u,v :: Int
- }
- -- ^ This is the 'C2' record constructor, also with some fields:
--- | Testing different record commenting styles
-data R1
- -- | This is the 'C3' record constructor
- = C3 {
- -- | The 's1' record selector
- s1 :: Int
- -- | The 's2' record selector
- , s2 :: Int
- , s3 :: Int -- NOTE: In the original examples/Test.hs in Haddock, there is an extra "," here.
- -- Since GHC doesn't allow that, I have removed it in this file.
- -- ^ The 's3' record selector
- }
--- These section headers are only used when there is no export list to
--- give the structure of the documentation:
--- * This is a section header (level 1)
--- ** This is a section header (level 2)
--- *** This is a section header (level 3)
-In a comment string we can refer to identifiers in scope with
-single quotes like this: 'T', and we can refer to modules by
-using double quotes: "Foo". We can add emphasis /like this/.
- * This is a bulleted list
- - This is the next item (different kind of bullet)
- (1) This is an ordered list
- 2. This is the next item (different kind of bullet)
- [cat] a small, furry, domesticated mammal
- [pineapple] a fruit grown in the tropics
- This is a block of code, which can include other markup: 'R'
- formatting
- is
- significant
-> this is another block of code
-We can also include URLs in documentation: <http://www.haskell.org/>.
-f :: C a => a -> Int
--- | we can export foreign declarations too
-foreign import ccall g :: Int -> IO CInt
--- | this doc string has a parse error in it: \'
-h :: Int
-h = 42
--- $aux1 This is some documentation that is attached to a name ($aux1)
--- rather than a source declaration. The documentation may be
--- referred to in the export list using its name.
--- @ code block in named doc @
--- $aux2 This is some documentation that is attached to a name ($aux2)
--- $aux3
--- @ code block on its own in named doc @
--- $aux4
--- @ code block on its own in named doc (after newline) @
-{- $aux5 a nested, named doc comment
- with a paragraph,
- @ and a code block @
--- some tests for various arrangements of code blocks:
-{- $aux6
-@ test2
- test3
-{- $aux7
-{- $aux8
-{- $aux9
-{- $aux10
--- This one is currently wrong (Haddock 0.4). The @...@ part is
--- interpreted as part of the bird-tracked code block.
-{- $aux11
--- $aux12
--- > foo
--- > bar
--- | A data-type using existential\/universal types
-data Ex a
- = forall b . C b => Ex1 b
- | forall b . Ex2 b
- | forall b . C a => Ex3 b -- NOTE: I have added "forall b" here make GHC accept this file
- | Ex4 (forall a . a -> a)
--- | This is a function with documentation for each argument
-k :: T () () -- ^ This argument has type 'T'
- -> (T2 Int Int) -- ^ This argument has type 'T2 Int Int'
- -> (T3 Bool Bool -> T4 Float Float) -- ^ This argument has type @T3 Bool Bool -> T4 Float Float@
- -> T5 () () -- ^ This argument has a very long description that should
- -- hopefully cause some wrapping to happen when it is finally
- -- rendered by Haddock in the generated HTML page.
- -> IO () -- ^ This is the result type
--- This function has arg docs but no docs for the function itself
-l :: (Int, Int, Float) -- ^ takes a triple
- -> Int -- ^ returns an 'Int'
--- | This function has some arg docs
-m :: R
- -> N1 () -- ^ one of the arguments
- -> IO Int -- ^ and the return value
--- | This function has some arg docs but not a return value doc
--- can't use the original name ('n') with GHC
-newn :: R -- ^ one of the arguments, an 'R'
- -> N1 () -- ^ one of the arguments
- -> IO Int
-newn = undefined
--- | A foreign import with argument docs
-foreign import ccall unsafe
- o :: Float -- ^ The input float
- -> IO Float -- ^ The output float
--- | We should be able to escape this: \#\#\#
--- p :: Int
--- can't use the above original definition with GHC
-newp :: Int
-newp = undefined
--- | a function with a prime can be referred to as 'f''
--- but f' doesn't get link'd 'f\''
-f' :: Int
--- | Comment on a definition without type signature
-withoutType = undefined
--- | Comment on a definition with type signature
-withType :: Int
-withType = 1
--- Add some definitions here so that this file can be compiled with GHC
-data T1
-f = undefined
-f' = undefined
-type CInt = Int
-k = undefined
-l = undefined
-m = undefined
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Test.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/Test.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 83167477..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Test.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2277 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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- /><title
- >Test</title
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- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
- ></script
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-window.onload = function () {pageLoad();setSynopsis("mini_Test.html");};
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- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Portability</th
- ><td
- >portable</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Stability</th
- ><td
- >provisional</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Maintainer</th
- ><td
- >libraries@haskell.org</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >Test</p
- ></div
- ><div id="table-of-contents"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Contents</p
- ><ul
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Type declarations
- ><ul
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Data types
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Records
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Class declarations
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Function types
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Auxiliary stuff
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >A hidden module
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >A visible module
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Existential / Universal types
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Type signatures with argument docs
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >A section
- ><ul
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >A subsection
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="description"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Description</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >This module illustrates &amp; tests most of the features of Haddock.
- Testing references from the description: <code
- ><a href=""
- >T</a
- ></code
- >, <code
- ><a href=""
- >f</a
- ></code
- >, <code
- ><a href=""
- >g</a
- ></code
- >, <code
- ><a href=""
- >visible</a
- ></code
- >.
