path: root/cabal.project
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cabal.project')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/cabal.project b/cabal.project
index 7395af85..bac38a52 100644
--- a/cabal.project
+++ b/cabal.project
@@ -3,12 +3,189 @@ packages: ./
-with-compiler: ghc-9.0
+with-compiler: ghc-9.2
+active-repositories: hackage.haskell.org, head.hackage.ghc.haskell.org:override
- ghc-paths:Cabal,
- *:base,
- *:ghc-prim
+ Cabal,
+ base,
+ binary,
+ bytestring,
+ ghc,
+ ghc-prim,
+ integer-gmp,
+ template-haskell,
+ text,
+ time
+repository head.hackage.ghc.haskell.org
+ url: https://ghc.gitlab.haskell.org/head.hackage/
+ secure: True
+ key-threshold: 3
+ root-keys:
+ f76d08be13e9a61a377a85e2fb63f4c5435d40f8feb3e12eb05905edb8cdea89
+ 26021a13b401500c8eb2761ca95c61f2d625bfef951b939a8124ed12ecf07329
+ 7541f32a4ccca4f97aea3b22f5e593ba2c0267546016b992dfadcd2fe944e55d
--- Pinning the index-state helps to make reasonably CI deterministic
-index-state: 2021-05-13T06:18:55Z
+ Cabal == || == || ==,
+ EdisonAPI ==1.3.1,
+ EdisonCore ==,
+ FPretty ==1.1,
+ HTTP ==4000.3.16,
+ HUnit ==,
+ QuickCheck ==2.14.2,
+ Spock-core ==,
+ active ==,
+ aeson ==,
+ aivika ==5.9.1,
+ aivika-transformers ==5.9.1,
+ alex ==3.2.6,
+ ansi-pretty ==,
+ arith-encode ==1.0.2,
+ attoparsec == || ==0.14.1,
+ barbies ==,
+ barbies-th ==0.1.8,
+ base-compat ==0.11.2,
+ base-compat-batteries ==0.11.2,
+ base16-bytestring ==,
+ basement ==0.0.12,
+ bits ==0.5.3,
+ blaze-builder ==,
+ boomerang ==1.4.7,
+ bound ==2.0.3,
+ box-tuples ==,
+ byteslice ==,
+ bytesmith ==,
+ bytestring-strict-builder ==,
+ cabal-doctest ==1.0.8,
+ cantor-pairing ==,
+ cassava ==,
+ cborg ==,
+ cereal ==,
+ charset ==0.3.8,
+ chaselev-deque ==,
+ colour ==2.3.5,
+ combinat ==,
+ commonmark-extensions ==,
+ conduit ==,
+ constraints ==0.13,
+ constraints-extras ==,
+ cql ==4.0.3,
+ critbit ==,
+ cryptonite ==0.28 || ==0.29,
+ data-default-instances-new-base ==0.0.2,
+ data-dword ==0.3.2,
+ data-r-tree ==0.6.0,
+ deferred-folds ==0.9.17,
+ deriving-compat ==0.5.10,
+ diagrams-lib ==1.4.3,
+ doctest ==0.16.3 || ==0.18.1,
+ drinkery ==0.4,
+ emacs-module ==0.1.1,
+ endo ==,
+ entropy ==,
+ enumeration ==0.2.0,
+ extra ==1.7.9,
+ fclabels ==2.0.5,
+ filepattern ==0.1.2,
+ focus ==1.0.2,
+ free-algebras ==,
+ free-functors ==1.2.1,
+ generic-deriving ==1.14,
+ generic-lens ==,
+ generic-lens-core ==,
+ generic-optics ==,
+ generics-sop ==,
+ happy ==1.20.0,
+ hashtables ==,
+ haskeline ==,
+ haskell-src-exts ==1.23.1,
+ haskell-src-meta ==0.8.7,
+ heterocephalus ==,
+ hgeometry ==,
+ hgeometry-ipe ==,
+ hspec-discover ==2.8.2,
+ hspec-expectations ==0.8.2,
+ hspec-meta ==2.7.8,
+ hspec-wai ==0.11.1,
+ http-types ==0.12.3,
+ http2 ==3.0.1,
+ hvect ==,
+ hxt ==,
+ inj-base ==,
+ inspection-testing ==,
+ integer-roots ==1.0,
+ invariant ==0.5.4,
+ io-choice ==0.0.7,
+ iproute ==1.7.11,
+ language-haskell-extract ==0.2.4,
+ lens ==4.19.2 || ==5.0.1,
+ lens-family-th ==,
+ list-t ==1.0.4,
+ memory ==0.15.0 || ==0.16.0,
+ monad-validate ==,
+ monadplus ==1.4.2,
+ mono-traversable ==,
+ mono-traversable-keys ==0.1.0,
+ mustache ==2.3.1,
+ network ==,
+ newtype-generics ==0.6,
+ numtype-dk ==,
+ obdd ==0.8.2,
+ packman ==0.5.0,
+ pandoc ==2.13,
+ parameterized-utils ==,
+ partial-isomorphisms ==,
+ plots ==,
+ pointed ==5.0.2,
+ posix-api ==,
+ primitive ==,
+ primitive-extras ==0.10.1,
+ primitive-sort ==,
+ primitive-unlifted ==,
+ proto3-wire ==1.2.2,
+ quickcheck-instances ==,
+ random ==1.2.0,
+ row-types ==,
+ safe ==0.3.19,
+ safecopy ==,
+ salak ==0.3.6,
+ semialign ==1.2,
+ semigroupoids ==5.3.5,
+ serialise ==,
+ servant ==0.18.2,
+ shake ==0.19.4,
+ shakespeare ==2.0.25,
+ singletons ==2.7 || ==3.0,
+ singletons-base ==3.0,
+ siphash ==1.0.3,
+ streaming-bytestring ==0.2.0,
+ streaming-commons ==,
+ subcategories ==,
+ tasty ==1.4.1,
+ test-framework ==,
+ text-format ==0.3.2,
+ text-short ==0.1.3,
+ text-show ==3.9,
+ th-desugar ==1.11 || ==1.12,
+ tls ==1.5.5,
+ tpdb ==2.2.0,
+ tree-diff ==0.2,
+ true-name ==,
+ uniplate ==1.6.13,
+ vector-builder ==,
+ vector-circular ==0.1.3,
+ vector-th-unbox ==,
+ vinyl ==0.13.3,
+ wai-extra ==3.1.6,
+ wai-middleware-static ==0.9.0,
+ warp ==3.3.15,
+ winery ==1.3.2,
+ witherable ==0.4.1,
+ x509-validation ==1.6.11,
+ xlsx ==0.8.3,
+ xml-hamlet ==,
+ yaml ==,
+ yesod-core ==1.6.20