path: root/haddock-api/src/Haddock
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'haddock-api/src/Haddock')
20 files changed, 1858 insertions, 286 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
index 221580cc..582c535d 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ markupTag dflags = Markup {
markupMathInline = const $ str "<math>",
markupMathDisplay = const $ str "<math>",
markupUnorderedList = box (TagL 'u'),
- markupOrderedList = box (TagL 'o'),
+ markupOrderedList = box (TagL 'o') . map snd,
markupDefList = box (TagL 'u') . map (\(a,b) -> TagInline "i" a : Str " " : b),
markupCodeBlock = box TagPre,
markupHyperlink = \(Hyperlink url mLabel) -> box (TagInline "a") (fromMaybe (str url) mLabel),
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Renderer.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Renderer.hs
index 12f37ced..a8a51e5d 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Renderer.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Renderer.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
@@ -24,6 +23,7 @@ import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.List as List
import Text.XHtml (Html, HtmlAttr, (!))
import qualified Text.XHtml as Html
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ richToken srcs details Token{..}
contexts = concatMap (Set.elems . identInfo) . Map.elems . nodeIdentifiers $ details
- -- pick an arbitary non-evidence identifier to hyperlink with
+ -- pick an arbitrary non-evidence identifier to hyperlink with
identDet = Map.lookupMin $ Map.filter notEvidence $ nodeIdentifiers $ details
notEvidence = not . any isEvidenceContext . identInfo
@@ -249,14 +249,20 @@ hyperlink (srcs, srcs') ident = case ident of
Left name -> externalModHyperlink name
+ -- In a Nix environment, we have file:// URLs with absolute paths
+ makeHyperlinkUrl url | List.isPrefixOf "file://" url = url
+ makeHyperlinkUrl url = ".." </> url
internalHyperlink name content =
Html.anchor content ! [ Html.href $ "#" ++ internalAnchorIdent name ]
externalNameHyperlink name content = case Map.lookup mdl srcs of
Just SrcLocal -> Html.anchor content !
[ Html.href $ hypSrcModuleNameUrl mdl name ]
- Just (SrcExternal path) -> Html.anchor content !
- [ Html.href $ spliceURL Nothing (Just mdl) (Just name) Nothing (".." </> path) ]
+ Just (SrcExternal path) ->
+ let hyperlinkUrl = makeHyperlinkUrl path </> hypSrcModuleNameUrl mdl name
+ in Html.anchor content !
+ [ Html.href $ spliceURL Nothing (Just mdl) (Just name) Nothing hyperlinkUrl ]
Nothing -> content
mdl = nameModule name
@@ -265,8 +271,10 @@ hyperlink (srcs, srcs') ident = case ident of
case Map.lookup moduleName srcs' of
Just SrcLocal -> Html.anchor content !
[ Html.href $ hypSrcModuleUrl' moduleName ]
- Just (SrcExternal path) -> Html.anchor content !
- [ Html.href $ spliceURL' Nothing (Just moduleName) Nothing Nothing (".." </> path) ]
+ Just (SrcExternal path) ->
+ let hyperlinkUrl = makeHyperlinkUrl path </> hypSrcModuleUrl' moduleName
+ in Html.anchor content !
+ [ Html.href $ spliceURL' Nothing (Just moduleName) Nothing Nothing hyperlinkUrl ]
Nothing -> content
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
index 349c6e8e..faa23d6a 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
@@ -1265,7 +1265,7 @@ latexMarkup = Markup
, markupPic = \p _ -> inlineElem (markupPic p)
, markupMathInline = \p _ -> inlineElem (markupMathInline p)
, markupMathDisplay = \p _ -> blockElem (markupMathDisplay p)
- , markupOrderedList = \p v -> blockElem (enumeratedList (map (\p' -> p' v empty) p))
+ , markupOrderedList = \p v -> blockElem (enumeratedList (map (\(_, p') -> p' v empty) p))
, markupDefList = \l v -> blockElem (descriptionList (map (\(a,b) -> (a v empty, b v empty)) l))
, markupCodeBlock = \p _ -> blockElem (quote (verb (p Verb empty)))
, markupHyperlink = \(Hyperlink u l) v -> inlineElem (markupLink u (fmap (\x -> x v empty) l))
@@ -1301,7 +1301,7 @@ latexMarkup = Markup
Just label -> text "\\href" <> braces (text url) <> braces label
Nothing -> text "\\url" <> braces (text url)
- -- Is there a better way of doing this? Just a space is an aribtrary choice.
+ -- Is there a better way of doing this? Just a space is an arbitrary choice.
markupPic (Picture uri title) = parens (imageText title)
imageText Nothing = beg
@@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ rdrDocToLaTeX doc = markup latexMarkup doc Plain empty
data StringContext
= Plain -- ^ all special characters have to be escape
- | Mono -- ^ on top of special characters, escape space chraacters
+ | Mono -- ^ on top of special characters, escape space characters
| Verb -- ^ don't escape anything
@@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ bold ltx = text "\\textbf" <> braces ltx
-- TODO: @verbatim@ is too much since
--- * Haddock supports markup _inside_ of codeblocks. Right now, the LaTeX
+-- * Haddock supports markup _inside_ of code blocks. Right now, the LaTeX
-- representing that markup gets printed verbatim
-- * Verbatim environments are not supported everywhere (example: not nested
-- inside a @tabulary@ environment)
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Org.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Org.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d02d0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Org.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1040 @@
+Copyright (C) 2022 Yuchen Pei.
+This file is part of haddorg-api.
+This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
+by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Affero General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+License along with this file. If not, see
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+module Haddock.Backends.Org
+ ( ppOrg
+ , cleanPkgStr
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict ( State
+ , evalState
+ , get
+ , put
+ )
+import Data.List ( intercalate
+ , intersperse
+ , isSuffixOf
+ , singleton
+ , sortOn
+ )
+import Data.Map ( (!?)
+ , toList
+ )
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+ ( empty
+ , map
+ , null
+ )
+import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
+import Documentation.Haddock.Markup ( markup
+ , plainMarkup
+ )
+import GHC ( ConDecl(..)
+ , ConDeclField(..)
+ , FamEqn(..)
+ , FamilyDecl(..)
+ , FamilyInfo(..)
+ , FamilyResultSig(..)
+ , FieldOcc(..)
+ , ForeignDecl(..)
+ , GenLocated(..)
+ , HsArg(..)
+ , HsConDeclGADTDetails(..)
+ , HsConDeclH98Details
+ , HsConDetails(..)
+ , HsDataDefn(..)
+ , HsDecl(..)
+ , HsForAllTelescope(..)
+ , HsOuterSigTyVarBndrs
+ , HsOuterTyVarBndrs(..)
+ , HsScaled(..)
+ , HsSigType(..)
+ , HsTupleSort(..)
+ , HsTyLit(..)
+ , HsTyVarBndr(..)
+ , HsType(..)
+ , InjectivityAnn(..)
+ , LHsContext
+ , LHsKind
+ , LHsQTyVars(..)
+ , LHsTyVarBndr
+ , LHsType
+ , LInjectivityAnn
+ , LTyFamInstEqn
+ , ModuleName
+ , Name
+ , NewOrData(..)
+ , RdrName
+ , Sig(..)
+ , TyClDecl(..)
+ , dropWildCards
+ , getName
+ , hsIPNameFS
+ , hsQTvExplicit
+ , moduleNameString
+ , unLoc
+ )
+import GHC.Data.FastString ( unpackFS )
+import GHC.Types.Basic ( PromotionFlag(..)
+ , TopLevelFlag(..)
+ )
+import GHC.Types.Name ( isDataConName
+ , nameModule_maybe
+ , nameOccName
+ )
+import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence ( OccName
+ , occNameString
+ )
+import GHC.Unit.Types ( GenModule(..)
+ , Module
+ , unitString
+ )
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable ( showPprUnsafe )
+import qualified GHC.Utils.Ppr as Pretty
+import GHC.Utils.Ppr ( (<+>)
+ , (<>)
+ , comma
+ , hsep
+ , punctuate
+ , text
+ )
+import Haddock.Backends.Org.Types
+import Haddock.GhcUtils ( Precedence(..)
+ , hsLTyVarNameI
+ , moduleString
+ , reparenTypePrec
+ )
+import Haddock.Types ( Doc
+ , DocForDecl
+ , DocH(..)
+ , DocInstance
+ , DocName(..)
+ , DocNameI
+ , Documentation(..)
+ , ExportItem(..)
+ , FnArgsDoc
+ , Header(..)
+ , Hyperlink(..)
+ , InstHead(..)
+ , InstType(..)
+ , Interface(..)
+ , MDoc
+ , MetaDoc(..)
+ , ModLink(..)
+ , Picture(..)
+ , TableCell(..)
+ , TableRow(..)
+ , Wrap(..)
+ , showWrapped
+ )
+import qualified Haddock.Types as HT
+ ( Example(..)
+ , Table(..)
+ )
+import Prelude hiding ( (<>) )
+type PDoc = Pretty.Doc
+type ModPath = (String, String) -- (package, module)
+type SubDocs = [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)]
+packageLevel, modLevel :: Int
+packageLevel = 1
+modLevel = 2
+-- prefix for unimplemented and error
+unimp, docError :: String -> String
+unimp = ("UNIMP$" ++)
+docError = ("ERROR$" ++)
+unimpHeading :: String -> Int -> OrgBlock
+unimpHeading thing level = headingPlainText (unimp thing) level
+emptyDoc :: DocForDecl DocName
+emptyDoc = (Documentation Nothing Nothing, M.empty)
+-- The main function
+ppOrg :: String -> Maybe (Doc RdrName) -> String -> [Interface] -> String
+ppOrg title mbPrologue pkgId = orgToString . fromOrgDocument . toOrgDocument
+ title
+ mbPrologue
+ (cleanPkgStr pkgId)
+ :: String -> Maybe (Doc RdrName) -> String -> [Interface] -> OrgDocument
+toOrgDocument title mbPrologue pkgId ifaces =
+ OrgDocument M.empty (processPackage title mbPrologue pkgId ifaces)
+ :: String -> Maybe (Doc RdrName) -> String -> [Interface] -> [OrgBlock]
+processPackage title mbPrologue pkgId ifaces =
+ Heading packageLevel
+ [plaintext title]
+ (cIdProp pkgId ++ hackageProp (hackagePackageUrl pkgId))
+ : Paragraph [plaintext $ maybe [] removeMarkup' mbPrologue]
+ : concatMap processModule (sortOn ifaceMod ifaces)
+processModule :: Interface -> [OrgBlock]
+processModule iface =
+ let
+ mdl = moduleString $ ifaceMod iface
+ pkg = cleanPkgStr $ unitString $ moduleUnit $ ifaceMod iface
+ path = (pkg, mdl)
+ heading = Heading
+ modLevel
+ [plaintext mdl]
+ (cIdProp (pkg ++ "." ++ mdl) ++ hackageProp (hackageModuleUrl pkg mdl))
+ description = ppDocumentation (ifaceRnDoc iface) (Just modLevel)
+ exported =
+ evalState (mapM (processExport path) (ifaceRnExportItems iface)) modLevel
+ ++ [ ppDocInsts
+ (ifaceRnOrphanInstances iface)
+ "Orphan Instances"
+ (modLevel + 1)
+ ]
+ in
+ heading : description ++ concat exported
+processExport :: ModPath -> ExportItem DocNameI -> State Int [OrgBlock]
+-- TODO: handle bundled patterns, fixities and splice
+processExport path (ExportDecl (L _ decl) _pats docs subdocs insts _fixities _splice)
+ = do
+ baseLevel <- get
+ return $ ppHsDecl decl insts docs subdocs path (baseLevel + 1)
