path: root/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface
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Diffstat (limited to 'haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface')
6 files changed, 538 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs
index 86a9957c..faf043aa 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs
@@ -33,14 +33,13 @@ import FamInstEnv
import FastString
import GHC
import GhcMonad (withSession)
-import Id
import InstEnv
import MonadUtils (liftIO)
import Name
import Outputable (text, sep, (<+>))
import PrelNames
+import SrcLoc
import TcRnDriver (tcRnGetInfo)
-import TcType (tcSplitSigmaTy)
import TyCon
import TyCoRep
import TysPrim( funTyCon )
@@ -69,25 +68,26 @@ attachToExportItem :: ExportInfo -> Interface -> IfaceMap -> InstIfaceMap
-> Ghc (ExportItem Name)
attachToExportItem expInfo iface ifaceMap instIfaceMap export =
case attachFixities export of
- e@ExportDecl { expItemDecl = L _ (TyClD d) } -> do
+ e@ExportDecl { expItemDecl = L eSpan (TyClD d) } -> do
mb_info <- getAllInfo (tcdName d)
insts <- case mb_info of
Just (_, _, cls_instances, fam_instances) ->
- let fam_insts = [ (synifyFamInst i opaque, n)
+ let fam_insts = [ (synifyFamInst i opaque, doc,spanNameE n (synifyFamInst i opaque) (L eSpan (tcdName d)) )
| i <- sortBy (comparing instFam) fam_instances
- , let n = instLookup instDocMap (getName i) iface ifaceMap instIfaceMap
+ , let n = getName i
+ , let doc = instLookup instDocMap n iface ifaceMap instIfaceMap
, not $ isNameHidden expInfo (fi_fam i)
, not $ any (isTypeHidden expInfo) (fi_tys i)
, let opaque = isTypeHidden expInfo (fi_rhs i)
- cls_insts = [ (synifyInstHead i, instLookup instDocMap n iface ifaceMap instIfaceMap)
+ cls_insts = [ (synifyInstHead i, instLookup instDocMap n iface ifaceMap instIfaceMap, spanName n (synifyInstHead i) (L eSpan (tcdName d)))
| let is = [ (instanceSig i, getName i) | i <- cls_instances ]
, (i@(_,_,cls,tys), n) <- sortBy (comparing $ first instHead) is
, not $ isInstanceHidden expInfo cls tys
-- fam_insts but with failing type fams filtered out
- cleanFamInsts = [ (fi, n) | (Right fi, n) <- fam_insts ]
- famInstErrs = [ errm | (Left errm, _) <- fam_insts ]
+ cleanFamInsts = [ (fi, n, L l r) | (Right fi, n, L l (Right r)) <- fam_insts ]
+ famInstErrs = [ errm | (Left errm, _, _) <- fam_insts ]
in do
dfs <- getDynFlags
let mkBug = (text "haddock-bug:" <+>) . text
@@ -106,6 +106,18 @@ attachToExportItem expInfo iface ifaceMap instIfaceMap export =
] }
attachFixities e = e
+ -- spanName: attach the location to the name that is the same file as the instance location
+ spanName s (InstHead { ihdClsName = clsn }) (L instL instn) =
+ let s1 = getSrcSpan s
+ sn = if srcSpanFileName_maybe s1 == srcSpanFileName_maybe instL
+ then instn
+ else clsn
+ in L (getSrcSpan s) sn
+ -- spanName on Either
+ spanNameE s (Left e) _ = L (getSrcSpan s) (Left e)
+ spanNameE s (Right ok) linst =
+ let L l r = spanName s ok linst
+ in L l (Right r)
instLookup :: (InstalledInterface -> Map.Map Name a) -> Name
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
index 7da965ac..c41946f5 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ import Haddock.GhcUtils
import Haddock.Utils
import Haddock.Convert
import Haddock.Interface.LexParseRn
+import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types
+import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Ast as Hyperlinker
+import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Parser as Hyperlinker
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
