path: root/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Themes.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Themes.hs')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Themes.hs b/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Themes.hs
index 0e398532..5874d251 100644
--- a/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Themes.hs
+++ b/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Themes.hs
@@ -9,22 +9,30 @@
-- Portability : portable
module Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Themes (
- CssTheme(..),
+ Themes,
+ getThemes,
cssFiles, styleSheet, stylePickers, styleMenu
import Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Utils (onclick)
-import Haddock.Utils (iconFile)
+import Haddock.Options
+import Control.Monad (liftM)
+import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import Data.List (nub)
+import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
+import System.Directory
+import System.FilePath
import Text.XHtml hiding ( name, title, p, quote )
import qualified Text.XHtml as XHtml
--- Standard set of style sheets, first is the preferred
+-- * CSS Themes
data CssTheme = CssTheme {
themeName :: String,
@@ -32,36 +40,160 @@ data CssTheme = CssTheme {
themeFiles :: [FilePath]
+type Themes = [CssTheme]
+-- | Standard theme used by default
+standardTheme :: FilePath -> CssTheme
+standardTheme libDir = locateIn libDir $
+ CssTheme "Ocean" "nhaddock.css" ["nhaddock.css", "hslogo-16.png"]
-themes :: [CssTheme]
-themes = [
- CssTheme "Classic" "xhaddock.css" ["xhaddock.css", iconFile],
- CssTheme "Tibbe" "thaddock.css" ["thaddock.css", iconFile],
- CssTheme "Snappy" "shaddock.css" ["shaddock.css", "s_haskell_icon.gif"],
- CssTheme "Nomi" "nhaddock.css" ["nhaddock.css", "hslogo-16.png"]
+-- | Default themes that are part of Haddock; added with --default-themes
+defaultThemes :: FilePath -> Themes
+defaultThemes libDir = standardTheme libDir :
+ (map (locateIn libDir) $ [
+ CssTheme "Classic" "xhaddock.css" ["xhaddock.css", "haskell_icon.gif"],
+ CssTheme "Tibbe" "thaddock.css" ["thaddock.css", "haskell_icon.gif"],
+ CssTheme "Snappy" "shaddock.css" ["shaddock.css", "s_haskell_icon.gif"]
+ )
+locateIn :: FilePath -> CssTheme -> CssTheme
+locateIn libDir t = t { themeFiles = map loc (themeFiles t) }
+ where loc = combine libDir . combine "html"
-cssFiles :: [String]
-cssFiles = nub (concatMap themeFiles themes)
+-- * CSS Theme Arguments
-styleSheet :: Html
-styleSheet = toHtml $ zipWith mkLink themes rels
+-- | Process input flags for CSS Theme arguments
+getThemes :: FilePath -> [Flag] -> IO (Either String Themes)
+getThemes libDir flags =
+ liftM (someTheme . concatEither) (mapM themeFlag flags)
+ where
+ themeFlag :: Flag -> IO (Either String Themes)
+ themeFlag (Flag_CSS path) = (liftM . liftEither) (:[]) (theme path)
+ themeFlag (Flag_Themes path) = do
+ itsADirectory <- doesDirectoryExist path
+ if itsADirectory
+ then do
+ items <- getDirectoryItems path
+ themes <- mapM theme items
+ case rights themes of
+ [] -> errMessage "no themes found in" path
+ ts -> retRight ts
+ else errMessage "not a valid theme directory" path
+ themeFlag (Flag_DefaultThemes) = retRight (defaultThemes libDir)
+ themeFlag _ = retRight []
+ theme :: FilePath -> IO (Either String CssTheme)
+ theme path = do
+ itsAFile <- doesFileExist path
+ if itsAFile
+ then singleFileTheme path
+ else do
+ itsADirectory <- doesDirectoryExist path
+ if itsADirectory
+ then directoryTheme path
+ else errMessage "css path doesn't exist" path
+ someTheme :: Either String Themes -> Either String Themes
+ someTheme (Right []) = Right [standardTheme libDir]
+ someTheme est = est
+errMessage :: String -> FilePath -> IO (Either String a)
+errMessage msg path = return (Left (msg ++ ": \"" ++ path ++ "\""))
+retRight :: a -> IO (Either String a)
+retRight = return . Right
+singleFileTheme :: FilePath -> IO (Either String CssTheme)
+singleFileTheme path =
+ if isCssFilePath path
+ then retRight $ CssTheme name file [path]
+ else errMessage "file extension isn't .css" path
+ where
+ name = takeBaseName path
+ file = takeFileName path
+directoryTheme :: FilePath -> IO (Either String CssTheme)
+directoryTheme path = do
+ items <- getDirectoryItems path
+ case filter isCssFilePath items of
+ [] -> errMessage "no .css file in theme directory" path
+ [cf] -> retRight $ CssTheme (takeBaseName path) (takeFileName cf) items
+ _ -> errMessage "more than one .css file in theme directory" path
+getDirectoryItems :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
+getDirectoryItems path =
+ getDirectoryContents path >>= return . map (combine path)
+isCssFilePath :: FilePath -> Bool
+isCssFilePath path = takeExtension path == ".css"
+-- * Style Sheet Utilities
+cssFiles :: Themes -> [String]
+cssFiles ts = nub $ concatMap themeFiles ts
+styleSheet :: Themes -> Html
+styleSheet ts = toHtml $ zipWith mkLink rels ts
rels = ("stylesheet" : repeat "alternate stylesheet")
- mkLink (CssTheme aTitle aRef _) aRel =
- (thelink ! [href aRef, rel aRel, thetype "text/css", XHtml.title aTitle]) noHtml
+ mkLink aRel t =
+ thelink
+ ! [ href (themeHref t), rel aRel, thetype "text/css",
+ XHtml.title (themeName t)
+ ]
+ << noHtml
-stylePickers :: [Html]
-stylePickers = map mkPicker themes
+stylePickers :: Themes -> [Html]
+stylePickers ts = map mkPicker ts
- mkPicker (CssTheme aTitle aRef _) =
- let js = "setActiveStyleSheet('" ++ aRef ++ "'); return false;" in
- anchor ! [href "#", onclick js] << aTitle
+ mkPicker t =
+ let js = "setActiveStyleSheet('" ++ themeHref t ++ "'); return false;" in
+ anchor ! [href "#", onclick js] << themeName t
-styleMenu :: Html
-styleMenu = thediv ! [identifier "style-menu-holder"] << [
+styleMenu :: Themes -> Html
+styleMenu [] = noHtml
+styleMenu [_] = noHtml
+styleMenu ts = thediv ! [identifier "style-menu-holder"] << [
anchor ! [ href "#", onclick js ] << "Style \9662",
- unordList stylePickers ! [ identifier "style-menu", theclass "hide" ]
+ unordList (stylePickers ts) ! [ identifier "style-menu", theclass "hide" ]
js = "styleMenu(); return false;"
+-- * Either Utilities
+-- These three routines are here because Haddock does not have access to the
+-- Control.Monad.Error module which supplies the Functor and Monad instances
+-- for Either String.
+sequenceEither :: [Either a b] -> Either a [b]
+sequenceEither es = maybe (Right $ rights es) Left (listToMaybe (lefts es))
+liftEither :: (b -> c) -> Either a b -> Either a c
+liftEither f = either Left (Right . f)
+concatEither :: [Either a [b]] -> Either a [b]
+concatEither = liftEither concat . sequenceEither