path: root/haddock-library
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'haddock-library')
9 files changed, 525 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/haddock-library/.ghci b/haddock-library/.ghci
index f0bc9104..78950a5b 100644
--- a/haddock-library/.ghci
+++ b/haddock-library/.ghci
@@ -1 +1 @@
-:set -isrc -ivendor/attoparsec- -itest -idist/build -idist/build/autogen -optP-include -optPdist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -fobject-code
+:set -isrc -ivendor/attoparsec- -itest -idist/build -idist/build/autogen -optP-include -optPdist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h
diff --git a/haddock-library/haddock-library.cabal b/haddock-library/haddock-library.cabal
index 30db3e8a..b0f886cd 100644
--- a/haddock-library/haddock-library.cabal
+++ b/haddock-library/haddock-library.cabal
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: haddock-library
-version: 1.1.0
+version: 1.2.0
synopsis: Library exposing some functionality of Haddock.
description: Haddock is a documentation-generation tool for Haskell
libraries. These modules expose some functionality of it
@@ -21,15 +21,17 @@ library
default-language: Haskell2010
- base >= 4.3 && < 4.8,
- bytestring,
- deepseq
+ base >= 4.3 && < 4.9
+ , bytestring
+ , transformers
+ , deepseq
hs-source-dirs: src, vendor/attoparsec-
ghc-options: -funbox-strict-fields -Wall -fwarn-tabs -O2
+ Documentation.Haddock.Parser.Monad
@@ -68,10 +70,12 @@ test-suite spec
- , base-compat
- , hspec
, bytestring
+ , transformers
, deepseq
+ , base-compat
+ , hspec
, QuickCheck == 2.*
source-repository head
diff --git a/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Doc.hs b/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Doc.hs
index 4d6c10a4..66bd1c97 100644
--- a/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Doc.hs
+++ b/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Doc.hs
@@ -1,21 +1,50 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-module Documentation.Haddock.Doc (docParagraph) where
+module Documentation.Haddock.Doc (docParagraph, docAppend,
+ docConcat, metaDocConcat,
+ metaDocAppend, emptyMetaDoc,
+ metaAppend, metaConcat) where
-import Data.Monoid
+import Control.Applicative ((<|>), empty)
import Documentation.Haddock.Types
import Data.Char (isSpace)
--- We put it here so that we can avoid a circular import
--- anything relevant imports this module anyway
-instance Monoid (DocH mod id) where
- mempty = DocEmpty
- mappend = docAppend
+docConcat :: [DocH mod id] -> DocH mod id
+docConcat = foldr docAppend DocEmpty
+-- | Concat using 'metaAppend'.
+metaConcat :: [Meta] -> Meta
+metaConcat = foldr metaAppend emptyMeta
+-- | Like 'docConcat' but also joins the 'Meta' info.
+metaDocConcat :: [MetaDoc mod id] -> MetaDoc mod id
+metaDocConcat = foldr metaDocAppend emptyMetaDoc
+-- | We do something perhaps unexpected here and join the meta info
+-- in ‘reverse’: this results in the metadata from the ‘latest’
+-- paragraphs taking precedence.
+metaDocAppend :: MetaDoc mod id -> MetaDoc mod id -> MetaDoc mod id
+metaDocAppend (MetaDoc { _meta = m, _doc = d })
+ (MetaDoc { _meta = m', _doc = d' }) =
+ MetaDoc { _meta = m' `metaAppend` m, _doc = d `docAppend` d' }
+-- | This is not a monoidal append, it uses '<|>' for the '_version'.
+metaAppend :: Meta -> Meta -> Meta
+metaAppend (Meta { _version = v }) (Meta { _version = v' }) =
+ Meta { _version = v <|> v' }
+emptyMetaDoc :: MetaDoc mod id
+emptyMetaDoc = MetaDoc { _meta = emptyMeta, _doc = DocEmpty }
+emptyMeta :: Meta
+emptyMeta = Meta { _version = empty }
docAppend :: DocH mod id -> DocH mod id -> DocH mod id
docAppend (DocDefList ds1) (DocDefList ds2) = DocDefList (ds1++ds2)
docAppend (DocDefList ds1) (DocAppend (DocDefList ds2) d) = DocAppend (DocDefList (ds1++ds2)) d
docAppend (DocOrderedList ds1) (DocOrderedList ds2) = DocOrderedList (ds1 ++ ds2)
+docAppend (DocOrderedList ds1) (DocAppend (DocOrderedList ds2) d) = DocAppend (DocOrderedList (ds1++ds2)) d
docAppend (DocUnorderedList ds1) (DocUnorderedList ds2) = DocUnorderedList (ds1 ++ ds2)
+docAppend (DocUnorderedList ds1) (DocAppend (DocUnorderedList ds2) d) = DocAppend (DocUnorderedList (ds1++ds2)) d
docAppend DocEmpty d = d
docAppend d DocEmpty = d
docAppend (DocString s1) (DocString s2) = DocString (s1 ++ s2)
diff --git a/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser.hs b/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser.hs
index e8bc2761..b7ab85b0 100644
--- a/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser.hs
+++ b/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser.hs
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- |
-- Module : Documentation.Haddock.Parser
-- Copyright : (c) Mateusz Kowalczyk 2013-2014,
@@ -24,14 +21,14 @@ module Documentation.Haddock.Parser ( parseString, parseParas
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow (first)
-import Control.Monad (void, mfilter)
-import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 hiding (parse, take, endOfLine)
+import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Char (chr, isAsciiUpper)
import Data.List (stripPrefix, intercalate, unfoldr)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid
import Documentation.Haddock.Doc
+import Documentation.Haddock.Parser.Monad hiding (take, endOfLine)
import Documentation.Haddock.Parser.Util
import Documentation.Haddock.Types
import Documentation.Haddock.Utf8
@@ -81,7 +78,7 @@ overIdentifier f d = g d
g (DocExamples x) = DocExamples x
g (DocHeader (Header l x)) = DocHeader . Header l $ g x
-parse :: Parser a -> BS.ByteString -> a
+parse :: Parser a -> BS.ByteString -> (ParserState, a)
parse p = either err id . parseOnly (p <* endOfInput)
err = error . ("Haddock.Parser.parse: " ++)
@@ -89,11 +86,21 @@ parse p = either err id . parseOnly (p <* endOfInput)
-- | Main entry point to the parser. Appends the newline character
-- to the input string.
