path: root/haddock-api
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'haddock-api')
32 files changed, 1318 insertions, 719 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-api/haddock-api.cabal b/haddock-api/haddock-api.cabal
index 0aac70e5..6a7fe0cb 100644
--- a/haddock-api/haddock-api.cabal
+++ b/haddock-api/haddock-api.cabal
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+cabal-version: 2.0
name: haddock-api
-version: 2.18.2
+version: 2.20.0
synopsis: A documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries
description: Haddock is a documentation-generation tool for Haskell
@@ -12,7 +13,6 @@ bug-reports: https://github.com/haskell/haddock/issues
copyright: (c) Simon Marlow, David Waern
category: Documentation
build-type: Simple
-cabal-version: >= 2.0
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ library
-- this package typically supports only single major versions
build-depends: base ^>= 4.12.0
- , Cabal ^>= 2.0.0
- , ghc ^>= 8.3
+ , Cabal ^>= 2.2.0
+ , ghc ^>= 8.5
, ghc-paths ^>=
- , haddock-library ^>= 1.4.6
+ , haddock-library ^>= 1.6.0
, xhtml ^>= 3000.2.2
-- Versions for the dependencies below are transitively pinned by
@@ -124,24 +124,68 @@ test-suite spec
, src
- -- NB: We only use a small subset of lib:haddock-api here, which
- -- explains why this component has a smaller build-depends set
+ Haddock
+ Haddock.Backends.Hoogle
+ Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker
+ Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Ast
+ Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Renderer
+ Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Utils
+ Haddock.Backends.LaTeX
+ Haddock.Backends.Xhtml
+ Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Decl
+ Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.DocMarkup
+ Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Layout
+ Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Meta
+ Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Names
+ Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Themes
+ Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Types
+ Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Utils
+ Haddock.Convert
+ Haddock.Doc
+ Haddock.GhcUtils
+ Haddock.Interface
+ Haddock.Interface.AttachInstances
+ Haddock.Interface.Create
+ Haddock.Interface.Json
+ Haddock.Interface.LexParseRn
+ Haddock.Interface.ParseModuleHeader
+ Haddock.Interface.Rename
+ Haddock.Interface.Specialize
+ Haddock.InterfaceFile
+ Haddock.ModuleTree
+ Haddock.Options
+ Haddock.Parser
+ Haddock.Syb
+ Haddock.Types
+ Haddock.Utils
+ Haddock.Utils.Json
+ Haddock.Version
+ Paths_haddock_api
- build-depends:
- ghc ^>= 8.3
- , hspec ^>= 2.4.4
- , QuickCheck ^>= 2.10
+ build-depends: Cabal ^>= 2.0.0
+ , ghc ^>= 8.4
+ , ghc-paths ^>=
+ , haddock-library ^>= 1.6.0
+ , xhtml ^>= 3000.2.2
+ , hspec ^>= 2.4.4
+ , QuickCheck ^>= 2.11
-- Versions for the dependencies below are transitively pinned by
-- the non-reinstallable `ghc` package and hence need no version
-- bounds
- build-depends:
- base
- , containers
+ build-depends: base
+ , array
+ , bytestring
+ , containers
+ , deepseq
+ , directory
+ , filepath
+ , ghc-boot
+ , transformers
hspec-discover:hspec-discover ^>= 2.4.4
diff --git a/haddock-api/resources/html/Classic.theme/xhaddock.css b/haddock-api/resources/html/Classic.theme/xhaddock.css
index 1bf668e9..b8164815 100644
--- a/haddock-api/resources/html/Classic.theme/xhaddock.css
+++ b/haddock-api/resources/html/Classic.theme/xhaddock.css
@@ -392,6 +392,20 @@ td.rdoc p {
+.doc table {
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+ border-spacing: 0px;
+.doc th,
+.doc td {
+ padding: 5px;
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+.doc th {
+ background-color: #f0f0f0;
#footer {
background-color: #000099;
diff --git a/haddock-api/resources/html/Ocean.std-theme/ocean.css b/haddock-api/resources/html/Ocean.std-theme/ocean.css
index 0852dea5..ba6af9ca 100644
--- a/haddock-api/resources/html/Ocean.std-theme/ocean.css
+++ b/haddock-api/resources/html/Ocean.std-theme/ocean.css
@@ -443,6 +443,21 @@ div#style-menu-holder {
margin-top: 0.8em;
+.doc table {
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+ border-spacing: 0px;
+.doc th,
+.doc td {
+ padding: 5px;
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+.doc th {
+ background-color: #f0f0f0;
.clearfix:after {
clear: both;
content: " ";
diff --git a/haddock-api/resources/html/haddock-bundle.min.js b/haddock-api/resources/html/haddock-bundle.min.js
index 82a34ddb..1061714b 100644
--- a/haddock-api/resources/html/haddock-bundle.min.js
+++ b/haddock-api/resources/html/haddock-bundle.min.js
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
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0!==p&&p,v=n.tokenSeparator,g=void 0===v?/ +/g:v,m=n.findAllMatches,y=void 0!==m&&m,_=n.minMatchCharLength,k=void 0===_?1:_;o(this,e),this.options={location:i,distance:l,threshold:u,maxPatternLength:d,isCaseSensitive:f,tokenSeparator:g,findAllMatches:y,minMatchCharLength:k},this.pattern=this.options.isCaseSensitive?t:t.toLowerCase(),this.pattern.length<=d&&(this.patternAlphabet=a(this.pattern))}return r(e,[{key:"search",value:function(e){if(this.options.isCaseSensitive||(e=e.toLowerCase()),this.pattern===e)return{isMatch:!0,score:0,matchedIndices:[[0,e.length-1]]};var t=this.options,n=t.maxPatternLength,o=t.tokenSeparator;if(this.pattern.length>n)return i(e,this.pattern,o);var r=this.options,a=r.location,l=r.distance,c=r.threshold,u=r.findAllMatches,h=r.minMatchCharLength;return s(e,this.pattern,this.patternAlphabet,{location:a,distance:l,threshold:c,findAllMatches:u,minMatchCharLength:h})}}]),e}();e.exports=l},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=n(0),r=function e(t,n,r){if(n){var i=n.indexOf("."),s=n,a=null;-1!==i&&(s=n.slice(0,i),a=n.slice(i+1));var l=t[s];if(null!==l&&void 0!==l)if(a||"string"!=typeof l&&"number"!=typeof l)if(o(l))for(var c=0,u=l.length;c<u;c+=1)e(l[c],a,r);else a&&e(l,a,r);else r.push(l.toString())}else r.push(t);return r};e.exports=function(e,t){return r(e,t,[])}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";e.exports=function(){for(var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:[],t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:1,n=[],o=-1,r=-1,i=0,s=e.length;i<s;i+=1){var a=e[i];a&&-1===o?o=i:a||-1===o||((r=i-1)-o+1>=t&&n.push([o,r]),o=-1)}return e[i-1]&&i-o>=t&&n.push([o,i-1]),n}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";e.exports=function(e){for(var t={},n=e.length,o=0;o<n;o+=1)t[e.charAt(o)]=0;for(var r=0;r<n;r+=1)t[e.charAt(r)]|=1<<n-r-1;return t}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g;e.exports=function(e,t){var n=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:/ +/g,r=new RegExp(t.replace(o,"\\$&").replace(n,"|")),i=e.match(r),s=!!i,a=[];if(s)for(var l=0,c=i.length;l<c;l+=1){var u=i[l];a.push([e.indexOf(u),u.length-1])}return{score:s?.5:1,isMatch:s,matchedIndices:a}}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";e.exports=function(e,t){var n=t.errors,o=void 0===n?0:n,r=t.currentLocation,i=void 0===r?0:r,s=t.expectedLocation,a=void 0===s?0:s,l=t.distance,c=void 0===l?100:l,u=o/e.length,h=Math.abs(a-i);return c?u+h/c:h?1:u}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=n(6),r=n(3);e.exports=function(e,t,n,i){for(var s=i.location,a=void 0===s?0:s,l=i.distance,c=void 0===l?100:l,u=i.threshold,h=void 0===u?.6:u,d=i.findAllMatches,p=void 0!==d&&d,f=i.minMatchCharLength,v=void 0===f?1:f,g=a,m=e.length,y=h,_=e.indexOf(t,g),k=t.length,b=[],x=0;x<m;x+=1)b[x]=0;if(-1!==_){var w=o(t,{errors:0,currentLocation:_,expectedLocation:g,distance:c});if(y=Math.min(w,y),-1!==(_=e.lastIndexOf(t,g+k))){var S=o(t,{errors:0,currentLocation:_,expectedLocation:g,distance:c});y=Math.min(S,y)}}_=-1;for(var L=[],C=1,M=k+m,N=1<<k-1,I=0;I<k;I+=1){for(var A=0,O=M;A<O;)o(t,{errors:I,currentLocation:g+O,expectedLocation:g,distance:c})<=y?A=O:M=O,O=Math.floor((M-A)/2+A);M=O;var E=Math.max(1,g-O+1),T=p?m:Math.min(g+O,m)+k,j=Array(T+2);j[T+1]=(1<<I)-1;for(var P=T;P>=E;P-=1){var R=P-1,U=n[e.charAt(R)];if(U&&(b[R]=1),j[P]=(j[P+1]<<1|1)&U,0!==I&&(j[P]|=(L[P+1]|L[P])<<1|1|L[P+1]),j[P]&N&&(C=o(t,{errors:I,currentLocation:R,expectedLocation:g,distance:c}))<=y){if(y=C,(_=R)<=g)break;E=Math.max(1,2*g-_)}}if(o(t,{errors:I+1,currentLocation:g,expectedLocation:g,distance:c})>y)break;L=j}return{isMatch:_>=0,score:0===C?.001:C,matchedIndices:r(b,v)}}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}var r=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var o=t[n];o.enumerable=o.enumerable||!1,o.configurable=!0,"value"in o&&(o.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,o.key,o)}}return function(t,n,o){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),o&&e(t,o),t}}(),i=n(1),s=n(2),a=n(0),l=function(){function e(t,n){var r=n.location,i=void 0===r?0:r,a=n.distance,l=void 0===a?100:a,c=n.threshold,u=void 0===c?.6:c,h=n.maxPatternLength,d=void 0===h?32:h,p=n.caseSensitive,f=void 0!==p&&p,v=n.tokenSeparator,g=void 0===v?/ +/g:v,m=n.findAllMatches,y=void 0!==m&&m,_=n.minMatchCharLength,k=void 0===_?1:_,b=n.id,x=void 0===b?null:b,w=n.keys,S=void 0===w?[]:w,L=n.shouldSort,C=void 0===L||L,M=n.getFn,N=void 0===M?s:M,I=n.sortFn,A=void 0===I?function(e,t){return e.score-t.score}:I,O=n.tokenize,E=void 0!==O&&O,T=n.matchAllTokens,j=void 0!==T&&T,P=n.includeMatches,R=void 0!==P&&P,U=n.includeScore,D=void 0!==U&&U,V=n.verbose,F=void 0!==V&&V;o(this,e),this.options={location:i,distance:l,threshold:u,maxPatternLength:d,isCaseSensitive:f,tokenSeparator:g,findAllMatches:y,minMatchCharLength:k,id:x,keys:S,includeMatches:R,includeScore:D,shouldSort:C,getFn:N,sortFn:A,verbose:F,tokenize:E,matchAllTokens:j},this.setCollection(t)}return r(e,[{key:"setCollection",value:function(e){return this.list=e,e}},{key:"search",value:function(e){this._log('---------\nSearch pattern: "'+e+'"');var t=this._prepareSearchers(e),n=t.tokenSearchers,o=t.fullSearcher,r=this._search(n,o),i=r.weights,s=r.results;return this._computeScore(i,s),this.options.shouldSort&&this._sort(s),this._format(s)}},{key:"_prepareSearchers",value:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"",t=[];if(this.options.tokenize)for(var n=e.split(this.options.tokenSeparator),o=0,r=n.length;o<r;o+=1)t.push(new i(n[o],this.options));return{tokenSearchers:t,fullSearcher:new i(e,this.options)}}},{key:"_search",value:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:[],t=arguments[1],n=this.list,o={},r=[];if("string"==typeof n[0]){for(var i=0,s=n.length;i<s;i+=1)this._analyze({key:"",value:n[i],record:i,index:i},{resultMap:o,results:r,tokenSearchers:e,fullSearcher:t});return{weights:null,results:r}}for(var a={},l=0,c=n.length;l<c;l+=1)for(var u=n[l],h=0,d=this.options.keys.length;h<d;h+=1){var p=this.options.keys[h];if("string"!=typeof p){if(a[p.name]={weight:1-p.weight||1},p.weight<=0||p.weight>1)throw new Error("Key weight has to be > 0 and <= 1");p=p.name}else a[p]={weight:1};this._analyze({key:p,value:this.options.getFn(u,p),record:u,index:l},{resultMap:o,results:r,tokenSearchers:e,fullSearcher:t})}return{weights:a,results:r}}},{key:"_analyze",value:function(e,t){var n=e.key,o=e.arrayIndex,r=void 0===o?-1:o,i=e.value,s=e.record,l=e.index,c=t.tokenSearchers,u=void 0===c?[]:c,h=t.fullSearcher,d=void 0===h?[]:h,p=t.resultMap,f=void 0===p?{}:p,v=t.results,g=void 0===v?[]:v;if(void 0!==i&&null!==i){var m=!1,y=-1,_=0;if("string"==typeof i){this._log("\nKey: "+(""===n?"-":n));var k=d.search(i);if(this._log('Full text: "'+i+'", score: '+k.score),this.options.tokenize){for(var b=i.split(this.options.tokenSeparator),x=[],w=0;w<u.length;w+=1){var S=u[w];this._log('\nPattern: "'+S.pattern+'"');for(var L=!1,C=0;C<b.length;C+=1){var M=b[C],N=S.search(M),I={};N.isMatch?(I[M]=N.score,m=!0,L=!0,x.push(N.score)):(I[M]=1,this.options.matchAllTokens||x.push(1)),this._log('Token: "'+M+'", score: '+I[M])}L&&(_+=1)}y=x[0];for(var A=x.length,O=1;O<A;O+=1)y+=x[O];y/=A,this._log("Token score average:",y)}var E=k.score;y>-1&&(E=(E+y)/2),this._log("Score average:",E);var T=!this.options.tokenize||!this.options.matchAllTokens||_>=u.length;if(this._log("\nCheck Matches: "+T),(m||k.isMatch)&&T){var j=f[l];j?j.output.push({key:n,arrayIndex:r,value:i,score:E,matchedIndices:k.matchedIndices}):(f[l]={item:s,output:[{key:n,arrayIndex:r,value:i,score:E,matchedIndices:k.matchedIndices}]},g.push(f[l]))}}else if(a(i))for(var P=0,R=i.length;P<R;P+=1)this._analyze({key:n,arrayIndex:P,value:i[P],record:s,index:l},{resultMap:f,results:g,tokenSearchers:u,fullSearcher:d})}}},{key:"_computeScore",value:function(e,t){this._log("\n\nComputing score:\n");for(var n=0,o=t.length;n<o;n+=1){for(var r=t[n].output,i=r.length,s=0,a=1,l=0;l<i;l+=1){var c=e?e[r[l].key].weight:1,u=(1===c?r[l].score:r[l].score||.001)*c;1!==c?a=Math.min(a,u):(r[l].nScore=u,s+=u)}t[n].score=1===a?s/i:a,this._log(t[n])}}},{key:"_sort",value:function(e){this._log("\n\nSorting...."),e.sort(this.options.sortFn)}},{key:"_format",value:function(e){var t=[];this._log("\n\nOutput:\n\n",JSON.stringify(e));var n=[];this.options.includeMatches&&n.push(function(e,t){var n=e.output;t.matches=[];for(var o=0,r=n.length;o<r;o+=1){var i=n[o];if(0!==i.matchedIndices.length){var s={indices:i.matchedIndices,value:i.value};i.key&&(s.key=i.key),i.hasOwnProperty("arrayIndex")&&i.arrayIndex>-1&&(s.arrayIndex=i.arrayIndex),t.matches.push(s)}}}),this.options.includeScore&&n.push(function(e,t){t.score=e.score});for(var o=0,r=e.length;o<r;o+=1){var i=e[o];if(this.options.id&&(i.item=this.options.getFn(i.item,this.options.id)[0]),n.length){for(var s={item:i.item},a=0,l=n.length;a<l;a+=1)n[a](i,s);t.push(s)}else t.push(i.item)}return t}},{key:"_log",value:function(){if(this.options.verbose){var e;(e=console).log.apply(e,arguments)}}}]),e}();e.exports=l}])})},{}],7:[function(e,t,n){!function(){"use strict";function e(){}function n(t,n){var o,r,i,s,a=O;for(s=arguments.length;s-- >2;)A.push(arguments[s]);for(n&&null!=n.children&&(A.length||A.push(n.children),delete n.children);A.length;)if((r=A.pop())&&void 0!==r.pop)for(s=r.length;s--;)A.push(r[s]);else"boolean"==typeof r&&(r=null),(i="function"!=typeof t)&&(null==r?r="":"number"==typeof r?r=String(r):"string"!=typeof r&&(i=!1)),i&&o?a[a.length-1]+=r:a===O?a=[r]:a.push(r),o=i;var l=new e;return l.nodeName=t,l.children=a,l.attributes=null==n?void 0:n,l.key=null==n?void 0:n.key,void 0!==I.vnode&&I.vnode(l),l}function o(e,t){for(var n in t)e[n]=t[n];return e}function r(e){!e.__d&&(e.__d=!0)&&1==j.push(e)&&(I.debounceRendering||E)(i)}function i(){var e,t=j;for(j=[];e=t.pop();)e.__d&&L(e)}function s(e,t,n){return"string"==typeof t||"number"==typeof t?void 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r=0;r<n;r+=1)t[e.charAt(r)]|=1<<n-r-1;return t}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g;e.exports=function(e,t){var n=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:/ +/g,r=new RegExp(t.replace(o,"\\$&").replace(n,"|")),i=e.match(r),s=!!i,a=[];if(s)for(var l=0,c=i.length;l<c;l+=1){var u=i[l];a.push([e.indexOf(u),u.length-1])}return{score:s?.5:1,isMatch:s,matchedIndices:a}}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";e.exports=function(e,t){var n=t.errors,o=void 0===n?0:n,r=t.currentLocation,i=void 0===r?0:r,s=t.expectedLocation,a=void 0===s?0:s,l=t.distance,c=void 0===l?100:l,u=o/e.length,h=Math.abs(a-i);return c?u+h/c:h?1:u}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=n(6),r=n(3);e.exports=function(e,t,n,i){for(var s=i.location,a=void 0===s?0:s,l=i.distance,c=void 0===l?100:l,u=i.threshold,h=void 0===u?.6:u,d=i.findAllMatches,p=void 0!==d&&d,f=i.minMatchCharLength,v=void 0===f?1:f,g=a,m=e.length,y=h,_=e.indexOf(t,g),k=t.length,b=[],x=0;x<m;x+=1)b[x]=0;if(-1!==_){var w=o(t,{errors:0,currentLocation:_,expectedLocation:g,distance:c});if(y=Math.min(w,y),-1!==(_=e.lastIndexOf(t,g+k))){var S=o(t,{errors:0,currentLocation:_,expectedLocation:g,distance:c});y=Math.min(S,y)}}_=-1;for(var L=[],C=1,M=k+m,N=1<<k-1,I=0;I<k;I+=1){for(var A=0,O=M;A<O;)o(t,{errors:I,currentLocation:g+O,expectedLocation:g,distance:c})<=y?A=O:M=O,O=Math.floor((M-A)/2+A);M=O;var E=Math.max(1,g-O+1),T=p?m:Math.min(g+O,m)+k,j=Array(T+2);j[T+1]=(1<<I)-1;for(var P=T;P>=E;P-=1){var R=P-1,U=n[e.charAt(R)];if(U&&(b[R]=1),j[P]=(j[P+1]<<1|1)&U,0!==I&&(j[P]|=(L[P+1]|L[P])<<1|1|L[P+1]),j[P]&N&&(C=o(t,{errors:I,currentLocation:R,expectedLocation:g,distance:c}))<=y){if(y=C,(_=R)<=g)break;E=Math.max(1,2*g-_)}}if(o(t,{errors:I+1,currentLocation:g,expectedLocation:g,distance:c})>y)break;L=j}return{isMatch:_>=0,score:0===C?.001:C,matchedIndices:r(b,v)}}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}var r=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var o=t[n];o.enumerable=o.enumerable||!1,o.configurable=!0,"value"in o&&(o.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,o.key,o)}}return function(t,n,o){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),o&&e(t,o),t}}(),i=n(1),s=n(2),a=n(0),l=function(){function e(t,n){var r=n.location,i=void 0===r?0:r,a=n.distance,l=void 0===a?100:a,c=n.threshold,u=void 0===c?.6:c,h=n.maxPatternLength,d=void 0===h?32:h,p=n.caseSensitive,f=void 0!==p&&p,v=n.tokenSeparator,g=void 0===v?/ +/g:v,m=n.findAllMatches,y=void 0!==m&&m,_=n.minMatchCharLength,k=void 0===_?1:_,b=n.id,x=void 0===b?null:b,w=n.keys,S=void 0===w?[]:w,L=n.shouldSort,C=void 0===L||L,M=n.getFn,N=void 0===M?s:M,I=n.sortFn,A=void 0===I?function(e,t){return e.score-t.score}:I,O=n.tokenize,E=void 0!==O&&O,T=n.matchAllTokens,j=void 0!==T&&T,P=n.includeMatches,R=void 0!==P&&P,U=n.includeScore,D=void 0!==U&&U,V=n.verbose,F=void 0!==V&&V;o(this,e),this.options={location:i,distance:l,threshold:u,maxPatternLength:d,isCaseSensitive:f,tokenSeparator:g,findAllMatches:y,minMatchCharLength:k,id:x,keys:S,includeMatches:R,includeScore:D,shouldSort:C,getFn:N,sortFn:A,verbose:F,tokenize:E,matchAllTokens:j},this.setCollection(t)}return r(e,[{key:"setCollection",value:function(e){return this.list=e,e}},{key:"search",value:function(e){this._log('---------\nSearch pattern: "'+e+'"');var t=this._prepareSearchers(e),n=t.tokenSearchers,o=t.fullSearcher,r=this._search(n,o),i=r.weights,s=r.results;return this._computeScore(i,s),this.options.shouldSort&&this._sort(s),this._format(s)}},{key:"_prepareSearchers",value:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"",t=[];if(this.options.tokenize)for(var n=e.split(this.options.tokenSeparator),o=0,r=n.length;o<r;o+=1)t.push(new i(n[o],this.options));return{tokenSearchers:t,fullSearcher:new i(e,this.options)}}},{key:"_search",value:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:[],t=arguments[1],n=this.list,o={},r=[];if("string"==typeof n[0]){for(var i=0,s=n.length;i<s;i+=1)this._analyze({key:"",value:n[i],record:i,index:i},{resultMap:o,results:r,tokenSearchers:e,fullSearcher:t});return{weights:null,results:r}}for(var a={},l=0,c=n.length;l<c;l+=1)for(var u=n[l],h=0,d=this.options.keys.length;h<d;h+=1){var p=this.options.keys[h];if("string"!=typeof p){if(a[p.name]={weight:1-p.weight||1},p.weight<=0||p.weight>1)throw new Error("Key weight has to be > 0 and <= 1");p=p.name}else a[p]={weight:1};this._analyze({key:p,value:this.options.getFn(u,p),record:u,index:l},{resultMap:o,results:r,tokenSearchers:e,fullSearcher:t})}return{weights:a,results:r}}},{key:"_analyze",value:function(e,t){var n=e.key,o=e.arrayIndex,r=void 0===o?-1:o,i=e.value,s=e.record,l=e.index,c=t.tokenSearchers,u=void 0===c?[]:c,h=t.fullSearcher,d=void 0===h?[]:h,p=t.resultMap,f=void 0===p?{}:p,v=t.results,g=void 0===v?[]:v;if(void 0!==i&&null!==i){var m=!1,y=-1,_=0;if("string"==typeof i){this._log("\nKey: "+(""===n?"-":n));var k=d.search(i);if(this._log('Full text: "'+i+'", score: '+k.score),this.options.tokenize){for(var b=i.split(this.options.tokenSeparator),x=[],w=0;w<u.length;w+=1){var S=u[w];this._log('\nPattern: "'+S.pattern+'"');for(var L=!1,C=0;C<b.length;C+=1){var M=b[C],N=S.search(M),I={};N.isMatch?(I[M]=N.score,m=!0,L=!0,x.push(N.score)):(I[M]=1,this.options.matchAllTokens||x.push(1)),this._log('Token: "'+M+'", score: '+I[M])}L&&(_+=1)}y=x[0];for(var A=x.length,O=1;O<A;O+=1)y+=x[O];y/=A,this._log("Token score average:",y)}var E=k.score;y>-1&&(E=(E+y)/2),this._log("Score average:",E);var T=!this.options.tokenize||!this.options.matchAllTokens||_>=u.length;if(this._log("\nCheck Matches: "+T),(m||k.isMatch)&&T){var j=f[l];j?j.output.push({key:n,arrayIndex:r,value:i,score:E,matchedIndices:k.matchedIndices}):(f[l]={item:s,output:[{key:n,arrayIndex:r,value:i,score:E,matchedIndices:k.matchedIndices}]},g.push(f[l]))}}else if(a(i))for(var P=0,R=i.length;P<R;P+=1)this._analyze({key:n,arrayIndex:P,value:i[P],record:s,index:l},{resultMap:f,results:g,tokenSearchers:u,fullSearcher:d})}}},{key:"_computeScore",value:function(e,t){this._log("\n\nComputing score:\n");for(var n=0,o=t.length;n<o;n+=1){for(var r=t[n].output,i=r.length,s=0,a=1,l=0;l<i;l+=1){var c=r[l].score,u=e?e[r[l].key].weight:1,h=c*u;1!==u?a=Math.min(a,h):(r[l].nScore=h,s+=h)}t[n].score=1===a?s/i:a,this._log(t[n])}}},{key:"_sort",value:function(e){this._log("\n\nSorting...."),e.sort(this.options.sortFn)}},{key:"_format",value:function(e){var t=[];this._log("\n\nOutput:\n\n",JSON.stringify(e));var n=[];this.options.includeMatches&&n.push(function(e,t){var n=e.output;t.matches=[];for(var o=0,r=n.length;o<r;o+=1){var i=n[o];if(0!==i.matchedIndices.length){var s={indices:i.matchedIndices,value:i.value};i.key&&(s.key=i.key),i.hasOwnProperty("arrayIndex")&&i.arrayIndex>-1&&(s.arrayIndex=i.arrayIndex),t.matches.push(s)}}}),this.options.includeScore&&n.push(function(e,t){t.score=e.score});for(var o=0,r=e.length;o<r;o+=1){var i=e[o];if(this.options.id&&(i.item=this.options.getFn(i.item,this.options.id)[0]),n.length){for(var s={item:i.item},a=0,l=n.length;a<l;a+=1)n[a](i,s);t.push(s)}else t.push(i.item)}return t}},{key:"_log",value:function(){if(this.options.verbose){var e;(e=console).log.apply(e,arguments)}}}]),e}();e.exports=l}])})},{}],7:[function(e,t,n){!function(){"use strict";function e(){}function n(t,n){var o,r,i,s,a=O;for(s=arguments.length;s-- >2;)A.push(arguments[s]);for(n&&null!