path: root/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
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1 files changed, 26 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
index 51e183c7..1229a8d3 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
@@ -412,22 +412,22 @@ ppSubSigLike unicode typ argDocs subdocs leader = do_args 0 leader typ
arg_doc n = rDoc . fmap _doc $ Map.lookup n argDocs
do_args :: Int -> LaTeX -> HsType DocNameI -> [(LaTeX, LaTeX)]
- do_args _n leader (HsForAllTy tvs ltype)
+ do_args _n leader (HsForAllTy _ tvs ltype)
= [ ( decltt leader
, decltt (hsep (forallSymbol unicode : ppTyVars tvs ++ [dot]))
<+> ppLType unicode ltype
) ]
- do_args n leader (HsQualTy lctxt ltype)
+ do_args n leader (HsQualTy _ lctxt ltype)
= (decltt leader, ppLContextNoArrow lctxt unicode <+> nl)
: do_largs n (darrow unicode) ltype
- do_args n leader (HsFunTy (L _ (HsRecTy fields)) r)
+ do_args n leader (HsFunTy _ (L _ (HsRecTy _ fields)) r)
= [ (decltt ldr, latex <+> nl)
| (L _ field, ldr) <- zip fields (leader <+> gadtOpen : repeat gadtComma)
, let latex = ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode field
++ do_largs (n+1) (gadtEnd <+> arrow unicode) r
- do_args n leader (HsFunTy lt r)
+ do_args n leader (HsFunTy _ lt r)
= (decltt leader, decltt (ppLFunLhType unicode lt) <-> arg_doc n <+> nl)
: do_largs (n+1) (arrow unicode) r
do_args n leader t
@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode (ConDeclField names ltype _) =
-- don't use cd_fld_doc for same reason we don't use con_doc above
-- Where there is more than one name, they all have the same documentation
- mbDoc = lookup (selectorFieldOcc $ unLoc $ head names) subdocs >>= fmap _doc . combineDocumentation . fst
+ mbDoc = lookup (extFieldOcc $ unLoc $ head names) subdocs >>= fmap _doc . combineDocumentation . fst
-- | Pretty-print a bundled pattern synonym
@@ -957,57 +957,57 @@ ppr_mono_lty ctxt_prec ty unicode = ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (unLoc ty) unicode
ppr_mono_ty :: Int -> HsType DocNameI -> Bool -> LaTeX
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsForAllTy tvs ty) unicode
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsForAllTy _ tvs ty) unicode
= maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_FUN $
sep [ hsep (forallSymbol unicode : ppTyVars tvs) <> dot
, ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty unicode ]
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsQualTy ctxt ty) unicode
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsQualTy _ ctxt ty) unicode
= maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_FUN $
sep [ ppLContext ctxt unicode
, ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty unicode ]
-ppr_mono_ty _ (HsBangTy b ty) u = ppBang b <> ppLParendType u ty
-ppr_mono_ty _ (HsTyVar NotPromoted (L _ name)) _ = ppDocName name
-ppr_mono_ty _ (HsTyVar Promoted (L _ name)) _ = char '\'' <> ppDocName name
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsFunTy ty1 ty2) u = ppr_fun_ty ctxt_prec ty1 ty2 u
-ppr_mono_ty _ (HsTupleTy con tys) u = tupleParens con (map (ppLType u) tys)
-ppr_mono_ty _ (HsSumTy tys) u = sumParens (map (ppLType u) tys)
-ppr_mono_ty _ (HsKindSig ty kind) u = parens (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u <+> dcolon u <+> ppLKind u kind)
-ppr_mono_ty _ (HsListTy ty) u = brackets (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u)
-ppr_mono_ty _ (HsPArrTy ty) u = pabrackets (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u)
