diff options
5 files changed, 301 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/hoogle-test/ref/Bug722/test.txt b/hoogle-test/ref/Bug722/test.txt
index 96f3747b..2f44ed8f 100644
--- a/hoogle-test/ref/Bug722/test.txt
+++ b/hoogle-test/ref/Bug722/test.txt
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Bug722
class Foo a
(!@#) :: Foo a => a -> a -> a
infixl 4 !@#
-type family &* :: * -> * -> *
+type family (&*) :: * -> * -> *
infixr 3 &*
data a :-& b
(:^&) :: a -> b -> (:-&) a b
diff --git a/html-test/ref/UnboxedStuff.html b/html-test/ref/UnboxedStuff.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c1196b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html-test/ref/UnboxedStuff.html
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
+ ><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
+ /><title
+ >UnboxedStuff</title
+ ><link href="#" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Ocean"
+ /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="#"
+ /><script src="haddock-bundle.min.js" async="async" type="text/javascript"
+ ></script
+ ><script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.0/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML" type="text/javascript"
+ ></script
+ ></head
+ ><body
+ ><div id="package-header"
+ ><ul class="links" id="page-menu"
+ ><li
+ ><a href="#"
+ >Contents</a
+ ></li
+ ><li
+ ><a href="#"
+ >Index</a
+ ></li
+ ></ul
+ ><p class="caption empty"
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ><div id="content"
+ ><div id="module-header"
+ ><table class="info"
+ ><tr
+ ><th
+ >Safe Haskell</th
+ ><td
+ >Safe</td
+ ></tr
+ ></table
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >UnboxedStuff</p
+ ></div
+ ><div id="table-of-contents"
+ ><p class="caption"
+ >Contents</p
+ ><ul
+ ><li
+ ><a href="#"
+ >Unboxed type constructors</a
+ ></li
+ ></ul
+ ></div
+ ><div id="synopsis"
+ ><details id="syn"
+ ><summary
+ >Synopsis</summary
+ ><ul class="details-toggle" data-details-id="syn"
+ ><li class="src short"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#"
+ >X</a
+ ></li
+ ><li class="src short"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#"
+ >Y</a
+ ></li
+ ><li class="src short"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a href="#"
+ >Z</a
+ ></li
+ ><li class="src short"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >unboxedUnit</a
+ > :: (# #) -&gt; (# #)</li
+ ><li class="src short"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >unboxedTuple</a
+ > :: (# <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >X</a
+ >, <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >Y</a
+ > #) -&gt; (# <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >X</a
+ >, <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >Y</a
+ >, <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >Z</a
+ > #)</li
+ ><li class="src short"
+ ><a href="#"
+ >unboxedSum</a
+ > :: (# <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >X</a
+ > | <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >Y</a
+ > #) -&gt; (# <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >X</a
+ > | <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >Y</a
+ > | <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >Z</a
+ > #)</li
+ ></ul
+ ></details
+ ></div
+ ><div id="interface"
+ ><h1
+ >Documentation</h1
+ ><div class="top"
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a id="t:X" class="def"
+ >X</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ><div class="top"
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a id="t:Y" class="def"
+ >Y</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ><div class="top"
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><span class="keyword"
+ >data</span
+ > <a id="t:Z" class="def"
+ >Z</a
+ > <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ><a href="#" id="g:1"
+ ><h1
+ >Unboxed type constructors</h1
+ ></a
+ ><div class="top"
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a id="v:unboxedUnit" class="def"
+ >unboxedUnit</a
+ > :: (# #) -&gt; (# #) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ><div class="top"
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a id="v:unboxedTuple" class="def"
+ >unboxedTuple</a
+ > :: (# <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >X</a
+ >, <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >Y</a
+ > #) -&gt; (# <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >X</a
+ >, <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >Y</a
+ >, <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >Z</a
+ > #) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ><div class="top"
+ ><p class="src"
+ ><a id="v:unboxedSum" class="def"
+ >unboxedSum</a
+ > :: (# <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >X</a
+ > | <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >Y</a
+ > #) -&gt; (# <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >X</a
+ > | <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >Y</a
+ > | <a href="#" title="UnboxedStuff"
+ >Z</a
+ > #) <a href="#" class="selflink"
+ >#</a
+ ></p
+ ></div
+ ></div
+ ></div
+ ><div id="footer"
+ ></div
+ ></body
+ ></html
+> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/latex-test/ref/UnboxedStuff/UnboxedStuff.tex b/latex-test/ref/UnboxedStuff/UnboxedStuff.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36d5c12b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/latex-test/ref/UnboxedStuff/UnboxedStuff.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+module UnboxedStuff (
+ X, Y, Z, unboxedUnit, unboxedTuple, unboxedSum
+ ) where\end{verbatim}}
+data\ X
+data\ Y
+data\ Z
+\section{Unboxed type constructors}
+unboxedUnit\ ::\ ({\char '43}\ {\char '43})\ ->\ ({\char '43}\ {\char '43})
+unboxedTuple\ ::\ ({\char '43}\ X,\ Y\ {\char '43})\ ->\ ({\char '43}\ X,\ Y,\ Z\ {\char '43})
+unboxedSum\ ::\ ({\char '43}\ X\ |\ Y\ {\char '43})\ ->\ ({\char '43}\ X\ |\ Y\ |\ Z\ {\char '43})
+\end{haddockdesc} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/latex-test/ref/UnboxedStuff/haddock.sty b/latex-test/ref/UnboxedStuff/haddock.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e031a98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/latex-test/ref/UnboxedStuff/haddock.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+% Default Haddock style definitions. To use your own style, invoke
+% Haddock with the option --latex-style=mystyle.
+\usepackage{tabulary} % see below
+% make hyperlinks in the PDF, and add an expandabale index
+ {\begin{center}\bgroup\large\bfseries}
+ {\egroup\end{center}}
+% a little gap before the ``Methods'' header
+% inserted before \\begin{verbatim}
+% an identifier: add an index entry
+% The tabulary environment lets us have a column that takes up ``the
+% rest of the space''. Unfortunately it doesn't allow
+% the \end{tabulary} to be in the expansion of a macro, it must appear
+% literally in the document text, so Haddock inserts
+% the \end{tabulary} itself.
+\newcommand{\haddocktt}[1]{{\small \texttt{#1}}}
+\newcommand{\haddockdecltt}[1]{{\small\bfseries \texttt{#1}}}
+ {\list{}{\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin
+ \let\makelabel\haddocklabel}}
+ {\endlist}
+% after a declaration, start a new line for the documentation.
+% Otherwise, the documentation starts right after the declaration,
+% because we're using the list environment and the declaration is the
+% ``label''. I tried making this newline part of the label, but
+% couldn't get that to work reliably (the space seemed to stretch
+% sometimes).
+% spacing between paragraphs and no \parindent looks better
+\parskip=10pt plus2pt minus2pt
diff --git a/latex-test/ref/UnboxedStuff/main.tex b/latex-test/ref/UnboxedStuff/main.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e34c5f14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/latex-test/ref/UnboxedStuff/main.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file