path: root/src/Haddock/GHC
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 195 deletions
diff --git a/src/Haddock/GHC/Utils.hs b/src/Haddock/GHC/Utils.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cbcf07f..00000000
--- a/src/Haddock/GHC/Utils.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
--- Haddock - A Haskell Documentation Tool
--- (c) Simon Marlow 2003
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
-module Haddock.GHC.Utils where
-import Data.Char
-import Data.Version
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Control.Arrow
-import Data.Foldable hiding (concatMap)
-import Data.Traversable
-import HsSyn
-import SrcLoc
-import Outputable
-import Name
-import Packages
-import Module
-moduleString :: Module -> String
-moduleString = moduleNameString . moduleName
--- return the name of the package, with version info
-modulePackageString :: Module -> String
-modulePackageString = packageIdString . modulePackageId
--- return the (name,version) of the package
-modulePackageInfo :: Module -> (String, [Char])
-modulePackageInfo modu = case unpackPackageId pkg of
- Nothing -> (packageIdString pkg, "")
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 609
- Just x -> (display $ pkgName x, showVersion (pkgVersion x))
- Just x -> (pkgName x, showVersion (pkgVersion x))
- where pkg = modulePackageId modu
-mkModuleNoPackage :: String -> Module
-mkModuleNoPackage str = mkModule (stringToPackageId "") (mkModuleName str)
-instance (Outputable a, Outputable b) => Outputable (Map.Map a b) where
- ppr m = ppr (Map.toList m)
-isNameSym :: Name -> Bool
-isNameSym = isSymOcc . nameOccName
-isVarSym :: OccName -> Bool
-isVarSym = isLexVarSym . occNameFS
-getMainDeclBinder :: HsDecl name -> Maybe name
-getMainDeclBinder (TyClD d) = Just (tcdName d)
-getMainDeclBinder (ValD d)
- = case collectAcc d [] of
- [] -> Nothing
- (name:_) -> Just (unLoc name)
-getMainDeclBinder (SigD d) = sigNameNoLoc d
-getMainDeclBinder (ForD (ForeignImport name _ _)) = Just (unLoc name)
-getMainDeclBinder (ForD (ForeignExport _ _ _)) = Nothing
-getMainDeclBinder _ = Nothing
-isTyClD :: HsDecl a -> Bool
-isTyClD (TyClD _) = True
-isTyClD _ = False
-isClassD :: HsDecl a -> Bool
-isClassD (TyClD d) = isClassDecl d
-isClassD _ = False
-isDocD :: HsDecl a -> Bool
-isDocD (DocD _) = True
-isDocD _ = False
-isInstD :: HsDecl a -> Bool
-isInstD (InstD _) = True
-isInstD (TyClD d) = isFamInstDecl d
-isInstD _ = False
-declATs :: HsDecl a -> [a]
-declATs (TyClD d) | isClassDecl d = map (tcdName . unL) $ tcdATs d
-declATs _ = []
-pretty :: Outputable a => a -> String
-pretty x = showSDoc (ppr x)
-trace_ppr :: Outputable a => a -> b -> b
-trace_ppr x y = trace (pretty x) y
--- Located
-unL :: Located a -> a
-unL (L _ x) = x
-reL :: a -> Located a
-reL = L undefined
-instance Foldable Located where
- foldMap f (L _ x) = f x
-instance Traversable Located where
- mapM f (L l x) = (return . L l) =<< f x
--- NamedThing instances
-instance NamedThing (TyClDecl Name) where
- getName = tcdName
-instance NamedThing (ConDecl Name) where
- getName = unL . con_name
--- Subordinates
-class Parent a where
- children :: a -> [Name]
-instance Parent (ConDecl Name) where
- children con =
- case con_details con of
- RecCon fields -> map (unL . cd_fld_name) fields
- _ -> []
-instance Parent (TyClDecl Name) where
- children d
- | isDataDecl d = map (unL . con_name . unL) . tcdCons $ d
- | isClassDecl d =
- map (tcdName . unL) (tcdATs d) ++
- [ unL n | L _ (TypeSig n _) <- tcdSigs d ]
- | otherwise = []
--- | A parent and its children
-family :: (NamedThing a, Parent a) => a -> (Name, [Name])
-family = getName &&& children
--- | A mapping from the parent (main-binder) to its children and from each
--- child to its grand-children, recursively.
-families :: TyClDecl Name -> [(Name, [Name])]
-families d
- | isDataDecl d = family d : map (family . unL) (tcdCons d)
- | isClassDecl d = family d : concatMap (families . unL) (tcdATs d)
- | otherwise = []
--- | A mapping from child to parent
-parentMap :: TyClDecl Name -> [(Name, Name)]
-parentMap d = [ (c, p) | (p, cs) <- families d, c <- cs ]
--- | The parents of a subordinate in a declaration
-parents :: Name -> HsDecl Name -> [Name]
-parents n (TyClD d) = [ p | (c, p) <- parentMap d, c == n ]
-parents _ _ = []