@@ -124,6 +127,8 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
mkAliasMap dflags $ tm_renamed_source tm
modWarn = moduleWarning dflags gre warnings
+ tokenizedSrc <- mkMaybeTokenizedSrc flags tm
return $! Interface {
ifaceMod = mdl
, ifaceOrigFilename = msHsFilePath ms
@@ -147,6 +152,7 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
, ifaceFamInstances = fam_instances
, ifaceHaddockCoverage = coverage
, ifaceWarningMap = warningMap
+ , ifaceTokenizedSrc = tokenizedSrc
mkAliasMap :: DynFlags -> Maybe RenamedSource -> M.Map Module ModuleName
@@ -519,7 +525,7 @@ mkExportItems
case findDecl t of
([L l (ValD _)], (doc, _)) -> do
-- Top-level binding without type signature
- export <- hiValExportItem dflags t doc (l `elem` splices) $ M.lookup t fixMap
+ export <- hiValExportItem dflags t l doc (l `elem` splices) $ M.lookup t fixMap
return [export]
(ds, docs_) | decl : _ <- filter (not . isValD . unLoc) ds ->
let declNames = getMainDeclBinder (unL decl)
@@ -622,13 +628,19 @@ hiDecl dflags t = do
O.text "-- Please report this on Haddock issue tracker!"
bugWarn = O.showSDoc dflags . warnLine
-hiValExportItem :: DynFlags -> Name -> DocForDecl Name -> Bool -> Maybe Fixity -> ErrMsgGhc (ExportItem Name)
-hiValExportItem dflags name doc splice fixity = do
+-- | This function is called for top-level bindings without type signatures.
+-- It gets the type signature from GHC and that means it's not going to
+-- have a meaningful 'SrcSpan'. So we pass down 'SrcSpan' for the
+-- declaration and use it instead - 'nLoc' here.
+hiValExportItem :: DynFlags -> Name -> SrcSpan -> DocForDecl Name -> Bool
+ -> Maybe Fixity -> ErrMsgGhc (ExportItem Name)
+hiValExportItem dflags name nLoc doc splice fixity = do
mayDecl <- hiDecl dflags name
case mayDecl of
Nothing -> return (ExportNoDecl name [])
- Just decl -> return (ExportDecl decl doc [] [] fixities splice)
+ Just decl -> return (ExportDecl (fixSpan decl) doc [] [] fixities splice)
+ fixSpan (L l t) = L (SrcLoc.combineSrcSpans l nLoc) t
fixities = case fixity of
Just f -> [(name, f)]
Nothing -> []
@@ -739,7 +751,7 @@ fullModuleContents dflags warnings gre (docMap, argMap, subMap, declMap, instMap
| name:_ <- collectHsBindBinders d, Just [L _ (ValD _)] <- M.lookup name declMap =
-- Top-level binding without type signature.
let (doc, _) = lookupDocs name warnings docMap argMap subMap in
- fmap Just (hiValExportItem dflags name doc (l `elem` splices) $ M.lookup name fixMap)
+ fmap Just (hiValExportItem dflags name l doc (l `elem` splices) $ M.lookup name fixMap)
| otherwise = return Nothing
mkExportItem decl@(L l (InstD d))
| Just name <- M.lookup (getInstLoc d) instMap =
@@ -842,6 +854,30 @@ seqList :: [a] -> ()
seqList [] = ()
seqList (x : xs) = x `seq` seqList xs
+mkMaybeTokenizedSrc :: [Flag] -> TypecheckedModule
+ -> ErrMsgGhc (Maybe [RichToken])
+mkMaybeTokenizedSrc flags tm
+ | Flag_HyperlinkedSource `elem` flags = case renamedSource tm of
+ Just src -> do
+ tokens <- liftGhcToErrMsgGhc . liftIO $ mkTokenizedSrc summary src
+ return $ Just tokens
+ Nothing -> do
+ liftErrMsg . tell . pure $ concat
+ [ "Warning: Cannot hyperlink module \""
+ , moduleNameString . ms_mod_name $ summary
+ , "\" because renamed source is not available"
+ ]
+ return Nothing
+ | otherwise = return Nothing
+ where
+ summary = pm_mod_summary . tm_parsed_module $ tm
+mkTokenizedSrc :: ModSummary -> RenamedSource -> IO [RichToken]
+mkTokenizedSrc ms src =
+ Hyperlinker.enrich src . Hyperlinker.parse <$> rawSrc
+ where
+ rawSrc = readFile $ msHsFilePath ms
-- | Find a stand-alone documentation comment by its name.
