path: root/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends
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Diffstat (limited to 'haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends')
5 files changed, 77 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
index 9e39d98d..582c535d 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ dropHsDocTy = drop_sig_ty
drop_ty (HsFunTy x w a b) = HsFunTy x w (drop_lty a) (drop_lty b)
drop_ty (HsListTy x a) = HsListTy x (drop_lty a)
drop_ty (HsTupleTy x a b) = HsTupleTy x a (map drop_lty b)
- drop_ty (HsOpTy x a b c) = HsOpTy x (drop_lty a) b (drop_lty c)
+ drop_ty (HsOpTy x p a b c) = HsOpTy x p (drop_lty a) b (drop_lty c)
drop_ty (HsParTy x a) = HsParTy x (drop_lty a)
drop_ty (HsKindSig x a b) = HsKindSig x (drop_lty a) b
drop_ty (HsDocTy _ a _) = drop_ty $ unL a
@@ -246,11 +246,11 @@ ppCtor dflags dat subdocs con@ConDeclH98 { con_args = con_args' }
f (PrefixCon _ args) = [typeSig name $ (map hsScaledThing args) ++ [resType]]
f (InfixCon a1 a2) = f $ PrefixCon [] [a1,a2]
f (RecCon (L _ recs)) = f (PrefixCon [] $ map (hsLinear . cd_fld_type . unLoc) recs) ++ concat
- [(concatMap (lookupCon dflags subdocs . noLocA . extFieldOcc . unLoc) (cd_fld_names r)) ++
- [out dflags (map (extFieldOcc . unLoc) $ cd_fld_names r) `typeSig` [resType, cd_fld_type r]]
+ [(concatMap (lookupCon dflags subdocs . noLocA . foExt . unLoc) (cd_fld_names r)) ++
+ [out dflags (map (foExt . unLoc) $ cd_fld_names r) `typeSig` [resType, cd_fld_type r]]
| r <- map unLoc recs]
- funs = foldr1 (\x y -> reL $ HsFunTy noAnn (HsUnrestrictedArrow NormalSyntax) x y)
+ funs = foldr1 (\x y -> reL $ HsFunTy noAnn (HsUnrestrictedArrow noHsUniTok) x y)
apps = foldl1 (\x y -> reL $ HsAppTy noExtField x y)
typeSig nm flds = operator nm ++ " :: " ++
@@ -279,12 +279,12 @@ ppCtor dflags _dat subdocs (ConDeclGADT { con_names = names
name = out dflags $ map unL names
con_sig_ty = HsSig noExtField outer_bndrs theta_ty where
theta_ty = case mcxt of
- Just theta -> noLocA (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExtField, hst_ctxt = Just theta, hst_body = tau_ty })
+ Just theta -> noLocA (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExtField, hst_ctxt = theta, hst_body = tau_ty })
Nothing -> tau_ty
tau_ty = foldr mkFunTy res_ty $
case args of PrefixConGADT pos_args -> map hsScaledThing pos_args
- RecConGADT (L _ flds) -> map (cd_fld_type . unL) flds
- mkFunTy a b = noLocA (HsFunTy noAnn (HsUnrestrictedArrow NormalSyntax) a b)
+ RecConGADT (L _ flds) _ -> map (cd_fld_type . unL) flds
+ mkFunTy a b = noLocA (HsFunTy noAnn (HsUnrestrictedArrow noHsUniTok) a b)
ppFixity :: DynFlags -> (Name, Fixity) -> [String]
ppFixity dflags (name, fixity) = [out dflags ((FixitySig noExtField [noLocA name] fixity) :: FixitySig GhcRn)]
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker.hs
index 5bbea77b..89828e30 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker.hs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker
import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.Utils (writeUtf8File, out, verbose, Verbosity)
+import Haddock.InterfaceFile
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Renderer
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Parser
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types
@@ -20,8 +21,8 @@ import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import GHC.Iface.Ext.Types ( pattern HiePath, HieFile(..), HieASTs(..), HieAST(..), SourcedNodeInfo(..) )
-import GHC.Iface.Ext.Binary ( readHieFile, hie_file_result, NameCacheUpdater(..))
