path: root/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends
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1 files changed, 118 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
index 1cc17dab..cc096a7a 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
@@ -103,6 +103,10 @@ haddockSty = "haddock.sty"
type LaTeX = Pretty.Doc
+-- | Default way of rendering a 'LaTeX'. The width is 90 by default (since 100
+-- often overflows the line).
+latex2String :: LaTeX -> String
+latex2String = fullRender PageMode 90 1 txtPrinter ""
:: String
@@ -156,7 +160,7 @@ ppLaTeXModule _title odir iface = do
text "\\haddockbeginheader",
verb $ vcat [
text "module" <+> text mdl_str <+> lparen,
- text " " <> fsep (punctuate (text ", ") $
+ text " " <> fsep (punctuate (char ',') $
map exportListItem $
filter forSummary exports),
text " ) where"
@@ -171,7 +175,7 @@ ppLaTeXModule _title odir iface = do
body = processExports exports
- writeUtf8File (odir </> moduleLaTeXFile mdl) (fullRender PageMode 80 1 txtPrinter "" tex)
+ writeUtf8File (odir </> moduleLaTeXFile mdl) (show tex)
-- | Prints out an entry in a module export list.
exportListItem :: ExportItem DocNameI -> LaTeX
@@ -287,7 +291,7 @@ ppDecl :: LHsDecl DocNameI -- ^ decl to print
-> LaTeX
ppDecl decl pats (doc, fnArgsDoc) instances subdocs _fxts = case unLoc decl of
- TyClD _ d@FamDecl {} -> ppFamDecl doc instances d unicode
+ TyClD _ d@FamDecl {} -> ppFamDecl False doc instances d unicode
TyClD _ d@DataDecl {} -> ppDataDecl pats instances subdocs (Just doc) d unicode
TyClD _ d@SynDecl {} -> ppTySyn (doc, fnArgsDoc) d unicode
-- Family instances happen via FamInst now
@@ -317,13 +321,14 @@ ppFor _ _ _ = error "ppFor error in Haddock.Backends.LaTeX"
-- | Pretty-print a data\/type family declaration
-ppFamDecl :: Documentation DocName -- ^ this decl's docs
+ppFamDecl :: Bool -- ^ is the family associated?
+ -> Documentation DocName -- ^ this decl's docs
-> [DocInstance DocNameI] -- ^ relevant instances
-> TyClDecl DocNameI -- ^ family to print
-> Bool -- ^ unicode
-> LaTeX
-ppFamDecl doc instances decl unicode =
- declWithDoc (ppFamHeader (tcdFam decl) unicode <+> whereBit)
+ppFamDecl associated doc instances decl unicode =
+ declWithDoc (ppFamHeader (tcdFam decl) unicode associated <+> whereBit)
(if null body then Nothing else Just (vcat body))
$$ instancesBit
@@ -335,6 +340,7 @@ ppFamDecl doc instances decl unicode =
| FamilyDecl { fdInfo = ClosedTypeFamily (Just eqns) } <- tcdFam decl
+ , not (null eqns)
= Just (text "\\haddockbeginargs" $$
vcat [ decltt (ppFamDeclEqn eqn) <+> nl | L _ eqn <- eqns ] $$
text "\\end{tabulary}\\par")
@@ -356,22 +362,26 @@ ppFamDecl doc instances decl unicode =
-- | Print the LHS of a type\/data family declaration.
ppFamHeader :: FamilyDecl DocNameI -- ^ family header to print
- -> Bool -- ^ unicode
- -> LaTeX
-ppFamHeader (XFamilyDecl _) _ = panic "haddock;ppFamHeader"
+ -> Bool -- ^ unicode
+ -> Bool -- ^ is the family associated?