parseParas :: String -- ^ String to parse
- -> DocH mod Identifier
-parseParas = parse (p <* skipSpace) . encodeUtf8 . (++ "\n")
+ -> MetaDoc mod Identifier
+parseParas input = case parseParasState input of
+ (state, a) -> MetaDoc { _meta = Meta { _version = parserStateSince state }
+ , _doc = a
+ }
+parseParasState :: String -> (ParserState, DocH mod Identifier)
+parseParasState = parse (p <* skipSpace) . encodeUtf8 . (++ "\n")
p :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
- p = mconcat <$> paragraph `sepBy` many (skipHorizontalSpace *> "\n")
+ p = docConcat <$> paragraph `sepBy` many (skipHorizontalSpace *> "\n")
+parseParagraphs :: String -> Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
+parseParagraphs input = case parseParasState input of
+ (state, a) -> setParserState state >> return a
-- | Parse a text paragraph. Actually just a wrapper over 'parseStringBS' which
-- drops leading whitespace and encodes the string to UTF8 first.
@@ -101,19 +108,19 @@ parseString :: String -> DocH mod Identifier
parseString = parseStringBS . encodeUtf8 . dropWhile isSpace
parseStringBS :: BS.ByteString -> DocH mod Identifier
-parseStringBS = parse p
+parseStringBS = snd . parse p
p :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
- p = mconcat <$> many (monospace <|> anchor <|> identifier <|> moduleName
- <|> picture <|> hyperlink <|> bold
- <|> emphasis <|> encodedChar <|> string'
- <|> skipSpecialChar)
+ p = docConcat <$> many (monospace <|> anchor <|> identifier <|> moduleName
+ <|> picture <|> markdownImage <|> hyperlink <|> bold
+ <|> emphasis <|> encodedChar <|> string'
+ <|> skipSpecialChar)
-- | Parses and processes
-- <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeric_character_reference Numeric character references>
--- >>> parseOnly encodedChar "&#65;"
--- Right (DocString "A")
+-- >>> parseString "&#65;"
+-- DocString "A"
encodedChar :: Parser (DocH mod a)
encodedChar = "&#" *> c <* ";"
@@ -145,16 +152,16 @@ skipSpecialChar = DocString . return <$> satisfy (`elem` specialChar)
-- | Emphasis parser.
--- >>> parseOnly emphasis "/Hello world/"
--- Right (DocEmphasis (DocString "Hello world"))
+-- >>> parseString "/Hello world/"
+-- DocEmphasis (DocString "Hello world")
emphasis :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
emphasis = DocEmphasis . parseStringBS <$>
mfilter ('\n' `BS.notElem`) ("/" *> takeWhile1_ (/= '/') <* "/")
-- | Bold parser.
--- >>> parseOnly bold "__Hello world__"
--- Right (DocBold (DocString "Hello world"))
+-- >>> parseString "__Hello world__"
+-- DocBold (DocString "Hello world")
bold :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
bold = DocBold . parseStringBS <$> disallowNewline ("__" *> takeUntil "__")
@@ -176,19 +183,23 @@ takeWhile1_ = mfilter (not . BS.null) . takeWhile_
-- | Text anchors to allow for jumping around the generated documentation.
--- >>> parseOnly anchor "#Hello world#"
--- Right (DocAName "Hello world")
+-- >>> parseString "#Hello world#"
+-- DocAName "Hello world"
anchor :: Parser (DocH mod a)
anchor = DocAName . decodeUtf8 <$>
disallowNewline ("#" *> takeWhile1_ (/= '#') <* "#")
-- | Monospaced strings.
--- >>> parseOnly monospace "@cruel@"
--- Right (DocMonospaced (DocString "cruel"))
+-- >>> parseString "@cruel@"
+-- DocMonospaced (DocString "cruel")
monospace :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
-monospace = DocMonospaced . parseStringBS <$> ("@" *> takeWhile1_ (/= '@') <* "@")
+monospace = DocMonospaced . parseStringBS
+ <$> ("@" *> takeWhile1_ (/= '@') <* "@")
+-- | Module names: we try our reasonable best to only allow valid
+-- Haskell module names, with caveat about not matching on technically
+-- valid unicode symbols.
moduleName :: Parser (DocH mod a)
moduleName = DocModule <$> (char '"' *> modid <* char '"')
@@ -204,26 +215,45 @@ moduleName = DocModule <$> (char '"' *> modid <* char '"')
-- | Picture parser, surrounded by \<\< and \>\>. It's possible to specify
-- a title for the picture.