-import GHC.Types.SrcLoc ( realSrcLocSpan, mkRealSrcLoc )
+import GHC.Iface.Ext.Binary ( readHieFile, hie_file_result )
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc ( realSrcLocSpan, mkRealSrcLoc, srcSpanFile )
import Data.Map as M
import GHC.Data.FastString ( mkFastString )
import GHC.Unit.Module ( Module, moduleName )
@@ -58,21 +59,19 @@ ppHyperlinkedModuleSource :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> Bool -> SrcMaps -> Interfa
ppHyperlinkedModuleSource verbosity srcdir pretty srcs iface = case ifaceHieFile iface of
Just hfp -> do
-- Parse the GHC-produced HIE file
- u <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'a'
- let nc = (initNameCache u [])
- ncu = NCU $ \f -> pure $ snd $ f nc
+ nc <- freshNameCache
HieFile { hie_hs_file = file
, hie_asts = HieASTs asts
, hie_types = types
, hie_hs_src = rawSrc
} <- hie_file_result
- <$> (readHieFile ncu hfp)
+ <$> (readHieFile nc hfp)
-- Get the AST and tokens corresponding to the source file we want
let fileFs = mkFastString file
mast | M.size asts == 1 = snd <$> M.lookupMin asts
| otherwise = M.lookup (HiePath (mkFastString file)) asts
- tokens = parse df file rawSrc
+ tokens' = parse df file rawSrc
ast = fromMaybe (emptyHieAst fileFs) mast
fullAst = recoverFullIfaceTypes df types ast
@@ -82,6 +81,14 @@ ppHyperlinkedModuleSource verbosity srcdir pretty srcs iface = case ifaceHieFile
else out verbosity verbose $ unwords [ "couldn't find ast for"
, file, show (M.keys asts) ]
+ -- The C preprocessor can double the backslashes on tokens (see #19236),
+ -- which means the source spans will not be comparable and we will not
+ -- be able to associate the HieAST with the correct tokens.
+ --
+ -- We work around this by setting the source span of the tokens to the file
+ -- name from the HieAST
+ let tokens = fmap (\tk -> tk {tkSpan = (tkSpan tk){srcSpanFile = srcSpanFile $ nodeSpan fullAst}}) tokens'
-- Produce and write out the hyperlinked sources
writeUtf8File path . renderToString pretty . render' fullAst $ tokens
Nothing -> return ()
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Parser.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Parser.hs
index d9a2e0cd..9f28d72a 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Parser.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Parser.hs
@@ -10,14 +10,17 @@ import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf )
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import GHC.Platform
import GHC.Types.SourceText
import GHC.Driver.Session
+import GHC.Driver.Config.Diagnostic
import GHC.Utils.Error ( pprLocMsgEnvelope )
import GHC.Data.FastString ( mkFastString )
-import GHC.Parser.Errors.Ppr ( pprError )
+import GHC.Parser.Errors.Ppr ()
+import qualified GHC.Types.Error as E
import GHC.Parser.Lexer as Lexer
( P(..), ParseResult(..), PState(..), Token(..)
- , initParserState, lexer, mkParserOpts, getErrorMessages)
+ , initParserState, lexer, mkParserOpts, getPsErrorMessages)
import GHC.Data.Bag ( bagToList )
import GHC.Utils.Outputable ( text, ($$) )
import GHC.Utils.Panic ( panic )
@@ -40,7 +43,7 @@ parse
parse dflags fpath bs = case unP (go False []) initState of
POk _ toks -> reverse toks
PFailed pst ->
- let err:_ = bagToList (fmap pprError (getErrorMessages pst)) in
+ let err:_ = bagToList (E.getMessages $ getPsErrorMessages pst) in
panic $ showSDoc dflags $
text "Hyperlinker parse error:" $$ pprLocMsgEnvelope err
@@ -48,8 +51,10 @@ parse dflags fpath bs = case unP (go False []) initState of
initState = initParserState pflags buf start
buf = stringBufferFromByteString bs
start = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString fpath) 1 1
- pflags = mkParserOpts (warningFlags dflags)