+ -> LaTeX
+ppFamHeader (XFamilyDecl _) _ _ = panic "haddock;ppFamHeader"
ppFamHeader (FamilyDecl { fdLName = L _ name
, fdTyVars = tvs
, fdInfo = info
, fdResultSig = L _ result
, fdInjectivityAnn = injectivity })
- unicode =
- leader <+> keyword "family" <+> famName <+> famSig <+> injAnn
+ unicode associated =
+ famly leader <+> famName <+> famSig <+> injAnn
leader = case info of
OpenTypeFamily -> keyword "type"
ClosedTypeFamily _ -> keyword "type"
DataFamily -> keyword "data"
+ famly | associated = id
+ | otherwise = (<+> keyword "family")
famName = ppAppDocNameTyVarBndrs unicode name (hsq_explicit tvs)
famSig = case result of
@@ -475,11 +485,15 @@ ppSubSigLike unicode typ argDocs subdocs leader = do_args 0 leader typ
arg_doc n = rDoc . fmap _doc $ Map.lookup n argDocs
do_args :: Int -> LaTeX -> HsType DocNameI -> [(LaTeX, LaTeX)]
- do_args n leader (HsForAllTy _ tvs ltype)
- = do_largs n (leader <+> decltt (ppForAllPart unicode tvs)) ltype
+ do_args _n leader (HsForAllTy _ tvs ltype)
+ = [ ( decltt leader
+ , decltt (ppForAllPart unicode tvs)
+ <+> ppLType unicode ltype
+ ) ]
do_args n leader (HsQualTy _ lctxt ltype)
- = (decltt leader, decltt (ppLContextNoArrow lctxt unicode) <+> nl)
- : do_largs n (darrow unicode) ltype
+ = ( decltt leader
+ , decltt (ppLContextNoArrow lctxt unicode) <+> nl
+ ) : do_largs n (darrow unicode) ltype
do_args n leader (HsFunTy _ (L _ (HsRecTy _ fields)) r)
= [ (decltt ldr, latex <+> nl)
@@ -498,9 +512,9 @@ ppSubSigLike unicode typ argDocs subdocs leader = do_args 0 leader typ
-- We need 'gadtComma' and 'gadtEnd' to line up with the `{` from
-- 'gadtOpen', so we add 3 spaces to cover for `-> `/`:: ` (3 in unicode
-- mode since `->` and `::` are rendered as single characters.
- gadtComma = hcat (replicate (if unicode then 3 else 4) (text "\\ ")) <> text ","
- gadtEnd = hcat (replicate (if unicode then 3 else 4) (text "\\ ")) <> text "\\}"
- gadtOpen = text "\\{"
+ gadtComma = hcat (replicate (if unicode then 3 else 4) (char ' ')) <> char ','
+ gadtEnd = hcat (replicate (if unicode then 3 else 4) (char ' ')) <> char '}'
+ gadtOpen = char '{'
ppTypeSig :: [Name] -> HsType DocNameI -> Bool -> LaTeX
@@ -512,7 +526,7 @@ ppTypeSig nms ty unicode =
-- | Pretty-print type variables.
ppTyVars :: Bool -> [LHsTyVarBndr DocNameI] -> [LaTeX]
-ppTyVars unicode tvs = map (ppHsTyVarBndr unicode . unLoc) tvs
+ppTyVars unicode = map (ppHsTyVarBndr unicode . unLoc)
tyvarNames :: LHsQTyVars DocNameI -> [Name]
@@ -523,10 +537,9 @@ declWithDoc :: LaTeX -> Maybe LaTeX -> LaTeX
declWithDoc decl doc =
text "\\begin{haddockdesc}" $$
text "\\item[\\begin{tabular}{@{}l}" $$
- text (latexMonoFilter (show decl)) $$
- text "\\end{tabular}]" <>
- (if isNothing doc then empty else text "\\haddockbegindoc") $$
- maybe empty id doc $$
+ text (latexMonoFilter (latex2String decl)) $$
+ text "\\end{tabular}]" $$
+ maybe empty (\x -> text "{\\haddockbegindoc" $$ x <> text "}") doc $$
text "\\end{haddockdesc}"
@@ -537,9 +550,9 @@ multiDecl :: [LaTeX] -> LaTeX
multiDecl decls =
text "\\begin{haddockdesc}" $$
vcat [
- text "\\item[" $$
- text (latexMonoFilter (show decl)) $$
- text "]"
+ text "\\item[\\begin{tabular}{@{}l}" $$
+ text (latexMonoFilter (latex2String decl)) $$
+ text "\\end{tabular}]"
| decl <- decls ] $$
text "\\end{haddockdesc}"
@@ -583,7 +596,7 @@ ppFds fds unicode =
hsep (map (ppDocName . unLoc) vars2)
--- TODO: associated types, associated type defaults, docs on default methods
+-- TODO: associated type defaults, docs on default methods