=n.children&&(A.length||A.push(n.children),delete n.children);A.length;)if((r=A.pop())&&void 0!==r.pop)for(s=r.length;s--;)A.push(r[s]);else"boolean"==typeof r&&(r=null),(i="function"!=typeof 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i=r.length;i--;)if(r[i].constructor===e){o.__b=r[i].__b,r.splice(i,1);break}return o}function w(e,t,n){return this.constructor(e,n)}function S(e,t,n,o,i){e.__x||(e.__x=!0,(e.__r=t.ref)&&delete t.ref,(e.__k=t.key)&&delete t.key,!e.base||i?e.componentWillMount&&e.componentWillMount():e.componentWillReceiveProps&&e.componentWillReceiveProps(t,o),o&&o!==e.context&&(e.__c||(e.__c=e.context),e.context=o),e.__p||(e.__p=e.props),e.props=t,e.__x=!1,0!==n&&(1!==n&&!1===I.syncComponentUpdates&&e.base?r(e):L(e,1,i)),e.__r&&e.__r(e))}function L(e,t,n,r){if(!e.__x){var i,s,a,c=e.props,u=e.state,h=e.context,d=e.__p||c,p=e.__s||u,g=e.__c||h,m=e.base,_=e.__b,k=m||_,b=e._component,w=!1;if(m&&(e.props=d,e.state=p,e.context=g,2!==t&&e.shouldComponentUpdate&&!1===e.shouldComponentUpdate(c,u,h)?w=!0:e.componentWillUpdate&&e.componentWillUpdate(c,u,h),e.props=c,e.state=u,e.context=h),e.__p=e.__s=e.__c=e.__b=null,e.__d=!1,!w){i=e.render(c,u,h),e.getChildContext&&(h=o(o({},h),e.getChildContext()));var C,N,A=i&&i.nodeName;if("function"==typeof A){var O=l(i);(s=b)&&s.constructor===A&&O.key==s.__k?S(s,O,1,h,!1):(C=s,e._component=s=x(A,O,h),s.__b=s.__b||_,s.__u=e,S(s,O,0,h,!1),L(s,1,n,!0)),N=s.base}else a=k,(C=b)&&(a=e._component=null),(k||1===t)&&(a&&(a._component=null),N=v(a,i,h,n||!m,k&&k.parentNode,!0));if(k&&N!==k&&s!==b){var E=k.parentNode;E&&N!==E&&(E.replaceChild(N,k),C||(k._component=null,y(k,!1)))}if(C&&M(C),e.base=N,N&&!r){for(var T=e,j=e;j=j.__u;)(T=j).base=N;N._component=T,N._componentConstructor=T.constructor}}if(!m||n?P.unshift(e):w||(e.componentDidUpdate&&e.componentDidUpdate(d,p,g),I.afterUpdate&&I.afterUpdate(e)),null!=e.__h)for(;e.__h.length;)e.__h.pop().call(e);R||r||f()}}function C(e,t,n,o){for(var r=e&&e._component,i=r,s=e,a=r&&e._componentConstructor===t.nodeName,c=a,u=l(t);r&&!c&&(r=r.__u);)c=r.constructor===t.nodeName;return r&&c&&(!o||r._component)?(S(r,u,3,n,o),e=r.base):(i&&!a&&(M(i),e=s=null),r=x(t.nodeName,u,n),e&&!r.__b&&(r.__b=e,s=null),S(r,u,1,n,o),e=r.base,s&&e!==s&&(s._component=null,y(s,!1))),e}function M(e){I.beforeUnmount&&I.beforeUnmount(e);var t=e.base;e.__x=!0,e.componentWillUnmount&&e.componentWillUnmount(),e.base=null;var n=e._component;n?M(n):t&&(t.__preactattr_&&t.__preactattr_.ref&&t.__preactattr_.ref(null),e.__b=t,u(t),b(e),_(t)),e.__r&&e.__r(null)}function N(e,t){this.__d=!0,this.context=t,this.props=e,this.state=this.state||{}}var I={},A=[],O=[],E="function"==typeof Promise?Promise.resolve().then.bind(Promise.resolve()):setTimeout,T=/acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord/i,j=[],P=[],R=0,U=!1,D=!1,V={};o(N.prototype,{setState:function(e,t){var n=this.state;this.__s||(this.__s=o({},n)),o(n,"function"==typeof e?e(n,this.props):e),t&&(this.__h=this.__h||[]).push(t),r(this)},forceUpdate:function(e){e&&(this.__h=this.__h||[]).push(e),L(this,2)},render:function(){}});var F={h:n,createElement:n,cloneElement:function(e,t){return n(e.nodeName,o(o({},e.attributes),t),arguments.length>2?[].slice.call(arguments,2):e.children)},Component:N,render:function(e,t,n){return v(n,e,{},!1,t,!1)},rerender:i,options:I};void 0!==t?t.exports=F:self.preact=F}()},{}]},{},[3]);
//# sourceMappingURL=haddock-bundle.min.js.map
diff --git a/haddock-api/resources/html/js-src/quick-jump.tsx b/haddock-api/resources/html/js-src/quick-jump.tsx
index 97ac14af..e64dae0b 100644
--- a/haddock-api/resources/html/js-src/quick-jump.tsx
+++ b/haddock-api/resources/html/js-src/quick-jump.tsx
@@ -107,7 +107,15 @@ class QuickJump extends Component<QuickJumpProps, QuickJumpState> {
caseSensitive: true,
includeScore: true,
tokenize: true,
- keys: ["name", "module"]
+ keys: [ {
+ name: "name",
+ weight: 0.7
+ },
+ {
+ name: "module",
+ weight: 0.3
+ }
+ ]
moduleResults: []
@@ -143,7 +151,7 @@ class QuickJump extends Component<QuickJumpProps, QuickJumpState> {
hide() {
- this.setState({ isVisible: false });
+ this.setState({ isVisible: false, searchString: '' });
show() {
@@ -409,4 +417,4 @@ export function init(docBaseUrl?: string, showHide?: (action: () => void) => voi
// export to global object
-(window as any).quickNav = { init: init }; \ No newline at end of file
+(window as any).quickNav = { init: init };
diff --git a/haddock-api/resources/html/quick-jump.css b/haddock-api/resources/html/quick-jump.css
index ede05042..468d8036 100644
--- a/haddock-api/resources/html/quick-jump.css
+++ b/haddock-api/resources/html/quick-jump.css
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
width: 44em;
z-index: 1000;
pointer-events: none;
+ overflow-y: auto;
#search.hidden {
@@ -42,7 +43,6 @@
box-sizing: border-box;
border: 0.05em solid #b2d5fb;
background: #e8f3ff;
- overflow-y: auto;
#search-form input + #search-results {
@@ -161,4 +161,4 @@
margin: 0 0.1em;
-/* @end */ \ No newline at end of file
+/* @end */
diff --git a/haddock-api/resources/html/quick-jump.min.js b/haddock-api/resources/html/quick-jump.min.js
index f22f8f28..c03e0836 100644
--- a/haddock-api/resources/html/quick-jump.min.js
+++ b/haddock-api/resources/html/quick-jump.min.js
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-!function e(t,n,o){function r(s,a){if(!n[s]){if(!t[s]){var l="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!a&&l)return l(s,!0);if(i)return i(s,!0);var c=new Error("Cannot find module '"+s+"'");throw c.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",c}var u=n[s]={exports:{}};t[s][0].call(u.exports,function(e){var n=t[s][1][e];return r(n||e)},u,u.exports,e,t,n,o)}return n[s].exports}for(var i="function"==typeof require&&require,s=0;s<o.length;s++)r(o[s]);return r}({1:[function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e,t,n){var o=new XMLHttpRequest;o.onreadystatechange=function(){if(o.readyState===XMLHttpRequest.DONE)if(200===o.status){if(t)try{t(JSON.parse(o.responseText))}catch(e){n(o)}}else n&&n(o)},o.open("GET",e,!0),o.send()}function r(e){var t=document.querySelector("#page-menu"),n=document.createElement("li");t.insertBefore(n,t.firstChild),p.render(d(v,{onClick:e,title:"Quick Jump"}),t,n)}function i(e,t){return t.length<=e?t:t.slice(0,e)}function s(){return 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",d("code",null,"[]"),"."),d("p",null,d("code",null,"Nothing")," matches your query for '",e.searchString,"'."),d("p",null,d("code",null,"Left \"no matches for '",e.searchString,"'\" :: Either String (NonEmpty SearchResult)"))];return t[(e.searchString||"a").charCodeAt(0)%t.length]}function c(e,t){p.render(d(_,{baseUrl:e||".",showHideTrigger:t||r}),document.body)}var u=this&&this.__extends||function(){var e=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(e,t){e.__proto__=t}||function(e,t){for(var n in t)t.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(e[n]=t[n])};return function(t,n){function o(){this.constructor=t}e(t,n),t.prototype=null===n?Object.create(n):(o.prototype=n.prototype,new o)}}();Object.defineProperty(n,"__esModule",{value:!0});var h=e("fuse.js"),p=e("preact"),d=p.h,f=p.Component,v=function(e){function t(){return null!==e&&e.apply(this,arguments)||this}return u(t,e),t.prototype.render=function(e){return 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(For security reasons, it is not possible to fetch auxiliary files using JS in a HTML page opened with ",d("code",null,"file://"),".)"):[]))}this.linkIndex=0;var r=function(e){e.stopPropagation()},c=i(10,t.moduleResults).map(function(e){return n.renderResultsInModule(e)});return d("div",{id:"search",class:t.isVisible?"":"hidden"},d("div",{id:"search-form",onMouseDown:r},d("input",{placeholder:"Search in package by name",ref:function(e){n.input=e},onFocus:this.show.bind(this),onClick:this.show.bind(this),onInput:this.updateResults.bind(this)})),d("div",{id:"search-results",ref:function(e){n.searchResults=e},onMouseDown:r,onMouseOver:function(e){for(var t=e.target;t&&"function"==typeof t.getAttribute;){var o=t.getAttribute("data-link-index");if("string"==typeof o){var 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t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}var r=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var o=t[n];o.enumerable=o.enumerable||!1,o.configurable=!0,"value"in o&&(o.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,o.key,o)}}return function(t,n,o){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),o&&e(t,o),t}}(),i=n(5),s=n(7),a=n(4),l=function(){function e(t,n){var r=n.location,i=void 0===r?0:r,s=n.distance,l=void 0===s?100:s,c=n.threshold,u=void 0===c?.6:c,h=n.maxPatternLength,p=void 0===h?32:h,d=n.isCaseSensitive,f=void 0!==d&&d,v=n.tokenSeparator,_=void 0===v?/ +/g:v,g=n.findAllMatches,m=void 0!==g&&g,y=n.minMatchCharLength,k=void 0===y?1:y;o(this,e),this.options={location:i,distance:l,threshold:u,maxPatternLength:p,isCaseSensitive:f,tokenSeparator:_,findAllMatches:m,minMatchCharLength:k},this.pattern=this.options.isCaseSensitive?t:t.toLowerCase(),this.pattern.length<=p&&(this.patternAlphabet=a(this.pattern))}return r(e,[{key:"search",value:function(e){if(this.options.isCaseSensitive||(e=e.toLowerCase()),this.pattern===e)return{isMatch:!0,score:0,matchedIndices:[[0,e.length-1]]};var t=this.options,n=t.maxPatternLength,o=t.tokenSeparator;if(this.pattern.length>n)return i(e,this.pattern,o);var r=this.options,a=r.location,l=r.distance,c=r.threshold,u=r.findAllMatches,h=r.minMatchCharLength;return s(e,this.pattern,this.patternAlphabet,{location:a,distance:l,threshold:c,findAllMatches:u,minMatchCharLength:h})}}]),e}();e.exports=l},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=n(0),r=function e(t,n,r){if(n){var i=n.indexOf("."),s=n,a=null;-1!==i&&(s=n.slice(0,i),a=n.slice(i+1));var l=t[s];if(null!==l&&void 0!==l)if(a||"string"!=typeof l&&"number"!=typeof l)if(o(l))for(var c=0,u=l.length;c<u;c+=1)e(l[c],a,r);else a&&e(l,a,r);else r.push(l.toString())}else r.push(t);return r};e.exports=function(e,t){return r(e,t,[])}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";e.exports=function(){for(var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:[],t=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:1,n=[],o=-1,r=-1,i=0,s=e.length;i<s;i+=1){var a=e[i];a&&-1===o?o=i:a||-1===o||((r=i-1)-o+1>=t&&n.push([o,r]),o=-1)}return e[i-1]&&i-o>=t&&n.push([o,i-1]),n}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";e.exports=function(e){for(var t={},n=e.length,o=0;o<n;o+=1)t[e.charAt(o)]=0;for(var r=0;r<n;r+=1)t[e.charAt(r)]|=1<<n-r-1;return t}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g;e.exports=function(e,t){var n=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:/ +/g,r=new RegExp(t.replace(o,"\\$&").replace(n,"|")),i=e.match(r),s=!!i,a=[];if(s)for(var l=0,c=i.length;l<c;l+=1){var u=i[l];a.push([e.indexOf(u),u.length-1])}return{score:s?.5:1,isMatch:s,matchedIndices:a}}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";e.exports=function(e,t){var n=t.errors,o=void 0===n?0:n,r=t.currentLocation,i=void 0===r?0:r,s=t.expectedLocation,a=void 0===s?0:s,l=t.distance,c=void 0===l?100:l,u=o/e.length,h=Math.abs(a-i);return c?u+h/c:h?1:u}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=n(6),r=n(3);e.exports=function(e,t,n,i){for(var s=i.location,a=void 0===s?0:s,l=i.distance,c=void 0===l?100:l,u=i.threshold,h=void 0===u?.6:u,p=i.findAllMatches,d=void 0!==p&&p,f=i.minMatchCharLength,v=void 0===f?1:f,_=a,g=e.length,m=h,y=e.indexOf(t,_),k=t.length,b=[],x=0;x<g;x+=1)b[x]=0;if(-1!==y){var w=o(t,{errors:0,currentLocation:y,expectedLocation:_,distance:c});if(m=Math.min(w,m),-1!==(y=e.lastIndexOf(t,_+k))){var S=o(t,{errors:0,currentLocation:y,expectedLocation:_,distance:c});m=Math.min(S,m)}}y=-1;for(var L=[],C=1,M=k+g,N=1<<k-1,I=0;I<k;I+=1){for(var A=0,T=M;A<T;)o(t,{errors:I,currentLocation:_+T,expectedLocation:_,distance:c})<=m?A=T:M=T,T=Math.floor((M-A)/2+A);M=T;var O=Math.max(1,_-T+1),j=d?g:Math.min(_+T,g)+k,P=Array(j+2);P[j+1]=(1<<I)-1;for(var E=j;E>=O;E-=1){var R=E-1,U=n[e.charAt(R)];if(U&&(b[R]=1),P[E]=(P[E+1]<<1|1)&U,0!==I&&(P[E]|=(L[E+1]|L[E])<<1|1|L[E+1]),P[E]&N&&(C=o(t,{errors:I,currentLocation:R,expectedLocation:_,distance:c}))<=m){if(m=C,(y=R)<=_)break;O=Math.max(1,2*_-y)}}if(o(t,{errors:I+1,currentLocation:_,expectedLocation:_,distance:c})>m)break;L=P}return{isMatch:y>=0,score:0===C?.001:C,matchedIndices:r(b,v)}}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}var r=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var o=t[n];o.enumerable=o.enumerable||!1,o.configurable=!0,"value"in o&&(o.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,o.key,o)}}return function(t,n,o){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),o&&e(t,o),t}}(),i=n(1),s=n(2),a=n(0),l=function(){function e(t,n){var r=n.location,i=void 0===r?0:r,a=n.distance,l=void 0===a?100:a,c=n.threshold,u=void 0===c?.6:c,h=n.maxPatternLength,p=void 0===h?32:h,d=n.caseSensitive,f=void 0!==d&&d,v=n.tokenSeparator,_=void 0===v?/ +/g:v,g=n.findAllMatches,m=void 0!==g&&g,y=n.minMatchCharLength,k=void 0===y?1:y,b=n.id,x=void 0===b?null:b,w=n.keys,S=void 0===w?[]:w,L=n.shouldSort,C=void 0===L||L,M=n.getFn,N=void 0===M?s:M,I=n.sortFn,A=void 0===I?function(e,t){return e.score-t.score}:I,T=n.tokenize,O=void 0!==T&&T,j=n.matchAllTokens,P=void 0!==j&&j,E=n.includeMatches,R=void 0!==E&&E,U=n.includeScore,D=void 0!==U&&U,V=n.verbose,F=void 0!==V&&V;o(this,e),this.options={location:i,distance:l,threshold:u,maxPatternLength:p,isCaseSensitive:f,tokenSeparator:_,findAllMatches:m,minMatchCharLength:k,id:x,keys:S,includeMatches:R,includeScore:D,shouldSort:C,getFn:N,sortFn:A,verbose:F,tokenize:O,matchAllTokens:P},this.setCollection(t)}return r(e,[{key:"setCollection",value:function(e){return this.list=e,e}},{key:"search",value:function(e){this._log('---------\nSearch pattern: "'+e+'"');var t=this._prepareSearchers(e),n=t.tokenSearchers,o=t.fullSearcher,r=this._search(n,o),i=r.weights,s=r.results;return this._computeScore(i,s),this.options.shouldSort&&this._sort(s),this._format(s)}},{key:"_prepareSearchers",value:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"",t=[];if(this.options.tokenize)for(var n=e.split(this.options.tokenSeparator),o=0,r=n.length;o<r;o+=1)t.push(new i(n[o],this.options));return{tokenSearchers:t,fullSearcher:new i(e,this.options)}}},{key:"_search",value:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:[],t=arguments[1],n=this.list,o={},r=[];if("string"==typeof n[0]){for(var i=0,s=n.length;i<s;i+=1)this._analyze({key:"",value:n[i],record:i,index:i},{resultMap:o,results:r,tokenSearchers:e,fullSearcher:t});return{weights:null,results:r}}for(var a={},l=0,c=n.length;l<c;l+=1)for(var u=n[l],h=0,p=this.options.keys.length;h<p;h+=1){var d=this.options.keys[h];if("string"!=typeof d){if(a[d.name]={weight:1-d.weight||1},d.weight<=0||d.weight>1)throw new Error("Key weight has to be > 0 and <= 1");d=d.name}else 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A=x.length,T=1;T<A;T+=1)m+=x[T];m/=A,this._log("Token score average:",m)}var O=k.score;m>-1&&(O=(O+m)/2),this._log("Score average:",O);var j=!this.options.tokenize||!this.options.matchAllTokens||y>=u.length;if(this._log("\nCheck Matches: "+j),(g||k.isMatch)&&j){var P=f[l];P?P.output.push({key:n,arrayIndex:r,value:i,score:O,matchedIndices:k.matchedIndices}):(f[l]={item:s,output:[{key:n,arrayIndex:r,value:i,score:O,matchedIndices:k.matchedIndices}]},_.push(f[l]))}}else if(a(i))for(var E=0,R=i.length;E<R;E+=1)this._analyze({key:n,arrayIndex:E,value:i[E],record:s,index:l},{resultMap:f,results:_,tokenSearchers:u,fullSearcher:p})}}},{key:"_computeScore",value:function(e,t){this._log("\n\nComputing score:\n");for(var n=0,o=t.length;n<o;n+=1){for(var r=t[n].output,i=r.length,s=0,a=1,l=0;l<i;l+=1){var c=e?e[r[l].key].weight:1,u=(1===c?r[l].score:r[l].score||.001)*c;1!==c?a=Math.min(a,u):(r[l].nScore=u,s+=u)}t[n].score=1===a?s/i:a,this._log(t[n])}}},{key:"_sort",value:function(e){this._log("\n\nSorting...."),e.sort(this.options.sortFn)}},{key:"_format",value:function(e){var t=[];this._log("\n\nOutput:\n\n",JSON.stringify(e));var n=[];this.options.includeMatches&&n.push(function(e,t){var n=e.output;t.matches=[];for(var o=0,r=n.length;o<r;o+=1){var i=n[o];if(0!==i.matchedIndices.length){var s={indices:i.matchedIndices,value:i.value};i.key&&(s.key=i.key),i.hasOwnProperty("arrayIndex")&&i.arrayIndex>-1&&(s.arrayIndex=i.arrayIndex),t.matches.push(s)}}}),this.options.includeScore&&n.push(function(e,t){t.score=e.score});for(var o=0,r=e.length;o<r;o+=1){var i=e[o];if(this.options.id&&(i.item=this.options.getFn(i.item,this.options.id)[0]),n.length){for(var s={item:i.item},a=0,l=n.length;a<l;a+=1)n[a](i,s);t.push(s)}else t.push(i.item)}return 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0===l?100:l,u=o/e.length,h=Math.abs(a-i);return c?u+h/c:h?1:u}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";var o=n(6),r=n(3);e.exports=function(e,t,n,i){for(var s=i.location,a=void 0===s?0:s,l=i.distance,c=void 0===l?100:l,u=i.threshold,h=void 0===u?.6:u,p=i.findAllMatches,d=void 0!==p&&p,f=i.minMatchCharLength,v=void 0===f?1:f,_=a,g=e.length,m=h,y=e.indexOf(t,_),k=t.length,b=[],x=0;x<g;x+=1)b[x]=0;if(-1!==y){var w=o(t,{errors:0,currentLocation:y,expectedLocation:_,distance:c});if(m=Math.min(w,m),-1!==(y=e.lastIndexOf(t,_+k))){var S=o(t,{errors:0,currentLocation:y,expectedLocation:_,distance:c});m=Math.min(S,m)}}y=-1;for(var L=[],C=1,M=k+g,N=1<<k-1,I=0;I<k;I+=1){for(var A=0,T=M;A<T;)o(t,{errors:I,currentLocation:_+T,expectedLocation:_,distance:c})<=m?A=T:M=T,T=Math.floor((M-A)/2+A);M=T;var O=Math.max(1,_-T+1),j=d?g:Math.min(_+T,g)+k,P=Array(j+2);P[j+1]=(1<<I)-1;for(var E=j;E>=O;E-=1){var R=E-1,U=n[e.charAt(R)];if(U&&(b[R]=1),P[E]=(P[E+1]<<1|1)&U,0!==I&&(P[E]|=(L[E+1]|L[E])<<1|1|L[E+1]),P[E]&N&&(C=o(t,{errors:I,currentLocation:R,expectedLocation:_,distance:c}))<=m){if(m=C,(y=R)<=_)break;O=Math.max(1,2*_-y)}}if(o(t,{errors:I+1,currentLocation:_,expectedLocation:_,distance:c})>m)break;L=P}return{isMatch:y>=0,score:0===C?.001:C,matchedIndices:r(b,v)}}},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function o(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}var r=function(){function e(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var o=t[n];o.enumerable=o.enumerable||!1,o.configurable=!0,"value"in o&&(o.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,o.key,o)}}return function(t,n,o){return n&&e(t.prototype,n),o&&e(t,o),t}}(),i=n(1),s=n(2),a=n(0),l=function(){function e(t,n){var r=n.location,i=void 0===r?0:r,a=n.distance,l=void 0===a?100:a,c=n.threshold,u=void 0===c?.6:c,h=n.maxPatternLength,p=void 0===h?32:h,d=n.caseSensitive,f=void 0!==d&&d,v=n.tokenSeparator,_=void 0===v?/ +/g:v,g=n.findAllMatches,m=void 0!==g&&g,y=n.minMatchCharLength,k=void 0===y?1:y,b=n.id,x=void 0===b?null:b,w=n.keys,S=void 0===w?[]:w,L=n.shouldSort,C=void 0===L||L,M=n.getFn,N=void 0===M?s:M,I=n.sortFn,A=void 0===I?function(e,t){return e.score-t.score}:I,T=n.tokenize,O=void 0!==T&&T,j=n.matchAllTokens,P=void 0!==j&&j,E=n.includeMatches,R=void 0!==E&&E,U=n.includeScore,D=void 0!==U&&U,V=n.verbose,F=void 0!==V&&V;o(this,e),this.options={location:i,distance:l,threshold:u,maxPatternLength:p,isCaseSensitive:f,tokenSeparator:_,findAllMatches:m,minMatchCharLength:k,id:x,keys:S,includeMatches:R,includeScore:D,shouldSort:C,getFn:N,sortFn:A,verbose:F,tokenize:O,matchAllTokens:P},this.setCollection(t)}return r(e,[{key:"setCollection",value:function(e){return this.list=e,e}},{key:"search",value:function(e){this._log('---------\nSearch pattern: "'+e+'"');var t=this._prepareSearchers(e),n=t.tokenSearchers,o=t.fullSearcher,r=this._search(n,o),i=r.weights,s=r.results;return this._computeScore(i,s),this.options.shouldSort&&this._sort(s),this._format(s)}},{key:"_prepareSearchers",value:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"",t=[];if(this.options.tokenize)for(var n=e.split(this.options.tokenSeparator),o=0,r=n.length;o<r;o+=1)t.push(new i(n[o],this.options));return{tokenSearchers:t,fullSearcher:new i(e,this.options)}}},{key:"_search",value:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:[],t=arguments[1],n=this.list,o={},r=[];if("string"==typeof n[0]){for(var i=0,s=n.length;i<s;i+=1)this._analyze({key:"",value:n[i],record:i,index:i},{resultMap:o,results:r,tokenSearchers:e,fullSearcher:t});return{weights:null,results:r}}for(var a={},l=0,c=n.length;l<c;l+=1)for(var u=n[l],h=0,p=this.options.keys.length;h<p;h+=1){var d=this.options.keys[h];if("string"!=typeof d){if(a[d.name]={weight:1-d.weight||1},d.weight<=0||d.weight>1)throw new Error("Key weight has to be > 0 and <= 1");d=d.name}else a[d]={weight:1};this._analyze({key:d,value:this.options.getFn(u,d),record:u,index:l},{resultMap:o,results:r,tokenSearchers:e,fullSearcher:t})}return{weights:a,results:r}}},{key:"_analyze",value:function(e,t){var n=e.key,o=e.arrayIndex,r=void 0===o?-1:o,i=e.value,s=e.record,l=e.index,c=t.tokenSearchers,u=void 0===c?[]:c,h=t.fullSearcher,p=void 0===h?[]:h,d=t.resultMap,f=void 0===d?{}:d,v=t.results,_=void 0===v?[]:v;if(void 0!==i&&null!==i){var g=!1,m=-1,y=0;if("string"==typeof i){this._log("\nKey: "+(""===n?"-":n));var k=p.search(i);if(this._log('Full text: "'+i+'", score: '+k.score),this.options.tokenize){for(var b=i.split(this.options.tokenSeparator),x=[],w=0;w<u.length;w+=1){var S=u[w];this._log('\nPattern: "'+S.pattern+'"');for(var L=!1,C=0;C<b.length;C+=1){var M=b[C],N=S.search(M),I={};N.isMatch?