path: root/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
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1 files changed, 22 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
index 146c3cc8..463411b4 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
@@ -20,27 +20,21 @@
module Haddock.Interface.Create (createInterface) where
import Documentation.Haddock.Doc (metaDocAppend)
-import Documentation.Haddock.Utf8 as Utf8
import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.Options
import Haddock.GhcUtils
import Haddock.Utils
import Haddock.Convert
import Haddock.Interface.LexParseRn
-import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types
-import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Ast as Hyperlinker
-import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Parser as Hyperlinker
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bitraversable
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Control.Applicative
-import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Traversable
@@ -59,9 +53,8 @@ import Bag
import RdrName
import TcRnTypes
import FastString ( unpackFS, fastStringToByteString)
-import BasicTypes ( StringLiteral(..), SourceText(..) )
+import BasicTypes ( StringLiteral(..), SourceText(..), PromotionFlag(..) )
import qualified Outputable as O
-import HsDecls ( getConArgs )
-- | Use a 'TypecheckedModule' to produce an 'Interface'.
@@ -117,7 +110,7 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
let declsWithDocs = topDecls group_
- exports0 = fmap (reverse . map (first unLoc)) mayExports
+ exports0 = fmap (map (first unLoc)) mayExports
| OptIgnoreExports `elem` opts = Nothing
| otherwise = exports0
@@ -170,8 +163,6 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
modWarn <- liftErrMsg (moduleWarning dflags gre warnings)
- tokenizedSrc <- mkMaybeTokenizedSrc dflags flags tm
return $! Interface {
ifaceMod = mdl
, ifaceIsSig = is_sig
@@ -197,7 +188,8 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
, ifaceRnOrphanInstances = [] -- Filled in `renameInterface`
, ifaceHaddockCoverage = coverage
, ifaceWarningMap = warningMap
- , ifaceTokenizedSrc = tokenizedSrc
+ , ifaceHieFile = Just $ ml_hie_file $ ms_location ms
+ , ifaceDynFlags = dflags
@@ -899,7 +891,7 @@ hiDecl dflags t = do
Nothing -> do
liftErrMsg $ tell ["Warning: Not found in environment: " ++ pretty dflags t]
return Nothing
- Just x -> case tyThingToLHsDecl x of
+ Just x -> case tyThingToLHsDecl ShowRuntimeRep x of
Left m -> liftErrMsg (tell [bugWarn m]) >> return Nothing
Right (m, t') -> liftErrMsg (tell $ map bugWarn m)
>> return (Just $ noLoc t')
@@ -1077,8 +1069,8 @@ extractDecl declMap name decl
TyClD _ d@DataDecl {} ->
let (n, tyvar_tys) = (tcdName d, lHsQTyVarsToTypes (tyClDeclTyVars d))
in if isDataConName name
- then SigD noExt <$> extractPatternSyn name n tyvar_tys (dd_cons (tcdDataDefn d))
- else SigD noExt <$> extractRecSel name n tyvar_tys (dd_cons (tcdDataDefn d))
+ then SigD noExt <$> extractPatternSyn name n (map HsValArg tyvar_tys) (dd_cons (tcdDataDefn d))
+ else SigD noExt <$> extractRecSel name n (map HsValArg tyvar_tys) (dd_cons (tcdDataDefn d))
TyClD _ FamDecl {}
| isValName name
, Just (famInst:_) <- M.lookup name declMap
@@ -1113,10 +1105,11 @@ extractDecl declMap name decl
in case matches of
[d0] -> extractDecl declMap name (noLoc . InstD noExt $ DataFamInstD noExt d0)
_ -> error "internal: extractDecl (ClsInstD)"