ppClassDecl :: [DocInstance DocNameI]
-> Documentation DocName -> [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)]
-> TyClDecl DocNameI -> Bool -> LaTeX
@@ -604,8 +617,16 @@ ppClassDecl instances doc subdocs
| null lsigs, null ats, null at_defs = Nothing
| null ats, null at_defs = Just methodTable
---- | otherwise = atTable $$ methodTable
- | otherwise = error "LaTeX.ppClassDecl"
+ | otherwise = Just (atTable $$ methodTable)
+ atTable =
+ text "\\haddockpremethods{}" <> emph (text "Associated Types") $$
+ vcat [ ppFamDecl True (fst doc) [] (FamDecl noExt decl) True
+ | L _ decl <- ats
+ , let name = unL . fdLName $ decl
+ doc = lookupAnySubdoc name subdocs
+ ]
methodTable =
text "\\haddockpremethods{}" <> emph (text "Methods") $$
@@ -636,6 +657,7 @@ ppDocInstances unicode (i : rest)
isUndocdInstance :: DocInstance a -> Maybe (InstHead a)
isUndocdInstance (i,Nothing,_,_) = Just i
+isUndocdInstance (i,Just (MetaDoc _ DocEmpty),_,_) = Just i
isUndocdInstance _ = Nothing
-- | Print a possibly commented instance. The instance header is printed inside
@@ -1001,7 +1023,7 @@ ppLFunLhType unicode y = ppFunLhType unicode (unLoc y)
ppType, ppParendType, ppFunLhType, ppCtxType :: Bool -> HsType DocNameI -> LaTeX
ppType unicode ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_TOP ty) unicode
-ppParendType unicode ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_TOP ty) unicode
+ppParendType unicode ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_CON ty) unicode
ppFunLhType unicode ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_FUN ty) unicode
ppCtxType unicode ty = ppr_mono_ty (reparenTypePrec PREC_CTX ty) unicode
@@ -1014,7 +1036,7 @@ ppLHsTypeArg _ (HsArgPar _) = text ""
ppHsTyVarBndr :: Bool -> HsTyVarBndr DocNameI -> LaTeX
ppHsTyVarBndr _ (UserTyVar _ (L _ name)) = ppDocName name
ppHsTyVarBndr unicode (KindedTyVar _ (L _ name) kind) =
- parens (ppDocName name) <+> dcolon unicode <+> ppLKind unicode kind
+ parens (ppDocName name <+> dcolon unicode <+> ppLKind unicode kind)
ppHsTyVarBndr _ (XTyVarBndr _) = panic "haddock:ppHsTyVarBndr"
ppLKind :: Bool -> LHsKind DocNameI -> LaTeX
@@ -1080,7 +1102,7 @@ ppr_mono_ty (HsParTy _ ty) unicode
ppr_mono_ty (HsDocTy _ ty _) unicode
= ppr_mono_lty ty unicode
-ppr_mono_ty (HsWildCardTy _) _ = text "\\_"
+ppr_mono_ty (HsWildCardTy _) _ = char '_'
ppr_mono_ty (HsTyLit _ t) u = ppr_tylit t u
ppr_mono_ty (HsStarTy _ isUni) unicode = starSymbol (isUni || unicode)
@@ -1114,27 +1136,16 @@ ppSymName name
| otherwise = ppName name
-ppVerbOccName :: Wrap OccName -> LaTeX
-ppVerbOccName = text . latexFilter . showWrapped occNameString
ppIPName :: HsIPName -> LaTeX
ppIPName = text . ('?':) . unpackFS . hsIPNameFS
ppOccName :: OccName -> LaTeX
ppOccName = text . occNameString
-ppVerbDocName :: Wrap DocName -> LaTeX
-ppVerbDocName = text . latexFilter . showWrapped (occNameString . nameOccName . getName)
-ppVerbRdrName :: Wrap RdrName -> LaTeX
-ppVerbRdrName = text . latexFilter . showWrapped (occNameString . rdrNameOcc)
ppDocName :: DocName -> LaTeX
ppDocName = ppOccName . nameOccName . getName
ppLDocName :: Located DocName -> LaTeX
ppLDocName (L _ d) = ppDocName d
@@ -1172,9 +1183,10 @@ latexMunge c s = c : s
latexMonoMunge :: Char -> String -> String
-latexMonoMunge ' ' s = '\\' : ' ' : s
+latexMonoMunge ' ' (' ':s) = "\\ \\ " ++ s
+latexMonoMunge ' ' ('\\':' ':s) = "\\ \\ " ++ s
latexMonoMunge '\n' s = '\\' : '\\' : s
-latexMonoMunge c s = latexMunge c s