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >T</a
- > a b<ul class="subs"
- ><li
- >= <a href=""
- >A</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > (<a href=""
- >Maybe</a
- > <a href=""
- >Float</a
- >) </li
- ><li
- >| <a href=""
- >B</a
- > (<a href=""
- >T</a
- > a b, <a href=""
- >T</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > <a href=""
- >Float</a
- >) </li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >T2</a
- > a b</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >T3</a
- > a b<ul class="subs"
- ><li
- >= <a href=""
- >A1</a
- > a </li
- ><li
- >| <a href=""
- >B1</a
- > b </li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >T4</a
- > a b<ul class="subs"
- ><li
- >= <a href=""
- >A2</a
- > a </li
- ><li
- >| <a href=""
- >B2</a
- > b </li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >T5</a
- > a b<ul class="subs"
- ><li
- >= <a href=""
- >A3</a
- > a </li
- ><li
- >| <a href=""
- >B3</a
- > b </li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >T6</a
- > <ul class="subs"
- ><li
- >= <a href=""
- >A4</a
- > </li
- ><li
- >| <a href=""
- >B4</a
- > </li
- ><li
- >| <a href=""
- >C4</a
- > </li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a href=""
- >N1</a
- > a = <a href=""
- >N1</a
- > a</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a href=""
- >N2</a
- > a b = <a href=""
- >N2</a
- > {<ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >n</a
- > :: a b</li
- ></ul
- >}</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a href=""
- >N3</a
- > a b = <a href=""
- >N3</a
- > {<ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >n3</a
- > :: a b</li
- ></ul
- >}</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >N4</a
- > a b</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a href=""
- >N5</a
- > a b = <a href=""
- >N5</a
- > {<ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >n5</a
- > :: a b</li
- ></ul
- >}</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a href=""
- >N6</a
- > a b = <a href=""
- >N6</a
- > {<ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >n6</a
- > :: a b</li
- ></ul
- >}</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a href=""
- >N7</a
- > a b = <a href=""
- >N7</a
- > {<ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >n7</a
- > :: a b</li
- ></ul
- >}</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >R</a
- > <ul class="subs"
- ><li
- >= <a href=""
- >C1</a
- > { <ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >p</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >q</a
- > :: <span class="keyword"
- >forall</span
- > a. a -&gt; a</li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >r</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >s</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- > }</li
- ><li
- >| <a href=""
- >C2</a
- > { <ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >t</a
- > :: T1 -&gt; <a href=""
- >T2</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >T3</a
- > <a href=""
- >Bool</a
- > <a href=""
- >Bool</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >T4</a
- > <a href=""
- >Float</a
- > <a href=""
- >Float</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >T5</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >u</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >v</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- > }</li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >R1</a
- > = <a href=""
- >C3</a
- > {<ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >s1</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >s2</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >s3</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- >}</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href=""
- >D</a
- > a =&gt; <a href=""
- >C</a
- > a <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ><ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >a</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > a</li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >b</a
- > :: [a]</li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href=""
- >D</a
- > a <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ><ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >d</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >T</a
- > a b</li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >e</a
- > :: (a, a)</li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href=""
- >E</a
- > a </li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href=""
- >F</a
- > a <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ><ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >ff</a
- > :: a</li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >f</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >C</a
- > a =&gt; a -&gt; <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >g</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > CInt</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >hidden</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- >module <a href=""
- >Visible</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >Ex</a
- > a<ul class="subs"
- ><li
- >= <span class="keyword"
- >forall</span
- > b . <a href=""
- >C</a
- > b =&gt; <a href=""
- >Ex1</a
- > b </li
- ><li
- >| <span class="keyword"
- >forall</span
- > b . <a href=""
- >Ex2</a
- > b </li
- ><li
- >| <span class="keyword"
- >forall</span
- > b . <a href=""
- >C</a
- > a =&gt; <a href=""
- >Ex3</a
- > b </li
- ><li
- >| <a href=""
- >Ex4</a
- > (<span class="keyword"
- >forall</span
- > a. a -&gt; a) </li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >k</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >T</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >T2</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > -&gt; (<a href=""
- >T3</a
- > <a href=""
- >Bool</a
- > <a href=""
- >Bool</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >T4</a
- > <a href=""
- >Float</a
- > <a href=""
- >Float</a
- >) -&gt; <a href=""
- >T5</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >l</a
- > :: (<a href=""
- >Int</a
- >, <a href=""
- >Int</a
- >, <a href=""
- >Float</a
- >) -&gt; <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >m</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >R</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >N1</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >o</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Float</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > <a href=""
- >Float</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >f'</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >withType</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >withoutType</a
- > :: a</li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1 id="g:1"
- >Type declarations
- ><h2 id="g:2"
- >Data types
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:T" class="def"
- >T</a
- > a b </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >This comment applies to the <em
- >following</em
- > declaration
- and it continues until the next non-comment line
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:A" class="def"
- >A</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > (<a href=""
- >Maybe</a
- > <a href=""
- >Float</a
- >)</td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >This comment describes the <code
- ><a href=""
- >A</a
- ></code
- > constructor
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:B" class="def"
- >B</a
- > (<a href=""
- >T</a
- > a b, <a href=""
- >T</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > <a href=""
- >Float</a
- >)</td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >This comment describes the <code
- ><a href=""
- >B</a
- ></code
- > constructor
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:T2" class="def"
- >T2</a
- > a b </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >An abstract data declaration