+processExport _ (ExportNoDecl _ _ ) = error "ExportNoDecl"
+processExport _ (ExportGroup offset _ label) = do
+ put $ modLevel + offset
+ return $ ppDocBlock (DocHeader (Header (modLevel + offset) label)) (Just 0)
+processExport _ (ExportDoc mDoc) = return $ ppMDoc mDoc (Just modLevel)
+processExport _ (ExportModule mdl ) = do
+ baseLevel <- get
+ return
+ [ Heading
+ (baseLevel + 1)
+ [plaintext "module", Whitespace, Link (text (moduleString mdl)) []]
+ []
+ ]
+-- * To Org elements
+-- ** Documentation to Org elements
+ppFnArgsDoc :: FnArgsDoc DocName -> [OrgBlock]
+ppFnArgsDoc aDoc = if M.null aDoc
+ then []
+ else ((`ppDoc` Nothing) . DocParagraph . DocString) "Arguments (in order):"
+ ++ ((`ppDoc` Nothing) . DocOrderedList . toList . M.map _doc) aDoc
+ppDocumentation :: Documentation DocName -> Maybe Int -> [OrgBlock]
+ppDocumentation (Documentation (Just mdoc) _) minLevel = ppMDoc mdoc minLevel
+ppDocumentation _ _ = []
+ppMDoc :: MDoc DocName -> Maybe Int -> [OrgBlock]
+ppMDoc (MetaDoc _ doc) = ppDoc doc
+ppDoc :: Doc DocName -> Maybe Int -> [OrgBlock]
+ppDoc x l = if isBlock x then ppDocBlock x l else [Paragraph $ ppDocInline x]
+ppDocBlock :: Doc DocName -> Maybe Int -> [OrgBlock]
+ppDocBlock x _ | not (isBlock x) = ppDocBlock (DocParagraph x) Nothing
+ppDocBlock DocEmpty _ = []
+ppDocBlock (DocAppend x y ) l = ppDocBlock x l ++ ppDocBlock y l
+ppDocBlock (DocParagraph x) _ = [Paragraph (ppDocInline x)]
+ppDocBlock (DocUnorderedList docs) _ =
+ [PlainList Unordered $ (`ppDocBlock` Nothing) <$> docs]
+ppDocBlock (DocOrderedList items) _ =
+ [PlainList Ordered (map ((`ppDocBlock` Nothing) . snd) items)]
+ppDocBlock (DocDefList pairs) _ =
+ [ DefList
+ $ (\(term, def) -> (ppDocInline term, ppDocBlock def Nothing))
+ <$> pairs
+ ]
+ppDocBlock (DocCodeBlock doc) _ =
+ [SrcBlock $ text $ fixLeadingStar $ removeMarkup doc]
+ppDocBlock (DocMathDisplay x) _ = [MathDisplay (text x)]
+ppDocBlock (DocExamples examples) _ =
+ (\(HT.Example expr res) -> Example
+ (text (fixLeadingStar expr))
+ (text $ fixLeadingStar $ intercalate "\n" res)
+ )
+ <$> examples
+ppDocBlock (DocHeader (Header level label)) (Just l) =
+ [Heading (level + l) (ppDocInline label) []]
+ppDocBlock (DocTable (HT.Table hRows bRows)) _ = ppTable hRows bRows
+ppDocBlock doc _ = [Paragraph [plaintext $ unimp "ppDocBlock: " ++ show doc]]
+ppDocInline :: Doc DocName -> [OrgInline]
+ppDocInline x | isBlock x = [plaintext $ docError "BLOCK_IN_INLINE" ++ show x]
+ppDocInline (DocAppend x y ) = ppDocInline x ++ ppDocInline y
+ppDocInline (DocString x) = [plaintext x]
+ppDocInline (DocIdentifier x) = ppWrapped ppDocName x
+ppDocInline (DocIdentifierUnchecked x) = ppWrapped ppMO x
+ppDocInline (DocModule (ModLink modName mbModLabel)) =
+ [Link (text modName) (maybe [] ppDocInline mbModLabel)]
+ppDocInline (DocWarning x) = [plaintext $ unimp $ "DocWarning: " ++ show x]
+ppDocInline (DocEmphasis x) = [Italic $ ppDocInline x]
+ppDocInline (DocMonospaced x) = [Code $ text $ removeMarkup x]
+ppDocInline (DocBold x) = [Bold $ ppDocInline x]
+ppDocInline (DocHyperlink (Hyperlink url label)) =
+ [Link (text url) (maybe [] ppDocInline label)]
+ppDocInline (DocPic (Picture url mbTitle)) =
+ [Link (text url) (maybe [] (singleton . plaintext) mbTitle)]
+ppDocInline (DocAName x) = [Anchor (text x)]
+ppDocInline (DocMathInline x) = [MathInline (text x)]
+ppDocInline (DocProperty x) = [plaintext x]
+ppDocInline doc = [plaintext $ unimp "ppDocInline: " ++ show doc]
+-- *** Handling tables
+-- current coordinates, colspan and rowspan coordinates
+type SpanState = ((Int, Int), [(Int, Int)], [(Int, Int)])
+emptySpanState :: SpanState
+emptySpanState = ((0, 0), [], [])
+-- marks for cells connected with colspan and rowspan
+leftSym, upSym :: Bool -> String
+leftSym True = "<"
+leftSym False = ""
+upSym True = "^"
+upSym False = ""
+ppTable :: [TableRow (Doc DocName)] -> [TableRow (Doc DocName)] -> [OrgBlock]
+ppTable header body =
+ [ Table (evalState (ppTable' header) emptySpanState)
+ (evalState (ppTable' body) emptySpanState)
+ ]
+ppTable' :: [TableRow (Doc DocName)] -> State SpanState [[[OrgInline]]]
+ppTable' [] = return []
+ppTable' (TableRow cells : rest) = do
+ cur <- ppTableRow' cells
+ rest' <- ppTable' rest
+ return $ cur : rest'
+-- handle a table row, tracking colspans and rowspans
+ppTableRow' :: [TableCell (Doc DocName)] -> State SpanState [[OrgInline]]
+ppTableRow' [] = return []
+ppTableRow' (TableCell colspan rowspan doc : rest) = do
+ ((x, y), colspans, rowspans) <- get
+ let
+ left = (not . null) colspans && (x, y) `elem` colspans
+ up = (not . null) rowspans && (x, y) `elem` rowspans
+ content = if left || up
+ then [plaintext (leftSym left ++ upSym up)]
+ else ppDocInline doc
+ newColspans = if left
+ then colspans
+ else colspans ++ map (\i -> (x, y + i)) [1 .. colspan - 1]
+ newRowspans = if up
+ then rowspans
+ else rowspans ++ map (\i -> (x + i, y)) [1 .. rowspan - 1]
+ extraLeft = if null rest
+ then length (takeWhile (`elem` newColspans) (map (x, ) [y + 1 ..]))
+ else 0
+ extraUp = if null rest
+ then length (takeWhile (`elem` newRowspans) (map (x, ) [y + 1 ..]))
+ else 0
+ n = max extraLeft extraUp
+ lefts = replicate extraLeft True ++ replicate (n - extraLeft) False
+ ups = replicate extraUp True ++ replicate (n - extraUp) False
+ extra = zipWith (\l u -> [plaintext (leftSym l ++ upSym u)]) lefts ups
+ newCoord = if null rest then (x + 1, 0) else (x, y + 1)
+ put (newCoord, newColspans, newRowspans)
+ rest' <- ppTableRow' rest
+ return $ content : extra ++ rest'
+-- ** AST to Org elements
+ :: HsDecl DocNameI
+ -> [DocInstance DocNameI]
+ -> DocForDecl DocName
+ -> SubDocs
+ -> ModPath
+ -> Int
+ -> [OrgBlock]
+ppHsDecl (TyClD _ decl) insts docs subdocs path level =
+ ppTyClDecl decl docs subdocs path level
+ ++ ppDocInsts insts "Instances:" (level + 1)
+ppHsDecl (SigD _ sig) _ docs subdocs path level =
+ ppSig sig docs subdocs path level
+ppHsDecl (ForD _ for) _ docs _ path level = ppForeignDecl for docs path level
+ppHsDecl _ _ docs _ _ level =
+ unimpHeading "HsDecl" level : ppDocForDecl docs (Just level)
+ :: ForeignDecl DocNameI -> DocForDecl DocName -> ModPath -> Int -> [OrgBlock]
+ppForeignDecl (ForeignImport _ (L _ name) (L _ sigType) _) docs path level =
+ Heading level
+ (Plain (docNameToDoc name) : plaintext " :: " : ppHsSigType sigType)
+ (cIdPaths path name)
+ : ppDocForDecl docs (Just level)
+ppForeignDecl _ docs _ level =
+ unimpHeading "ForeignDecl" level : ppDocForDecl docs (Just level)
+ppDocInsts :: [DocInstance DocNameI] -> String -> Int -> [OrgBlock]
+ppDocInsts [] _ _ = []
+ppDocInsts insts heading level =
+ [headingPlainText heading level, PlainList Unordered (map ppDocInst insts)]
+ppDocInst :: DocInstance DocNameI -> [OrgBlock]
+ppDocInst (InstHead clsName types (ClassInst {..}), mbMdoc, _docName, _mbMod) =
+ prependInlinesToBlocks
+ ( interNotNull
+ [Whitespace]
+ [ ppContext clsiCtx
+ , ppDocName clsName
+ , intercalate [Whitespace]
+ (map (ppHsType . reparenTypePrec PREC_CON) types)
+ ]
+ ++ if mbMDocHasDoc mbMdoc
+ then
+ [Whitespace, plaintext "::", Whitespace]
+ else
+ []
+ )
+ (maybe [] (`ppMDoc` Nothing) mbMdoc)
+ppDocInst (InstHead clsName types (TypeInst mbRhs), mbMdoc, _docName, _mbMod) =
+ prependInlinesToBlocks
+ ( plaintext "type "
+ : ppDocName clsName
+ ++ [Whitespace]
+ ++ intercalate [Whitespace]
+ (map (ppHsType . reparenTypePrec PREC_CON) types)
+ ++ maybe
+ []
+ (\ty -> plaintext " = " : ppHsType (reparenTypePrec PREC_TOP ty))
+ mbRhs
+ ++ if mbMDocHasDoc mbMdoc
+ then [Whitespace, plaintext "::", Whitespace]
+ else []
+ )
+ (maybe [] (`ppMDoc` Nothing) mbMdoc)
+-- TODO: add decl
+ppDocInst (InstHead clsName types (DataInst _decl), mbMdoc, _docName, _mbMod) =
+ prependInlinesToBlocks
+ ( plaintext "data "
+ : ppDocName clsName
+ ++ [Whitespace]
+ ++ intercalate [Whitespace]
+ (map (ppHsType . reparenTypePrec PREC_CON) types)
+ ++ if mbMDocHasDoc mbMdoc
+ then [Whitespace, plaintext "::", Whitespace]
+ else []
+ )
+ (maybe [] (`ppMDoc` Nothing) mbMdoc)
+mbMDocHasDoc :: Maybe (MDoc DocName) -> Bool
+mbMDocHasDoc Nothing = False
+mbMDocHasDoc (Just (MetaDoc _ DocEmpty)) = False
+mbMDocHasDoc _ = True
+parensIfMany :: [a] -> [OrgInline] -> [OrgInline]
+parensIfMany xs org = if length xs > 1 then orgParens org else org
+dcSuffix :: DocName -> String
+dcSuffix name = if isDataConName (getName name) then ":dc" else ""
+idPath :: ModPath -> DocName -> String
+idPath (pkg, mdl) name =
+ pkg ++ "." ++ mdl ++ "." ++ docNameToString name ++ dcSuffix name
+idPath' :: Module -> DocName -> String
+idPath' mdl name =
+ idPath (cleanPkgStr $ unitString $ moduleUnit mdl, moduleString mdl) name
+idPathNoPkg :: String -> DocName -> String
+idPathNoPkg mdl name = mdl ++ "." ++ docNameToString name ++ dcSuffix name
+cIdPaths :: ModPath -> DocName -> Properties
+cIdPaths path@(_, mdl) name = cIdsProp [idPath path name, idPathNoPkg mdl name]
+ :: TyClDecl DocNameI
+ -> DocForDecl DocName
+ -> SubDocs
+ -> ModPath
+ -> Int
+ -> [OrgBlock]
+-- data T a b
+-- newtype T a b
+-- TODO: handle fixity
+ppTyClDecl (DataDecl _ (L _ name) tcdTyVars _ defn@(HsDataDefn { dd_ND = nd, dd_cons = cons })) docs subdocs path level
+ = [ Heading
+ level
+ ( Plain
+ ((ppNewOrData nd) <+> (docNameToDoc name) <+> hsep
+ (ppName <$> tyvarNames tcdTyVars)
+ )
+ : if gadt then [plaintext " where"] else []
+ )
+ (cIdPaths path name)
+ ]
+ ++ ppDocForDecl docs (Just level)
+ ++ ppDataDefn defn subdocs path (level + 1)
+ where
+ gadt = case cons of
+ [] -> False
+ L _ ConDeclGADT{} : _ -> True
+ _ -> False
+ppTyClDecl (DataDecl{}) docs _ _ level =
+ unimpHeading "DataDecl" level : ppDocForDecl docs (Just level)
+-- type T a b
+ppTyClDecl (SynDecl _ (L _ name) tcdTyVars _fixity (L _ rhs)) docs _ path level
+ = [ Heading
+ level
+ ( intersperse
+ Whitespace
+ ( [plaintext "type", Plain $ docNameToDoc name]
+ ++ map (Plain . ppName) (tyvarNames tcdTyVars)
+ ++ [Plain $ text "= "]
+ )
+ ++ ppHsType rhs
+ )
+ (cIdPaths path name)
+ ]
+ ++ ppDocForDecl docs (Just level)
+-- class
+ppTyClDecl (ClassDecl {..}) docs subdocs path level =
+ [ Heading
+ level
+ (interNotNull
+ [Whitespace]
+ [ [plaintext "class"]
+ , ppMbLHsContext tcdCtxt
+ , (singleton . Plain . docNameToDoc . unLoc) tcdLName
+ , intersperse Whitespace (map (Plain . ppName) (tyvarNames tcdTyVars))
+ ]
+ )
+ (cIdPaths path (unLoc tcdLName))
+ ]
+ ++ ppDocForDecl docs (Just level)
+ -- TODO: do we need an aDoc here instead of M.empty?
