path: root/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs
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index 0ecf7109..00000000
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs
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-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
-module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Ast (enrich) where
-import qualified Haddock.Syb as Syb
-import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types
-import qualified GHC
-import qualified SrcLoc
-import qualified Outputable as GHC
-import Control.Applicative
-import Control.Monad (guard)
-import Data.Data
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-import Data.Maybe
-import Prelude hiding (span)
-everythingInRenamedSource :: (Alternative f, Data x)
- => (forall a. Data a => a -> f r) -> x -> f r
-everythingInRenamedSource f = Syb.everythingButType @GHC.Name (<|>) f
--- | Add more detailed information to token stream using GHC API.
-enrich :: GHC.RenamedSource -> [Token] -> [RichToken]
-enrich src =
- map $ \token -> RichToken
- { rtkToken = token
- , rtkDetails = enrichToken token detailsMap
- }
- where
- detailsMap =
- mkDetailsMap (concatMap ($ src)
- [ variables
- , types
- , decls
- , binds
- , imports
- ])
-type LTokenDetails = [(GHC.SrcSpan, TokenDetails)]
--- | A map containing association between source locations and "details" of
--- this location.
-type DetailsMap = Map.Map Position (Span, TokenDetails)
-mkDetailsMap :: [(GHC.SrcSpan, TokenDetails)] -> DetailsMap
-mkDetailsMap xs =
- Map.fromListWith select_details [ (start, (span, token_details))
- | (ghc_span, token_details) <- xs
- , GHC.RealSrcSpan span <- [ghc_span]
- , let start = SrcLoc.realSrcSpanStart span
- ]
- where
- -- favour token details which appear earlier in the list
- select_details _new old = old
-lookupBySpan :: Span -> DetailsMap -> Maybe TokenDetails
-lookupBySpan span details = do
- let pos = SrcLoc.realSrcSpanStart span
- (_, (tok_span, tok_details)) <- Map.lookupLE pos details
- guard (tok_span `SrcLoc.containsSpan` span)
- return tok_details
-enrichToken :: Token -> DetailsMap -> Maybe TokenDetails
-enrichToken (Token typ _ spn) dm
- | typ `elem` [TkIdentifier, TkOperator] = lookupBySpan spn dm
-enrichToken _ _ = Nothing
--- | Obtain details map for variables ("normally" used identifiers).
-variables :: GHC.RenamedSource -> LTokenDetails
-variables =
- everythingInRenamedSource (var `Syb.combine` rec)
- where
- var term = case cast term of
- (Just ((GHC.L sspan (GHC.HsVar _ name)) :: GHC.LHsExpr GHC.GhcRn)) ->
- pure (sspan, RtkVar (GHC.unLoc name))
- (Just (GHC.L _ (GHC.RecordCon _ (GHC.L sspan name) _))) ->
- pure (sspan, RtkVar name)
- _ -> empty
- rec term = case cast term of
- Just (GHC.HsRecField (GHC.L sspan name) (_ :: GHC.LHsExpr GHC.GhcRn) _) ->
- pure (sspan, RtkVar name)
- _ -> empty
--- | Obtain details map for types.
-types :: GHC.RenamedSource -> LTokenDetails
-types = everythingInRenamedSource ty
- where
- ty :: forall a. Data a => a -> [(GHC.SrcSpan, TokenDetails)]
- ty term = case cast term of
- (Just ((GHC.L sspan (GHC.HsTyVar _ _ name)) :: GHC.LHsType GHC.GhcRn)) ->
- pure (sspan, RtkType (GHC.unLoc name))
- (Just ((GHC.L sspan (GHC.HsOpTy _ l name r)) :: GHC.LHsType GHC.GhcRn)) ->
- (sspan, RtkType (GHC.unLoc name)):(ty l ++ ty r)
- _ -> empty
--- | Obtain details map for identifier bindings.
--- That includes both identifiers bound by pattern matching or declared using
--- ordinary assignment (in top-level declarations, let-expressions and where
--- clauses).
-binds :: GHC.RenamedSource -> LTokenDetails
-binds = everythingInRenamedSource
- (fun `Syb.combine` pat `Syb.combine` tvar)
- where
- fun term = case cast term of
- (Just (GHC.FunBind _ (GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _ :: GHC.HsBind GHC.GhcRn)) ->
- pure (sspan, RtkBind name)
- (Just (GHC.PatSynBind _ (GHC.PSB _ (GHC.L sspan name) args _ _))) ->
- pure (sspan, RtkBind name) ++ everythingInRenamedSource patsyn_binds args
- _ -> empty
- patsyn_binds term = case cast term of
- (Just (GHC.L sspan (name :: GHC.Name))) -> pure (sspan, RtkVar name)
- _ -> empty
- pat term = case cast term of
- (Just ((GHC.L sspan (GHC.VarPat _ name)) :: GHC.LPat GHC.GhcRn)) ->
- pure (sspan, RtkBind (GHC.unLoc name))
- (Just (GHC.L _ (GHC.ConPatIn (GHC.L sspan name) recs))) ->
- [(sspan, RtkVar name)] ++ everythingInRenamedSource rec recs
- (Just (GHC.L _ (GHC.AsPat _ (GHC.L sspan name) _))) ->
- pure (sspan, RtkBind name)
- _ -> empty
- rec term = case cast term of
- (Just (GHC.HsRecField (GHC.L sspan name) (_ :: GHC.LPat GHC.GhcRn) _)) ->
- pure (sspan, RtkVar name)
- _ -> empty
- tvar term = case cast term of
- (Just ((GHC.L sspan (GHC.UserTyVar _ name)) :: GHC.LHsTyVarBndr GHC.GhcRn)) ->
- pure (sspan, RtkBind (GHC.unLoc name))
- (Just (GHC.L _ (GHC.KindedTyVar _ (GHC.L sspan name) _))) ->
- pure (sspan, RtkBind name)
- _ -> empty
--- | Obtain details map for top-level declarations.