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:T3" class="def"
- >T3</a
- > a b </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >A data declaration with no documentation annotations on the constructors
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:A1" class="def"
- >A1</a
- > a</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:B1" class="def"
- >B1</a
- > b</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:T4" class="def"
- >T4</a
- > a b </p
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:A2" class="def"
- >A2</a
- > a</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:B2" class="def"
- >B2</a
- > b</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:T5" class="def"
- >T5</a
- > a b </p
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:A3" class="def"
- >A3</a
- > a</td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >documents <code
- ><a href=""
- >A3</a
- ></code
- >
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:B3" class="def"
- >B3</a
- > b</td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >documents <code
- ><a href=""
- >B3</a
- ></code
- >
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:T6" class="def"
- >T6</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Testing alternative comment styles
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:A4" class="def"
- >A4</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >This is the doc for <code
- ><a href=""
- >A4</a
- ></code
- >
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:B4" class="def"
- >B4</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >This is the doc for <code
- ><a href=""
- >B4</a
- ></code
- >
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:C4" class="def"
- >C4</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >This is the doc for <code
- ><a href=""
- >C4</a
- ></code
- >
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a name="t:N1" class="def"
- >N1</a
- > a </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >A newtype
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:N1" class="def"
- >N1</a
- > a</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a name="t:N2" class="def"
- >N2</a
- > a b </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >A newtype with a fieldname
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:N2" class="def"
- >N2</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td colspan="2"
- ><div class="subs fields"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Fields</p
- ><dl
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:n" class="def"
- >n</a
- > :: a b</dt
- ><dd class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</dd
- ></dl
- ><div class="clear"
- ></div
- ></div
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a name="t:N3" class="def"
- >N3</a
- > a b </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >A newtype with a fieldname, documentation on the field
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:N3" class="def"
- >N3</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td colspan="2"
- ><div class="subs fields"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Fields</p
- ><dl
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:n3" class="def"
- >n3</a
- > :: a b</dt
- ><dd class="doc"
- ><p
- >this is the <code
- ><a href=""
- >n3</a
- ></code
- > field
- ></dd
- ></dl
- ><div class="clear"
- ></div
- ></div
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:N4" class="def"
- >N4</a
- > a b </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >An abstract newtype - we show this one as data rather than newtype because
- the difference isn't visible to the programmer for an abstract type.
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a name="t:N5" class="def"
- >N5</a
- > a b </p
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:N5" class="def"
- >N5</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td colspan="2"
- ><div class="subs fields"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Fields</p
- ><dl
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:n5" class="def"
- >n5</a
- > :: a b</dt
- ><dd class="doc"
- ><p
- >no docs on the datatype or the constructor
- ></dd
- ></dl
- ><div class="clear"
- ></div
- ></div
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a name="t:N6" class="def"
- >N6</a
- > a b </p
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:N6" class="def"
- >N6</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >docs on the constructor only
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td colspan="2"
- ><div class="subs fields"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Fields</p
- ><dl
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:n6" class="def"
- >n6</a
- > :: a b</dt
- ><dd class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</dd
- ></dl
- ><div class="clear"
- ></div
- ></div
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a name="t:N7" class="def"
- >N7</a
- > a b </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >docs on the newtype and the constructor
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:N7" class="def"
- >N7</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >The <code
- ><a href=""
- >N7</a
- ></code
- > constructor
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td colspan="2"
- ><div class="subs fields"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Fields</p
- ><dl
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:n7" class="def"
- >n7</a
- > :: a b</dt
- ><dd class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</dd
- ></dl
- ><div class="clear"
- ></div
- ></div
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><h2 id="g:3"
- >Records
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:R" class="def"
- >R</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >This is the documentation for the <code
- ><a href=""
- >R</a
- ></code
- > record, which has four fields,
- <code
- ><a href=""
- >p</a
- ></code
- >, <code
- ><a href=""
- >q</a
- ></code
- >, <code
- ><a href=""
- >r</a
- ></code
- >, and <code
- ><a href=""
- >s</a
- ></code
- >.
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:C1" class="def"
- >C1</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >This is the <code
- ><a href=""
- >C1</a
- ></code
- > record constructor, with the following fields:
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td colspan="2"
- ><div class="subs fields"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Fields</p
- ><dl
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:p" class="def"
- >p</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></dt
- ><dd class="doc"
- ><p
- >This comment applies to the <code
- ><a href=""
- >p</a
- ></code
- > field
- ></dd
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:q" class="def"
- >q</a
- > :: <span class="keyword"
- >forall</span
- > a. a -&gt; a</dt
- ><dd class="doc"
- ><p
- >This comment applies to the <code
- ><a href=""
- >q</a
- ></code
- > field
- ></dd
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:r" class="def"
- >r</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></dt
- ><dd class="doc"
- ><p
- >This comment applies to both <code
- ><a href=""
- >r</a
- ></code
- > and <code
- ><a href=""
- >s</a
- ></code
- >
- ></dd
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:s" class="def"
- >s</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></dt
- ><dd class="doc"
- ><p
- >This comment applies to both <code
- ><a href=""
- >r</a
- ></code
- > and <code
- ><a href=""
- >s</a
- ></code
- >
- ></dd
- ></dl
- ><div class="clear"
- ></div
- ></div
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:C2" class="def"
- >C2</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >This is the <code
- ><a href=""
- >C2</a
- ></code
- > record constructor, also with some fields:
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td colspan="2"