findNamedDoc :: String -> [HsDecl Name] -> ErrMsgM (Maybe HsDocString)
findNamedDoc name = search
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs
index 9c46c700..3c14498c 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ module Haddock.Interface.LexParseRn
, processModuleHeader
) where
-import Control.Applicative
import Data.IntSet (toList)
import Data.List
import Documentation.Haddock.Doc (metaDocConcat)
@@ -30,9 +29,9 @@ import Haddock.Interface.ParseModuleHeader
import Haddock.Parser
import Haddock.Types
import Name
-import RdrHsSyn ( setRdrNameSpace )
import Outputable ( showPpr )
import RdrName
+import RnEnv (dataTcOccs)
processDocStrings :: DynFlags -> GlobalRdrEnv -> [HsDocString]
-> Maybe (MDoc Name)
@@ -76,7 +75,13 @@ processModuleHeader dflags gre safety mayStr = do
failure = (emptyHaddockModInfo, Nothing)
+-- | Takes a 'GlobalRdrEnv' which (hopefully) contains all the
+-- definitions and a parsed comment and we attempt to make sense of
+-- where the identifiers in the comment point to. We're in effect
+-- trying to convert 'RdrName's to 'Name's, with some guesswork and
+-- fallbacks in case we can't locate the identifiers.
+-- See the comments in the source for implementation commentary.
rename :: DynFlags -> GlobalRdrEnv -> Doc RdrName -> Doc Name
rename dflags gre = rn
@@ -84,19 +89,36 @@ rename dflags gre = rn
DocAppend a b -> DocAppend (rn a) (rn b)
DocParagraph doc -> DocParagraph (rn doc)
DocIdentifier x -> do
- let choices = dataTcOccs' x
+ -- Generate the choices for the possible kind of thing this
+ -- is.
+ let choices = dataTcOccs x
+ -- Try to look up all the names in the GlobalRdrEnv that match
+ -- the names.
let names = concatMap (\c -> map gre_name (lookupGRE_RdrName c gre)) choices
case names of
+ -- We found no names in the env so we start guessing.
[] ->
case choices of
[] -> DocMonospaced (DocString (showPpr dflags x))
- [a] -> outOfScope dflags a
- a:b:_ | isRdrTc a -> outOfScope dflags a
- | otherwise -> outOfScope dflags b
+ -- There was nothing in the environment so we need to
+ -- pick some default from what's available to us. We
+ -- diverge here from the old way where we would default
+ -- to type constructors as we're much more likely to
+ -- actually want anchors to regular definitions than
+ -- type constructor names (such as in #253). So now we
+ -- only get type constructor links if they are actually
+ -- in scope.
+ a:_ -> outOfScope dflags a
+ -- There is only one name in the environment that matches so
+ -- use it.
[a] -> DocIdentifier a
- a:b:_ | isTyConName a -> DocIdentifier a | otherwise -> DocIdentifier b
- -- If an id can refer to multiple things, we give precedence to type
- -- constructors.
+ -- But when there are multiple names available, default to
+ -- type constructors: somewhat awfully GHC returns the
+ -- values in the list positionally.
+ a:b:_ | isTyConName a -> DocIdentifier a
+ | otherwise -> DocIdentifier b
DocWarning doc -> DocWarning (rn doc)
DocEmphasis doc -> DocEmphasis (rn doc)
@@ -117,21 +139,14 @@ rename dflags gre = rn
DocString str -> DocString str
DocHeader (Header l t) -> DocHeader $ Header l (rn t)
-dataTcOccs' :: RdrName -> [RdrName]
--- If the input is a data constructor, return both it and a type
--- constructor. This is useful when we aren't sure which we are
--- looking at.