(I[M]=N.score,g=!0,L=!0,x.push(N.score)):(I[M]=1,this.options.matchAllTokens||x.push(1)),this._log('Token: "'+M+'", score: '+I[M])}L&&(y+=1)}m=x[0];for(var A=x.length,T=1;T<A;T+=1)m+=x[T];m/=A,this._log("Token score average:",m)}var O=k.score;m>-1&&(O=(O+m)/2),this._log("Score average:",O);var j=!this.options.tokenize||!this.options.matchAllTokens||y>=u.length;if(this._log("\nCheck Matches: "+j),(g||k.isMatch)&&j){var P=f[l];P?P.output.push({key:n,arrayIndex:r,value:i,score:O,matchedIndices:k.matchedIndices}):(f[l]={item:s,output:[{key:n,arrayIndex:r,value:i,score:O,matchedIndices:k.matchedIndices}]},_.push(f[l]))}}else if(a(i))for(var E=0,R=i.length;E<R;E+=1)this._analyze({key:n,arrayIndex:E,value:i[E],record:s,index:l},{resultMap:f,results:_,tokenSearchers:u,fullSearcher:p})}}},{key:"_computeScore",value:function(e,t){this._log("\n\nComputing score:\n");for(var n=0,o=t.length;n<o;n+=1){for(var r=t[n].output,i=r.length,s=0,a=1,l=0;l<i;l+=1){var c=r[l].score,u=e?e[r[l].key].weight:1,h=c*u;1!==u?a=Math.min(a,h):(r[l].nScore=h,s+=h)}t[n].score=1===a?s/i:a,this._log(t[n])}}},{key:"_sort",value:function(e){this._log("\n\nSorting...."),e.sort(this.options.sortFn)}},{key:"_format",value:function(e){var t=[];this._log("\n\nOutput:\n\n",JSON.stringify(e));var n=[];this.options.includeMatches&&n.push(function(e,t){var n=e.output;t.matches=[];for(var o=0,r=n.length;o<r;o+=1){var i=n[o];if(0!==i.matchedIndices.length){var s={indices:i.matchedIndices,value:i.value};i.key&&(s.key=i.key),i.hasOwnProperty("arrayIndex")&&i.arrayIndex>-1&&(s.arrayIndex=i.arrayIndex),t.matches.push(s)}}}),this.options.includeScore&&n.push(function(e,t){t.score=e.score});for(var o=0,r=e.length;o<r;o+=1){var i=e[o];if(this.options.id&&(i.item=this.options.getFn(i.item,this.options.id)[0]),n.length){for(var s={item:i.item},a=0,l=n.length;a<l;a+=1)n[a](i,s);t.push(s)}else t.push(i.item)}return t}},{key:"_log",value:function(){if(this.options.verbose){var e;(e=console).log.apply(e,arguments)}}}]),e}();e.exports=l}])})},{}],3:[function(e,t,n){!function(){"use strict";function e(){}function n(t,n){var o,r,i,s,a=T;for(s=arguments.length;s-- >2;)A.push(arguments[s]);for(n&&null!=n.children&&(A.length||A.push(n.children),delete n.children);A.length;)if((r=A.pop())&&void 0!==r.pop)for(s=r.length;s--;)A.push(r[s]);else"boolean"==typeof r&&(r=null),(i="function"!=typeof t)&&(null==r?r="":"number"==typeof r?r=String(r):"string"!=typeof r&&(i=!1)),i&&o?a[a.length-1]+=r:a===T?a=[r]:a.push(r),o=i;var l=new e;return l.nodeName=t,l.children=a,l.attributes=null==n?void 0:n,l.key=null==n?void 0:n.key,void 0!==I.vnode&&I.vnode(l),l}function o(e,t){for(var n in t)e[n]=t[n];return e}function r(e){!e.__d&&(e.__d=!0)&&1==P.push(e)&&(I.debounceRendering||O)(i)}function i(){var e,t=P;for(P=[];e=t.pop();)e.__d&&L(e)}function s(e,t,n){return"string"==typeof t||"number"==typeof t?void 0!==e.splitText:"string"==typeof t.nodeName?!e._componentConstructor&&a(e,t.nodeName):n||e._componentConstructor===t.nodeName}function a(e,t){return e.__n===t||e.nodeName.toLowerCase()===t.toLowerCase()}function l(e){var t=o({},e.attributes);t.children=e.children;var n=e.nodeName.defaultProps;if(void 0!==n)for(var r in n)void 0===t[r]&&(t[r]=n[r]);return t}function c(e,t){var n=t?document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",e):document.createElement(e);return n.__n=e,n}function u(e){var t=e.parentNode;t&&t.removeChild(e)}function h(e,t,n,o,r){if("className"===t&&(t="class"),"key"===t);else if("ref"===t)n&&n(null),o&&o(e);else if("class"!==t||r)if("style"===t){if(o&&"string"!=typeof o&&"string"!=typeof n||(e.style.cssText=o||""),o&&"object"==typeof o){if("string"!=typeof n)for(var i in n)i in o||(e.style[i]="");for(var i in o)e.style[i]="number"==typeof o[i]&&!1===j.test(i)?o[i]+"px":o[i]}}else if("dangerouslySetInnerHTML"===t)o&&(e.innerHTML=o.__html||"");else if("o"==t[0]&&"n"==t[1]){var s=t!==(t=t.replace(/Capture$/,""));t=t.toLowerCase().substring(2),o?n||e.addEventListener(t,d,s):e.removeEventListener(t,d,s),(e.__l||(e.__l={}))[t]=o}else if("list"!==t&&"type"!==t&&!r&&t in e)p(e,t,null==o?"":o),null!=o&&!1!==o||e.removeAttribute(t);else{var a=r&&t!==(t=t.replace(/^xlink\:?/,""));null==o||!1===o?a?e.removeAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",t.toLowerCase()):e.removeAttribute(t):"function"!=typeof o&&(a?e.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",t.toLowerCase(),o):e.setAttribute(t,o))}else e.className=o||""}function p(e,t,n){try{e[t]=n}catch(e){}}function d(e){return this.__l[e.type](I.event&&I.event(e)||e)}function f(){for(var e;e=E.pop();)I.afterMount&&I.afterMount(e),e.componentDidMount&&e.componentDidMount()}function v(e,t,n,o,r,i){R++||(U=null!=r&&void 0!==r.ownerSVGElement,D=null!=e&&!("__preactattr_"in e));var s=_(e,t,n,o,i);return r&&s.parentNode!==r&&r.appendChild(s),--R||(D=!1,i||f()),s}function _(e,t,n,o,r){var i=e,s=U;if(null!=t&&"boolean"!=typeof t||(t=""),"string"==typeof t||"number"==typeof t)return e&&void 0!==e.splitText&&e.parentNode&&(!e._component||r)?e.nodeValue!=t&&(e.nodeValue=t):(i=document.createTextNode(t),e&&(e.parentNode&&e.parentNode.replaceChild(i,e),m(e,!0))),i.__preactattr_=!0,i;var l=t.nodeName;if("function"==typeof l)return C(e,t,n,o);if(U="svg"===l||"foreignObject"!==l&&U,l=String(l),(!e||!a(e,l))&&(i=c(l,U),e)){for(;e.firstChild;)i.appendChild(e.firstChild);e.parentNode&&e.parentNode.replaceChild(i,e),m(e,!0)}var u=i.firstChild,h=i.__preactattr_,p=t.children;if(null==h){h=i.__preactattr_={};for(var d=i.attributes,f=d.length;f--;)h[d[f].name]=d[f].value}return!D&&p&&1===p.length&&"string"==typeof p[0]&&null!=u&&void 0!==u.splitText&&null==u.nextSibling?u.nodeValue!=p[0]&&(u.nodeValue=p[0]):(p&&p.length||null!=u)&&g(i,p,n,o,D||null!=h.dangerouslySetInnerHTML),k(i,t.attributes,h),U=s,i}function g(e,t,n,o,r){var i,a,l,c,h,p=e.childNodes,d=[],f={},v=0,g=0,y=p.length,k=0,b=t?t.length:0;if(0!==y)for(L=0;L<y;L++){var x=p[L],w=x.__preactattr_;null!=(S=b&&w?x._component?x._component.__k:w.key:null)?(v++,f[S]=x):(w||(void 0!==x.splitText?!r||x.nodeValue.trim():r))&&(d[k++]=x)}if(0!==b)for(L=0;L<b;L++){h=null;var S=(c=t[L]).key;if(null!=S)v&&void 0!==f[S]&&(h=f[S],f[S]=void 0,v--);else if(!h&&g<k)for(i=g;i<k;i++)if(void 0!==d[i]&&s(a=d[i],c,r)){h=a,d[i]=void 0,i===k-1&&k--,i===g&&g++;break}h=_(h,c,n,o),l=p[L],h&&h!==e&&h!==l&&(null==l?e.appendChild(h):h===l.nextSibling?u(l):e.insertBefore(h,l))}if(v)for(var L in f)void 0!==f[L]&&m(f[L],!1);for(;g<=k;)void 0!==(h=d[k--])&&m(h,!1)}function m(e,t){var n=e._component;n?M(n):(null!=e.__preactattr_&&e.__preactattr_.ref&&e.__preactattr_.ref(null),!1!==t&&null!=e.__preactattr_||u(e),y(e))}function y(e){for(e=e.lastChild;e;){var t=e.previousSibling;m(e,!0),e=t}}function k(e,t,n){var o;for(o in n)t&&null!=t[o]||null==n[o]||h(e,o,n[o],n[o]=void 0,U);for(o in t)"children"===o||"innerHTML"===o||o in n&&t[o]===("value"===o||"checked"===o?e[o]:n[o])||h(e,o,n[o],n[o]=t[o],U)}function b(e){var t=e.constructor.name;(V[t]||(V[t]=[])).push(e)}function x(e,t,n){var o,r=V[e.name];if(e.prototype&&e.prototype.render?(o=new e(t,n),N.call(o,t,n)):((o=new N(t,n)).constructor=e,o.render=w),r)for(var i=r.length;i--;)if(r[i].constructor===e){o.__b=r[i].__b,r.splice(i,1);break}return o}function w(e,t,n){return this.constructor(e,n)}function S(e,t,n,o,i){e.__x||(e.__x=!0,(e.__r=t.ref)&&delete t.ref,(e.__k=t.key)&&delete t.key,!e.base||i?e.componentWillMount&&e.componentWillMount():e.componentWillReceiveProps&&e.componentWillReceiveProps(t,o),o&&o!==e.context&&(e.__c||(e.__c=e.context),e.context=o),e.__p||(e.__p=e.props),e.props=t,e.__x=!1,0!==n&&(1!==n&&!1===I.syncComponentUpdates&&e.base?r(e):L(e,1,i)),e.__r&&e.__r(e))}function L(e,t,n,r){if(!e.__x){var i,s,a,c=e.props,u=e.state,h=e.context,p=e.__p||c,d=e.__s||u,_=e.__c||h,g=e.base,y=e.__b,k=g||y,b=e._component,w=!1;if(g&&(e.props=p,e.state=d,e.context=_,2!==t&&e.shouldComponentUpdate&&!1===e.shouldComponentUpdate(c,u,h)?w=!0:e.componentWillUpdate&&e.componentWillUpdate(c,u,h),e.props=c,e.state=u,e.context=h),e.__p=e.__s=e.__c=e.__b=null,e.__d=!1,!w){i=e.render(c,u,h),e.getChildContext&&(h=o(o({},h),e.getChildContext()));var C,N,A=i&&i.nodeName;if("function"==typeof A){var T=l(i);(s=b)&&s.constructor===A&&T.key==s.__k?S(s,T,1,h,!1):(C=s,e._component=s=x(A,T,h),s.__b=s.__b||y,s.__u=e,S(s,T,0,h,!1),L(s,1,n,!0)),N=s.base}else a=k,(C=b)&&(a=e._component=null),(k||1===t)&&(a&&(a._component=null),N=v(a,i,h,n||!g,k&&k.parentNode,!0));if(k&&N!==k&&s!==b){var O=k.parentNode;O&&N!==O&&(O.replaceChild(N,k),C||(k._component=null,m(k,!1)))}if(C&&M(C),e.base=N,N&&!r){for(var j=e,P=e;P=P.__u;)(j=P).base=N;N._component=j,N._componentConstructor=j.constructor}}if(!g||n?E.unshift(e):w||(e.componentDidUpdate&&e.componentDidUpdate(p,d,_),I.afterUpdate&&I.afterUpdate(e)),null!=e.__h)for(;e.__h.length;)e.__h.pop().call(e);R||r||f()}}function C(e,t,n,o){for(var r=e&&e._component,i=r,s=e,a=r&&e._componentConstructor===t.nodeName,c=a,u=l(t);r&&!c&&(r=r.__u);)c=r.constructor===t.nodeName;return r&&c&&(!o||r._component)?(S(r,u,3,n,o),e=r.base):(i&&!a&&(M(i),e=s=null),r=x(t.nodeName,u,n),e&&!r.__b&&(r.__b=e,s=null),S(r,u,1,n,o),e=r.base,s&&e!==s&&(s._component=null,m(s,!1))),e}function M(e){I.beforeUnmount&&I.beforeUnmount(e);var t=e.base;e.__x=!0,e.componentWillUnmount&&e.componentWillUnmount(),e.base=null;var n=e._component;n?M(n):t&&(t.__preactattr_&&t.__preactattr_.ref&&t.__preactattr_.ref(null),e.__b=t,u(t),b(e),y(t)),e.__r&&e.__r(null)}function N(e,t){this.__d=!0,this.context=t,this.props=e,this.state=this.state||{}}var I={},A=[],T=[],O="function"==typeof Promise?Promise.resolve().then.bind(Promise.resolve()):setTimeout,j=/acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord/i,P=[],E=[],R=0,U=!1,D=!1,V={};o(N.prototype,{setState:function(e,t){var n=this.state;this.__s||(this.__s=o({},n)),o(n,"function"==typeof e?e(n,this.props):e),t&&(this.__h=this.__h||[]).push(t),r(this)},forceUpdate:function(e){e&&(this.__h=this.__h||[]).push(e),L(this,2)},render:function(){}});var F={h:n,createElement:n,cloneElement:function(e,t){return n(e.nodeName,o(o({},e.attributes),t),arguments.length>2?[].slice.call(arguments,2):e.children)},Component:N,render:function(e,t,n){return v(n,e,{},!1,t,!1)},rerender:i,options:I};void 0!==t?t.exports=F:self.preact=F}()},{}]},{},[1]);
//# sourceMappingURL=quick-jump.min.js.map
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock.hs
index f7fa52b3..00eb50f6 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables, Rank2Types #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings, Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-- |
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ module Haddock (
) where
-import Data.Version
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Meta
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Themes (getThemes)
@@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ import Haddock.Options
import Haddock.Utils
import Control.Monad hiding (forM_)
-import Control.Applicative
import Data.Foldable (forM_, foldl')
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
@@ -151,7 +149,8 @@ haddockWithGhc ghc args = handleTopExceptions $ do
-- or which exits with an error or help message.
(flags, files) <- parseHaddockOpts args
shortcutFlags flags
- qual <- case qualification flags of {Left msg -> throwE msg; Right q -> return q}
+ qual <- rightOrThrowE (qualification flags)
+ sinceQual <- rightOrThrowE (sinceQualification flags)
-- inject dynamic-too into flags before we proceed
flags' <- ghc flags $ do
@@ -184,7 +183,7 @@ haddockWithGhc ghc args = handleTopExceptions $ do
-- Render the interfaces.
- liftIO $ renderStep dflags flags qual packages ifaces
+ liftIO $ renderStep dflags flags sinceQual qual packages ifaces
else do
when (any (`elem` [Flag_Html, Flag_Hoogle, Flag_LaTeX]) flags) $
@@ -194,7 +193,7 @@ haddockWithGhc ghc args = handleTopExceptions $ do
packages <- liftIO $ readInterfaceFiles freshNameCache (readIfaceArgs flags)
-- Render even though there are no input files (usually contents/index).
- liftIO $ renderStep dflags flags qual packages []
+ liftIO $ renderStep dflags flags sinceQual qual packages []
-- | Create warnings about potential misuse of -optghc
warnings :: [String] -> [String]
@@ -228,8 +227,9 @@ readPackagesAndProcessModules flags files = do
return (packages, ifaces, homeLinks)
-renderStep :: DynFlags -> [Flag] -> QualOption -> [(DocPaths, InterfaceFile)] -> [Interface] -> IO ()
-renderStep dflags flags qual pkgs interfaces = do
+renderStep :: DynFlags -> [Flag] -> SinceQual -> QualOption
+ -> [(DocPaths, InterfaceFile)] -> [Interface] -> IO ()
+renderStep dflags flags sinceQual nameQual pkgs interfaces = do
updateHTMLXRefs pkgs
ifaceFiles = map snd pkgs
@@ -238,12 +238,12 @@ renderStep dflags flags qual pkgs interfaces = do
((_, Just path), ifile) <- pkgs
iface <- ifInstalledIfaces ifile
return (instMod iface, path)
- render dflags flags qual interfaces installedIfaces extSrcMap
+ render dflags flags sinceQual nameQual interfaces installedIfaces extSrcMap
-- | Render the interfaces with whatever backend is specified in the flags.
-render :: DynFlags -> [Flag] -> QualOption -> [Interface] -> [InstalledInterface] -> Map Module FilePath -> IO ()
-render dflags flags qual ifaces installedIfaces extSrcMap = do
+render :: DynFlags -> [Flag] -> SinceQual -> QualOption -> [Interface]
+ -> [InstalledInterface] -> Map Module FilePath -> IO ()
+render dflags flags sinceQual qual ifaces installedIfaces extSrcMap = do
title = fromMaybe "" (optTitle flags)
@@ -270,6 +270,10 @@ render dflags flags qual ifaces installedIfaces extSrcMap = do
pkgKey = moduleUnitId pkgMod
pkgStr = Just (unitIdString pkgKey)
pkgNameVer = modulePackageInfo dflags flags pkgMod
+ pkgName = fmap (unpackFS . (\(PackageName n) -> n)) (fst pkgNameVer)
+ sincePkg = case sinceQual of
+ External -> pkgName
+ Always -> Nothing
(srcBase, srcModule, srcEntity, srcLEntity) = sourceUrls flags
@@ -277,7 +281,7 @@ render dflags flags qual ifaces installedIfaces extSrcMap = do
| Flag_HyperlinkedSource `elem` flags = Just hypSrcModuleUrlFormat
| otherwise = srcModule
- srcMap = mkSrcMap $ Map.union
+ srcMap = Map.union
(Map.map SrcExternal extSrcMap)
(Map.fromList [ (ifaceMod iface, SrcLocal) | iface <- ifaces ])
@@ -323,24 +327,34 @@ render dflags flags qual ifaces installedIfaces extSrcMap = do
let withQuickjump = Flag_QuickJumpIndex `elem` flags
when (Flag_GenIndex `elem` flags) $ do
- ppHtmlIndex odir title pkgStr
- themes opt_mathjax opt_contents_url sourceUrls' opt_wiki_urls
- allVisibleIfaces pretty
+ withTiming (pure dflags') "ppHtmlIndex" (const ()) $ do
+ _ <- {-# SCC ppHtmlIndex #-}
+ ppHtmlIndex odir title pkgStr
+ themes opt_mathjax opt_contents_url sourceUrls' opt_wiki_urls
+ allVisibleIfaces pretty
+ return ()
copyHtmlBits odir libDir themes withQuickjump
when (Flag_GenContents `elem` flags) $ do
- ppHtmlContents dflags' odir title pkgStr
- themes opt_mathjax opt_index_url sourceUrls' opt_wiki_urls
- allVisibleIfaces True prologue pretty
- (makeContentsQual qual)
+ withTiming (pure dflags') "ppHtmlContents" (const ()) $ do
+ _ <- {-# SCC ppHtmlContents #-}
+ ppHtmlContents dflags' odir title pkgStr
+ themes opt_mathjax opt_index_url sourceUrls' opt_wiki_urls
+ allVisibleIfaces True prologue pretty
+ sincePkg (makeContentsQual qual)
+ return ()
copyHtmlBits odir libDir themes withQuickjump
when (Flag_Html `elem` flags) $ do
- ppHtml dflags' title pkgStr visibleIfaces reexportedIfaces odir
- prologue
- themes opt_mathjax sourceUrls' opt_wiki_urls
- opt_contents_url opt_index_url unicode qual
- pretty withQuickjump
+ withTiming (pure dflags') "ppHtml" (const ()) $ do
+ _ <- {-# SCC ppHtml #-}
+ ppHtml dflags' title pkgStr visibleIfaces reexportedIfaces odir
+ prologue
+ themes opt_mathjax sourceUrls' opt_wiki_urls
+ opt_contents_url opt_index_url unicode sincePkg qual
+ pretty withQuickjump
+ return ()
copyHtmlBits odir libDir themes withQuickjump
writeHaddockMeta odir withQuickjump
@@ -348,7 +362,12 @@ render dflags flags qual ifaces installedIfaces extSrcMap = do
-- might want to fix that if/when these two get some work on them
when (Flag_Hoogle `elem` flags) $ do
case pkgNameVer of
- Nothing -> putStrLn . unlines $
+ (Just (PackageName pkgNameFS), Just pkgVer) ->
+ let pkgNameStr | unpackFS pkgNameFS == "main" && title /= [] = title
+ | otherwise = unpackFS pkgNameFS
+ in ppHoogle dflags' pkgNameStr pkgVer title (fmap _doc prologue)
+ visibleIfaces odir
+ _ -> putStrLn . unlines $
[ "haddock: Unable to find a package providing module "
++ moduleNameString (moduleName pkgMod) ++ ", skipping Hoogle."
, ""
@@ -356,38 +375,19 @@ render dflags flags qual ifaces installedIfaces extSrcMap = do
++ " using the --package-name"
, " and --package-version arguments."
- Just (PackageName pkgNameFS, pkgVer) ->
- let pkgNameStr | unpackFS pkgNameFS == "main" && title /= [] = title
- | otherwise = unpackFS pkgNameFS
- in ppHoogle dflags' pkgNameStr pkgVer title (fmap _doc prologue)
- visibleIfaces odir
when (Flag_LaTeX `elem` flags) $ do
- ppLaTeX title pkgStr visibleIfaces odir (fmap _doc prologue) opt_latex_style
- libDir
+ withTiming (pure dflags') "ppLatex" (const ()) $ do
+ _ <- {-# SCC ppLatex #-}
+ ppLaTeX title pkgStr visibleIfaces odir (fmap _doc prologue) opt_latex_style
+ libDir
+ return ()
when (Flag_HyperlinkedSource `elem` flags && not (null ifaces)) $ do
- ppHyperlinkedSource odir libDir opt_source_css pretty srcMap ifaces
--- | From GHC 7.10, this function has a potential to crash with a
--- nasty message such as @expectJust getPackageDetails@ because
--- package name and versions can no longer reliably be extracted in
--- all cases: if the package is not installed yet then this info is no
--- longer available. The @--package-name@ and @--package-version@
--- Haddock flags allow the user to specify this information and it is
--- returned here if present: if it is not present, the error will
--- occur. Nasty but that's how it is for now. Potential TODO.
-modulePackageInfo :: DynFlags
- -> [Flag] -- ^ Haddock flags are checked as they may
- -- contain the package name or version
- -- provided by the user which we
- -- prioritise
- -> Module -> Maybe (PackageName, Data.Version.Version)
-modulePackageInfo dflags flags modu =
- cmdline <|> pkgDb
- where
- cmdline = (,) <$> optPackageName flags <*> optPackageVersion flags
- pkgDb = (\pkg -> (packageName pkg, packageVersion pkg)) <$> lookupPackage dflags (moduleUnitId modu)
+ withTiming (pure dflags') "ppHyperlinkedSource" (const ()) $ do
+ _ <- {-# SCC ppHyperlinkedSource #-}
+ ppHyperlinkedSource odir libDir opt_source_css pretty srcMap ifaces
+ return ()
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ readInterfaceFiles :: MonadIO m
-> [(DocPaths, FilePath)]
-> m [(DocPaths, InterfaceFile)]
readInterfaceFiles name_cache_accessor pairs = do
- catMaybes `liftM` mapM tryReadIface pairs
+ catMaybes `liftM` mapM ({-# SCC readInterfaceFile #-} tryReadIface) pairs
-- try to read an interface, warn if we can't
tryReadIface (paths, file) =
@@ -439,13 +439,26 @@ withGhc' libDir flags ghcActs = runGhc (Just libDir) $ do
_ <- setSessionDynFlags dynflags''
ghcActs dynflags''
+ -- ignore sublists of flags that start with "+RTS" and end in "-RTS"
+ --
+ -- See https://github.com/haskell/haddock/issues/666
+ filterRtsFlags :: [String] -> [String]
+ filterRtsFlags flgs = foldr go (const []) flgs True
+ where go "-RTS" func _ = func True
+ go "+RTS" func _ = func False
+ go _ func False = func False
+ go arg func True = arg : func True
parseGhcFlags :: MonadIO m => DynFlags -> m DynFlags
parseGhcFlags dynflags = do
-- TODO: handle warnings?
- (dynflags', rest, _) <- parseDynamicFlags dynflags (map noLoc flags)
+ let flags' = filterRtsFlags flags
+ (dynflags', rest, _) <- parseDynamicFlags dynflags (map noLoc flags')
if not (null rest)
- then throwE ("Couldn't parse GHC options: " ++ unwords flags)
+ then throwE ("Couldn't parse GHC options: " ++ unwords flags')
else return dynflags'
unsetPatternMatchWarnings :: DynFlags -> DynFlags
@@ -596,10 +609,15 @@ getPrologue dflags flags =
h <- openFile filename ReadMode
hSetEncoding h utf8
str <- hGetContents h -- semi-closes the handle
- return . Just $! parseParas dflags str
+ return . Just $! parseParas dflags Nothing str
_ -> throwE "multiple -p/--prologue options"
+rightOrThrowE :: Either String b -> IO b
+rightOrThrowE (Left msg) = throwE msg
+rightOrThrowE (Right x) = pure x
#ifdef IN_GHC_TREE
getInTreeDir :: IO String
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
index 2c7be079..9a31428f 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ ppExport dflags ExportDecl { expItemDecl = L _ decl
f (TyClD _ d@DataDecl{}) = ppData dflags d subdocs
f (TyClD _ d@SynDecl{}) = ppSynonym dflags d
f (TyClD _ d@ClassDecl{}) = ppClass dflags d subdocs
+ f (TyClD _ (FamDecl _ d)) = ppFam dflags d
f (ForD _ (ForeignImport _ name typ _)) = [pp_sig dflags [name] (hsSigType typ)]
f (ForD _ (ForeignExport _ name typ _)) = [pp_sig dflags [name] (hsSigType typ)]
f (SigD _ sig) = ppSig dflags sig ++ ppFixities
@@ -141,11 +142,7 @@ ppSigWithDoc :: DynFlags -> Sig GhcRn -> [(Name, DocForDecl Name)] -> [String]
ppSigWithDoc dflags (TypeSig _ names sig) subdocs
= concatMap mkDocSig names
- mkDocSig n = concatMap (ppDocumentation dflags) (getDoc n)
- ++ [pp_sig dflags names (hsSigWcType sig)]
- getDoc :: Located Name -> [Documentation Name]
- getDoc n = maybe [] (return . fst) (lookup (unL n) subdocs)
+ mkDocSig n = mkSubdoc dflags n subdocs [pp_sig dflags [n] (hsSigWcType sig)]
ppSigWithDoc _ _ _ = []
@@ -173,10 +170,14 @@ ppClass dflags decl subdocs =
| null $ tcdATs decl = ""
| otherwise = (" " ++) . showSDocUnqual dflags . whereWrapper $ concat
- [ map ppr (tcdATs decl)
+ [ map pprTyFam (tcdATs decl)
, map (ppr . tyFamEqnToSyn . unLoc) (tcdATDefs decl)
+ pprTyFam :: LFamilyDecl GhcRn -> SDoc
+ pprTyFam (L _ at) = vcat' $ map text $
+ mkSubdoc dflags (fdLName at) subdocs (ppFam dflags at)
whereWrapper elems = vcat'
[ text "where" <+> lbrace
, nest 4 . vcat . map (Outputable.<> semi) $ elems
@@ -192,6 +193,15 @@ ppClass dflags decl subdocs =
, tcdSExt = emptyNameSet
+ppFam :: DynFlags -> FamilyDecl GhcRn -> [String]
+ppFam dflags decl@(FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info })
+ = [out dflags decl']
+ where
+ decl' = case info of
+ -- We don't need to print out a closed type family's equations
+ -- for Hoogle, so pretend it doesn't have any.