- ><div class="subs fields"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Fields</p
- ><dl
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:t" class="def"
- >t</a
- > :: T1 -&gt; <a href=""
- >T2</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >T3</a
- > <a href=""
- >Bool</a
- > <a href=""
- >Bool</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >T4</a
- > <a href=""
- >Float</a
- > <a href=""
- >Float</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >T5</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- ></dt
- ><dd class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</dd
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:u" class="def"
- >u</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></dt
- ><dd class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</dd
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:v" class="def"
- >v</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></dt
- ><dd class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</dd
- ></dl
- ><div class="clear"
- ></div
- ></div
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:R1" class="def"
- >R1</a
- > </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Testing different record commenting styles
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:C3" class="def"
- >C3</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >This is the <code
- ><a href=""
- >C3</a
- ></code
- > record constructor
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td colspan="2"
- ><div class="subs fields"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Fields</p
- ><dl
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:s1" class="def"
- >s1</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></dt
- ><dd class="doc"
- ><p
- >The <code
- ><a href=""
- >s1</a
- ></code
- > record selector
- ></dd
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:s2" class="def"
- >s2</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></dt
- ><dd class="doc"
- ><p
- >The <code
- ><a href=""
- >s2</a
- ></code
- > record selector
- ></dd
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:s3" class="def"
- >s3</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></dt
- ><dd class="doc"
- ><p
- >The <code
- ><a href=""
- >s3</a
- ></code
- > record selector
- ></dd
- ></dl
- ><div class="clear"
- ></div
- ></div
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >test that we can export record selectors on their own:
- ></div
- ><h1 id="g:4"
- >Class declarations
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href=""
- >D</a
- > a =&gt; <a name="t:C" class="def"
- >C</a
- > a <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >This comment applies to the <em
- >previous</em
- > declaration (the <code
- ><a href=""
- >C</a
- ></code
- > class)
- ></div
- ><div class="subs methods"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Methods</p
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:a" class="def"
- >a</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > a</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >this is a description of the <code
- ><a href=""
- >a</a
- ></code
- > method
- ></div
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:b" class="def"
- >b</a
- > :: [a]</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >this is a description of the <code
- ><a href=""
- >b</a
- ></code
- > method
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a name="t:D" class="def"
- >D</a
- > a <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >This is a class declaration with no separate docs for the methods
- ></div
- ><div class="subs methods"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Methods</p
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:d" class="def"
- >d</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >T</a
- > a b</p
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:e" class="def"
- >e</a
- > :: (a, a)</p
- ></div
- ><div class="subs instances"
- ><p id="control.i:D" class="caption collapser" onclick="toggleSection('i:D')"
- >Instances</p
- ><div id="section.i:D" class="show"
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a href=""
- >D</a
- > <a href=""
- >Float</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a href=""
- >D</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a name="t:E" class="def"
- >E</a
- > a </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >This is a class declaration with no methods (or no methods exported)
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a name="t:F" class="def"
- >F</a
- > a <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ></p
- ><div class="subs methods"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Methods</p
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:ff" class="def"
- >ff</a
- > :: a</p
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Test that we can export a class method on its own:
- ></div
- ><h1 id="g:5"
- >Function types
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:f" class="def"
- >f</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >C</a
- > a =&gt; a -&gt; <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >In a comment string we can refer to identifiers in scope with
-single quotes like this: <code
- ><a href=""
- >T</a
- ></code
- >, and we can refer to modules by
-using double quotes: <a href=""
- >Foo</a
- >. We can add emphasis <em
- >like this</em
- >.
- ><ul
- ><li
- > This is a bulleted list
- ><li
- > This is the next item (different kind of bullet)
- ></ul
- ><ol
- ><li
- > This is an ordered list
- ><li
- > This is the next item (different kind of bullet)
- ></ol
- ><dl
- ><dt
- >cat</dt
- ><dd
- > a small, furry, domesticated mammal
- ><dt
- >pineapple</dt
- ><dd
- > a fruit grown in the tropics
- ></dl
- ><pre
- >
- This is a block of code, which can include other markup: <code
- ><a href=""
- >R</a
- ></code
- >
- formatting
- is
- significant
- ><pre
- > this is another block of code
- ><p
- >We can also include URLs in documentation: <a href=""
- >http://www.haskell.org/</a
- >.
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:g" class="def"
- >g</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > CInt</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >we can export foreign declarations too
- ></div
- ></div
- ><h1 id="g:6"
- >Auxiliary stuff
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >This is some documentation that is attached to a name ($aux1)
- rather than a source declaration. The documentation may be
- referred to in the export list using its name.
- ><pre
- > code block in named doc</pre
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >This is some documentation that is attached to a name ($aux2)
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><pre
- > code block on its own in named doc</pre
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><pre
- > code block on its own in named doc (after newline)</pre
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >a nested, named doc comment
- ><p
- >with a paragraph,
- ><pre
- > and a code block</pre
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><pre
- >test
- ><pre
- > test2
- test3
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><pre
- >
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><pre
- >test3
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><pre
- >
- ><pre
- >test3
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><pre
- >test3
- ><pre
- >
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >aux11:
- ><pre
- >test3
- ><pre
- >
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><pre
- > foo
- ><pre
- > bar
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >This is some inline documentation in the export list
- ><pre
- > a code block using bird-tracks
- each line must begin with &gt; (which isn't significant unless it
- is at the beginning of the line).