- (extensionFlags dflags)
+ arch_os = platformArchOS (targetPlatform dflags)
+ pflags = mkParserOpts (extensionFlags dflags)
+ (initDiagOpts dflags)
+ (supportedLanguagesAndExtensions arch_os)
(safeImportsOn dflags)
False -- lex Haddocks as comment tokens
True -- produce comment tokens
@@ -233,6 +238,7 @@ classify tok =
ITrequires -> TkKeyword
ITinline_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITopaque_prag {} -> TkPragma
ITspec_prag {} -> TkPragma
ITspec_inline_prag {} -> TkPragma
ITsource_prag {} -> TkPragma
@@ -263,6 +269,7 @@ classify tok =
ITequal -> TkGlyph
ITlam -> TkGlyph
ITlcase -> TkGlyph
+ ITlcases -> TkGlyph
ITvbar -> TkGlyph
ITlarrow {} -> TkGlyph
ITrarrow {} -> TkGlyph
@@ -350,10 +357,7 @@ classify tok =
ITeof -> TkUnknown
ITlineComment {} -> TkComment
- ITdocCommentNext {} -> TkComment
- ITdocCommentPrev {} -> TkComment
- ITdocCommentNamed {} -> TkComment
- ITdocSection {} -> TkComment
+ ITdocComment {} -> TkComment
ITdocOptions {} -> TkComment
-- The lexer considers top-level pragmas as comments (see `pragState` in
@@ -374,6 +378,7 @@ inPragma True _ = True
inPragma False tok =
case tok of
ITinline_prag {} -> True
+ ITopaque_prag {} -> True
ITspec_prag {} -> True
ITspec_inline_prag {} -> True
ITsource_prag {} -> True
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
index b045fa90..faa23d6a 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import Haddock.GhcUtils
import GHC.Utils.Ppr hiding (Doc, quote)
import qualified GHC.Utils.Ppr as Pretty
-import GHC.Types.Basic ( PromotionFlag(..) )
+import GHC.Types.Basic ( PromotionFlag(..), isPromoted )
import GHC hiding (fromMaybeContext )
import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence
import GHC.Types.Name ( nameOccName )
@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ ppSideBySideConstr subdocs unicode leader (L _ con) =
fieldPart = case con of
ConDeclGADT{con_g_args = con_args'} -> case con_args' of
-- GADT record declarations
- RecConGADT _ -> doConstrArgsWithDocs []
+ RecConGADT _ _ -> doConstrArgsWithDocs []
-- GADT prefix data constructors
PrefixConGADT args | hasArgDocs -> doConstrArgsWithDocs (map hsScaledThing args)
_ -> empty
@@ -887,12 +887,12 @@ ppSideBySideConstr subdocs unicode leader (L _ con) =
-- | Pretty-print a record field
ppSideBySideField :: [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)] -> Bool -> ConDeclField DocNameI -> LaTeX
ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode (ConDeclField _ names ltype _) =
- decltt (cat (punctuate comma (map (ppBinder . rdrNameOcc . unLoc . rdrNameFieldOcc . unLoc) names))
+ decltt (cat (punctuate comma (map (ppBinder . rdrNameOcc . unLoc . foLabel . unLoc) names))
<+> dcolon unicode <+> ppLType unicode ltype) <-> rDoc mbDoc
-- don't use cd_fld_doc for same reason we don't use con_doc above
-- Where there is more than one name, they all have the same documentation
- mbDoc = lookup (extFieldOcc $ unLoc $ head names) subdocs >>= fmap _doc . combineDocumentation . fst
+ mbDoc = lookup (foExt $ unLoc $ head names) subdocs >>= fmap _doc . combineDocumentation . fst
-- | Pretty-print a bundled pattern synonym
@@ -983,11 +983,12 @@ ppTypeApp n ts ppDN ppT = ppDN n <+> hsep (map ppT ts)
-ppLContext, ppLContextNoArrow :: Maybe (LHsContext DocNameI) -> Bool -> LaTeX
-ppLContext Nothing _ = empty
-ppLContext (Just ctxt) unicode = ppContext (unLoc ctxt) unicode
-ppLContextNoArrow Nothing _ = empty
-ppLContextNoArrow (Just ctxt) unicode = ppContextNoArrow (unLoc ctxt) unicode
+ppLContext :: Maybe (LHsContext DocNameI) -> Bool -> LaTeX
+ppLContext Nothing _ = empty
+ppLContext (Just ctxt) unicode = ppContext (unLoc ctxt) unicode