+ -- TODO: handle default sigs
+ ++ concatMap
+ ((\sig -> ppSig sig emptyDoc subdocs path (level + 1)) . unLoc)
+ tcdSigs
+-- type family ... where
+-- TODO: handle infix
+ppTyClDecl (FamDecl _ (FamilyDecl _ (ClosedTypeFamily mbEqns) TopLevel (L _ name) tyvars _fixity (L _ resSig) mbInj)) docs subdocs path level
+ = Heading
+ level
+ ( [plaintext "type family ", Plain $ docNameToDoc name, Whitespace]
+ ++ ppLHsQTyVars tyvars
+ ++ ppFamilyResultSig resSig "="
+ ++ maybe [] ppLInjectivityAnn mbInj
+ ++ [plaintext " where"]
+ )
+ (cIdPaths path name)
+ : ppDocForDecl docs (Just level)
+ ++ concatMap (\x -> ppLTyFamInstEqn x subdocs path (level + 1))
+ (fromMaybe [] mbEqns)
+-- data family
+-- type family
+-- DataFamily or OpenTypeFamily
+ppTyClDecl (FamDecl _ (FamilyDecl _ info TopLevel (L _ name) tyvars _fixity (L _ resSig) mbInj)) docs _ path level
+ = Heading
+ level
+ ( [pre, Plain $ docNameToDoc name, Whitespace]
+ ++ ppLHsQTyVars tyvars
+ ++ ppFamilyResultSig resSig op
+ ++ maybe [] ppLInjectivityAnn mbInj
+ )
+ (cIdPaths path name)
+ : ppDocForDecl docs (Just level)
+ where
+ pre = case info of
+ DataFamily -> plaintext "data family "
+ OpenTypeFamily -> plaintext "type family "
+ op = case info of
+ DataFamily -> "::"
+ _ -> "="
+ppTyClDecl (FamDecl{}) docs _ _ level =
+ unimpHeading "FamDecl" level : ppDocForDecl docs (Just level)
+ :: LTyFamInstEqn DocNameI -> SubDocs -> ModPath -> Int -> [OrgBlock]
+ppLTyFamInstEqn (L _ (FamEqn _ (L _ name) _ tyPats _fixity rhs)) subdocs _ level
+ = Heading
+ level
+ (interNotNull
+ [Whitespace]
+ [ ppDocName name
+ , intercalate [Whitespace] (map ppHsArg tyPats)
+ , [plaintext "="]
+ , ppLHsType (reparenTypePrec PREC_TOP <$> rhs)
+ ]
+ )
+ []
+ : maybe [] (`ppDocForDecl` (Just level)) (lookup name subdocs)
+ppHsArg :: HsArg (LHsType DocNameI) (LHsKind DocNameI) -> [OrgInline]
+ppHsArg (HsValArg ty) = ppLHsType (reparenTypePrec PREC_CON <$> ty)
+ppHsArg _ = [plaintext $ unimp "HsArg"]
+ppLInjectivityAnn :: LInjectivityAnn DocNameI -> [OrgInline]
+ppLInjectivityAnn (L _ (InjectivityAnn _ (L _ l) rs)) =
+ [ plaintext " | "
+ , Plain $ docNameToDoc l
+ , plaintext " -> "
+ , Plain $ hsep $ map (docNameToDoc . unLoc) rs
+ ]
+ppLInjectivityAnn _ = [plaintext $ unimp "LInjectivityAnn"]
+ppFamilyResultSig :: FamilyResultSig DocNameI -> String -> [OrgInline]
+ppFamilyResultSig (KindSig _ (L _ x)) op =
+ [Whitespace, plaintext op, Whitespace] ++ ppHsType x
+ppFamilyResultSig (NoSig{}) _ = []
+ppFamilyResultSig (TyVarSig _ x) op =
+ [Whitespace, plaintext op, Whitespace] ++ ppLHsTyVarBndr x
+ppDataDefn :: HsDataDefn DocNameI -> SubDocs -> ModPath -> Int -> [OrgBlock]
+ppDataDefn (HsDataDefn _ _ _ _ _ cons _derivs) subdocs path level =
+ concatMap ((\con -> ppConDecl con subdocs path level) . unLoc) cons
+ppDataDefn _ _ _ level = [unimpHeading "DataDecl" level]
+ppConDecl :: ConDecl DocNameI -> SubDocs -> ModPath -> Int -> [OrgBlock]
+-- T1 a Int
+-- TODO: handle infix
+ppConDecl (ConDeclH98 _ (L _ docName) _forall exTvs mbCtxt args _) subdocs path level
+ = Heading
+ level
+ (interNotNull
+ [Whitespace]
+ [ ppForAll exTvs
+ , ppMbLHsContext mbCtxt
+ , [Plain (docNameToDoc docName)]
+ , prefixOnly
+ ]
+ )
+ (cIdPaths path docName)
+ : case lookup docName subdocs of
+ Just (doc, aDoc) ->
+ prefixWithDocs aDoc ++ ppDocumentation doc (Just level)
+ Nothing -> []
+ ++ ppConDeclRecCon args subdocs path (level + 1)
+ where
+ prefixOnly = case args of
+ PrefixCon _ args' -> interNotNull [Whitespace] (map ppHsScaled args')
+ RecCon _ -> [plaintext "{"]
+ _ -> []
+ prefixWithDocs :: FnArgsDoc DocName -> [OrgBlock]
+ prefixWithDocs aDoc = if M.null aDoc
+ then []
+ else case args of
+ PrefixCon _ args' ->
+ [ Paragraph [plaintext "Arguments:"]
+ , DefList
+ (map (\(i, arg) -> (ppHsScaled arg, ppADoc aDoc i)) (zip [1 ..] args')
+ )
+ ]
+ _ -> ppFnArgsDoc aDoc
+-- TODO: handle con_bndrs and con_mb_cxt
+ppConDecl (ConDeclGADT _ names _ _ args resTy _) subdocs path level =
+ [ Heading
+ level
+ ( interNotNull
+ [Whitespace]
+ [ intersperse (Plain $ text ", ")
+ (map (Plain . docNameToDoc . unLoc) names)
+ , [plaintext "::"]
+ ]
+ ++ [Whitespace]
+ ++ ppConDeclGADTDetailsPrefix args resTy
+ )
+ (concatMap (cIdPaths path . unLoc) names)
+ ]
+ ++ maybe []
+ (`ppDocForDecl` (Just level))
+ (lookup (unLoc $ head names) subdocs)
+ ++ ppConDeclGADTDetailsRec args resTy subdocs path (level + 1)
+ppForAll :: [LHsTyVarBndr a DocNameI] -> [OrgInline]
+ppForAll [] = []
+ppForAll xs =
+ intercalate [Whitespace] ([plaintext "forall"] : map ppLHsTyVarBndr xs)
+ ++ [plaintext "."]
+ :: HsConDeclGADTDetails DocNameI -> LHsType DocNameI -> [OrgInline]
+ppConDeclGADTDetailsPrefix (PrefixConGADT args) resTy =
+ intercalate [plaintext " -> "] (map ppHsScaled args ++ [ppLHsType resTy])
+ppConDeclGADTDetailsPrefix (RecConGADT{}) _ = [plaintext "{"]
+ :: HsConDeclGADTDetails DocNameI
+ -> LHsType DocNameI
+ -> SubDocs
+ -> ModPath
+ -> Int
+ -> [OrgBlock]
+ppConDeclGADTDetailsRec (RecConGADT (L _ args)) resTy subdocs path level =
+ concatMap (\arg -> ppConDeclField (unLoc arg) subdocs path level) args
+ ++ [Heading level (plaintext "} -> " : ppLHsType resTy) []]
+ppConDeclGADTDetailsRec _ _ _ _ _ = []
+ :: HsConDeclH98Details DocNameI -> SubDocs -> ModPath -> Int -> [OrgBlock]
+ppConDeclRecCon (RecCon (L _ args)) subdocs path level =
+ concatMap (\arg -> ppConDeclField (unLoc arg) subdocs path level) args
+ppConDeclRecCon _ _ _ _ = []
+ :: ConDeclField DocNameI -> SubDocs -> ModPath -> Int -> [OrgBlock]
+ppConDeclField (ConDeclField _ names (L _ ty) _) subdocs path level =
+ [ Heading
+ level
+ (interNotNull
+ [Whitespace]
+ [ intersperse
+ (Plain $ text ", ")
+ (map (Plain . docNameToDoc . fieldOccDocName . unLoc) names)
+ , [plaintext "::"]
+ , ppHsType ty
+ ]
+ )
+ (concatMap (cIdPaths path . fieldOccDocName . unLoc) names)
+ ]
+ ++ maybe [] (`ppDocForDecl` (Just level)) (lookup docName subdocs)
+ where docName = (fieldOccDocName . unLoc . head) names
+fieldOccDocName :: FieldOcc DocNameI -> DocName
+fieldOccDocName (FieldOcc docName _) = docName
+fieldOccDocName _ = error "FieldOccDocName"
+-- TODO: handle linear types
+ppHsScaled :: HsScaled DocNameI (LHsType DocNameI) -> [OrgInline]
+ppHsScaled (HsScaled _ (L _ ty)) = ppHsType ty
+ :: Sig DocNameI
+ -> DocForDecl DocName
+ -> SubDocs
+ -> ModPath
+ -> Int
+ -> [OrgBlock]
+-- toplevel decl e.g. f :: Int -> String
+ppSig (TypeSig _ lhs rhs) (doc, aDoc) _ path level =
+ Heading
+ level
+ ( [ Plain (hsep $ punctuate comma $ docNameToDoc . unLoc <$> lhs)
+ , Whitespace
+ , plaintext "::"
+ , Whitespace
+ ]
+ ++ (ppHsSigType hsSig)
+ )
+ (concatMap (cIdPaths path . unLoc) lhs)
+ : (if M.null aDoc then [] else ppHsSigTypeDoc hsSig aDoc)
+ ++ ppDocumentation doc (Just level)
+ where hsSig = unLoc (dropWildCards rhs)
+-- class method decl
+ppSig (ClassOpSig _ _ names (L _ sigType)) _ subdocs path level =
+ [ Heading
+ level
+ ( [ Plain (hsep $ punctuate comma $ docNameToDoc . unLoc <$> names)
+ , Whitespace
+ , plaintext "::"
+ , Whitespace
+ ]
+ ++ ppHsSigType sigType
+ )
+ (concatMap (cIdPaths path . unLoc) names)
+ ]
+ ++ case lookup (unLoc (head names)) subdocs of
+ Just (doc, aDoc) ->
+ (if M.null aDoc then [] else ppHsSigTypeDoc sigType aDoc)
+ ++ ppDocumentation doc (Just level)
+ Nothing -> []
+ppSig (PatSynSig _ names (L _ hsSig)) (doc, aDoc) _ path level =
+ Heading
+ level
+ ( [ plaintext "pattern "
+ , Plain (hsep $ punctuate comma $ docNameToDoc . unLoc <$> names)
+ , Whitespace
+ , plaintext "::"
+ , Whitespace
+ ]
+ ++ (ppHsSigType hsSig)
+ )
+ (concatMap (cIdPaths path . unLoc) names)
+ : (if M.null aDoc then [] else ppHsSigTypeDoc hsSig aDoc)
+ ++ ppDocumentation doc (Just level)
+-- TODO: every class's sigs start with a MinimalSig
+ppSig (MinimalSig{}) _ _ _ _ = []
+ppSig _ _ _ _ level = [headingPlainText (unimp "Sig") level]
+ppNewOrData :: NewOrData -> PDoc
+ppNewOrData NewType = text "newtype"
+ppNewOrData DataType = text "data"
+ppHsSigType :: HsSigType DocNameI -> [OrgInline]
+ppHsSigType (HsSig _ bndrs (L _ ty)) = interNotNull
+ [Whitespace]
+ [ppHsOuterSigTyVarBndrs bndrs, ppHsType (reparenTypePrec PREC_TOP ty)]
+ppHsOuterSigTyVarBndrs :: HsOuterSigTyVarBndrs DocNameI -> [OrgInline]
+ppHsOuterSigTyVarBndrs bndrs = case bndrs of
+ HsOuterExplicit _ tyVarBndrs -> ppForAll tyVarBndrs
+ _ -> []
+ppHsSigTypeDoc :: HsSigType DocNameI -> FnArgsDoc DocName -> [OrgBlock]
+ppHsSigTypeDoc (HsSig _ bndrs (L _ ty)) adoc =
+ [Paragraph [plaintext "Arguments:"], DefList (forall ++ ppHsTypeDoc ty 0)]
+ where
+ ppHsTypeDoc :: HsType DocNameI -> Int -> [DefListItem]
+ ppHsTypeDoc (HsFunTy _ _ (L _ lTy) (L _ rTy)) i =
+ ppHsTypeDoc lTy i ++ ppHsTypeDoc rTy (i + 1)
+ ppHsTypeDoc (HsQualTy _ mbCtxt (L _ body)) i =
+ (ppMbLHsContext mbCtxt, []) : ppHsTypeDoc body i
+ ppHsTypeDoc (HsForAllTy _ tele (L _ body)) i =
+ (ppHsForAllTelescope tele ++ [plaintext "."], []) : ppHsTypeDoc body i
+ ppHsTypeDoc typ i = [(ppHsType typ, ppADoc adoc i)]
+ forall = case ppHsOuterSigTyVarBndrs bndrs of
+ [] -> []
+ is -> [(is, [])]
+ppDocForDecl :: DocForDecl DocName -> Maybe Int -> [OrgBlock]
+ppDocForDecl (doc, adoc) l = ppFnArgsDoc adoc ++ ppDocumentation doc l
+ppADoc :: FnArgsDoc DocName -> Int -> [OrgBlock]
+ppADoc adoc i = case adoc !? i of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just mdoc -> ppMDoc mdoc Nothing
+ppHsType :: HsType DocNameI -> [OrgInline]
+-- e.g. -> forall d. d
+ppHsType (HsForAllTy _ tele (L _ body)) =
+ ppHsForAllTelescope tele ++ [plaintext ".", Whitespace] ++ ppHsType body
+-- e.g. forall a. Ord a => a
+ppHsType (HsQualTy _ mbCtxt (L _ body)) =
+ interNotNull [Whitespace] [ppMbLHsContext mbCtxt, ppHsType body]
+-- e.g. Bool
+ppHsType (HsTyVar _ promo (L _ docName)) =
+ ppPromoted promo ++ ppDocName docName
+-- e.g. IO ()
+ppHsType (HsAppTy _ (L _ lTy) (L _ rTy)) =
+ ppHsType lTy ++ [Whitespace] ++ ppHsType rTy
+ppHsType (HsAppKindTy _ _ _) = [plaintext $ unimp "HsAppKindTy"]
+ppHsType (HsFunTy _ _ (L _ lTy) (L _ rTy)) =
+ ppHsType lTy ++ [Whitespace, plaintext "->", Whitespace] ++ ppHsType rTy
+-- e.g. [a]
+ppHsType (HsListTy _ (L _ ty) ) = orgBrackets $ ppHsType ty
+-- e.g. ()
+-- e.g. (a, b)
+ppHsType (HsTupleTy _ sort tys) = orgParens $ maybeUnbox $ intercalate
+ [plaintext ",", Whitespace]
+ (ppHsType . unLoc <$> tys)
+ where
+ maybeUnbox = case sort of
+ HsUnboxedTuple -> orgUnbox
+ HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple -> id
+-- e.g. (# a | b #)
+ppHsType (HsSumTy _ tys) =
+ orgParens . orgUnbox $ intercalate [plaintext " | "] (map ppLHsType tys)
+ppHsType (HsOpTy _ (L _ lTy) (L _ docName) (L _ rTy)) =
+ intercalate [Whitespace] [ppHsType lTy, ppDocName docName, ppHsType rTy]
+-- e.g. (a -> a)
+ppHsType (HsParTy _ (L _ t)) = orgParens $ ppHsType t
+-- e.g. ?callStack :: CallStack
+ppHsType (HsIParamTy _ (L _ name) ty) =
+ (plaintext $ '?' : unpackFS (hsIPNameFS name))
+ : plaintext " :: "
+ : ppLHsType ty
+ppHsType (HsStarTy _ _) = [plaintext "*"]
+-- e.g. (a :: k)
+ppHsType (HsKindSig _ (L _ t) (L _ k)) =
+ ppHsType t ++ [plaintext " :: "] ++ ppHsType k
+ppHsType (HsSpliceTy _ _ ) = [plaintext $ unimp "HsSpliceTy"]
+-- e.g. -> a -- ^ Second argument
+-- The third arg in docty is HsDocString
+ppHsType (HsDocTy _ (L _ t) _ ) = ppHsType t
+ppHsType (HsBangTy _ _ (L _ ty) ) = plaintext "!" : ppHsType ty
+ppHsType (HsRecTy _ _ ) = [plaintext $ unimp "HsRecTy"]
+-- TODO: is it possible that promo is NotPromoted? If so what is the difference
+-- from a vanilla list (cf ExplicitTuple does not have a promo flag)?