--- >>> parseOnly picture "<<hello.png>>"
--- Right (DocPic (Picture {pictureUri = "hello.png", pictureTitle = Nothing}))
--- >>> parseOnly picture "<<hello.png world>>"
--- Right (DocPic (Picture {pictureUri = "hello.png", pictureTitle = Just "world"}))
+-- >>> parseString "<<hello.png>>"
+-- DocPic (Picture {pictureUri = "hello.png", pictureTitle = Nothing})
+-- >>> parseString "<<hello.png world>>"
+-- DocPic (Picture {pictureUri = "hello.png", pictureTitle = Just "world"})
picture :: Parser (DocH mod a)
picture = DocPic . makeLabeled Picture . decodeUtf8
<$> disallowNewline ("<<" *> takeUntil ">>")
+markdownImage :: Parser (DocH mod a)
+markdownImage = fromHyperlink <$> ("!" *> linkParser)
+ where
+ fromHyperlink (Hyperlink url label) = DocPic (Picture url label)
-- | Paragraph parser, called by 'parseParas'.
paragraph :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
-paragraph = examples <|> skipSpace *> (list <|> birdtracks <|> codeblock
- <|> property <|> header
- <|> textParagraph)
+paragraph = examples <|> skipSpace *> (
+ since
+ <|> unorderedList
+ <|> orderedList
+ <|> birdtracks
+ <|> codeblock
+ <|> property
+ <|> header
+ <|> textParagraphThatStartsWithMarkdownLink
+ <|> definitionList
+ <|> docParagraph <$> textParagraph
+ )
+since :: Parser (DocH mod a)
+since = ("@since " *> version <* skipHorizontalSpace <* endOfLine) >>= setSince >> return DocEmpty
+ where
+ version = decimal `sepBy1'` "."
-- | Headers inside the comment denoted with @=@ signs, up to 6 levels
-- deep.
--- >>> parseOnly header "= Hello"
+-- >>> snd <$> parseOnly header "= Hello"
-- Right (DocHeader (Header {headerLevel = 1, headerTitle = DocString "Hello"}))
--- >>> parseOnly header "== World"
+-- >>> snd <$> parseOnly header "== World"
-- Right (DocHeader (Header {headerLevel = 2, headerTitle = DocString "World"}))
header :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
header = do
@@ -231,26 +261,37 @@ header = do
pser = foldl1 (<|>) psers
delim <- decodeUtf8 <$> pser
line <- skipHorizontalSpace *> nonEmptyLine >>= return . parseString
- rest <- paragraph <|> return mempty
- return $ DocHeader (Header (length delim) line) <> rest
+ rest <- paragraph <|> return DocEmpty
+ return $ DocHeader (Header (length delim) line) `docAppend` rest
textParagraph :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
-textParagraph = docParagraph . parseString . intercalate "\n" <$> many1 nonEmptyLine
+textParagraph = parseString . intercalate "\n" <$> many1 nonEmptyLine
--- | List parser, called by 'paragraph'.
-list :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
-list = DocUnorderedList <$> unorderedList
- <|> DocOrderedList <$> orderedList
- <|> DocDefList <$> definitionList
+textParagraphThatStartsWithMarkdownLink :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
+textParagraphThatStartsWithMarkdownLink = docParagraph <$> (docAppend <$> markdownLink <*> optionalTextParagraph)
+ where
+ optionalTextParagraph :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
+ optionalTextParagraph = (docAppend <$> whitespace <*> textParagraph) <|> pure DocEmpty
+ whitespace :: Parser (DocH mod a)
+ whitespace = DocString <$> (f <$> takeHorizontalSpace <*> optional "\n")
+ where
+ f :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> String
+ f xs (fromMaybe "" -> x)
+ | BS.null (xs <> x) = ""
+ | otherwise = " "
-- | Parses unordered (bullet) lists.
-unorderedList :: Parser [DocH mod Identifier]
-unorderedList = ("*" <|> "-") *> innerList unorderedList
+unorderedList :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
+unorderedList = DocUnorderedList <$> p
+ where
+ p = ("*" <|> "-") *> innerList p
-- | Parses ordered lists (numbered or dashed).
-orderedList :: Parser [DocH mod Identifier]
-orderedList = (paren <|> dot) *> innerList orderedList
+orderedList :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
+orderedList = DocOrderedList <$> p
+ p = (paren <|> dot) *> innerList p
dot = (decimal :: Parser Int) <* "."
paren = "(" *> decimal <* ")"
@@ -265,19 +306,21 @@ innerList item = do
(cs, items) <- more item
let contents = docParagraph . parseString . dropNLs . unlines $ c : cs
return $ case items of
- Left p -> [contents <> p]
+ Left p -> [contents `docAppend` p]
Right i -> contents : i
-- | Parses definition lists.
-definitionList :: Parser [(DocH mod Identifier, DocH mod Identifier)]
-definitionList = do
- label <- "[" *> (parseStringBS <$> takeWhile1 (`notElem` ("]\n"::String))) <* "]"
- c <- takeLine
- (cs, items) <- more definitionList
- let contents = parseString . dropNLs . unlines $ c : cs
- return $ case items of
- Left p -> [(label, contents <> p)]
- Right i -> (label, contents) : i
+definitionList :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
+definitionList = DocDefList <$> p
+ where
+ p = do
+ label <- "[" *> (parseStringBS <$> takeWhile1 (`notElem` ("]\n" :: String))) <* ("]" <* optional ":")
+ c <- takeLine
+ (cs, items) <- more p
+ let contents = parseString . dropNLs . unlines $ c : cs
+ return $ case items of
+ Left x -> [(label, contents `docAppend` x)]
+ Right i -> (label, contents) : i
-- | Drops all trailing newlines.
dropNLs :: String -> String
@@ -291,12 +334,12 @@ more :: Monoid a => Parser a
more item = innerParagraphs <|> moreListItems item
<|> moreContent item <|> pure ([], Right mempty)
--- | Use by 'innerList' and 'definitionList' to parse any nested paragraphs.