+ ClosedTypeFamily{} -> decl { fdInfo = OpenTypeFamily }
+ _ -> decl
ppInstance :: DynFlags -> ClsInst -> [String]
ppInstance dflags x =
@@ -286,6 +296,10 @@ docWith dflags header d
lines header ++ ["" | header /= "" && isJust d] ++
maybe [] (showTags . markup (markupTag dflags)) d
+mkSubdoc :: DynFlags -> Located Name -> [(Name, DocForDecl Name)] -> [String] -> [String]
+mkSubdoc dflags n subdocs s = concatMap (ppDocumentation dflags) getDoc ++ s
+ where
+ getDoc = maybe [] (return . fst) (lookup (unL n) subdocs)
data Tag = TagL Char [Tags] | TagP Tags | TagPre Tags | TagInline String Tags | Str String
deriving Show
@@ -329,7 +343,8 @@ markupTag dflags = Markup {
markupAName = const $ str "",
markupProperty = box TagPre . str,
markupExample = box TagPre . str . unlines . map exampleToString,
- markupHeader = \(Header l h) -> box (TagInline $ "h" ++ show l) h
+ markupHeader = \(Header l h) -> box (TagInline $ "h" ++ show l) h,
+ markupTable = \(Table _ _) -> str "TODO: table"
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs
index 56137f51..220a59fe 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Ast.hs
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import qualified Haddock.Syb as Syb
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types
import qualified GHC
+import qualified SrcLoc
import qualified Outputable as GHC
import Control.Applicative
@@ -52,10 +53,10 @@ type DetailsMap = Map.Map Position (Span, TokenDetails)
mkDetailsMap :: [(GHC.SrcSpan, TokenDetails)] -> DetailsMap
mkDetailsMap xs =
- Map.fromListWith select_details [ (start, (token_span, token_details))
+ Map.fromListWith select_details [ (start, (span, token_details))
| (ghc_span, token_details) <- xs
- , Just !token_span <- [ghcSrcSpanToSpan ghc_span]
- , let start = spStart token_span
+ , GHC.RealSrcSpan span <- [ghc_span]
+ , let start = SrcLoc.realSrcSpanStart span
-- favour token details which appear earlier in the list
@@ -63,17 +64,11 @@ mkDetailsMap xs =
lookupBySpan :: Span -> DetailsMap -> Maybe TokenDetails
lookupBySpan span details = do
- (_, (tok_span, tok_details)) <- Map.lookupLE (spStart span) details
- guard (tok_span `containsSpan` span )
+ let pos = SrcLoc.realSrcSpanStart span
+ (_, (tok_span, tok_details)) <- Map.lookupLE pos details
+ guard (tok_span `SrcLoc.containsSpan` span)
return tok_details
-ghcSrcSpanToSpan :: GHC.SrcSpan -> Maybe Span
-ghcSrcSpanToSpan (GHC.RealSrcSpan span) =
- Just (Span { spStart = Position (GHC.srcSpanStartLine span) (GHC.srcSpanStartCol span)
- , spEnd = Position (GHC.srcSpanEndLine span) (GHC.srcSpanEndCol span)
- })
-ghcSrcSpanToSpan _ = Nothing
enrichToken :: Token -> DetailsMap -> Maybe TokenDetails
enrichToken (Token typ _ spn) dm
| typ `elem` [TkIdentifier, TkOperator] = lookupBySpan spn dm
@@ -99,9 +94,12 @@ variables =
types :: GHC.RenamedSource -> LTokenDetails
types = everythingInRenamedSource ty
+ ty :: forall a. Data a => a -> [(GHC.SrcSpan, TokenDetails)]
ty term = case cast term of
(Just ((GHC.L sspan (GHC.HsTyVar _ _ name)) :: GHC.LHsType GHC.GhcRn)) ->
pure (sspan, RtkType (GHC.unLoc name))
+ (Just ((GHC.L sspan (GHC.HsOpTy _ l name r)) :: GHC.LHsType GHC.GhcRn)) ->
+ (sspan, RtkType (GHC.unLoc name)):(ty l ++ ty r)
_ -> empty
-- | Obtain details map for identifier bindings.
@@ -117,6 +115,11 @@ binds = everythingInRenamedSource
fun term = case cast term of
(Just (GHC.FunBind _ (GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _ :: GHC.HsBind GHC.GhcRn)) ->
pure (sspan, RtkBind name)
+ (Just (GHC.PatSynBind _ (GHC.PSB _ (GHC.L sspan name) args _ _))) ->
+ pure (sspan, RtkBind name) ++ everythingInRenamedSource patsyn_binds args
+ _ -> empty
+ patsyn_binds term = case cast term of
+ (Just (GHC.L sspan (name :: GHC.Name))) -> pure (sspan, RtkVar name)
_ -> empty
pat term = case cast term of
(Just ((GHC.L sspan (GHC.VarPat _ name)) :: GHC.LPat GHC.GhcRn)) ->
@@ -142,6 +145,7 @@ decls :: GHC.RenamedSource -> LTokenDetails
decls (group, _, _, _) = concatMap ($ group)
[ concat . map typ . concat . map GHC.group_tyclds . GHC.hs_tyclds
, everythingInRenamedSource fun . GHC.hs_valds
+ , everythingInRenamedSource fix . GHC.hs_fixds
, everythingInRenamedSource (con `Syb.combine` ins)
@@ -149,11 +153,16 @@ decls (group, _, _, _) = concatMap ($ group)
GHC.DataDecl { tcdLName = name } -> pure . decl $ name
GHC.SynDecl _ name _ _ _ -> pure . decl $ name
GHC.FamDecl _ fam -> pure . decl $ GHC.fdLName fam
- GHC.ClassDecl{..} -> [decl tcdLName] ++ concatMap sig tcdSigs
+ GHC.ClassDecl{..} ->
+ [decl tcdLName]
+ ++ concatMap sig tcdSigs
+ ++ concatMap tyfam tcdATs
GHC.XTyClDecl {} -> GHC.panic "haddock:decls"
fun term = case cast term of
(Just (GHC.FunBind _ (GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _ :: GHC.HsBind GHC.GhcRn))
| GHC.isExternalName name -> pure (sspan, RtkDecl name)
+ (Just (GHC.PatSynBind _ (GHC.PSB _ (GHC.L sspan name) _ _ _)))
+ | GHC.isExternalName name -> pure (sspan, RtkDecl name)
_ -> empty
con term = case cast term of
(Just (cdcl :: GHC.ConDecl GHC.GhcRn)) ->
@@ -171,7 +180,14 @@ decls (group, _, _, _) = concatMap ($ group)
Just (field :: GHC.ConDeclField GHC.GhcRn)
-> map (decl . fmap GHC.extFieldOcc) $ GHC.cd_fld_names field
Nothing -> empty
+ fix term = case cast term of
+ Just ((GHC.FixitySig _ names _) :: GHC.FixitySig GHC.GhcRn)
+ -> map (\(GHC.L sspan x) -> (sspan, RtkVar x)) names
+ Nothing -> empty
+ tyfam (GHC.L _ (GHC.FamilyDecl{..})) = [decl fdLName]
sig (GHC.L _ (GHC.TypeSig _ names _)) = map decl names
+ sig (GHC.L _ (GHC.PatSynSig _ names _)) = map decl names
+ sig (GHC.L _ (GHC.ClassOpSig _ _ names _)) = map decl names
sig _ = []
decl (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkDecl name)
tyref (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkType name)
@@ -190,10 +206,11 @@ imports src@(_, imps, _, _) =
(Just (GHC.IEThingAll _ t)) -> pure $ typ $ GHC.ieLWrappedName t
(Just (GHC.IEThingWith _ t _ vs _fls)) ->
[typ $ GHC.ieLWrappedName t] ++ map (var . GHC.ieLWrappedName) vs
+ (Just (GHC.IEModuleContents _ m)) -> pure $ modu m
_ -> empty
typ (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkType name)
var (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkVar name)
- imp idecl | not . GHC.ideclImplicit $ idecl =
- let (GHC.L sspan name) = GHC.ideclName idecl
- in Just (sspan, RtkModule name)
- imp _ = Nothing
+ modu (GHC.L sspan name) = (sspan, RtkModule name)
+ imp idecl
+ | not . GHC.ideclImplicit $ idecl = Just (modu (GHC.ideclName idecl))
+ | otherwise = Nothing
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Parser.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Parser.hs
index e4345602..34512de8 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Parser.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Parser.hs
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Parser (parse) where
+import Data.Either ( isRight, isLeft )
+import Data.List ( foldl', isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf )
+import Data.Maybe ( maybeToList )
-import Data.Char
-import Data.List
-import Data.Maybe
+import GHC ( DynFlags, addSourceToTokens )
+import SrcLoc
+import FastString ( mkFastString )
+import StringBuffer ( stringToStringBuffer )
+import Lexer ( Token(..) )
+import qualified Lexer as L
-import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types
+import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types as T
-- | Turn source code string into a stream of more descriptive tokens.
@@ -13,202 +19,404 @@ import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types
-- Result should retain original file layout (including comments, whitespace,
-- etc.), i.e. the following "law" should hold:
--- @concat . map 'tkValue' . 'parse' = id@
-parse :: String -> [Token]
-parse = tokenize . tag . chunk
--- | Split raw source string to more meaningful chunks.
--- This is the initial stage of tokenization process. Each chunk is either
--- a comment (including comment delimiters), a whitespace string, preprocessor
--- macro (and all its content until the end of a line) or valid Haskell lexeme.
-chunk :: String -> [String]
-chunk [] = []
-chunk str@(c:_)
- | isSpace c =
- let (space, mcpp, rest) = spanSpaceOrCpp str
- in [space] ++ maybeToList mcpp ++ chunk rest
-chunk str
- | "--" `isPrefixOf` str = chunk' $ spanToNewline str
- | "{-" `isPrefixOf` str = chunk' $ chunkComment 0 str
- | otherwise = case lex' str of
- (tok:_) -> chunk' tok
- [] -> [str]
+-- prop> concat . map tkValue . parse = id
+-- (In reality, this only holds for input not containing '\r', '\t', '\f', '\v',
+-- characters, since GHC transforms those into ' ' and '\n')
+parse :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> String -> [T.Token]
+parse dflags fp s = ghcToks (processCPP dflags fp s)
+-- | Parse the source into tokens using the GHC lexer.
+-- * CPP lines are removed and reinserted as line-comments
+-- * top-level file pragmas are parsed as block comments (see the
+-- 'ITblockComment' case of 'classify' for more details)
+processCPP :: DynFlags -- ^ GHC's flags
+ -> FilePath -- ^ source file name (for position information)
+ -> String -- ^ source file contents
+ -> [(Located L.Token, String)]
+processCPP dflags fpath s = addSrc . go start . splitCPP $ s
- chunk' (c, rest) = c:(chunk rest)
--- | A bit better lexer then the default, i.e. handles DataKinds quotes
-lex' :: ReadS String
-lex' ('\'' : '\'' : rest) = [("''", rest)]
-lex' str@('\'' : '\\' : _ : '\'' : _) = lex str
-lex' str@('\'' : _ : '\'' : _) = lex str
-lex' ('\'' : rest) = [("'", rest)]
-lex' str = lex str
--- | Split input to "first line" string and the rest of it.
--- Ideally, this should be done simply with @'break' (== '\n')@. However,
--- Haskell also allows line-unbreaking (or whatever it is called) so things
--- are not as simple and this function deals with that.
-spanToNewline :: String -> (String, String)
-spanToNewline [] = ([], [])
-spanToNewline ('\\':'\n':str) =
- let (str', rest) = spanToNewline str
+ start = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString fpath) 1 1
+ addSrc = addSourceToTokens start (stringToStringBuffer s)
+ -- Transform a list of Haskell/CPP lines into a list of tokens
+ go :: RealSrcLoc -> [Either String String] -> [Located L.Token]
+ go _ [] = []
+ go pos ls =
+ let (hLinesRight, ls') = span isRight ls
+ (cppLinesLeft, rest) = span isLeft ls'
+ hSrc = concat [ hLine | Right hLine <- hLinesRight ]
+ cppSrc = concat [ cppLine | Left cppLine <- cppLinesLeft ]
+ in case L.lexTokenStream (stringToStringBuffer hSrc) pos dflags of
+ -- Stuff that fails to lex gets turned into comments
+ L.PFailed _ _ss _msg ->
+ let (src_pos, failed) = mkToken ITunknown pos hSrc
+ (new_pos, cpp) = mkToken ITlineComment src_pos cppSrc
+ in failed : cpp : go new_pos rest
+ -- Successfully lexed
+ L.POk ss toks ->
+ let (new_pos, cpp) = mkToken ITlineComment (L.loc ss) cppSrc
+ in toks ++ [cpp] ++ go new_pos rest
+ -- Manually make a token from a 'String', advancing the cursor position
+ mkToken tok start' str =
+ let end = foldl' advanceSrcLoc start' str
+ in (end, L (RealSrcSpan $ mkRealSrcSpan start' end) (tok str))
+-- | Split apart the initial file into Haskell source lines ('Left' entries) and
+-- CPP lines ('Right' entries).
+-- All characters in the input are present in the output:
+-- prop> concat . map (either id id) . splitCPP = id
+splitCPP :: String -> [Either String String]
+splitCPP "" = []
+splitCPP s | isCPPline s = Left l : splitCPP rest
+ | otherwise = Right l : splitCPP rest
+ where
+ ~(l, rest) = spanToNewline 0 s
+-- | Heuristic to decide if a line is going to be a CPP line. This should be a
+-- cheap operation since it is going to be run on every line being processed.
+-- Right now it just checks if the first non-whitespace character in the first
+-- five characters of the line is a '#':
+-- >>> isCPPline "#define FOO 1"
+-- True
+-- >>> isCPPline "\t\t #ifdef GHC"
+-- True
+-- >>> isCPPline " #endif"
+-- False
+isCPPline :: String -> Bool
+isCPPline = isPrefixOf "#" . dropWhile (`elem` " \t") . take 5
+-- | Split a "line" off the front of a string, supporting newline escapes.
+-- By "line", we understand: the shortest substring ending in a '\n' that is not
+-- 1. immediately preceded by a '\\'
+-- 2. not inside some (possibly nested) block comment
+-- All characters in the input are present in the output:
+-- prop> curry (++) . spanToNewLine 0 = id
+spanToNewline :: Int -- ^ open '{-'
+ -> String -- ^ input
+ -> (String, String)
+spanToNewline _ [] = ([], [])
+spanToNewline n ('\n':str) | n <= 0 = ("\n", str)
+spanToNewline n ('\\':'\n':str) =
+ let (str', rest) = spanToNewline n str
in ('\\':'\n':str', rest)
-spanToNewline str@('\n':_) = ("", str)
-spanToNewline (c:str) =
- let (str', rest) = spanToNewline str
+spanToNewline n ('{':'-':str) =
+ let (str', rest) = spanToNewline (n+1) str
+ in ('{':'-':str', rest)
+spanToNewline n ('-':'}':str) =
+ let (str', rest) = spanToNewline (n-1) str
+ in ('-':'}':str', rest)
+spanToNewline n (c:str) =
+ let (str', rest) = spanToNewline n str
in (c:str', rest)
--- | Split input to whitespace string, (optional) preprocessor directive and
--- the rest of it.
--- Again, using something like @'span' 'isSpace'@ would be nice to chunk input
--- to whitespace. The problem is with /#/ symbol - if it is placed at the very
--- beginning of a line, it should be recognized as preprocessor macro. In any
--- other case, it is ordinary Haskell symbol and can be used to declare
--- operators. Hence, while dealing with whitespace we also check whether there
--- happens to be /#/ symbol just after a newline character - if that is the
--- case, we begin treating the whole line as preprocessor macro.
-spanSpaceOrCpp :: String -> (String, Maybe String, String)
-spanSpaceOrCpp ('\n':'#':str) =
- let (str', rest) = spanToNewline str
- in ("\n", Just $ '#':str', rest)
-spanSpaceOrCpp (c:str')
- | isSpace c =
- let (space, mcpp, rest) = spanSpaceOrCpp str'
- in (c:space, mcpp, rest)
-spanSpaceOrCpp str = ("", Nothing, str)
--- | Split input to comment content (including delimiters) and the rest.
--- Again, some more logic than simple 'span' is required because of Haskell
--- comment nesting policy.
-chunkComment :: Int -> String -> (String, String)
-chunkComment _ [] = ("", "")
-chunkComment depth ('{':'-':str) =
- let (c, rest) = chunkComment (depth + 1) str
- in ("{-" ++ c, rest)
-chunkComment depth ('-':'}':str)
- | depth == 1 = ("-}", str)
- | otherwise =
- let (c, rest) = chunkComment (depth - 1) str
- in ("-}" ++ c, rest)
-chunkComment depth (e:str) =
- let (c, rest) = chunkComment depth str
- in (e:c, rest)
--- | Assign source location for each chunk in given stream.
-tag :: [String] -> [(Span, String)]
-tag =
- reverse . snd . foldl aux (Position 1 1, [])
- where
- aux (pos, cs) str =
- let pos' = foldl move pos str
- in (pos', (Span pos pos', str):cs)
- move pos '\n' = pos { posRow = posRow pos + 1, posCol = 1 }
- move pos _ = pos { posCol = posCol pos + 1 }
--- | Turn unrecognised chunk stream to more descriptive token stream.
-tokenize :: [(Span, String)] -> [Token]
-tokenize =
- map aux
- where
- aux (sp, str) = Token
- { tkType = classify str
- , tkValue = str
- , tkSpan = sp
- }
--- | Classify given string as appropriate Haskell token.
--- This method is based on Haskell 98 Report lexical structure description:
--- https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/lexemes.html
--- However, this is probably far from being perfect and most probably does not
--- handle correctly all corner cases.
-classify :: String -> TokenType
-classify str
- | "--" `isPrefixOf` str = TkComment
- | "{-#" `isPrefixOf` str = TkPragma
- | "{-" `isPrefixOf` str = TkComment
-classify "''" = TkSpecial
-classify "'" = TkSpecial
-classify str@(c:_)
- | isSpace c = TkSpace
- | isDigit c = TkNumber
- | c `elem` special = TkSpecial
- | str `elem` glyphs = TkGlyph
- | all (`elem` symbols) str = TkOperator
- | c == '#' = TkCpp
- | c == '"' = TkString
- | c == '\'' = TkChar
-classify str
- | str `elem` keywords = TkKeyword
- | isIdentifier str = TkIdentifier
- | otherwise = TkUnknown
-keywords :: [String]
-keywords =
- [ "as"
- , "case"
- , "class"
- , "data"
- , "default"
- , "deriving"
- , "do"
- , "else"
- , "hiding"
- , "if"
- , "import"
- , "in"
- , "infix"
- , "infixl"
- , "infixr"
- , "instance"
- , "let"
- , "module"
- , "newtype"
- , "of"
- , "qualified"
- , "then"
- , "type"
- , "where"
- , "forall"
- , "family"
- , "mdo"
- ]
-glyphs :: [String]
-glyphs =
- [ ".."
- , ":"
- , "::"
- , "="
- , "\\"
- , "|"
- , "<-"
- , "->"
- , "@"
- , "~"
- , "~#"
- , "=>"
- , "-"
- , "!"
- ]
-special :: [Char]
-special = "()[]{},;`"
--- TODO: Add support for any Unicode symbol or punctuation.
--- source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10548170/what-characters-are-permitted-for-haskell-operators
-symbols :: [Char]
-symbols = "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~:"
-isIdentifier :: String -> Bool
-isIdentifier (s:str)
- | (isLower' s || isUpper s) && all isAlphaNum' str = True
+-- | Turn a list of GHC's 'L.Token' (and their source 'String') into a list of
+-- Haddock's 'T.Token'.
+ghcToks :: [(Located L.Token, String)] -> [T.Token]
+ghcToks = reverse . (\(_,ts,_) -> ts) . foldl' go (start, [], False)
- isLower' c = isLower c || c == '_'
- isAlphaNum' c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '\''
-isIdentifier _ = False
+ start = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString "lexing") 1 1
+ go :: (RealSrcLoc, [T.Token], Bool)
+ -- ^ current position, tokens accumulated, currently in pragma (or not)
+ -> (Located L.Token, String)
+ -- ^ next token, its content
+ -> (RealSrcLoc, [T.Token], Bool)
+ -- ^ new position, new tokens accumulated, currently in pragma (or not)
+ go (pos, toks, in_prag) (L l tok, raw) =
+ ( next_pos
+ , classifiedTok ++ maybeToList white ++ toks
+ , inPragma in_prag tok
+ )
+ where
+ (next_pos, white) = mkWhitespace pos l
+ classifiedTok = [ Token (classify' tok) raw rss
+ | RealSrcSpan rss <- [l]
+ , not (null raw)
+ ]
+ classify' | in_prag = const TkPragma
+ | otherwise = classify
+-- | Find the correct amount of whitespace between tokens.
+mkWhitespace :: RealSrcLoc -> SrcSpan -> (RealSrcLoc, Maybe T.Token)
+mkWhitespace prev spn =
+ case spn of
+ UnhelpfulSpan _ -> (prev,Nothing)
+ RealSrcSpan s | null wsstring -> (end, Nothing)
+ | otherwise -> (end, Just (Token TkSpace wsstring wsspan))
+ where
+ start = realSrcSpanStart s
+ end = realSrcSpanEnd s
+ wsspan = mkRealSrcSpan prev start
+ nls = srcLocLine start - srcLocLine prev
+ spaces = if nls == 0 then srcLocCol start - srcLocCol prev
+ else srcLocCol start - 1
+ wsstring = replicate nls '\n' ++ replicate spaces ' '
+-- | Classify given tokens as appropriate Haskell token type.
+classify :: L.Token -> TokenType
+classify tok =
+ case tok of
+ ITas -> TkKeyword
+ ITcase -> TkKeyword
+ ITclass -> TkKeyword
+ ITdata -> TkKeyword
+ ITdefault -> TkKeyword
+ ITderiving -> TkKeyword
+ ITdo -> TkKeyword
+ ITelse -> TkKeyword
+ IThiding -> TkKeyword
+ ITforeign -> TkKeyword
+ ITif -> TkKeyword
+ ITimport -> TkKeyword
+ ITin -> TkKeyword
+ ITinfix -> TkKeyword
+ ITinfixl -> TkKeyword
+ ITinfixr -> TkKeyword
+ ITinstance -> TkKeyword
+ ITlet -> TkKeyword
+ ITmodule -> TkKeyword
+ ITnewtype -> TkKeyword
+ ITof -> TkKeyword
+ ITqualified -> TkKeyword
+ ITthen -> TkKeyword
+ ITtype -> TkKeyword
+ ITwhere -> TkKeyword
+ ITforall {} -> TkKeyword
+ ITexport -> TkKeyword
+ ITlabel -> TkKeyword
+ ITdynamic -> TkKeyword
+ ITsafe -> TkKeyword
+ ITinterruptible -> TkKeyword
+ ITunsafe -> TkKeyword
+ ITstdcallconv -> TkKeyword
+ ITccallconv -> TkKeyword
+ ITcapiconv -> TkKeyword
+ ITprimcallconv -> TkKeyword
+ ITjavascriptcallconv -> TkKeyword
+ ITmdo -> TkKeyword
+ ITfamily -> TkKeyword
+ ITrole -> TkKeyword
+ ITgroup -> TkKeyword
+ ITby -> TkKeyword
+ ITusing -> TkKeyword
+ ITpattern -> TkKeyword
+ ITstatic -> TkKeyword
+ ITstock -> TkKeyword
+ ITanyclass -> TkKeyword
+ ITunit -> TkKeyword
+ ITsignature -> TkKeyword
+ ITdependency -> TkKeyword
+ ITrequires -> TkKeyword
+ ITinline_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITspec_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITspec_inline_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITsource_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITrules_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITwarning_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITdeprecated_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITline_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITcolumn_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITscc_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITgenerated_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITcore_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITunpack_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITnounpack_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITann_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITcomplete_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITclose_prag -> TkPragma
+ IToptions_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITinclude_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITlanguage_prag -> TkPragma
+ ITvect_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITvect_scalar_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITnovect_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITminimal_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ IToverlappable_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ IToverlapping_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ IToverlaps_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITincoherent_prag {} -> TkPragma
+ ITctype {} -> TkPragma
+ ITdotdot -> TkGlyph
+ ITcolon -> TkGlyph
+ ITdcolon {} -> TkGlyph
+ ITequal -> TkGlyph
+ ITlam -> TkGlyph
+ ITlcase -> TkGlyph
+ ITvbar -> TkGlyph
+ ITlarrow {} -> TkGlyph
+ ITrarrow {} -> TkGlyph
+ ITat -> TkGlyph
+ ITtilde -> TkGlyph
+ ITtildehsh -> TkGlyph
+ ITdarrow {} -> TkGlyph
+ ITminus -> TkGlyph
+ ITbang -> TkGlyph
+ ITdot -> TkOperator
+ ITtypeApp -> TkGlyph
+ ITbiglam -> TkGlyph
+ ITocurly -> TkSpecial
+ ITccurly -> TkSpecial
+ ITvocurly -> TkSpecial
+ ITvccurly -> TkSpecial
+ ITobrack -> TkSpecial
+ ITopabrack -> TkSpecial
+ ITcpabrack -> TkSpecial
+ ITcbrack -> TkSpecial
+ IToparen -> TkSpecial
+ ITcparen -> TkSpecial
+ IToubxparen -> TkSpecial
+ ITcubxparen -> TkSpecial
+ ITsemi -> TkSpecial
+ ITcomma -> TkSpecial
+ ITunderscore -> TkIdentifier
+ ITbackquote -> TkSpecial
+ ITsimpleQuote -> TkSpecial
+ ITvarid {} -> TkIdentifier
+ ITconid {} -> TkIdentifier
+ ITvarsym {} -> TkOperator
+ ITconsym {} -> TkOperator
+ ITqvarid {} -> TkIdentifier
+ ITqconid {} -> TkIdentifier
+ ITqvarsym {} -> TkOperator
+ ITqconsym {} -> TkOperator
+ ITdupipvarid {} -> TkUnknown
+ ITlabelvarid {} -> TkUnknown
+ ITchar {} -> TkChar
+ ITstring {} -> TkString
+ ITinteger {} -> TkNumber
+ ITrational {} -> TkNumber
+ ITprimchar {} -> TkChar
+ ITprimstring {} -> TkString
+ ITprimint {} -> TkNumber
+ ITprimword {} -> TkNumber
+ ITprimfloat {} -> TkNumber
+ ITprimdouble {} -> TkNumber
+ ITopenExpQuote {} -> TkSpecial
+ ITopenPatQuote -> TkSpecial
+ ITopenDecQuote -> TkSpecial
+ ITopenTypQuote -> TkSpecial
+ ITcloseQuote {} -> TkSpecial
+ ITopenTExpQuote {} -> TkSpecial
+ ITcloseTExpQuote -> TkSpecial
+ ITidEscape {} -> TkUnknown
+ ITparenEscape -> TkSpecial
+ ITidTyEscape {} -> TkUnknown
+ ITparenTyEscape -> TkSpecial
+ ITtyQuote -> TkSpecial
+ ITquasiQuote {} -> TkUnknown
+ ITqQuasiQuote {} -> TkUnknown
+ ITproc -> TkKeyword
+ ITrec -> TkKeyword
+ IToparenbar {} -> TkGlyph
+ ITcparenbar {} -> TkGlyph
+ ITlarrowtail {} -> TkGlyph
+ ITrarrowtail {} -> TkGlyph
+ ITLarrowtail {} -> TkGlyph
+ ITRarrowtail {} -> TkGlyph
+ ITunknown {} -> TkUnknown
+ ITeof -> TkUnknown
+ -- Line comments are only supposed to start with '--'. Starting with '#'
+ -- means that this was probably a CPP.
+ ITlineComment s
+ | isCPPline s -> TkCpp
+ | otherwise -> TkComment
+ ITdocCommentNext {} -> TkComment
+ ITdocCommentPrev {} -> TkComment
+ ITdocCommentNamed {} -> TkComment
+ ITdocSection {} -> TkComment
+ ITdocOptions {} -> TkComment
+ -- The lexer considers top-level pragmas as comments (see `pragState` in
+ -- the GHC lexer for more), so we have to manually reverse this. The
+ -- following is a hammer: it smashes _all_ pragma-like block comments into
+ -- pragmas.