--- We use this definition instead of the GHC's to provide proper linking to
--- functions accross modules. See ticket #253 on Haddock Trac.
-dataTcOccs' rdr_name
- | isDataOcc occ = [rdr_name, rdr_name_tc]
- | otherwise = [rdr_name]
- where
- occ = rdrNameOcc rdr_name
- rdr_name_tc = setRdrNameSpace rdr_name tcName
+-- | Wrap an identifier that's out of scope (i.e. wasn't found in
+-- 'GlobalReaderEnv' during 'rename') in an appropriate doc. Currently
+-- we simply monospace the identifier in most cases except when the
+-- identifier is qualified: if the identifier is qualified then we can
+-- still try to guess and generate anchors accross modules but the
+-- users shouldn't rely on this doing the right thing. See tickets
+-- #253 and #375 on the confusion this causes depending on which
+-- default we pick in 'rename'.
outOfScope :: DynFlags -> RdrName -> Doc a
outOfScope dflags x =
case x of
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/ParseModuleHeader.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/ParseModuleHeader.hs
index d92e8b2a..e7d2a085 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/ParseModuleHeader.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/ParseModuleHeader.hs
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
module Haddock.Interface.ParseModuleHeader (parseModuleHeader) where
-import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (mplus)
import Data.Char
import DynFlags
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
index 091d9bff..2478ce23 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- |
-- Module : Haddock.Interface.Rename
@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@
module Haddock.Interface.Rename (renameInterface) where
-import Data.Traversable (traverse, Traversable)
+import Data.Traversable (mapM)
import Haddock.GhcUtils
import Haddock.Types
@@ -25,7 +26,6 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad hiding (mapM)
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map hiding ( Map )
-import Data.Traversable (mapM)
import Prelude hiding (mapM)
@@ -287,16 +287,24 @@ renameWildCardInfo (AnonWildCard (L l name)) = AnonWildCard . L l <$> rename na
renameWildCardInfo (NamedWildCard (L l name)) = NamedWildCard . L l <$> rename name
renameInstHead :: InstHead Name -> RnM (InstHead DocName)
-renameInstHead (className, k, types, rest) = do
- className' <- rename className
- k' <- mapM renameType k
- types' <- mapM renameType types
- rest' <- case rest of
- ClassInst cs -> ClassInst <$> mapM renameType cs
+renameInstHead InstHead {..} = do
+ cname <- rename ihdClsName
+ kinds <- mapM renameType ihdKinds
+ types <- mapM renameType ihdTypes
+ itype <- case ihdInstType of
+ ClassInst { .. } -> ClassInst
+ <$> mapM renameType clsiCtx
+ <*> renameLHsQTyVars clsiTyVars
+ <*> mapM renameSig clsiSigs
+ <*> mapM renamePseudoFamilyDecl clsiAssocTys
TypeInst ts -> TypeInst <$> traverse renameType ts
DataInst dd -> DataInst <$> renameTyClD dd
- return (className', k', types', rest')
+ return InstHead
+ { ihdClsName = cname
+ , ihdKinds = kinds
+ , ihdTypes = types
+ , ihdInstType = itype
+ }
renameLDecl :: LHsDecl Name -> RnM (LHsDecl DocName)
renameLDecl (L loc d) = return . L loc =<< renameDecl d
@@ -375,6 +383,16 @@ renameFamilyDecl (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info, fdLName = lname
, fdTyVars = ltyvars', fdResultSig = result'
, fdInjectivityAnn = injectivity' })
+renamePseudoFamilyDecl :: PseudoFamilyDecl Name
+ -> RnM (PseudoFamilyDecl DocName)
+renamePseudoFamilyDecl (PseudoFamilyDecl { .. }) = PseudoFamilyDecl
+ <$> renameFamilyInfo pfdInfo
+ <*> renameL pfdLName
+ <*> mapM renameLType pfdTyVars
+ <*> renameFamilyResultSig pfdKindSig
renameFamilyInfo :: FamilyInfo Name -> RnM (FamilyInfo DocName)
renameFamilyInfo DataFamily = return DataFamily
renameFamilyInfo OpenTypeFamily = return OpenTypeFamily
@@ -553,10 +571,11 @@ renameExportItem item = case item of
decl' <- renameLDecl decl
doc' <- renameDocForDecl doc
subs' <- mapM renameSub subs
- instances' <- forM instances $ \(inst, idoc) -> do
+ instances' <- forM instances $ \(inst, idoc, L l n) -> do
inst' <- renameInstHead inst
+ n' <- rename n
idoc' <- mapM renameDoc idoc
- return (inst', idoc')
+ return (inst', idoc',L l n')
fixities' <- forM fixities $ \(name, fixity) -> do
name' <- lookupRn name
return (name', fixity)
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab719fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Haddock.Interface.Specialize
+ ( specializeInstHead
+ ) where
+import Haddock.Syb
+import Haddock.Types
+import GHC
+import Name
+import FastString
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
+import Control.Monad.Trans.State
+import Data.Data
+import qualified Data.List as List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+-- | Instantiate all occurrences of given name with particular type.
