path: root/src/Haddock/Interface
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Haddock/Interface')
3 files changed, 4 insertions, 281 deletions
diff --git a/src/Haddock/Interface/Lex.x b/src/Haddock/Interface/Lex.x
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f93084a..00000000
--- a/src/Haddock/Interface/Lex.x
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
--- Haddock - A Haskell Documentation Tool
--- (c) Simon Marlow 2002
--- This file was modified and integrated into GHC by David Waern 2006
-{-# OPTIONS -Wwarn -w #-}
--- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
--- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix
--- any warnings in the module. See
--- http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#Warnings
--- for details
-module Haddock.Interface.Lex (
- Token(..),
- tokenise
- ) where
-import Lexer hiding (Token)
-import Parser ( parseIdentifier )
-import StringBuffer
-import RdrName
-import SrcLoc
-import DynFlags
-import Data.Char
-import Numeric
-import System.IO.Unsafe
-$ws = $white # \n
-$digit = [0-9]
-$hexdigit = [0-9a-fA-F]
-$special = [\"\@]
-$alphanum = [A-Za-z0-9]
-$ident = [$alphanum \'\_\.\!\#\$\%\&\*\+\/\<\=\>\?\@\\\\\^\|\-\~]
--- beginning of a paragraph
-<0,para> {
- $ws* \n ;
- $ws* \> { begin birdtrack }
- $ws* [\*\-] { token TokBullet `andBegin` string }
- $ws* \[ { token TokDefStart `andBegin` def }
- $ws* \( $digit+ \) { token TokNumber `andBegin` string }
- $ws* { begin string }
--- beginning of a line
-<line> {
- $ws* \> { begin birdtrack }
- $ws* \n { token TokPara `andBegin` para }
- -- Here, we really want to be able to say
- -- $ws* (\n | <eof>) { token TokPara `andBegin` para}
- -- because otherwise a trailing line of whitespace will result in
- -- a spurious TokString at the end of a docstring. We don't have <eof>,
- -- though (NOW I realise what it was for :-). To get around this, we always
- -- append \n to the end of a docstring.
- () { begin string }
-<birdtrack> .* \n? { strtokenNL TokBirdTrack `andBegin` line }
-<string,def> {
- $special { strtoken $ \s -> TokSpecial (head s) }
- \<\<.*\>\> { strtoken $ \s -> TokPic (init $ init $ tail $ tail s) }
- \<.*\> { strtoken $ \s -> TokURL (init (tail s)) }
- \#.*\# { strtoken $ \s -> TokAName (init (tail s)) }
- \/ [^\/]* \/ { strtoken $ \s -> TokEmphasis (init (tail s)) }
- [\'\`] $ident+ [\'\`] { ident }
- \\ . { strtoken (TokString . tail) }
- "&#" $digit+ \; { strtoken $ \s -> TokString [chr (read (init (drop 2 s)))] }
- "&#" [xX] $hexdigit+ \; { strtoken $ \s -> case readHex (init (drop 3 s)) of [(n,_)] -> TokString [chr n] }
- -- allow special characters through if they don't fit one of the previous
- -- patterns.
- [\/\'\`\<\#\&\\] { strtoken TokString }
- [^ $special \/ \< \# \n \'\` \& \\ \]]* \n { strtokenNL TokString `andBegin` line }
- [^ $special \/ \< \# \n \'\` \& \\ \]]+ { strtoken TokString }
-<def> {
- \] { token TokDefEnd `andBegin` string }
--- ']' doesn't have any special meaning outside of the [...] at the beginning
--- of a definition paragraph.
-<string> {
- \] { strtoken TokString }
-data Token
- = TokPara
- | TokNumber
- | TokBullet
- | TokDefStart
- | TokDefEnd
- | TokSpecial Char
- | TokIdent [RdrName]
- | TokString String
- | TokURL String
- | TokPic String
- | TokEmphasis String
- | TokAName String
- | TokBirdTrack String
--- deriving Show
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Alex support stuff
-type StartCode = Int
-type Action = String -> StartCode -> (StartCode -> [Token]) -> [Token]
-type AlexInput = (Char,String)
-alexGetChar (_, []) = Nothing
-alexGetChar (_, c:cs) = Just (c, (c,cs))
-alexInputPrevChar (c,_) = c
-tokenise :: String -> [Token]
-tokenise str = let toks = go ('\n', eofHack str) para in {-trace (show toks)-} toks
- where go inp@(_,str) sc =
- case alexScan inp sc of
- AlexEOF -> []
- AlexError _ -> error "lexical error"
- AlexSkip inp' _ -> go inp' sc
- AlexToken inp' len act -> act (take len str) sc (\sc -> go inp' sc)
--- NB. we add a final \n to the string, (see comment in the beginning of line
--- production above).