- ></div
- ><h1 id="g:7"
- >A hidden module
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:hidden" class="def"
- >hidden</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><h1 id="g:8"
- >A visible module
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- >module <a href=""
- >Visible</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >nested-style doc comments
- ></div
- ><h1 id="g:9"
- >Existential / Universal types
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:Ex" class="def"
- >Ex</a
- > a </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >A data-type using existential/universal types
- ></div
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >forall</span
- > b . <a href=""
- >C</a
- > b =&gt; <a name="v:Ex1" class="def"
- >Ex1</a
- > b</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >forall</span
- > b . <a name="v:Ex2" class="def"
- >Ex2</a
- > b</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >forall</span
- > b . <a href=""
- >C</a
- > a =&gt; <a name="v:Ex3" class="def"
- >Ex3</a
- > b</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:Ex4" class="def"
- >Ex4</a
- > (<span class="keyword"
- >forall</span
- > a. a -&gt; a)</td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><h1 id="g:10"
- >Type signatures with argument docs
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:k" class="def"
- >k</a
- ></p
- ><div class="subs arguments"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Arguments</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >:: <a href=""
- >T</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >This argument has type <code
- ><a href=""
- >T</a
- ></code
- >
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; <a href=""
- >T2</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >This argument has type 'T2 Int Int'
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; (<a href=""
- >T3</a
- > <a href=""
- >Bool</a
- > <a href=""
- >Bool</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >T4</a
- > <a href=""
- >Float</a
- > <a href=""
- >Float</a
- >)</td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >This argument has type <code
- >T3 Bool Bool -&gt; T4 Float Float</code
- >
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; <a href=""
- >T5</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >This argument has a very long description that should
- hopefully cause some wrapping to happen when it is finally
- rendered by Haddock in the generated HTML page.
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >This is the result type
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >This is a function with documentation for each argument
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:l" class="def"
- >l</a
- ></p
- ><div class="subs arguments"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Arguments</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >:: (<a href=""
- >Int</a
- >, <a href=""
- >Int</a
- >, <a href=""
- >Float</a
- >)</td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >takes a triple
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >returns an <code
- ><a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></code
- >
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:m" class="def"
- >m</a
- ></p
- ><div class="subs arguments"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Arguments</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >:: <a href=""
- >R</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; <a href=""
- >N1</a
- > <a href=""
- >()</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >one of the arguments
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >and the return value
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >This function has some arg docs
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:o" class="def"
- >o</a
- ></p
- ><div class="subs arguments"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Arguments</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >:: <a href=""
- >Float</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >The input float
- ></td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- >-&gt; <a href=""
- >IO</a
- > <a href=""
- >Float</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc"
- ><p
- >The output float
- ></td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >A foreign import with argument docs
- ></div
- ></div
- ><h1 id="g:11"
- >A section
- ><h2 id="g:12"
- >A subsection
- ><div class="doc"
- ><pre
- > a literal line
- ><p
- >$ a non <em
- >literal</em
- > line $
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:f-39-" class="def"
- >f'</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >a function with a prime can be referred to as <code
- ><a href=""
- >f'</a
- ></code
- >
- but f' doesn't get link'd 'f\''
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:withType" class="def"
- >withType</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Comment on a definition with type signature
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:withoutType" class="def"
- >withoutType</a
- > :: a</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Comment on a definition without type signature
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
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- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
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index c9cd5117..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Ticket112.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
-module Ticket112 where
-import GHC.Prim
--- | ...given a raw 'Addr#' to the string, and the length of the string.
-f :: a
-f = undefined
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Ticket112.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/Ticket112.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index b0002d8f..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Ticket112.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
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- >&nbsp;</p
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- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >Ticket112</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >f</a
- > :: a</li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:f" class="def"
- >f</a
- > :: a</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >...given a raw <code
- ><a href=""
- >Addr#</a
- ></code
- > to the string, and the length of the string.
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
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- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
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deleted file mode 100644
index 26ca287f..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Ticket61.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-module Ticket61 (module Ticket61_Hidden) where
-import Ticket61_Hidden
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deleted file mode 100644
index db570a15..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
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- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >Ticket61</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a name="t:C" class="def"
- >C</a
- > a <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ></p
- ><div class="subs methods"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Methods</p
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:f" class="def"
- >f</a
- > :: a</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >A comment about f
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
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- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
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index 583c10cd..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Ticket61_Hidden.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
-module Ticket61_Hidden where
-class C a where
- -- | A comment about f
- f :: a
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Ticket75.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/Ticket75.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 94a2f115..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Ticket75.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-module Ticket75 where
-data a :- b = Q
--- | A reference to ':-'
-f :: Int
-f = undefined
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Ticket75.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/Ticket75.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index eb77dcec..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Ticket75.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
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- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >Ticket75</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > a <a href=""
- >:-</a
- > b = <a href=""
- >Q</a
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >f</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > a <a name="t::-45-" class="def"
- >:-</a
- > b </p
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:Q" class="def"
- >Q</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:f" class="def"
- >f</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >A reference to <code
- ><a href=""
- >:-</a
- ></code
- >
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
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diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/TypeFamilies.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/TypeFamilies.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 561f95fd..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/TypeFamilies.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-module TypeFamilies where
--- | Type family G
-type family G a :: *
--- | A class with an associated type
-class A a where
- -- | An associated type
- data B a :: * -> *
- -- | A method
- f :: B a Int
--- | Doc for family
-type family F a
--- | Doc for G Int
-type instance G Int = Bool
-type instance G Float = Int
-instance A Int where
- data B Int x = Con x
- f = Con 3
-g = Con 5
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/TypeFamilies.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/TypeFamilies.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d3c4e47..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/TypeFamilies.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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- >TypeFamilies</title
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- ><a href=""
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- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >TypeFamilies</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >type family</span
- > <a href=""
- >G</a
- > a :: *</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href=""
- >A</a
- > a <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ><ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >B</a
- > a :: * -&gt; *</li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >f</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >B</a
- > a <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >type family</span
- > <a href=""
- >F</a
- > a </li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >g</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >B</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > <a href=""
- >Integer</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >type family</span
- > <a name="t:G" class="def"
- >G</a
- > a :: *</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Type family G
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a name="t:A" class="def"
- >A</a
- > a <span class="keyword"
- >where</span
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >A class with an associated type
- ></div
- ><div class="subs associated-types"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Associated Types</p
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:B" class="def"
- >B</a
- > a :: * -&gt; *</p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >An associated type
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="subs methods"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Methods</p
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:f" class="def"
- >f</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >B</a
- > a <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >A method
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="subs instances"
- ><p id="control.i:A" class="caption collapser" onclick="toggleSection('i:A')"
- >Instances</p
- ><div id="section.i:A" class="show"
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a href=""
- >A</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >type family</span
- > <a name="t:F" class="def"
- >F</a
- > a </p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >Doc for family
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:g" class="def"
- >g</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >B</a
- > <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > <a href=""
- >Integer</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></div
- ><div id="footer"
- ><p
- >Produced by <a href=""
- >Haddock</a
- > version 2.11.0</p
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/TypeOperators.hs b/tests/html-tests/tests/TypeOperators.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index aa0fbe8c..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/TypeOperators.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-module TypeOperators (
- -- * stuff
- (:-:),
- (:+:),
- Op,
- O(..),
- biO,
- Flip(..)