+ppHsType (HsExplicitListTy _ promo tys) = ppPromoted promo
+ ++ orgBrackets (intercalate [plaintext ", "] (map ppLHsType tys))
+ppHsType (HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys) =
+ plaintext "'" : orgParens (intercalate [plaintext ", "] (map ppLHsType tys))
+ppHsType (HsTyLit _ lit) = [plaintext $ shown]
+ where
+ shown = case lit of
+ HsNumTy _ x -> show x
+ HsStrTy _ x -> show x
+ HsCharTy _ x -> show x
+ppHsType (HsWildCardTy _) = [plaintext "_"]
+ppHsType _ = [plaintext $ unimp "HsType"]
+ppLHsType :: LHsType DocNameI -> [OrgInline]
+ppLHsType (L _ x) = ppHsType x
+ppMbLHsContext :: Maybe (LHsContext DocNameI) -> [OrgInline]
+ppMbLHsContext = maybe [] (ppContext . map unLoc . unLoc)
+ppContext :: [HsType DocNameI] -> [OrgInline]
+ppContext [] = []
+ppContext ctx =
+ parensIfMany ctx (intercalate [plaintext ",", Whitespace] (map ppHsType ctx))
+ ++ [Whitespace, plaintext "=>"]
+ppPromoted :: PromotionFlag -> [OrgInline]
+ppPromoted flag = case flag of
+ NotPromoted -> []
+ IsPromoted -> [plaintext "'"]
+ppDocName :: DocName -> [OrgInline]
+ppDocName docName@(Documented _ mdl) =
+ [Link (text "#" <> text (idPath' mdl docName)) [Plain $ docNameToDoc docName]]
+ppDocName docName@(Undocumented name) = case nameModule_maybe name of
+ Nothing -> [Plain $ docNameToDoc docName]
+ Just mdl -> ppDocName (Documented name mdl)
+-- TODO: determine whether it's a subordinate based on NameSpace
+ppMO :: (ModuleName, OccName) -> [OrgInline]
+ppMO (mdl, occ) =
+ [ Link (text $ "#" ++ moToString (mdl, occ))
+ [plaintext $ moToString (mdl, occ)]
+ ]
+ppHsForAllTelescope :: HsForAllTelescope DocNameI -> [OrgInline]
+ppHsForAllTelescope (HsForAllInvis _ bndrs) =
+ intercalate [Whitespace] ([plaintext "forall"] : map ppLHsTyVarBndr bndrs)
+ppHsForAllTelescope _ = [plaintext $ unimp "HsForAllTelescope"]
+ppLHsTyVarBndr :: LHsTyVarBndr a DocNameI -> [OrgInline]
+ppLHsTyVarBndr (L _ x) = ppHsTyVarBndr x
+ppHsTyVarBndr :: HsTyVarBndr a DocNameI -> [OrgInline]
+ppHsTyVarBndr (UserTyVar _ _ (L _ docName)) = [Plain $ docNameToDoc docName]
+ppHsTyVarBndr (KindedTyVar _ _ (L _ docName) (L _ ty)) =
+ orgParens $ Plain (docNameToDoc docName) : plaintext " :: " : ppHsType ty
+ppOccName :: OccName -> PDoc
+ppOccName = text . occNameString
+ppName :: Name -> PDoc
+ppName = ppOccName . nameOccName
+docNameToDoc :: DocName -> PDoc
+docNameToDoc = ppName . getName
+docNameToString :: DocName -> String
+docNameToString = occNameString . nameOccName . getName
+ppWrapped :: (a -> [OrgInline]) -> Wrap a -> [OrgInline]
+ppWrapped p (Unadorned n) = p n
+ppWrapped p (Parenthesized n) = orgParens $ p n
+ppWrapped p (Backticked n) = plaintext "`" : p n ++ [plaintext "`"]
+wrapDocNameToString :: Wrap DocName -> String
+wrapDocNameToString = showWrapped docNameToString
+wrapMOToString :: Wrap (ModuleName, OccName) -> String
+wrapMOToString = showWrapped moToString
+moToString :: (ModuleName, OccName) -> String
+moToString (mdl, occ) = moduleNameString mdl ++ "." ++ occNameString occ
+removeMarkup :: Doc DocName -> String
+removeMarkup = markup (plainMarkup wrapMOToString wrapDocNameToString)
+removeMarkup' :: Doc RdrName -> String
+removeMarkup' = markup (plainMarkup wrapMOToString (showWrapped showPprUnsafe))
+orgUnbox :: [OrgInline] -> [OrgInline]
+orgUnbox xs = interNotNull [Whitespace] [[plaintext "#"], xs, [plaintext "#"]]
+-- * Utilities
+interNotNull :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [a]
+interNotNull xs = intercalate xs . filter (not . null)
+tyvarNames :: LHsQTyVars DocNameI -> [Name]
+tyvarNames = map (getName . hsLTyVarNameI) . hsQTvExplicit
+ppLHsQTyVars :: LHsQTyVars DocNameI -> [OrgInline]
+ppLHsQTyVars (HsQTvs _ bndrs) =
+ intercalate [Whitespace] (map ppLHsTyVarBndr bndrs)
+ppLHsQTyVars _ = [plaintext $ unimp "LHsQTyVars"]
+isBlock :: DocH mod id -> Bool
+isBlock DocEmpty = True
+isBlock (DocAppend x y ) = isBlock x || isBlock y
+isBlock (DocString _) = False
+isBlock (DocParagraph _) = True
+isBlock (DocIdentifier _) = False
+isBlock (DocIdentifierUnchecked _) = False
+isBlock (DocModule _) = False
+isBlock (DocWarning _) = False
+isBlock (DocEmphasis _) = False
+isBlock (DocMonospaced _) = False
+isBlock (DocBold _) = False
+isBlock (DocUnorderedList _) = True
+isBlock (DocOrderedList _) = True
+isBlock (DocDefList _) = True
+isBlock (DocCodeBlock _) = True
+isBlock (DocHyperlink _) = False
+isBlock (DocPic _) = False
+isBlock (DocMathInline _) = False
+isBlock (DocMathDisplay _) = True
+isBlock (DocAName _) = False
+isBlock (DocProperty _) = False
+isBlock (DocExamples _) = True
+isBlock (DocHeader _) = True
+isBlock (DocTable _) = True
+cleanPkgStr :: String -> String
+cleanPkgStr = removeHash . removeInplace
+removeInplace :: String -> String
+removeInplace s | isSuffixOf "-inplace" s = take (length s - 8) s
+removeInplace s = s
+-- A silly heuristic that removes the last 65 chars if the string is longer than 65 chars
+-- useful for removing hash from a unit id string like
+-- sqlite-simple-
+removeHash :: String -> String
+removeHash s | length s > 65 = take (length s - 65) s
+removeHash s = s
+hackagePackageUrl :: String -> String
+hackagePackageUrl pkg = "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/" ++ pkg
+hackageModuleUrl :: String -> String -> String
+hackageModuleUrl pkg mdl =
+ hackagePackageUrl pkg ++ "/docs/" ++ dotsToDashes mdl ++ ".html"
+ where dotsToDashes = map (\c -> if c == '.' then '-' else c)
+-- * Orphan instances for show
+instance Show DocName where
+ show = showPprUnsafe
+instance Show OccName where
+ show = showPprUnsafe
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Org/Types.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Org/Types.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e3534c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Org/Types.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+Copyright (C) 2022 Yuchen Pei.
+This file is part of haddorg-api.
+This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
+by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Affero General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+License along with this file. If not, see
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+module Haddock.Backends.Org.Types where
+import Data.Char ( isSpace )
+import Data.List ( dropWhileEnd
+ , intercalate
+ )
+import Data.Map ( Map )
+import GHC.Utils.Ppr ( ($$)
+ , (<+>)
+ , (<>)
+ , Doc
+ , Mode(..)
+ , brackets
+ , empty
+ , fullRender
+ , hang
+ , hcat
+ , hsep
+ , punctuate
+ , text
+ , txtPrinter
+ , vcat
+ )
+import Prelude hiding ( (<>) )
+-- * Some consts
+defListSep :: Doc
+defListSep = text "::"
+unorderedBullet, orderedBullet :: String
+unorderedBullet = "-"
+orderedBullet = "."
+colons :: Doc -> Doc
+colons doc = text ":" <> doc <> text ":"
+-- * Document, Sections and Headings
+data OrgDocument = OrgDocument
+ { oDKeywords :: Map String Doc
+ , oDBlocks :: [OrgBlock]
+ }
+ deriving Show
+-- todo: handle keywords
+type Properties = [(String, String)]
+-- * Blocks
+-- | Org block. Like a Pandoc Block.
+data OrgBlock
+ = Heading Int [OrgInline] Properties
+ | PlainList ListType [[OrgBlock]]
+ | DefList [DefListItem]
+ | Paragraph [OrgInline]
+ | Table [[[OrgInline]]] [[[OrgInline]]]
+ | SrcBlock Doc
+ | MathDisplay Doc
+ | Example Doc Doc -- expression and result
+ deriving (Show)
+-- Lists
+data ListType = Ordered | Unordered
+ deriving (Show)
+type DefListItem = ([OrgInline], [OrgBlock])
+-- * Inlines
+-- | Objects (inline elements). Derived from Pandoc's Inline.
+data OrgInline
+ = Plain Doc
+ | Italic [OrgInline]
+ | Bold [OrgInline]
+ | Code Doc
+ | Link Doc [OrgInline]
+ | Anchor Doc
+ | Whitespace
+ | MathInline Doc
+ deriving (Show)
+-- * From Org elements to Doc
+fromOrgDocument :: OrgDocument -> Doc
+fromOrgDocument (OrgDocument _ blocks) = fromOrgBlocks blocks <> text "\n"
+fromOrgBlock :: OrgBlock -> Doc
+fromOrgBlock (Heading level inlines props) = hang
+ (text (replicate level '*') <+> fromOrgInlines inlines)
+ (level + 1)
+ (fromOrgProperties props)
+fromOrgBlock (Paragraph inlines) = fromOrgInlines inlines
+fromOrgBlock (SrcBlock code) =
+ -- The \n followed by <> code makes indentation work, given the code has no indent
+ vcat [text "#+begin_src haskell\n" <> code, text "#+end_src"]
+fromOrgBlock (DefList defs) = vcat $ map
+ (\(term, def) -> fromOrgListItem
+ unorderedBullet
+ (prependInlinesToBlocks (term ++ [Whitespace, plaintext "::", Whitespace])
+ def
+ )
+ )
+ defs
+fromOrgBlock (PlainList Unordered items) =
+ vcat $ map (uncurry fromOrgListItem) (zip (repeat unorderedBullet) items)
+fromOrgBlock (PlainList Ordered items) = vcat $ map
+ (uncurry fromOrgListItem)
+ (zip (map ((++ orderedBullet) . show) [1 ..]) items)
+fromOrgBlock (Example expr res) =
+ (fromOrgBlock (SrcBlock expr)) $$ (text "#+RESULTS:") $$ res
+fromOrgBlock (MathDisplay doc) = doc
+fromOrgBlock (Table header body) =
+ vcat (map fromOrgTableRow header) $$ tableRule len $$ vcat
+ (map fromOrgTableRow body)
+ where
+ len = case header of
+ [] -> case body of
+ [] -> 0
+ h : _ -> length h
+ h : _ -> length h
+tableRule :: Int -> Doc
+tableRule n =
+ text "|" <> hcat (punctuate (text "|") (replicate n (text "-"))) <> text "|"
+fromOrgTableRow :: [[OrgInline]] -> Doc
+fromOrgTableRow row =
+ text "|" <+> hsep (punctuate (text "|") (map fromOrgInlines row)) <+> text "|"
+prependInlinesToBlock :: [OrgInline] -> OrgBlock -> [OrgBlock]
+prependInlinesToBlock [] block = [block]
+prependInlinesToBlock _ (Heading _ _ _) =
+ error "Prepending inlines to a heading!"