+-- | Used by 'innerList' and 'definitionList' to parse any nested paragraphs.
innerParagraphs :: Parser ([String], Either (DocH mod Identifier) a)
innerParagraphs = (,) [] . Left <$> ("\n" *> indentedParagraphs)
--- | Attemps to fetch the next list if possibly. Used by 'innerList' and
--- 'definitionList' to recursivly grab lists that aren't separated by a whole
+-- | Attempts to fetch the next list if possibly. Used by 'innerList' and
+-- 'definitionList' to recursively grab lists that aren't separated by a whole
-- paragraph.
moreListItems :: Parser a
-> Parser ([String], Either (DocH mod Identifier) a)
@@ -308,10 +351,10 @@ moreContent :: Monoid a => Parser a
-> Parser ([String], Either (DocH mod Identifier) a)
moreContent item = first . (:) <$> nonEmptyLine <*> more item
--- | Runs the 'parseParas' parser on an indented paragraph.
+-- | Parses an indented paragraph.
-- The indentation is 4 spaces.
indentedParagraphs :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
-indentedParagraphs = parseParas . concat <$> dropFrontOfPara " "
+indentedParagraphs = (concat <$> dropFrontOfPara " ") >>= parseParagraphs
-- | Grab as many fully indented paragraphs as we can.
dropFrontOfPara :: Parser BS.ByteString -> Parser [String]
@@ -399,7 +442,7 @@ endOfLine = void "\n" <|> endOfInput
-- | Property parser.
--- >>> parseOnly property "prop> hello world"
+-- >>> snd <$> parseOnly property "prop> hello world"
-- Right (DocProperty "hello world")
property :: Parser (DocH mod a)
property = DocProperty . strip . decodeUtf8 <$> ("prop>" *> takeWhile1 (/= '\n'))
@@ -442,11 +485,32 @@ codeblock =
| isNewline && isSpace c = Just isNewline
| otherwise = Just $ c == '\n'
--- | Parses links that were specifically marked as such.
hyperlink :: Parser (DocH mod a)
hyperlink = DocHyperlink . makeLabeled Hyperlink . decodeUtf8
<$> disallowNewline ("<" *> takeUntil ">")
<|> autoUrl
+ <|> markdownLink
+markdownLink :: Parser (DocH mod a)
+markdownLink = DocHyperlink <$> linkParser
+linkParser :: Parser Hyperlink
+linkParser = flip Hyperlink <$> label <*> (whitespace *> url)
+ where
+ label :: Parser (Maybe String)
+ label = Just . strip . decode <$> ("[" *> takeUntil "]")
+ whitespace :: Parser ()
+ whitespace = skipHorizontalSpace <* optional ("\n" *> skipHorizontalSpace)
+ url :: Parser String
+ url = rejectWhitespace (decode <$> ("(" *> takeUntil ")"))
+ rejectWhitespace :: MonadPlus m => m String -> m String
+ rejectWhitespace = mfilter (all (not . isSpace))
+ decode :: BS.ByteString -> String
+ decode = removeEscapes . decodeUtf8
-- | Looks for URL-like things to automatically hyperlink even if they
-- weren't marked as links.
@@ -456,32 +520,32 @@ autoUrl = mkLink <$> url
url = mappend <$> ("http://" <|> "https://" <|> "ftp://") <*> takeWhile1 (not . isSpace)
mkLink :: BS.ByteString -> DocH mod a
mkLink s = case unsnoc s of
- Just (xs, x) | x `elem` (",.!?"::String) -> DocHyperlink (Hyperlink (decodeUtf8 xs) Nothing) <> DocString [x]
+ Just (xs, x) | x `elem` (",.!?" :: String) -> DocHyperlink (Hyperlink (decodeUtf8 xs) Nothing) `docAppend` DocString [x]
_ -> DocHyperlink (Hyperlink (decodeUtf8 s) Nothing)
-- | Parses strings between identifier delimiters. Consumes all input that it
-- deems to be valid in an identifier. Note that it simply blindly consumes
-- characters and does no actual validation itself.
parseValid :: Parser String
-parseValid = do
- vs' <- many' $ utf8String "⋆" <|> return <$> idChar
- let vs = concat vs'
- c <- peekChar
- case c of
- Just '`' -> return vs
- Just '\'' -> (\x -> vs ++ "'" ++ x) <$> ("'" *> parseValid)
- <|> return vs
- _ -> fail "outofvalid"
+parseValid = p some
idChar = satisfy (`elem` ("_.!#$%&*+/<=>?@\\|-~:^"::String))
<|> digit <|> letter_ascii
+ p p' = do
+ vs' <- p' $ utf8String "⋆" <|> return <$> idChar
+ let vs = concat vs'
+ c <- peekChar'
+ case c of
+ '`' -> return vs
+ '\'' -> (\x -> vs ++ "'" ++ x) <$> ("'" *> p many') <|> return vs
+ _ -> fail "outofvalid"
-- | Parses UTF8 strings from ByteString streams.
utf8String :: String -> Parser String
utf8String x = decodeUtf8 <$> string (encodeUtf8 x)
--- | Parses identifiers with help of 'parseValid'. Asks GHC for 'String' from the
--- string it deems valid.
