path: root/src/Haddock
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Haddock')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/src/Haddock/GHC.hs b/src/Haddock/GHC.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c7ef9b88..00000000
--- a/src/Haddock/GHC.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
--- Haddock - A Haskell Documentation Tool
--- (c) Simon Marlow 2003
-module Haddock.GHC (
- startGhc,
- module Haddock.GhcUtils
-) where
-import Haddock.GhcUtils
-import Haddock.Exception
-import Data.Maybe
-import Control.Monad
-import GHC hiding (flags)
-import DynFlags hiding (Option, flags)
-import SrcLoc
--- | Start a GHC session with the -haddock flag set. Also turn off
--- compilation and linking.
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 609
-startGhc :: String -> [String] -> (DynFlags -> Ghc a) -> IO a
-startGhc libDir flags ghcActs = do
- -- TODO: handle warnings?
- (restFlags, _) <- parseStaticFlags (map noLoc flags)
- runGhc (Just libDir) $ do
- dynflags <- getSessionDynFlags
-startGhc :: String -> [String] -> IO (Session, DynFlags)
-startGhc libDir flags = do
- restFlags <- parseStaticFlags flags
- session <- newSession (Just libDir)
- dynflags <- getSessionDynFlags session
- do
- let dynflags' = dopt_set dynflags Opt_Haddock
- let dynflags'' = dynflags' {
- hscTarget = HscNothing,
- ghcMode = CompManager,
- ghcLink = NoLink
- }
- dynflags''' <- parseGhcFlags dynflags'' restFlags flags
- defaultCleanupHandler dynflags''' $ do
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 609
- setSessionDynFlags dynflags'''
- ghcActs dynflags'''
- setSessionDynFlags session dynflags'''
- return (session, dynflags''')
--- | Expose the list of packages to GHC. Then initialize GHC's package state
--- and get the name of the actually loaded packages matching the supplied
--- list of packages. The matching packages might be newer versions of the
--- supplied ones. For each matching package, return its InstalledPackageInfo.
--- Commented out, since it is unused and doesn't build with GHC >= 6.9
-loadPackages :: Session -> [String] -> IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
--- It would be better to try to get the "in scope" packages from GHC instead.
--- This would make the -use-package flag unnecessary. But currently it
--- seems all you can get from the GHC api is all packages that are linked in
--- (i.e the closure of the "in scope" packages).
-loadPackages session pkgStrs = do
- -- expose the packages
- dfs <- getSessionDynFlags session
- let dfs' = dfs { packageFlags = packageFlags dfs ++ map ExposePackage pkgStrs }
- setSessionDynFlags session dfs'
- -- try to parse the packages and get their names, without versions
- pkgNames <- mapM (handleParse . unpackPackageId . stringToPackageId) pkgStrs
- -- init GHC's package state
- (dfs'', depPackages) <- initPackages dfs'
- -- compute the pkgIds of the loaded packages matching the
- -- supplied ones
- let depPkgs = map (fromJust . unpackPackageId) depPackages
- matchingPackages = [ mkPackageId pkg | pkg <- depPkgs,
- pkgName pkg `elem` pkgNames ]
- -- get InstalledPackageInfos for each package
- let pkgInfos = map (getPackageDetails (pkgState dfs'')) matchingPackages
- return pkgInfos
- where
- handleParse (Just pkg) = return (pkgName pkg)
- handleParse Nothing = throwE "Could not parse package identifier"
--- | Try to parse dynamic GHC flags
-parseGhcFlags :: Monad m => DynFlags -> [Located String]
- -> [String] -> m DynFlags
-parseGhcFlags dynflags flags origFlags = do
- -- TODO: handle warnings?
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 609
- (dynflags', rest, _) <- parseDynamicFlags dynflags flags
- (dynflags', rest) <- parseDynamicFlags dynflags flags
- if not (null rest)
- then throwE ("Couldn't parse GHC options: " ++ (unwords origFlags))
- else return dynflags'