+ppLContextNoArrow :: LHsContext DocNameI -> Bool -> LaTeX
+ppLContextNoArrow ctxt unicode = ppContextNoArrow (unLoc ctxt) unicode
ppContextNoLocsMaybe :: [HsType DocNameI] -> Bool -> Maybe LaTeX
ppContextNoLocsMaybe [] _ = Nothing
@@ -1101,15 +1102,15 @@ ppr_mono_ty (HsForAllTy _ tele ty) unicode
= sep [ ppHsForAllTelescope tele unicode
, ppr_mono_lty ty unicode ]
ppr_mono_ty (HsQualTy _ ctxt ty) unicode
- = sep [ ppLContext ctxt unicode
+ = sep [ ppLContext (Just ctxt) unicode
, ppr_mono_lty ty unicode ]
ppr_mono_ty (HsFunTy _ mult ty1 ty2) u
= sep [ ppr_mono_lty ty1 u
, arr <+> ppr_mono_lty ty2 u ]
where arr = case mult of
- HsLinearArrow _ _ -> lollipop u
+ HsLinearArrow _ -> lollipop u
HsUnrestrictedArrow _ -> arrow u
- HsExplicitMult _ _ m -> multAnnotation <> ppr_mono_lty m u <+> arrow u
+ HsExplicitMult _ m _ -> multAnnotation <> ppr_mono_lty m u <+> arrow u
ppr_mono_ty (HsBangTy _ b ty) u = ppBang b <> ppLParendType u ty
ppr_mono_ty (HsTyVar _ NotPromoted (L _ name)) _ = ppDocName name
@@ -1132,9 +1133,13 @@ ppr_mono_ty (HsAppTy _ fun_ty arg_ty) unicode
ppr_mono_ty (HsAppKindTy _ fun_ty arg_ki) unicode
= hsep [ppr_mono_lty fun_ty unicode, atSign unicode <> ppr_mono_lty arg_ki unicode]
-ppr_mono_ty (HsOpTy _ ty1 op ty2) unicode
- = ppr_mono_lty ty1 unicode <+> ppr_op <+> ppr_mono_lty ty2 unicode
+ppr_mono_ty (HsOpTy _ prom ty1 op ty2) unicode
+ = ppr_mono_lty ty1 unicode <+> ppr_op_prom <+> ppr_mono_lty ty2 unicode
+ ppr_op_prom | isPromoted prom
+ = char '\'' <> ppr_op
+ | otherwise
+ = ppr_op
ppr_op | isSymOcc (getOccName op) = ppLDocName op
| otherwise = char '`' <> ppLDocName op <> char '`'
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
index 8de1b1b8..a54bb0aa 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ ppSubSigLike unicode qual typ argDocs subdocs sep emptyCtxts = do_sig_args 0 sep
leader' = leader <+> ppForAllPart unicode qual tele
do_args n leader (HsQualTy _ lctxt ltype)
- | null (fromMaybeContext lctxt)
+ | null (unLoc lctxt)
= do_largs n leader ltype
| otherwise
= (leader <+> ppLContextNoArrow lctxt unicode qual emptyCtxts, Nothing, [])
@@ -436,12 +436,14 @@ ppTypeApp n ts ppDN ppT = ppDN Prefix n <+> hsep (map ppT ts)
-ppLContext, ppLContextNoArrow :: Maybe (LHsContext DocNameI) -> Unicode
+ppLContext :: Maybe (LHsContext DocNameI) -> Unicode
-> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
ppLContext Nothing u q h = ppContext [] u q h
ppLContext (Just c) u q h = ppContext (unLoc c) u q h
-ppLContextNoArrow Nothing u q h = ppContextNoArrow [] u q h
-ppLContextNoArrow (Just c) u q h = ppContextNoArrow (unLoc c) u q h
+ppLContextNoArrow :: LHsContext DocNameI -> Unicode
+ -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
+ppLContextNoArrow c u q h = ppContextNoArrow (unLoc c) u q h
ppContextNoArrow :: HsContext DocNameI -> Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
ppContextNoArrow cxt unicode qual emptyCtxts = fromMaybe noHtml $
@@ -967,7 +969,7 @@ ppSideBySideConstr subdocs fixities unicode pkg qual (L _ con)
fieldPart = case con of
ConDeclGADT{con_g_args = con_args'} -> case con_args' of
-- GADT record declarations
- RecConGADT _ -> [ doConstrArgsWithDocs [] ]
+ RecConGADT _ _ -> [ doConstrArgsWithDocs [] ]
-- GADT prefix data constructors
PrefixConGADT args | hasArgDocs -> [ doConstrArgsWithDocs args ]
_ -> []
@@ -1025,7 +1027,7 @@ ppSideBySideField :: [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)] -> Unicode -> Qualification
ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode qual (ConDeclField _ names ltype _) =
( hsep (punctuate comma [ ppBinder False (rdrNameOcc field)
| L _ name <- names
- , let field = (unLoc . rdrNameFieldOcc) name
+ , let field = (unLoc . foLabel) name