+latexMonoMunge c s = latexMunge c s
@@ -1182,34 +1194,40 @@ latexMonoMunge c s = latexMunge c s
-parLatexMarkup :: (a -> LaTeX) -> DocMarkup a (StringContext -> LaTeX)
-parLatexMarkup ppId = Markup {
- markupParagraph = \p v -> p v <> text "\\par" $$ text "",
- markupEmpty = \_ -> empty,
- markupString = \s v -> text (fixString v s),
- markupAppend = \l r v -> l v <> r v,
- markupIdentifier = markupId ppId,
- markupIdentifierUnchecked = markupId (ppVerbOccName . fmap snd),
- markupModule = \m _ -> let (mdl,_ref) = break (=='#') m in tt (text mdl),
- markupWarning = \p v -> p v,
- markupEmphasis = \p v -> emph (p v),
- markupBold = \p v -> bold (p v),
- markupMonospaced = \p _ -> tt (p Mono),
- markupUnorderedList = \p v -> itemizedList (map ($v) p) $$ text "",
- markupPic = \p _ -> markupPic p,
- markupMathInline = \p _ -> markupMathInline p,
- markupMathDisplay = \p _ -> markupMathDisplay p,
- markupOrderedList = \p v -> enumeratedList (map ($v) p) $$ text "",
- markupDefList = \l v -> descriptionList (map (\(a,b) -> (a v, b v)) l),
- markupCodeBlock = \p _ -> quote (verb (p Verb)) $$ text "",
- markupHyperlink = \(Hyperlink u l) p -> markupLink u (fmap ($p) l),
- markupAName = \_ _ -> empty,
- markupProperty = \p _ -> quote $ verb $ text p,
- markupExample = \e _ -> quote $ verb $ text $ unlines $ map exampleToString e,
- markupHeader = \(Header l h) p -> header l (h p),
- markupTable = \(Table h b) p -> table h b p
+latexMarkup :: HasOccName a => DocMarkup (Wrap a) (StringContext -> LaTeX -> LaTeX)
+latexMarkup = Markup
+ { markupParagraph = \p v -> blockElem (p v (text "\\par"))
+ , markupEmpty = \_ -> id
+ , markupString = \s v -> inlineElem (text (fixString v s))
+ , markupAppend = \l r v -> l v . r v
+ , markupIdentifier = \i v -> inlineElem (markupId v (fmap occName i))
+ , markupIdentifierUnchecked = \i v -> inlineElem (markupId v (fmap snd i))
+ , markupModule = \m _ -> inlineElem (let (mdl,_ref) = break (=='#') m in (tt (text mdl)))
+ , markupWarning = \p v -> p v
+ , markupEmphasis = \p v -> inlineElem (emph (p v empty))
+ , markupBold = \p v -> inlineElem (bold (p v empty))
+ , markupMonospaced = \p v -> inlineElem (markupMonospace p v)
+ , markupUnorderedList = \p v -> blockElem (itemizedList (map (\p' -> p' v empty) p))
+ , markupPic = \p _ -> inlineElem (markupPic p)
+ , markupMathInline = \p _ -> inlineElem (markupMathInline p)
+ , markupMathDisplay = \p _ -> blockElem (markupMathDisplay p)
+ , markupOrderedList = \p v -> blockElem (enumeratedList (map (\p' -> p' v empty) p))
+ , markupDefList = \l v -> blockElem (descriptionList (map (\(a,b) -> (a v empty, b v empty)) l))
+ , markupCodeBlock = \p _ -> blockElem (quote (verb (p Verb empty)))
+ , markupHyperlink = \(Hyperlink u l) v -> inlineElem (markupLink u (fmap (\x -> x v empty) l))
+ , markupAName = \_ _ -> id -- TODO
+ , markupProperty = \p _ -> blockElem (quote (verb (text p)))
+ , markupExample = \e _ -> blockElem (quote (verb (text $ unlines $ map exampleToString e)))
+ , markupHeader = \(Header l h) p -> blockElem (header l (h p empty))
+ , markupTable = \(Table h b) p -> blockElem (table h b p)
+ blockElem :: LaTeX -> LaTeX -> LaTeX
+ blockElem = ($$)
+ inlineElem :: LaTeX -> LaTeX -> LaTeX
+ inlineElem = (<>)
header 1 d = text "\\section*" <> braces d
header 2 d = text "\\subsection*" <> braces d
header l d
@@ -1222,6 +1240,9 @@ parLatexMarkup ppId = Markup {
fixString Verb s = s
fixString Mono s = latexMonoFilter s
+ markupMonospace p Verb = p Verb empty