+prependInlinesToBlock is (Paragraph is') = [Paragraph (is ++ is')]
+prependInlinesToBlock is block = [Paragraph is, block]
+prependInlinesToBlocks :: [OrgInline] -> [OrgBlock] -> [OrgBlock]
+prependInlinesToBlocks is [] = [Paragraph is]
+prependInlinesToBlocks is (h : t) = prependInlinesToBlock is h ++ t
+fromOrgProperties :: Properties -> Doc
+fromOrgProperties props | null props = empty
+fromOrgProperties props =
+ colons (text "PROPERTIES")
+ $$ vcat (map (\(prop, value) -> colons (text prop) <+> text value) props)
+ $$ colons (text "END")
+fromOrgBlocks :: [OrgBlock] -> Doc
+fromOrgBlocks = vcat . punctuate (text "\n") . map fromOrgBlock
+fromOrgBlocksTight :: [OrgBlock] -> Doc
+fromOrgBlocksTight = vcat . map fromOrgBlock
+fromOrgListItem :: String -> [OrgBlock] -> Doc
+fromOrgListItem _ [] = empty
+fromOrgListItem bullet (hd : rest) = hang (text bullet <+> fromOrgBlock hd)
+ (length bullet + 1)
+ (fromOrgBlocksTight rest)
+fromOrgInline :: OrgInline -> Doc
+fromOrgInline (Plain doc ) = doc
+fromOrgInline (Code doc ) = text "~" <> doc <> text "~"
+fromOrgInline (Link target label) = brackets $ brackets target <> if null label
+ then empty
+ else brackets (fromOrgInlines label)
+fromOrgInline (Bold inlines) = text "*" <> fromOrgInlines inlines <> text "*"
+fromOrgInline (Italic inlines) = text "/" <> fromOrgInlines inlines <> text "/"
+fromOrgInline (Anchor doc ) = text "<<" <> doc <> text ">>"
+fromOrgInline Whitespace = text " "
+fromOrgInline (MathInline doc) = text "\\(" <+> doc <+> text "\\)"
+fromOrgInlines :: [OrgInline] -> Doc
+fromOrgInlines = hcat . map fromOrgInline
+-- * To string
+orgToString :: Doc -> String
+orgToString = fullRender (PageMode True) 0 1 txtPrinter ""
+-- * Utilities for creating org elements
+cIdProp :: String -> Properties
+cIdProp cid = [("CUSTOM_ID", cid)]
+hackageProp :: String -> Properties
+hackageProp url = [("Hackage", url)]
+cIdsProp :: [String] -> Properties
+cIdsProp cids = map (\cid -> ("CUSTOM_ID", cid)) cids
+plaintext :: String -> OrgInline
+plaintext = Plain . text . unfill
+unfill :: String -> String
+unfill "" = ""
+unfill s =
+ let
+ xs = lines s
+ preStripped = head xs : map (dropWhile isSpace) (tail xs)
+ stripped =
+ map (dropWhileEnd isSpace) (init preStripped) ++ [last preStripped]
+ in
+ unwords stripped
+fixLeadingStar :: String -> String
+fixLeadingStar =
+ intercalate "\n"
+ . map
+ (\line ->
+ if not (null line) && head line == '*' then ' ' : line else line
+ )
+ . lines
+headingPlainText :: String -> Int -> OrgBlock
+headingPlainText title level = Heading level [plaintext title] []
+headingPlainTextCId :: String -> String -> Int -> OrgBlock
+headingPlainTextCId title cid level =
+ Heading level [plaintext title] (cIdProp cid)
+singleHeadingPlainText :: String -> Int -> [OrgBlock]
+singleHeadingPlainText title level = [headingPlainText title level]
+singleHeadingPlain :: Doc -> Int -> [OrgBlock]
+singleHeadingPlain title level = [Heading level [Plain title] []]
+singleHeadingPlainCId :: Doc -> String -> Int -> [OrgBlock]
+singleHeadingPlainCId title cid level =
+ [Heading level [Plain title] (cIdProp cid)]
+orgParens :: [OrgInline] -> [OrgInline]
+orgParens xs = plaintext "(" : xs ++ [plaintext ")"]
+orgBrackets :: [OrgInline] -> [OrgInline]
+orgBrackets xs = plaintext "[" : xs ++ [plaintext "]"]
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs
index b7674b24..4cc6aa77 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Names
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Themes
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Types
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Utils
+import Haddock.InterfaceFile (PackageInfo (..), PackageInterfaces (..), ppPackageInfo)
import Haddock.ModuleTree
+import Haddock.Options (Visibility (..))
import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.Version
import Haddock.Utils
@@ -78,6 +80,7 @@ ppHtml :: UnitState
-> Maybe String -- ^ The index URL (--use-index)
-> Bool -- ^ Whether to use unicode in output (--use-unicode)
-> Maybe String -- ^ Package name
+ -> PackageInfo -- ^ Package info
-> QualOption -- ^ How to qualify names
-> Bool -- ^ Output pretty html (newlines and indenting)
-> Bool -- ^ Also write Quickjump index
@@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ ppHtml :: UnitState
ppHtml state doctitle maybe_package ifaces reexported_ifaces odir prologue
themes maybe_mathjax_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
maybe_base_url maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url unicode
- pkg qual debug withQuickjump = do
+ pkg packageInfo qual debug withQuickjump = do
visible_ifaces = filter visible ifaces
visible i = OptHide `notElem` ifaceOptions i
@@ -94,13 +97,20 @@ ppHtml state doctitle maybe_package ifaces reexported_ifaces odir prologue
when (isNothing maybe_contents_url) $
ppHtmlContents state odir doctitle maybe_package
themes maybe_mathjax_url maybe_index_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
- (map toInstalledIface visible_ifaces ++ reexported_ifaces)
+ withQuickjump
+ [PackageInterfaces
+ { piPackageInfo = packageInfo
+ , piVisibility = Visible
+ , piInstalledInterfaces = map toInstalledIface visible_ifaces
+ ++ reexported_ifaces
+ }]
False -- we don't want to display the packages in a single-package contents
prologue debug pkg (makeContentsQual qual)
when (isNothing maybe_index_url) $ do
ppHtmlIndex odir doctitle maybe_package
themes maybe_mathjax_url maybe_contents_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
+ withQuickjump
(map toInstalledIface visible_ifaces ++ reexported_ifaces) debug
when withQuickjump $
@@ -109,7 +119,8 @@ ppHtml state doctitle maybe_package ifaces reexported_ifaces odir prologue
mapM_ (ppHtmlModule odir doctitle themes
maybe_mathjax_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url maybe_base_url
- maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url unicode pkg qual debug) visible_ifaces
+ maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url withQuickjump
+ unicode pkg qual debug) visible_ifaces
copyHtmlBits :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Themes -> Bool -> IO ()
@@ -155,6 +166,15 @@ headHtml docTitle themes mathjax_url base_url =
, "}"
, "});" ]
+quickJumpButtonLi :: Bool -- ^ With Quick Jump?
+ -> Maybe Html
+-- The TypeScript should replace this <li> element, given its id. However, in
+-- case it does not, the element is given content here too.
+quickJumpButtonLi True = Just $ li ! [identifier "quick-jump-button"]
+ << anchor ! [href "#"] << "Quick Jump"
+quickJumpButtonLi False = Nothing
srcButton :: SourceURLs -> Maybe Interface -> Maybe Html
srcButton (Just src_base_url, _, _, _) Nothing =
Just (anchor ! [href src_base_url] << "Source")
@@ -193,20 +213,18 @@ indexButton maybe_index_url
bodyHtml :: String -> Maybe Interface
-> SourceURLs -> WikiURLs
-> Maybe String -> Maybe String
+ -> Bool -- ^ With Quick Jump?
-> Html -> Html
bodyHtml doctitle iface
maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url
+ withQuickjump
pageContent =
body << [
divPackageHeader << [
nonEmptySectionName << doctitle,
- unordList (catMaybes [
- srcButton maybe_source_url iface,
- wikiButton maybe_wiki_url (ifaceMod <$> iface),
- contentsButton maybe_contents_url,
- indexButton maybe_index_url])
- ! [theclass "links", identifier "page-menu"]
+ ulist ! [theclass "links", identifier "page-menu"]
+ << catMaybes (quickJumpButtonLi withQuickjump : otherButtonLis)
divContent << pageContent,
divFooter << paragraph << (
@@ -215,6 +233,13 @@ bodyHtml doctitle iface
(" version " ++ projectVersion)
+ where
+ otherButtonLis = (fmap . fmap) (li <<)
+ [ srcButton maybe_source_url iface
+ , wikiButton maybe_wiki_url (ifaceMod <$> iface)
+ , contentsButton maybe_contents_url
+ , indexButton maybe_index_url
+ ]
moduleInfo :: Interface -> Html
moduleInfo iface =
@@ -277,30 +302,44 @@ ppHtmlContents
-> Maybe String
-> SourceURLs
-> WikiURLs
- -> [InstalledInterface] -> Bool -> Maybe (MDoc GHC.RdrName)
+ -> Bool -- ^ With Quick Jump?
+ -> [PackageInterfaces] -> Bool -> Maybe (MDoc GHC.RdrName)
-> Bool
-> Maybe Package -- ^ Current package
-> Qualification -- ^ How to qualify names
-> IO ()
ppHtmlContents state odir doctitle _maybe_package
themes mathjax_url maybe_index_url
- maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url ifaces showPkgs prologue debug pkg qual = do
- let tree = mkModuleTree state showPkgs
- [(instMod iface, toInstalledDescription iface)
- | iface <- ifaces
- , not (instIsSig iface)]
- sig_tree = mkModuleTree state showPkgs
- [(instMod iface, toInstalledDescription iface)
- | iface <- ifaces
- , instIsSig iface]
+ maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url withQuickjump
+ packages showPkgs prologue debug pkg qual = do
+ let trees =
+ [ ( piPackageInfo pinfo
+ , mkModuleTree state showPkgs
+ [(instMod iface, toInstalledDescription iface)
+ | iface <- piInstalledInterfaces pinfo
+ , not (instIsSig iface)
+ ]
+ )
+ | pinfo <- packages
+ ]
+ sig_trees =
+ [ ( piPackageInfo pinfo
+ , mkModuleTree state showPkgs
+ [(instMod iface, toInstalledDescription iface)
+ | iface <- piInstalledInterfaces pinfo
+ , instIsSig iface
+ ]
+ )
+ | pinfo <- packages
+ ]
html =
headHtml doctitle themes mathjax_url Nothing +++
bodyHtml doctitle Nothing
maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
- Nothing maybe_index_url << [
+ Nothing maybe_index_url withQuickjump << [
ppPrologue pkg qual doctitle prologue,
- ppSignatureTree pkg qual sig_tree,
- ppModuleTree pkg qual tree
+ ppSignatureTrees pkg qual sig_trees,
+ ppModuleTrees pkg qual trees
createDirectoryIfMissing True odir
writeUtf8File (joinPath [odir, contentsHtmlFile]) (renderToString debug html)
@@ -315,17 +354,37 @@ ppPrologue _ _ _ Nothing = noHtml
ppPrologue pkg qual title (Just doc) =
divDescription << (h1 << title +++ docElement thediv (rdrDocToHtml pkg qual doc))
-ppSignatureTree :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [ModuleTree] -> Html
-ppSignatureTree _ _ [] = mempty
-ppSignatureTree pkg qual ts =
- divModuleList << (sectionName << "Signatures" +++ mkNodeList pkg qual [] "n" ts)
-ppModuleTree :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [ModuleTree] -> Html
-ppModuleTree _ _ [] = mempty
-ppModuleTree pkg qual ts =
- divModuleList << (sectionName << "Modules" +++ mkNodeList pkg qual [] "n" ts)
+ppSignatureTrees :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [(PackageInfo, [ModuleTree])] -> Html
+ppSignatureTrees _ _ tss | all (null . snd) tss = mempty
+ppSignatureTrees pkg qual [(info, ts)] =
+ divPackageList << (sectionName << "Signatures" +++ ppSignatureTree pkg qual "n" info ts)
+ppSignatureTrees pkg qual tss =
+ divModuleList <<
+ (sectionName << "Signatures"
+ +++ concatHtml [ ppSignatureTree pkg qual("n."++show i++".") info ts
+ | (i, (info, ts)) <- zip [(1::Int)..] tss
+ ])
+ppSignatureTree :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> String -> PackageInfo -> [ModuleTree] -> Html
+ppSignatureTree _ _ _ _ [] = mempty
+ppSignatureTree pkg qual p info ts =
+ divModuleList << (sectionName << ppPackageInfo info +++ mkNodeList pkg qual [] p ts)
+ppModuleTrees :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [(PackageInfo, [ModuleTree])] -> Html
+ppModuleTrees _ _ tss | all (null . snd) tss = mempty
+ppModuleTrees pkg qual [(info, ts)] =
+ divModuleList << (sectionName << "Modules" +++ ppModuleTree pkg qual "n" info ts)
+ppModuleTrees pkg qual tss =
+ divPackageList <<
+ (sectionName << "Packages"
+ +++ concatHtml [ppModuleTree pkg qual ("n."++show i++".") info ts
+ | (i, (info, ts)) <- zip [(1::Int)..] tss
+ ])
+ppModuleTree :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> String -> PackageInfo -> [ModuleTree] -> Html
+ppModuleTree _ _ _ _ [] = mempty
+ppModuleTree pkg qual p info ts =
+ divModuleList << (sectionName << ppPackageInfo info +++ mkNodeList pkg qual [] p ts)
mkNodeList :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [String] -> String -> [ModuleTree] -> Html
@@ -418,11 +477,16 @@ ppJsonIndex odir maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url unicode pkg qual_opt ifaces ins
(errors, installedIndexes) <-
<$> traverse
- (\ifaceFile ->
+ (\ifaceFile -> do
let indexFile = takeDirectory ifaceFile
- FilePath.</> "doc-index.json" in
- bimap (indexFile,) (map (fixLink ifaceFile))
- <$> eitherDecodeFile @[JsonIndexEntry] indexFile)
+ FilePath.</> "doc-index.json"
+ a <- doesFileExist indexFile
+ if a then
+ bimap (indexFile,) (map (fixLink ifaceFile))
+ <$> eitherDecodeFile @[JsonIndexEntry] indexFile
+ else
+ return (Right [])
+ )
traverse_ (\(indexFile, err) -> putStrLn $ "haddock: Coudn't parse " ++ indexFile ++ ": " ++ err)
@@ -486,11 +550,12 @@ ppHtmlIndex :: FilePath
-> Maybe String
-> SourceURLs
-> WikiURLs
+ -> Bool -- ^ With Quick Jump?