+-- | Parses identifiers with help of 'parseValid'. Asks GHC for
+-- 'String' from the string it deems valid.
identifier :: Parser (DocH mod Identifier)
identifier = do
o <- idDelim
diff --git a/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser/Monad.hs b/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser/Monad.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a421c58c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser/Monad.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TypeFamilies #-}
+module Documentation.Haddock.Parser.Monad (
+ module Documentation.Haddock.Parser.Monad
+, Attoparsec.isDigit
+, Attoparsec.isDigit_w8
+, Attoparsec.isAlpha_iso8859_15
+, Attoparsec.isAlpha_ascii
+, Attoparsec.isSpace
+, Attoparsec.isSpace_w8
+, Attoparsec.inClass
+, Attoparsec.notInClass
+, Attoparsec.isEndOfLine
+, Attoparsec.isHorizontalSpace
+, Attoparsec.choice
+, Attoparsec.count
+, Attoparsec.option
+, Attoparsec.many'
+, Attoparsec.many1
+, Attoparsec.many1'
+, Attoparsec.manyTill
+, Attoparsec.manyTill'
+, Attoparsec.sepBy
+, Attoparsec.sepBy'
+, Attoparsec.sepBy1
+, Attoparsec.sepBy1'
+, Attoparsec.skipMany
+, Attoparsec.skipMany1
+, Attoparsec.eitherP
+) where
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.String
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
+import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as Attoparsec
+import Control.Monad.Trans.State
+import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Class as Trans
+import Data.Word
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Tuple
+import Documentation.Haddock.Types (Version)
+data ParserState = ParserState {
+ parserStateSince :: Maybe Version
+} deriving (Eq, Show)
+initialParserState :: ParserState
+initialParserState = ParserState Nothing
+newtype Parser a = Parser (StateT ParserState Attoparsec.Parser a)
+ deriving (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, MonadPlus)
+instance (a ~ ByteString) => IsString (Parser a) where
+ fromString = lift . fromString
+parseOnly :: Parser a -> ByteString -> Either String (ParserState, a)
+parseOnly (Parser p) = fmap swap . Attoparsec.parseOnly (runStateT p initialParserState)
+lift :: Attoparsec.Parser a -> Parser a
+lift = Parser . Trans.lift
+setParserState :: ParserState -> Parser ()
+setParserState = Parser . put
+setSince :: Version -> Parser ()
+setSince since = Parser $ modify (\st -> st {parserStateSince = Just since})
+char :: Char -> Parser Char
+char = lift . Attoparsec.char
+char8 :: Char -> Parser Word8
+char8 = lift . Attoparsec.char8
+anyChar :: Parser Char
+anyChar = lift Attoparsec.anyChar
+notChar :: Char -> Parser Char
+notChar = lift . Attoparsec.notChar
+satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
+satisfy = lift . Attoparsec.satisfy
+peekChar :: Parser (Maybe Char)
+peekChar = lift Attoparsec.peekChar
+peekChar' :: Parser Char
+peekChar' = lift Attoparsec.peekChar'
+digit :: Parser Char
+digit = lift Attoparsec.digit
+letter_iso8859_15 :: Parser Char
+letter_iso8859_15 = lift Attoparsec.letter_iso8859_15
+letter_ascii :: Parser Char
+letter_ascii = lift Attoparsec.letter_ascii
+space :: Parser Char
+space = lift Attoparsec.space
+string :: ByteString -> Parser ByteString
+string = lift . Attoparsec.string
+stringCI :: ByteString -> Parser ByteString
+stringCI = lift . Attoparsec.stringCI
+skipSpace :: Parser ()
+skipSpace = lift Attoparsec.skipSpace
+skipWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser ()
+skipWhile = lift . Attoparsec.skipWhile
+take :: Int -> Parser ByteString
+take = lift . Attoparsec.take
+scan :: s -> (s -> Char -> Maybe s) -> Parser ByteString
+scan s = lift . Attoparsec.scan s
+takeWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser ByteString
+takeWhile = lift . Attoparsec.takeWhile
+takeWhile1 :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser ByteString
+takeWhile1 = lift . Attoparsec.takeWhile1
+takeTill :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser ByteString
+takeTill = lift . Attoparsec.takeTill
+takeByteString :: Parser ByteString
+takeByteString = lift Attoparsec.takeByteString
+takeLazyByteString :: Parser LB.ByteString
+takeLazyByteString = lift Attoparsec.takeLazyByteString
+endOfLine :: Parser ()
+endOfLine = lift Attoparsec.endOfLine
+decimal :: Integral a => Parser a
+decimal = lift Attoparsec.decimal
+hexadecimal :: (Integral a, Bits a) => Parser a
+hexadecimal = lift Attoparsec.hexadecimal
+endOfInput :: Parser ()
+endOfInput = lift Attoparsec.endOfInput
+atEnd :: Parser Bool
+atEnd = lift Attoparsec.atEnd
diff --git a/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser/Util.hs b/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser/Util.hs
index ef2af140..d908ce18 100644
--- a/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser/Util.hs
+++ b/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Parser/Util.hs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module Documentation.Haddock.Parser.Util (
, strip
, takeUntil
+, removeEscapes
, makeLabeled
, takeHorizontalSpace
, skipHorizontalSpace
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ module Documentation.Haddock.Parser.Util (
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (mfilter)
-import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 hiding (parse, take, endOfLine)
+import Documentation.Haddock.Parser.Monad
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
@@ -49,14 +50,15 @@ makeLabeled :: (String -> Maybe String -> a) -> String -> a
makeLabeled f input = case break isSpace $ removeEscapes $ strip input of
(uri, "") -> f uri Nothing
(uri, label) -> f uri (Just $ dropWhile isSpace label)
- where
- -- As we don't parse these any further, we don't do any processing to the
- -- string so we at least remove escape character here. Perhaps we should
- -- actually be parsing the label at the very least?