<+> dcolon unicode
<+> ppLType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts ltype
@@ -1035,12 +1037,12 @@ ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode qual (ConDeclField _ names ltype _) =
-- don't use cd_fld_doc for same reason we don't use con_doc above
-- Where there is more than one name, they all have the same documentation
- mbDoc = lookup (extFieldOcc $ unLoc $ head names) subdocs >>= combineDocumentation . fst
+ mbDoc = lookup (foExt $ unLoc $ head names) subdocs >>= combineDocumentation . fst
ppShortField :: Bool -> Unicode -> Qualification -> ConDeclField DocNameI -> Html
ppShortField summary unicode qual (ConDeclField _ names ltype _)
- = hsep (punctuate comma (map ((ppBinder summary) . rdrNameOcc . unLoc . rdrNameFieldOcc . unLoc) names))
+ = hsep (punctuate comma (map ((ppBinder summary) . rdrNameOcc . unLoc . foLabel . unLoc) names))
<+> dcolon unicode <+> ppLType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts ltype
@@ -1185,13 +1187,13 @@ patSigContext sig_typ | hasNonEmptyContext typ && isFirstContextEmpty typ = Sho
hasNonEmptyContext t =
case unLoc t of
HsForAllTy _ _ s -> hasNonEmptyContext s
- HsQualTy _ cxt s -> if null (fromMaybeContext cxt) then hasNonEmptyContext s else True
+ HsQualTy _ cxt s -> if null (unLoc cxt) then hasNonEmptyContext s else True
HsFunTy _ _ _ s -> hasNonEmptyContext s
_ -> False
isFirstContextEmpty t =
case unLoc t of
HsForAllTy _ _ s -> isFirstContextEmpty s
- HsQualTy _ cxt _ -> null (fromMaybeContext cxt)
+ HsQualTy _ cxt _ -> null (unLoc cxt)
HsFunTy _ _ _ s -> isFirstContextEmpty s
_ -> False
@@ -1230,7 +1232,7 @@ ppr_mono_ty (HsForAllTy _ tele ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
= ppForAllPart unicode qual tele <+> ppr_mono_lty ty unicode qual emptyCtxts
ppr_mono_ty (HsQualTy _ ctxt ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
- = ppLContext ctxt unicode qual emptyCtxts <+> ppr_mono_lty ty unicode qual emptyCtxts
+ = ppLContext (Just ctxt) unicode qual emptyCtxts <+> ppr_mono_lty ty unicode qual emptyCtxts
-- UnicodeSyntax alternatives
ppr_mono_ty (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ name)) True _ _
@@ -1248,9 +1250,9 @@ ppr_mono_ty (HsFunTy _ mult ty1 ty2) u q e =
, arr <+> ppr_mono_lty ty2 u q e
where arr = case mult of
- HsLinearArrow _ _ -> lollipop u
+ HsLinearArrow _ -> lollipop u
HsUnrestrictedArrow _ -> arrow u
- HsExplicitMult _ _ m -> multAnnotation <> ppr_mono_lty m u q e <+> arrow u
+ HsExplicitMult _ m _ -> multAnnotation <> ppr_mono_lty m u q e <+> arrow u
ppr_mono_ty (HsTupleTy _ con tys) u q _ =
tupleParens con (map (ppLType u q HideEmptyContexts) tys)
@@ -1279,15 +1281,15 @@ ppr_mono_ty (HsAppKindTy _ fun_ty arg_ki) unicode qual _
= hsep [ppr_mono_lty fun_ty unicode qual HideEmptyContexts
, atSign unicode <> ppr_mono_lty arg_ki unicode qual HideEmptyContexts]
-ppr_mono_ty (HsOpTy _ ty1 op ty2) unicode qual _
- = ppr_mono_lty ty1 unicode qual HideEmptyContexts <+> ppr_op <+> ppr_mono_lty ty2 unicode qual HideEmptyContexts
+ppr_mono_ty (HsOpTy _ prom ty1 op ty2) unicode qual _
+ = ppr_mono_lty ty1 unicode qual HideEmptyContexts <+> ppr_op_prom <+> ppr_mono_lty ty2 unicode qual HideEmptyContexts
- -- `(:)` is valid in type signature only as constructor to promoted list
- -- and needs to be quoted in code so we explicitly quote it here too.
- ppr_op
- | (getOccString . getName . unL) op == ":" = promoQuote ppr_op'
- | otherwise = ppr_op'
- ppr_op' = ppLDocName qual Infix op
+ ppr_op_prom
+ | isPromoted prom
+ = promoQuote ppr_op
+ | otherwise
+ = ppr_op
+ ppr_op = ppLDocName qual Infix op
ppr_mono_ty (HsParTy _ ty) unicode qual emptyCtxts
= parens (ppr_mono_lty ty unicode qual emptyCtxts)