+ ITblockComment c
+ | isPrefixOf "{-#" c
+ , isSuffixOf "#-}" c -> TkPragma
+ | otherwise -> TkComment
+-- | Classify given tokens as beginning pragmas (or not).
+inPragma :: Bool -- ^ currently in pragma
+ -> L.Token -- ^ current token
+ -> Bool -- ^ new information about whether we are in a pragma
+inPragma _ ITclose_prag = False
+inPragma True _ = True
+inPragma False tok =
+ case tok of
+ ITinline_prag {} -> True
+ ITspec_prag {} -> True
+ ITspec_inline_prag {} -> True
+ ITsource_prag {} -> True
+ ITrules_prag {} -> True
+ ITwarning_prag {} -> True
+ ITdeprecated_prag {} -> True
+ ITline_prag {} -> True
+ ITcolumn_prag {} -> True
+ ITscc_prag {} -> True
+ ITgenerated_prag {} -> True
+ ITcore_prag {} -> True
+ ITunpack_prag {} -> True
+ ITnounpack_prag {} -> True
+ ITann_prag {} -> True
+ ITcomplete_prag {} -> True
+ IToptions_prag {} -> True
+ ITinclude_prag {} -> True
+ ITlanguage_prag -> True
+ ITvect_prag {} -> True
+ ITvect_scalar_prag {} -> True
+ ITnovect_prag {} -> True
+ ITminimal_prag {} -> True
+ IToverlappable_prag {} -> True
+ IToverlapping_prag {} -> True
+ IToverlaps_prag {} -> True
+ ITincoherent_prag {} -> True
+ ITctype {} -> True
+ _ -> False
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Renderer.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Renderer.hs
index 15793f0c..5291220a 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Renderer.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Renderer.hs
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>))
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
-import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.XHtml (Html, HtmlAttr, (!))
@@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ header mcss mjs =
tokenGroup :: SrcMap -> TokenGroup -> Html
tokenGroup _ (GrpNormal tok@(Token { .. }))
- | tkType == TkSpace = renderSpace (posRow . spStart $ tkSpan) tkValue
+ | tkType == TkSpace = renderSpace (GHC.srcSpanStartLine tkSpan) tkValue
| otherwise = tokenSpan tok ! attrs
attrs = [ multiclass . tokenStyle $ tkType ]
@@ -155,7 +154,7 @@ internalHyperlink name content =
Html.anchor content ! [ Html.href $ "#" ++ internalAnchorIdent name ]
externalNameHyperlink :: SrcMap -> GHC.Name -> Html -> Html
-externalNameHyperlink (srcs, _) name content = case Map.lookup mdl srcs of
+externalNameHyperlink srcs name content = case Map.lookup mdl srcs of
Just SrcLocal -> Html.anchor content !
[ Html.href $ hypSrcModuleNameUrl mdl name ]
Just (SrcExternal path) -> Html.anchor content !
@@ -165,12 +164,14 @@ externalNameHyperlink (srcs, _) name content = case Map.lookup mdl srcs of
mdl = GHC.nameModule name
externalModHyperlink :: SrcMap -> GHC.ModuleName -> Html -> Html
-externalModHyperlink (_, srcs) name content = case Map.lookup name srcs of
- Just SrcLocal -> Html.anchor content !
+externalModHyperlink srcs name content =
+ let srcs' = Map.mapKeys GHC.moduleName srcs in
+ case Map.lookup name srcs' of
+ Just SrcLocal -> Html.anchor content !
[ Html.href $ hypSrcModuleUrl' name ]
- Just (SrcExternal path) -> Html.anchor content !
+ Just (SrcExternal path) -> Html.anchor content !
[ Html.href $ path </> hypSrcModuleUrl' name ]
- Nothing -> content
+ Nothing -> content
renderSpace :: Int -> String -> Html
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Types.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Types.hs
index d8ae89e4..e377471e 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Types.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/Types.hs
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types where
import qualified GHC
import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
data Token = Token
{ tkType :: TokenType
@@ -14,23 +12,8 @@ data Token = Token
deriving (Show)
-data Position = Position
- { posRow :: !Int
- , posCol :: !Int
- }
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-data Span = Span
- { spStart :: !Position
- , spEnd :: !Position
- }
- deriving (Show)
--- | Tests whether the first span "contains" the other span, meaning
--- that it covers at least as much source code. True where spans are equal.
-containsSpan :: Span -> Span -> Bool
-containsSpan s1 s2 =
- spStart s1 <= spStart s2 && spEnd s1 >= spEnd s2
+type Position = GHC.RealSrcLoc
+type Span = GHC.RealSrcSpan
data TokenType
= TkIdentifier
@@ -80,15 +63,5 @@ data SrcPath
| SrcLocal
-- | Mapping from modules to cross-package source paths.
--- This mapping is actually a pair of maps instead of just one map. The reason
--- for this is because when hyperlinking modules in import lists we have no
--- 'GHC.Module' available. On the other hand, we can't just use map with
--- 'GHC.ModuleName' as indices because certain modules may have common name
--- but originate in different packages. Hence, we use both /rich/ and /poor/
--- versions, where the /poor/ is just projection of /rich/ one cached in pair
--- for better performance.
-type SrcMap = (Map GHC.Module SrcPath, Map GHC.ModuleName SrcPath)
+type SrcMap = Map GHC.Module SrcPath
-mkSrcMap :: Map GHC.Module SrcPath -> SrcMap
-mkSrcMap srcs = (srcs, Map.mapKeys GHC.moduleName srcs)
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
index 1b2515fa..d06e85d1 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
@@ -547,13 +547,11 @@ ppClassDecl instances doc subdocs
methodTable =
text "\\haddockpremethods{}\\textbf{Methods}" $$
- vcat [ ppFunSig doc names (hsSigWcType typ) unicode
+ vcat [ ppFunSig doc [name] (hsSigWcType typ) unicode
| L _ (TypeSig _ lnames typ) <- lsigs
- , let doc = lookupAnySubdoc (head names) subdocs
- names = map unLoc lnames ]
- -- FIXME: is taking just the first name ok? Is it possible that
- -- there are different subdocs for different names in a single
- -- type signature?
+ , name <- map unLoc lnames
+ , let doc = lookupAnySubdoc name subdocs
+ ]
instancesBit = ppDocInstances unicode instances
@@ -571,14 +569,14 @@ ppDocInstances unicode (i : rest)
(is, rest') = spanWith isUndocdInstance rest
isUndocdInstance :: DocInstance a -> Maybe (InstHead a)
-isUndocdInstance (i,Nothing,_) = Just i
+isUndocdInstance (i,Nothing,_,_) = Just i
isUndocdInstance _ = Nothing
-- | Print a possibly commented instance. The instance header is printed inside
-- an 'argBox'. The comment is printed to the right of the box in normal comment
-- style.
ppDocInstance :: Bool -> DocInstance DocNameI -> LaTeX
-ppDocInstance unicode (instHead, doc, _) =
+ppDocInstance unicode (instHead, doc, _, _) =
declWithDoc (ppInstDecl unicode instHead) (fmap docToLaTeX $ fmap _doc doc)
@@ -1148,7 +1146,8 @@ parLatexMarkup ppId = Markup {
markupAName = \_ _ -> empty,
markupProperty = \p _ -> quote $ verb $ text p,
markupExample = \e _ -> quote $ verb $ text $ unlines $ map exampleToString e,
- markupHeader = \(Header l h) p -> header l (h p)
+ markupHeader = \(Header l h) p -> header l (h p),
+ markupTable = \(Table h b) p -> table h b p
header 1 d = text "\\section*" <> braces d
@@ -1157,6 +1156,8 @@ parLatexMarkup ppId = Markup {
| l > 0 && l <= 6 = text "\\subsubsection*" <> braces d
header l _ = error $ "impossible header level in LaTeX generation: " ++ show l
+ table _ _ _ = text "{TODO: Table}"
fixString Plain s = latexFilter s
fixString Verb s = s
fixString Mono s = latexMonoFilter s
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs
index 464c166b..6da6a2e8 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ ppHtml :: DynFlags
-> Maybe String -- ^ The contents URL (--use-contents)
-> Maybe String -- ^ The index URL (--use-index)
-> Bool -- ^ Whether to use unicode in output (--use-unicode)
+ -> Maybe String -- ^ Package name
-> QualOption -- ^ How to qualify names
-> Bool -- ^ Output pretty html (newlines and indenting)
-> Bool -- ^ Also write Quickjump index
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ ppHtml :: DynFlags
ppHtml dflags doctitle maybe_package ifaces reexported_ifaces odir prologue
themes maybe_mathjax_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url unicode
- qual debug withQuickjump = do
+ pkg qual debug withQuickjump = do
visible_ifaces = filter visible ifaces
visible i = OptHide `notElem` ifaceOptions i
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ ppHtml dflags doctitle maybe_package ifaces reexported_ifaces odir prologue
themes maybe_mathjax_url maybe_index_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
(map toInstalledIface visible_ifaces ++ reexported_ifaces)
False -- we don't want to display the packages in a single-package contents
- prologue debug (makeContentsQual qual)
+ prologue debug pkg (makeContentsQual qual)
when (isNothing maybe_index_url) $ do
ppHtmlIndex odir doctitle maybe_package
@@ -96,12 +97,12 @@ ppHtml dflags doctitle maybe_package ifaces reexported_ifaces odir prologue
(map toInstalledIface visible_ifaces ++ reexported_ifaces) debug
when withQuickjump $
- ppJsonIndex odir maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url unicode qual
+ ppJsonIndex odir maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url unicode pkg qual
mapM_ (ppHtmlModule odir doctitle themes
maybe_mathjax_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
- maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url unicode qual debug) visible_ifaces
+ maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url unicode pkg qual debug) visible_ifaces
copyHtmlBits :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Themes -> Bool -> IO ()
@@ -258,11 +259,12 @@ ppHtmlContents
-> WikiURLs
-> [InstalledInterface] -> Bool -> Maybe (MDoc GHC.RdrName)
-> Bool
+ -> Maybe Package -- ^ Current package
-> Qualification -- ^ How to qualify names
-> IO ()
ppHtmlContents dflags odir doctitle _maybe_package
themes mathjax_url maybe_index_url
- maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url ifaces showPkgs prologue debug qual = do
+ maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url ifaces showPkgs prologue debug pkg qual = do
let tree = mkModuleTree dflags showPkgs
[(instMod iface, toInstalledDescription iface)
| iface <- ifaces
@@ -276,41 +278,41 @@ ppHtmlContents dflags odir doctitle _maybe_package
bodyHtml doctitle Nothing
maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
Nothing maybe_index_url << [
- ppPrologue qual doctitle prologue,
- ppSignatureTree qual sig_tree,
- ppModuleTree qual tree
+ ppPrologue pkg qual doctitle prologue,
+ ppSignatureTree pkg qual sig_tree,
+ ppModuleTree pkg qual tree
createDirectoryIfMissing True odir
writeFile (joinPath [odir, contentsHtmlFile]) (renderToString debug html)
-ppPrologue :: Qualification -> String -> Maybe (MDoc GHC.RdrName) -> Html
-ppPrologue _ _ Nothing = noHtml
-ppPrologue qual title (Just doc) =
- divDescription << (h1 << title +++ docElement thediv (rdrDocToHtml qual doc))
+ppPrologue :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> String -> Maybe (MDoc GHC.RdrName) -> Html
+ppPrologue _ _ _ Nothing = noHtml
+ppPrologue pkg qual title (Just doc) =
+ divDescription << (h1 << title +++ docElement thediv (rdrDocToHtml pkg qual doc))
-ppSignatureTree :: Qualification -> [ModuleTree] -> Html
-ppSignatureTree qual ts =
- divModuleList << (sectionName << "Signatures" +++ mkNodeList qual [] "n" ts)
+ppSignatureTree :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [ModuleTree] -> Html
+ppSignatureTree pkg qual ts =
+ divModuleList << (sectionName << "Signatures" +++ mkNodeList pkg qual [] "n" ts)
-ppModuleTree :: Qualification -> [ModuleTree] -> Html
-ppModuleTree _ [] = mempty
-ppModuleTree qual ts =
- divModuleList << (sectionName << "Modules" +++ mkNodeList qual [] "n" ts)
+ppModuleTree :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [ModuleTree] -> Html
+ppModuleTree _ _ [] = mempty
+ppModuleTree pkg qual ts =
+ divModuleList << (sectionName << "Modules" +++ mkNodeList pkg qual [] "n" ts)
-mkNodeList :: Qualification -> [String] -> String -> [ModuleTree] -> Html
-mkNodeList qual ss p ts = case ts of
+mkNodeList :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [String] -> String -> [ModuleTree] -> Html
+mkNodeList pkg qual ss p ts = case ts of
[] -> noHtml
- _ -> unordList (zipWith (mkNode qual ss) ps ts)
+ _ -> unordList (zipWith (mkNode pkg qual ss) ps ts)
ps = [ p ++ '.' : show i | i <- [(1::Int)..]]
-mkNode :: Qualification -> [String] -> String -> ModuleTree -> Html
-mkNode qual ss p (Node s leaf _pkg srcPkg short ts) =
+mkNode :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [String] -> String -> ModuleTree -> Html
+mkNode pkg qual ss p (Node s leaf _pkg srcPkg short ts) =
htmlModule <+> shortDescr +++ htmlPkg +++ subtree
modAttrs = case (ts, leaf) of
@@ -330,14 +332,14 @@ mkNode qual ss p (Node s leaf _pkg srcPkg short ts) =
Nothing -> toHtml s
- shortDescr = maybe noHtml (origDocToHtml qual) short
+ shortDescr = maybe noHtml (origDocToHtml pkg qual) short
htmlPkg = maybe noHtml (thespan ! [theclass "package"] <<) srcPkg
subtree =
if null ts then noHtml else
collapseDetails p DetailsOpen (
thesummary ! [ theclass "hide-when-js-enabled" ] << "Submodules" +++
- mkNodeList qual (s:ss) p ts
+ mkNodeList pkg qual (s:ss) p ts
@@ -350,10 +352,11 @@ ppJsonIndex :: FilePath
-> SourceURLs -- ^ The source URL (--source)
-> WikiURLs -- ^ The wiki URL (--wiki)
-> Bool
+ -> Maybe Package
-> QualOption
-> [Interface]
-> IO ()
-ppJsonIndex odir maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url unicode qual_opt ifaces = do
+ppJsonIndex odir maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url unicode pkg qual_opt ifaces = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True odir
IO.withBinaryFile (joinPath [odir, indexJsonFile]) IO.WriteMode $ \h -> do
Builder.hPutBuilder h (encodeToBuilder modules)
@@ -371,7 +374,7 @@ ppJsonIndex odir maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url unicode qual_opt ifaces = do
goExport :: Module -> Qualification -> ExportItem DocNameI -> [Value]
goExport mdl qual item
- | Just item_html <- processExport True links_info unicode qual item
+ | Just item_html <- processExport True links_info unicode pkg qual item
= [ Object
[ "display_html" .= String (showHtmlFragment item_html)
, "name" .= String (intercalate " " (map nameString names))
@@ -529,11 +532,11 @@ ppHtmlIndex odir doctitle _maybe_package themes
:: FilePath -> String -> Themes
-> Maybe String -> SourceURLs -> WikiURLs
- -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Bool -> QualOption
+ -> Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Bool -> Maybe Package -> QualOption
-> Bool -> Interface -> IO ()
ppHtmlModule odir doctitle themes
maybe_mathjax_url maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
- maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url unicode qual debug iface = do
+ maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url unicode pkg qual debug iface = do
mdl = ifaceMod iface
aliases = ifaceModuleAliases iface
@@ -555,7 +558,7 @@ ppHtmlModule odir doctitle themes
maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url
maybe_contents_url maybe_index_url << [
divModuleHeader << (moduleInfo iface +++ (sectionName << mdl_str_linked)),
- ifaceToHtml maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url iface unicode real_qual
+ ifaceToHtml maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url iface unicode pkg real_qual
createDirectoryIfMissing True odir
@@ -565,9 +568,9 @@ signatureDocURL :: String
signatureDocURL = "https://wiki.haskell.org/Module_signature"
-ifaceToHtml :: SourceURLs -> WikiURLs -> Interface -> Bool -> Qualification -> Html
-ifaceToHtml maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url iface unicode qual
- = ppModuleContents qual exports (not . null $ ifaceRnOrphanInstances iface) +++
+ifaceToHtml :: SourceURLs -> WikiURLs -> Interface -> Bool -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
+ifaceToHtml maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url iface unicode pkg qual
+ = ppModuleContents pkg qual exports (not . null $ ifaceRnOrphanInstances iface) +++
description +++
synopsis +++
divInterface (maybe_doc_hdr +++ bdy +++ orphans)
@@ -585,7 +588,7 @@ ifaceToHtml maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url iface unicode qual
description | isNoHtml doc = doc
| otherwise = divDescription $ sectionName << "Description" +++ doc
- where doc = docSection Nothing qual (ifaceRnDoc iface)
+ where doc = docSection Nothing pkg qual (ifaceRnDoc iface)
-- omit the synopsis if there are no documentation annotations at all
@@ -595,7 +598,7 @@ ifaceToHtml maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url iface unicode qual
collapseDetails "syn" DetailsClosed (
thesummary << "Synopsis" +++
shortDeclList (
- mapMaybe (processExport True linksInfo unicode qual) exports
+ mapMaybe (processExport True linksInfo unicode pkg qual) exports
) ! collapseToggle "syn" ""
@@ -609,19 +612,20 @@ ifaceToHtml maybe_source_url maybe_wiki_url iface unicode qual
bdy =
foldr (+++) noHtml $
- mapMaybe (processExport False linksInfo unicode qual) exports
+ mapMaybe (processExport False linksInfo unicode pkg qual) exports
orphans =
- ppOrphanInstances linksInfo (ifaceRnOrphanInstances iface) False unicode qual
+ ppOrphanInstances linksInfo (ifaceRnOrphanInstances iface) False unicode pkg qual
linksInfo = (maybe_source_url, maybe_wiki_url)
-ppModuleContents :: Qualification
+ppModuleContents :: Maybe Package -- ^ This package
+ -> Qualification
-> [ExportItem DocNameI]
- -> Bool -- ^ Orphans sections
+ -> Bool -- ^ Orphans sections
-> Html
-ppModuleContents qual exports orphan
+ppModuleContents pkg qual exports orphan
| null sections && not orphan = noHtml
| otherwise = contentsDiv
@@ -641,7 +645,7 @@ ppModuleContents qual exports orphan
| otherwise = ( html:secs, rest2 )
html = linkedAnchor (groupId id0)
- << docToHtmlNoAnchors (Just id0) qual (mkMeta doc) +++ mk_subsections ssecs
+ << docToHtmlNoAnchors (Just id0) pkg qual (mkMeta doc) +++ mk_subsections ssecs
(ssecs, rest1) = process lev rest
(secs, rest2) = process n rest1
process n (_ : rest) = process n rest
@@ -661,22 +665,22 @@ numberSectionHeadings = go 1
= other : go n es
-processExport :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> Bool -> Qualification
+processExport :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> Bool -> Maybe Package -> Qualification
-> ExportItem DocNameI -> Maybe Html
-processExport _ _ _ _ ExportDecl { expItemDecl = L _ (InstD {}) } = Nothing -- Hide empty instances
-processExport summary _ _ qual (ExportGroup lev id0 doc)
- = nothingIf summary $ groupHeading lev id0 << docToHtml (Just id0) qual (mkMeta doc)
-processExport summary links unicode qual (ExportDecl decl pats doc subdocs insts fixities splice)
- = processDecl summary $ ppDecl summary links decl pats doc insts fixities subdocs splice unicode qual
-processExport summary _ _ qual (ExportNoDecl y [])
+processExport _ _ _ _ _ ExportDecl { expItemDecl = L _ (InstD {}) } = Nothing -- Hide empty instances
+processExport summary _ _ pkg qual (ExportGroup lev id0 doc)
+ = nothingIf summary $ groupHeading lev id0 << docToHtml (Just id0) pkg qual (mkMeta doc)
+processExport summary links unicode pkg qual (ExportDecl decl pats doc subdocs insts fixities splice)
+ = processDecl summary $ ppDecl summary links decl pats doc insts fixities subdocs splice unicode pkg qual
+processExport summary _ _ _ qual (ExportNoDecl y [])
= processDeclOneLiner summary $ ppDocName qual Prefix True y
-processExport summary _ _ qual (ExportNoDecl y subs)
+processExport summary _ _ _ qual (ExportNoDecl y subs)
= processDeclOneLiner summary $
ppDocName qual Prefix True y
+++ parenList (map (ppDocName qual Prefix True) subs)
-processExport summary _ _ qual (ExportDoc doc)
- = nothingIf summary $ docSection_ Nothing qual doc
-processExport summary _ _ _ (ExportModule mdl)
+processExport summary _ _ pkg qual (ExportDoc doc)
+ = nothingIf summary $ docSection_ Nothing pkg qual doc
+processExport summary _ _ _ _ (ExportModule mdl)
= processDeclOneLiner summary $ toHtml "module" <+> ppModule mdl
@@ -698,7 +702,8 @@ processDeclOneLiner True = Just
processDeclOneLiner False = Just . divTopDecl . declElem
groupHeading :: Int -> String -> Html -> Html
-groupHeading lev id0 = groupTag lev ! [identifier (groupId id0)]
+groupHeading lev id0 = linkedAnchor grpId . groupTag lev ! [identifier grpId]
+ where grpId = groupId id0
groupTag :: Int -> Html -> Html
groupTag lev
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
index 8ac3d91b..3fbe6eaf 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
@@ -52,36 +52,37 @@ ppDecl :: Bool -- ^ print summary info only
-> [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)] -- ^ documentation for all decls
-> Splice
-> Unicode -- ^ unicode output
+ -> Maybe Package
-> Qualification
-> Html
-ppDecl summ links (L loc decl) pats (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) instances fixities subdocs splice unicode qual = case decl of
- TyClD _ (FamDecl _ d) -> ppTyFam summ False links instances fixities loc mbDoc d splice unicode qual
- TyClD _ d@(DataDecl {}) -> ppDataDecl summ links instances fixities subdocs loc mbDoc d pats splice unicode qual
- TyClD _ d@(SynDecl {}) -> ppTySyn summ links fixities loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) d splice unicode qual
- TyClD _ d@(ClassDecl {}) -> ppClassDecl summ links instances fixities loc mbDoc subdocs d splice unicode qual
+ppDecl summ links (L loc decl) pats (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) instances fixities subdocs splice unicode pkg qual = case decl of
+ TyClD _ (FamDecl _ d) -> ppTyFam summ False links instances fixities loc mbDoc d splice unicode pkg qual
+ TyClD _ d@(DataDecl {}) -> ppDataDecl summ links instances fixities subdocs loc mbDoc d pats splice unicode pkg qual
+ TyClD _ d@(SynDecl {}) -> ppTySyn summ links fixities loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) d splice unicode pkg qual
+ TyClD _ d@(ClassDecl {}) -> ppClassDecl summ links instances fixities loc mbDoc subdocs d splice unicode pkg qual
SigD _ (TypeSig _ lnames lty) -> ppLFunSig summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) lnames
- (hsSigWcType lty) fixities splice unicode qual
+ (hsSigWcType lty) fixities splice unicode pkg qual
SigD _ (PatSynSig _ lnames lty) -> ppLPatSig summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) lnames
- (hsSigType lty) fixities splice unicode qual
- ForD _ d -> ppFor summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) d fixities splice unicode qual
+ (hsSigType lty) fixities splice unicode pkg qual
+ ForD _ d -> ppFor summ links loc (mbDoc, fnArgsDoc) d fixities splice unicode pkg qual
InstD _ _ -> noHtml
DerivD _ _ -> noHtml
- _ -> error "declaration not supported by ppDecl"
+ _ -> error "declaration not supported by ppDecl"
ppLFunSig :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> DocForDecl DocName ->
[Located DocName] -> LHsType DocNameI -> [(DocName, Fixity)] ->
- Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
-ppLFunSig summary links loc doc lnames lty fixities splice unicode qual =
+ Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
+ppLFunSig summary links loc doc lnames lty fixities splice unicode pkg qual =
ppFunSig summary links loc doc (map unLoc lnames) lty fixities
- splice unicode qual
+ splice unicode pkg qual
ppFunSig :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> DocForDecl DocName ->
[DocName] -> LHsType DocNameI -> [(DocName, Fixity)] ->
- Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
-ppFunSig summary links loc doc docnames typ fixities splice unicode qual =
+ Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
+ppFunSig summary links loc doc docnames typ fixities splice unicode pkg qual =
ppSigLike summary links loc mempty doc docnames fixities (unLoc typ, pp_typ)
- splice unicode qual HideEmptyContexts
+ splice unicode pkg qual HideEmptyContexts
pp_typ = ppLType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts typ
@@ -90,25 +91,25 @@ ppLPatSig :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> DocForDecl DocName
-> [Located DocName] -- ^ names of patterns in declaration
-> LHsType DocNameI -- ^ type of patterns in declaration
-> [(DocName, Fixity)]
- -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
-ppLPatSig summary links loc doc lnames typ fixities splice unicode qual =
+ -> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
+ppLPatSig summary links loc doc lnames typ fixities splice unicode pkg qual =
ppSigLike summary links loc (keyword "pattern") doc (map unLoc lnames) fixities
- (unLoc typ, pp_typ) splice unicode qual (patSigContext typ)
+ (unLoc typ, pp_typ) splice unicode pkg qual (patSigContext typ)
pp_typ = ppPatSigType unicode qual typ
ppSigLike :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> Html -> DocForDecl DocName ->
[DocName] -> [(DocName, Fixity)] -> (HsType DocNameI, Html) ->
- Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
+ Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
ppSigLike summary links loc leader doc docnames fixities (typ, pp_typ)
- splice unicode qual emptyCtxts =
+ splice unicode pkg qual emptyCtxts =
ppTypeOrFunSig summary links loc docnames typ doc
( addFixities $ leader <+> ppTypeSig summary occnames pp_typ unicode
, (leader <+>) . addFixities . concatHtml . punctuate comma $ map (ppBinder False) occnames
, dcolon unicode
- splice unicode qual emptyCtxts
+ splice unicode pkg qual emptyCtxts
occnames = map (nameOccName . getName) docnames
addFixities html
@@ -118,13 +119,15 @@ ppSigLike summary links loc leader doc docnames fixities (typ, pp_typ)
ppTypeOrFunSig :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> [DocName] -> HsType DocNameI
-> DocForDecl DocName -> (Html, Html, Html)
- -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
-ppTypeOrFunSig summary links loc docnames typ (doc, argDocs) (pref1, pref2, sep) splice unicode qual emptyCtxts
+ -> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification
+ -> HideEmptyContexts -> Html
+ppTypeOrFunSig summary links loc docnames typ (doc, argDocs) (pref1, pref2, sep)
+ splice unicode pkg qual emptyCtxts
| summary = pref1
- | Map.null argDocs = topDeclElem links loc splice docnames pref1 +++ docSection curName qual doc
+ | Map.null argDocs = topDeclElem links loc splice docnames pref1 +++ docSection curName pkg qual doc
| otherwise = topDeclElem links loc splice docnames pref2
- +++ subArguments qual (ppSubSigLike unicode qual typ argDocs [] sep emptyCtxts)
- +++ docSection curName qual doc
+ +++ subArguments pkg qual (ppSubSigLike unicode qual typ argDocs [] sep emptyCtxts)
+ +++ docSection curName pkg qual doc
curName = getName <$> listToMaybe docnames
@@ -225,23 +228,23 @@ tyvarNames = map (getName . hsLTyVarName) . hsQTvExplicit
ppFor :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> SrcSpan -> DocForDecl DocName
-> ForeignDecl DocNameI -> [(DocName, Fixity)]
- -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
+ -> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
ppFor summary links loc doc (ForeignImport _ (L _ name) typ _) fixities
- splice unicode qual
- = ppFunSig summary links loc doc [name] (hsSigType typ) fixities splice unicode qual
-ppFor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "ppFor"
+ splice unicode pkg qual
+ = ppFunSig summary links loc doc [name] (hsSigType typ) fixities splice unicode pkg qual
+ppFor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "ppFor"
-- we skip type patterns for now
ppTySyn :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> [(DocName, Fixity)] -> SrcSpan
-> DocForDecl DocName -> TyClDecl DocNameI
- -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
+ -> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
ppTySyn summary links fixities loc doc (SynDecl { tcdLName = L _ name, tcdTyVars = ltyvars
, tcdRhs = ltype })
- splice unicode qual
+ splice unicode pkg qual
= ppTypeOrFunSig summary links loc [name] (unLoc ltype) doc
(full <+> fixs, hdr <+> fixs, spaceHtml +++ equals)
- splice unicode qual ShowEmptyToplevelContexts
+ splice unicode pkg qual ShowEmptyToplevelContexts
hdr = hsep ([keyword "type", ppBinder summary occ]
++ ppTyVars unicode qual (hsQTvExplicit ltyvars))
@@ -250,7 +253,7 @@ ppTySyn summary links fixities loc doc (SynDecl { tcdLName = L _ name, tcdTyVars
| summary = noHtml
| otherwise = ppFixities fixities qual
-ppTySyn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "declaration not supported by ppTySyn"
+ppTySyn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "declaration not supported by ppTySyn"
ppTypeSig :: Bool -> [OccName] -> Html -> Unicode -> Html
@@ -343,11 +346,13 @@ ppInjectivityAnn unicode qual (InjectivityAnn lhs rhs) =
ppTyFam :: Bool -> Bool -> LinksInfo -> [DocInstance DocNameI] ->
[(DocName, Fixity)] -> SrcSpan -> Documentation DocName ->
- FamilyDecl DocNameI -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
-ppTyFam summary associated links instances fixities loc doc decl splice unicode qual
+ FamilyDecl DocNameI -> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package ->
+ Qualification -> Html
+ppTyFam summary associated links instances fixities loc doc decl splice unicode
+ pkg qual
| summary = ppTyFamHeader True associated decl unicode qual
- | otherwise = header_ +++ docSection Nothing qual doc +++ instancesBit
+ | otherwise = header_ +++ docSection Nothing pkg qual doc +++ instancesBit
docname = unLoc $ fdLName decl
@@ -358,10 +363,10 @@ ppTyFam summary associated links instances fixities loc doc decl splice unicode
| FamilyDecl { fdInfo = ClosedTypeFamily mb_eqns } <- decl
, not summary
- = subEquations qual $ map (ppTyFamEqn . unLoc) $ fromMaybe [] mb_eqns
+ = subEquations pkg qual $ map (ppTyFamEqn . unLoc) $ fromMaybe [] mb_eqns
| otherwise
- = ppInstances links (OriginFamily docname) instances splice unicode qual
+ = ppInstances links (OriginFamily docname) instances splice unicode pkg qual
-- Individual equation of a closed type family
ppTyFamEqn :: TyFamInstEqn DocNameI -> SubDecl
@@ -391,9 +396,10 @@ ppPseudoFamilyDecl links splice unicode qual
ppAssocType :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> DocForDecl DocName -> LFamilyDecl DocNameI
- -> [(DocName, Fixity)] -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
-ppAssocType summ links doc (L loc decl) fixities splice unicode qual =
- ppTyFam summ True links [] fixities loc (fst doc) decl splice unicode qual
+ -> [(DocName, Fixity)] -> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package
+ -> Qualification -> Html
+ppAssocType summ links doc (L loc decl) fixities splice unicode pkg qual =
+ ppTyFam summ True links [] fixities loc (fst doc) decl splice unicode pkg qual
@@ -503,22 +509,22 @@ ppFds fds unicode qual =
ppShortClassDecl :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> TyClDecl DocNameI -> SrcSpan
-> [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)]
- -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
+ -> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
ppShortClassDecl summary links (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = lctxt, tcdLName = lname, tcdTyVars = tvs
, tcdFDs = fds, tcdSigs = sigs, tcdATs = ats }) loc
- subdocs splice unicode qual =
+ subdocs splice unicode pkg qual =
if not (any isUserLSig sigs) && null ats
then (if summary then id else topDeclElem links loc splice [nm]) hdr
else (if summary then id else topDeclElem links loc splice [nm]) (hdr <+> keyword "where")
+++ shortSubDecls False
- [ ppAssocType summary links doc at [] splice unicode qual | at <- ats
+ [ ppAssocType summary links doc at [] splice unicode pkg qual | at <- ats
, let doc = lookupAnySubdoc (unL $ fdLName $ unL at) subdocs ] ++
-- ToDo: add associated type defaults
[ ppFunSig summary links loc doc names (hsSigWcType typ)
- [] splice unicode qual
+ [] splice unicode pkg qual
| L _ (TypeSig _ lnames typ) <- sigs
, let doc = lookupAnySubdoc (head names) subdocs
names = map unLoc lnames ]
@@ -529,20 +535,20 @@ ppShortClassDecl summary links (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = lctxt, tcdLName = lname, t
hdr = ppClassHdr summary lctxt (unLoc lname) tvs fds unicode qual
nm = unLoc lname
-ppShortClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "declaration type not supported by ppShortClassDecl"
+ppShortClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "declaration type not supported by ppShortClassDecl"
ppClassDecl :: Bool -> LinksInfo -> [DocInstance DocNameI] -> [(DocName, Fixity)]
-> SrcSpan -> Documentation DocName
-> [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)] -> TyClDecl DocNameI
- -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
+ -> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
ppClassDecl summary links instances fixities loc d subdocs
decl@(ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = lctxt, tcdLName = lname, tcdTyVars = ltyvars
, tcdFDs = lfds, tcdSigs = lsigs, tcdATs = ats })
- splice unicode qual
- | summary = ppShortClassDecl summary links decl loc subdocs splice unicode qual
- | otherwise = classheader +++ docSection Nothing qual d
+ splice unicode pkg qual
+ | summary = ppShortClassDecl summary links decl loc subdocs splice unicode pkg qual
+ | otherwise = classheader +++ docSection Nothing pkg qual d
+++ minimalBit +++ atBit +++ methodBit +++ instancesBit
sigs = map unLoc lsigs
@@ -559,20 +565,20 @@ ppClassDecl summary links instances fixities loc d subdocs
hdr = ppClassHdr summary lctxt (unLoc lname) ltyvars lfds
-- ToDo: add assocatied typ defaults
- atBit = subAssociatedTypes [ ppAssocType summary links doc at subfixs splice unicode qual
+ atBit = subAssociatedTypes [ ppAssocType summary links doc at subfixs splice unicode pkg qual
| at <- ats
, let n = unL . fdLName $ unL at
doc = lookupAnySubdoc (unL $ fdLName $ unL at) subdocs
subfixs = [ f | f@(n',_) <- fixities, n == n' ] ]
- methodBit = subMethods [ ppFunSig summary links loc doc names (hsSigType typ)
- subfixs splice unicode qual
+ methodBit = subMethods [ ppFunSig summary links loc doc [name] (hsSigType typ)
+ subfixs splice unicode pkg qual
| L _ (ClassOpSig _ _ lnames typ) <- lsigs
- , let doc = lookupAnySubdoc (head names) subdocs
- subfixs = [ f | n <- names
- , f@(n',_) <- fixities
- , n == n' ]
- names = map unLoc lnames ]
+ , name <- map unLoc lnames
+ , let doc = lookupAnySubdoc name subdocs
+ subfixs = [ f | f@(n',_) <- fixities
+ , name == n' ]
+ ]
-- N.B. taking just the first name is ok. Signatures with multiple names
-- are expanded so that each name gets its own signature.
