path: root/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml
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Diffstat (limited to 'haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml')
2 files changed, 28 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
index 2f802aef..fab6bf8d 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
@@ -607,20 +607,26 @@ ppInstHead links splice unicode qual mdoc origin orphan no ihd@(InstHead {..}) =
, [subInstDetails iid ats sigs]
- iid = instanceId origin no orphan ihd
sigs = ppInstanceSigs links splice unicode qual clsiSigs
ats = ppInstanceAssocTys links splice unicode qual clsiAssocTys
TypeInst rhs ->
- (ptype, mdoc, [])
+ ( subInstHead iid ptype
+ , mdoc
+ , [subFamInstDetails iid prhs]
+ )
- ptype = keyword "type" <+> typ <+> prhs
- prhs = maybe noHtml (\t -> equals <+> ppType unicode qual t) rhs
+ ptype = keyword "type" <+> typ
+ prhs = ptype <+> maybe noHtml
+ (\t -> equals <+> ppType unicode qual t) rhs
DataInst dd ->
- (pdata, mdoc, [])
+ ( subInstHead iid pdata
+ , mdoc
+ , [subFamInstDetails iid pdecl])
- pdata = keyword "data" <+> typ <+> pdecl
- pdecl = ppShortDataDecl False True dd unicode qual
+ pdata = keyword "data" <+> typ
+ pdecl = pdata <+> ppShortDataDecl False True dd unicode qual
+ iid = instanceId origin no orphan ihd
typ = ppAppNameTypes ihdClsName ihdKinds ihdTypes unicode qual
@@ -776,7 +782,7 @@ ppShortConstrParts summary dataInst con unicode qual = case con of
[one] -> ppBinderInfix summary one
_ -> hsep (punctuate comma (map (ppBinderInfix summary) occ))
- ltvs = fromMaybe (HsQTvs PlaceHolder []) (con_qvars con)
+ ltvs = fromMaybe (HsQTvs PlaceHolder [] PlaceHolder) (con_qvars con)
tyVars = tyvarNames ltvs
lcontext = fromMaybe (noLoc []) (con_cxt con)
context = unLoc lcontext
@@ -846,7 +852,7 @@ ppSideBySideConstr subdocs fixities unicode qual (L _ con)
[one] -> ppBinderInfix False one
_ -> hsep (punctuate comma (map (ppBinderInfix False) occ))
- tyVars = tyvarNames (fromMaybe (HsQTvs PlaceHolder []) (con_qvars con))
+ tyVars = tyvarNames (fromMaybe (HsQTvs PlaceHolder [] PlaceHolder) (con_qvars con))
context = unLoc (fromMaybe (noLoc []) (con_cxt con))
forall_ = False
-- don't use "con_doc con", in case it's reconstructed from a .hi file,
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs
index 26aeaff8..41457f72 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ module Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Layout (
- subInstances, subOrphanInstances, subInstHead, subInstDetails,
+ subInstances, subOrphanInstances,
+ subInstHead, subInstDetails, subFamInstDetails,
@@ -179,7 +180,6 @@ subAssociatedTypes = divSubDecls "associated-types" "Associated Types" . subBloc
subConstructors :: Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
subConstructors qual = divSubDecls "constructors" "Constructors" . subTable qual
subFields :: Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
subFields qual = divSubDecls "fields" "Fields" . subDlist qual
@@ -226,10 +226,18 @@ subInstDetails :: String -- ^ Instance unique id (for anchor generation)
-> [Html] -- ^ Method contents (pretty-printed signatures)
-> Html
subInstDetails iid ats mets =
- section << (subAssociatedTypes ats <+> subMethods mets)
- where
- section = thediv ! collapseSection (instAnchorId iid) False "inst-details"
+ subInstSection iid << (subAssociatedTypes ats <+> subMethods mets)
+subFamInstDetails :: String -- ^ Instance unique id (for anchor generation)
+ -> Html -- ^ Type or data family instance
+ -> Html
+subFamInstDetails iid fi =
+ subInstSection iid << thediv ! [theclass "src"] << fi
+subInstSection :: String -- ^ Instance unique id (for anchor generation)
+ -> Html
+ -> Html
+subInstSection iid = thediv ! collapseSection (instAnchorId iid) False "inst-details"
instAnchorId :: String -> String
instAnchorId iid = makeAnchorId $ "i:" ++ iid