path: root/haddock-library/test/Documentation/Haddock
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diff --git a/haddock-library/test/Documentation/Haddock/ParserSpec.hs b/haddock-library/test/Documentation/Haddock/ParserSpec.hs
index 9ef0e2d1..cb417cf6 100644
--- a/haddock-library/test/Documentation/Haddock/ParserSpec.hs
+++ b/haddock-library/test/Documentation/Haddock/ParserSpec.hs
@@ -114,6 +114,45 @@ spec = do
it "doesn't allow for multi-line link tags" $ do
"<ba\nz aar>" `shouldParseTo` "<ba\nz aar>"
+ context "when parsing markdown links" $ do
+ it "parses a simple link" $ do
+ "[some label](url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ hyperlink "url" "some label"
+ it "allows whitespace between label and URL" $ do
+ "[some label] \t (url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ hyperlink "url" "some label"
+ it "allows newlines in label" $ do
+ "[some\n\nlabel](url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ hyperlink "url" "some\n\nlabel"
+ it "allows escaping in label" $ do
+ "[some\\] label](url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ hyperlink "url" "some] label"
+ it "strips leading and trailing whitespace from label" $ do
+ "[ some label ](url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ hyperlink "url" "some label"
+ it "rejects whitespace in URL" $ do
+ "[some label]( url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ "[some label]( url)"
+ context "when URL is on a separate line" $ do
+ it "allows URL to be on a separate line" $ do
+ "[some label]\n(url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ hyperlink "url" "some label"
+ it "allows leading whitespace" $ do
+ "[some label]\n \t (url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ hyperlink "url" "some label"
+ it "rejects additional newlines" $ do
+ "[some label]\n\n(url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ "[some label]\n\n(url)"
context "when autolinking URLs" $ do
it "autolinks HTTP URLs" $ do
"http://example.com/" `shouldParseTo` hyperlink "http://example.com/" Nothing