@@ -600,38 +606,38 @@ ppClassDecl summary links instances fixities loc d subdocs
ppMinimal p (Parens x) = ppMinimal p (unLoc x)
instancesBit = ppInstances links (OriginClass nm) instances
- splice unicode qual
+ splice unicode pkg qual
-ppClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "declaration type not supported by ppShortClassDecl"
+ppClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = error "declaration type not supported by ppShortClassDecl"
ppInstances :: LinksInfo
-> InstOrigin DocName -> [DocInstance DocNameI]
- -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification
+ -> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification
-> Html
-ppInstances links origin instances splice unicode qual
- = subInstances qual instName links True (zipWith instDecl [1..] instances)
+ppInstances links origin instances splice unicode pkg qual
+ = subInstances pkg qual instName links True (zipWith instDecl [1..] instances)
-- force Splice = True to use line URLs
instName = getOccString origin
instDecl :: Int -> DocInstance DocNameI -> (SubDecl,Located DocName)
- instDecl no (inst, mdoc, loc) =
- ((ppInstHead links splice unicode qual mdoc origin False no inst), loc)
+ instDecl no (inst, mdoc, loc, mdl) =
+ ((ppInstHead links splice unicode qual mdoc origin False no inst mdl), loc)
ppOrphanInstances :: LinksInfo
-> [DocInstance DocNameI]
- -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification
+ -> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification
-> Html
-ppOrphanInstances links instances splice unicode qual
- = subOrphanInstances qual links True (zipWith instDecl [1..] instances)
+ppOrphanInstances links instances splice unicode pkg qual
+ = subOrphanInstances pkg qual links True (zipWith instDecl [1..] instances)
instOrigin :: InstHead name -> InstOrigin (IdP name)
instOrigin inst = OriginClass (ihdClsName inst)
instDecl :: Int -> DocInstance DocNameI -> (SubDecl,Located DocName)
- instDecl no (inst, mdoc, loc) =
- ((ppInstHead links splice unicode qual mdoc (instOrigin inst) True no inst), loc)
+ instDecl no (inst, mdoc, loc, mdl) =
+ ((ppInstHead links splice unicode qual mdoc (instOrigin inst) True no inst mdl), loc)
ppInstHead :: LinksInfo -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification
@@ -640,13 +646,14 @@ ppInstHead :: LinksInfo -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification
-> Bool -- ^ Is instance orphan
-> Int -- ^ Normal
-> InstHead DocNameI
+ -> Maybe Module
-> SubDecl
-ppInstHead links splice unicode qual mdoc origin orphan no ihd@(InstHead {..}) =
+ppInstHead links splice unicode qual mdoc origin orphan no ihd@(InstHead {..}) mdl =
case ihdInstType of
ClassInst { .. } ->
( subInstHead iid $ ppContextNoLocs clsiCtx unicode qual HideEmptyContexts <+> typ
, mdoc
- , [subInstDetails iid ats sigs]
+ , [subInstDetails iid ats sigs mname]
sigs = ppInstanceSigs links splice unicode qual clsiSigs
@@ -654,7 +661,7 @@ ppInstHead links splice unicode qual mdoc origin orphan no ihd@(InstHead {..}) =
TypeInst rhs ->
( subInstHead iid ptype
, mdoc
- , [subFamInstDetails iid prhs]
+ , [subFamInstDetails iid prhs mname]
ptype = keyword "type" <+> typ
@@ -663,11 +670,12 @@ ppInstHead links splice unicode qual mdoc origin orphan no ihd@(InstHead {..}) =
DataInst dd ->
( subInstHead iid pdata
, mdoc
- , [subFamInstDetails iid pdecl])
+ , [subFamInstDetails iid pdecl mname])
pdata = keyword "data" <+> typ
pdecl = pdata <+> ppShortDataDecl False True dd [] unicode qual
+ mname = maybe noHtml (\m -> toHtml "Defined in" <+> ppModule m) mdl
iid = instanceId origin no orphan ihd
typ = ppAppNameTypes ihdClsName ihdTypes unicode qual
@@ -766,12 +774,12 @@ ppDataDecl :: Bool -> LinksInfo
-> Documentation DocName -- ^ this decl's documentation
-> TyClDecl DocNameI -- ^ this decl
-> [(HsDecl DocNameI, DocForDecl DocName)] -- ^ relevant patterns
- -> Splice -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
+ -> Splice -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification -> Html
ppDataDecl summary links instances fixities subdocs loc doc dataDecl pats
- splice unicode qual
+ splice unicode pkg qual
| summary = ppShortDataDecl summary False dataDecl pats unicode qual
- | otherwise = header_ +++ docSection Nothing qual doc +++ constrBit +++ patternBit +++ instancesBit
+ | otherwise = header_ +++ docSection Nothing pkg qual doc +++ constrBit +++ patternBit +++ instancesBit
docname = tcdName dataDecl
@@ -792,14 +800,14 @@ ppDataDecl summary links instances fixities subdocs loc doc dataDecl pats
| null cons = keyword "where"
| otherwise = if isH98 then noHtml else keyword "where"
- constrBit = subConstructors qual
- [ ppSideBySideConstr subdocs subfixs unicode qual c
+ constrBit = subConstructors pkg qual
+ [ ppSideBySideConstr subdocs subfixs unicode pkg qual c
| c <- cons
, let subfixs = filter (\(n,_) -> any (\cn -> cn == n)
(map unLoc (getConNames (unLoc c)))) fixities
- patternBit = subPatterns qual
+ patternBit = subPatterns pkg qual
[ ppSideBySidePat subfixs unicode qual lnames typ d
| (SigD _ (PatSynSig _ lnames typ), d) <- pats
, let subfixs = filter (\(n,_) -> any (\cn -> cn == n)
@@ -807,7 +815,7 @@ ppDataDecl summary links instances fixities subdocs loc doc dataDecl pats
instancesBit = ppInstances links (OriginData docname) instances
- splice unicode qual
+ splice unicode pkg qual
ppShortConstr :: Bool -> ConDecl DocNameI -> Unicode -> Qualification -> Html
@@ -872,10 +880,10 @@ ppShortConstrParts summary dataInst con unicode qual
-- | Pretty print an expanded constructor
ppSideBySideConstr :: [(DocName, DocForDecl DocName)] -> [(DocName, Fixity)]
- -> Unicode -> Qualification
+ -> Unicode -> Maybe Package -> Qualification
-> LConDecl DocNameI -- ^ constructor declaration to print
-> SubDecl
-ppSideBySideConstr subdocs fixities unicode qual (L _ con)
+ppSideBySideConstr subdocs fixities unicode pkg qual (L _ con)
= ( decl -- Constructor header (name, fixity)
, mbDoc -- Docs on the whole constructor
, fieldPart -- Information on the fields (or arguments, if they have docs)
@@ -949,10 +957,10 @@ ppSideBySideConstr subdocs fixities unicode qual (L _ con)
_ -> []
- doRecordFields fields = subFields qual
+ doRecordFields fields = subFields pkg qual
(map (ppSideBySideField subdocs unicode qual) (map unLoc fields))
- doConstrArgsWithDocs args = subFields qual $ case con of
+ doConstrArgsWithDocs args = subFields pkg qual $ case con of
ConDeclH98{} ->
[ (ppLParendType unicode qual HideEmptyContexts arg, mdoc, [])
| (i, arg) <- zip [0..] args
@@ -1041,7 +1049,7 @@ ppSideBySidePat fixities unicode qual lnames typ (doc, argDocs) =
| not hasArgDocs = []
- | otherwise = [ subFields qual (ppSubSigLike unicode qual (unLoc patTy)
+ | otherwise = [ subFields Nothing qual (ppSubSigLike unicode qual (unLoc patTy)
argDocs [] (dcolon unicode)
emptyCtxt) ]
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/DocMarkup.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/DocMarkup.hs
index e63667b0..ed323a90 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/DocMarkup.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/DocMarkup.hs
@@ -73,7 +73,8 @@ parHtmlMarkup qual insertAnchors ppId = Markup {
markupMathDisplay = \mathjax -> toHtml ("\\[" ++ mathjax ++ "\\]"),
markupProperty = pre . toHtml,
markupExample = examplesToHtml,
- markupHeader = \(Header l t) -> makeHeader l t
+ markupHeader = \(Header l t) -> makeHeader l t,
+ markupTable = \(Table h r) -> makeTable h r
makeHeader :: Int -> Html -> Html
@@ -85,6 +86,22 @@ parHtmlMarkup qual insertAnchors ppId = Markup {
makeHeader 6 mkup = h6 mkup
makeHeader l _ = error $ "Somehow got a header level `" ++ show l ++ "' in DocMarkup!"
+ makeTable :: [TableRow Html] -> [TableRow Html] -> Html
+ makeTable hs bs = table (concatHtml (hs' ++ bs'))
+ where
+ hs' | null hs = []
+ | otherwise = [thead (concatHtml (map (makeTableRow th) hs))]
+ bs' = [tbody (concatHtml (map (makeTableRow td) bs))]
+ makeTableRow :: (Html -> Html) -> TableRow Html -> Html
+ makeTableRow thr (TableRow cs) = tr (concatHtml (map (makeTableCell thr) cs))
+ makeTableCell :: (Html -> Html) -> TableCell Html -> Html
+ makeTableCell thr (TableCell i j c) = thr c ! (i' ++ j')
+ where
+ i' = if i == 1 then [] else [ colspan i ]
+ j' = if j == 1 then [] else [ rowspan j ]
examplesToHtml l = pre (concatHtml $ map exampleToHtml l) ! [theclass "screen"]
@@ -154,10 +171,10 @@ flatten x = [x]
-- extract/append the underlying 'Doc' and convert it to 'Html'. For
-- 'CollapsingHeader', we attach extra info to the generated 'Html'
-- that allows us to expand/collapse the content.
-hackMarkup :: DocMarkup id Html -> Hack (ModuleName, OccName) id -> Html
-hackMarkup fmt' h' =
+hackMarkup :: DocMarkup id Html -> Maybe Package -> Hack (ModuleName, OccName) id -> Html
+hackMarkup fmt' currPkg h' =
let (html, ms) = hackMarkup' fmt' h'
- in html +++ renderMeta fmt' (metaConcat ms)
+ in html +++ renderMeta fmt' currPkg (metaConcat ms)
hackMarkup' :: DocMarkup id Html -> Hack (ModuleName, OccName) id
-> (Html, [Meta])
@@ -176,45 +193,50 @@ hackMarkup fmt' h' =
(y, m') = hackMarkup' fmt d'
in (markupAppend fmt x y, m ++ m')
-renderMeta :: DocMarkup id Html -> Meta -> Html
-renderMeta fmt (Meta { _version = Just x }) =
+renderMeta :: DocMarkup id Html -> Maybe Package -> Meta -> Html
+renderMeta fmt currPkg (Meta { _version = Just x, _package = pkg }) =
markupParagraph fmt . markupEmphasis fmt . toHtml $
- "Since: " ++ formatVersion x
+ "Since: " ++ formatPkgMaybe pkg ++ formatVersion x
formatVersion v = concat . intersperse "." $ map show v
-renderMeta _ _ = noHtml
+ formatPkgMaybe (Just p) | Just p /= currPkg = p ++ "-"
+ formatPkgMaybe _ = ""
+renderMeta _ _ _ = noHtml
-- | Goes through 'hackMarkup' to generate the 'Html' rather than
-- skipping straight to 'markup': this allows us to employ XHtml
-- specific hacks to the tree first.
markupHacked :: DocMarkup id Html
+ -> Maybe Package -- this package
-> Maybe String
-> MDoc id
-> Html
-markupHacked fmt n = hackMarkup fmt . toHack 0 n . flatten
+markupHacked fmt currPkg n = hackMarkup fmt currPkg . toHack 0 n . flatten
-- If the doc is a single paragraph, don't surround it with <P> (this causes
-- ugly extra whitespace with some browsers). FIXME: Does this still apply?
-docToHtml :: Maybe String -- ^ Name of the thing this doc is for. See
- -- comments on 'toHack' for details.
+docToHtml :: Maybe String -- ^ Name of the thing this doc is for. See
+ -- comments on 'toHack' for details.
+ -> Maybe Package -- ^ Current package
-> Qualification -> MDoc DocName -> Html
-docToHtml n qual = markupHacked fmt n . cleanup
+docToHtml n pkg qual = markupHacked fmt pkg n . cleanup
where fmt = parHtmlMarkup qual True (ppDocName qual Raw)
-- | Same as 'docToHtml' but it doesn't insert the 'anchor' element
-- in links. This is used to generate the Contents box elements.
-docToHtmlNoAnchors :: Maybe String -- ^ See 'toHack'
+docToHtmlNoAnchors :: Maybe String -- ^ See 'toHack'
+ -> Maybe Package -- ^ Current package
-> Qualification -> MDoc DocName -> Html
-docToHtmlNoAnchors n qual = markupHacked fmt n . cleanup
+docToHtmlNoAnchors n pkg qual = markupHacked fmt pkg n . cleanup
where fmt = parHtmlMarkup qual False (ppDocName qual Raw)
-origDocToHtml :: Qualification -> MDoc Name -> Html
-origDocToHtml qual = markupHacked fmt Nothing . cleanup
+origDocToHtml :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> MDoc Name -> Html
+origDocToHtml pkg qual = markupHacked fmt pkg Nothing . cleanup
where fmt = parHtmlMarkup qual True (const $ ppName Raw)
-rdrDocToHtml :: Qualification -> MDoc RdrName -> Html
-rdrDocToHtml qual = markupHacked fmt Nothing . cleanup
+rdrDocToHtml :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> MDoc RdrName -> Html
+rdrDocToHtml pkg qual = markupHacked fmt pkg Nothing . cleanup
where fmt = parHtmlMarkup qual True (const ppRdrName)
@@ -226,14 +248,17 @@ docElement el content_ =
docSection :: Maybe Name -- ^ Name of the thing this doc is for
+ -> Maybe Package -- ^ Current package
-> Qualification -> Documentation DocName -> Html
-docSection n qual = maybe noHtml (docSection_ n qual) . combineDocumentation
+docSection n pkg qual =
+ maybe noHtml (docSection_ n pkg qual) . combineDocumentation
-docSection_ :: Maybe Name -- ^ Name of the thing this doc is for
+docSection_ :: Maybe Name -- ^ Name of the thing this doc is for
+ -> Maybe Package -- ^ Current package
-> Qualification -> MDoc DocName -> Html
-docSection_ n qual =
- (docElement thediv <<) . docToHtml (getOccString <$> n) qual
+docSection_ n pkg qual =
+ (docElement thediv <<) . docToHtml (getOccString <$> n) pkg qual
cleanup :: MDoc a -> MDoc a
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs
index e020b909..501caa4b 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Utils
import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.Utils (makeAnchorId, nameAnchorId)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Text.XHtml hiding ( name, title, p, quote )
+import Text.XHtml hiding ( name, title, quote )
import FastString ( unpackFS )
import GHC
@@ -128,38 +128,39 @@ divSubDecls cssClass captionName = maybe noHtml wrap
subCaption = paragraph ! [theclass "caption"] << captionName
-subDlist :: Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Maybe Html
-subDlist _ [] = Nothing
-subDlist qual decls = Just $ ulist << map subEntry decls
+subDlist :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Maybe Html
+subDlist _ _ [] = Nothing
+subDlist pkg qual decls = Just $ ulist << map subEntry decls
subEntry (decl, mdoc, subs) =
li <<
(define ! [theclass "src"] << decl +++
- docElement thediv << (fmap (docToHtml Nothing qual) mdoc +++ subs))
+ docElement thediv << (fmap (docToHtml Nothing pkg qual) mdoc +++ subs))
-subTable :: Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Maybe Html
-subTable _ [] = Nothing
-subTable qual decls = Just $ table << aboves (concatMap subRow decls)
+subTable :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Maybe Html
+subTable _ _ [] = Nothing
+subTable pkg qual decls = Just $ table << aboves (concatMap subRow decls)
subRow (decl, mdoc, subs) =
(td ! [theclass "src"] << decl
- docElement td << fmap (docToHtml Nothing qual) mdoc)
+ docElement td << fmap (docToHtml Nothing pkg qual) mdoc)
: map (cell . (td <<)) subs
-- | Sub table with source information (optional).