- removeEscapes "" = ""
- removeEscapes ('\\':'\\':xs) = '\\' : removeEscapes xs
- removeEscapes ('\\':xs) = removeEscapes xs
- removeEscapes (x:xs) = x : removeEscapes xs
+-- | Remove escapes from given string.
+-- Only do this if you do not process (read: parse) the input any further.
+removeEscapes :: String -> String
+removeEscapes "" = ""
+removeEscapes ('\\':'\\':xs) = '\\' : removeEscapes xs
+removeEscapes ('\\':xs) = removeEscapes xs
+removeEscapes (x:xs) = x : removeEscapes xs
takeUntil :: ByteString -> Parser ByteString
takeUntil end_ = dropEnd <$> requireEnd (scan (False, end) p) >>= gotSome
diff --git a/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Types.hs b/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Types.hs
index b3118cc6..4ef89658 100644
--- a/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Types.hs
+++ b/haddock-library/src/Documentation/Haddock/Types.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable, StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable #-}
-- |
-- Module : Documentation.Haddock.Types
@@ -18,24 +17,27 @@ module Documentation.Haddock.Types where
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
-instance Foldable Header where
- foldMap f (Header _ a) = f a
+-- | With the advent of 'Version', we may want to start attaching more
+-- meta-data to comments. We make a structure for this ahead of time
+-- so we don't have to gut half the core each time we want to add such
+-- info.
+newtype Meta = Meta { _version :: Maybe Version } deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance Traversable Header where
- traverse f (Header l a) = Header l `fmap` f a
+data MetaDoc mod id =
+ MetaDoc { _meta :: Meta
+ , _doc :: DocH mod id
+ } deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+overDoc :: (DocH a b -> DocH c d) -> MetaDoc a b -> MetaDoc c d
+overDoc f d = d { _doc = f $ _doc d }
-deriving instance Show a => Show (Header a)
-deriving instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (DocH a b)
-deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Header a)
-deriving instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (DocH a b)
+type Version = [Int]
data Hyperlink = Hyperlink
{ hyperlinkUrl :: String
, hyperlinkLabel :: Maybe String
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data Picture = Picture
{ pictureUri :: String
, pictureTitle :: Maybe String
@@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ data Picture = Picture
data Header id = Header
{ headerLevel :: Int
, headerTitle :: id
- } deriving Functor
+ } deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
data Example = Example
{ exampleExpression :: String
@@ -73,4 +75,4 @@ data DocH mod id
| DocProperty String
| DocExamples [Example]
| DocHeader (Header (DocH mod id))
- deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
diff --git a/haddock-library/test/Documentation/Haddock/Parser/UtilSpec.hs b/haddock-library/test/Documentation/Haddock/Parser/UtilSpec.hs
index a6ac49ee..10c701c7 100644
--- a/haddock-library/test/Documentation/Haddock/Parser/UtilSpec.hs
+++ b/haddock-library/test/Documentation/Haddock/Parser/UtilSpec.hs
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Documentation.Haddock.Parser.UtilSpec (main, spec) where
-import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
+import Documentation.Haddock.Parser.Monad
import Documentation.Haddock.Parser.Util
import Data.Either.Compat (isLeft)
import Test.Hspec
+import Control.Applicative
main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
@@ -13,10 +14,10 @@ spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "takeUntil" $ do
it "takes everything until a specified byte sequence" $ do
- parseOnly (takeUntil "end") "someend" `shouldBe` Right "some"
+ snd <$> parseOnly (takeUntil "end") "someend" `shouldBe` Right "some"
it "requires the end sequence" $ do
- parseOnly (takeUntil "end") "someen" `shouldSatisfy` isLeft
+ snd <$> parseOnly (takeUntil "end") "someen" `shouldSatisfy` isLeft
it "takes escaped bytes unconditionally" $ do
- parseOnly (takeUntil "end") "some\\endend" `shouldBe` Right "some\\end"
+ snd <$> parseOnly (takeUntil "end") "some\\endend" `shouldBe` Right "some\\end"
diff --git a/haddock-library/test/Documentation/Haddock/ParserSpec.hs b/haddock-library/test/Documentation/Haddock/ParserSpec.hs
index 5181a3f3..44ec2988 100644
--- a/haddock-library/test/Documentation/Haddock/ParserSpec.hs
+++ b/haddock-library/test/Documentation/Haddock/ParserSpec.hs
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Documentation.Haddock.ParserSpec (main, spec) where
-import Data.Monoid
import Data.String
import qualified Documentation.Haddock.Parser as Parse
import Documentation.Haddock.Types
+import Documentation.Haddock.Doc (docAppend)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck
+infixr 6 <>
+(<>) :: Doc id -> Doc id -> Doc id
+(<>) = docAppend
type Doc id = DocH () id
instance IsString (Doc String) where
