path: root/src/HaddockModuleTree.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/HaddockModuleTree.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/HaddockModuleTree.hs b/src/HaddockModuleTree.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index e32cb960..00000000
--- a/src/HaddockModuleTree.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-module HaddockModuleTree ( ModuleTree(..), mkModuleTree ) where
-import HaddockTypes ( DocName )
-import GHC ( HsDoc, Name )
-import Module ( Module, moduleNameString, moduleName, modulePackageId )
-import PackageConfig ( packageIdString )
-data ModuleTree = Node String Bool (Maybe String) (Maybe (HsDoc Name)) [ModuleTree]
-mkModuleTree :: Bool -> [(Module, Maybe (HsDoc Name))] -> [ModuleTree]
-mkModuleTree showPkgs mods =
- foldr fn [] [ (splitModule mod, modPkg mod, short) | (mod, short) <- mods ]
- where
- modPkg mod | showPkgs = Just (packageIdString (modulePackageId mod))
- | otherwise = Nothing
- fn (mod,pkg,short) trees = addToTrees mod pkg short trees
-addToTrees :: [String] -> Maybe String -> Maybe (HsDoc Name) -> [ModuleTree] -> [ModuleTree]
-addToTrees [] pkg short ts = ts
-addToTrees ss pkg short [] = mkSubTree ss pkg short
-addToTrees (s1:ss) pkg short (t@(Node s2 leaf node_pkg node_short subs) : ts)
- | s1 > s2 = t : addToTrees (s1:ss) pkg short ts
- | s1 == s2 = Node s2 (leaf || null ss) this_pkg this_short (addToTrees ss pkg short subs) : ts
- | otherwise = mkSubTree (s1:ss) pkg short ++ t : ts
- where
- this_pkg = if null ss then pkg else node_pkg
- this_short = if null ss then short else node_short
-mkSubTree :: [String] -> Maybe String -> Maybe (HsDoc Name) -> [ModuleTree]
-mkSubTree [] pkg short = []
-mkSubTree [s] pkg short = [Node s True pkg short []]
-mkSubTree (s:ss) pkg short = [Node s (null ss) Nothing Nothing (mkSubTree ss pkg short)]
-splitModule :: Module -> [String]
-splitModule mod = split (moduleNameString (moduleName mod))
- where split mod0 = case break (== '.') mod0 of
- (s1, '.':s2) -> s1 : split s2
- (s1, _) -> [s1]