-subTableSrc :: Qualification -> LinksInfo -> Bool -> [(SubDecl,Located DocName)] -> Maybe Html
-subTableSrc _ _ _ [] = Nothing
-subTableSrc qual lnks splice decls = Just $ table << aboves (concatMap subRow decls)
+subTableSrc :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> LinksInfo -> Bool
+ -> [(SubDecl,Located DocName)] -> Maybe Html
+subTableSrc _ _ _ _ [] = Nothing
+subTableSrc pkg qual lnks splice decls = Just $ table << aboves (concatMap subRow decls)
subRow ((decl, mdoc, subs),L loc dn) =
(td ! [theclass "src clearfix"] <<
(thespan ! [theclass "inst-left"] << decl)
<+> linkHtml loc dn
- docElement td << fmap (docToHtml Nothing qual) mdoc
+ docElement td << fmap (docToHtml Nothing pkg qual) mdoc
: map (cell . (td <<)) subs
linkHtml loc@(RealSrcSpan _) dn = links lnks loc splice dn
@@ -170,49 +171,49 @@ subBlock [] = Nothing
subBlock hs = Just $ toHtml hs
-subArguments :: Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
-subArguments qual = divSubDecls "arguments" "Arguments" . subTable qual
+subArguments :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
+subArguments pkg qual = divSubDecls "arguments" "Arguments" . subTable pkg qual
subAssociatedTypes :: [Html] -> Html
subAssociatedTypes = divSubDecls "associated-types" "Associated Types" . subBlock
-subConstructors :: Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
-subConstructors qual = divSubDecls "constructors" "Constructors" . subTable qual
+subConstructors :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
+subConstructors pkg qual = divSubDecls "constructors" "Constructors" . subTable pkg qual
-subPatterns :: Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
-subPatterns qual = divSubDecls "bundled-patterns" "Bundled Patterns" . subTable qual
+subPatterns :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
+subPatterns pkg qual = divSubDecls "bundled-patterns" "Bundled Patterns" . subTable pkg qual
-subFields :: Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
-subFields qual = divSubDecls "fields" "Fields" . subDlist qual
+subFields :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
+subFields pkg qual = divSubDecls "fields" "Fields" . subDlist pkg qual
-subEquations :: Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
-subEquations qual = divSubDecls "equations" "Equations" . subTable qual
+subEquations :: Maybe Package -> Qualification -> [SubDecl] -> Html
+subEquations pkg qual = divSubDecls "equations" "Equations" . subTable pkg qual
-- | Generate sub table for instance declarations, with source
-subInstances :: Qualification
+subInstances :: Maybe Package -> Qualification
-> String -- ^ Class name, used for anchor generation
-> LinksInfo -> Bool
-> [(SubDecl,Located DocName)] -> Html
-subInstances qual nm lnks splice = maybe noHtml wrap . instTable
+subInstances pkg qual nm lnks splice = maybe noHtml wrap . instTable
wrap contents = subSection (collapseDetails id_ DetailsOpen (summary +++ contents))
- instTable = subTableSrc qual lnks splice
+ instTable = subTableSrc pkg qual lnks splice
subSection = thediv ! [theclass "subs instances"]
summary = thesummary << "Instances"
id_ = makeAnchorId $ "i:" ++ nm
-subOrphanInstances :: Qualification
+subOrphanInstances :: Maybe Package -> Qualification
-> LinksInfo -> Bool
-> [(SubDecl,Located DocName)] -> Html
-subOrphanInstances qual lnks splice = maybe noHtml wrap . instTable
+subOrphanInstances pkg qual lnks splice = maybe noHtml wrap . instTable
wrap = ((h1 << "Orphan instances") +++)
- instTable = fmap (thediv ! [ identifier ("section." ++ id_) ] <<) . subTableSrc qual lnks splice
+ instTable = fmap (thediv ! [ identifier ("section." ++ id_) ] <<) . subTableSrc pkg qual lnks splice
id_ = makeAnchorId $ "orphans"
@@ -228,15 +229,17 @@ subInstHead iid hdr =
subInstDetails :: String -- ^ Instance unique id (for anchor generation)
-> [Html] -- ^ Associated type contents
-> [Html] -- ^ Method contents (pretty-printed signatures)
+ -> Html -- ^ Source module
-> Html
-subInstDetails iid ats mets =
- subInstSection iid << (subAssociatedTypes ats <+> subMethods mets)
+subInstDetails iid ats mets mdl =
+ subInstSection iid << (p mdl <+> subAssociatedTypes ats <+> subMethods mets)
subFamInstDetails :: String -- ^ Instance unique id (for anchor generation)
-> Html -- ^ Type or data family instance
+ -> Html -- ^ Source module TODO: use this
-> Html
-subFamInstDetails iid fi =
- subInstSection iid << thediv ! [theclass "src"] << fi
+subFamInstDetails iid fi mdl =
+ subInstSection iid << (p mdl <+> (thediv ! [theclass "src"] << fi))
subInstSection :: String -- ^ Instance unique id (for anchor generation)
-> Html
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Names.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Names.hs
index a84a55e8..574045e0 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Names.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Names.hs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import Haddock.GhcUtils
import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.Utils
-import Text.XHtml hiding ( name, title, p, quote )
+import Text.XHtml hiding ( name, p, quote )
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.List as List
@@ -147,17 +147,19 @@ linkId mdl mbName = linkIdOcc mdl (fmap nameOccName mbName) True
linkIdOcc :: Module -> Maybe OccName -> Bool -> Html -> Html
linkIdOcc mdl mbName insertAnchors =
if insertAnchors
- then anchor ! [href url]
+ then anchor ! [href url, title ttl]
else id
+ ttl = moduleNameString (moduleName mdl)
url = case mbName of
Nothing -> moduleUrl mdl
Just name -> moduleNameUrl mdl name
linkIdOcc' :: ModuleName -> Maybe OccName -> Html -> Html
-linkIdOcc' mdl mbName = anchor ! [href url]
+linkIdOcc' mdl mbName = anchor ! [href url, title ttl]
+ ttl = moduleNameString mdl
url = case mbName of
Nothing -> moduleHtmlFile' mdl
Just name -> moduleNameUrl' mdl name
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
index b4804758..4635c076 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, PatternGuards, TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
@@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ import Type
import TyCoRep
import TysPrim ( alphaTyVars )
import TysWiredIn ( listTyConName, starKindTyConName, unitTy )
-import PrelNames ( hasKey, eqTyConKey, funTyConKey, ipClassKey
+import PrelNames ( hasKey, eqTyConKey, ipClassKey
, tYPETyConKey, liftedRepDataConKey )
import Unique ( getUnique )
import Util ( chkAppend, compareLength, dropList, filterByList, filterOut
@@ -168,7 +167,7 @@ synifyTyCon _coax tc
-- algebraic data nor newtype:
, dd_ctxt = noLoc []
, dd_cType = Nothing
- , dd_kindSig = Just (synifyKindSig (tyConKind tc))
+ , dd_kindSig = synifyDataTyConReturnKind tc
-- we have their kind accurately:
, dd_cons = [] -- No constructors
, dd_derivs = noLoc [] }
@@ -223,7 +222,7 @@ synifyTyCon coax tc
-- CoAxioms, not their TyCons
_ -> synifyName tc
tyvars = synifyTyVars (tyConVisibleTyVars tc)
- kindSig = Just (tyConKind tc)
+ kindSig = synifyDataTyConReturnKind tc
-- The data constructors.
-- Any data-constructors not exported from the module that *defines* the
@@ -249,7 +248,7 @@ synifyTyCon coax tc
, dd_ND = alg_nd
, dd_ctxt = alg_ctx
, dd_cType = Nothing
- , dd_kindSig = fmap synifyKindSig kindSig
+ , dd_kindSig = kindSig
, dd_cons = cons
, dd_derivs = alg_deriv }
in case lefts consRaw of
@@ -259,6 +258,27 @@ synifyTyCon coax tc
, tcdDExt = DataDeclRn False placeHolderNamesTc }
dataConErrs -> Left $ unlines dataConErrs
+-- In this module, every TyCon being considered has come from an interface
+-- file. This means that when considering a data type constructor such as:
+-- data Foo (w :: *) (m :: * -> *) (a :: *)
+-- Then its tyConKind will be (* -> (* -> *) -> * -> *). But beware! We are
+-- also rendering the type variables of Foo, so if we synify the tyConKind of
+-- Foo in full, we will end up displaying this in Haddock:
+-- data Foo (w :: *) (m :: * -> *) (a :: *)
+-- :: * -> (* -> *) -> * -> *
+-- Which is entirely wrong (#548). We only want to display the *return* kind,
+-- which this function obtains.
+synifyDataTyConReturnKind :: TyCon -> Maybe (LHsKind GhcRn)
+synifyDataTyConReturnKind tc
+ = case splitFunTys (tyConKind tc) of
+ (_, ret_kind)
+ | isLiftedTypeKind ret_kind -> Nothing -- Don't bother displaying :: *
+ | otherwise -> Just (synifyKindSig ret_kind)
synifyInjectivityAnn :: Maybe Name -> [TyVar] -> Injectivity
-> Maybe (LInjectivityAnn GhcRn)
synifyInjectivityAnn Nothing _ _ = Nothing
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface.hs
index cbdf81cb..89064a6c 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE CPP, OverloadedStrings #-}
-- |
-- Module : Haddock.Interface
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ import FastString (unpackFS)
import MonadUtils (liftIO)
import TcRnTypes (tcg_rdr_env)
import RdrName (plusGlobalRdrEnv)
+import ErrUtils (withTiming)
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import System.IO
@@ -93,13 +94,15 @@ processModules verbosity modules flags extIfaces = do
filter (\i -> not $ OptHide `elem` ifaceOptions i) interfaces
mods = Set.fromList $ map ifaceMod interfaces
out verbosity verbose "Attaching instances..."
- interfaces' <- attachInstances (exportedNames, mods) interfaces instIfaceMap
+ interfaces' <- {-# SCC attachInstances #-}
+ withTiming getDynFlags "attachInstances" (const ()) $ do
+ attachInstances (exportedNames, mods) interfaces instIfaceMap
out verbosity verbose "Building cross-linking environment..."
-- Combine the link envs of the external packages into one
let extLinks = Map.unions (map ifLinkEnv extIfaces)
- homeLinks = buildHomeLinks interfaces -- Build the environment for the home
- -- package
+ homeLinks = buildHomeLinks interfaces' -- Build the environment for the home
+ -- package
links = homeLinks `Map.union` extLinks
out verbosity verbose "Renaming interfaces..."
@@ -155,7 +158,9 @@ createIfaces verbosity flags instIfaceMap mods = do
return (reverse ifaces)
f (ifaces, ifaceMap) modSummary = do
- x <- processModule verbosity modSummary flags ifaceMap instIfaceMap
+ x <- {-# SCC processModule #-}
+ withTiming getDynFlags "processModule" (const ()) $ do
+ processModule verbosity modSummary flags ifaceMap instIfaceMap
return $ case x of
Just iface -> (iface:ifaces, Map.insert (ifaceMod iface) iface ifaceMap)
Nothing -> (ifaces, ifaceMap) -- Boot modules don't generate ifaces.
@@ -164,7 +169,7 @@ createIfaces verbosity flags instIfaceMap mods = do
processModule :: Verbosity -> ModSummary -> [Flag] -> IfaceMap -> InstIfaceMap -> Ghc (Maybe Interface)
processModule verbosity modsum flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
out verbosity verbose $ "Checking module " ++ moduleString (ms_mod modsum) ++ "..."
- tm <- loadModule =<< typecheckModule =<< parseModule modsum
+ tm <- {-# SCC "parse/typecheck/load" #-} loadModule =<< typecheckModule =<< parseModule modsum
-- We need to modify the interactive context's environment so that when
-- Haddock later looks for instances, it also looks in the modules it
@@ -179,7 +184,9 @@ processModule verbosity modsum flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
if not $ isBootSummary modsum then do
out verbosity verbose "Creating interface..."
- (interface, msg) <- runWriterGhc $ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap
+ (interface, msg) <- {-# SCC createIterface #-}
+ withTiming getDynFlags "createInterface" (const ()) $ do
+ runWriterGhc $ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap
liftIO $ mapM_ putStrLn msg
dflags <- getDynFlags
let (haddockable, haddocked) = ifaceHaddockCoverage interface
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs
index 286907e5..bf50ded3 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/AttachInstances.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.Convert
import Haddock.GhcUtils
-import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow hiding ((<+>))
import Data.List
import Data.Ord (comparing)
@@ -70,7 +69,7 @@ attachInstances expInfo ifaces instIfaceMap = do
attachOrphanInstances :: ExportInfo -> Interface -> IfaceMap -> InstIfaceMap -> [ClsInst] -> [DocInstance GhcRn]
attachOrphanInstances expInfo iface ifaceMap instIfaceMap cls_instances =
- [ (synifyInstHead i, instLookup instDocMap n iface ifaceMap instIfaceMap, (L (getSrcSpan n) n))
+ [ (synifyInstHead i, instLookup instDocMap n iface ifaceMap instIfaceMap, (L (getSrcSpan n) n), Nothing)
| let is = [ (instanceSig i, getName i) | i <- cls_instances, isOrphan (is_orphan i) ]
, (i@(_,_,cls,tys), n) <- sortBy (comparing $ first instHead) is
, not $ isInstanceHidden expInfo cls tys
@@ -92,7 +91,11 @@ attachToExportItem index expInfo iface ifaceMap instIfaceMap export =
let mb_instances = lookupNameEnv index (tcdName d)
cls_instances = maybeToList mb_instances >>= fst
fam_instances = maybeToList mb_instances >>= snd
- fam_insts = [ (synifyFamInst i opaque, doc,spanNameE n (synifyFamInst i opaque) (L eSpan (tcdName d)) )
+ fam_insts = [ ( synifyFamInst i opaque
+ , doc
+ , spanNameE n (synifyFamInst i opaque) (L eSpan (tcdName d))
+ , nameModule_maybe n
+ )
| i <- sortBy (comparing instFam) fam_instances
, let n = getName i
, let doc = instLookup instDocMap n iface ifaceMap instIfaceMap
@@ -100,14 +103,18 @@ attachToExportItem index expInfo iface ifaceMap instIfaceMap export =
, not $ any (isTypeHidden expInfo) (fi_tys i)
, let opaque = isTypeHidden expInfo (fi_rhs i)
- cls_insts = [ (synifyInstHead i, instLookup instDocMap n iface ifaceMap instIfaceMap, spanName n (synifyInstHead i) (L eSpan (tcdName d)))
+ cls_insts = [ ( synifyInstHead i
+ , instLookup instDocMap n iface ifaceMap instIfaceMap
+ , spanName n (synifyInstHead i) (L eSpan (tcdName d))
+ , nameModule_maybe n
+ )
| let is = [ (instanceSig i, getName i) | i <- cls_instances ]
, (i@(_,_,cls,tys), n) <- sortBy (comparing $ first instHead) is
, not $ isInstanceHidden expInfo cls tys
-- fam_insts but with failing type fams filtered out
- cleanFamInsts = [ (fi, n, L l r) | (Right fi, n, L l (Right r)) <- fam_insts ]
- famInstErrs = [ errm | (Left errm, _, _) <- fam_insts ]
+ cleanFamInsts = [ (fi, n, L l r, m) | (Right fi, n, L l (Right r), m) <- fam_insts ]
+ famInstErrs = [ errm | (Left errm, _, _, _) <- fam_insts ]
in do
dfs <- getDynFlags
let mkBug = (text "haddock-bug:" <+>) . text
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
index bc93449f..8b929e15 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Create.hs
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ import Data.Traversable
import Avail hiding (avail)
import qualified Avail
-import qualified Packages
import qualified Module
import qualified SrcLoc
import ConLike (ConLike(..))
@@ -55,10 +54,11 @@ import HscTypes
import Name
import NameSet
import NameEnv
+import Packages ( lookupModuleInAllPackages, PackageName(..) )
import Bag
import RdrName
import TcRnTypes
-import FastString (concatFS)
+import FastString ( concatFS, unpackFS )
import BasicTypes ( StringLiteral(..), SourceText(..) )
import qualified Outputable as O
import HsDecls ( getConArgs )
@@ -85,12 +85,22 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
!instances = modInfoInstances mi
!fam_instances = md_fam_insts md
!exportedNames = modInfoExportsWithSelectors mi
+ (pkgNameFS, _) = modulePackageInfo dflags flags mdl
+ pkgName = fmap (unpackFS . (\(PackageName n) -> n)) pkgNameFS
(TcGblEnv { tcg_rdr_env = gre
, tcg_warns = warnings
, tcg_exports = all_exports
}, md) = tm_internals_ tm
+ -- The 'pkgName' is necessary to decide what package to mention in "@since"
+ -- annotations. Not having it is not fatal though.
+ --
+ -- Cabal can be trusted to pass the right flags, so this warning should be
+ -- mostly encountered when running Haddock outside of Cabal.
+ when (isNothing pkgName) $
+ liftErrMsg $ tell [ "Warning: Package name is not available." ]
-- The renamed source should always be available to us, but it's best
-- to be on the safe side.
(group_, imports, mayExports, mayDocHeader) <-
@@ -103,7 +113,7 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
opts <- liftErrMsg $ mkDocOpts (haddockOptions dflags) flags mdl
-- Process the top-level module header documentation.
- (!info, mbDoc) <- liftErrMsg $ processModuleHeader dflags gre safety mayDocHeader
+ (!info, mbDoc) <- liftErrMsg $ processModuleHeader dflags pkgName gre safety mayDocHeader
let declsWithDocs = topDecls group_
@@ -130,13 +140,13 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
warningMap <- liftErrMsg (mkWarningMap dflags warnings gre exportedNames)
maps@(!docMap, !argMap, !declMap, _) <-
- liftErrMsg (mkMaps dflags gre localInsts declsWithDocs)
+ liftErrMsg (mkMaps dflags pkgName gre localInsts declsWithDocs)
let allWarnings = M.unions (warningMap : map ifaceWarningMap (M.elems modMap))
-- The MAIN functionality: compute the export items which will
-- each be the actual documentation of this module.
- exportItems <- mkExportItems is_sig modMap mdl sem_mdl allWarnings gre
+ exportItems <- mkExportItems is_sig modMap pkgName mdl sem_mdl allWarnings gre
exportedNames decls maps fixMap unrestrictedImportedMods
splices exports all_exports instIfaceMap dflags
@@ -160,7 +170,7 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
modWarn <- liftErrMsg (moduleWarning dflags gre warnings)
- tokenizedSrc <- mkMaybeTokenizedSrc flags tm
+ tokenizedSrc <- mkMaybeTokenizedSrc dflags flags tm
return $! Interface {
ifaceMod = mdl
@@ -190,6 +200,7 @@ createInterface tm flags modMap instIfaceMap = do
, ifaceTokenizedSrc = tokenizedSrc
-- | Given all of the @import M as N@ declarations in a package,
-- create a mapping from the module identity of M, to an alias N
-- (if there are multiple aliases, we pick the last one.) This
@@ -266,7 +277,7 @@ lookupModuleDyn ::
lookupModuleDyn _ (Just pkgId) mdlName =
Module.mkModule pkgId mdlName
lookupModuleDyn dflags Nothing mdlName =
- case Packages.lookupModuleInAllPackages dflags mdlName of
+ case lookupModuleInAllPackages dflags mdlName of
(m,_):_ -> m
[] -> Module.mkModule Module.mainUnitId mdlName
@@ -314,16 +325,17 @@ mkDocOpts mbOpts flags mdl = do
[] -> tell ["No option supplied to DOC_OPTION/doc_option"] >> return []
xs -> liftM catMaybes (mapM parseOption xs)
Nothing -> return []
- hm <- if Flag_HideModule (moduleString mdl) `elem` flags
- then return $ OptHide : opts
- else return opts
- ie <- if Flag_IgnoreAllExports `elem` flags
- then return $ OptIgnoreExports : hm
- else return hm
- se <- if Flag_ShowExtensions (moduleString mdl) `elem` flags
- then return $ OptShowExtensions : ie
- else return ie
- return se
+ pure (foldl go opts flags)
+ where
+ mdlStr = moduleString mdl
+ -- Later flags override earlier ones
+ go os m | m == Flag_HideModule mdlStr = OptHide : os
+ | m == Flag_ShowModule mdlStr = filter (/= OptHide) os
+ | m == Flag_ShowAllModules = filter (/= OptHide) os
+ | m == Flag_IgnoreAllExports = OptIgnoreExports : os
+ | m == Flag_ShowExtensions mdlStr = OptIgnoreExports : os
+ | otherwise = os
parseOption :: String -> ErrMsgM (Maybe DocOption)
parseOption "hide" = return (Just OptHide)
@@ -345,11 +357,12 @@ type Maps = (DocMap Name, ArgMap Name, DeclMap, InstMap)
-- find its names, its subordinates, and its doc strings. Process doc strings
-- into 'Doc's.
mkMaps :: DynFlags
+ -> Maybe Package -- this package
-> GlobalRdrEnv
-> [Name]
-> [(LHsDecl GhcRn, [HsDocString])]
-> ErrMsgM Maps
-mkMaps dflags gre instances decls = do
+mkMaps dflags pkgName gre instances decls = do
(a, b, c) <- unzip3 <$> traverse mappings decls
pure ( f' (map (nubByName fst) a)
, f (filterMapping (not . M.null) b)
@@ -376,8 +389,8 @@ mkMaps dflags gre instances decls = do
declDoc :: [HsDocString] -> Map Int HsDocString
-> ErrMsgM (Maybe (MDoc Name), Map Int (MDoc Name))
declDoc strs m = do
- doc' <- processDocStrings dflags gre strs
- m' <- traverse (processDocStringParas dflags gre) m
+ doc' <- processDocStrings dflags pkgName gre strs
+ m' <- traverse (processDocStringParas dflags pkgName gre) m
pure (doc', m')
(doc, args) <- declDoc docStrs (declTypeDocs decl)
@@ -514,7 +527,8 @@ classDecls class_ = filterDecls . collectDocs . sortByLoc $ decls
-- | The top-level declarations of a module that we care about,
-- ordered by source location, with documentation attached if it exists.
topDecls :: HsGroup GhcRn -> [(LHsDecl GhcRn, [HsDocString])]
-topDecls = filterClasses . filterDecls . collectDocs . sortByLoc . ungroup
+topDecls =
+ filterClasses . filterDecls . collectDocs . sortByLoc . ungroup
-- | Extract a map of fixity declarations only
mkFixMap :: HsGroup GhcRn -> FixMap
@@ -574,7 +588,6 @@ filterDecls = filter (isHandled . unL . fst)
isHandled (DocD {}) = True
isHandled _ = False
-- | Go through all class declarations and filter their sub-declarations
filterClasses :: [(LHsDecl a, doc)] -> [(LHsDecl a, doc)]
filterClasses decls = [ if isClassD d then (L loc (filterClass d), doc) else x
@@ -619,12 +632,13 @@ collectDocs = go Nothing []
:: Bool -- is it a signature
-> IfaceMap
+ -> Maybe Package -- this package
-> Module -- this module
-> Module -- semantic module
-> WarningMap
-> GlobalRdrEnv
-> [Name] -- exported names (orig)
- -> [LHsDecl GhcRn] -- renamed source declarations
+ -> [LHsDecl GhcRn] -- renamed source declarations
-> Maps
-> FixMap
-> M.Map ModuleName [ModuleName]
@@ -635,13 +649,14 @@ mkExportItems
-> DynFlags
-> ErrMsgGhc [ExportItem GhcRn]
- is_sig modMap thisMod semMod warnings gre exportedNames decls
+ is_sig modMap pkgName thisMod semMod warnings gre exportedNames decls
maps fixMap unrestricted_imp_mods splices exportList allExports
instIfaceMap dflags =
case exportList of
Nothing ->
- fullModuleContents is_sig modMap thisMod semMod warnings exportedNames
- decls maps fixMap splices instIfaceMap dflags allExports
+ fullModuleContents is_sig modMap pkgName thisMod semMod warnings gre
+ exportedNames decls maps fixMap splices instIfaceMap dflags
+ allExports
Just exports -> liftM concat $ mapM lookupExport exports
lookupExport (IEGroup _ lev docStr, _) = liftErrMsg $ do
@@ -649,14 +664,14 @@ mkExportItems
return [ExportGroup lev "" doc]
lookupExport (IEDoc _ docStr, _) = liftErrMsg $ do
- doc <- processDocStringParas dflags gre docStr
+ doc <- processDocStringParas dflags pkgName gre docStr
return [ExportDoc doc]
lookupExport (IEDocNamed _ str, _) = liftErrMsg $
findNamedDoc str [ unL d | d <- decls ] >>= \case
Nothing -> return []
Just docStr -> do
- doc <- processDocStringParas dflags gre docStr
+ doc <- processDocStringParas dflags pkgName gre docStr
return [ExportDoc doc]
lookupExport (IEModuleContents _ (L _ mod_name), _)
@@ -975,9 +990,11 @@ moduleExport thisMod dflags ifaceMap instIfaceMap expMod =
fullModuleContents :: Bool -- is it a signature
-> IfaceMap
+ -> Maybe Package -- this package
-> Module -- this module
-> Module -- semantic module
-> WarningMap
+ -> GlobalRdrEnv -- ^ The renaming environment
-> [Name] -- exported names (orig)
-> [LHsDecl GhcRn] -- renamed source declarations
-> Maps
@@ -987,23 +1004,29 @@ fullModuleContents :: Bool -- is it a signature
-> DynFlags
-> Avails
-> ErrMsgGhc [ExportItem GhcRn]
-fullModuleContents is_sig modMap thisMod semMod warnings exportedNames
+fullModuleContents is_sig modMap pkgName thisMod semMod warnings gre exportedNames
decls maps@(_, _, declMap, _) fixMap splices instIfaceMap dflags avails = do
let availEnv = availsToNameEnv (nubAvails avails)
(concat . concat) `fmap` (for decls $ \decl -> do
- for (getMainDeclBinder (unLoc decl)) $ \nm -> do
- case lookupNameEnv availEnv nm of
- Just avail
- | L _ (ValD _ valDecl) <- decl
- , (name:_) <- collectHsBindBinders valDecl
- , Just (L _ SigD{}:_) <- filter isSigD <$> M.lookup name declMap
- -> pure []
- | otherwise
- -> availExportItem is_sig modMap thisMod
- semMod warnings exportedNames maps fixMap
- splices instIfaceMap dflags avail
- Nothing -> pure [])
+ case decl of
+ (L _ (DocD _ (DocGroup lev docStr))) -> do
+ doc <- liftErrMsg (processDocString dflags gre docStr)
+ return [[ExportGroup lev "" doc]]
+ (L _ (DocD _ (DocCommentNamed _ docStr))) -> do
+ doc <- liftErrMsg (processDocStringParas dflags pkgName gre docStr)
+ return [[ExportDoc doc]]
+ (L _ (ValD _ valDecl))
+ | name:_ <- collectHsBindBinders valDecl
+ , Just (L _ SigD{}:_) <- filter isSigD <$> M.lookup name declMap
+ -> return []
+ _ ->
+ for (getMainDeclBinder (unLoc decl)) $ \nm -> do
+ case lookupNameEnv availEnv nm of
+ Just avail ->
+ availExportItem is_sig modMap thisMod
+ semMod warnings exportedNames maps fixMap
+ splices instIfaceMap dflags avail
+ Nothing -> pure [])
isSigD (L _ SigD{}) = True
isSigD _ = False
@@ -1060,19 +1083,32 @@ extractDecl declMap name decl
FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L _ n
, feqn_pats = tys
, feqn_rhs = defn }}))) ->
- SigD noExt <$> extractRecSel name n tys (dd_cons defn)
- InstD _ (ClsInstD _ ClsInstDecl { cid_datafam_insts = insts }) ->
- let matches = [ d' | L _ d'@(DataFamInstDecl (HsIB { hsib_body = d }))
- <- insts
- -- , L _ ConDecl { con_details = RecCon rec } <- dd_cons (feqn_rhs d)
- , RecCon rec <- map (getConArgs . unLoc) (dd_cons (feqn_rhs d))
- , ConDeclField { cd_fld_names = ns } <- map unLoc (unLoc rec)
- , L _ n <- ns
- , extFieldOcc n == name
- ]
- in case matches of
- [d0] -> extractDecl declMap name (noLoc . InstD noExt $ DataFamInstD noExt d0)
- _ -> error "internal: extractDecl (ClsInstD)"
+ if isDataConName name
+ then SigD noExt <$> extractPatternSyn name n tys (dd_cons defn)
+ else SigD noExt <$> extractRecSel name n tys (dd_cons defn)
+ InstD _ (ClsInstD _ ClsInstDecl { cid_datafam_insts = insts })
+ | isDataConName name ->
+ let matches = [ d' | L _ d'@(DataFamInstDecl (HsIB { hsib_body =
+ FamEqn { feqn_rhs = dd
+ }
+ })) <- insts
+ , name `elem` map unLoc (concatMap (getConNames . unLoc) (dd_cons dd))
+ ]
+ in case matches of
+ [d0] -> extractDecl declMap name (noLoc (InstD noExt (DataFamInstD noExt d0)))
+ _ -> error "internal: extractDecl (ClsInstD)"
+ | otherwise ->
+ let matches = [ d' | L _ d'@(DataFamInstDecl (HsIB { hsib_body = d }))
+ <- insts
+ -- , L _ ConDecl { con_details = RecCon rec } <- dd_cons (feqn_rhs d)
+ , RecCon rec <- map (getConArgs . unLoc) (dd_cons (feqn_rhs d))
+ , ConDeclField { cd_fld_names = ns } <- map unLoc (unLoc rec)
+ , L _ n <- ns
+ , extFieldOcc n == name
+ ]
+ in case matches of
+ [d0] -> extractDecl declMap name (noLoc . InstD noExt $ DataFamInstD noExt d0)
+ _ -> error "internal: extractDecl (ClsInstD)"
_ -> error "internal: extractDecl"
@@ -1152,12 +1188,12 @@ seqList :: [a] -> ()
seqList [] = ()
seqList (x : xs) = x `seq` seqList xs
-mkMaybeTokenizedSrc :: [Flag] -> TypecheckedModule
+mkMaybeTokenizedSrc :: DynFlags -> [Flag] -> TypecheckedModule
-> ErrMsgGhc (Maybe [RichToken])
-mkMaybeTokenizedSrc flags tm
+mkMaybeTokenizedSrc dflags flags tm
| Flag_HyperlinkedSource `elem` flags = case renamedSource tm of
Just src -> do
- tokens <- liftGhcToErrMsgGhc . liftIO $ mkTokenizedSrc summary src
+ tokens <- liftGhcToErrMsgGhc (liftIO (mkTokenizedSrc dflags summary src))
return $ Just tokens
Nothing -> do
liftErrMsg . tell . pure $ concat
@@ -1170,12 +1206,15 @@ mkMaybeTokenizedSrc flags tm
summary = pm_mod_summary . tm_parsed_module $ tm
-mkTokenizedSrc :: ModSummary -> RenamedSource -> IO [RichToken]
-mkTokenizedSrc ms src = do
+mkTokenizedSrc :: DynFlags -> ModSummary -> RenamedSource -> IO [RichToken]
+mkTokenizedSrc dflags ms src = do
-- make sure to read the whole file at once otherwise
-- we run out of file descriptors (see #495)
rawSrc <- BS.readFile (msHsFilePath ms) >>= evaluate
- return $ Hyperlinker.enrich src (Hyperlinker.parse (decodeUtf8 rawSrc))
+ let tokens = Hyperlinker.parse dflags filepath (Utf8.decodeUtf8 rawSrc)
+ return $ Hyperlinker.enrich src tokens
+ where
+ filepath = msHsFilePath ms
-- | Find a stand-alone documentation comment by its name.
findNamedDoc :: String -> [HsDecl GhcRn] -> ErrMsgM (Maybe HsDocString)
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs
index 75b2f223..9a978f9f 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ module Haddock.Interface.LexParseRn
, processModuleHeader
) where
-import Data.IntSet (toList)
import Data.List
import Documentation.Haddock.Doc (metaDocConcat)
import DynFlags (languageExtensions)
@@ -34,34 +33,35 @@ import RdrName
import EnumSet
import RnEnv (dataTcOccs)
-processDocStrings :: DynFlags -> GlobalRdrEnv -> [HsDocString]
+processDocStrings :: DynFlags -> Maybe Package -> GlobalRdrEnv -> [HsDocString]
-> ErrMsgM (Maybe (MDoc Name))
-processDocStrings dflags gre strs = do
- mdoc <- metaDocConcat <$> traverse (processDocStringParas dflags gre) strs
+processDocStrings dflags pkg gre strs = do
+ mdoc <- metaDocConcat <$> traverse (processDocStringParas dflags pkg gre) strs
case mdoc of
-- We check that we don't have any version info to render instead
-- of just checking if there is no comment: there may not be a
-- comment but we still want to pass through any meta data.