-> [InstalledInterface]
-> Bool
-> IO ()
ppHtmlIndex odir doctitle _maybe_package themes
- maybe_mathjax_url maybe_contents_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url ifaces debug = do
+ maybe_mathjax_url maybe_contents_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url withQuickjump ifaces debug = do
let html = indexPage split_indices Nothing
(if split_indices then [] else index)
@@ -509,7 +574,7 @@ ppHtmlIndex odir doctitle _maybe_package themes
headHtml (doctitle ++ " (" ++ indexName ch ++ ")") themes maybe_mathjax_url Nothing +++
bodyHtml doctitle Nothing
maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
- maybe_contents_url Nothing << [
+ maybe_contents_url Nothing withQuickjump << [
if showLetters then indexInitialLetterLinks else noHtml,
if null items then noHtml else
divIndex << [sectionName << indexName ch, buildIndex items]
@@ -607,11 +672,14 @@ ppHtmlIndex odir doctitle _maybe_package themes
:: FilePath -> String -> Themes
-> Maybe String -> SourceURLs -> WikiURLs -> BaseURL
- -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Bool -> Maybe Package -> QualOption
+ -> Maybe String -> Maybe String
+ -> Bool -- ^ With Quick Jump?
+ -> Bool -> Maybe Package -> QualOption
-> Bool -> Interface -> IO ()
ppHtmlModule odir doctitle themes
maybe_mathjax_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url maybe_base_url
- maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url unicode pkg qual debug iface = do
+ maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url withQuickjump
+ unicode pkg qual debug iface = do
mdl = ifaceMod iface
aliases = ifaceModuleAliases iface
@@ -631,7 +699,7 @@ ppHtmlModule odir doctitle themes
headHtml mdl_str_annot themes maybe_mathjax_url maybe_base_url +++
bodyHtml doctitle (Just iface)
maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
- maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url << [
+ maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url withQuickjump << [
divModuleHeader << (moduleInfo iface +++ (sectionName << mdl_str_linked)),
ifaceToHtml maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url iface unicode pkg real_qual
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/DocMarkup.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/DocMarkup.hs
index b8f5ac0f..91a5b120 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/DocMarkup.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/DocMarkup.hs
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ parHtmlMarkup qual insertAnchors ppId = Markup {
markupIdentifierUnchecked = thecode . ppUncheckedLink qual,
markupModule = \(ModLink m lbl) ->
let (mdl,ref) = break (=='#') m
- -- Accomodate for old style
+ -- Accommodate for old style
-- foo\#bar anchors
mdl' = case reverse mdl of
'\\':_ -> init mdl
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ parHtmlMarkup qual insertAnchors ppId = Markup {
markupBold = strong,
markupMonospaced = thecode,
markupUnorderedList = unordList,
- markupOrderedList = ordList,
+ markupOrderedList = makeOrdList,
markupDefList = defList,
markupCodeBlock = pre,
markupHyperlink = \(Hyperlink url mLabel)
@@ -112,9 +112,12 @@ parHtmlMarkup qual insertAnchors ppId = Markup {
htmlPrompt = (thecode . toHtml $ ">>> ") ! [theclass "prompt"]
htmlExpression = (strong . thecode . toHtml $ expression ++ "\n") ! [theclass "userinput"]
+ makeOrdList :: HTML a => [(Int, a)] -> Html
+ makeOrdList items = olist << map (\(index, a) -> li ! [intAttr "value" index] << a) items
-- | We use this intermediate type to transform the input 'Doc' tree
-- in an arbitrary way before rendering, such as grouping some
--- elements. This is effectivelly a hack to prevent the 'Doc' type
+-- elements. This is effectively a hack to prevent the 'Doc' type
-- from changing if it is possible to recover the layout information
-- we won't need after the fact.
data Hack a id =
@@ -277,5 +280,5 @@ cleanup = overDoc (markup fmtUnParagraphLists)
fmtUnParagraphLists :: DocMarkup (Wrap a) (Doc a)
fmtUnParagraphLists = idMarkup {
markupUnorderedList = DocUnorderedList . map unParagraph,
- markupOrderedList = DocOrderedList . map unParagraph
+ markupOrderedList = DocOrderedList . map (\(index, a) -> (index, unParagraph a))
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs
index 8f04a21f..18405db8 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Layout (
divPackageHeader, divContent, divModuleHeader, divFooter,
divTableOfContents, divDescription, divSynopsis, divInterface,
- divIndex, divAlphabet, divModuleList, divContentsList,
+ divIndex, divAlphabet, divPackageList, divModuleList, divContentsList,
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ nonEmptySectionName c
divPackageHeader, divContent, divModuleHeader, divFooter,
divTableOfContents, divDescription, divSynopsis, divInterface,
- divIndex, divAlphabet, divModuleList, divContentsList
+ divIndex, divAlphabet, divPackageList, divModuleList, divContentsList
:: Html -> Html
divPackageHeader = sectionDiv "package-header"
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ divInterface = sectionDiv "interface"
divIndex = sectionDiv "index"
divAlphabet = sectionDiv "alphabet"
divModuleList = sectionDiv "module-list"
+divPackageList = sectionDiv "module-list"
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Meta.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Meta.hs
index 621bdd41..540885ac 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Meta.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Meta.hs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ quickjumpVersion = 1
-- | Writes a json encoded file containing additional
-- information about the generated documentation. This
--- is useful for external tools (e.g. hackage).
+-- is useful for external tools (e.g., Hackage).
writeHaddockMeta :: FilePath -> Bool -> IO ()
writeHaddockMeta odir withQuickjump = do
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
index 7c1dc73b..062d70e6 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/GhcUtils.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleInstances, ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ hsSigTypeI = sig_body . unLoc
mkEmptySigType :: LHsType GhcRn -> LHsSigType GhcRn
-- Dubious, because the implicit binders are empty even
--- though the type might have free varaiables
+-- though the type might have free variables
mkEmptySigType lty@(L loc ty) = L loc $ case ty of
HsForAllTy { hst_tele = HsForAllInvis { hsf_invis_bndrs = bndrs }
, hst_body = body }
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ stringBufferFromByteString bs =
-- /O(1)/
takeStringBuffer :: Int -> StringBuffer -> ByteString
-takeStringBuffer !n !(S.StringBuffer fp _ cur) = BS.PS fp cur n
+takeStringBuffer !n (S.StringBuffer fp _ cur) = BS.PS fp cur n
-- | Return the prefix of the first 'StringBuffer' that /isn't/ in the second
-- 'StringBuffer'. **The behavior is undefined if the 'StringBuffers' use
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs
index dc8afa31..4527360f 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
index dbd4a9b2..5d3962ca 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
@@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Unique.Map
newtype IfEnv m = IfEnv
- -- | Lookup names in the enviroment.
+ -- | Lookup names in the environment.
ife_lookup_name :: Name -> m (Maybe TyThing)
@@ -265,7 +264,7 @@ createInterface1 flags unit_state mod_sum tc_gbl_env ifaces inst_ifaces = do
mod_warning <- liftErrMsg (moduleWarning dflags tcg_rdr_env tcg_warns)
- -- Warnings in this module and transitive warnings from dependend modules
+ -- Warnings in this module and transitive warnings from dependent modules
warnings :: Map Name (Doc Name)
warnings = M.unions (decl_warnings : map ifaceWarningMap (M.elems ifaces))
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Json.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Json.hs
index 92fb2e75..8b27a982 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Json.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Json.hs
@@ -130,8 +130,10 @@ jsonDoc (DocUnorderedList xs) = jsonObject
jsonDoc (DocOrderedList xs) = jsonObject
[ ("tag", jsonString "DocOrderedList")
- , ("documents", jsonArray (fmap jsonDoc xs))
+ , ("items", jsonArray (fmap jsonItem xs))
+ where
+ jsonItem (index, a) = jsonObject [("document", jsonDoc a), ("seq", jsonInt index)]
jsonDoc (DocDefList xys) = jsonObject
[ ("tag", jsonString "DocDefList")
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs
index f3b57792..4e1964af 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs
@@ -90,6 +90,10 @@ processModuleHeader dflags pkgName gre safety mayStr = do
failure = (emptyHaddockModInfo, Nothing)
+traverseSnd :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t (x, a) -> f (t (x, b))
+traverseSnd f = traverse (\(x, a) ->
+ (\b -> (x, b)) <$> f a)
-- | Takes a 'GlobalRdrEnv' which (hopefully) contains all the
-- definitions and a parsed comment and we attempt to make sense of
-- where the identifiers in the comment point to. We're in effect
@@ -152,7 +156,7 @@ rename dflags gre = rn
DocBold doc -> DocBold <$> rn doc
DocMonospaced doc -> DocMonospaced <$> rn doc
DocUnorderedList docs -> DocUnorderedList <$> traverse rn docs
- DocOrderedList docs -> DocOrderedList <$> traverse rn docs
+ DocOrderedList docs -> DocOrderedList <$> traverseSnd rn docs
DocDefList list -> DocDefList <$> traverse (\(a, b) -> (,) <$> rn a <*> rn b) list
DocCodeBlock doc -> DocCodeBlock <$> rn doc
DocIdentifierUnchecked x -> pure (DocIdentifierUnchecked x)
@@ -173,7 +177,7 @@ rename dflags gre = rn
-- 'GlobalReaderEnv' during 'rename') in an appropriate doc. Currently
-- we simply monospace the identifier in most cases except when the
-- identifier is qualified: if the identifier is qualified then we can
--- still try to guess and generate anchors accross modules but the
+-- still try to guess and generate anchors across modules but the
-- users shouldn't rely on this doing the right thing. See tickets
-- #253 and #375 on the confusion this causes depending on which
-- default we pick in 'rename'.
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/InterfaceFile.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/InterfaceFile.hs
index db5181c6..d83578b1 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/InterfaceFile.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/InterfaceFile.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- |
@@ -26,7 +27,9 @@ import Haddock.Types
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
+import Data.Version
import Data.Word
+import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S)
import GHC.Iface.Binary (getWithUserData, putSymbolTable)
import GHC.Utils.Binary
@@ -37,11 +40,43 @@ import GHC.Types.Name.Cache
import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
import GHC.Types.Unique
+import Haddock.Options (Visibility (..))
data InterfaceFile = InterfaceFile {
ifLinkEnv :: LinkEnv,
+ -- | Package meta data. Currently it only consist of a package name, which
+ -- is not read from the interface file, but inferred from its name.
+ --
+ -- issue #
+ ifPackageInfo :: PackageInfo,
ifInstalledIfaces :: [InstalledInterface]
+data PackageInfo = PackageInfo {
+ piPackageName :: PackageName,
+ piPackageVersion :: Data.Version.Version
+ppPackageInfo :: PackageInfo -> String
+ppPackageInfo (PackageInfo name version) | version == makeVersion []
+ = unpackFS (unPackageName name)
+ppPackageInfo (PackageInfo name version) = unpackFS (unPackageName name) ++ "-" ++ showVersion version
+data PackageInterfaces = PackageInterfaces {
+ piPackageInfo :: PackageInfo,
+ piVisibility :: Visibility,
+ piInstalledInterfaces :: [InstalledInterface]
+mkPackageInterfaces :: Visibility -> InterfaceFile -> PackageInterfaces
+mkPackageInterfaces piVisibility
+ InterfaceFile { ifPackageInfo
+ , ifInstalledIfaces
+ } =
+ PackageInterfaces { piPackageInfo = ifPackageInfo
+ , piVisibility
+ , piInstalledInterfaces = ifInstalledIfaces
+ }
ifModule :: InterfaceFile -> Module
ifModule if_ =
@@ -129,7 +164,7 @@ writeInterfaceFile filename iface = do
let bh = setUserData bh0 $ newWriteState (putName bin_symtab)
(putName bin_symtab)
(putFastString bin_dict)
- put_ bh iface
+ putInterfaceFile_ bh iface
-- write the symtab pointer at the front of the file
symtab_p <- tellBin bh
@@ -240,16 +275,48 @@ instance (Ord k, Binary k, Binary v) => Binary (Map k v) where
put_ bh m = put_ bh (Map.toList m)
get bh = fmap (Map.fromList) (get bh)
+instance Binary PackageInfo where
+ put_ bh PackageInfo { piPackageName, piPackageVersion } = do
+ put_ bh (unPackageName piPackageName)
+ put_ bh (showVersion piPackageVersion)
+ get bh = do
+ name <- PackageName <$> get bh
+ versionString <- get bh
+ let version = case readP_to_S parseVersion versionString of
+ [] -> makeVersion []
+ vs -> fst (last vs)
+ return $ PackageInfo name version
instance Binary InterfaceFile where
- put_ bh (InterfaceFile env ifaces) = do
+ put_ bh (InterfaceFile env info ifaces) = do
put_ bh env
+ put_ bh info
put_ bh ifaces
get bh = do
env <- get bh
+ info <- get bh
ifaces <- get bh
- return (InterfaceFile env ifaces)
+ return (InterfaceFile env info ifaces)
+putInterfaceFile_ :: BinHandle -> InterfaceFile -> IO ()
+putInterfaceFile_ bh (InterfaceFile env info ifaces) = do
+ put_ bh env
+ put_ bh info
+ put_ bh ifaces
+getInterfaceFile :: BinHandle -> Word16 -> IO InterfaceFile
+getInterfaceFile bh v | v <= 38 = do
+ env <- get bh
+ let info = PackageInfo (PackageName mempty) (makeVersion [])
+ ifaces <- get bh
+ return (InterfaceFile env info ifaces)
+getInterfaceFile bh _ = do
+ env <- get bh
+ info <- get bh
+ ifaces <- get bh
+ return (InterfaceFile env info ifaces)
instance Binary InstalledInterface where
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Options.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Options.hs
index aa10b5b3..e9fd0c5d 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Options.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Options.hs
@@ -12,52 +12,56 @@
-- Definition of the command line interface of Haddock.