-eofHack str = str++"\n"
-andBegin :: Action -> StartCode -> Action
-andBegin act new_sc = \str _ cont -> act str new_sc cont
-token :: Token -> Action
-token t = \_ sc cont -> t : cont sc
-strtoken, strtokenNL :: (String -> Token) -> Action
-strtoken t = \str sc cont -> t str : cont sc
-strtokenNL t = \str sc cont -> t (filter (/= '\r') str) : cont sc
--- ^ We only want LF line endings in our internal doc string format, so we
--- filter out all CRs.
-begin :: StartCode -> Action
-begin sc = \_ _ cont -> cont sc
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Lex a string as a Haskell identifier
-ident :: Action
-ident str sc cont =
- case strToHsQNames id of
- Just names -> TokIdent names : cont sc
- Nothing -> TokString str : cont sc
- where id = init (tail str)
-strToHsQNames :: String -> Maybe [RdrName]
-strToHsQNames str0 =
- let buffer = unsafePerformIO (stringToStringBuffer str0)
- pstate = mkPState buffer noSrcLoc defaultDynFlags
- result = unP parseIdentifier pstate
- in case result of
- POk _ name -> Just [unLoc name]
- _ -> Nothing
diff --git a/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs b/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs
index fc44cedf..89440139 100644
--- a/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs
+++ b/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ module Haddock.Interface.LexParseRn (
) where
import Haddock.Types
-import Haddock.Interface.Lex
-import Haddock.Interface.Parse
+import Haddock.Lex
+import Haddock.Parse
import Haddock.Interface.Rn
import Haddock.Interface.ParseModuleHeader
import Haddock.Doc
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ lexParseRnHaddockComment hty gre (HsDocString fs) = do
let str = unpackFS fs
let toks = tokenise str
let parse = case hty of
- NormalHaddockComment -> parseHaddockParagraphs
- DocSectionComment -> parseHaddockString
+ NormalHaddockComment -> parseParas
+ DocSectionComment -> parseString
case parse toks of
Nothing -> do
tell ["doc comment parse failed: "++str]
diff --git a/src/Haddock/Interface/Parse.y b/src/Haddock/Interface/Parse.y
deleted file mode 100644
index a5175ddc..00000000
--- a/src/Haddock/Interface/Parse.y
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS -Wwarn -w #-}
--- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
--- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix
--- any warnings in the module. See
--- http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#Warnings
--- for details
-module Haddock.Interface.Parse (
- parseHaddockParagraphs,
- parseHaddockString
-) where
-import Haddock.Interface.Lex
-import Haddock.Types (Doc(..))
-import Haddock.Doc
-import HsSyn
-import RdrName
-%expect 0
-%tokentype { Token }
-%token '/' { TokSpecial '/' }
- '@' { TokSpecial '@' }
- '[' { TokDefStart }
- ']' { TokDefEnd }
- DQUO { TokSpecial '\"' }
- URL { TokURL $$ }
- PIC { TokPic $$ }
- ANAME { TokAName $$ }
- '/../' { TokEmphasis $$ }
- '-' { TokBullet }
- '(n)' { TokNumber }
- '>..' { TokBirdTrack $$ }
- IDENT { TokIdent $$ }
- PARA { TokPara }
- STRING { TokString $$ }
-%monad { Maybe }
-%name parseHaddockParagraphs doc
-%name parseHaddockString seq
-doc :: { Doc RdrName }
- : apara PARA doc { docAppend $1 $3 }
- | PARA doc { $2 }
- | apara { $1 }
- | {- empty -} { DocEmpty }
-apara :: { Doc RdrName }
- : ulpara { DocUnorderedList [$1] }
- | olpara { DocOrderedList [$1] }
- | defpara { DocDefList [$1] }
- | para { $1 }
-ulpara :: { Doc RdrName }
- : '-' para { $2 }
-olpara :: { Doc RdrName }
- : '(n)' para { $2 }
-defpara :: { (Doc RdrName, Doc RdrName) }
- : '[' seq ']' seq { ($2, $4) }
-para :: { Doc RdrName }
- : seq { docParagraph $1 }
- | codepara { DocCodeBlock $1 }
-codepara :: { Doc RdrName }
- : '>..' codepara { docAppend (DocString $1) $2 }
- | '>..' { DocString $1 }
-seq :: { Doc RdrName }
- : elem seq { docAppend $1 $2 }
- | elem { $1 }
-elem :: { Doc RdrName }
- : elem1 { $1 }
- | '@' seq1 '@' { DocMonospaced $2 }
-seq1 :: { Doc RdrName }
- : PARA seq1 { docAppend (DocString "\n") $2 }
- | elem1 seq1 { docAppend $1 $2 }
- | elem1 { $1 }
-elem1 :: { Doc RdrName }
- : STRING { DocString $1 }
- | '/../' { DocEmphasis (DocString $1) }
- | URL { DocURL $1 }
- | PIC { DocPic $1 }
- | ANAME { DocAName $1 }
- | IDENT { DocIdentifier $1 }
- | DQUO strings DQUO { DocModule $2 }
-strings :: { String }
- : STRING { $1 }
- | STRING strings { $1 ++ $2 }
-happyError :: [Token] -> Maybe a
-happyError toks = Nothing