+specialize :: (Eq name, Typeable name)
+ => Data a
+ => name -> HsType name -> a -> a
+specialize name details =
+ everywhere $ mkT step
+ where
+ step (HsTyVar (L _ name')) | name == name' = details
+ step typ = typ
+-- | Instantiate all occurrences of given names with corresponding types.
+-- It is just a convenience function wrapping 'specialize' that supports more
+-- that one specialization.
+specialize' :: (Eq name, Typeable name)
+ => Data a
+ => [(name, HsType name)] -> a -> a
+specialize' = flip $ foldr (uncurry specialize)
+-- | Instantiate given binders with corresponding types.
+-- Again, it is just a convenience function around 'specialize'. Note that
+-- length of type list should be the same as the number of binders.
+specializeTyVarBndrs :: (Eq name, DataId name)
+ => Data a
+ => LHsQTyVars name -> [HsType name]
+ -> a -> a
+specializeTyVarBndrs bndrs typs =
+ specialize' $ zip bndrs' typs
+ where
+ bndrs' = map (bname . unLoc) . hsq_explicit $ bndrs
+ bname (UserTyVar (L _ name)) = name
+ bname (KindedTyVar (L _ name) _) = name
+specializePseudoFamilyDecl :: (Eq name, DataId name)
+ => LHsQTyVars name -> [HsType name]
+ -> PseudoFamilyDecl name
+ -> PseudoFamilyDecl name
+specializePseudoFamilyDecl bndrs typs decl =
+ decl { pfdTyVars = map specializeTyVars (pfdTyVars decl) }
+ where
+ specializeTyVars = specializeTyVarBndrs bndrs typs
+specializeSig :: forall name . (Eq name, DataId name, SetName name)
+ => LHsQTyVars name -> [HsType name]
+ -> Sig name
+ -> Sig name
+specializeSig bndrs typs (TypeSig lnames typ) =
+ TypeSig lnames (typ { hsib_body = (hsib_body typ) { hswc_body = noLoc typ'}})
+ where
+ true_type :: HsType name
+ true_type = unLoc (hswc_body (hsib_body typ))
+ typ' :: HsType name
+ typ' = rename fv . sugar $ specializeTyVarBndrs bndrs typs true_type
+ fv = foldr Set.union Set.empty . map freeVariables $ typs
+specializeSig _ _ sig = sig
+-- | Make all details of instance head (signatures, associated types)
+-- specialized to that particular instance type.
+specializeInstHead :: (Eq name, DataId name, SetName name)
+ => InstHead name -> InstHead name
+specializeInstHead ihd@InstHead { ihdInstType = clsi@ClassInst { .. }, .. } =
+ ihd { ihdInstType = instType' }
+ where
+ instType' = clsi
+ { clsiSigs = map specializeSig' clsiSigs
+ , clsiAssocTys = map specializeFamilyDecl' clsiAssocTys
+ }
+ specializeSig' = specializeSig clsiTyVars ihdTypes
+ specializeFamilyDecl' = specializePseudoFamilyDecl clsiTyVars ihdTypes
+specializeInstHead ihd = ihd
+-- | Make given type use tuple and list literals where appropriate.