-) where
-data a :-: b
-data (a :+: b) c
-data a `Op` b
-newtype (g `O` f) a = O { unO :: g (f a) }
-biO :: (g `O` f) a
-biO = undefined
-newtype Flip (~>) b a = Flip { unFlip :: a ~> b }
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/TypeOperators.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/TypeOperators.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 022245d3..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/TypeOperators.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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- /><title
- >TypeOperators</title
- ><link href="ocean.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
- /><script src="haddock-util.js" type="text/javascript"
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- >//<![CDATA[
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- ></head
- ><body
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- ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Contents</a
- ></li
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >Index</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >TypeOperators</p
- ></div
- ><div id="table-of-contents"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Contents</p
- ><ul
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >stuff
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > a <a href=""
- >:-:</a
- > b</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > (a <a href=""
- >:+:</a
- > b) c</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href=""
- >Op</a
- > a b</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a href=""
- >O</a
- > g f a = <a href=""
- >O</a
- > {<ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >unO</a
- > :: g (f a)</li
- ></ul
- >}</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >biO</a
- > :: (g `<a href=""
- >O</a
- >` f) a</li
- ><li class="src short"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a href=""
- >Flip</a
- > (~&gt;) b a = <a href=""
- >Flip</a
- > {<ul class="subs"
- ><li
- ><a href=""
- >unFlip</a
- > :: a ~&gt; b</li
- ></ul
- >}</li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1 id="g:1"
- >stuff
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > a <a name="t::-45-:" class="def"
- >:-:</a
- > b </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > (a <a name="t::-43-:" class="def"
- >:+:</a
- > b) c </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a name="t:Op" class="def"
- >Op</a
- > a b </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a name="t:O" class="def"
- >O</a
- > g f a </p
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:O" class="def"
- >O</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
- ></tr
- ><tr
- ><td colspan="2"
- ><div class="subs fields"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Fields</p
- ><dl
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:unO" class="def"
- >unO</a
- > :: g (f a)</dt
- ><dd class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</dd
- ></dl
- ><div class="clear"
- ></div
- ></div
- ></td
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- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:biO" class="def"
- >biO</a
- > :: (g `<a href=""
- >O</a
- >` f) a</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >newtype</span
- > <a name="t:Flip" class="def"
- >Flip</a
- > (~&gt;) b a </p
- ><div class="subs constructors"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Constructors</p
- ><table
- ><tr
- ><td class="src"
- ><a name="v:Flip" class="def"
- >Flip</a
- ></td
- ><td class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</td
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- ><td colspan="2"
- ><div class="subs fields"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Fields</p
- ><dl
- ><dt class="src"
- ><a name="v:unFlip" class="def"
- >unFlip</a
- > :: a ~&gt; b</dt
- ><dd class="doc empty"
- >&nbsp;</dd
- ></dl
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deleted file mode 100644
index d5bbf445..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Unicode.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-module Unicode where
--- | γλώσσα
-x :: Int
-x = 1
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Unicode.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/Unicode.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c72e845..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Unicode.html.ref
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- >&nbsp;</p
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- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
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- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >Unicode</p
- ></div
- ><div id="synopsis"
- ><p id="control.syn" class="caption expander" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- >Synopsis</p
- ><ul id="section.syn" class="hide" onclick="toggleSection('syn')"
- ><li class="src short"
- ><a href=""
- >x</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></li
- ></ul
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:x" class="def"
- >x</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
- ><div class="doc"
- ><p
- >&#947;&#955;&#974;&#963;&#963;&#945;
- ></div
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deleted file mode 100644
index cad71931..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Visible.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-module Visible where
-visible :: Int -> Int
-visible a = a
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/Visible.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/Visible.html.ref
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c0cd4ec..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/Visible.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
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- >Index</a
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- ><p class="caption empty"
- >&nbsp;</p
- ></div
- ><div id="content"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><table class="info"
- ><tr
- ><th
- >Safe Haskell</th
- ><td
- >None</td
- ></tr
- ></table
- ><p class="caption"
- >Visible</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Documentation</h1
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a name="v:visible" class="def"
- >visible</a
- > :: <a href=""
- >Int</a
- > -&gt; <a href=""
- >Int</a
- ></p
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--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/frames.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
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-<script type="text/javascript"><!--
- The synopsis frame needs to be updated using javascript, so we hide
- it by default and only show it if javascript is enabled.