@@ -19,12 +22,15 @@ instance IsString (Doc String) where
instance IsString a => IsString (Maybe a) where
fromString = Just . fromString
-parseParas :: String -> Doc String
-parseParas = Parse.toRegular . Parse.parseParas
+parseParas :: String -> MetaDoc () String
+parseParas = overDoc Parse.toRegular . Parse.parseParas
parseString :: String -> Doc String
parseString = Parse.toRegular . Parse.parseString
+hyperlink :: String -> Maybe String -> Doc String
+hyperlink url = DocHyperlink . Hyperlink url
main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
@@ -79,10 +85,13 @@ spec = do
" don't use apostrophe's in the wrong place's" `shouldParseTo`
"don't use apostrophe's in the wrong place's"
- context "when parsing URLs" $ do
- let hyperlink :: String -> Maybe String -> Doc String
- hyperlink url = DocHyperlink . Hyperlink url
+ it "doesn't parse empty identifiers" $ do
+ "``" `shouldParseTo` "``"
+ it "can parse infix identifiers" $ do
+ "``infix``" `shouldParseTo` "`" <> DocIdentifier "infix" <> "`"
+ context "when parsing URLs" $ do
it "parses a URL" $ do
"<http://example.com/>" `shouldParseTo` hyperlink "http://example.com/" Nothing
@@ -111,6 +120,45 @@ spec = do
it "doesn't allow for multi-line link tags" $ do
"<ba\nz aar>" `shouldParseTo` "<ba\nz aar>"
+ context "when parsing markdown links" $ do
+ it "parses a simple link" $ do
+ "[some label](url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ hyperlink "url" "some label"
+ it "allows whitespace between label and URL" $ do
+ "[some label] \t (url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ hyperlink "url" "some label"
+ it "allows newlines in label" $ do
+ "[some\n\nlabel](url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ hyperlink "url" "some\n\nlabel"
+ it "allows escaping in label" $ do
+ "[some\\] label](url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ hyperlink "url" "some] label"
+ it "strips leading and trailing whitespace from label" $ do
+ "[ some label ](url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ hyperlink "url" "some label"
+ it "rejects whitespace in URL" $ do
+ "[some label]( url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ "[some label]( url)"
+ context "when URL is on a separate line" $ do
+ it "allows URL to be on a separate line" $ do
+ "[some label]\n(url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ hyperlink "url" "some label"
+ it "allows leading whitespace" $ do
+ "[some label]\n \t (url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ hyperlink "url" "some label"
+ it "rejects additional newlines" $ do
+ "[some label]\n\n(url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ "[some label]\n\n(url)"
context "when autolinking URLs" $ do
it "autolinks HTTP URLs" $ do
"http://example.com/" `shouldParseTo` hyperlink "http://example.com/" Nothing
@@ -141,24 +189,22 @@ spec = do
"foo https://example.com/example bar" `shouldParseTo`
"foo " <> hyperlink "https://example.com/example" Nothing <> " bar"
- context "when parsing pictures" $ do
- let picture :: String -> Maybe String -> Doc String
- picture uri = DocPic . Picture uri
+ context "when parsing images" $ do
+ let image :: String -> Maybe String -> Doc String
+ image uri = DocPic . Picture uri
- it "parses a simple picture" $ do
- "<<baz>>" `shouldParseTo` picture "baz" Nothing
+ it "accepts markdown syntax for images" $ do
+ "![label](url)" `shouldParseTo` image "url" "label"
- it "parses a picture with a title" $ do
- "<<b a z>>" `shouldParseTo` picture "b" (Just "a z")
+ it "accepts Unicode" $ do
+ "![灼眼のシャナ](url)" `shouldParseTo` image "url" "灼眼のシャナ"
- it "parses a picture with unicode" $ do
- "<<灼眼のシャナ>>" `shouldParseTo` picture "灼眼のシャナ" Nothing
+ it "supports deprecated picture syntax" $ do
+ "<<baz>>" `shouldParseTo` image "baz" Nothing
- it "allows for escaping of the closing tags" $ do
- "<<ba\\>>z>>" `shouldParseTo` picture "ba>>z" Nothing
+ it "supports title for deprecated picture syntax" $ do
+ "<<b a z>>" `shouldParseTo` image "b" "a z"
- it "doesn't allow for multi-line picture tags" $ do
- "<<ba\nz aar>>" `shouldParseTo` "<<ba\nz aar>>"
context "when parsing anchors" $ do
it "parses a single word anchor" $ do
@@ -312,12 +358,39 @@ spec = do
describe "parseParas" $ do
let infix 1 `shouldParseTo`
shouldParseTo :: String -> Doc String -> Expectation
- shouldParseTo input ast = parseParas input `shouldBe` ast
+ shouldParseTo input ast = _doc (parseParas input) `shouldBe` ast
it "is total" $ do
property $ \xs ->
(length . show . parseParas) xs `shouldSatisfy` (> 0)
+ context "when parsing @since" $ do
+ it "adds specified version to the result" $ do
+ parseParas "@since 0.5.0" `shouldBe`
+ MetaDoc { _meta = Meta { _version = Just [0,5,0] }
+ , _doc = DocEmpty }
+ it "ignores trailing whitespace" $ do
+ parseParas "@since 0.5.0 \t " `shouldBe`
+ MetaDoc { _meta = Meta { _version = Just [0,5,0] }
+ , _doc = DocEmpty }
+ it "does not allow trailing input" $ do