-module Haddock.Options (
- parseHaddockOpts,
- Flag(..),
- getUsage,
- optTitle,
- outputDir,
- optContentsUrl,
- optIndexUrl,
- optCssFile,
- optSourceCssFile,
- sourceUrls,
- wikiUrls,
- baseUrl,
- optParCount,
- optDumpInterfaceFile,
- optShowInterfaceFile,
- optLaTeXStyle,
- optMathjax,
- qualification,
- sinceQualification,
- verbosity,
- ghcFlags,
- reexportFlags,
- readIfaceArgs,
- optPackageName,
- optPackageVersion,
- modulePackageInfo,
- ignoredSymbols
-) where
-import qualified Data.Char as Char
-import Data.Version
+module Haddock.Options
+ ( parseHaddockOpts
+ , Flag(..)
+ , Visibility(..)
+ , getUsage
+ , optTitle
+ , outputDir
+ , optContentsUrl
+ , optIndexUrl
+ , optCssFile
+ , optSourceCssFile
+ , sourceUrls
+ , wikiUrls
+ , baseUrl
+ , optParCount
+ , optDumpInterfaceFile
+ , optShowInterfaceFile
+ , optLaTeXStyle
+ , optMathjax
+ , qualification
+ , sinceQualification
+ , verbosity
+ , ghcFlags
+ , reexportFlags
+ , readIfaceArgs
+ , optPackageName
+ , optPackageVersion
+ , modulePackageInfo
+ , ignoredSymbols
+ ) where
import Control.Applicative
+import qualified Data.Char as Char
+import Data.Version
+import GHC ( Module
+ , moduleUnit
+ )
import GHC.Data.FastString
-import GHC ( Module, moduleUnit )
import GHC.Unit.State
import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.Utils
import System.Console.GetOpt
-import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as RP
+import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as RP
data Flag
= Flag_BuiltInThemes
| Flag_CSS String
+ | Flag_Org
-- | Flag_DocBook
| Flag_ReadInterface String
| Flag_DumpInterface String
@@ -119,119 +123,231 @@ data Flag
options :: Bool -> [OptDescr Flag]
options backwardsCompat =
- [
- Option ['B'] [] (ReqArg Flag_GhcLibDir "DIR")
- "path to a GHC lib dir, to override the default path",
- Option ['o'] ["odir"] (ReqArg Flag_OutputDir "DIR")
- "directory in which to put the output files",
- Option ['l'] ["lib"] (ReqArg Flag_Lib "DIR")
- "location of Haddock's auxiliary files",
- Option ['i'] ["read-interface"] (ReqArg Flag_ReadInterface "FILE")
- "read an interface from FILE",
- Option ['D'] ["dump-interface"] (ReqArg Flag_DumpInterface "FILE")
- "write the resulting interface to FILE",
- Option [] ["show-interface"] (ReqArg Flag_ShowInterface "FILE")
- "print the interface in a human readable form",
+ [ Option ['B']
+ []
+ (ReqArg Flag_GhcLibDir "DIR")
+ "path to a GHC lib dir, to override the default path"
+ , Option ['o']
+ ["odir"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_OutputDir "DIR")
+ "directory in which to put the output files"
+ , Option ['l']
+ ["lib"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_Lib "DIR")
+ "location of Haddock's auxiliary files"
+ , Option ['i']
+ ["read-interface"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_ReadInterface "FILE")
+ "read an interface from FILE"
+ , Option ['D']
+ ["dump-interface"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_DumpInterface "FILE")
+ "write the resulting interface to FILE"
+ , Option []
+ ["show-interface"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_ShowInterface "FILE")
+ "print the interface in a human readable form"
+ ,
-- Option ['S'] ["docbook"] (NoArg Flag_DocBook)
-- "output in DocBook XML",
- Option ['h'] ["html"] (NoArg Flag_Html)
- "output in HTML (XHTML 1.0)",
- Option [] ["latex"] (NoArg Flag_LaTeX) "use experimental LaTeX rendering",
- Option [] ["latex-style"] (ReqArg Flag_LaTeXStyle "FILE") "provide your own LaTeX style in FILE",
- Option [] ["mathjax"] (ReqArg Flag_Mathjax "URL") "URL FOR mathjax",
- Option ['U'] ["use-unicode"] (NoArg Flag_UseUnicode) "use Unicode in HTML output",
- Option [] ["hoogle"] (NoArg Flag_Hoogle)
- "output for Hoogle; you may want --package-name and --package-version too",
- Option [] ["quickjump"] (NoArg Flag_QuickJumpIndex)
- "generate an index for interactive documentation navigation",
- Option [] ["hyperlinked-source"] (NoArg Flag_HyperlinkedSource)
- "generate highlighted and hyperlinked source code (for use with --html)",
- Option [] ["source-css"] (ReqArg Flag_SourceCss "FILE")
- "use custom CSS file instead of default one in hyperlinked source",
- Option [] ["source-base"] (ReqArg Flag_SourceBaseURL "URL")
- "URL for a source code link on the contents\nand index pages",
- Option ['s'] (if backwardsCompat then ["source", "source-module"] else ["source-module"])
- (ReqArg Flag_SourceModuleURL "URL")
- "URL for a source code link for each module\n(using the %{FILE} or %{MODULE} vars)",
- Option [] ["source-entity"] (ReqArg Flag_SourceEntityURL "URL")
- "URL for a source code link for each entity\n(using the %{FILE}, %{MODULE}, %{NAME},\n%{KIND} or %{LINE} vars)",
- Option [] ["source-entity-line"] (ReqArg Flag_SourceLEntityURL "URL")
- "URL for a source code link for each entity.\nUsed if name links are unavailable, eg. for TH splices.",
- Option [] ["comments-base"] (ReqArg Flag_WikiBaseURL "URL")
- "URL for a comments link on the contents\nand index pages",
- Option [] ["base-url"] (ReqArg Flag_BaseURL "URL")
- "Base URL for static assets (eg. css, javascript, json files etc.).\nWhen given statis assets will not be copied.",
- Option [] ["comments-module"] (ReqArg Flag_WikiModuleURL "URL")
- "URL for a comments link for each module\n(using the %{MODULE} var)",
- Option [] ["comments-entity"] (ReqArg Flag_WikiEntityURL "URL")
- "URL for a comments link for each entity\n(using the %{FILE}, %{MODULE}, %{NAME},\n%{KIND} or %{LINE} vars)",
- Option ['c'] ["css", "theme"] (ReqArg Flag_CSS "PATH")
- "the CSS file or theme directory to use for HTML output",
- Option [] ["built-in-themes"] (NoArg Flag_BuiltInThemes)
- "include all the built-in haddock themes",
- Option ['p'] ["prologue"] (ReqArg Flag_Prologue "FILE")
- "file containing prologue text",
- Option ['t'] ["title"] (ReqArg Flag_Heading "TITLE")
- "page heading",
- Option ['q'] ["qual"] (ReqArg Flag_Qualification "QUAL")
- "qualification of names, one of \n'none' (default), 'full', 'local'\n'relative' or 'aliased'",
- Option ['?'] ["help"] (NoArg Flag_Help)
- "display this help and exit",
- Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg Flag_Version)
- "output version information and exit",
- Option [] ["compatible-interface-versions"] (NoArg Flag_CompatibleInterfaceVersions)
- "output compatible interface file versions and exit",
- Option [] ["interface-version"] (NoArg Flag_InterfaceVersion)
- "output interface file version and exit",
- Option [] ["bypass-interface-version-check"] (NoArg Flag_BypassInterfaceVersonCheck)
- "bypass the interface file version check (dangerous)",
- Option ['v'] ["verbosity"] (ReqArg Flag_Verbosity "VERBOSITY")
- "set verbosity level",
- Option [] ["use-contents"] (ReqArg Flag_UseContents "URL")
- "use a separately-generated HTML contents page",
- Option [] ["gen-contents"] (NoArg Flag_GenContents)
- "generate an HTML contents from specified\ninterfaces",
- Option [] ["use-index"] (ReqArg Flag_UseIndex "URL")
- "use a separately-generated HTML index",
- Option [] ["gen-index"] (NoArg Flag_GenIndex)
- "generate an HTML index from specified\ninterfaces",
- Option [] ["ignore-all-exports"] (NoArg Flag_IgnoreAllExports)
- "behave as if all modules have the\nignore-exports attribute",
- Option [] ["hide"] (ReqArg Flag_HideModule "MODULE")
- "behave as if MODULE has the hide attribute",
- Option [] ["show"] (ReqArg Flag_ShowModule "MODULE")
- "behave as if MODULE does not have the hide attribute",
- Option [] ["show-all"] (NoArg Flag_ShowAllModules)
- "behave as if not modules have the hide attribute",
- Option [] ["show-extensions"] (ReqArg Flag_ShowExtensions "MODULE")
- "behave as if MODULE has the show-extensions attribute",
- Option [] ["optghc"] (ReqArg Flag_OptGhc "OPTION")
- "option to be forwarded to GHC",
- Option [] ["ghc-version"] (NoArg Flag_GhcVersion)
- "output GHC version in numeric format",
- Option [] ["print-ghc-path"] (NoArg Flag_PrintGhcPath)
- "output path to GHC binary",
- Option [] ["print-ghc-libdir"] (NoArg Flag_PrintGhcLibDir)
- "output GHC lib dir",
- Option ['w'] ["no-warnings"] (NoArg Flag_NoWarnings) "turn off all warnings",
- Option [] ["no-tmp-comp-dir"] (NoArg Flag_NoTmpCompDir)
- "do not re-direct compilation output to a temporary directory",
- Option [] ["pretty-html"] (NoArg Flag_PrettyHtml)
- "generate html with newlines and indenting (for use with --html)",
- Option [] ["no-print-missing-docs"] (NoArg Flag_NoPrintMissingDocs)
- "don't print information about any undocumented entities",
- Option [] ["reexport"] (ReqArg Flag_Reexport "MOD")
- "reexport the module MOD, adding it to the index",
- Option [] ["package-name"] (ReqArg Flag_PackageName "NAME")
- "name of the package being documented",
- Option [] ["package-version"] (ReqArg Flag_PackageVersion "VERSION")
- "version of the package being documented in usual x.y.z.w format",
- Option [] ["since-qual"] (ReqArg Flag_SinceQualification "QUAL")
- "package qualification of @since, one of\n'always' (default) or 'only-external'",
- Option [] ["ignore-link-symbol"] (ReqArg Flag_IgnoreLinkSymbol "SYMBOL")
- "name of a symbol which does not trigger a warning in case of link issue",
- Option ['j'] [] (OptArg (\count -> Flag_ParCount (fmap read count)) "n")
- "load modules in parallel"
+ Option ['h'] ["html"] (NoArg Flag_Html) "output in HTML (XHTML 1.0)"
+ , Option ['O'] ["org"] (NoArg Flag_Org) "output in Org"
+ , Option [] ["latex"] (NoArg Flag_LaTeX) "use experimental LaTeX rendering"
+ , Option []
+ ["latex-style"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_LaTeXStyle "FILE")
+ "provide your own LaTeX style in FILE"
+ , Option [] ["mathjax"] (ReqArg Flag_Mathjax "URL") "URL FOR mathjax"
+ , Option ['U']
+ ["use-unicode"]
+ (NoArg Flag_UseUnicode)
+ "use Unicode in HTML output"
+ , Option
+ []
+ ["hoogle"]
+ (NoArg Flag_Hoogle)
+ "output for Hoogle; you may want --package-name and --package-version too"
+ , Option []
+ ["quickjump"]
+ (NoArg Flag_QuickJumpIndex)
+ "generate an index for interactive documentation navigation"
+ , Option
+ []
+ ["hyperlinked-source"]
+ (NoArg Flag_HyperlinkedSource)
+ "generate highlighted and hyperlinked source code (for use with --html)"
+ , Option []
+ ["source-css"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_SourceCss "FILE")
+ "use custom CSS file instead of default one in hyperlinked source"
+ , Option []
+ ["source-base"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_SourceBaseURL "URL")
+ "URL for a source code link on the contents\nand index pages"
+ , Option
+ ['s']
+ (if backwardsCompat then ["source", "source-module"] else ["source-module"])
+ (ReqArg Flag_SourceModuleURL "URL")
+ "URL for a source code link for each module\n(using the %{FILE} or %{MODULE} vars)"
+ , Option
+ []
+ ["source-entity"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_SourceEntityURL "URL")
+ "URL for a source code link for each entity\n(using the %{FILE}, %{MODULE}, %{NAME},\n%{KIND} or %{LINE} vars)"
+ , Option
+ []
+ ["source-entity-line"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_SourceLEntityURL "URL")
+ "URL for a source code link for each entity.\nUsed if name links are unavailable, eg. for TH splices."
+ , Option []
+ ["comments-base"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_WikiBaseURL "URL")
+ "URL for a comments link on the contents\nand index pages"
+ , Option
+ []
+ ["base-url"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_BaseURL "URL")
+ "Base URL for static assets (eg. css, javascript, json files etc.).\nWhen given statis assets will not be copied."
