path: root/haddock-api/src/Haddock.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'haddock-api/src/Haddock.hs')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock.hs
index 662226a8..3543d8e2 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock.hs
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S)
import GHC hiding (verbosity)
import GHC.Settings.Config
import GHC.Driver.Session hiding (projectVersion, verbosity)
+import GHC.Driver.Env
import GHC.Utils.Error
import GHC.Unit
import GHC.Utils.Panic (handleGhcException)
@@ -177,6 +178,7 @@ haddockWithGhc ghc args = handleTopExceptions $ do
ghc flags' $ withDir $ do
dflags <- getDynFlags
+ unit_state <- hsc_units <$> getSession
forM_ (optShowInterfaceFile flags) $ \path -> liftIO $ do
mIfaceFile <- readInterfaceFiles freshNameCache [(("", Nothing), path)] noChecks
@@ -194,7 +196,7 @@ haddockWithGhc ghc args = handleTopExceptions $ do
-- Render the interfaces.
- liftIO $ renderStep dflags flags sinceQual qual packages ifaces
+ liftIO $ renderStep dflags unit_state flags sinceQual qual packages ifaces
else do
when (any (`elem` [Flag_Html, Flag_Hoogle, Flag_LaTeX]) flags) $
@@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ haddockWithGhc ghc args = handleTopExceptions $ do
packages <- liftIO $ readInterfaceFiles freshNameCache (readIfaceArgs flags) noChecks
-- Render even though there are no input files (usually contents/index).
- liftIO $ renderStep dflags flags sinceQual qual packages []
+ liftIO $ renderStep dflags unit_state flags sinceQual qual packages []
-- | Run the GHC action using a temporary output directory
withTempOutputDir :: Ghc a -> Ghc a
@@ -253,9 +255,9 @@ readPackagesAndProcessModules flags files = do
return (packages, ifaces, homeLinks)
-renderStep :: DynFlags -> [Flag] -> SinceQual -> QualOption
+renderStep :: DynFlags -> UnitState -> [Flag] -> SinceQual -> QualOption
-> [(DocPaths, InterfaceFile)] -> [Interface] -> IO ()
-renderStep dflags flags sinceQual nameQual pkgs interfaces = do
+renderStep dflags unit_state flags sinceQual nameQual pkgs interfaces = do
updateHTMLXRefs pkgs
ifaceFiles = map snd pkgs
@@ -264,12 +266,12 @@ renderStep dflags flags sinceQual nameQual pkgs interfaces = do
((_, Just path), ifile) <- pkgs
iface <- ifInstalledIfaces ifile
return (instMod iface, path)
- render dflags flags sinceQual nameQual interfaces installedIfaces extSrcMap
+ render dflags unit_state flags sinceQual nameQual interfaces installedIfaces extSrcMap
-- | Render the interfaces with whatever backend is specified in the flags.
-render :: DynFlags -> [Flag] -> SinceQual -> QualOption -> [Interface]
+render :: DynFlags -> UnitState -> [Flag] -> SinceQual -> QualOption -> [Interface]
-> [InstalledInterface] -> Map Module FilePath -> IO ()
-render dflags flags sinceQual qual ifaces installedIfaces extSrcMap = do
+render dflags unit_state flags sinceQual qual ifaces installedIfaces extSrcMap = do
title = fromMaybe "" (optTitle flags)
@@ -282,7 +284,6 @@ render dflags flags sinceQual qual ifaces installedIfaces extSrcMap = do
opt_latex_style = optLaTeXStyle flags
opt_source_css = optSourceCssFile flags
opt_mathjax = optMathjax flags
- pkgs = unitState dflags
| unicode = gopt_set dflags Opt_PrintUnicodeSyntax
| otherwise = dflags
@@ -296,7 +297,7 @@ render dflags flags sinceQual qual ifaces installedIfaces extSrcMap = do
pkgMod = fmap ifaceMod (listToMaybe ifaces)
pkgKey = fmap moduleUnit pkgMod
pkgStr = fmap unitString pkgKey
- pkgNameVer = modulePackageInfo dflags flags pkgMod
+ pkgNameVer = modulePackageInfo unit_state flags pkgMod
pkgName = fmap (unpackFS . (\(PackageName n) -> n)) (fst pkgNameVer)
sincePkg = case sinceQual of
External -> pkgName
@@ -341,7 +342,7 @@ render dflags flags sinceQual qual ifaces installedIfaces extSrcMap = do
-- records the *wired in* identity base. So untranslate it
-- so that we can service the request.
unwire :: Module -> Module
- unwire m = m { moduleUnit = unwireUnit (unitState dflags) (moduleUnit m) }
+ unwire m = m { moduleUnit = unwireUnit unit_state (moduleUnit m) }
reexportedIfaces <- concat `fmap` (for (reexportFlags flags) $ \mod_str -> do
let warn = hPutStrLn stderr . ("Warning: " ++)
@@ -372,7 +373,7 @@ render dflags flags sinceQual qual ifaces installedIfaces extSrcMap = do
when (Flag_GenContents `elem` flags) $ do
withTiming dflags' "ppHtmlContents" (const ()) $ do
_ <- {-# SCC ppHtmlContents #-}
- ppHtmlContents pkgs odir title pkgStr
+ ppHtmlContents unit_state odir title pkgStr
themes opt_mathjax opt_index_url sourceUrls' opt_wiki_urls
allVisibleIfaces True prologue pretty
sincePkg (makeContentsQual qual)
@@ -382,7 +383,7 @@ render dflags flags sinceQual qual ifaces installedIfaces extSrcMap = do
when (Flag_Html `elem` flags) $ do
withTiming dflags' "ppHtml" (const ()) $ do
_ <- {-# SCC ppHtml #-}
- ppHtml pkgs title pkgStr visibleIfaces reexportedIfaces odir
+ ppHtml unit_state title pkgStr visibleIfaces reexportedIfaces odir
themes opt_mathjax sourceUrls' opt_wiki_urls
opt_contents_url opt_index_url unicode sincePkg qual
@@ -402,7 +403,7 @@ render dflags flags sinceQual qual ifaces installedIfaces extSrcMap = do
pkgVer =
fromMaybe (makeVersion []) mpkgVer
- in ppHoogle dflags' pkgNameStr pkgVer title (fmap _doc prologue)
+ in ppHoogle dflags' unit_state pkgNameStr pkgVer title (fmap _doc prologue)
visibleIfaces odir
_ -> putStrLn . unlines $
[ "haddock: Unable to find a package providing module "
@@ -471,10 +472,10 @@ withGhc' libDir needHieFiles flags ghcActs = runGhc (Just libDir) $ do
-- that may need to be re-linked: Haddock doesn't do any
-- dynamic or static linking at all!
_ <- setSessionDynFlags dynflags''
- hscenv <- GHC.getSession
- dynflags''' <- liftIO (GHC.Runtime.Loader.initializePlugins hscenv dynflags'')
- _ <- setSessionDynFlags dynflags'''
- ghcActs dynflags'''
+ hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
+ hsc_env'' <- liftIO (GHC.Runtime.Loader.initializePlugins hsc_env)
+ _ <- GHC.setSession hsc_env''
+ ghcActs (hsc_dflags hsc_env'')
-- ignore sublists of flags that start with "+RTS" and end in "-RTS"