diff options
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index 1043482a..c0e9745f 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -60,13 +60,21 @@ import Packages
-- Top-level stuff
+type CheckedMods = [(Module, FullyCheckedMod, FilePath)]
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
- (libDir, rest) <- getLibDir args
- (session, nonGHCOpts) <- startGHC libDir rest
- (flags, args) <- parseHaddockOpts nonGHCOpts
- run flags args session
+ (libDir, rest) <- getLibDir args
+ (session, ghcFlags, nonGHCOpts) <- startGHC libDir rest
+ (flags, args) <- parseHaddockOpts nonGHCOpts
+ handleEagerFlags flags
+ modules <- sortAndCheckModules session ghcFlags args
+ (ifaces, htmls) <- getIfacesAndHtmls flags ghcFlags
+ let (modss, envs) = unzip ifaces
+ updateHTMLXRefs htmls modss
+ -- TODO: continue to break up the run function into parts
+ run flags modules envs
parseHaddockOpts :: [String] -> IO ([Flag], [String])
parseHaddockOpts words =
@@ -76,15 +84,18 @@ parseHaddockOpts words =
prog <- getProgramName
die (concat errors ++ usageInfo (usageHeader prog) (options False))
+usageHeader :: String -> String
+usageHeader prog = "Usage: " ++ prog ++ " [OPTION...] file...\n"
getLibDir :: [String] -> IO (String, [String])
getLibDir ("-B":dir:rest) = return (dir, rest)
getLibDir (('-':'B':dir):rest) | not (null dir) = return (dir, rest)
getLibDir _ = die "Missing GHC lib dir option: -B <dir>\n"
--- | Initialize GHC, then parse the passed in strings and set the corresponding
+-- | Initialize GHC, parse the passed in strings and set the corresponding
-- GHC flags (if any). Also add the -haddock flag. Return the Session handle
-- and the strings that were not GHC flags.
-startGHC :: String -> [String] -> IO (Session, [String])
+startGHC :: String -> [String] -> IO (Session, DynFlags, [String])
startGHC libDir possibleOpts = do
GHC.init (Just libDir)
let ghcMode = JustTypecheck
@@ -94,10 +105,48 @@ startGHC libDir possibleOpts = do
(flags'', nonOpts) <- parseDynamicFlags flags' possibleOpts
let flags''' = dopt_set flags'' Opt_Haddock
setSessionDynFlags session flags'''
- return (session, nonOpts)
-usageHeader :: String -> String
-usageHeader prog = "Usage: " ++ prog ++ " [OPTION...] file...\n"
+ return (session, flags''', nonOpts)
+sortAndCheckModules :: Session -> DynFlags -> [FilePath] ->
+ IO [(Module, FullyCheckedMod, FilePath)]
+sortAndCheckModules session flags files = defaultErrorHandler flags $ do
+ targets <- mapM (\s -> guessTarget s Nothing) files
+ setTargets session targets
+ mbModGraph <- depanal session [] True
+ moduleGraph <- case mbModGraph of
+ Just mg -> return mg
+ Nothing -> die "Failed to load all modules\n"
+ let
+ modSumFile = fromJust . ml_hs_file . ms_location
+ sortedGraph = topSortModuleGraph False moduleGraph Nothing
+ sortedModules = concatMap Digraph.flattenSCC sortedGraph
+ modsAndFiles = [ (ms_mod modsum, modSumFile modsum) |
+ modsum <- sortedModules,
+ modSumFile modsum `elem` files ]
+ checkedMods <- mapM (\(mod, file) -> do
+ mbMod <- checkModule session mod
+ checkedMod <- case mbMod of
+ Just m -> return m
+ Nothing -> die ("Failed to load module: " ++ moduleString mod)
+ return (mod, checkedMod, file)) modsAndFiles
+ ensureFullyChecked checkedMods
+ where
+ ensureFullyChecked modules
+ | length modules' == length modules = return modules'
+ | otherwise = die "Fail to check all modules properly\n"
+ where modules' = [ (mod, (a,b,c,d), f) |
+ (mod, CheckedModule a (Just b) (Just c) (Just d), f)
+ <- modules ]
+getIfacesAndHtmls :: [Flag] -> DynFlags -> IO ([Interface], [FilePath])
+getIfacesAndHtmls flags dynflags = do
+ packageFiles <- getPackageFiles dynflags
+ let