+-- After applying 'specialize' function some terms may not use idiomatic list
+-- and tuple literals resulting in types like @[] a@ or @(,,) a b c@. This
+-- can be fixed using 'sugar' function, that will turn such types into @[a]@
+-- and @(a, b, c)@.
+sugar :: forall name. (NamedThing name, DataId name)
+ => HsType name -> HsType name
+sugar =
+ everywhere $ mkT step
+ where
+ step :: HsType name -> HsType name
+ step = sugarOperators . sugarTuples . sugarLists
+sugarLists :: NamedThing name => HsType name -> HsType name
+sugarLists (HsAppTy (L _ (HsTyVar (L _ name))) ltyp)
+ | isBuiltInSyntax name' && strName == "[]" = HsListTy ltyp
+ where
+ name' = getName name
+ strName = occNameString . nameOccName $ name'
+sugarLists typ = typ
+sugarTuples :: NamedThing name => HsType name -> HsType name
+sugarTuples typ =
+ aux [] typ
+ where
+ aux apps (HsAppTy (L _ ftyp) atyp) = aux (atyp:apps) ftyp
+ aux apps (HsParTy (L _ typ')) = aux apps typ'
+ aux apps (HsTyVar (L _ name))
+ | isBuiltInSyntax name' && suitable = HsTupleTy HsBoxedTuple apps
+ where
+ name' = getName name
+ strName = occNameString . nameOccName $ name'
+ suitable = case parseTupleArity strName of
+ Just arity -> arity == length apps
+ Nothing -> False
+ aux _ _ = typ
+sugarOperators :: NamedThing name => HsType name -> HsType name
+sugarOperators (HsAppTy (L _ (HsAppTy (L _ (HsTyVar (L l name))) la)) lb)
+ | isSymOcc $ getOccName name' = mkHsOpTy la (L l name) lb
+ | isBuiltInSyntax name' && getOccString name == "(->)" = HsFunTy la lb
+ where
+ name' = getName name
+sugarOperators typ = typ
+-- | Compute arity of given tuple operator.
+-- >>> parseTupleArity "(,,)"
+-- Just 3
+-- >>> parseTupleArity "(,,,,)"
+-- Just 5
+-- >>> parseTupleArity "abc"
+-- Nothing
+-- >>> parseTupleArity "()"
+-- Nothing
+parseTupleArity :: String -> Maybe Int
+parseTupleArity ('(':commas) = do
+ n <- parseCommas commas
+ guard $ n /= 0
+ return $ n + 1
+ where
+ parseCommas (',':rest) = (+ 1) <$> parseCommas rest
+ parseCommas ")" = Just 0
+ parseCommas _ = Nothing
+parseTupleArity _ = Nothing
+-- | Haskell AST type representation.
+-- This type is used for renaming (more below), essentially the ambiguous (!)
+-- version of 'Name'. So, why is this 'FastString' instead of 'OccName'? Well,
+-- it was 'OccName' before, but turned out that 'OccName' sometimes also
+-- contains namespace information, differentiating visually same types.
+-- And 'FastString' is used because it is /visual/ part of 'OccName' - it is
+-- not converted to 'String' or alike to avoid new allocations. Additionally,
+-- since it is stored mostly in 'Set', fast comparison of 'FastString' is also
+-- quite nice.
+type NameRep = FastString
+getNameRep :: NamedThing name => name -> NameRep
+getNameRep = occNameFS . getOccName
+nameRepString :: NameRep -> String
+nameRepString = unpackFS
+stringNameRep :: String -> NameRep
+stringNameRep = mkFastString
+setInternalNameRep :: SetName name => NameRep -> name -> name
+setInternalNameRep = setInternalOccName . mkVarOccFS
+setInternalOccName :: SetName name => OccName -> name -> name
+setInternalOccName occ name =
+ setName nname' name
+ where
+ nname = getName name
+ nname' = mkInternalName (nameUnique nname) occ (nameSrcSpan nname)
+-- | Compute set of free variables of given type.
