path: root/src/Haddock/Packages.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Haddock/Packages.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/src/Haddock/Packages.hs b/src/Haddock/Packages.hs
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index ba3ee841..00000000
--- a/src/Haddock/Packages.hs
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--- Haddock - A Haskell Documentation Tool
--- (c) Simon Marlow 2003
-module Haddock.Packages (
- HaddockPackage(..),
- getHaddockPackages,
- getHaddockPackages',
- combineLinkEnvs
-) where
-import Haddock.Types
-import Haddock.Exception
-import Haddock.InterfaceFile
-import qualified Distribution.Haddock as D
-import Data.Maybe
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Control.Monad
-import Control.Exception
-import System.Directory
-import GHC
-import DynFlags
-import Module
-import Packages
--- | This structure represents the installed Haddock information for a
--- package. This is basically the contents of the .haddock file, the path
--- to the html files and the list of modules in the package
-data HaddockPackage = HaddockPackage {
- pdModules :: [Module],
- pdLinkEnv :: LinkEnv,
- pdHtmlPath :: FilePath
-getHaddockPackages' :: [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> IO [HaddockPackage]
-getHaddockPackages' pairs = do
- mbPackages <- mapM tryReadIface pairs
- return (catMaybes mbPackages)
- where
- -- try to get a HaddockPackage, warn if we can't
- tryReadIface (html, iface) = do
- eIface <- D.readInterfaceFile iface
- case eIface of
- Left err -> do
- putStrLn ("Warning: Cannot read " ++ iface ++ ":")
- putStrLn (" " ++ show err)
- putStrLn "Skipping this interface."
- return Nothing
- Right iface -> return $ Just $
- HaddockPackage (ifModules iface) (ifLinkEnv iface) html
--- | Try to read the installed Haddock information for the given packages,
--- if it exists. Print a warning on stdout if it couldn't be found for a
--- package.
-getHaddockPackages :: [InstalledPackageInfo] -> IO [HaddockPackage]
-getHaddockPackages pkgInfos = liftM catMaybes $ mapM tryGetPackage pkgInfos
- where
- -- try to get a HaddockPackage, warn if we can't
- tryGetPackage pkgInfo =
- (getPackage pkgInfo >>= return . Just)
- `catchDyn`
- (\(e::HaddockException) -> do
- let pkgName = showPackageId (package pkgInfo)
- putStrLn ("Warning: Cannot use package " ++ pkgName ++ ":")
- putStrLn (" " ++ show e)
- return Nothing
- )
--- | Try to read a HaddockPackage structure for a package
-getPackage :: InstalledPackageInfo -> IO HaddockPackage
-getPackage pkgInfo = do
- html <- getHtml pkgInfo
- ifacePath <- getIface pkgInfo
- iface <- readInterfaceFile ifacePath
- return $ HaddockPackage {
- pdModules = ifModules iface,
- pdLinkEnv = ifLinkEnv iface,
- pdHtmlPath = html
- }
--- | Recreate exposed modules from an InstalledPackageInfo
-packageModules :: InstalledPackageInfo -> [Module]
-packageModules pkgInfo = map (mkModule (pkgId pkgInfo)) moduleNames
- where
- moduleNames = map mkModuleName (exposedModules pkgInfo)
- pkgId = mkPackageId . package
--- | Get the Haddock HTML directory path for a package
-getHtml :: InstalledPackageInfo -> IO FilePath
-getHtml pkgInfo = case haddockHTMLs pkgInfo of
- (path:_) | not (null path) -> do
- dirExists <- doesDirectoryExist path
- if dirExists then return path else throwE $
- "HTML directory " ++ path ++ " does not exist."
- _ -> throwE "No Haddock documentation installed."
--- | Get the Haddock interface path for a package
-getIface :: InstalledPackageInfo -> IO FilePath
-getIface pkgInfo = case haddockInterfaces pkgInfo of
- (file:_) | not (null file) -> do
- fileExists <- doesFileExist file
- if fileExists then return file else throwE $
- "Interface file " ++ file ++ " does not exist."
- _ -> throwE "No Haddock interface installed."
--- | Build one big link env out of a list of packages. If multiple packages
--- export the same (original) name, we just pick one of the packages as the
--- documentation site.
-combineLinkEnvs :: [HaddockPackage] -> LinkEnv
-combineLinkEnvs packages = Map.unions (map pdLinkEnv packages)