- TODO: provide some means to disable it.
-function load() {
- var d = document.getElementById("inner-fs");
- d.rows = "50%,50%";
- postReframe();
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index cbe50e41..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/mini_A.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
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- >A</p
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- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >A</a
- > </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >other</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >test2</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >X</a
- > </p
- ></div
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- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >reExport</a
- ></p
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--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/mini_B.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
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- ><p class="caption"
- >B</p
- ></div
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- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >test</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >reExport</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >X</a
- > </p
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- ></html
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--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/mini_Bug1.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
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-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
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- >Bug1</title
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- ><p class="caption"
- >Bug1</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >T</a
- > </p
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- ></body
- ></html
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index b673e459..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/mini_Bug2.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
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- ><p class="caption"
- >Bug2</p
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- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >x</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
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--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/mini_Bug3.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
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- >Bug3</p
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- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >foo</a
- ></p
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+++ /dev/null
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- >Bug4</title
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- ><p class="caption"
- >Bug4</p
- ></div
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- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >foo</a
- ></p
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- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
diff --git a/tests/html-tests/tests/mini_Bug6.html.ref b/tests/html-tests/tests/mini_Bug6.html.ref
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index 5c5c1119..00000000
--- a/tests/html-tests/tests/mini_Bug6.html.ref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
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- ><p class="caption"
- >Bug6</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >A</a
- > </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >B</a
- > </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >C</a
- > </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >D</a
- > </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >E</a
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+++ /dev/null
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- >Bug7</p
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- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >Foo</a
- > </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >Bar</a
- > x y</p
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+++ /dev/null
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- >Bug8</p
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- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >Typ</a
- > </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >(--&gt;)</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >(---&gt;)</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >s</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >t</a
- ></p
- ></div
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- ><a href="" target="main"
- >main</a
- ></p
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+++ /dev/null
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- ><p class="caption"
- >BugDeprecated</p
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- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >foo</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >baz</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >bar</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >one</a
- ></p
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- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >three</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >two</a
- ></p
- ></div
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- ></html
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- ><h1
- >Foo
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- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >foo</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><h1
- >Bar
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >bar</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><h1
- >Baz
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >baz</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><h1
- >One
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >one</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><h1
- >Two
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >two</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><h1
- >Three
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >three</a
- ></p
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- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
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- >A</a
- > a</p
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- >CrossPackageDocs</p
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- ><a href="" target="main"
- >map</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >Monad</a
- > m</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >runInteractiveProcess</a
- ></p
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- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >SomeClass</a
- > a</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >SomeOtherClass</a
- > a</p
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- >DeprecatedData</p
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- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >Foo</a
- > </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >One</a
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- >DeprecatedFunction</p
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- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >foo</a
- ></p
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- >DeprecatedFunction2</p
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- ><a href="" target="main"
- >foo</a
- ></p
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- >DeprecatedFunction3</p
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- ><a href="" target="main"
- >foo</a
- ></p
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- >DeprecatedModule</p
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- ><a href="" target="main"
- >foo</a
- ></p
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- >DeprecatedModule2</p
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- ><a href="" target="main"
- >foo</a
- ></p
- ></div
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- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >SomeNewType</a
- > </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >SomeOtherNewType</a
- > </p
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- >DeprecatedRecord</p
- ></div
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- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >Foo</a
- > </p
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- >DeprecatedTypeFamily</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data family</span
- > <a href=""
- >SomeTypeFamily</a
- > k :: * -&gt; *</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data family</span
- > <a href=""
- >SomeOtherTypeFamily</a
- > k :: * -&gt; *</p
- ></div
- ></div
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- ></html
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- >DeprecatedTypeSynonym</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >type</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >TypeSyn</a
- > </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >type</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >OtherTypeSyn</a
- > </p
- ></div
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- >Examples</p
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- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >fib</a
- ></p
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- ><p class="caption"
- >FunArgs</p
- ></div
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- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >f</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >g</a
- ></p
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- ><p class="caption"
- >GADTRecords</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >H1</a
- > a b</p
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- ><p class="caption"
- >Hash</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >The <code
- >HashTable</code
- > type
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >HashTable</a