-decls :: GHC.RenamedSource -> LTokenDetails
-decls (group, _, _, _) = concatMap ($ group)
- [ concat . map typ . concat . map GHC.group_tyclds . GHC.hs_tyclds
- , everythingInRenamedSource fun . GHC.hs_valds
- , everythingInRenamedSource fix . GHC.hs_fixds
- , everythingInRenamedSource (con `Syb.combine` ins)
- ]
- where
- typ (GHC.L _ t) = case t of
- GHC.DataDecl { tcdLName = name } -> pure . decl $ name
- GHC.SynDecl _ name _ _ _ -> pure . decl $ name
- GHC.FamDecl _ fam -> pure . decl $ GHC.fdLName fam
- GHC.ClassDecl{..} ->
- [decl tcdLName]
- ++ concatMap sig tcdSigs
- ++ concatMap tyfam tcdATs
- GHC.XTyClDecl {} -> GHC.panic "haddock:decls"
- fun term = case cast term of
- (Just (GHC.FunBind _ (GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _ :: GHC.HsBind GHC.GhcRn))
- | GHC.isExternalName name -> pure (sspan, RtkDecl name)
- (Just (GHC.PatSynBind _ (GHC.PSB _ (GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _)))
- | GHC.isExternalName name -> pure (sspan, RtkDecl name)
- _ -> empty
- con term = case cast term of
- (Just (cdcl :: GHC.ConDecl GHC.GhcRn)) ->
- map decl (GHC.getConNames cdcl)
- ++ everythingInRenamedSource fld cdcl
- Nothing -> empty
- ins term = case cast term of
- (Just ((GHC.DataFamInstD _ (GHC.DataFamInstDecl eqn))
- :: GHC.InstDecl GHC.GhcRn))
- -> pure . tyref $ GHC.feqn_tycon $ GHC.hsib_body eqn
- (Just (GHC.TyFamInstD _ (GHC.TyFamInstDecl eqn))) ->
- pure . tyref $ GHC.feqn_tycon $ GHC.hsib_body eqn
- _ -> empty
- fld term = case cast term of
- Just (field :: GHC.ConDeclField GHC.GhcRn)
- -> map (decl . fmap GHC.extFieldOcc) $ GHC.cd_fld_names field
- Nothing -> empty
- fix term = case cast term of
- Just ((GHC.FixitySig _ names _) :: GHC.FixitySig GHC.GhcRn)
- -> map (\(GHC.L sspan x) -> (sspan, RtkVar x)) names
- Just ((GHC.XFixitySig {}) :: GHC.FixitySig GHC.GhcRn)
- -> GHC.panic "haddock:decls"
- Nothing -> empty
- tyfam (GHC.L _ (GHC.FamilyDecl{..})) = [decl fdLName]
- tyfam (GHC.L _ (GHC.XFamilyDecl {})) = GHC.panic "haddock:dels"
- sig (GHC.L _ (GHC.TypeSig _ names _)) = map decl names
- sig (GHC.L _ (GHC.PatSynSig _ names _)) = map decl names
- sig (GHC.L _ (GHC.ClassOpSig _ _ names _)) = map decl names
- sig _ = []
- decl (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkDecl name)
- tyref (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkType name)
--- | Obtain details map for import declarations.
--- This map also includes type and variable details for items in export and
--- import lists.
-imports :: GHC.RenamedSource -> LTokenDetails
-imports src@(_, imps, _, _) =
- everythingInRenamedSource ie src ++ mapMaybe (imp . GHC.unLoc) imps
- where
- ie term = case cast term of
- (Just ((GHC.IEVar _ v) :: GHC.IE GHC.GhcRn)) -> pure $ var $ GHC.ieLWrappedName v
- (Just (GHC.IEThingAbs _ t)) -> pure $ typ $ GHC.ieLWrappedName t
- (Just (GHC.IEThingAll _ t)) -> pure $ typ $ GHC.ieLWrappedName t
- (Just (GHC.IEThingWith _ t _ vs _fls)) ->
- [typ $ GHC.ieLWrappedName t] ++ map (var . GHC.ieLWrappedName) vs
- (Just (GHC.IEModuleContents _ m)) -> pure $ modu m
- _ -> empty
- typ (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkType name)
- var (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkVar name)
- modu (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkModule name)
- imp idecl
- | not . GHC.ideclImplicit $ idecl = Just (modu (GHC.ideclName idecl))
- | otherwise = Nothing