- _ -> error "internal: extractDecl"
+ _ -> O.pprPanic "extractDecl" $
+ O.text "Unhandled decl for" O.<+> O.ppr name O.<> O.text ":"
+ O.$$ O.nest 4 (O.ppr decl)
-extractPatternSyn :: Name -> Name -> [LHsType GhcRn] -> [LConDecl GhcRn] -> LSig GhcRn
+extractPatternSyn :: Name -> Name -> [LHsTypeArg GhcRn] -> [LConDecl GhcRn] -> LSig GhcRn
extractPatternSyn nm t tvs cons =
case filter matches cons of
[] -> error "extractPatternSyn: constructor pattern not found"
@@ -1144,9 +1137,13 @@ extractPatternSyn nm t tvs cons =
data_ty con
| ConDeclGADT{} <- con = con_res_ty con
- | otherwise = foldl' (\x y -> noLoc (HsAppTy noExt x y)) (noLoc (HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted (noLoc t))) tvs
+ | otherwise = foldl' (\x y -> noLoc (mkAppTyArg x y)) (noLoc (HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted (noLoc t))) tvs
+ where mkAppTyArg :: LHsType GhcRn -> LHsTypeArg GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn
+ mkAppTyArg f (HsValArg ty) = HsAppTy noExt f ty
+ mkAppTyArg f (HsTypeArg l ki) = HsAppKindTy l f ki
+ mkAppTyArg f (HsArgPar _) = HsParTy noExt f
-extractRecSel :: Name -> Name -> [LHsType GhcRn] -> [LConDecl GhcRn]
+extractRecSel :: Name -> Name -> [LHsTypeArg GhcRn] -> [LConDecl GhcRn]
-> LSig GhcRn
extractRecSel _ _ _ [] = error "extractRecSel: selector not found"
@@ -1162,7 +1159,11 @@ extractRecSel nm t tvs (L _ con : rest) =
-- ResTyGADT _ ty <- con_res con = ty
| ConDeclGADT{} <- con = con_res_ty con
- | otherwise = foldl' (\x y -> noLoc (HsAppTy noExt x y)) (noLoc (HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted (noLoc t))) tvs
+ | otherwise = foldl' (\x y -> noLoc (mkAppTyArg x y)) (noLoc (HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted (noLoc t))) tvs
+ where mkAppTyArg :: LHsType GhcRn -> LHsTypeArg GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn
+ mkAppTyArg f (HsValArg ty) = HsAppTy noExt f ty
+ mkAppTyArg f (HsTypeArg l ki) = HsAppKindTy l f ki
+ mkAppTyArg f (HsArgPar _) = HsParTy noExt f
-- | Keep export items with docs.
pruneExportItems :: [ExportItem GhcRn] -> [ExportItem GhcRn]
@@ -1192,34 +1193,6 @@ seqList :: [a] -> ()
seqList [] = ()
seqList (x : xs) = x `seq` seqList xs
-mkMaybeTokenizedSrc :: DynFlags -> [Flag] -> TypecheckedModule
- -> ErrMsgGhc (Maybe [RichToken])
-mkMaybeTokenizedSrc dflags flags tm
- | Flag_HyperlinkedSource `elem` flags = case renamedSource tm of
- Just src -> do
- tokens <- liftGhcToErrMsgGhc (liftIO (mkTokenizedSrc dflags summary src))
- return $ Just tokens
- Nothing -> do
- liftErrMsg . tell . pure $ concat
- [ "Warning: Cannot hyperlink module \""
- , moduleNameString . ms_mod_name $ summary
- , "\" because renamed source is not available"
- ]
- return Nothing
- | otherwise = return Nothing
- where
- summary = pm_mod_summary . tm_parsed_module $ tm
-mkTokenizedSrc :: DynFlags -> ModSummary -> RenamedSource -> IO [RichToken]
-mkTokenizedSrc dflags ms src = do
- -- make sure to read the whole file at once otherwise
- -- we run out of file descriptors (see #495)
- rawSrc <- BS.readFile (msHsFilePath ms) >>= evaluate
- let tokens = Hyperlinker.parse dflags filepath (Utf8.decodeUtf8 rawSrc)
- return $ Hyperlinker.enrich src tokens
- where
- filepath = msHsFilePath ms
-- | Find a stand-alone documentation comment by its name.
findNamedDoc :: String -> [HsDecl GhcRn] -> ErrMsgM (Maybe HsDocString)
findNamedDoc name = search