+freeVariables :: forall name. (NamedThing name, DataId name)
+ => HsType name -> Set NameRep
+freeVariables =
+ everythingWithState Set.empty Set.union query
+ where
+ query term ctx = case cast term :: Maybe (HsType name) of
+ Just (HsForAllTy bndrs _) ->
+ (Set.empty, Set.union ctx (bndrsNames bndrs))
+ Just (HsTyVar (L _ name))
+ | getName name `Set.member` ctx -> (Set.empty, ctx)
+ | otherwise -> (Set.singleton $ getNameRep name, ctx)
+ _ -> (Set.empty, ctx)
+ bndrsNames = Set.fromList . map (getName . tyVarName . unLoc)
+-- | Make given type visually unambiguous.
+-- After applying 'specialize' method, some free type variables may become
+-- visually ambiguous - for example, having @a -> b@ and specializing @a@ to
+-- @(a -> b)@ we get @(a -> b) -> b@ where first occurrence of @b@ refers to
+-- different type variable than latter one. Applying 'rename' function
+-- will fix that type to be visually unambiguous again (making it something
+-- like @(a -> c) -> b@).
+rename :: SetName name => Set NameRep -> HsType name -> HsType name
+rename fv typ = runReader (renameType typ) $ RenameEnv
+ { rneFV = fv
+ , rneCtx = Map.empty
+ }
+-- | Renaming monad.
+type Rename name = Reader (RenameEnv name)
+-- | Binding generation monad.
+type Rebind name = State (RenameEnv name)
+data RenameEnv name = RenameEnv
+ { rneFV :: Set NameRep
+ , rneCtx :: Map Name name
+ }
+renameType :: SetName name => HsType name -> Rename name (HsType name)
+renameType (HsForAllTy bndrs lt) = rebind bndrs $ \bndrs' ->
+ HsForAllTy
+ <$> pure bndrs'
+ <*> renameLType lt
+renameType (HsQualTy lctxt lt) =
+ HsQualTy
+ <$> located renameContext lctxt
+ <*> renameLType lt
+renameType (HsTyVar name) = HsTyVar <$> located renameName name
+renameType (HsAppTy lf la) = HsAppTy <$> renameLType lf <*> renameLType la
+renameType (HsFunTy la lr) = HsFunTy <$> renameLType la <*> renameLType lr
+renameType (HsListTy lt) = HsListTy <$> renameLType lt
+renameType (HsPArrTy lt) = HsPArrTy <$> renameLType lt
+renameType (HsTupleTy srt lt) = HsTupleTy srt <$> mapM renameLType lt
+renameType (HsOpTy la lop lb) =
+ HsOpTy <$> renameLType la <*> located renameName lop <*> renameLType lb
+renameType (HsParTy lt) = HsParTy <$> renameLType lt
+renameType (HsIParamTy ip lt) = HsIParamTy ip <$> renameLType lt
+renameType (HsEqTy la lb) = HsEqTy <$> renameLType la <*> renameLType lb
+renameType (HsKindSig lt lk) = HsKindSig <$> renameLType lt <*> pure lk
+renameType t@(HsSpliceTy _ _) = pure t
+renameType (HsDocTy lt doc) = HsDocTy <$> renameLType lt <*> pure doc
+renameType (HsBangTy bang lt) = HsBangTy bang <$> renameLType lt
+renameType t@(HsRecTy _) = pure t
+renameType t@(HsCoreTy _) = pure t
+renameType (HsExplicitListTy ph ltys) =
+ HsExplicitListTy ph <$> renameLTypes ltys
+renameType (HsExplicitTupleTy phs ltys) =
+ HsExplicitTupleTy phs <$> renameLTypes ltys
+renameType t@(HsTyLit _) = pure t
+renameType (HsWildCardTy wc) = pure (HsWildCardTy wc)
+renameType (HsAppsTy _) = error "HsAppsTy: Only used before renaming"
+renameLType :: SetName name => LHsType name -> Rename name (LHsType name)