-ppr_mono_ty _ (HsIParamTy (L _ n) ty) u = brackets (ppIPName n <+> dcolon u <+> ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u)
+ppr_mono_ty _ (HsBangTy _ b ty) u = ppBang b <> ppLParendType u ty
+ppr_mono_ty _ (HsTyVar _ NotPromoted (L _ name)) _ = ppDocName name
+ppr_mono_ty _ (HsTyVar _ Promoted (L _ name)) _ = char '\'' <> ppDocName name
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsFunTy _ ty1 ty2) u = ppr_fun_ty ctxt_prec ty1 ty2 u
+ppr_mono_ty _ (HsTupleTy _ con tys) u = tupleParens con (map (ppLType u) tys)
+ppr_mono_ty _ (HsSumTy _ tys) u = sumParens (map (ppLType u) tys)
+ppr_mono_ty _ (HsKindSig _ ty kind) u = parens (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u <+> dcolon u <+> ppLKind u kind)
+ppr_mono_ty _ (HsListTy _ ty) u = brackets (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u)
+ppr_mono_ty _ (HsPArrTy _ ty) u = pabrackets (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u)
+ppr_mono_ty _ (HsIParamTy _ (L _ n) ty) u = brackets (ppIPName n <+> dcolon u <+> ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty u)
ppr_mono_ty _ (HsSpliceTy {}) _ = error "ppr_mono_ty HsSpliceTy"
ppr_mono_ty _ (HsRecTy {}) _ = text "{..}"
-ppr_mono_ty _ (HsCoreTy {}) _ = error "ppr_mono_ty HsCoreTy"
-ppr_mono_ty _ (HsExplicitListTy Promoted _ tys) u = Pretty.quote $ brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u) tys
-ppr_mono_ty _ (HsExplicitListTy NotPromoted _ tys) u = brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u) tys
+ppr_mono_ty _ (XHsType (NHsCoreTy {})) _ = error "ppr_mono_ty HsCoreTy"
+ppr_mono_ty _ (HsExplicitListTy _ Promoted tys) u = Pretty.quote $ brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u) tys
+ppr_mono_ty _ (HsExplicitListTy _ NotPromoted tys) u = brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (ppLType u) tys
ppr_mono_ty _ (HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys) u = Pretty.quote $ parenList $ map (ppLType u) tys
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsEqTy ty1 ty2) unicode
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsEqTy _ ty1 ty2) unicode
= maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_OP $
ppr_mono_lty pREC_OP ty1 unicode <+> char '~' <+> ppr_mono_lty pREC_OP ty2 unicode
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsAppTy fun_ty arg_ty) unicode
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsAppTy _ fun_ty arg_ty) unicode
= maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_CON $
hsep [ppr_mono_lty pREC_FUN fun_ty unicode, ppr_mono_lty pREC_CON arg_ty unicode]
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsOpTy ty1 op ty2) unicode
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsOpTy _ ty1 op ty2) unicode
= maybeParen ctxt_prec pREC_FUN $
ppr_mono_lty pREC_OP ty1 unicode <+> ppr_op <+> ppr_mono_lty pREC_OP ty2 unicode
ppr_op = if not (isSymOcc occName) then char '`' <> ppLDocName op <> char '`' else ppLDocName op
occName = nameOccName . getName . unLoc $ op
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsParTy ty) unicode
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsParTy _ ty) unicode
-- = parens (ppr_mono_lty pREC_TOP ty)
= ppr_mono_lty ctxt_prec ty unicode
-ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsDocTy ty _) unicode
+ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsDocTy _ ty _) unicode
= ppr_mono_lty ctxt_prec ty unicode
ppr_mono_ty _ (HsWildCardTy (AnonWildCard _)) _ = char '_'
-ppr_mono_ty _ (HsTyLit t) u = ppr_tylit t u
+ppr_mono_ty _ (HsTyLit _ t) u = ppr_tylit t u
ppr_mono_ty _ (HsAppsTy {}) _ = panic "ppr_mono_ty:HsAppsTy"