+ markupMonospace p _ = tt (p Mono empty)
markupLink url mLabel = case mLabel of
Just label -> text "\\href" <> braces (text url) <> braces label
Nothing -> text "\\url" <> braces (text url)
@@ -1238,35 +1259,28 @@ parLatexMarkup ppId = Markup {
markupMathDisplay mathjax = text "\\[" <> text mathjax <> text "\\]"
- markupId ppId_ id v =
+ markupId v wrappedOcc =
case v of
- Verb -> theid
- Mono -> theid
- Plain -> text "\\haddockid" <> braces theid
- where theid = ppId_ id
-latexMarkup :: DocMarkup (Wrap DocName) (StringContext -> LaTeX)
-latexMarkup = parLatexMarkup ppVerbDocName
-rdrLatexMarkup :: DocMarkup (Wrap RdrName) (StringContext -> LaTeX)
-rdrLatexMarkup = parLatexMarkup ppVerbRdrName
+ Verb -> text i
+ Mono -> text "\\haddockid" <> braces (text . latexMonoFilter $ i)
+ Plain -> text "\\haddockid" <> braces (text . latexFilter $ i)
+ where i = showWrapped occNameString wrappedOcc
docToLaTeX :: Doc DocName -> LaTeX
-docToLaTeX doc = markup latexMarkup doc Plain
+docToLaTeX doc = markup latexMarkup doc Plain empty
documentationToLaTeX :: Documentation DocName -> Maybe LaTeX
documentationToLaTeX = fmap docToLaTeX . fmap _doc . combineDocumentation
rdrDocToLaTeX :: Doc RdrName -> LaTeX
-rdrDocToLaTeX doc = markup rdrLatexMarkup doc Plain
+rdrDocToLaTeX doc = markup latexMarkup doc Plain empty
-data StringContext = Plain | Verb | Mono
+data StringContext
+ = Plain -- ^ all special characters have to be escape
+ | Mono -- ^ on top of special characters, escape space chraacters
+ | Verb -- ^ don't escape anything
latexStripTrailingWhitespace :: Doc a -> Doc a
@@ -1291,23 +1305,23 @@ latexStripTrailingWhitespace other = other
itemizedList :: [LaTeX] -> LaTeX
itemizedList items =
- text "\\begin{itemize}" $$
+ text "\\vbox{\\begin{itemize}" $$
vcat (map (text "\\item" $$) items) $$
- text "\\end{itemize}"
+ text "\\end{itemize}}"
enumeratedList :: [LaTeX] -> LaTeX
enumeratedList items =
- text "\\begin{enumerate}" $$
+ text "\\vbox{\\begin{enumerate}" $$
vcat (map (text "\\item " $$) items) $$
- text "\\end{enumerate}"
+ text "\\end{enumerate}}"
descriptionList :: [(LaTeX,LaTeX)] -> LaTeX
descriptionList items =
- text "\\begin{description}" $$
- vcat (map (\(a,b) -> text "\\item" <> brackets a <+> b) items) $$
- text "\\end{description}"
+ text "\\vbox{\\begin{description}" $$
+ vcat (map (\(a,b) -> text "\\item" <> brackets a <> text "\\hfill \\par" $$ b) items) $$
+ text "\\end{description}}"
tt :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
@@ -1315,8 +1329,8 @@ tt ltx = text "\\haddocktt" <> braces ltx
decltt :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
-decltt ltx = text "\\haddockdecltt" <> braces ltx
+decltt ltx = text "\\haddockdecltt" <> braces (text filtered)
+ where filtered = latexMonoFilter (latex2String ltx)
emph :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
emph ltx = text "\\emph" <> braces ltx
@@ -1324,6 +1338,12 @@ emph ltx = text "\\emph" <> braces ltx
bold :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
bold ltx = text "\\textbf" <> braces ltx
+-- TODO: @verbatim@ is too much since
+-- * Haddock supports markup _inside_ of codeblocks. Right now, the LaTeX
+-- representing that markup gets printed verbatim
+-- * Verbatim environments are not supported everywhere (example: not nested
+-- inside a @tabulary@ environment)
verb :: LaTeX -> LaTeX
verb doc = text "{\\haddockverb\\begin{verbatim}" $$ doc <> text "\\end{verbatim}}"
-- NB. swallow a trailing \n in the verbatim text by appending the