+ , Option
+ []
+ ["comments-module"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_WikiModuleURL "URL")
+ "URL for a comments link for each module\n(using the %{MODULE} var)"
+ , Option
+ []
+ ["comments-entity"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_WikiEntityURL "URL")
+ "URL for a comments link for each entity\n(using the %{FILE}, %{MODULE}, %{NAME},\n%{KIND} or %{LINE} vars)"
+ , Option ['c']
+ ["css", "theme"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_CSS "PATH")
+ "the CSS file or theme directory to use for HTML output"
+ , Option []
+ ["built-in-themes"]
+ (NoArg Flag_BuiltInThemes)
+ "include all the built-in haddock themes"
+ , Option ['p']
+ ["prologue"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_Prologue "FILE")
+ "file containing prologue text"
+ , Option ['t'] ["title"] (ReqArg Flag_Heading "TITLE") "page heading"
+ , Option
+ ['q']
+ ["qual"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_Qualification "QUAL")
+ "qualification of names, one of \n'none' (default), 'full', 'local'\n'relative' or 'aliased'"
+ , Option ['?'] ["help"] (NoArg Flag_Help) "display this help and exit"
+ , Option ['V']
+ ["version"]
+ (NoArg Flag_Version)
+ "output version information and exit"
+ , Option []
+ ["compatible-interface-versions"]
+ (NoArg Flag_CompatibleInterfaceVersions)
+ "output compatible interface file versions and exit"
+ , Option []
+ ["interface-version"]
+ (NoArg Flag_InterfaceVersion)
+ "output interface file version and exit"
+ , Option []
+ ["bypass-interface-version-check"]
+ (NoArg Flag_BypassInterfaceVersonCheck)
+ "bypass the interface file version check (dangerous)"
+ , Option ['v']
+ ["verbosity"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_Verbosity "VERBOSITY")
+ "set verbosity level"
+ , Option []
+ ["use-contents"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_UseContents "URL")
+ "use a separately-generated HTML contents page"
+ , Option []
+ ["gen-contents"]
+ (NoArg Flag_GenContents)
+ "generate an HTML contents from specified\ninterfaces"
+ , Option []
+ ["use-index"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_UseIndex "URL")
+ "use a separately-generated HTML index"
+ , Option []
+ ["gen-index"]
+ (NoArg Flag_GenIndex)
+ "generate an HTML index from specified\ninterfaces"
+ , Option []
+ ["ignore-all-exports"]
+ (NoArg Flag_IgnoreAllExports)
+ "behave as if all modules have the\nignore-exports attribute"
+ , Option []
+ ["hide"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_HideModule "MODULE")
+ "behave as if MODULE has the hide attribute"
+ , Option []
+ ["show"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_ShowModule "MODULE")
+ "behave as if MODULE does not have the hide attribute"
+ , Option []
+ ["show-all"]
+ (NoArg Flag_ShowAllModules)
+ "behave as if not modules have the hide attribute"
+ , Option []
+ ["show-extensions"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_ShowExtensions "MODULE")
+ "behave as if MODULE has the show-extensions attribute"
+ , Option []
+ ["optghc"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_OptGhc "OPTION")
+ "option to be forwarded to GHC"
+ , Option []
+ ["ghc-version"]
+ (NoArg Flag_GhcVersion)
+ "output GHC version in numeric format"
+ , Option []
+ ["print-ghc-path"]
+ (NoArg Flag_PrintGhcPath)
+ "output path to GHC binary"
+ , Option []
+ ["print-ghc-libdir"]
+ (NoArg Flag_PrintGhcLibDir)
+ "output GHC lib dir"
+ , Option ['w'] ["no-warnings"] (NoArg Flag_NoWarnings) "turn off all warnings"
+ , Option []
+ ["no-tmp-comp-dir"]
+ (NoArg Flag_NoTmpCompDir)
+ "do not re-direct compilation output to a temporary directory"
+ , Option []
+ ["pretty-html"]
+ (NoArg Flag_PrettyHtml)
+ "generate html with newlines and indenting (for use with --html)"
+ , Option []
+ ["no-print-missing-docs"]
+ (NoArg Flag_NoPrintMissingDocs)
+ "don't print information about any undocumented entities"
+ , Option []
+ ["reexport"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_Reexport "MOD")
+ "reexport the module MOD, adding it to the index"
+ , Option []
+ ["package-name"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_PackageName "NAME")
+ "name of the package being documented"
+ , Option []
+ ["package-version"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_PackageVersion "VERSION")
+ "version of the package being documented in usual x.y.z.w format"
+ , Option
+ []
+ ["since-qual"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_SinceQualification "QUAL")
+ "package qualification of @since, one of\n'always' (default) or 'only-external'"
+ , Option
+ []
+ ["ignore-link-symbol"]
+ (ReqArg Flag_IgnoreLinkSymbol "SYMBOL")
+ "name of a symbol which does not trigger a warning in case of link issue"
+ , Option ['j']
+ []
+ (OptArg (\count -> Flag_ParCount (fmap read count)) "n")
+ "load modules in parallel"
@@ -239,23 +355,22 @@ getUsage :: IO String
getUsage = do
prog <- getProgramName
return $ usageInfo (usageHeader prog) (options False)
- where
- usageHeader :: String -> String
- usageHeader prog = "Usage: " ++ prog ++ " [OPTION...] file...\n"
+ where
+ usageHeader :: String -> String
+ usageHeader prog = "Usage: " ++ prog ++ " [OPTION...] file...\n"
parseHaddockOpts :: [String] -> IO ([Flag], [String])
-parseHaddockOpts params =
- case getOpt Permute (options True) params of
- (flags, args, []) -> return (flags, args)
- (_, _, errors) -> do
- usage <- getUsage
- throwE (concat errors ++ usage)
+parseHaddockOpts params = case getOpt Permute (options True) params of
+ (flags, args, [] ) -> return (flags, args)
+ (_ , _ , errors) -> do
+ usage <- getUsage
+ throwE (concat errors ++ usage)
optPackageVersion :: [Flag] -> Maybe Data.Version.Version
optPackageVersion flags =
let ver = optLast [ v | Flag_PackageVersion v <- flags ]
- in ver >>= fmap fst . optLast . RP.readP_to_S parseVersion
+ in ver >>= fmap fst . optLast . RP.readP_to_S parseVersion
optPackageName :: [Flag] -> Maybe PackageName
optPackageName flags =
@@ -263,17 +378,15 @@ optPackageName flags =
optTitle :: [Flag] -> Maybe String
-optTitle flags =
- case [str | Flag_Heading str <- flags] of
- [] -> Nothing
- (t:_) -> Just t
+optTitle flags = case [ str | Flag_Heading str <- flags ] of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ (t : _) -> Just t
outputDir :: [Flag] -> FilePath
-outputDir flags =
- case [ path | Flag_OutputDir path <- flags ] of
- [] -> "."
- paths -> last paths
+outputDir flags = case [ path | Flag_OutputDir path <- flags ] of
+ [] -> "."
+ paths -> last paths
optContentsUrl :: [Flag] -> Maybe String
@@ -290,23 +403,26 @@ optCssFile flags = optLast [ str | Flag_CSS str <- flags ]
optSourceCssFile :: [Flag] -> Maybe FilePath
optSourceCssFile flags = optLast [ str | Flag_SourceCss str <- flags ]
-sourceUrls :: [Flag] -> (Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe String)
+ :: [Flag] -> (Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe String)
sourceUrls flags =
- (optLast [str | Flag_SourceBaseURL str <- flags]
- ,optLast [str | Flag_SourceModuleURL str <- flags]
- ,optLast [str | Flag_SourceEntityURL str <- flags]
- ,optLast [str | Flag_SourceLEntityURL str <- flags])
+ ( optLast [ str | Flag_SourceBaseURL str <- flags ]
+ , optLast [ str | Flag_SourceModuleURL str <- flags ]
+ , optLast [ str | Flag_SourceEntityURL str <- flags ]
+ , optLast [ str | Flag_SourceLEntityURL str <- flags ]
+ )
wikiUrls :: [Flag] -> (Maybe String, Maybe String, Maybe String)
wikiUrls flags =
- (optLast [str | Flag_WikiBaseURL str <- flags]
- ,optLast [str | Flag_WikiModuleURL str <- flags]
- ,optLast [str | Flag_WikiEntityURL str <- flags])
+ ( optLast [ str | Flag_WikiBaseURL str <- flags ]
+ , optLast [ str | Flag_WikiModuleURL str <- flags ]
+ , optLast [ str | Flag_WikiEntityURL str <- flags ]
+ )
baseUrl :: [Flag] -> Maybe String
-baseUrl flags = optLast [str | Flag_BaseURL str <- flags]
+baseUrl flags = optLast [ str | Flag_BaseURL str <- flags ]
optDumpInterfaceFile :: [Flag] -> Maybe FilePath
optDumpInterfaceFile flags = optLast [ str | Flag_DumpInterface str <- flags ]
@@ -326,31 +442,30 @@ optParCount flags = optLast [ n | Flag_ParCount n <- flags ]
qualification :: [Flag] -> Either String QualOption
qualification flags =
case map (map Char.toLower) [ str | Flag_Qualification str <- flags ] of
- [] -> Right OptNoQual
- ["none"] -> Right OptNoQual
- ["full"] -> Right OptFullQual
- ["local"] -> Right OptLocalQual
- ["relative"] -> Right OptRelativeQual
- ["aliased"] -> Right OptAliasedQual
- [arg] -> Left $ "unknown qualification type " ++ show arg
- _:_ -> Left "qualification option given multiple times"
+ [] -> Right OptNoQual
+ [ "none" ] -> Right OptNoQual
+ [ "full" ] -> Right OptFullQual
+ [ "local" ] -> Right OptLocalQual
+ [ "relative"] -> Right OptRelativeQual
+ [ "aliased" ] -> Right OptAliasedQual
+ [ arg ] -> Left $ "unknown qualification type " ++ show arg
+ _ : _ -> Left "qualification option given multiple times"
sinceQualification :: [Flag] -> Either String SinceQual
sinceQualification flags =
case map (map Char.toLower) [ str | Flag_SinceQualification str <- flags ] of
- [] -> Right Always
- ["always"] -> Right Always
- ["external"] -> Right External
- [arg] -> Left $ "unknown since-qualification type " ++ show arg
- _:_ -> Left "since-qualification option given multiple times"
+ [] -> Right Always
+ [ "always" ] -> Right Always
+ [ "external"] -> Right External
+ [ arg ] -> Left $ "unknown since-qualification type " ++ show arg
+ _ : _ -> Left "since-qualification option given multiple times"
verbosity :: [Flag] -> Verbosity
-verbosity flags =
- case [ str | Flag_Verbosity str <- flags ] of
- [] -> Normal
- x:_ -> case parseVerbosity x of
- Left e -> throwE e
- Right v -> v
+verbosity flags = case [ str | Flag_Verbosity str <- flags ] of
+ [] -> Normal
+ x : _ -> case parseVerbosity x of
+ Left e -> throwE e
+ Right v -> v
ignoredSymbols :: [Flag] -> [String]
ignoredSymbols flags = [ symbol | Flag_IgnoreLinkSymbol symbol <- flags ]
@@ -361,18 +476,26 @@ ghcFlags flags = [ option | Flag_OptGhc option <- flags ]
reexportFlags :: [Flag] -> [String]
reexportFlags flags = [ option | Flag_Reexport option <- flags ]
+data Visibility = Visible | Hidden
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
-readIfaceArgs :: [Flag] -> [(DocPaths, FilePath)]
+readIfaceArgs :: [Flag] -> [(DocPaths, Visibility, FilePath)]
readIfaceArgs flags = [ parseIfaceOption s | Flag_ReadInterface s <- flags ]
- where
- parseIfaceOption :: String -> (DocPaths, FilePath)
- parseIfaceOption str =
- case break (==',') str of
- (fpath, ',':rest) ->
- case break (==',') rest of
- (src, ',':file) -> ((fpath, Just src), file)
- (file, _) -> ((fpath, Nothing), file)
- (file, _) -> (("", Nothing), file)
+ where
+ parseIfaceOption :: String -> (DocPaths, Visibility, FilePath)
+ parseIfaceOption str = case break (== ',') str of
+ (fpath, ',' : rest) -> case break (== ',') rest of
+ (src, ',' : rest') ->
+ let src' = case src of
+ "" -> Nothing
+ _ -> Just src
+ in case break (== ',') rest' of
+ (visibility, ',' : file)
+ | visibility == "hidden" -> ((fpath, src'), Hidden, file)
+ | otherwise -> ((fpath, src'), Visible, file)
+ (file, _) -> ((fpath, src'), Visible, file)
+ (file, _) -> ((fpath, Nothing), Visible, file)
+ (file, _) -> (("", Nothing), Visible, file)
-- | Like 'listToMaybe' but returns the last element instead of the first.
@@ -387,16 +510,16 @@ optLast xs = Just (last xs)
-- The @--package-name@ and @--package-version@ Haddock flags allow the user to
-- specify this information manually and it is returned here if present.
-modulePackageInfo :: UnitState
- -> [Flag] -- ^ Haddock flags are checked as they may contain
+ :: UnitState
+ -> [Flag] -- ^ Haddock flags are checked as they may contain
-- the package name or version provided by the user
-- which we prioritise
- -> Maybe Module
- -> (Maybe PackageName, Maybe Data.Version.Version)
+ -> Maybe Module
+ -> (Maybe PackageName, Maybe Data.Version.Version)
modulePackageInfo _unit_state _flags Nothing = (Nothing, Nothing)
modulePackageInfo unit_state flags (Just modu) =
- ( optPackageName flags <|> fmap unitPackageName pkgDb
+ ( optPackageName flags <|> fmap unitPackageName pkgDb
, optPackageVersion flags <|> fmap unitPackageVersion pkgDb
- where
- pkgDb = lookupUnit unit_state (moduleUnit modu)
+ where pkgDb = lookupUnit unit_state (moduleUnit modu)
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Parser.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Parser.hs
index 53cf98ad..850fdf7f 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Parser.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Parser.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- |
-- Module : Haddock.Parser
-- Copyright : (c) Mateusz Kowalczyk 2013,
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
index 7d00c5ec..e30d2ce7 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ data Interface = Interface
-- | Warnings for things defined in this module.
, ifaceWarningMap :: !WarningMap
- -- | Tokenized source code of module (avaliable if Haddock is invoked with
+ -- | Tokenized source code of module (available if Haddock is invoked with
-- source generation flag).
, ifaceHieFile :: !(Maybe FilePath)
, ifaceDynFlags :: !DynFlags
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils/Json.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils/Json.hs
index d5d5ae02..6bcd38fa 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils/Json.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Utils/Json.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Version.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Version.hs
index 4e9a581a..b2eb7031 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Version.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Version.hs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module Haddock.Version (
#ifdef IN_GHC_TREE
import Paths_haddock ( version )
-import Paths_haddock_api ( version )
+import Paths_haddorg_api ( version )
import Data.Version ( showVersion )