+renameLType = located renameType
+renameLTypes :: SetName name => [LHsType name] -> Rename name [LHsType name]
+renameLTypes = mapM renameLType
+renameContext :: SetName name => HsContext name -> Rename name (HsContext name)
+renameContext = renameLTypes
+renameLTyOp :: SetName name => LHsTyOp name -> Rename name (LHsTyOp name)
+renameLTyOp (wrap, lname) = (,) wrap <$> located renameName lname
+renameName :: SetName name => name -> Rename name name
+renameName name = do
+ RenameEnv { rneCtx = ctx } <- ask
+ pure $ fromMaybe name (Map.lookup (getName name) ctx)
+rebind :: SetName name
+ => [LHsTyVarBndr name] -> ([LHsTyVarBndr name] -> Rename name a)
+ -> Rename name a
+rebind lbndrs action = do
+ (lbndrs', env') <- runState (rebindLTyVarBndrs lbndrs) <$> ask
+ local (const env') (action lbndrs')
+rebindLTyVarBndrs :: SetName name
+ => [LHsTyVarBndr name] -> Rebind name [LHsTyVarBndr name]
+rebindLTyVarBndrs lbndrs = mapM (located rebindTyVarBndr) lbndrs
+rebindTyVarBndr :: SetName name
+ => HsTyVarBndr name -> Rebind name (HsTyVarBndr name)
+rebindTyVarBndr (UserTyVar (L l name)) =
+ UserTyVar . L l <$> rebindName name
+rebindTyVarBndr (KindedTyVar name kinds) =
+ KindedTyVar <$> located rebindName name <*> pure kinds
+rebindName :: SetName name => name -> Rebind name name
+rebindName name = do
+ RenameEnv { .. } <- get
+ taken <- takenNames
+ case Map.lookup (getName name) rneCtx of
+ Just name' -> pure name'
+ Nothing | getNameRep name `Set.member` taken -> freshName name
+ Nothing -> reuseName name
+-- | Generate fresh occurrence name, put it into context and return.
+freshName :: SetName name => name -> Rebind name name
+freshName name = do
+ env@RenameEnv { .. } <- get
+ taken <- takenNames
+ let name' = setInternalNameRep (findFreshName taken rep) name
+ put $ env { rneCtx = Map.insert nname name' rneCtx }
+ return name'
+ where
+ nname = getName name
+ rep = getNameRep nname
+reuseName :: SetName name => name -> Rebind name name
+reuseName name = do
+ env@RenameEnv { .. } <- get
+ put $ env { rneCtx = Map.insert (getName name) name rneCtx }
+ return name
+takenNames :: NamedThing name => Rebind name (Set NameRep)
+takenNames = do
+ RenameEnv { .. } <- get
+ return $ Set.union rneFV (ctxElems rneCtx)
+ where
+ ctxElems = Set.fromList . map getNameRep . Map.elems
+findFreshName :: Set NameRep -> NameRep -> NameRep
+findFreshName taken =
+ fromJust . List.find isFresh . alternativeNames
+ where
+ isFresh = not . flip Set.member taken
+alternativeNames :: NameRep -> [NameRep]
+alternativeNames name
+ | [_] <- nameRepString name = letterNames ++ alternativeNames' name
+ where
+ letterNames = map (stringNameRep . pure) ['a'..'z']
+alternativeNames name = alternativeNames' name
+alternativeNames' :: NameRep -> [NameRep]
+alternativeNames' name =
+ [ stringNameRep $ str ++ show i | i :: Int <- [0..] ]
+ where
+ str = nameRepString name
+located :: Functor f => (a -> f b) -> Located a -> f (Located b)
+located f (L loc e) = L loc <$> f e
+tyVarName :: HsTyVarBndr name -> name
+tyVarName (UserTyVar name) = unLoc name
+tyVarName (KindedTyVar (L _ name) _) = name