- > key val</p
- ></div
- ><h2
- >Operations on <code
- >HashTable</code
- >s
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >new</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >insert</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >lookup</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><h1
- >The <code
- >Hash</code
- > class
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >Hash</a
- > a</p
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- ></html
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- >IgnoreExports</title
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- >IgnoreExports</p
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- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >foo</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >bar</a
- ></p
- ></div
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- >ModuleWithWarning</title
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- ><p class="caption"
- >ModuleWithWarning</p
- ></div
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- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >foo</a
- ></p
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- ><p class="caption"
- >NamedDoc</p
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- >NoLayout</p
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- ><a href="" target="main"
- >g</a
- ></p
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- >NonGreedy</title
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- ><p class="caption"
- >NonGreedy</p
- ></div
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- ><a href="" target="main"
- >f</a
- ></p
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- >PruneWithWarning</title
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- ><p class="caption"
- >PruneWithWarning</p
- ></div
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- >QuasiExpr</title
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- ><p class="caption"
- >QuasiExpr</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >Expr</a
- > </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >BinOp</a
- > </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >eval</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >expr</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >parseExprExp</a
- ></p
- ></div
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- ></body
- ></html
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- >QuasiQuote</title
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- ><p class="caption"
- >QuasiQuote</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >val</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
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- >TH</title
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- ><p class="caption"
- >TH</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >decl</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
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- >TH2</title
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- ><p class="caption"
- >TH2</p
- ></div
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- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >f</a
- ></p
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- ><body id="mini"
- ><div id="module-header"
- ><p class="caption"
- >Test</p
- ></div
- ><div id="interface"
- ><h1
- >Type declarations
- ><h2
- >Data types
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >T</a
- > a b</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >T2</a
- > a b</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >T3</a
- > a b</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >T4</a
- > a b</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >T5</a
- > a b</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >T6</a
- > </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >N1</a
- > a</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >N2</a
- > a b</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >N3</a
- > a b</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >N4</a
- > a b</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >N5</a
- > a b</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >N6</a
- > a b</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >N7</a
- > a b</p
- ></div
- ><h2
- >Records
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >R</a
- > </p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >R1</a
- > </p
- ></div
- ><h1
- >Class declarations
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >C</a
- > a</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >D</a
- > a</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >E</a
- > a</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >F</a
- > a</p
- ></div
- ><h1
- >Function types
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >f</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><h1
- >Auxiliary stuff
- ><h1
- >A hidden module
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >hidden</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><h1
- >A visible module
- ><h1
- >Existential / Universal types
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >Ex</a
- > a</p
- ></div
- ><h1
- >Type signatures with argument docs
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >k</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >l</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >m</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><h1
- >A section
- ><h2
- >A subsection
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >f'</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >withType</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >withoutType</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ></div
- ></body
- ></html
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- >data</span
- > a <a href="" target="main"
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- >TypeFamilies</p
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- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >type family</span
- > <a href=""
- >G</a
- > a :: *</p
- ></div
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- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >class</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >A</a
- > a</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >type family</span
- > <a href=""
- >F</a
- > a </p
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- >g</a
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- >TypeOperators</p
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- ><h1
- >stuff
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > a <a href="" target="main"
- >:-:</a
- > b</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > (a <a href="" target="main"
- >:+:</a
- > b) c</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >Op</a
- > a b</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >O</a
- > g f a</p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><a href="" target="main"
- >biO</a
- ></p
- ></div
- ><div class="top"
- ><p class="src"
- ><span class="keyword"
- >data</span
- > <a href="" target="main"
- >Flip</a
- > (~&gt;) b a</p
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- >x</a
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- >visible</a
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deleted file mode 100644
index 10563664..00000000
--- a/tests/unit-tests/.ghci
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-:set -i../../src -i../../dist/build/autogen -i../../dist/build/haddock/haddock-tmp/ -packageghc -optP-include -optP../../dist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -XCPP -XDeriveDataTypeable -XScopedTypeVariables -XMagicHash
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/parsetests.hs b/tests/unit-tests/parsetests.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7180a79e..00000000
--- a/tests/unit-tests/parsetests.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, IncoherentInstances #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-module Main (main) where
-import Test.HUnit
-import RdrName (RdrName)
-import DynFlags (defaultDynFlags)
-import Haddock.Lex (tokenise)
-import Haddock.Parse (parseParas)
-import Haddock.Types
-import Outputable
-instance Outputable a => Show a where
- show = showSDoc . ppr
-deriving instance Show a => Show (Doc a)
-deriving instance Eq a =>Eq (Doc a)
-data ParseTest = ParseTest {
- input :: String
- , result :: (Maybe (Doc RdrName))
- }
-tests :: [ParseTest]
-tests = [
- ParseTest {
- input = "foobar"
- , result = Just $ DocParagraph $ DocString "foobar\n"
- }
- , ParseTest {
- input = "foobar\n\n>>> fib 10\n55"
- , result = Just $ DocAppend (DocParagraph $ DocString "foobar\n") (DocExamples $ [Example "fib 10" ["55"]])
- }
- , ParseTest {
- input = "foobar\n>>> fib 10\n55"
- , result = Nothing -- parse error
- }
- , ParseTest {
- input = "foobar\n\n> some code"
- , result = Just (DocAppend (DocParagraph (DocString "foobar\n")) (DocCodeBlock (DocString " some code\n")))
- }
- , ParseTest {
- input = "foobar\n> some code"
- , result = Nothing -- parse error
- }
- -- test <BLANKLINE> support
- , ParseTest {
- input = ">>> putFooBar\nfoo\n<BLANKLINE>\nbar"
- , result = Just $ DocExamples $ [Example "putFooBar" ["foo","","bar"]]
- }
- ]
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
- _ <- runTestTT $ TestList $ map toTestCase tests
- return ();
- where
- toTestCase :: ParseTest -> Test
- toTestCase (ParseTest s r) = TestCase $ assertEqual s r (parse s)
- parse :: String -> Maybe (Doc RdrName)
- parse s = parseParas $ tokenise (defaultDynFlags undefined) s (0,0)
diff --git a/tests/unit-tests/runparsetests.sh b/tests/unit-tests/runparsetests.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index ead0ccf5..00000000
--- a/tests/unit-tests/runparsetests.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-cd `dirname $0`
-runhaskell \
- -i../../src \
- -i../../dist/build/autogen \
- -i../../dist/build/haddock/haddock-tmp/ \
- -packageghc \
- -optP-include \
- -optP../../dist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h \
- -XCPP \
- -XDeriveDataTypeable \
- -XScopedTypeVariables \
- -XMagicHash \
- parsetests.hs