+ parseParas "@since 0.5.0 foo" `shouldBe`
+ MetaDoc { _meta = Meta { _version = Nothing }
+ , _doc = DocParagraph "@since 0.5.0 foo" }
+ context "when given multiple times" $ do
+ it "gives last occurrence precedence" $ do
+ (parseParas . unlines) [
+ "@since 0.5.0"
+ , "@since 0.6.0"
+ , "@since 0.7.0"
+ ] `shouldBe` MetaDoc { _meta = Meta { _version = Just [0,7,0] }
+ , _doc = DocEmpty }
context "when parsing text paragraphs" $ do
let filterSpecial = filter (`notElem` (".(=#-[*`\v\f\n\t\r\\\"'_/@<> " :: String))
@@ -345,6 +418,28 @@ spec = do
it "turns it into a code block" $ do
"@foo@" `shouldParseTo` DocCodeBlock "foo"
+ context "when a paragraph starts with a markdown link" $ do
+ it "correctly parses it as a text paragraph (not a definition list)" $ do
+ "[label](url)" `shouldParseTo`
+ DocParagraph (hyperlink "url" "label")
+ it "can be followed by an other paragraph" $ do
+ "[label](url)\n\nfoobar" `shouldParseTo`
+ DocParagraph (hyperlink "url" "label") <> DocParagraph "foobar"
+ context "when paragraph contains additional text" $ do
+ it "accepts more text after the link" $ do
+ "[label](url) foo bar baz" `shouldParseTo`
+ DocParagraph (hyperlink "url" "label" <> " foo bar baz")
+ it "accepts a newline right after the markdown link" $ do
+ "[label](url)\nfoo bar baz" `shouldParseTo`
+ DocParagraph (hyperlink "url" "label" <> " foo bar baz")
+ it "can be followed by an other paragraph" $ do
+ "[label](url)foo\n\nbar" `shouldParseTo`
+ DocParagraph (hyperlink "url" "label" <> "foo") <> DocParagraph "bar"
context "when parsing birdtracks" $ do
it "parses them as a code block" $ do
unlines [
@@ -584,7 +679,7 @@ spec = do
it "can nest definition lists" $ do
- "[a] foo\n\n [b] bar\n\n [c] baz\n qux" `shouldParseTo`
+ "[a]: foo\n\n [b]: bar\n\n [c]: baz\n qux" `shouldParseTo`
DocDefList [ ("a", "foo"
<> DocDefList [ ("b", "bar"
<> DocDefList [("c", "baz\nqux")])
@@ -599,12 +694,27 @@ spec = do
<> DocOrderedList [ DocParagraph "baz" ]
it "definition lists can come back to top level with a different list" $ do
- "[foo] foov\n\n [bar] barv\n\n1. baz" `shouldParseTo`
+ "[foo]: foov\n\n [bar]: barv\n\n1. baz" `shouldParseTo`
DocDefList [ ("foo", "foov"
<> DocDefList [ ("bar", "barv") ])
<> DocOrderedList [ DocParagraph "baz" ]
+ it "list order is preserved in presence of nesting + extra text" $ do
+ "1. Foo\n\n > Some code\n\n2. Bar\n\nSome text"
+ `shouldParseTo`
+ DocOrderedList [ DocParagraph "Foo" <> DocCodeBlock "Some code"
+ , DocParagraph "Bar"
+ ]
+ <> DocParagraph (DocString "Some text")
+ "1. Foo\n\n2. Bar\n\nSome text"
+ `shouldParseTo`
+ DocOrderedList [ DocParagraph "Foo"
+ , DocParagraph "Bar"
+ ]
+ <> DocParagraph (DocString "Some text")
context "when parsing properties" $ do
it "can parse a single property" $ do
"prop> 23 == 23" `shouldParseTo` DocProperty "23 == 23"
@@ -732,9 +842,9 @@ spec = do
context "when parsing definition lists" $ do
it "parses a simple list" $ do
unlines [
- " [foo] one"
- , " [bar] two"
- , " [baz] three"
+ " [foo]: one"
+ , " [bar]: two"
+ , " [baz]: three"
`shouldParseTo` DocDefList [
("foo", "one")
@@ -744,9 +854,9 @@ spec = do
it "ignores empty lines between list items" $ do
unlines [
- "[foo] one"
+ "[foo]: one"
, ""
- , "[bar] two"
+ , "[bar]: two"
`shouldParseTo` DocDefList [
("foo", "one")
@@ -754,13 +864,13 @@ spec = do
it "accepts an empty list item" $ do
- "[foo]" `shouldParseTo` DocDefList [("foo", DocEmpty)]
+ "[foo]:" `shouldParseTo` DocDefList [("foo", DocEmpty)]
it "accepts multi-line list items" $ do
unlines [
- "[foo] point one"
+ "[foo]: point one"
, " more one"
- , "[bar] point two"
+ , "[bar]: point two"
, "more two"
`shouldParseTo` DocDefList [
@@ -769,21 +879,33 @@ spec = do
it "accepts markup in list items" $ do
- "[foo] /foo/" `shouldParseTo` DocDefList [("foo", DocEmphasis "foo")]
+ "[foo]: /foo/" `shouldParseTo` DocDefList [("foo", DocEmphasis "foo")]
it "accepts markup for the label" $ do
- "[/foo/] bar" `shouldParseTo` DocDefList [(DocEmphasis "foo", "bar")]
+ "[/foo/]: bar" `shouldParseTo` DocDefList [(DocEmphasis "foo", "bar")]
it "requires empty lines between list and other paragraphs" $ do
unlines [
, ""
- , "[foo] bar"
+ , "[foo]: bar"
, ""
, "baz"
`shouldParseTo` DocParagraph "foo" <> DocDefList [("foo", "bar")] <> DocParagraph "baz"
+ it "dose not require the colon (deprecated - this will be removed in a future release)" $ do
+ unlines [
+ " [foo] one"
+ , " [bar] two"
+ , " [baz] three"
+ ]
+ `shouldParseTo` DocDefList [
+ ("foo", "one")
+ , ("bar", "two")
+ , ("baz", "three")
+ ]
context "when parsing consecutive paragraphs" $ do
it "will not capture irrelevant consecutive lists" $ do
unlines [ " * bullet"
@@ -796,9 +918,9 @@ spec = do
, " "
, " 2. different bullet"
, " "
- , " [cat] kitten"
+ , " [cat]: kitten"
, " "
- , " [pineapple] fruit"
+ , " [pineapple]: fruit"
] `shouldParseTo`
DocUnorderedList [ DocParagraph "bullet"
, DocParagraph "different bullet"]