+ readIfaceFlags = [ parseIfaceOption str | Flag_ReadInterface str <- flags ]
+ totalFiles = packageFiles ++ readIfaceFlags
+ (htmlPaths, ifacePaths) = unzip totalFiles
+ ifaces <- mapM readIface ifacePaths
+ return (ifaces, htmlPaths)
data Flag
= Flag_CSS String
@@ -198,19 +247,23 @@ options backwardsCompat =
"the modules being processed depend on PACKAGE"
-run :: [Flag] -> [FilePath] -> Session -> IO ()
-run flags files session = do
+handleEagerFlags flags = do
whenFlag Flag_Help $ do
prog <- getProgramName
bye (usageInfo (usageHeader prog) (options False))
whenFlag Flag_Version $
bye ("Haddock version " ++ projectVersion ++
", (c) Simon Marlow 2003; port to GHC-api by David Waern 2006\n")
+ when ((Flag_GenIndex `elem` flags || Flag_GenContents `elem` flags)
+ && Flag_Html `elem` flags) $
+ die ("-h cannot be used with --gen-index or --gen-contents")
+ where
+ whenFlag flag action = when (flag `elem` flags) action
- let
+run :: [Flag] -> CheckedMods -> [Map Name Name] -> IO ()
+run flags modules extEnvs = do
+ let
title = case [str | Flag_Heading str <- flags] of
[] -> ""
(t:_) -> t
@@ -245,8 +298,6 @@ run flags files session = do
[] -> Nothing
fs -> Just (last fs)
- readIfaceFlags = [ parseIfaceOption str | Flag_ReadInterface str <- flags ]
maybe_contents_url =
case [url | Flag_UseContents url <- flags] of
[] -> Nothing
@@ -264,88 +315,36 @@ run flags files session = do
prologue <- getPrologue flags
- when ((Flag_GenIndex `elem` flags || Flag_GenContents `elem` flags)
- && Flag_Html `elem` flags) $
- die ("-h cannot be used with --gen-index or --gen-contents")
- ghcFlags <- getSessionDynFlags session
- sorted_checked_modules <- defaultErrorHandler ghcFlags $ do
- targets <- mapM (\s -> guessTarget s Nothing) files
- setTargets session targets
- maybe_module_graph <- depanal session [] True
- module_graph <- case maybe_module_graph of
- Just module_graph -> return module_graph
- Nothing -> die "Failed to load modules 1\n"
- let
- modSumFile = fromJust . ml_hs_file . ms_location
- sorted_modules = concatMap Digraph.flattenSCC (topSortModuleGraph False module_graph Nothing)
- (modules, filenames) = unzip [ (ms_mod modsum, modSumFile modsum) | modsum <- sorted_modules,
- modSumFile modsum `elem` files ]
- --print_ modules
- mb_checked_modules <- mapM (checkModule session) modules
- let checked_modules = catMaybes mb_checked_modules
- if length checked_modules /= length mb_checked_modules
- then die "Failed to load all modules 2\n"
- else return (zip3 modules checked_modules filenames)
- sorted_checked_modules' <- remove_maybes sorted_checked_modules
- let (modMap, messages) = runWriter (pass1 sorted_checked_modules' flags package)
- haddockModules = catMaybes [ Map.lookup mod modMap |
- (mod, _, file) <- sorted_checked_modules',
- file `elem` files ]
- packageFiles <- getPackageFiles ghcFlags
- --print packageFiles
- totalFiles = packageFiles ++ readIfaceFlags
- (htmlPaths, ifacePaths) = unzip totalFiles
- ifaces <- mapM readIface ifacePaths
- let
- (moduless, extEnvs) = unzip ifaces
- homeEnv = buildGlobalDocEnv haddockModules
+ (modMap, messages) = runWriter (pass1 modules flags package)
+ haddockMods = catMaybes [ Map.lookup mod modMap | (mod,_,_) <- modules ]
+ homeEnv = buildGlobalDocEnv haddockMods
env = Map.unions (homeEnv:extEnvs)
- haddockModules' = attachInstances haddockModules
- (haddockModules'', messages') = runWriter $ mapM (renameModule env) haddockModules'
+ haddockMods' = attachInstances haddockMods
+ (haddockMods'', messages') = runWriter $ mapM (renameModule env) haddockMods'
- updateHTMLXRefs htmlPaths moduless
--- putStrLn "pass 1 messages:"
mapM_ putStrLn messages
-{- putStrLn "pass 1 export items:"
- printSDoc (ppr (map hmod_export_items haddockModules')) defaultUserStyle
