path: root/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser.hs')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser.hs b/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser.hs
index c323ce0c..1cc277b8 100644
--- a/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser.hs
+++ b/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser.hs
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ overIdentifier f d = g d
g (DocExamples x) = DocExamples x
g (DocHeader (Header l x)) = DocHeader . Header l $ g x
-parse :: Parser a -> BS.ByteString -> a
+parse :: Parser a -> BS.ByteString -> (ParserState, a)
parse p = either err id . parseOnly (p <* endOfInput)
err = error . ("Haddock.Parser.parse: " ++)
@@ -86,19 +86,27 @@ parse p = either err id . parseOnly (p <* endOfInput)
-- | Main entry point to the parser. Appends the newline character
-- to the input string.
parseParas :: String -- ^ String to parse
- -> DocH mod Identifier
-parseParas = parse (p <* skipSpace) . encodeUtf8 . (++ "\n")
+ -> (Maybe Version, DocH mod Identifier)
+parseParas input = case parseParasState input of
+ (state, a) -> (parserStateSince state, a)
+parseParasState :: String -> (ParserState, DocH mod Identifier)
+parseParasState = parse (p <* skipSpace) . encodeUtf8 . (++ "\n")
p :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
p = docConcat <$> paragraph `sepBy` many (skipHorizontalSpace *> "\n")
+parseParagraphs :: String -> Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
+parseParagraphs input = case parseParasState input of
+ (state, a) -> setParserState state >> return a
-- | Parse a text paragraph. Actually just a wrapper over 'parseStringBS' which
-- drops leading whitespace and encodes the string to UTF8 first.
parseString :: String -> DocH mod Identifier
parseString = parseStringBS . encodeUtf8 . dropWhile isSpace
parseStringBS :: BS.ByteString -> DocH mod Identifier
-parseStringBS = parse p
+parseStringBS = snd . parse p
p :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
p = docConcat <$> many (monospace <|> anchor <|> identifier <|> moduleName
@@ -217,7 +225,8 @@ markdownImage = fromHyperlink <$> ("!" *> linkParser)
-- | Paragraph parser, called by 'parseParas'.
paragraph :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
paragraph = examples <|> skipSpace *> (
- unorderedList
+ since
+ <|> unorderedList
<|> orderedList
<|> birdtracks
<|> codeblock
@@ -228,6 +237,11 @@ paragraph = examples <|> skipSpace *> (
<|> docParagraph <$> textParagraph
+since :: Parser (DocH mod a)
+since = ("@since " *> version <* skipHorizontalSpace <* endOfLine) >>= setSince >> return DocEmpty
+ where
+ version = decimal `sepBy1'` "."
-- | Headers inside the comment denoted with @=@ signs, up to 6 levels
-- deep.
@@ -334,7 +348,7 @@ moreContent item = first . (:) <$> nonEmptyLine <*> more item
-- | Parses an indented paragraph.
-- The indentation is 4 spaces.
indentedParagraphs :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
-indentedParagraphs = parseParas . concat <$> dropFrontOfPara " "
+indentedParagraphs = (concat <$> dropFrontOfPara " ") >>= parseParagraphs
-- | Grab as many fully indented paragraphs as we can.
dropFrontOfPara :: Parser BS.ByteString -> Parser [String]