- MetaDoc { _meta = Meta { _version = Nothing }, _doc = DocEmpty } -> pure Nothing
+ MetaDoc { _meta = Meta Nothing Nothing, _doc = DocEmpty } -> pure Nothing
x -> pure (Just x)
-processDocStringParas :: DynFlags -> GlobalRdrEnv -> HsDocString -> ErrMsgM (MDoc Name)
-processDocStringParas dflags gre (HsDocString fs) =
- overDocF (rename dflags gre) $ parseParas dflags (unpackFS fs)
+processDocStringParas :: DynFlags -> Maybe Package -> GlobalRdrEnv -> HsDocString
+ -> ErrMsgM (MDoc Name)
+processDocStringParas dflags pkg gre (HsDocString fs) =
+ overDocF (rename dflags gre) $ parseParas dflags pkg (unpackFS fs)
processDocString :: DynFlags -> GlobalRdrEnv -> HsDocString -> ErrMsgM (Doc Name)
processDocString dflags gre (HsDocString fs) =
rename dflags gre $ parseString dflags (unpackFS fs)
-processModuleHeader :: DynFlags -> GlobalRdrEnv -> SafeHaskellMode -> Maybe LHsDocString
+processModuleHeader :: DynFlags -> Maybe Package -> GlobalRdrEnv -> SafeHaskellMode -> Maybe LHsDocString
-> ErrMsgM (HaddockModInfo Name, Maybe (MDoc Name))
-processModuleHeader dflags gre safety mayStr = do
+processModuleHeader dflags pkgName gre safety mayStr = do
(hmi, doc) <-
case mayStr of
Nothing -> return failure
Just (L _ (HsDocString fs)) -> do
let str = unpackFS fs
- (hmi, doc) = parseModuleHeader dflags str
+ (hmi, doc) = parseModuleHeader dflags pkgName str
!descr <- case hmi_description hmi of
Just hmi_descr -> Just <$> rename dflags gre hmi_descr
Nothing -> pure Nothing
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ rename dflags gre = rn
DocEmpty -> pure (DocEmpty)
DocString str -> pure (DocString str)
DocHeader (Header l t) -> DocHeader . Header l <$> rn t
+ DocTable t -> DocTable <$> traverse rn t
-- | Wrap an identifier that's out of scope (i.e. wasn't found in
-- 'GlobalReaderEnv' during 'rename') in an appropriate doc. Currently
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/ParseModuleHeader.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/ParseModuleHeader.hs
index 768a31ce..050901b6 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/ParseModuleHeader.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/ParseModuleHeader.hs
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ import RdrName
-- NB. The headers must be given in the order Module, Description,
-- Copyright, License, Maintainer, Stability, Portability, except that
-- any or all may be omitted.
-parseModuleHeader :: DynFlags -> String -> (HaddockModInfo RdrName, MDoc RdrName)
-parseModuleHeader dflags str0 =
+parseModuleHeader :: DynFlags -> Maybe Package -> String -> (HaddockModInfo RdrName, MDoc RdrName)
+parseModuleHeader dflags pkgName str0 =
getKey :: String -> String -> (Maybe String,String)
getKey key str = case parseKey key str of
@@ -37,21 +37,22 @@ parseModuleHeader dflags str0 =
(copyrightOpt,str3) = getKey "Copyright" str2
(licenseOpt,str4) = getKey "License" str3
(licenceOpt,str5) = getKey "Licence" str4
- (maintainerOpt,str6) = getKey "Maintainer" str5
- (stabilityOpt,str7) = getKey "Stability" str6
- (portabilityOpt,str8) = getKey "Portability" str7
+ (spdxLicenceOpt,str6) = getKey "SPDX-License-Identifier" str5
+ (maintainerOpt,str7) = getKey "Maintainer" str6
+ (stabilityOpt,str8) = getKey "Stability" str7
+ (portabilityOpt,str9) = getKey "Portability" str8
in (HaddockModInfo {
hmi_description = parseString dflags <$> descriptionOpt,
hmi_copyright = copyrightOpt,
- hmi_license = licenseOpt `mplus` licenceOpt,
+ hmi_license = spdxLicenceOpt `mplus` licenseOpt `mplus` licenceOpt,
hmi_maintainer = maintainerOpt,
hmi_stability = stabilityOpt,
hmi_portability = portabilityOpt,
hmi_safety = Nothing,
hmi_language = Nothing, -- set in LexParseRn
hmi_extensions = [] -- also set in LexParseRn
- }, parseParas dflags str8)
+ }, parseParas dflags pkgName str9)
-- | This function is how we read keys.
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
index 5b588964..7fb1f4b7 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ import Bag (emptyBag)
import GHC hiding (NoLink)
import Name
import Outputable ( panic )
+import RdrName (RdrName(Exact))
+import PrelNames (eqTyCon_RDR)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad hiding (mapM)
@@ -60,11 +62,18 @@ renameInterface dflags renamingEnv warnings iface =
(missingNames1 ++ missingNames2 ++ missingNames3
++ missingNames4 ++ missingNames5)
- -- filter out certain built in type constructors using their string
- -- representation. TODO: use the Name constants from the GHC API.
--- strings = filter (`notElem` ["()", "[]", "(->)"])
--- (map pretty missingNames)
- strings = map (pretty dflags) . filter (\n -> not (isSystemName n || isBuiltInSyntax n)) $ missingNames
+ -- Filter out certain built in type constructors using their string
+ -- representation.
+ --
+ -- Note that since the renamed AST represents equality constraints as
+ -- @HasOpTy t1 eqTyCon_RDR t2@ (and _not_ as @HsEqTy t1 t2@), we need to
+ -- manually filter out 'eqTyCon_RDR' (aka @~@).
+ strings = [ pretty dflags n
+ | n <- missingNames
+ , not (isSystemName n)
+ , not (isBuiltInSyntax n)
+ , Exact n /= eqTyCon_RDR
+ ]
in do
-- report things that we couldn't link to. Only do this for non-hidden
@@ -264,11 +273,22 @@ renameType t = case t of
HsRecTy _ a -> HsRecTy NoExt <$> mapM renameConDeclFieldField a
(XHsType (NHsCoreTy a)) -> pure (XHsType (NHsCoreTy a))
- HsExplicitListTy x i b -> HsExplicitListTy x i <$> mapM renameLType b
- HsExplicitTupleTy x b -> HsExplicitTupleTy x <$> mapM renameLType b
- HsSpliceTy _ _ -> error "renameType: HsSpliceTy"
- HsWildCardTy a -> HsWildCardTy <$> renameWildCardInfo a
- HsAppsTy _ _ -> error "renameType: HsAppsTy"
+ HsExplicitListTy i a b -> HsExplicitListTy i a <$> mapM renameLType b
+ HsExplicitTupleTy a b -> HsExplicitTupleTy a <$> mapM renameLType b
+ HsSpliceTy _ s -> renameHsSpliceTy s
+ HsWildCardTy a -> HsWildCardTy <$> renameWildCardInfo a
+ HsAppsTy _ _ -> error "renameType: HsAppsTy"
+-- | Rename splices, but _only_ those that turn out to be for types.
+-- I think this is actually safe for our possible inputs:
+-- * the input is from after GHC's renamer, so should have an 'HsSpliced'
+-- * the input is typechecked, and only 'HsSplicedTy' should get through that
+renameHsSpliceTy :: HsSplice GhcRn -> RnM (HsType DocNameI)
+renameHsSpliceTy (HsSpliced _ _ (HsSplicedTy t)) = renameType t
+renameHsSpliceTy (HsSpliced _ _ _) = error "renameHsSpliceTy: not an HsSplicedTy"
+renameHsSpliceTy _ = error "renameHsSpliceTy: not an HsSpliced"
renameLHsQTyVars :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> RnM (LHsQTyVars DocNameI)
renameLHsQTyVars (HsQTvs { hsq_explicit = tvs })
@@ -638,11 +658,11 @@ renameWc rn_thing (HsWC { hswc_body = thing })
renameWc _ (XHsWildCardBndrs _) = panic "haddock:renameWc"
renameDocInstance :: DocInstance GhcRn -> RnM (DocInstance DocNameI)
-renameDocInstance (inst, idoc, L l n) = do
+renameDocInstance (inst, idoc, L l n, m) = do
inst' <- renameInstHead inst
n' <- rename n
idoc' <- mapM renameDoc idoc
- return (inst', idoc',L l n')
+ return (inst', idoc', L l n', m)
renameExportItem :: ExportItem GhcRn -> RnM (ExportItem DocNameI)
renameExportItem item = case item of
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
index c49663db..80fbc714 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Specialize.hs
@@ -29,23 +29,23 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | Instantiate all occurrences of given names with corresponding types.
specialize :: Data a => [(Name, HsType GhcRn)] -> a -> a
-specialize specs = go
+specialize specs = go spec_map0
- go :: forall x. Data x => x -> x
- go = everywhereButType @Name $ mkT $ sugar . strip_kind_sig . specialize_ty_var
+ go :: forall x. Data x => Map Name (HsType GhcRn) -> x -> x
+ go spec_map = everywhereButType @Name $ mkT $ sugar . strip_kind_sig . specialize_ty_var spec_map
strip_kind_sig :: HsType name -> HsType name
strip_kind_sig (HsKindSig _ (L _ t) _) = t
strip_kind_sig typ = typ
- specialize_ty_var :: HsType GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn
- specialize_ty_var (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ name'))
+ specialize_ty_var :: Map Name (HsType GhcRn) -> HsType GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn
+ specialize_ty_var spec_map (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ name'))
| Just t <- Map.lookup name' spec_map = t
- specialize_ty_var typ = typ
- -- This is a tricky recursive definition that is guaranteed to terminate
- -- because a type binder cannot be instantiated with a type that depends
- -- on that binder. i.e. @a -> Maybe a@ is invalid
- spec_map = Map.fromList [ (n, go t) | (n, t) <- specs]
+ specialize_ty_var _ typ = typ
+ -- This is a tricky recursive definition. By adding in the specializations
+ -- one by one, we should avoid infinite loops.
+ spec_map0 = foldr (\(n,t) acc -> Map.insert n (go acc t) acc) mempty specs
-- | Instantiate given binders with corresponding types.
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/InterfaceFile.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/InterfaceFile.hs
index a4e9eb3c..ce6ecc78 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/InterfaceFile.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/InterfaceFile.hs
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ binaryInterfaceMagic = 0xD0Cface
binaryInterfaceVersion :: Word16
#if (__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 805) && (__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 807)
-binaryInterfaceVersion = 32
+binaryInterfaceVersion = 33
binaryInterfaceVersionCompatibility :: [Word16]
binaryInterfaceVersionCompatibility = [binaryInterfaceVersion]
@@ -459,9 +459,40 @@ instance Binary a => Binary (Header a) where
t <- get bh
return (Header l t)
+instance Binary a => Binary (Table a) where
+ put_ bh (Table h b) = do
+ put_ bh h
+ put_ bh b
+ get bh = do
+ h <- get bh
+ b <- get bh
+ return (Table h b)
+instance Binary a => Binary (TableRow a) where
+ put_ bh (TableRow cs) = put_ bh cs
+ get bh = do
+ cs <- get bh
+ return (TableRow cs)
+instance Binary a => Binary (TableCell a) where
+ put_ bh (TableCell i j c) = do
+ put_ bh i
+ put_ bh j
+ put_ bh c
+ get bh = do
+ i <- get bh
+ j <- get bh
+ c <- get bh
+ return (TableCell i j c)
instance Binary Meta where
- put_ bh Meta { _version = v } = put_ bh v
- get bh = (\v -> Meta { _version = v }) <$> get bh
+ put_ bh (Meta v p) = do
+ put_ bh v
+ put_ bh p
+ get bh = do
+ v <- get bh
+ p <- get bh
+ return (Meta v p)
instance (Binary mod, Binary id) => Binary (MetaDoc mod id) where
put_ bh MetaDoc { _meta = m, _doc = d } = do
@@ -542,6 +573,9 @@ instance (Binary mod, Binary id) => Binary (DocH mod id) where
put_ bh (DocMathDisplay x) = do
putByte bh 22
put_ bh x
+ put_ bh (DocTable x) = do
+ putByte bh 23
+ put_ bh x
get bh = do
h <- getByte bh
@@ -615,6 +649,9 @@ instance (Binary mod, Binary id) => Binary (DocH mod id) where
22 -> do
x <- get bh
return (DocMathDisplay x)
+ 23 -> do
+ x <- get bh
+ return (DocTable x)
_ -> error "invalid binary data found in the interface file"
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Options.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Options.hs
index caf1fefe..b5e987d8 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Options.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Options.hs
@@ -29,19 +29,23 @@ module Haddock.Options (
+ sinceQualification,
- optPackageVersion
+ optPackageVersion,
+ modulePackageInfo
) where
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import Data.Version
+import Control.Applicative
import Distribution.Verbosity
import FastString
+import GHC ( DynFlags, Module, moduleUnitId )
import Haddock.Types
import Haddock.Utils
import Packages
@@ -86,6 +90,8 @@ data Flag
| Flag_GenIndex
| Flag_IgnoreAllExports
| Flag_HideModule String
+ | Flag_ShowModule String
+ | Flag_ShowAllModules
| Flag_ShowExtensions String
| Flag_OptGhc String
| Flag_GhcLibDir String
@@ -101,6 +107,7 @@ data Flag
| Flag_PackageName String
| Flag_PackageVersion String
| Flag_Reexport String
+ | Flag_SinceQualification String
deriving (Eq, Show)
@@ -182,6 +189,10 @@ options backwardsCompat =
"behave as if all modules have the\nignore-exports atribute",
Option [] ["hide"] (ReqArg Flag_HideModule "MODULE")
"behave as if MODULE has the hide attribute",
+ Option [] ["show"] (ReqArg Flag_ShowModule "MODULE")
+ "behave as if MODULE does not have the hide attribute",
+ Option [] ["show-all"] (NoArg Flag_ShowAllModules)
+ "behave as if not modules have the hide attribute",
Option [] ["show-extensions"] (ReqArg Flag_ShowExtensions "MODULE")
"behave as if MODULE has the show-extensions attribute",
Option [] ["optghc"] (ReqArg Flag_OptGhc "OPTION")
@@ -204,7 +215,9 @@ options backwardsCompat =
Option [] ["package-name"] (ReqArg Flag_PackageName "NAME")
"name of the package being documented",
Option [] ["package-version"] (ReqArg Flag_PackageVersion "VERSION")
- "version of the package being documented in usual x.y.z.w format"
+ "version of the package being documented in usual x.y.z.w format",
+ Option [] ["since-qual"] (ReqArg Flag_SinceQualification "QUAL")
+ "package qualification of @since, one of\n'always' (default) or 'only-external'"
@@ -304,6 +317,14 @@ qualification flags =
[arg] -> Left $ "unknown qualification type " ++ show arg
_:_ -> Left "qualification option given multiple times"
+sinceQualification :: [Flag] -> Either String SinceQual
+sinceQualification flags =
+ case map (map Char.toLower) [ str | Flag_SinceQualification str <- flags ] of
+ [] -> Right Always
+ ["always"] -> Right Always
+ ["external"] -> Right External
+ [arg] -> Left $ "unknown since-qualification type " ++ show arg
+ _:_ -> Left "since-qualification option given multiple times"
verbosity :: [Flag] -> Verbosity
verbosity flags =
@@ -338,3 +359,23 @@ readIfaceArgs flags = [ parseIfaceOption s | Flag_ReadInterface s <- flags ]
optLast :: [a] -> Maybe a
optLast [] = Nothing
optLast xs = Just (last xs)
+-- | This function has a potential to return 'Nothing' because package name and
+-- versions can no longer reliably be extracted in all cases: if the package is
+-- not installed yet then this info is no longer available.
+-- The @--package-name@ and @--package-version@ Haddock flags allow the user to
+-- specify this information manually and it is returned here if present.
+modulePackageInfo :: DynFlags
+ -> [Flag] -- ^ Haddock flags are checked as they may contain
+ -- the package name or version provided by the user
+ -- which we prioritise
+ -> Module
+ -> (Maybe PackageName, Maybe Data.Version.Version)
+modulePackageInfo dflags flags modu =
+ ( optPackageName flags <|> fmap packageName pkgDb
+ , optPackageVersion flags <|> fmap packageVersion pkgDb
+ )
+ where
+ pkgDb = lookupPackage dflags (moduleUnitId modu)
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Parser.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Parser.hs
index 47bf814b..58500f1b 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Parser.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Parser.hs
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ import RdrName (RdrName)
import SrcLoc (mkRealSrcLoc, unLoc)
import StringBuffer (stringToStringBuffer)
-parseParas :: DynFlags -> String -> MetaDoc mod RdrName
-parseParas d = overDoc (P.overIdentifier (parseIdent d)) . P.parseParas
+parseParas :: DynFlags -> Maybe Package -> String -> MetaDoc mod RdrName
+parseParas d p = overDoc (P.overIdentifier (parseIdent d)) . P.parseParas p
parseString :: DynFlags -> String -> DocH mod RdrName
parseString d = P.overIdentifier (parseIdent d) . P.parseString
diff --git a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
index 99fccf2a..1115e829 100644
--- a/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ mkPseudoFamilyDecl (XFamilyDecl {}) = panic "haddock:mkPseudoFamilyDecl"
-- | An instance head that may have documentation and a source location.
-type DocInstance name = (InstHead name, Maybe (MDoc (IdP name)), Located (IdP name))
+type DocInstance name = (InstHead name, Maybe (MDoc (IdP name)), Located (IdP name), Maybe Module)
-- | The head of an instance. Consists of a class name, a list of type
-- parameters (which may be annotated with kinds), and an instance type
@@ -456,6 +456,7 @@ instance (NFData a, NFData mod)
DocProperty a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocExamples a -> a `deepseq` ()
DocHeader a -> a `deepseq` ()
+ DocTable a -> a `deepseq` ()
#if !MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,0,2)
-- These were added to GHC itself in 8.0.2
@@ -476,6 +477,14 @@ instance NFData Picture where
instance NFData Example where
rnf (Example a b) = a `deepseq` b `deepseq` ()
+instance NFData id => NFData (Table id) where
+ rnf (Table h b) = h `deepseq` b `deepseq` ()
+instance NFData id => NFData (TableRow id) where
+ rnf (TableRow cs) = cs `deepseq` ()
+instance NFData id => NFData (TableCell id) where
+ rnf (TableCell i j c) = i `deepseq` j `deepseq` c `deepseq` ()
exampleToString :: Example -> String
exampleToString (Example expression result) =
@@ -571,6 +580,12 @@ data HideEmptyContexts
= HideEmptyContexts
| ShowEmptyToplevelContexts
+-- | When to qualify @since@ annotations with their package
+data SinceQual
+ = Always
+ | External -- ^ only qualify when the thing being annotated is from
+ -- an external package
-- * Error handling
diff --git a/haddock-api/test/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/ParserSpec.hs b/haddock-api/test/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/ParserSpec.hs
index 8cd2690e..4639253c 100644
--- a/haddock-api/test/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/ParserSpec.hs
+++ b/haddock-api/test/Haddock/Backends/Hyperlinker/ParserSpec.hs
@@ -4,95 +4,149 @@ module Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.ParserSpec (main, spec) where
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
+import qualified GHC
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Haddock (getGhcDirs)
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Parser
import Haddock.Backends.Hyperlinker.Types
+withDynFlags :: (GHC.DynFlags -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+withDynFlags cont = do
+ libDir <- fmap snd (getGhcDirs [])
+ GHC.runGhc (Just libDir) $ do
+ dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags
+ liftIO $ cont dflags
main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
-spec = do
- describe "parse" parseSpec
+spec = describe "parse" parseSpec
-parseSpec :: Spec
-parseSpec = do
+-- | Defined for its instance of 'Arbitrary'. Represents strings that, when
+-- considered as GHC source, won't be rewritten.
+newtype NoGhcRewrite = NoGhcRewrite String deriving (Show, Eq)
- it "is total" $
- property $ \src -> length (parse src) `shouldSatisfy` (>= 0)
+-- | Filter out strings where GHC would replace/remove some characters during
+-- lexing.
+noGhcRewrite :: String -> Bool
+noGhcRewrite ('\t':_) = False -- GHC replaces tabs with 8 spaces
+noGhcRewrite ('\r':_) = False
+noGhcRewrite ('\f':_) = False
+noGhcRewrite ('\v':_) = False
+noGhcRewrite (' ':'\n':_) = False -- GHC strips whitespace on empty lines
+noGhcRewrite (_:s) = noGhcRewrite s
+noGhcRewrite "" = True
- it "retains file layout" $
- property $ \src -> concatMap tkValue (parse src) == src
+instance Arbitrary NoGhcRewrite where
+ arbitrary = fmap NoGhcRewrite (arbitrary `suchThat` noGhcRewrite)
+ shrink (NoGhcRewrite src) = [ NoGhcRewrite shrunk
+ | shrunk <- shrink src
+ , noGhcRewrite shrunk
+ ]
- context "when parsing single-line comments" $ do
- it "should ignore content until the end of line" $
- "-- some very simple comment\nidentifier"
- `shouldParseTo`
- [TkComment, TkSpace, TkIdentifier]
+parseSpec :: Spec
+parseSpec = around withDynFlags $ do
- it "should allow endline escaping" $
- "-- first line\\\nsecond line\\\nand another one"
- `shouldParseTo`
- [TkComment]
+ it "is total" $ \dflags ->
+ property $ \src -> length (parse dflags "" src) `shouldSatisfy` (>= 0)
- context "when parsing multi-line comments" $ do
+ it "retains file layout" $ \dflags ->
+ property $ \(NoGhcRewrite src) -> concatMap tkValue (parse dflags "" src) == src
- it "should support nested comments" $
- "{- comment {- nested -} still comment -} {- next comment -}"
- `shouldParseTo`
- [TkComment, TkSpace, TkComment]
+ context "when parsing single-line comments" $ do
+ it "should ignore content until the end of line" $ \dflags ->
+ shouldParseTo
+ "-- some very simple comment\nidentifier"
+ [TkComment, TkSpace, TkIdentifier]
+ dflags
- it "should distinguish compiler pragma" $
- "{- comment -}{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}{- comment -}"
- `shouldParseTo`
- [TkComment, TkPragma, TkComment]
+ it "should allow endline escaping" $ \dflags ->
+ shouldParseTo
+ "#define first line\\\nsecond line\\\nand another one"
+ [TkCpp]
+ dflags
- it "should recognize preprocessor directives" $ do
- "\n#define foo bar" `shouldParseTo` [TkSpace, TkCpp]
- "x # y" `shouldParseTo`
- [TkIdentifier, TkSpace, TkOperator, TkSpace,TkIdentifier]
+ context "when parsing multi-line comments" $ do
- it "should distinguish basic language constructs" $ do
- "(* 2) <$> (\"abc\", foo)" `shouldParseTo`
+ it "should support nested comments" $ \dflags ->
+ shouldParseTo
+ "{- comment {- nested -} still comment -} {- next comment -}"
+ [TkComment, TkSpace, TkComment]
+ dflags
+ it "should distinguish compiler pragma" $ \dflags ->
+ shouldParseTo
+ "{- comment -}{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}{- comment -}"
+ [TkComment, TkPragma, TkComment]
+ dflags
+ it "should recognize preprocessor directives" $ \dflags -> do
+ shouldParseTo
+ "\n#define foo bar"
+ [TkSpace, TkCpp]
+ dflags
+ shouldParseTo
+ "x # y"
+ [TkIdentifier, TkSpace, TkOperator, TkSpace,TkIdentifier]
+ dflags
+ it "should distinguish basic language constructs" $ \dflags -> do
+ shouldParseTo
+ "(* 2) <$> (\"abc\", foo)"
[ TkSpecial, TkOperator, TkSpace, TkNumber, TkSpecial
, TkSpace, TkOperator, TkSpace
, TkSpecial, TkString, TkSpecial, TkSpace, TkIdentifier, TkSpecial
- "let foo' = foo in foo' + foo'" `shouldParseTo`
+ dflags
+ shouldParseTo
+ "let foo' = foo in foo' + foo'"
[ TkKeyword, TkSpace, TkIdentifier
, TkSpace, TkGlyph, TkSpace
, TkIdentifier, TkSpace, TkKeyword, TkSpace
, TkIdentifier, TkSpace, TkOperator, TkSpace, TkIdentifier
- "square x = y^2 where y = x" `shouldParseTo`
+ dflags
+ shouldParseTo
+ "square x = y^2 where y = x"
[ TkIdentifier, TkSpace, TkIdentifier
, TkSpace, TkGlyph, TkSpace
, TkIdentifier, TkOperator, TkNumber
, TkSpace, TkKeyword, TkSpace
, TkIdentifier, TkSpace, TkGlyph, TkSpace, TkIdentifier
+ dflags
- it "should parse do-notation syntax" $ do
- "do { foo <- getLine; putStrLn foo }" `shouldParseTo`
+ it "should parse do-notation syntax" $ \dflags -> do
+ shouldParseTo
+ "do { foo <- getLine; putStrLn foo }"
[ TkKeyword, TkSpace, TkSpecial, TkSpace
, TkIdentifier, TkSpace, TkGlyph, TkSpace
, TkIdentifier, TkSpecial, TkSpace
, TkIdentifier, TkSpace, TkIdentifier, TkSpace, TkSpecial
- unlines
- [ "do"
- , " foo <- getLine"
- , " putStrLn foo"
- ] `shouldParseTo`
+ dflags
+ shouldParseTo
+ (unlines
+ [ "do"
+ , " foo <- getLine"
+ , " putStrLn foo"
+ ])
[ TkKeyword, TkSpace, TkIdentifier
, TkSpace, TkGlyph, TkSpace, TkIdentifier, TkSpace
, TkIdentifier, TkSpace, TkIdentifier, TkSpace
-shouldParseTo :: String -> [TokenType] -> Expectation
-str `shouldParseTo` tokens = map tkType (parse str) `shouldBe` tokens
+ dflags
+ where
+ shouldParseTo :: String -> [TokenType] -> GHC.DynFlags -> Expectation
+ shouldParseTo str tokens dflags = map tkType (parse dflags "" str) `shouldBe` tokens