- putStrLn "pass 2 env:"
- printSDoc (ppr (Map.toList env)) defaultUserStyle
- putStrLn "pass 2 export items:"
- printSDoc (ppr (map hmod_rn_export_items haddockModules'')) defaultUserStyle -}
mapM_ putStrLn messages'
- let visibleModules = [ m | m <- haddockModules'', OptHide `notElem` (hmod_options m) ]
+ let visibleMods = [ m | m <- haddockMods'', OptHide `notElem` (hmod_options m) ]
when (Flag_GenIndex `elem` flags) $ do
ppHtmlIndex odir title package maybe_html_help_format
maybe_contents_url maybe_source_urls maybe_wiki_urls
- visibleModules
+ visibleMods
copyHtmlBits odir libdir css_file
when (Flag_GenContents `elem` flags && Flag_GenIndex `elem` flags) $ do
- ppHtmlHelpFiles title package visibleModules odir maybe_html_help_format []
+ ppHtmlHelpFiles title package visibleMods odir maybe_html_help_format []
when (Flag_GenContents `elem` flags) $ do
ppHtmlContents odir title package maybe_html_help_format
maybe_index_url maybe_source_urls maybe_wiki_urls
- visibleModules prologue
+ visibleMods prologue
copyHtmlBits odir libdir css_file
when (Flag_Html `elem` flags) $ do
- ppHtml title package visibleModules odir
+ ppHtml title package visibleMods odir
prologue maybe_html_help_format
maybe_source_urls maybe_wiki_urls
maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url
@@ -356,18 +355,12 @@ run flags files session = do
-- dump an interface if requested
case dumpIface of
Nothing -> return ()
- Just fn -> dumpInterfaces env (map hmod_mod visibleModules) fn
+ Just fn -> dumpInterfaces env (map hmod_mod visibleMods) fn
- whenFlag flag action = when (flag `elem` flags) action
pprList [] = []
pprList [x] = show x
pprList (x:xs) = show x ++ ", " ++ pprList xs
- remove_maybes modules | length modules' == length modules = return modules'
- | otherwise = die "Missing checked module phase information\n"
- where modules' = [ (mod, (a,b,c,d), f) | (mod, CheckedModule a (Just b) (Just c) (Just d), f) <- modules ]
print_ x = printSDoc (ppr x) defaultUserStyle
instance Outputable (DocEntity Name) where
@@ -382,18 +375,18 @@ instance Show a => Show (DocDecl a) where
show (DocCommentPrev doc) = "prev" ++ show doc
show _ = "other"
-type FullyCheckedModule = (ParsedSource,
- RenamedSource,
- TypecheckedSource,
- ModuleInfo)
+type FullyCheckedMod = (ParsedSource,
+ RenamedSource,
+ TypecheckedSource,
+ ModuleInfo)
printEntity (DocEntity doc) = show doc
printEntity (DeclEntity name) = show $ ppr name defaultUserStyle
-pass1 :: [(Module, FullyCheckedModule, FilePath)] -> [Flag] -> Maybe String -> ErrMsgM ModuleMap2
+pass1 :: [(Module, FullyCheckedMod, FilePath)] -> [Flag] -> Maybe String -> ErrMsgM ModuleMap2
pass1 modules flags package = worker modules (Map.empty) flags
- worker :: [(Module, FullyCheckedModule, FilePath)] -> ModuleMap2 -> [Flag] -> ErrMsgM ModuleMap2
+ worker :: [(Module, FullyCheckedMod, FilePath)] -> ModuleMap2 -> [Flag] -> ErrMsgM ModuleMap2
worker [] moduleMap _ = return moduleMap
worker ((mod, checked_mod, filename):rest_modules) moduleMap flags = do
@@ -1075,7 +1068,7 @@ getPackageFiles dynflags = do
ifaceExists <- doesFileExist iface
when (not ifaceExists) $
- throwIO (ErrorCall ("Interace " ++ iface ++ " does not exist."))
+ throwIO (ErrorCall ("Interface " ++ iface ++ " does not exist."))
return (html, iface)
@@ -1117,7 +1110,9 @@ mkName mdl occ = mkExternalName (mkUnique 'X' 0) mdl occ Nothing noSrcLoc
--type StoredInterface2 =
-- (Module,Maybe Doc,Maybe String,Bool,[(HsName,Module)], [(HsName,[HsName])])
-readIface :: FilePath -> IO ([Module], Map Name Name)
+type Interface = ([Module], Map Name Name)
+readIface :: FilePath -> IO Interface
readIface fileName = do
bh <- readBinMem fileName
formatVersion <- get bh